What You Need To Know About The Presence Of God

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024

Комментарии • 116

  • @adlihkristopher2906
    @adlihkristopher2906 Год назад +21

    Create in me a clean heart ♥ oh Lord and renew a right spirit within me Amen

  • @letsprayandfasttogether9618
    @letsprayandfasttogether9618 Год назад +34

    Pray God lifts the scales from the lukewarm and lost eyes, opens their ears and soften their hearts. Pray God brings revival to the earth. Pray the Lord of Harvest send forth laborers into the harvest. Pray God strengthens His children, gives them more discernment and wakes them up 🎉

  • @worshipprayer8165
    @worshipprayer8165 Год назад +7

    I have been having sleep paralysis for the past few days, I always wake up, say a little prayer and put on this playlist and I am able to sleep peacefully afterwards. The power of prayer is mightier than any dark forces out there. Thank you Hillsong and to God be thy glory.....

  • @msneka38
    @msneka38 Год назад +38

    Nothing compares to the beautiful and powerful presence of the Holy Spirit of God! Hallelujah 🔥 praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!💖🙌🙏🔥👑🕊️

    • @tracyoguntokun4284
      @tracyoguntokun4284 Год назад +5

      Hi my sister May God bless you and your family my sister 🙏✝️🙏❤️🕊️💖💗

    • @tracyoguntokun4284
      @tracyoguntokun4284 Год назад +6

      Very true my sister

    • @msneka38
      @msneka38 Год назад +5

      @@tracyoguntokun4284 hey sis 😘 God bless you and your family always as well my sister! Our Lord Jesus Christ is the most beautiful!🙌🙏🔥👑🕊️😘

    • @tracyoguntokun4284
      @tracyoguntokun4284 Год назад +5

      @@msneka38 amen to that praise our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏😇🕊️🙂

    • @NickNova369
      @NickNova369 Год назад +2

      I have seen the holy Spirit when I was 9 years old and I refused my first communion, how do you like that. In Hebrew HOLY/KAVUT = 🛸
      SPIRIT/NAUN = 🌬☢️🌬

  • @kimmyfresh3269
    @kimmyfresh3269 Год назад +3

    Oh how I ache for GOD’S presence, the LORD presences imagine how beautiful it would be
    Glory to GOD always..,

  • @oneworldonehome
    @oneworldonehome Год назад +10

    "People are very busy, very stimulated, rushing about always, unable to be still, unable to listen within themselves, the mind restless, always searching, full of passion, full of fear, full of persuasions, full of denial.
    Why is this so? Why are such intelligent creatures such as human beings so driven, so anxious and so uncontented? Why is this the case with nearly everyone?
    People speak of a spiritual reality. People speak of God. People speak of Heaven and Hell. People speak of their faith. But they are still restless, uneasy, confused.
    Why is this so, that even with an awareness that one has a deeper nature, that there should be this uneasiness?
    The answer is really deeper than most people would suspect and more confusing than people would think.
    For so close to you is the Presence, but if you cannot be with this Presence, then where will you go? What will you do? How can you avoid being with something that is so ever present, that is within you and around you?
    It would seem to be inescapable, and yet people do not experience it. You would think it would be ever present, but it remains unknown. Even amongst those who claim to be religious and inspired and guided, it is a foreign experience. And if they do experience it, it is only for moments at a time.
    If you cannot be with something that is ever present within you and around you, then how will you escape this? Where will you go where the Presence is not with you?
    It is a dilemma and a mystery, and the answer seems mysterious as well. It is the contradiction of living in manifest reality that a spiritual Being would be apparently so unspiritual-groveling like an animal, driven by external forces, kept to such a low point in a struggle to live.
    Surely, even the most optimistic person will hit these low points of experience, and if they are honest with themselves, they are feeling things within themselves that are hardly admirable or desirable. But that which is not admirable, that which is undesirable, are not part of the Presence, for it is pure.
    If someone sits still long enough and is able to quiet their mind, they will begin to feel the Presence. If someone begins to feel their real state of being, the real condition of their mind and their body, and they are able to be with themselves at a deeper level, they will begin to feel the Presence.
    When people honestly give to another without the desire for self-enrichment or self-validation, they feel the Presence. When you are moved by inspiration by the action of another, you feel the Presence. It is so close. Strip away the veneer of human psychology, and there is the Presence.
    What is this Presence? And why is it so ever present? It is the presence of your Spiritual Family. It is the presence of Creation. It is the Presence of the Source of all these things because you never left God. You did not physically leave God from one place and go to another place where God did not exist because there is no place where God does not exist. God is omnipresent. God even exists in Hell, or in states of mind that are hellish.
    It must be a real problem to avoid God. Yet people are doing this. Not even knowing why they are doing this, they are doing this.
    When you leave this life, when your body passes away, it is not like you disappear and go somewhere else. You just awaken to what has always been there. There are those who sent you into the world, waiting to greet you. And there is the Presence, the magnificent Presence. You did not journey from one place to another to experience this. It was always there."
    A quote from - _The Presence_ - a teaching from - _The New Message from God_ - as revealed to Marshall Vian Summers.

