When it comes to editing I guess It really does boil down to your gut reaction and perhaps that personal connection to an image that determines whether or not it makes the final cut. From an outsiders view, I think that the last ethereal cloudy image is fantastic and the best of the bunch. It has such a great mood to it and in many respects unrepeatable which makes it unique. Loved your thought process, Thomas!
Love it when photographers I follow show up in each others video comments. Makes me feel like I'm picking the right guys and gals to pay attention to! Off to check Adams channel for new content now ; )
If I had to drop two I would drop the sunrise one for sure and then "The Cloud". I know you love that image but I personally like the closer look with the rolling clouds more. The bright area really doesn't bother me at all. It's a great part of the picture for me.
Thomas I really like how you are so much about “making” the photograph rather than just taking the photograph. To many people focus on technique an tools and landscape should be about the making of the composition into a vision of what you want the observer to feel.
I personally LOVE the close up with the mountain wrapped up in the clouds! it's full of drama and mistery. Just love it! despite "the area" you are talking about.
No matter how much effort you put in, I think the close up image of the mountain peak through the clouds is just b e a u t I f u l!!! I like all 4, and each one evokes different feelings, I love that. But I think the one with the peak speaks to me the most (maybe with a slightly different editing)! Cheers Thomas, I love your work and enjoy the videos!
Number 4 for me Thomas. It reminds me of a dramatic Ansel Adams photograph, timeless, and more importantly, it grabs the eye immediately and keeps it there to explore the finer details within the landscape. A little less yellow perhaps to make it pop a little bit more. Beautiful image. Which is the best image - the one that you can relate to most. Greg
Who says, YOU CAN'T DO THAT? You're the Photographer. Put one on your web site, one in your portfolio, one in your boxed set this year and put the last on a Christmas card or a set of business cards. All of these are pretty good. Regarding the Light House in your back yard - make a resolution to photograph your local light house every month for a year and then look at them all together. What a 12 photo set that would be. My point is ... they're your photos, your rules. Over time WE complicate our lives in a thousand different ways. Try not to do that.
Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. What strikes me most is the level of thought you put into the output, your vision if you like. Camera settings and beautiful sunrises and sunsets are one thing, but to visualise an output that is not classic sunrise and sunset, and consider that thought at the time is just magical to witness. Hopefully I am able to improve my photography by adopting similar thought processes into my compositions. Thank you Thomas
I paused the video when you had all 4 on the screen and thought to myself if I had to narrow it to two what would I pick. I picked the exact opposite two images that you picked. I love the sunlight shining on the peak and reflecting in the water and the other shot is so moody with the Matterhorn partially obscured by clouds it draws me in and focuses my attention on what's going on without it being too busy.
Really liked watching you talk about the process of elimination on these images. Except for that hole in the clouds that one shot you dumped was my favorite (followed by the 2nd shot with clouds and lake). Love the atmospheric shots so much more than everything else!
Totally agree on visit frequency. I have a favourite view of the Melbourne skyline that I keep returning too. I don’t always capture a keeper but occasionally the weather does something special that makes the visit worthwhile.
I’ll just add my voice to those who, when they saw the ethereal image, immediately thought that was the real keeper of the four (and I would have been very happy with any of them). Such inspiring work!
I need to find me some tutorials on removing those types of distractions from my photos cleanly. I feel that is super important. Thomas, you remain my absolute favorite landscape photographer and I love the images you make! Can't wait to receive your calendar!
I liked the Image with the hole in the clouds the most i think. It has as you said the most character I think if the hole was closed it would actually become less interesting and more boring. Have you tried desaturating and darkening that area a bit? After that the other cloudy one. Just amazing. The single cloud is a solid third for me, but not... lets say... calendar material? And as you already mentioned the last one is too common. But all in all great fotos! Love those calming videos!
Same for me, think the one from the lawn chair was the best, just because it 'didn't feel' like it wasn't earned doesn't make it any less of an image, some of my best photo's are quick unplanned snapshots....
