My Breastfeeding Journey Did NOT Go As Planned! Honest Conversation

  • Опубликовано: 20 окт 2024
  • Momo’s it’s time for a Mama Momo honest chat about breastfeeding. And the insane stress around it all and how over it all I am. The shame, the pressure, the lack of knowledge! There’s so much. I really didn’t even hit it all in this. But I definitely have many thoughts in this chat. So let’s get to it. 💜
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Комментарии • 151

  • @MorganOlli
    @MorganOlli  Год назад +15

    Hey Momo’s. Just sharing my journey with breastfeeding. Would love to hear how yours went below! 💜

    • @Mmarjl
      @Mmarjl Год назад +1

      💯 TMI Duo ❤️

    • @christineodenwald4467
      @christineodenwald4467 Год назад

      Thank you for your honesty! I had planned a home birth that turned into an emergency c-section and was concerned about being able to breastfeed. My baby was on formula for the first few days, but I'm currently feeding my son with a mixture of breastmilk directly from the breast and pumped milk from a bottle. I have to use a nipple shield though, because he doesn't latch very well. I'm hoping to continue breastfeeding for the next year. 🙏 Thank you for your encouragement! You're a great mom!

    • @oliviabrock975
      @oliviabrock975 Год назад +3

      My baby’s 3 months old and I’m having trouble with my supply. For some reason it isn’t growing with her increased appetite. I start to feel so guilty for supplementing with formula, but I have to remember I’m doing the best I can and she’s getting the food she needs ❤️

  • @AlwaysLime
    @AlwaysLime Год назад +31

    My Dad would tell me every time I had a baby to use the formula to help me not be so stressed about being the only source of milk. It wasn’t until my third child that I realized he was speaking as the oldest child of 9, and he watched his mother keep her babies alive by nursing and supplementing with goat’s milk. He knew EXACTLY what he was talking about! Women have always supplemented because they’re not perfect or superheroes. Thank God for options!

  • @ga6589
    @ga6589 Год назад +10

    Do what you can and move on. What other people think doesn't matter. Sometimes we create our own grief by concerning ourselves with the judgment of others. My kids were bottle fed and they grew up to be healthy adults. Neither one of them have held it against me, either!

  • @kristenbussey5137
    @kristenbussey5137 Год назад +6

    My story is similar with an unplanned c section, my milk did come in but we had latching issues too. We breast fed until 3 months and pumping all day just wasn't working with my return to work. I relate so much to crying over breastfeeding. For us breastfeeding was much harder than the sleepless nights or anything else. We moved to formula and instead of us not having a bond, our bond is much stronger because I am mentally healthier and happier and not stressing about feeding my baby. He is almost 7 months now and introducing healthy solid food has been so much fun for both of us, so I look forward to you and Luca experiencing that! Thanks so much for posting this conversation. It's real, it's important, and you are doing a great job loving him and being his mom

  • @Amanda-el9sk
    @Amanda-el9sk Год назад +1

    I work in childcare and have spent years in the nursery. The only difference I’ve noticed between breast fed and formula fed babies is when I’m actually preparing the bottles. Breastmilk takes longer to prepare because it’s often sent in frozen. You can’t tell the difference between the children in terms of immunity, connection to the mother, cognition and development, etc. Fed is best.

  • @graceycape1406
    @graceycape1406 Год назад +9

    Literally cried every day for the first 3-4 months of my breastfeeding journey. Those first months of my baby girl’s life were truly the most joy filled and stressful and amazing and frustrating months of mine and having other people to relate to and tell me it’s okay is what saved my sanity. Thanks for making this Mo! There are mamas who were in the same position as us who are going to watch this and find comfort that they desperately need. ♥️

  • @claireishere251
    @claireishere251 Год назад +5

    Thanks for talking about this, I struggled too and I remember crying the first time we gave my daughter formula because she immediately gulped it down like she was starving, because she literally was. In terms of what women used to do, they weren’t more in touch with their instincts and didn’t just manage to figure it out: more babies died, it’s as simple as that. Formula saves lives, it’s time to stop shaming mothers for using it.

  • @Madreministry
    @Madreministry Год назад +5

    Oh Morgan, my mama heart felt so much for you watching this! First your birth experience and now breastfeeeding - we “plan” for so much and it can be so hard when things don’t work out how we thought. Especially when it has to do with our own bodies. That being said, I’m so glad you’re talking about this! I nursed for 16 months and I was BRUTAL. I dealt with so much during that time and by 16 months I was just DONE. But the breastfeeding community made it seem like if I didn’t nurse her until 2, I was failing. Breastfeeding is hard work - mentally, physically. Any amount you were able to give him did so much for him and your body in terms of health benefits. As moms we beat ourselves up about everything but have to remember we gotta give ourselves grace ♥️

  • @mikaeladonegan2430
    @mikaeladonegan2430 Год назад +4

    My pediatrician is a lactation consultant and that was really the one reason I was able to continue breastfeeding as long as I have. But I’ll give you the advice she gave me- JUST FEED THE BABY! If the baby is hungry and breastfeeding isn’t working, Just Feed The Baby!

  • @ShilohShepherdmom
    @ShilohShepherdmom Год назад +19

    If you for some reason end up having a scheduled c-section for a future birth, know that it can be a wonderful experience. Going into the surgery rested, with zero contractions was amazing. I was calm and fully lucid and was able to do skin on skin in the operating room, baby was on me nursing in recovery room, milk came in the day I left the hospital (so 48 hours post birth) and I nursed my daughter til she was 16 months. My mom also had two scheduled c-section births and nursed just fine after both of hers. Meanwhile I've had vaginal birth friends who had a heck of a time with nursing. Everyone is different and fearmongering doesn't help anyone.

  • @alliegood0523
    @alliegood0523 Год назад +14

    Didn’t go as planned for me either but thankful that my baby had a month of breast milk from me! And thank God for formula! You’re doing great mama ❤

  • @drakenmegpeterson7383
    @drakenmegpeterson7383 Год назад +5

    I was able to breastfeed all three of my babies but it did not come without struggle. I remember thinking “this is supposed to be natural” and thought that meant it should be easy. But we made it through, by God’s grace. I have multiple family and friends who exclusively pumped or used formula and I cheered them on. We do what we can and what’s best for our babies. You’re doing awesome Mama!! 🤗🙌🙌

    • @nancydroge7682
      @nancydroge7682 Год назад

      DrakeNMeg, Thank you for encouragement that speaks the love of Christ & creates grace filled conversation!

  • @Sallylilly1812
    @Sallylilly1812 Год назад +1

    The right answer is always what works best for you and your baby and your family. The pressure of how all of this is “supposed” to be steals so much joy from being a mother. So much of it is BS. Trust me … he will be fine no matter what. Throw your plans in the air and just go your own way. You love him and that’s what he needs from you so you’re already giving it to him!

