Top 5 Aasimar Character Builds for Your Next D&D Adventure


Комментарии • 29

  • @user-xq7jc8yn2p
    @user-xq7jc8yn2p 8 дней назад +2

    Watching this gave me an idea, a fallen aasimar swashbuckler. One who was supposed to destroy a great evil, but just wanted to sail the sea and be a pirate.

    • @StephaniePlaysGames
      @StephaniePlaysGames  8 дней назад +1

      That’s perfect on two fronts since it’s Kraken Week 🫢 Now I really want to see someone play that!

  • @stillarobyn
    @stillarobyn 13 дней назад +1

    My first d&d character, for a Descent into Avernus game, was a Fallen Aasimar warlock of the Raven Queen who worked as an assassin of her patron, at direct odds with her celestial sponsor. She was the tortured goth mommy of my dreams.

    • @StephaniePlaysGames
      @StephaniePlaysGames  13 дней назад

      Yesss! I love the flavor of warlock patron pacts where they’re not necessarily aligned in their goals! 😂

  • @douglasphillips5870
    @douglasphillips5870 2 дня назад

    I play a biblically accurate aasamar. My character is covered in eyes that circle around his body

  • @alexinfinite7142
    @alexinfinite7142 12 дней назад +1

    I played a reborn warlock with an undead patron. I was bascially undead, and my character was best friends with an aasimar. Anyways, a lot bad stuff happened and my character was restored to life and even became and aasimar themselves. All it took was just a mild bit of cannibalism. I said mild! Jeeze...

    • @StephaniePlaysGames
      @StephaniePlaysGames  12 дней назад +2

      😂😂😂 Bahahaha that’s a word you don’t hear paired with Aasimar every day!

  • @Cbev1994
    @Cbev1994 2 месяца назад +2

    I play aasimar as the stereotypical Christian Angel due to me loving my faith but he’s either super chill if not a little over protective or he’s constantly struggling with the(often self inflicted) pressure of being divine yet still very human. My well meaning friends always try to go with the “you’re perfect as you are” trope but in the end my aasimars always end up somewhere between having the personalities of Steve Rodgers or Thor

    • @StephaniePlaysGames
      @StephaniePlaysGames  2 месяца назад

      I think it totally makes sense that they would be that way! The amount of pressure that character would put on themselves is massive, it’s soooo hard to try to live up to the idealized version of themselves!

  • @bowenmadden6122
    @bowenmadden6122 7 дней назад

    I roleplay my aasimar's radiant soul as a transformation sequence (1 action) which combined with oath of glory's 'peerless athlete' transformation (1 bonus action) and a multiclass in hexblade makes for a more powerful, magic-weapon transformation reminiscent of She-Ra or Thundercats!!
    Now I just need a transformation catchphrase that makes sense for my character...maybe it's in the name of their Deva or warlock patron? Bonus points if I get scrying-I mean, sight beyond sight. 🤔

    • @StephaniePlaysGames
      @StephaniePlaysGames  6 дней назад

      @@bowenmadden6122 Yesss! That is SO She-Ra flavored, I love it!

  • @nLinggod
    @nLinggod 2 дня назад

    Aasimar personality idea : Aziraphale from Good Omens.

    • @StephaniePlaysGames
      @StephaniePlaysGames  2 дня назад +1

      Counterpoint: Gabriel from Good Omens 😂 Seriously though I love Aziraphale! 💕

  • @marioevildm7410
    @marioevildm7410 9 дней назад

    I love a player who will like to try to play an Aasimar, but I alaways make sure to explain to him/her, that is character is in a cosmic plan, he is not like the normal mortal, free to choose. Aasimar & Thiefling like sorcerers or warlock, witches all have Patrons, so you are under a Boss. So yes I love players who will constrains themselves with that type of character and will have a bigger Campaign hight impacts on the Games... 🤔🤔🍗🍗

    • @StephaniePlaysGames
      @StephaniePlaysGames  8 дней назад +1

      I really enjoy that too! It’s a lot more fun when players can be flexible and put more of their fate into the (evil) DMs hands 😂

  • @tomwildman-hanlon6369
    @tomwildman-hanlon6369 День назад

    I just created a College of Whispers Aasamar Protector who hears voices telling him what to do. So where do these voices come from???
    However what upsets me about Aasamar is how they are mistreated by WoTC. Tieflings get all these cool variations but Aasamar get boy scout, the brooding avenger and the "evil" bad boy. I wish that they would give a better variety of sub species.

    • @StephaniePlaysGames
      @StephaniePlaysGames  День назад

      Ooooh I love that! And I agree- especially with biblical angels having some of the most metal descriptions I don’t know how WOTC walked away with Precious Moments and edgy angels as the two subtypes 🙄 Maybe they’ll get a redo someday!

  • @Bathion
    @Bathion 13 дней назад +2

    Aasimar are unliked but Teifling gets a pass!?

    • @StephaniePlaysGames
      @StephaniePlaysGames  13 дней назад +2

      Right!!! Very unfair, I don’t understand it 😂

    • @Bathion
      @Bathion 13 дней назад +2

      It's the same race! Just inverted.