Richard I hadn't noticed the cloud hole before you mentioned it. I was drawn to the sculptured character of the rock. It's got lots of power. In the first instance, I missed the peak from a previous image I saw but now it's mystical and less commercial (Toblerone best you to it). But now it's mentioned... it's there too. I see it as a yin-yang effect now.
I thought almost exactly the same as Richard. The light patch is fine for me, I think it contrasts well with the dark menace of the mountain. It's so tempting to invest an image with more value because you had to work harder to get it but that value is in your head, not the viewer's.
Definetly the most awesome lightroom editing video I watched with you. Not because it was full of great lessons of editing, but because you just showed how FEELING is important in an image. You brought that up with simple editing! Congrats on another great content and thank you for inspiration!
The final image with the dramatic cloud and white sky patch that you dislike is certainly my favourite. It pulls me in and invites my eye to investigate all of the textures and secrets that might be hiding behind the cloud. So funny how we can all be attracted to different things. I guess that's why we don't all try to marry the same girl ;-)
Thomas, you really couldn’t go wrong here, given the quality of all the photos. Had it been my choice (and it’s not my choice for good reason) I would have chosen the one with the gap in the clouds. I agree that photoshopping it wouldn’t have sat well with you, but to me the gap actually makes the shot as had it not been there then the clouds would have looked too much like a frame of cotton wool. Thanks for the video and sharing your thoughts. I learn from you every time you post.
Sometimes a scene is so stunning and the conditions so changeable that you can't help but capture a number of wonderful images. It really is tough trying to pick out the best one or best couple if you like them all. It's easy to include them all but I also prefer to pick out my best one or two. The images you showed are really nice and I liked the edits.
Waffle all you like Thomas! I still love listening to, and watching your content, unplanned is honest and open. Fabulous images, I wasn't sure at first but I think you're right about the stormy sky version however it's still my fave! Derek
What i find so awesome about photography is the story each photographer is trying to tell. Personally I would have went with the exact opposite of your choices. But, your explanation for your choices is great and I get a feel for the story your telling. Always look forward to your videos.
I learn so much from your thought process. And I think it's an amazing skill or talent to be able to drop a pic. I keep em all...which is why my HD's are all full right now. Give me your ability to do this.
All four of those images were stunningly beautiful, Thomas. That said, the two you chose would have been my final picks as well. Beautiful! As a landscape photographer myself, just having one of those four in my portfolio would be a dream come true. I am looking forward to your next video. You sure made one incredible cliff hanger! Your best image? I can't wait.
Hi Thomas, as someone already said to me in french: choisir c'est perdre. Choosing is loosing. It is the dilema of all artists 🙁. The 4 images are top choice, but i agree with you when you say you can't put them all in a portfolio. I live the same situation when i chose images of the same project for my architectural portfolio. Cheers and big thumbs up for all the hardcwork and artistic work.
I learned from this video that I need to be more subtle in my editing. Most of the time I edit the photo, think it's great. I then go back later and want to vomit on what I did. Next time I am going to make small changes, wait and re-look at the picture. Thanks! And it was great meeting you this past weekend.
I’d be proud of any of those photos. What a great problem to have: to need to pare it down by the most minor of details. That’s how you know you’re doing it right. Beautiful pictures!
I understand you wanting to pick just the right photo for inclusion in your portfolio...after all you have to live with it and be willing to put it out there to represent you.....but (you knew that was coming)... The “postcard” photo may be a bit common and typical (safe) but it is a great photo and has real value. I would hazard to guess if you put the four photos up on stock or if you offered only these four photos as print sales, the “postcard” would be the most chosen one. That being said, I can see a place for both photos. Thanks for the videos, I really look forward to them. Especially the ones where you let us in on your creative process regarding compositions. Keep up the good work.
I really like the black & white in the lower right. Before you say which you keep, I'd keep all. But my favorites are upper right color, and lower left b/w. Keep all 4. You can use them for one thing or another.