  • @nicolegerard2907
    @nicolegerard2907 Год назад +9

    Women have a lot of judgement to give until there is a hungry crying baby sitting in front of you and everytime you bring them to the pediatrician they are dropping weight. I supplemented with formula the first week after bringing my first home cause my milk was coming in really slow and my baby was dropping weight. I was able to breastfeed her till two and the second one is three months and going strong. Truthfully never thought of formula much and never thought negatively of women giving their babies formula but even with that small experience it opened my eyes. The fact that people would judge you for not sticking your pride before feeding your baby that is the true commendable part of it. You recognized the prides stupidity and looked at your baby and said forget them you are the most important. It's beautiful. Congrats in your strength mama.

    • @nancydroge7682
      @nancydroge7682 Год назад

      Thank you for sharing your story, Nicole. I feel like people here are disappointed with my story, but it’s not only something that happened to me many years ago; it’s the reality of countless lives today. It’s already so difficult to not be able to breastfeed, & to be criticized & judged for it on top of it, can make this feel unbearable. ~Thankful that God used my difficult experiences (as He often does) to do HIS amazing thing in & through me! Blessings to you!

  • @AlwaysLime
    @AlwaysLime Год назад +3

    Breastfeeding is so idealized.I just never made enough milk. I breastfed my first baby for 11 months exclusively. It looked like me with a boob out 8 hours a day. I got thrush, and a mom advised me to continue nursing even if my nipples bled. And I did it like an idiot. It felt like putting a cheese grater on my nipples. No exaggeration. Second baby: my milk was low again… baby was 9 pounds… not a good scenario. He was constantly angry because the milk was so sparse, he would scratch his face unto blood every feeding. Needless to say-a week after getting home, he was a formula baby. He had lost too much weight in his first week of life and I was having to take him to the pediatrician every other day to be weighed. It was rough. I cried my eyes out with guilt. Third baby: Still low milk supply. But I realized I could pump and give formula together. I allowed her to nurse but she never had a good latch and it was so very excruciating. Plus I had two older kids and they needed me! They felt my absence and expressed it. So I started pumping and whatever was lacking, I supplemented with formula for 5 months. Then she was strictly formula-fed. She was also 8 pounds 10 ounces. I wish I’d tried donor milk with all of them. I think I’ve heard formula requires less volume to get a baby full.

  • @TinahamLincoln
    @TinahamLincoln Год назад +1

    I had an emergency c-section with my daughter and a planned c-section with my son and the recovery definitely affected breastfeeding. Add postpartum depression and tongue tie issues and breastfeeding didn’t go as planned for me either. I formula fed, exclusively pumped and combo fed. I can guarantee it doesn’t affect the mother-baby bond. These kids are obsessed with me and your mothering doesn’t end with breastfeeding. The chance to bond comes every day.
    I felt shame and guilt and like I was less of a woman. I eventually came to the same conclusion you have, but it took a lot longer. I would have loved seeing a video like this while I was going through the struggles. Thanks for sharing!

  • @dottyca18
    @dottyca18 Год назад +3

    My little girl (turning 5 months in 2 days) was born with a VSD, a large hole in her heart and through this fluid would flow back to her lungs so I was told early on it will cause breathing, feeding, and weight gaining issues after she turns 1 month of age. After a rocky start I could exclusively breastfeed for the first 6 weeks, then because she started to show the above symptoms we started off with giving 1x a bottle of high-energy formula per day. It went fine for 1 more month, then we had to increase the number of bottle feeds and also give her some medication daily. At the beginning of Dec 2022, it got to the point that it messed up my milk production, I was trying to bottle feed, then breastfeed, alternating the two, but because she didn't have the strength to feed properly and I could not pump every 2-3 hours, eventually my milk supply dropped to a few oz/day. Her doctors asked us to feed her with only the high-energy formula, I continued pumping till she turned 4 months and froze down what little I could produce. I guess I could say I went through the stages of grief after a loss, the anger, the hurt, feeling frustrated, etc to the point where a few days later I just accepted the new reality and tried to look at the bright side (eg. I can finally eat/drink again whatever I want without worrying that it will cause her "harm" in her tummy). Unfortunately at Christmas time, she started to not feed well at all, I could barely make her eat 1-2 oz every few hours. We had to go to the A&E and she got an NG tube through her nose into her stomach to help with feeding. It was difficult, we spent about 2 weeks in hospitals. She had her heart surgery to fix the VSD on the 4th of Jan and then the tube was taken out 3 days later and I could try to bottle feed her again. Didn't start well as she threw up on me after the first try and it made me worry so much that we gonna get stuck in the hospital for a longer time due to it. Thank god the next day she was like a new person, she actually started to eat really well and in about 2 days put back most of the weight that she lost due to the operation. Now we are at home a little more than a week ago and she takes 4 oz per feed, every ~3 hours. No more struggles! I am really happy that the surgery is behind us and she is recovering well, I cannot wait till we get to 6 weeks from the operation date, and then we can leave the house again. I still wish I could have continued breastfeeding, but I am completely dried up now 😅 Guess if we ever get to the point of having another child I would try having a different feeding journey, however, if it is not meant to be, then I will make peace with it 🙂 Keep going Morgan, Luca is lucky to have you as her Mum and you can bond through many things, not just breastfeeding ❤

  • @bethaniej
    @bethaniej Год назад +3

    Hey Morgan. My ultimate goal was to breastfeed but it was not to gain. I had an emergency c section with my first (she’s 11 now) and i also had gestational diabetes so they gave her formula to keep her sugar levels right. My milk never really came in and i struggled so bad. I ended up giving her a tiny bit of breastmilk for 4 months and mostly formulaa.
    Baby 2 came along (she’s now 9) and i was like ok we are doing this! I managed a VBAC, we were doing well. After a week i got really sick (complications from preeclampsia) and she didn’t pee for 24 hours. We both got readmitted to hospital and she was severely dehydrated. So we went to formula. I still tried to feed and i saw a lactation consultant but basically my body makes like 20ml of milk at a time. She got a tiny bit for 6 months.
    Basically i would feed my girls 4 times a day mostly for comfort, then give a bottle.
    I felt like a failure sooo many times but in the end, my girls got fed and they turned out ok. :)

  • @beingbridgit
    @beingbridgit Год назад +1

    Hey Morgan, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this video. I had my son a few days before you had Luca through an emergency c-section as well. My son would not latch at all and would scream any time I would try. I was one of those people that would say that I was completely open to formula if breastfeeding didn’t work out, but to actually go through it was tough because of social media and the moms demonizing it, I felt like I failed and that in no way would my son and I bond. I’ll be honest, I felt in the beginning that you judged formula as well and I had to stop watching your mom updates. I see your heart now and why you felt that way and I really appreciate the honesty. My son is as healthy as ever, my mental health is at its best and bottle feeding has created a sweet bond between my husband and my son too and I can’t ask the Lord for anything more. FED is best, always. God bless you and your family!