  • @Jackal
    @Jackal Год назад +12

    Lord guide my hand in this day strengthen my eyes as I gaze at Your Word. I Love You Jesus, Amen

  • @adlihkristopher2906
    @adlihkristopher2906 Год назад +7

    Where shall i go from your spirit ? Or where shall i flee from your presence oh God? Amen

  • @lovealways2609
    @lovealways2609 Год назад +7

    Forgive everyone, just as God, our Holy Father, has freely forgiven all of us, thru Christ Jesus, our Lord

    • @lovealways2609
      @lovealways2609 Год назад +2

      Let the Peace of Christ rule in our hearts

    • @NickNova369
      @NickNova369 Год назад +2

      He has not forgive all of us. He has killed millions and millions of innocent womens and children's in thousands of years. dont you forget it. 📖⚖️🛡

    • @josepio9060
      @josepio9060 Год назад

      He killed 100,000,010 people died in the great flood waters during Noah's time !!!
      Noah's GOD is not the father of Jesus Christ 💯

  • @countrygospel601
    @countrygospel601 Год назад +1

    Hey YOU, incredible person reading this...The truth is you are confident and good enough already with who you are, where you are at and what you have right now to have the success you want in life. Don't let others define what “success” is for you. Get up, learn that skill and go after it! I believe in you so much! Have an awesome day! - Love💖🙌🙏🔥

  • @blaisedjeni2808
    @blaisedjeni2808 Год назад +2


  • @josephaustin7465
    @josephaustin7465 Год назад +2

    God, please forgive me my sins. Please give me wisdom and protection. May your will be done on our lives in Jesus mighty name I pray. AMEN.

  • @onyeomachinyeremaka6809
    @onyeomachinyeremaka6809 Год назад +6

    *Your life is about to take a new turn in 2023.Your sadness will turn into happiness. Your struggles will turn into blessings. Despite your loss,you will be blessed with a miracle you can't possibly imagine. You will fully receive the peace GOD has for you. In Jesus Precious Name.Amen.*