Hmm... In truth, I love all of them! Different people have different opinions, but of all four I'd have to say 'The Cloud' is my favorite, mainly because that specific photo will never be shot again with a cloud in the same spot. In my opinion, though, all of 'em are keepers!
Couldn't agree more about revisiting a location again and again, each time the image is different if only because the sun will rise or set in a different place each time therefore making different in some small way. As for the Matterhorn, I would be so pleased to have any of those images in my portfolio, however the one with the hole is my favourite closely followed by the couldy one then the sunrise with the lone cloud in a very close 4th place. Great video, keep up the good work.
Wow.... One for the photos, one for the vibe of the video. Good luck with the eventually-gonna-be-ready office, like the shade of that red wallpaper at the back.
I always think it is amazing how everybody can see thing in a different way. If it was my choice, which it isn't, I would have kept the bottom right one. Outstanding image and I think the gap in the clouds helps to add a bit more depth.
I love the close-up, it does not matter how long it took for you to take it, street photography is in the moment photography. The close-up was a split second decision and I would say your most instinctive composition for that moment. Over thinking is an illness :D
Keep "The Cloud" and "Soft". Sunrise is a bit Instagrammy. I really like "Lawn Chair" regardless of the ease with which you captured it, but I see what you mean about that bright spot. I'll be at the expo in Manassas and I look forward greatly to seeing you there!
good choice. the two images work well together showing different character without the viewer wondering if its the same place. the one with the big hot spot is nice but cant compete with how well the other two pair up
The very cloudy "etherial" as you put it image, and the cloudy black and white of the peak get my vote. The white part of the sky does not detract for me, actually I like it because it shows that there are no other peaks around, and just the large peak of the matterhorn really is above all else around. I do totally respect and understand how you like an image that is "earned" and agree with that sentiment.
All of these images have their own style and feeling. Choosing between them is pretty hard indeed! I would definitely choose the b/w with the cloud and propably the one with the peak emerging from the clouds. Such a strong image, I loved it. Additionally, I'd like to say that seeing how you edited this photo made me rethink about my editing routine. It all made sense the way you explained it and it showed on the photo too. I'm so curious to see the photo that you mentioned in the end of the video. Until then, bye from Greece.
It would test all of us, each gave a different fell. Of course you chose wisely, thankfully I didn't have to. Always like your showing your edit and why.
A warm CTO gel on your window perhaps? Allowing a more even WB, as the wardrobes are reflecting very orange on the shadow side of your face. Finessing your new environment. Keep up the fine work.
The ethereal image is my favourite. The cloud is awesome but the ethereal one literally takes my breath away & makes me with I were there more than any of the others. All four are great but I love that one the most.
Got to be honest for me the bottom right image had more impact for me. I love the dramatic look of the clouds. My eye went to the peak not the hot spot. Just maybe every now and then a white spot works just saying. Of course we all have different taste in what inspires us. All four images are beautiful I guess that’s your problem not ours 😂👍
I don't live in an area as beautiful as you do but there are a few places that are nice so I do visit them frequently. As often as I go there, I almost never leave with images similar to the time before. I always try to find new things to photograph, new compositions. Sometimes the locations are the same but I photograph them from a different angle or at a different type of day. It's all part of the fun challenge of photography, I suppose. I love the "ethereal" image of the Matterhorn. That's my favorite of the four. I'm glad that made the cut
Sometimes we need to step out of the personal when it comes to editing our choices. Frequently an image will speak to others not through our own experience, but through the emotions of others. I usually put my work "out there" on a variety of social engines and ponder over the results that appear (which are frequently opposite my own feelings).
Great video as usual Tom! As for the images you have shown us, all good in their own right. But the image you disgarded with the hole in the cloud, was for me the best image by a long way. The hole could be retified very easy if need be, the conditions and mood of the whole image just says the changeing scene of the Alps. Keep up the good work Tom, I look forward to your videos every week.