  • @leilazeic4767
    @leilazeic4767 Год назад +1

    I had every plan to exclusively breastfeed. But my daughter was born at 32w4d in an emergency c section due to severe preeclampsia and hellp syndrome and spent 3 weeks in the NICU. I was fortunate enough for my milk to come in very quickly despite her being early. I pumped around the clock and she received my breastmilk fortified with premie formula while in the NICU, first through a feeding tube then eventually bottles. I tried breastfeeding a couple of times while she was in the NICU with the help of the nurses. But once she came home she was so used to bottles and I had no clue how to actually breastfeed so I quickly made the decision to exclusively pump. So for the first year of her life (she is 21 months today) I exclusively pumped and fed her as well as donated my surplus milk to other mamas/babies. Exclusively pumping is a TON of work and is looked down on by so many who assume it was a selfish decision but in actuality it was the most selfless thing I could do for her. And I feel so fortunate that I had the breastmilk supply to keep up it for so long.

  • @tobeaboutthelordsbusiness665
    @tobeaboutthelordsbusiness665 Год назад

    Thanks for sharing! It's such a good encouragement and good to know for my pregnancy journeys ahead.

  • @thismamasheart6205
    @thismamasheart6205 Год назад

    Thanks for sharing. I struggled breastfeeding my first son and felt all the guilt and shame you mentioned. I think successful breastfeeding involves a lot of factors that have to all work together such as health of mother, baby having a good latch, the position a baby is held during a feeding, the mother's comfort level of feeding in public even if covered - it takes an adjustment if you are a more private person, a mom with minimal stress, other responsibilities in mom's life, also the mom getting proper rest and nutrition and water. I'm sure there's more than that - but those are issues I dealt with and realized more when I had a successful breastfeeding experience with my second son. But all that matters is the baby is fed and is thriving. Yes, to all moms - your baby is yours - don't be pressured by other moms. Do what you feel is best for your situation and your baby. God Bless you Morgan and your baby - he looks so much like you! Both of you are beautiful. :)

  • @KytiaLamour
    @KytiaLamour Год назад +5

    The bad thing is everything feels like an emergency when you’re a new mom. The good thing is when your child is graduating high school or getting married, no one will be asking if you fed them formula, used cloth diapers, or what kind of crib you bought because it’s actually not a big deal after all.
    I was very stressed with my first baby and completely shocked when I experienced “mom shaming” because I never knew it was a thing until I had a newborn. One of our great rights of passage as moms is when we learn to stop caring about what everyone thinks, and that can be really hard to accomplish.
    Btw, I cannot handle Luca’s tiny hands. They’re just too cute, so I gotta go before you give me baby fever. 😍

  • @dominican4ever825
    @dominican4ever825 Год назад +1

    Thank you for sharing. I dont blame you or judge you because I was on the same boat. My son is 4 months and a week old , I breastfeed and supplement and at times I have him have breastmilk in a bottle. You are right, keeping the baby alive/healthy is the most important goal with breastmilk. I also believe that breastfeeding is key to create an unique bond with the child and not only bring benefits to the child but to the mother as well such as: healing emotionally, loosing weight, bringing the uterus to where is supposed to be, at least that is my experience and its too bad that for you it was that stressful to the point that you or your child could not benefit from it. For me it was rough at first, it was painful to breastfeed and I had a natural birth with a third degree laceration, I heard different opinions of people who either were pro exclusively formula feeding or pro exclusively breastfeeding, plus going through a traumatic birth was extremely stressful. I have low milk supply, breastfeed my child 10 to 11 times a day and also supplement. Baby is 14 pounds and 5.8 ounces, has a regular BM on a daily basis. Each child is different and each mother is different, I hope that you can breastfeed again and try to enjoy it. For me at least is completely worth it, in spite of all the work it takes.

  • @haydeeirving
    @haydeeirving Год назад +1

    3 kids in and pregnant with my 4th, I’ve learned to let go of my expectations and just do what’s best for my children. First expectation of having natural birth with all didn’t happen but they came out perfect and healthy via c sections.
    With my 1st I was obsessed with only breastfeeding my child but she didn’t latch that was devastating. I went through PD and by the grace of God we made it through! With my second I had a completely different mindset and that was if he breastfed great if he didn’t also great! Made c section recovery a lot better! So I breastfed for 3 months and said okay I’m done because he didn’t latch and being attached to the breast pump was not fun so we gave him formula after that.
    Wasn’t sure what do about the third baby just decided to go with the flow one day at a time. She latched and next thing you know it we made it exactly a year of breastfeeding.
    Not all pregnancy will be the same and not all postpartum experiences will be the same but your love for children will always be present!

  • @nancydroge7682
    @nancydroge7682 Год назад +1

    Thank you for this powerful, refreshing & much needed truth surrounding breastfeeding! Bless your heart, Morgan; Champ amongst all Mom Champs! First things first~ Baby Luca is absolutely ADORABLE! 💘 Next, you asked us to share, so… here’s a piece of my story~ GRATEFUL to be able to say that God has blessed me with 60 years of life, 38 years of marriage, & 2 daughters. My first labor & delivery absolutely did not go as I had hoped & planned, & as a result, neither did breastfeeding. My father (a beloved Pediatrician whose #1 ; above all else, was God) finally, gently & wisely encouraged me to allow my daughter to have the formula (that she needed) in order to be healthy. *I was so hyper- focused on trying to breastfeed her that it had to be pointed out to me that my baby was suffering because she needed to eat & I was unwilling to give up on trying to feed her… my way.* (There was also social ‘pressure’ ; message that good Moms’ only breastfed their babies.) This story ends well, & in part because my earthy father closely resembled my Heavenly Father. Thus, I trusted him when he gently took me aside & imparted his wisdom & expertise. My (now adult) daughter’s are healthy & thriving. Both were mostly bottle fed & it was formula that filled those bottles.