  • @yahushamyking0911
    @yahushamyking0911 Год назад

    A Story of Hope. This isn’t something I wanted to share but in these days I hope it helps you to understand the Light. 100% true story.
    Due to my quest for the truth a few years back 5 months ago I was at the lowest point in my life. I had had enough of man and his evilness. I had lost my family, my friends and I was beginning to lose my sanity. I was in South Georgia helping my parents who also labeled me as a lost cause. No one will ever understand the things I saw during that period. It was about to storm outside and pop needed to walk the dog because the rain was going to last a bit. I had heard a couple thunder claps so out of concern I went out with him. Never in my life have I ever felt the desire to just sit and watch a storm. This day I did. Pop went back in and I sat on the porch mesmerized.
    So I’m on the porch looking into the sky. The most beautiful clouds I had ever seen were rolling in from the south. They were magnificent. Suddenly I noticed they had started rolling in from the north as well. I had never seen clouds like these before. In awe of our Lords power I was overcome with joy. I began praising Him for creating such an amazing universe. The only problem was I had never been so alone in this world. My soul was tired and my faith in humanity had dissolved. Suddenly I was overcome with sadness.
    Tears began flowing down my face, at my end I said “take me home Father, I’m so alone in this world. I see no purpose left here for me. PLEASE TAKE ME HOME!” Suddenly a bolt of lightning shot horizontally across the sky as far as I could see. I felt the presence of our Lord. I stood up to step out into the rain, I removed my hat a stared straight up into the sky, threw my hands in the air and yelled TAKE ME HOME! At that moment I heard a loud boom from all points in the sky. I knew HE was there. I noticed dark spots beginning to appear on the edges of the clouds. At first I wasn’t focusing. When I began to I saw something incredible.
    As I focused I realized those dark spots on the clouds were in the shape of humans. All different sizes and in different stances. At first they were few but the figures began to fill the edges of every cloud in the sky. Suddenly I realized these figures were Angels. At that moment a smile formed on my face and I began to weep. Instantly another boom occurred and I heard what sounded like staffs banging on the floor as soldiers do. Then our Father spoke to me in a voice that couldn’t be denied.
    “My son, these are My Angels and they are saluting your courage. You have never been alone and you never will be!”
    They filled the edges of every cloud in the sky. All standing majestically. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I couldn’t see details, like as if they were behind a vail, but I knew.
    Overcome with joy, weeping like a child I was frozen in that moment. Suddenly I felt weightless. He lifted me up, not my body but my soul. The pureness of the peace I felt will stay with me until my end. No pain, no sadness, no fear. Nothing but love. Words can’t describe that experience. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the sky to the west was darker the the rest. As I focused I realized that the Angels had taken flight and were flying in a circle, like you see before the funnel drops during a tornado. Wings spread, the sight was amazing. I took a few steps to the side so I could see around the corner of the house to admire what was happening and noticed the clouds were appearing out of nowhere. Just beyond, the sky was clear. Like waves crashing on the shore, legions of Angels appeared. Millions of them. They just kept pouring in. At that moment I realized every Angel from the Heavens stopped what they were doing to come comfort me and show me the Glory of our Lord. That I had the full power of the universe standing with me 💙
    In all His glory I was shown that even though the world had denied me, the Heavens have always been with me. The emptiness, fear, loneliness had instantly left me and was replaced with love, courage and peace! I had never been alone, and the all powers of Heaven were there to protect and guide me. It was the greatest gift I’ve ever received.
    I don’t expect you to fully understand. A spiritual moment or vision is meant only for its intended recipient. I tell the story as witness to the power and glory of our Creator.
    Folks I’m far from righteous, I have so much to learn. So much damage to overcome. I have no fear. I understand the power of our Lord. He will pave the way but it is up to you to overcome. He will open doors but you must have the courage to step through them. My tale isn’t yet finished.
    Praise You my Father, Praise You YAHUSHA, my Savior, my King... Thank You! 🙏 #ourreturntothelight

  • @javiersimental1908
    @javiersimental1908 Год назад +2

    Hallelujah!!!! Praise our Lord God. For breaking my Bondages of sin. Taking my worries away. Giving me peace in my heart my mind. Giving me faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Praise 🙏 Our Almighty God. The war is WON.... 😊

  • @adebabajames1613
    @adebabajames1613 Год назад +1


  • @me.justme3680
    @me.justme3680 Год назад +1

    I love you God

  • @besthillsongworshipsongs48
    @besthillsongworshipsongs48 Год назад

    My dad passed away around two weeks ago... Just before he went to the hospital and went on a ventilator he told me this was his favorite song. Nothing thus far has made me cry so quickly, this is a truly beautiful song and it resonates with my thoughts and feelings going through this loss

  • @anthonydsouza9219
    @anthonydsouza9219 Год назад +6

    Praise to our Lord Jesus ✝️🙏Amen.