One of the things I've learned as a budding photographer is that having a consistency in your photography is important but I find myself wanting to take photos of everything and change my style according to the photo. I want to enjoy what I do but I feel forced to do just one thing
One other thought an image taken during coffee vs all the bells and whistles shouldn’t matter in terms of a great capture. Some of my favorite images where taken on the fly. I label them lunch break photography 😉
I like the 4th image the most, that and the cloud photo! The other two are a dime a dozen as you say. Interesting that you didn't like the 4th one, by far my favourite!
Enjoyed your thought processes on arguably 4 nice images. Personally I like the ethereal image best with the distractions removed & backing off the contrast worked nicely. The b&w with the lit cloud & it's reflection is a winner too, once the distractions were removed. :-)
Thank you for your thoughts. I’m a pro photographer but I don’t do landscapes. I just shot Mt. Fuji while I was in Japan on a family holiday. I used your inspiration from the Matterhorn and got up early in teh dark on a terrible rainy day but got a nice sunrise shot as the sky cleared. Nothing classic or portfolio worthy (I’m a corporate and architectural photographer so it wouldn’t be going into my portfolio anyway) but some nice shots. I was a bit disappointed as it wasn’t covered in snow as i expected it to be but I’m going to edit the photos when I get back home in two days time and look at them differently and look for something unique rather than a classic shot. Anyway my first landscape shoot was a great experience none the less.
Switzerland and the Matterhorn are easily some of my favorite palaces on the entire planet. I could shoot that mountain everyday. Those are all spectacular images. I personally do like the one with the clouds covering the Matterhorn (on the bottom right- the coffee one haha). It just doesn’t look like what people normally do with this setting.
Just goes to show how subjective these decisions can be. You really like the second image and can't be bothered with the fourth, and I feel the opposite. I quite like that shot you took from your lawn chair!
All lovely images. That bright hole in the cloud was the first thing I noticed about the image when you first showed it. I wondered why it didn't bother you originally but as you say , sometimes you have to live with an image a while. Four things you could do . 1- Clone some clouds in. 2- Bin it so its gone and never bothers you again. 3- Store the image in a folder until you go back and shoot it again, then bin it if you get a better one. 4- Run up the beach at the next full moon, arms flailing while screaming in frustration. :-)
Thomas would you say when faced with choices such as these you would also consider how hard you had to work to capture the image as an influnce and even if it was technically not the best image. Next week sounds exciting considering the quality of your work this really is a strong statement coming from you at this time
I think the colour version works better in a cropped portrait mode … just to add to your "worries" of making a pick ! Otherwise I agree with the picks you made ie. the B&W image with the cloud which adds balance to the left side of the image and the more soft, ethereal version.
I think there is no problem in posting all four pictures. There is a connection to tell a story. The story you just told us. Even without any comments, just the pictures, it shows the same place drastically different. In my opinion it is just nicer to avoid more or less the same scene with only slight differentiation.
Tom, in my opinion the two heavier cloud shots are the strongest. I would favor the wider angle shot, but my eye keeps seeing the low hazy cloud partially blocking the peak. I wonder if it had been 2 minutes later would it have been a stronger shot with it not partially eclipsing/hazing part of the peak. So, I think if it were me I would pick the tighter, heavier cloud shot with the peak protruding from the clouds. The drama in that shot is fantastic. The gap in the clouds you mention actually enhances the image by creating better depth in my opinion. Had that gap not been there I think it would have been a flatter result. But all your images are terrific - so it’s certainly a difficult choice. Looking forward to hearing you speak in Manassas next month. Cheers.
I agree, one in the calendar, but different one for the portfolio, all of them for sale as prints. Already, people disagree with you about why about which is best.
Thx for sharing your honest thoughts. A question, that every photographer will face in time can be answered with some honest self reflection, just like you did.