  • @Maya-sv6yk
    @Maya-sv6yk Год назад +3

    Thank you for this well-rounded perspective. I admire your journey, and I relate to your breastfeeding struggles and the feeling of pressure from the natural community. It's caused me anxiety, and I agree with your take on this!!
    I am currently moving toward weaning my baby and it's been emotional. You are an amazing mom 🙂

  • @holybiblelover4412
    @holybiblelover4412 Год назад +1

    Thanks for sharing! Our journey is so similar! My son is Luca's age too and I also had to pump for 2-3 months and then supplement with formula. So much stress and anxiety about not being able to breastfeed the "normal" way... and it's definitely wise to unfollow/not care about all the accounts pushing for all-natural-everything who might not be considering mamas who can't breastfeed ❤️

  • @SophieMelissa
    @SophieMelissa Год назад

    I pumped for 3 months whilst my son was in NICU, then a further month after discharge but was so heart broken when my supply dropped so suddenly, I couldn’t make enough for even one bottle and that’s when I stopped, we also tried kendamil, but he reacted to the cows milk so had to get prescribed allergy formula but he’s thriving! He’s a year old now and has grown so well in formula 😊
    I was so sad, and just like you I’ve cried over it, it’s so heartbreaking when you have a plan

  • @Playing_with_a_Purpose
    @Playing_with_a_Purpose Год назад

    I relate to this so much. I had no other option in my mind other than to breast-feed my babies and both times it did not work out for me. I was devastated. I wish I could have had more support during that time. Thanks for helping other mothers great job, Morgan.

  • @rachelmccargar6772
    @rachelmccargar6772 Год назад

    You're doing wonderful, Morgan! Praise God for how He's having you be an encouragement & help for us too! So glad you're not following those accounts anymore -- staying focused on simply the Lords help and the parental instincts that He's given you seems like the best way :) great job! Love you & praying for you!

  • @kaylavroman4817
    @kaylavroman4817 Год назад +2

    I tried breastfeeding and it didn't work either. I didn't really struggle emotionally with the switch to formula, and I think that's because my mom formula fed my brothers and me and she is the best mom ever! We all were extremely attached to her, affectionate, and are all still very close to her to this day. We are all also very healthy, happy, functioning adults. I feel the push for breastfeeding is over the top! I don't think her breastfeeding would have made any difference in our bond with her or our health. However, the cost of formula does suck.... and having to get up and make a bottle in the middle of the night isn't always convenient.... but a side from that, works great for me!

  • @danyelaadrenalina
    @danyelaadrenalina Год назад +1

    I gave birth naturally, and my milk didn't come by day 2. I had sores on my nipples that it was so painful I didn't want to breastfeed anymore. We gave formula in the hospital, and I pumped. After my sores healed she never latched and refused the breast. So I pumped for 5 months! After I started to give her formula. Pumping was very hard I wished I just quit earlier but you know mom guilt and reading how breast milk is so good for her I just couldn't quit. I 100% agree with you! I wish more mothers were real like you! Thank you for sharing.

  • @genasseeceline
    @genasseeceline Год назад

    Man I WISH I had had someone like you and a video like this when I was going through breast-feeding! That would have saved me SO much time and effort, and more importantly, so much emotional exhaustion!
    So I KNOW that you’re going to help at LEAST one other person SO much!

  • @Amanda-zt7fu
    @Amanda-zt7fu Год назад +2

    I’m so proud of you!!! I know using formula was a hard choice, but fed is best. Love you and your growth

  • @eimymorales9985
    @eimymorales9985 Год назад +6

    My son combo fed for the first month and then had to go full on formula fed bc he was always just hungry still and back then I thought it was bc I wasnt producing enough but turns out he just didn’t like my milk and my boobs were always full lol. I didn’t know this though bc it was my first rodeo. He was also much happier when we went with formula. Now with my daughter, I’ve successfully breastfed her for 2 months now and she only drinks like 2oz of formula a day. So honestly EVERY baby is different!! But at the end of the day FED IS BEST no matter if it’s breast milk or formula. God is good!

    • @eimymorales9985
      @eimymorales9985 Год назад

      Oh and I had my son as a vaginal birth and my daughter was an emergency c section so there’s that too lol

  • @katiegoslin427
    @katiegoslin427 Год назад

    What's best is the health and wellness of both you and him! I truly believe fed is best. ♥️

  • @rebeccaanne5255
    @rebeccaanne5255 Год назад

    I have recently had my third baby. I wanted a home birth but my waters went at 36 weeks. Was against being induced due to wanting a second vbac but had to be induced as I didn’t go into labour when my waters went. I didn’t want antibiotics during labour when I tested positive for gbs. But needed antibiotics as I went 48 hours with no waters. I wanted to breastfeed and express but my baby had an undiagnosed tongue tie while critically ill and already lost so much weight. I accepted I needed to do what was best for my own circumstances and my own baby not what everyone else is doing. The most important thing is our children are safe, happy, loved and healthy

  • @tvinson39
    @tvinson39 Год назад +1

    I can relate SO much to the mentality of "nothing will touch my babies lips but breastmilk for a year", especially when my sister was able to do that, but then both my 2 kids ended up needing to supplement eventually 🤷‍♀️ i fought it so much but honestly it was the best thing I ever did to let go of that & do what was best for me my babies (and stop comparing myself to my sisters bf journey) You are AMAZING 👏

  • @eleanorgathright605
    @eleanorgathright605 Год назад +1

    Morgan, I am sorry it didn’t go the way you had hoped. I am VERY grateful that you have/had other options. 👆🙌

  • @LikelyLost
    @LikelyLost Год назад

    I laughed out loud when you said the yeast infection thing. You're so funny and I love the honesty 😂

  • @colourfulbethany
    @colourfulbethany Год назад +1

    Hopefully this will encourage someone, I also had an unplanned c-section and have been able to exclusively breastfeed for almost 6 months. It has been such a positive experience 😊 having a tricky birth doesn’t automatically rule it out! Whilst feeding has been a dream, we’ve struggled a lot with sleep and I’ve caught myself comparing our experience with what Paul and Morgan seem to have with Luca and feeling discouraged, which I know is silly! As parents we all have easy and difficult parts in our journey, it’s so hard not to compare with what we see on social media. It’s a cliche but in the end we all just have to do what works best for our family ❤

    • @jasminesarah2044
      @jasminesarah2044 Год назад

      All babies are different too and their sleep will progress and regress back and forth sometimes. My first born has super low sleep needs, hard to out to sleep, dropped naps early, she's 2 and still needs help with sleep. My second is an easier sleeper she's 3mo next week and will settle herself, fall a sleep on her own sometimes too. Also much easier to put to sleep. It's all about learning what your baby needs, their cues, how much sleep makes them vibrant and happy, vs what cultural norms are. My first always had long sleep windows and now at 2, with no naps, sleeps so much better than trying to force the nap culture says she needs. It's trial and error but I've found much of parenting is getting to know your baby, even if that baby is a bit different than the standard. She also thrived on a later bedtime, 7pm bedtime was and is still not a thing, as an example.

  • @katelynnmarie5742
    @katelynnmarie5742 Год назад

    Praise God, he is the best. Your honest perspective is so appreciated. I pray that you continue to find peace within you & Lucas journey. Your strength and humor is SO encouraging! Thanks Morgan!