    • @NickNova369
      @NickNova369 Год назад +1

      Our Lord is ELOHIM ADONAI Jesus was a rabbi. You are a liar 🤥

    • @josepio9060
      @josepio9060 Год назад +2

      Your Lord not mine 🤠

  • @vincehunt752
    @vincehunt752 Год назад +2

    Thank you lord Jesus i needed to hear this badly

  • @myheavenlyfather7335
    @myheavenlyfather7335 Год назад +2

    Thank you heavenly father I love you heavenly father amen

  • @jslevenson101
    @jslevenson101 Год назад +1

    Clear everybody's thoughts, minds, and bodies. In Christ's name Amen. ❤️

  • @Alice-fr1ef
    @Alice-fr1ef Год назад +1

    Hallelujah! I will praise the Lord God Almighty for He is Worthy to be Praised in Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, King of Kings and Lord of Lords and to Almighty God be the Glory forever and ever. Amen!!!

  • @janetclarke4585
    @janetclarke4585 Год назад

    Open the eyes of my heart Lord ,open the eyes of my heart, that I may
    see you shining in the light of your glory in Jesus mighty name Amen.

  • @lloydh464
    @lloydh464 Год назад

    Dear Lord
    I am looking forward to spending eternity with you and all my brothers and
    sisters in Christ. I am a sinner but thank you Jesus for being my Savior. Give us strength and courage in these challenging days. Renew our hearts and minds. I pray this in Jesus's name.

  • @aussierob7177
    @aussierob7177 Год назад +1

    You will also have a perfectly purified soul.

  • @KendrickHarrisKenfinity
    @KendrickHarrisKenfinity Год назад

    Amen! Hallelujah! Thank you so much Lord for who you are, and for always being with me. And for always covering me with your love, Garments of Salvation, Holy Spirit, protection, wisdom and everything else that you want, make possible and blesses all of us who love and believe in you with, in everyway, everyday. Exodus 14:14, 20:3, 20:6, 20:12, 23:25, Isaiah 61:10, 30:15, 30:18, 26:3-4, 41:10, 41:13, 54:17, 53:5, 40:4, 40:8, 40:29-31, 43:2, 43:1-2, 55:6, 55:8, Matthew 5:16, 6:19, 5:6, 5:9, 6:6, 7:7, 7:13-14, 7:12, 10:31-33, 16:24, 24:10-14, 24:36-37, Luke 1:37, 6:36, 6:27-28, 10:19, 12:48, 18:1 and 1 John 3:1-2, 1:7, 2:6, 4:16, 4:18-19, 4:1, 4:6, 4:20-21, 5:4🙏🏾🙌🏾🤝🏾💪🏾👏🏾🏃🏾‍♂️💞🌊🌅 Stay safe and encouraged everyone!

    • @NickNova369
      @NickNova369 Год назад +2

      HI MALAKA.
      The Gospel of Matthew John Luke and Mark they are all fake. They were bunk'd 6 years ago by the English Theologians Scholars KJV.
      📖⚖️🛡 . 🐑🐑👨‍🦯

    • @NatoshaMarzucco
      @NatoshaMarzucco Год назад +1

      @@NickNova369 lol behave🌬💋❤️🪽

  • @arpadlazar3571
    @arpadlazar3571 Год назад

    praise n glory to god almighty amen

  • @adamrios3141
    @adamrios3141 Год назад

    Honestly from the heart I love god

  • @yd4460
    @yd4460 Год назад +1

    Christ is our light in the Darkness. Our unconditional love of the Holy Spirit for others. the compassion to help others and the grace to go forward. with the power of his love his words for world to hear. we thank you Lord in Jesus Christ precious name amen. 🙏💞🙏💞🙏💞🙏💞🙏💞

  • @me.justme3680
    @me.justme3680 Год назад +1


  • @DouknowGodlovesyou
    @DouknowGodlovesyou Год назад

    Amen May the Lord come soon Amen

  • @me.justme3680
    @me.justme3680 Год назад +1

    God bless

  • @kevinhot7
    @kevinhot7 Год назад

    Thank you father

  • @adamrios3141
    @adamrios3141 Год назад

    Be clothe in the righteousness of god wonderful wisdom and knowledge powerful inspiration some people are scared to be in the presence of god but don’t be afraid and don’t sin be holy for the true god of Israel be holy for him be holy wonderful I thank you for this video very much thank you amen god bless you I seek god only alone in the faith when I am under jubilee