I think you're over thinking it. "If i had to narrow it down" - you don't need to. Easy way round it. "The Heaton Matterhorn Series" - 1 of 4, 2 of 4, 3 of 4, 4 of 4. Sell them separately but as an implied collection. You don't "need" all 4, but if you have all 4 you've got the complete collection.
I found the bottom 2 images by far the 'strongest' of the bunch. Having more clouds adds more atmosphere or something. As far as 'postcard' images go, when I hear this I always think that there is a reason images are chosen for postcards! Not high art, maybe, but they are the images which catch the eye...
@8:16 "I will always remove distractions like that... that just bother me ever so slightly" .... I must say I agree with you, and in fact while watching you in your video I had this irresistible urge to edit out that little 'distraction' on your hair lol. Love your vids mate, and your photos are amazing, but maybe take a couple of mins to do some light grooming before a vid? hehe. Altho I don't have any hair on my head, so maybe I'm just jealous? lol. Keep em coming bro, totally loved that moody Matterhorn one with all the clouds. Heaven.
Interesting video and great photos all round. I totally agree that you cannot use all four photos separately in your portfolio. I was just wondering if you have ever considered using multiple photos in a single exhibition piece. For example in this case you could use all four photos in one exhibition or print to tell a story about the different moods or conditions you experienced. Would be interested to see if that could be made to work. Yet again a great video though. Cheers
Superb yet again Thomas, do love the ethereal image with reflection, looks like a couple of huskies, or just me with pareidolia. Looking forward to the next vid, must be a special image for it to get a pre mention. All the best.😀
I really like #4. Personally I think that it's the result that matters, not how much effort you put in to get it. Sometimes your shot simply is right there in front of you and the skill is in noticing it and capturing it. If effort mattered above results, then it would be tempting to defend a so-so image that took a huge amount of time or you risked your life to get.
Ethereal hands down a winner for me. So much climate and mood in it. I love its painting-like look as well. Would love to have it on my wall 1,5m wide.
Tom, it's not like we're friends, but you have to believe when I say this, publish all of them. I just googled the Matterhorn, and tried a variety adjectives to see what is out there. These images are not out there. I understand your reputation being at stake, and if you don't want to use the one with the white space then ok, but as an artist it is your duty to provide the world with beauty. Those other 3 images are beautiful, and not available anywhere else, and even if you feel like it's redundant, there's someone who would want each one, and a lot of us who would kill to capture something like that. Do your duty!! Post them all! Or at least the 3 from the pond
I love all of these, but if I had to I'd personally lose the coloured one. It doesn't tell me as much of a story about the changing conditions and the unpredictable nature of the Alps. Also you have lots of colour pics like it (all of which are amazing). I totally love the cloudy one :)
I couldn't help being distracted Tom by what appears to be a large sack of potatoes in the background !! New venture for you and Mrs H? ...... "Heatons" crisps will be available in all good retailers soon :-)
sell all four in the same paper as a collage. but if you must choose one, pick the black and white image with the single cloud. it is by FAR the strongest of the four.
I would be deliriously happy if I had taken four such beautiful photos and had to choose two from among them. Oh well. Maybe one day I will be faced with such a choice. Thank you for another very helpful video.
One possible solution is to keep two in a safe place to return to them in a few years. The one thing about these types of pictures is that they are not time dependent. So there is nothing wrong with saving some nice ones and using them a few years down the road, if they fit in well with the theme you are using them in. Nobody has to know that you took those pictures around the same time, nor should they care. They are all your pictures, they are all different, and they are all very nice. That is all that matters.