  • @samanthamartinson8769
    @samanthamartinson8769 Год назад

    Morgan, thank you for sharing. ❤️ You are such a sweet, thoughtful, amazing momma to Luca! And you can tell Luca is a happy boy! 🥰 Such a cutie too! And I’m so glad you have peace with where you are at now. Sounds like you went through a really tough time, but thank you for being so open with us…you aren’t alone! This video is going to encourage so many women!
    Breastfeeding was hard for me at first too. My firstborn wasn’t really gaining weight after he was born and I had a lot of anxiety about it all too. Had to supplement. And even when things got better I struggled up until he was weaned with “am I eating enough? Is he getting enough milk? Or is something I’m eating making him throw up so much??” Constant nagging in my head. We just had our second and breastfeeding has still been hard!! It has worked itself out a little quicker this time around, praise the Lord (!) and I sense that I’ll have more peace in the months to come because I learned so much with our son!
    But anywho, there ARE great alternatives out there besides breast milk and all will be just great! I was formula fed and I have been a healthy human being!
    Keep going, Momma! ❤️ And keep trusting those instincts!
    Much love, Sam

  • @amybarajas274
    @amybarajas274 Год назад

    Omg hes soo cute I wanna hold him 🥹🥹🥹 you’re so blessed he’s such a cutie! Thanks for sharing, it definitely is tough when things don’t go as we’d hoped but hey as long as he is healthy and has something to eat that is a blessing alone! God bless you and your sweet family ❤️❤️

  • @yanadresvyannikova8656
    @yanadresvyannikova8656 Год назад

    Girl I’m right there with you!!!
    Went through a yeast infection myself and through Hell trying my best to breastfeed my baby girl killing myself mentally and physically. Don’t feel bad in anyway! I 100% support you and know your doing the best that you can for your baby!
    It’s not worth all the mental stress!

  • @ashlieleavelle
    @ashlieleavelle Год назад +1

    They make formula because not everyone can breastfeed, or want to breastfeed. Ultimately as Mom's, we do our best and we leave our kids and their health in the arms of our Heavenly Father. We love our babies more than anyone. Breastfeeding doesn't make someone else a better Mom.

  • @rachelrodgers8717
    @rachelrodgers8717 Год назад

    My first son I was a single mom & I had issues during the 1st week from complications from birth & I was the same way about “my baby is NEVER going to have poisonous formula!” then I struggled so hard with bf & my son was getting lethargic, had colic & cried all the time. I was so exhausted, getting basically NO sleep for days/weeks & one sleepless night I had just finished bf but he still didn’t have enough & I was clearly not producing enough, (even though I was pumping in between his feedings and everything) so I grabbed the newborn formula in the closet that someone gave me at my baby shower & he gulped it down and fell asleep! It was a miracle! That was when it started to turn around for us, and I supplemented with formula and when I saw similar notes with my second son, I didn’t hesitate to make sure his needs were met and it went so much smoother than the first! My 3rd ironically bf till he was 2.5, my supply was great and obviously he ate solids and other things and drinks as he grew, but he never had formula so every bf experience is different and your doing a great job mama! ❤

  • @rachelleyland5376
    @rachelleyland5376 Год назад

    I love how open you are - i am sure it's so encouraging to moms who are going through a similar struggle. Here's maybe a different perspective on what you were saying about the accounts you were following - did they actually say that if you decide to choose a different route that you're a bad mom and your baby won't have the best? Or was it just based on how you felt about it? I think it's so important that we, mama's, listen to our instincts first - but it's also important not to ignore the facts of the effects that your choices do make. There is a difference between sharing the facts of how babies and mamas operate with different choices vs telling mom's they're doing a bad job if they don't choose this way, or that.
    I hope this makes sense, either way Morgan, you are an AMAZING mom. You birthed your child, you grew your baby by God's grace, and He's ultimately holding your choices in His hands and embracing you with His love. Keep on trusting your mama instincts and encouraging other moms to do the same!

  • @-BekahJoy-
    @-BekahJoy- Год назад +1

    Morgan is the TMI girl, I'm the one who lives on a need-to-know basis when sharing and most things people don't need to know lol 😅😅
    And maybe that's why I love Morgan and her vulnerability so much! ❤

  • @HeyItsHayleigh
    @HeyItsHayleigh Год назад

    Thanks for sharing and for your encouragement Morgan! My little one is 19 months and there are definitely aspects of our journey I struggle to not feel shame or regret over. The mom guilt starts early lol but fighting to have joy and making smart decisions for our kiddos, whether they are accepted or affirmed by others, is the best thing we can do! Thank the Lord for His provision and grace in all things! Big love to you and baby Luca!

  • @leximtz3747
    @leximtz3747 Год назад

    Lolll Girll love you Morgan. I have a newborn baby girl and I thought breastfeeding was going to be this easy journey. Long story short she had jaundice the first two weeks to the point where she needed to eat to flush it out. I’ve nursed and pumped, as well supplementing with formula. I developed horrible mastitis and now just accepting that it’s okay if we decide to switch over to formula as the main source. I’m storing as much as I can. I didn’t know formula vs breastfeeding was this whole debate until I had a baby. We are not failures. God is with our babies and as mamas we need to do better at encouraging other mamas no matter how they feed their babies. A bond isn’t just breastfeeding. It’s how we love and nurture our children and most importantly how we pray and dedicate them to the Lord. We’re all on this mom journey together. Give yourself all the grace because it’s tough!! ❤️

  • @peytonfamily9535
    @peytonfamily9535 Год назад

    Hang in there, Morgan! You've got this! You just gotta love that little baby with everything in you to succeed!💕💕💕 Also, Mama Momo Chat---that's the perfect title for these videos!🤣👏

  • @arrianna625
    @arrianna625 Год назад

    Love this video. I’m due in 5 weeks and anxious about our breastfeeding journey. I also had to stop following all the natural crunchy encouragers, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but the fear mongering isn’t healthy for myself. Good luck to you! I’ve had Light & Grace on repeat the last few weeks and it’s been such a comforting song. ❤️

  • @fancycupcake03
    @fancycupcake03 Год назад

    Formula is amazing. Please don't stress about using it. I had a very similar experience. I pumped and gave my daughter breast milk for as long as I could. About 5 months. And then switched to formula and she's a happy, healthy 13 month old. ❤️

  • @kristynajindra1699
    @kristynajindra1699 Год назад

    Oh dear, first of all I could join the UTI club only in pregnancy I had to take two times Antibiotics due to UTI, also now after giving birth (two weeks ago) I got another ATB, its just really hard, but I belive God is with us and thnaks the Lord it did not affet my baby, and do not feel ashamed for not brestfeeding God is the one giving our babys the grouth they need, we are trying our best and God is doing the rest. He created our babys in our womb, not us. Also thank you so much to opening up these topics it I feel I am not alone in this jurney.