  • @ronnyr1989
    @ronnyr1989 Год назад

    Thank you god

  • @tracyoguntokun4284
    @tracyoguntokun4284 Год назад +4

    Amen 🙏✝️🙏

  • @maureenbennett809
    @maureenbennett809 Год назад

    GOD bless! 😊😊

  • @adamrios3141
    @adamrios3141 Год назад

    Christ is my salvation and rock forever

  • @tracielittle
    @tracielittle Год назад +2

    Thank you Heavenly Father for your everlasting Mercy Grace and Eternal love for a wretch like me. My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is my Counselor Healer Protector Sustainer Provider and Deliverer He is the answer to all of Life's questions Hallelujah ✝️ 💖 🙏🏼

    • @NickNova369
      @NickNova369 Год назад +2

      Our Lord is ELOHIM ADONAI Jesus was a liberal renegade rabbi. Tic tac 🕰 🔥🧟🔥

  • @eugeniawilliams1107
    @eugeniawilliams1107 Год назад

    AMEN .

  • @Chi_CityRaiderLV
    @Chi_CityRaiderLV Год назад +1

    we have an advocate with the father, Jesus Christ! Amen…Praise the Oneness of God !!

  • @macemeqmacemeq1956
    @macemeqmacemeq1956 Год назад

    AMEN 🙏 Hallelujah JBU All (IMMANUEL 😇)

  • @jennyatherton5922
    @jennyatherton5922 Год назад

    Please heavenly fatherHelp me Lord to stay strong I struggle really badly ❤️🙏

  • @marviniawoods3436
    @marviniawoods3436 Год назад


  • @joyce5278
    @joyce5278 Год назад

    Wow Glory Hallelujah Praise the Lord God

  • @Driftman-yb9bk
    @Driftman-yb9bk Год назад

    Amen 🙏

    @THETWOEDGEDSWORD Год назад +1

    Deuteronomy 13:1 - 4
    13 “In case a prophet or one who foretells by dreams arises in your midst and gives you a sign or a portent, 2 and the sign or the portent about which he spoke to you comes true while he is saying, ‘Let us walk after other gods,’ gods that you have not known, ‘and let us serve them,’ 3 you must not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer, for יהוה your God is testing you to know whether you love יהוה your God with all your heart and all your soul. 4 After יהוה your God you should walk, him you should fear, his commandments you should keep, to his voice you should listen; he is the one you should serve, and to him you should hold fast.
    Matthew 4:8-10
    8 Again the Devil took him along to an unusually high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to him: “All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me.” 10 Then Yahusha said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘It is יהוה your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.'
    Mathew 22:37
    37 He said to him: “‘You must love יהוה your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’

  • @suesmith9665
    @suesmith9665 Год назад +2

    Bah bah bah

    • @victoriaday2681
      @victoriaday2681 Год назад

      Wht does bah bah bah means ?

    • @suesmith9665
      @suesmith9665 Год назад

      @@victoriaday2681 frustrated

    • @victoriaday2681
      @victoriaday2681 Год назад +1

      @@suesmith9665 what ever you were frustrated about give it to God trust and believe and it shall be done

  • @leeli2690
    @leeli2690 Год назад


  • @adamrios3141
    @adamrios3141 Год назад

    Christ is the way

  • @jeremiahlarkin1134
    @jeremiahlarkin1134 Год назад +1

    HALLELUJAH TO JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH FOREVER AND EVER!! QUESTION? What about Enoch & Elijah, they were transported in Flesh & blood 🩸 How are they Beholding GOD?

  • @MrHumble22
    @MrHumble22 Год назад

    Imagine standing before the creator , must be indescribably terrifying .

  • @ahavayah3
    @ahavayah3 Год назад


  • @jocelynvillabeto9595
    @jocelynvillabeto9595 Год назад

    But the presence of God is cannot express feeling..