Would have chosen the moody with reflection, no cloud & the one with details only. Perhaps square crop to get rid of white space? This way one image would be a 'hero' image & the other would show the details. But that would be me, your choice is up to you ;)
Hi Thomas-I know nothing... but here’s a thought. No portfolio is static-it is constantly changing. So my thought is with 4 outstanding images, why not rotate one in every couple of months? That way over the course of a year each will have some air time? As you said, a good problem to have😊. Enjoy your videos and your work immensely. Looking forward to your calendar on my wall 😊
G-Day Thomas Heaton, Just received your 2019 Calendar today delivered to Brisbane Australia, its just beautiful, worth every cent and a real nice keepsake, thanks very much. Kind Regards / Trevor Crossley
Easy. The one that is enveloped by clouds. Not only a great shot (if it were me it would be the only shot worth keeping) but it is different. It stands out from all the others - not just yours.
When it comes to editing I guess It really does boil down to your gut reaction and perhaps that personal connection to an image that determines whether or not it makes the final cut. From an outsiders view, I think that the last ethereal cloudy image is fantastic and the best of the bunch. It has such a great mood to it and in many respects unrepeatable which makes it unique. Loved your thought process, Thomas!
I really like your pictures Adam.
I agree with you, Adam.
The ethereal is #1 in my book. Yes, yes, yes!!! Distractions need to be removed, no explanation required, but good to see your process. Thank you!
Love your vlog and images Adam! Maybe you and Thomas can collaborate sometime.
Love it when photographers I follow show up in each others video comments. Makes me feel like I'm picking the right guys and gals to pay attention to! Off to check Adams channel for new content now ; )
Agreed Thomas the white patch does draw the eye, as does the bit of white fluff just above your right ear.
If I had to drop two I would drop the sunrise one for sure and then "The Cloud". I know you love that image but I personally like the closer look with the rolling clouds more. The bright area really doesn't bother me at all. It's a great part of the picture for me.
I had the same thoughts. The bright hole just needs to be finessed a bit 😀
I said the same thing. I hadn't even noticed the "bright hole" until he said something.
I appreciate the honesty. At times it almost seems like you feel the need to defend your actions. Not necessary. Your work speaks for itself.
Thomas I really like how you are so much about “making” the photograph rather than just taking the photograph. To many people focus on technique an tools and landscape should be about the making of the composition into a vision of what you want the observer to feel.
I personally LOVE the close up with the mountain wrapped up in the clouds! it's full of drama and mistery. Just love it! despite "the area" you are talking about.
No matter how much effort you put in, I think the close up image of the mountain peak through the clouds is just b e a u t I f u l!!! I like all 4, and each one evokes different feelings, I love that. But I think the one with the peak speaks to me the most (maybe with a slightly different editing)! Cheers Thomas, I love your work and enjoy the videos!
Number 4 for me Thomas. It reminds me of a dramatic Ansel Adams photograph, timeless,
and more importantly, it grabs the eye immediately and keeps it there to explore the
finer details within the landscape. A little less yellow perhaps to make it pop a little bit more. Beautiful image. Which is the best image - the one that you can relate to most. Greg
Who says, YOU CAN'T DO THAT? You're the Photographer. Put one on your web site, one in your portfolio, one in your boxed set this year and put the last on a Christmas card or a set of business cards. All of these are pretty good. Regarding the Light House in your back yard - make a resolution to photograph your local light house every month for a year and then look at them all together. What a 12 photo set that would be. My point is ... they're your photos, your rules.
Over time WE complicate our lives in a thousand different ways. Try not to do that.
Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. What strikes me most is the level of thought you put into the output, your vision if you like. Camera settings and beautiful sunrises and sunsets are one thing, but to visualise an output that is not classic sunrise and sunset, and consider that thought at the time is just magical to witness. Hopefully I am able to improve my photography by adopting similar thought processes into my compositions. Thank you Thomas
I paused the video when you had all 4 on the screen and thought to myself if I had to narrow it to two what would I pick. I picked the exact opposite two images that you picked. I love the sunlight shining on the peak and reflecting in the water and the other shot is so moody with the Matterhorn partially obscured by clouds it draws me in and focuses my attention on what's going on without it being too busy.