  • @danielleeneh6416
    @danielleeneh6416 Год назад

    I can so relate to this. My daughter is almost 2 months and breastfeeding did not turn out like I planned. She wasn’t getting enough in the beginning and eventually just refused to latch anymore. I’ve had to begin exclusively pumping and giving her bottles. It’s exhausting! Luckily I am producing enough milk now but I can only do this for 6 months tops. I can understand your relief with being done! My friends always say “fed is best” however that needs to happen. Thank you for your transparency. I wish I had known of potential struggles with it ahead of time but I feel like no one ever talks about it!

  • @sammimata
    @sammimata Год назад

    Didn’t go planned for me either! Balled my eyes out the first week and breastfeeding just didn’t work for us. I beat myself up over it for weeks. Thankful for high quality formulas now a days ❤ we use Kendamil too! UK brands are awesome!

  • @kimberlyevers7031
    @kimberlyevers7031 Год назад

    Agree. My son would not grow on my milk, and absolutely hated my pumped milk. He would not drink it. He loved and thrived on formula.

  • @melissatellsall
    @melissatellsall Год назад

    I’m glad to hear you say “who cares what they think! This is not their child, this is my child! And I am taking care of him and I love him” - hopefully that will lead you to learn to show empathy for anyone in any situation in life, whether it be how someone raises a child or otherwise🙌🏼 Everyone has their reasons for doing things differently, and that IS okay! No need for validation from anyone else. 🫶🏼

  • @maiaatkinsschalchlin2075
    @maiaatkinsschalchlin2075 Год назад

    My breastfeeding journey has been difficult. It was so painful for the first 4 months. I read books on the subject and watched tons of videos on how to get the perfect latch and how to boost milk supply. My baby girl nurses every hour and a half throughout the day and night. She has such a high metabolism that she's always nursing. We started her on solid food at 6 months, and she's nursing on her same schedule and eating food. I've tried giving her formula, and she throws up aggressively. I'm so tired of people "giving advice " on how to get her to sleep longer or go longer without nursing. I'm her mother, and God entrusted me with her care. Motherhood is hard, and if you are a mommy, you are a superhero!! Shut out the haters someone is always going to have negative things to say, no matter what you do or don't do. Trust God, love your husband and your sweet little one. It's hard, but it's so worth it!

  • @ellaagasaro496
    @ellaagasaro496 Год назад +1

    I feel so sad when I hear that mamas can be judgmental to other mamas that didn’t get to BF their own babies. Even with a good steady supply BF is not easy and pumping is not easy either.
    3 months and a couple of weeks in. I was getting the whole BF down and just went back to work, I am pumping more and hoping and praying that my son will not get used to his bottle more than my breast. When I get anxious, I just pray about it and know that I’m giving it my best and God is guiding me.

  • @karenmcclung5046
    @karenmcclung5046 Год назад +1

    What a sweetie!! Don't listen to all the negative chatter! You are doing a great job!

  • @joshuaandelizabethanderson7797

    I breastfed my first and combination fed my second for her first few months and then ultimately switched to formula and I’m here to tell you, they both grew and developed at the exact same pace. They both got sick. Breastfed baby struggled with sleep. Formula fed baby slept through the night by 3 months. They both wanted mama just as much and now they are both 9 and 6 years old and you couldn’t tell which was formula fed and which was breastfed because they both eat the same things now. My formula fed baby is actually my least picky one 🤭 So yes…follow your motherly instincts. Everything is going to be just fine!

  • @Dmchadra
    @Dmchadra Год назад

    Morgan you’re an incredible mother!! It is so obvious that you love your son so profoundly and he is lucky to have you as his mom.
    I have not been able to breastfeed my 5-month-old at all and I relate to the feeling of comparison and dealing with all of the opinionated voices out there. BF supremacy is toxic.
    Also don’t listen to anyone who says you can’t have a strong connection to your baby without breastfeeding. I have an incredibly deep connection to my son, even though I bottle feed him. I carried him for 9 months for crying out loud! He is my world and I am his. Our children are everything to us and it is such a gift.

  • @tashalynn8205
    @tashalynn8205 Год назад

    My baby only got around a couple of weeks of breast milk from me. In the hospital after c section we noticed it was our last day and we were essentially gonna be bringing home a starving baby. Cause the nurses had worked with me for hours but he wasn’t latching good and would cry after every feeding. So we asked for some formula to supplement. I tried for another week to supplement and breastfeed/pump but even then he was not happy. I had postpartum depression and we came to a point where we bit the bullet and just went straight to formula. I remember the first full bottle of formula he got he made a cooing sound and passed out so happy to finally be full. My heart feels guilty making him go through all of that. But we tried and essentially ended up where we needed to be. He’s 7 months and 23 pounds now! Growing like a weed and we both couldn’t be happier!

  • @alexandraashley3049
    @alexandraashley3049 Год назад

    I did not have a breastfeeding journey 😂 I had an emergency C-section as well, and my baby girl was born early (at 35 weeks) and I just couldn’t get any flow going. I shared my birth story on my RUclips channel because God really worked it all together even though it went the exact opposite of how I wanted it to go. I beat myself up over not being able to breastfeed and I would cry every time someone brought it up because I felt like a failure. But I have definitely come to terms with it now at 10 weeks postpartum. Thank you for sharing and being so real. 😊

  • @emilybootsma478
    @emilybootsma478 Год назад

    So sorry that you didn’t have the breastfeeding experience that you wanted. You’re doing such a great job with Luca!
    I had a rough start to breastfeeding, an emergency c section and all the medications made things difficult. I finally started using a nipple shield and it was inconvenient, but it saved my breastfeeding journey. I’m thankful to still be breastfeeding my one year old. I’ve received criticism for breastfeeding, which just goes to show that judgy people will judge no matter what you do. Keep up the great work ❤️

  • @karileedancer3457
    @karileedancer3457 Год назад

    Its okay. You are his mom and he will be just fine. My mom had 4 kids and only did breast for 1 and she is the one with the most health issues of us all as adults. It is all good.

  • @KAyLA_K
    @KAyLA_K Год назад +7

    Love these vlogs!! Although I’m not going through this right now, it’s always so interesting and helps me to have a better understanding of how others may be doing on their journey with kids❤️

  • @alwayssali
    @alwayssali Год назад

    You can’t worry about what society says you should do as a mom. You do what you think is best. That is good enough.

  • @rachelgalloway5518
    @rachelgalloway5518 Год назад +5

    Highly recommend Phylicia Masonheimers Verity podcast episode on Breastfeeding Struggles for any woman struggling with breastfeeding. Great Christian perspective of the history of breastfeeding and how the fall affects it all! I had low supply and DMER so breastfeeding was awful for me and formula was the biggest gift for us. There is absolutely no shame in formula, and it’s such a blessing that we have access to it when so many people didn’t back then and some don’t now.