    • @Telleryn
      @Telleryn 11 дней назад +1

      I kinda wish they'd go back to the old category of 'Planetouched' that encompassed Tieflings, Aasimar, and I think Genasi, and just have the subcategories based on the plane you're aligned with, most of the same things apply to all of them anyway mechanically and story wise (whether it's a celestial spirit watching over you or a little imp keeping an eye on you) and plenty of celestial creatures have colourful skin or horns so even that aspect is covered. You'd even be able to play with the whole 'servant of the gods' thing, by picking the equivalent of a water Genasi and being a servant of Umberlee or other sea god. You could probably include Fey-touched and shadow-touched in the same ancestry

  • @moonbender95
    @moonbender95 3 месяца назад +1

    I have a concept in which my aasimar is the avatar... Master of The Elements... so I flavor the celestial revelation as the Avatar state

    • @StephaniePlaysGames
      @StephaniePlaysGames  3 месяца назад

      Okay so I totally love this! I don’t know if I’ve seen anyone take that approach with an Avatar build yet, I think it’s super creative!

  • @leodouskyron5671
    @leodouskyron5671 Месяц назад +3

    People are unfortunately not thinking enough about the fact that you are NOT AN ANGEL when you are an Aasimar. And when it comes to tieflings, they are no dangerous then a human unless you attack them- Aasimar can strike first and kill with a butter knife. Some more idea 💡
    In Lord of the Rings, Gandolf is the equivalent of an angel but in moral form. If he has a kid, that would be the equivalent of an Aasimar. And they are likely to cast spells and smack people with weapons just like he did - aka a Wizard. They may get a mission to stop a baddie but that is no different then a normal D&D mission.
    Others my fear you but some may demand that you do miracles - but you are not an angel and could be say a monk that grew up just trying to get the Scared scrolls to a place to the East of here. A journey if you would. (😂).
    Maybe, the only reason you are Aasimar at all is because your parent wanted a kid and after years of service as a monk you mom after a service of 50 had you (a kid at that age is 💯 a miracle). But that does not mean anyone in the church is okay with that so you have to go underground:
    (Fighter) getting good with weapons to fight off those that would end you to keep the secret.
    (Rogue) Maybe you keep trusting the wrong person and so you have had to get good at escaping cells and sneaking off because you don’t want to hurt anyone but you don’t want to fight either
    (Artificer) You leave the world behind and as a recluse you have had to make things and those things keep you safe or let you at the least help others that get caught in the crossfire
    When a person says Aasimar are boring they are not trying because they never would demand that a Tiefling be all about being a demon or every thing that happens in their story be tied to the hells. The same rules and stories (with changes) can be done with Aasimar.
    ((The reason that they are not as popular is in reality mechanical. The fix required they may come up with in 5.5 but the once a day thing is really not good compared to the feeling when you say are a wood elf you always are 5’ faster, not sleeping and getting a great skill. And two resistances that may. Ever come up just doesn’t do it. Just my 2 cents on the back end))

  • @zachb8012
    @zachb8012 Месяц назад +3

    Aasimar are boring because angels are primarily allegorical literary device. Gabriel visits Mary as an emissary of heaven and he doesn't hang about because the world would absolutely lose its shit over a god among men. You mentioned the exact problem with playing Aasimar in TTRP session, even if there are multiple gods people would be stopping in their tracks to prostrate themselves and shouting, "LISAN AL' GAIB!" A player picking that race presents a difficult situation where the rest of the table either has to ignore the Aasimar's godlihood or play into the same divine among men plot, focusing an inordinate amount of attention on this player's character choice. If you want to play Aasimar, I think you could set the campaign in the planes, but then you'd just be ignoring the godhood... Seems like it's a lot easier for a DM to say, "Bleh, just play a warlock. You're not that special."

    • @StephaniePlaysGames
      @StephaniePlaysGames  Месяц назад

      See, I think it’s the opposite! 😂 I think because angels are never humanized Aasimar are infinitely more fascinating *because* they’ll obviously be flawed. And since at the end of the day they’re not truly angels just like Tieflings aren’t truly demons, it lends itself so well to playing characters trying to meet impossible expectations (similar to how tieflings can have to overcome unfounded judgement).
      I actually play one in a Curse of Strahd campaign right now where the DM can emphasize or ignore that aspect of them as much as they want - it only affects the table in so much in that it sometimes provides certain types of plot hooks. AND since it’s a campaign that leans heavily into themes of hopelessness - it’s taking a naive, optimistic character and putting them through a meat grinder that the rest of the party is a lot more emotionally prepared for 😂 So yeah, I think as long as building out this kind of character involves a lot of collaboration so that it fits into the story and everyone knows what the expectations are, it doesn’t need to be the main focus of a campaign any more than anyone else’s choice of race/class. Also I still think they’re one of the best races TO play a warlock as!

    • @leodouskyron5671
      @leodouskyron5671 Месяц назад +1

      I hate to be mean but no they are as boring as you make them.
      Angels destroy cities.
      Angels eliminate those that do things that are fun or hurtful.
      Angels tell royalty that they are meant to be on the throne or that they should stop doing something they like.
      And they can because they are powerful and can do what they like supported by deities ….
      And you as an assimar are not an angel!
      Say Royalties can’t get angels to do what they like but you are on the ground. And easier to go after to get you to proclaim they are meant to be king (never mind that they will end your friends if you don’t).
      Demonic/extaplaialr allies would not be able to go after a Unicorn and its army of allies - but you are a softer target that they can catch attack with squad after squad till you go down.
      This is just a couple of the hunted versions of story. Just try to do it and not say it is boring. It is like you are THAT GUY at a wrestling event screaming “boring”. It is a choice.