  • @michaeldunwoody3629
    @michaeldunwoody3629 Год назад +1

    Man is made in the express image of God. Jesus told us those that saw him saw his father. We cannot see our Father in heaven in our natural man but only through our spiritually protected eyes as did Moses. God is not a furnace he is like man on this Earth. He has a body and a face and arms just like his son does and just like all of us do.

    • @myrtleesther8855
      @myrtleesther8855 Год назад

      we are 3 in 1 we have a body, spirit and soul

    • @NickNova369
      @NickNova369 Год назад

      The Adamitis were made in there image. Not humans. 🤦‍♂️

    • @NickNova369
      @NickNova369 Год назад

      We are 1 body. Our soul and spirit were invented by the famous Greek philosopher Plato for the New Greek Orthodox Christians fake Testament. Amen 📖⚖️🛡

    • @NatoshaMarzucco
      @NatoshaMarzucco Год назад

      John4:24 God is a Spirit He only relates to us spirit to spirit. God came as a man to show us how to live and "die" to the flesh. More to the cross ✝️

  • @milosmilivojevic2825
    @milosmilivojevic2825 Год назад


  • @bartangel4867
    @bartangel4867 Год назад

    Fair enough. But if God is all that why would it bother him if we wish to learn and advance our knowledge. or why would someone who is playing dungeons and dragons be sinning in any way. or someone who is interested in astrology. ( I don't even know if astrology is real or not but regardless this should make no difference) or even simply wishing to explore secrets of cosmos

  • @robbymounce5764
    @robbymounce5764 Год назад +1

    When God was walking in the Garden of Eden………… do you guys think that THAT was PRE-BIRTH JESUS……….?

  • @leeli2690
    @leeli2690 Год назад


  • @sarafox4375
    @sarafox4375 Год назад

    1 minute ago if this message isn't for me than idk...

  • @HenryK153
    @HenryK153 Год назад

    No sound. Hmmm. Might just be my side.

  • @ericmickles1595
    @ericmickles1595 Год назад

    Now imagine taking that body 2 hell 4 eternity

  • @cjmaddox6306
    @cjmaddox6306 Год назад

    Disney hades everyone that's have a futures by the rule of the world .get a crossed t shirt we all ready got mistakes clearly up .checked who owner.

  • @johnwauters8576
    @johnwauters8576 Год назад

    The VA program is pushed my dad to leave soon as he finds an apartment my dad's leaving

  • @matthewscott523
    @matthewscott523 Год назад

    🔥🙏 When it Rains Judgement: Will your House Stand? 🙏🔥
    Matt 7:24-27 ends the sermon on the mount.
    Its Jesus teaching his followers the difference between a true believer and a false one.
    This teaching will upset the once saved always saved (OSAS) RUclips community.
    The creator of life, the savior of souls and the righteous judge teaches that the wise faithful believers will build their houses on rock.
    How you ask?
    By hearing what he says, believing them, then doing them (sounds like Jesus expects works). Following this command makes you wise.
    Sadly the OSAS doctrine is exposed in this teaching. These people do not obey, they build on the sand of their human thoughts, feelings and emotions (human OSAS understanding).
    These people are fools, they believe grace alone is sufficient, merely hearing Jesus saying these words qualifies them for Salvation
    But Jesus doesn't teach that, in fact he instructs the opposite.
    James writes about hearer and doers of the Word, hearing (faith) without doing (works) is dead
    In the parable of the 2 sons, Jesus brings to light about which one obeyed his father. Both were told to "work" in the field, the first son said yes, but didn't, the second said no, but did.
    Obedience is an act of love and submission, not to earn heaven but to show reverence and respect.
    The OSAS crowd has overdosed on amplified grace, believing a manipulative, redefined and satanicly influenced version
    Instead as Paul concluded that unmerited favor (grace) is a door opening to the gentiles, OSAS uses it as a license to sin.
    Roman's 6 explicitly refutes this notion but a lazy, carnal, flesh appeasing, sin approving, lukewarm generation of immature self centered spoiled brats kneel at the alter of Deception.
    Roman's 1 describes these people as worshipers of the creation instead of the creator
    These OSAS rapture worshipers are void of spiritual rebirth, without Holy Spirit they are corrupt in their vain imagination on biblical teachings. They are the prophetic Laodicea church that misses the Philadelphia promised escape.
    They prefer a prosperity gospel that focuses on self, me myself and I are their Holy trinity
    Though they profess that they know God, their foolish hearts become darkened, they reject the Word, reject Jesus's commands and submit to a comprised, watered down, man centric and counterfeit "Do as thy wilt" imitation gospel
    Jesus warned of false teachers near the ending of days. A form of godliness with No Holy Spirit power.
    Before judgement rains on these false believers, Matt 7:21-22 describes faithful as doing the will of the father, but these deceived one think and feel saved but Jesus (not me) judges them unfit for Salvation, on account of them practicing lawlessness
    Hard words but true
    You have free will to build on rock of the Word or the sand of selfishness, but make no mistake, its going to rain very soon
    Repent or Perish 🔥🔥🔥🔥

