I love the soundtrack to this game. Particularly the first track. I had a Sega CD before I had a 3DO so I had heard CD-quality music before, but this was the first game where I stopped in the middle of playing and thought "Holy shit, I LOVE the music in this game" and would just sit and listen to it.
I love the soundtrack to this game. Particularly the first track. I had a Sega CD before I had a 3DO so I had heard CD-quality music before, but this was the first game where I stopped in the middle of playing and thought "Holy shit, I LOVE the music in this game" and would just sit and listen to it.
G o o d.
I think that great🤩
boosty.to/jasonmoers 🌐
Any soundtrack that implements bagpipes is a win in my book.
G o o d. 🌐
I love soundtrack, it gesta!!
G o o d.
Spank you so much!