Really liked watching you talk about the process of elimination on these images. Except for that hole in the clouds that one shot you dumped was my favorite (followed by the 2nd shot with clouds and lake). Love the atmospheric shots so much more than everything else!
Totally agree on visit frequency. I have a favourite view of the Melbourne skyline that I keep returning too. I don’t always capture a keeper but occasionally the weather does something special that makes the visit worthwhile.
I’ll just add my voice to those who, when they saw the ethereal image, immediately thought that was the real keeper of the four (and I would have been very happy with any of them). Such inspiring work!
I need to find me some tutorials on removing those types of distractions from my photos cleanly. I feel that is super important. Thomas, you remain my absolute favorite landscape photographer and I love the images you make! Can't wait to receive your calendar!
I liked the Image with the hole in the clouds the most i think. It has as you said the most character I think if the hole was closed it would actually become less interesting and more boring. Have you tried desaturating and darkening that area a bit? After that the other cloudy one. Just amazing. The single cloud is a solid third for me, but not... lets say... calendar material? And as you already mentioned the last one is too common. But all in all great fotos! Love those calming videos!
Same for me, think the one from the lawn chair was the best, just because it 'didn't feel' like it wasn't earned doesn't make it any less of an image, some of my best photo's are quick unplanned snapshots....
Me too.
They'd be my choices too.
I hadn't noticed the cloud hole before you mentioned it. I was drawn to the sculptured character of the rock. It's got lots of power. In the first instance, I missed the peak from a previous image I saw but now it's mystical and less commercial (Toblerone best you to it). But now it's mentioned... it's there too. I see it as a yin-yang effect now.
I thought almost exactly the same as Richard. The light patch is fine for me, I think it contrasts well with the dark menace of the mountain. It's so tempting to invest an image with more value because you had to work harder to get it but that value is in your head, not the viewer's.
Definetly the most awesome lightroom editing video I watched with you. Not because it was full of great lessons of editing, but because you just showed how FEELING is important in an image. You brought that up with simple editing! Congrats on another great content and thank you for inspiration!
The final image with the dramatic cloud and white sky patch that you dislike is certainly my favourite. It pulls me in and invites my eye to investigate all of the textures and secrets that might be hiding behind the cloud. So funny how we can all be attracted to different things. I guess that's why we don't all try to marry the same girl ;-)
Thomas, you really couldn’t go wrong here, given the quality of all the photos. Had it been my choice (and it’s not my choice for good reason) I would have chosen the one with the gap in the clouds. I agree that photoshopping it wouldn’t have sat well with you, but to me the gap actually makes the shot as had it not been there then the clouds would have looked too much like a frame of cotton wool. Thanks for the video and sharing your thoughts. I learn from you every time you post.
Sometimes a scene is so stunning and the conditions so changeable that you can't help but capture a number of wonderful images. It really is tough trying to pick out the best one or best couple if you like them all. It's easy to include them all but I also prefer to pick out my best one or two. The images you showed are really nice and I liked the edits.
Waffle all you like Thomas! I still love listening to, and watching your content, unplanned is honest and open. Fabulous images, I wasn't sure at first but I think you're right about the stormy sky version however it's still my fave! Derek
What i find so awesome about photography is the story each photographer is trying to tell. Personally I would have went with the exact opposite of your choices. But, your explanation for your choices is great and I get a feel for the story your telling. Always look forward to your videos.
I learn so much from your thought process. And I think it's an amazing skill or talent to be able to drop a pic. I keep em all...which is why my HD's are all full right now. Give me your ability to do this.
I am so glad you chose to keep the ethereal looking image. That was my favorite of the set. !!
All four of those images were stunningly beautiful, Thomas. That said, the two you chose would have been my final picks as well. Beautiful! As a landscape photographer myself, just having one of those four in my portfolio would be a dream come true.
I am looking forward to your next video. You sure made one incredible cliff hanger! Your best image? I can't wait.