    • @NickNova369
      @NickNova369 Год назад

      The Gospel of Matthew John Luke and Mark they are all fake. They were bunk'd 6 years ago by the English Theologians Scholars KJV.

  • @cjmaddox6306
    @cjmaddox6306 Год назад

    Disney hades get worst that's problem

  • @leeli2690
    @leeli2690 Год назад


  • @ricardomcnally9565
    @ricardomcnally9565 Год назад

    Love ❤it❤❤

  • @yoganandhanmoodley3754
    @yoganandhanmoodley3754 Год назад

    Greetings to all humanity before all himanity. This now is the vent covenant purity untouched before all vrrstion without any collusion from any colluded know and mixed and tipyimg unpeace as we are in now.
    The humanity troubled from this courage.
    The same bei gs mentioned in the scriptures ate the ones thar colluded and made believe what we believe now
    There is no pesce
    There is no humility in humanity and the many classes of humanity and we breathe the same
    Now we pray penta
    The untold
    The uncolluded by any humanity on any plaim
    The viscosity within the 8 nillion and the many specied
    This now is the kra covrvaby
    The .

  • @NickNova369
    @NickNova369 Год назад +3

    God is a plural word, in Hebrew it means Elohims/them many of them Elohims/God"entity but not Gods. 📖⚖️🛡

    • @NatoshaMarzucco
      @NatoshaMarzucco Год назад

      God calls human beings "gods" in your favorite verse Psalm 82. However many will not reach that standard and die like mere mortal. In other words God decides who is like Him and Obtains immortality/eternal life. The "gods" of this world are Subservient to us because we are made in God's image. So make them be subservient to you. Love you honey:)🌬💋

    • @NickNova369
      @NickNova369 Год назад +1

      The Elohims they genetically made the ADAMITIS/Adam bloodline 7000 years ago. The Adamitis they were Superior beings they lived up to 1,000 years. Not 1 Adamitis died, they were taken before they died. Noel was the last Adamite. We are humans we have nothing to do with the Adamitis.

    • @NatoshaMarzucco
      @NatoshaMarzucco Год назад

      @Nick Nova Human beings that are redeemed are greater than the angels,animals, Demons, Spirits & "gods" Sons and daughters of God are Predestined, ordained Before the foundation of the world. God already knew those that are His. We are in a sifting process. Everything around us is subjugated to us.
      Jesus Christ is the only one that has power to give us eternal life. He calls himself the 1st born among many brothers and sisters.
      You are part of the Family of God.
      He chooses his family carefully. A select few. God loves you:)
      Love you my honey:)🫶❤️🌹💋

    • @NatoshaMarzucco
      @NatoshaMarzucco Год назад +1

      💚❤️ 🔔And Merry Christmas cute honey:)🎼🌹Tell Alexa to play Tom Jones Mary's boy child 1970🎄❤️with kisses from me;)❄️💋Love you much:)🌬💋💋

  • @shawntayspears2230
    @shawntayspears2230 Год назад

    Amen 🙏