    • @MorganOlli
      @MorganOlli  Год назад +1


    • @nancydroge7682
      @nancydroge7682 Год назад

      Thank you, Rachel!
      Amen! Amen!

    • @zykotek3091
      @zykotek3091 Год назад

      Women used to have communities of other women and shared milk with each other. Other mammals breastfeed babies that aren't theirs as well. Formula should not exist.

    • @rachelgalloway5518
      @rachelgalloway5518 Год назад +1

      @@zykotek3091 actually yes and no. Yes wet nurses were used for some babies IF a family could afford it. However for babies that had trouble latching they would create bottles out of animals husks, handmade bowls, or even squirt milk into their mouths from animals. The majority of babies who could not latch and nurse died before the age of 1. Formula is an absolute necessity for some children and unfortunately it is hard for some people to understand that who have no walked that journey of struggling to breastfeed.

    • @zykotek3091
      @zykotek3091 Год назад

      @@rachelgalloway5518 When we were living in tribes all children could be fed by other moms for free within family or friends circles. In some societies sometimes milk of other species was used willingly without abusing the animal. Both these options are superior to a man-made product that isn't even always safe. When I have my baby I'll volunteer to feed other babies especially orphans and baby animals. Not having this option is not normal, it's societal isolation. Human milk now could easily be sold in stores instead of that of abused mother cows made into formula. The reason it isn't is because it doesn't make money for corporations which obviously don't have childrens' health in mind.

  • @Adanyamazz
    @Adanyamazz Год назад

    This video was so comforting for my as im mentally struggling at 2:30am, pumping for my twin month old micro premies. I have a good supply in my freezer and at the hospital and feeling so mentally drained and expiriencing Dmer. I am hating pumping but feel like i cant stop because its the only thing I can do for them in this time. Maybe prioritizing my mental should be what I do and thats doing something for them. Idk. Its a journey. I also have a toddler at home to take care of. Its been a whirlwind.

  • @whitneymilgate7975
    @whitneymilgate7975 Год назад

    You do whats best for YOU and YOUR baby, don't let others tell you otherwise girl! My first was a gong show and he was allergic to my milk. We fought for three months and then I finally decided to give him formula. He was a much happier baby! My second and third baby I was able to breastfeed exclusively for about 4, 5 months. After that, my milk supply went down and had to supplement with formula. I was still able to breastfeed but just not as much. I am breastfeeding/formula feeding with my third right now and it's just what works for us☺️

  • @deltacharliewhiskey8019
    @deltacharliewhiskey8019 Год назад

    Yes to all of this, Morgan! Healthy mama = healthy baby, and Luca is so blessed to have you! Also, there’s a reason wet-nurses were a thing back in the day ;)

  • @jessb4784
    @jessb4784 Год назад +1

    Also want to warn canadian moms out there.... do your research about domperidone (used to increase milk supply) and the side effects (severe anxiety) banned in the US for good reason

  • @natalieschick6974
    @natalieschick6974 Год назад

    Hi Morgan! I'm a mother of 2 kiddos. My first is 18 months and my second is a month old. I tried to breastfeed both of them and it didn't go to plan as well. With my first breastfeed for 3 months but it was a very big struggle. We found out 3 months later that he had 4 oral ties. He had 2 upper cheek ties, a upper lip tie and a tongue tie. Because of them hw could bearly latch on to me or a bottle. He also had very severe colic that caused him to scream and cry all day and night. Needless to say both me and my husband were mentally and physically exhausted. Both of us were extremely depressed. We were able to get his mouth fixed but I was too mentally and physically exhausted to try to get my milk supply up and continue breastfeeding. I choice to formula feed and I was about to create a strong bond with my son this way. Matter of fact when I was breastfeeding my son I was not bonding because of the depressed and anxiety. With my daughter who I just had recently has a minor lip and tongue tie I started out breastfeeding but both my babies got RSV and my daughter's latch got way worse then it was due to all the congestion and not being able to breath. I was also so stressed out trying to work on her latch while trying to keep up with my 18 month son so I quite and decided to just formula feed her. I understand all the feelings you were feeling. I still sometimes feel like I failed both my babies for formula feeding, but I realize that we don't live in a perfect world and problems do arise and we have to do what is best for us and our children.

  • @Romans08.31
    @Romans08.31 Год назад

    I had a scheduled csection that was not necessary but it is what it is but I was able to go on and breastfeed for 3y8m, in the beginning it was extremely difficult if you get past the first 2 weeks and feeding on demand not on a schedule it usually gets easier but also when new moms focus on babies sleeping through the night early on has a huge impact on the milk supply and cosleeping in same room makes a huge difference, with that said some women just do better with formula and that is okay if that is what works best for your family you gotta do what works for you, and it definitely does not mean you love your child any less

  • @SunshineBloom777
    @SunshineBloom777 Год назад +1

    One thing I will say is I think our generation is so quick to think of what others will say without them EVER thinking/saying that in real life. We just ascribe these things on people who see it different. Like so many people would be like this person will totally think I’m awful for using formula when really they don’t and would NEVER even think or say that, but because we perceive them and know them to prefer breastfeeding we just put that on them, when it isn’t fair or true. Just because someone believes xyz, doesn’t mean they think less of you otherwise and they should really have to actually SAY that to you before we assume. Someone can be about xyz and understand your different decision. Just something I’ve noticed lately esp in my life - I don’t want to be quick to assume someone thinks less of me because they see it different, as real family/friends aren’t like that because we can truly agree to disagree and not have any hate or meanness towards each other.

    • @least-of-all
      @least-of-all Год назад

      You know what, that’s so funny because I JUST had this though about a certain things I’ve seen people online say that’s similar. It’s when people make videos saying they disagree with people saying “you are gonna spoil your baby for holding them too much” and I’m always just like…….what? No one says that!!! Hahaha well maybe someone has, but it surly can’t be that often cause I’ve seen reels and videos of people mentioning this and I just don’t think it’s that common for people to go around chastising mothers for holding babies ….

  • @mariebrggernajbjerg882
    @mariebrggernajbjerg882 Год назад

    Luca looks sooo adorable eating from the bottle 🥰 I’m breastfeeding my son, but probably because of the pregnancy and breastfeeding hormones my skin has gotten really bad with eczema all over the body and I’m planning to stop breastfeeding sooner than I wanted to because I have to take care of my self and own health as well. It’s all about finding the right balance - you teach your children to be able to love themselves and others by being a good rolemodel ❤️

  • @Romans08.31
    @Romans08.31 Год назад

    One thing I heard from an african mom was that in parts Africa as soon as a baby makes a peep the boob is the answer and they breastfeed because formula isn’t really an option but in those beginning weeks they said any noise aside from potty the answer was the boob 😂and in my experience with that mindset it helped me a lot with cluster feeding and I had some stubbornness like I was going to breastfeed even if my boobs fell off and it was stressful at first we went through a ton of hurdles, but with that said please don’t think about what anyone else thinks of your parenting choices or anything what matters is you both are happy and healthy and thriving together ❤❤❤

  • @Caffeinatedkiss
    @Caffeinatedkiss Год назад +2

    You know what mamas did when back in Jesus’ day when they had these kinds of issues? They fed their babies goats milk or sheep’s or camels or whatever the heck they could to keep their babies fed and healthy. I’ve been so blessed to be able to breast feed all 3 of my babies, and with my first I felt ALL of the emotions you did, but by my third I was willing to do whatever worked to keep her alive and happy. Motherhood is TOUGH, but so are you! You have don’t so great providing for little Luca and adjusting as needed and not being stubborn to the point of causing harm to your little guy. God bless you and Paul. You all are doing fantastic ❤️

  • @vanessablackmon153
    @vanessablackmon153 Год назад

    I have had two c-sections and also struggled both times with breastfeeding… 😥 I’ve had to supplement organic formula both times. (Kendamil) love it. Broke my heart because I felt so inadequate and see so many RUclips moms with freezer stashes. But a fed baby is best. The Lord has walked with me through it all.

  • @noellekris5902
    @noellekris5902 Год назад

    Look at him downing that bottle!! Go Luca!! I was fortunate that breastfeeding itself came easy for me both times, but my body responds really horribly to breastfeeding hormones. It’s like constant PMS but worse- I can’t find a lot of joy, I feel in a haze all the time, my moods are so up and down that it’s crippling, unexplainable significant weight gain, hairs on the chin, etc. it’s weird. With my first, all these things disappeared completely after weaning at 2 years old. I’m 4 months in with my second and making the transition to formula so my baby can have a healthy and present mommy ❤️

  • @minnesotamomma22
    @minnesotamomma22 Год назад

    I had a decently traumatic labor/birth experience that ended in an emergency C-section with our first daughter. We were able to keep her exclusively breastfed for 6 months, but only at the expense of my own well-being. I could have avoided so much stress as a new mom if I hadn't bee so darn prideful about it. I am now pregnant with our fourth baby and since our second, We've taken the pressure off. I still breastfeed for as long as it "works" for us, but then we switch to formula without the mom-guilt :)

  • @seekingtruthandcompassion1707
    @seekingtruthandcompassion1707 Год назад

    Thankyou for your video morgan ! I also struggled ! And mix fed then full formula ! It's a shame the hospital are so pressuring with breast feeding ! And it scientifically I'd better than formula slightly .... but not hugely like they make out and also formula isn't bad it doesn't cause cot death ect like people made out ! Lots of misinformation which just makes a mothers job harder. You are a wonderful mum don't ever feel guilty ❤️ you are doing your best ❤️

  • @scarlettredding
    @scarlettredding Год назад

    Morgan you look beautiful as always, please please stop shaming yourself for not being "put together" enough, you're going through it. I'm so happy with your energy in this video, these sources you follow are damaging and very problematic. It's not the information, it's the lack of science based modern information. I highly suggest following Mamma Dr Jones. I was also watching a video where OBGYNs were discussing the main reason women have issues with milk production: stress/dehydration/lack of sleep/anxiety/too much pressure from outside sources/not taking care of yourself .... I thought of you 💔
    Please breathe and know you're doing the best you can with the situation you have.

  • @jessb4784
    @jessb4784 Год назад +1

    Mom's mental health comes first.
    I am having such a hard time too and I can say I like u wanted to be natural. After my experience.... I just don't think breastfeeding is for me

  • @azerlynno
    @azerlynno Год назад

    My story is the same! My son was tongue and lip tied and I had an emergency C-section. My supply was dropping. But also, I had a pediatrician tell me he was starving because my breast milk wasn’t good enough.

  • @bereanist
    @bereanist Год назад

    Mine didn’t either with my first child. I remember stressing about breastfeeding too and I feel my baby could feel the stress. He wouldn’t latch on…. but I had him natural, no drugs. So he ended up having formula.
    My 2nd child, my daughter, was a C Section & had no problem with nursing!

  • @VictoriaM689
    @VictoriaM689 Год назад +1

    Your amazing!! I am so proud of your journey.

  • @shelbiecarson2843
    @shelbiecarson2843 Год назад

    As always thank you for sharing! You said it yourself as long as your giving your baby something that’s what matters. Yes, I would wear that shirt TMI lol

  • @MollysStory
    @MollysStory Год назад

    Hey Morgan! I don’t know if you have ever tried boric acid but they make suppositories (sold on Amazon) that are helpful whenever you feel something coming on like a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. Sorry you weren’t feeling good. Those are no fun!

  • @kristinballancemusic
    @kristinballancemusic Год назад

    Oh gosh... breastfeeding is HARD! Girl, no shame at all. As the mama, you gotta do what's best for you too, and what works. I really struggled with my first, and couldn't breastfeed exclusively. With my second, thank God, it was much easier and went way better. But I get it! Whew!

  • @MollysStory
    @MollysStory Год назад

    Morgan I hope you know that you are a GREAT mom. You are trying so hard and Luca is blessed to have you! First time momming is HARD. I remember keeping a journal to write down each time I nursed my daughter because I wanted to be on top of things. 😅It gets easier as time goes on as a mom! I never did the breastfeeding journal with my son 😂

  • @user-mv2tg8hc8c
    @user-mv2tg8hc8c Год назад

    You look amazing even exhausted! I am praying that you get regular sleep!!

  • @jessicaisles4946
    @jessicaisles4946 Год назад

    Weeping is so common post baby! I'm sorry you struggled with him latching when you had so much milk - I wish you had had the right support and information on how to get a good latch. Hopefully next time you can have a more peaceful journey. Yes, drown out the noise and get a good lactation consultant. Establishing breastfeeding is hard sometimes.

  • @bogisianec
    @bogisianec Год назад

    My milk hurt my baby's stomach for a month maybe. I cried every time the feeding ended as she started crying right away. After my milk kicked in I had a ton and she over ate herself. Fortunately we figured it out eventually.

  • @rachelglass8135
    @rachelglass8135 Год назад +1

    I had many yeast infections for the first 2 years of marriage. (Also first 2 years of being sexually active since I was a virgin until our wedding)

  • @wenjunbleeker6020
    @wenjunbleeker6020 Год назад

    I am almost 6 months in with breastfeeding but he now prefer to drink breastmilk out of a bottle and for my own Wellbeing I want to let him get used to formula so I can combine it and have a bit more time for like sleep and dont stress about him having enough when wanting to go out but he hates formula so slowly introducing by mixing it with breastmilk and love you made video ❤very encouraging!