Hi Thomas, as someone already said to me in french: choisir c'est perdre. Choosing is loosing. It is the dilema of all artists 🙁. The 4 images are top choice, but i agree with you when you say you can't put them all in a portfolio. I live the same situation when i chose images of the same project for my architectural portfolio. Cheers and big thumbs up for all the hardcwork and artistic work.
I learned from this video that I need to be more subtle in my editing. Most of the time I edit the photo, think it's great. I then go back later and want to vomit on what I did. Next time I am going to make small changes, wait and re-look at the picture. Thanks! And it was great meeting you this past weekend.
I’d be proud of any of those photos. What a great problem to have: to need to pare it down by the most minor of details. That’s how you know you’re doing it right. Beautiful pictures!
I love these glimpses into your creative process.
I understand you wanting to pick just the right photo for inclusion in your portfolio...after all you have to live with it and be willing to put it out there to represent you.....but (you knew that was coming)...
The “postcard” photo may be a bit common and typical (safe) but it is a great photo and has real value. I would hazard to guess if you put the four photos up on stock or if you offered only these four photos as print sales, the “postcard” would be the most chosen one.
That being said, I can see a place for both photos.
Thanks for the videos, I really look forward to them. Especially the ones where you let us in on your creative process regarding compositions.
Keep up the good work.
I agree with your choices. The bottom left one is perfect, and The Could is very unique and interesting as well. But boy, what a cliffhanger!
I really like the black & white in the lower right. Before you say which you keep, I'd keep all. But my favorites are upper right color, and lower left b/w. Keep all 4. You can use them for one thing or another.
Hmm... In truth, I love all of them! Different people have different opinions, but of all four I'd have to say 'The Cloud' is my favorite, mainly because that specific photo will never be shot again with a cloud in the same spot. In my opinion, though, all of 'em are keepers!
Couldn't agree more about revisiting a location again and again, each time the image is different if only because the sun will rise or set in a different place each time therefore making different in some small way.
As for the Matterhorn, I would be so pleased to have any of those images in my portfolio, however the one with the hole is my favourite closely followed by the couldy one then the sunrise with the lone cloud in a very close 4th place.
Great video, keep up the good work.
Wow.... One for the photos, one for the vibe of the video. Good luck with the eventually-gonna-be-ready office, like the shade of that red wallpaper at the back.
So happy you chose the ethereal one. It's one of those I wish I had taken! 😃
Aarg, cliffhanger! Can’t wait to see your next video and what might potentially be your best image ever!
I always think it is amazing how everybody can see thing in a different way. If it was my choice, which it isn't, I would have kept the bottom right one. Outstanding image and I think the gap in the clouds helps to add a bit more depth.
I love the close-up, it does not matter how long it took for you to take it, street photography is in the moment photography. The close-up was a split second decision and I would say your most instinctive composition for that moment. Over thinking is an illness :D
Keep "The Cloud" and "Soft". Sunrise is a bit Instagrammy. I really like "Lawn Chair" regardless of the ease with which you captured it, but I see what you mean about that bright spot.
I'll be at the expo in Manassas and I look forward greatly to seeing you there!
good choice. the two images work well together showing different character without the viewer wondering if its the same place. the one with the big hot spot is nice but cant compete with how well the other two pair up
Good to here that you finally have your best picture ever, can't wait to see it!!!
The very cloudy "etherial" as you put it image, and the cloudy black and white of the peak get my vote. The white part of the sky does not detract for me, actually I like it because it shows that there are no other peaks around, and just the large peak of the matterhorn really is above all else around. I do totally respect and understand how you like an image that is "earned" and agree with that sentiment.
Very interesting to hear your thought process. My top two would be the ethereal one and the coffee one!
No, no, no Tom. The telephoto of the Matterhorn covered in clouds is amazing! It's a winner, no matter the circumstances of shooting it
Very tough decision there, all 4 are great. Something I struggle with too sometime so it was good to hear your thought process about it!
All of these images have their own style and feeling. Choosing between them is pretty hard indeed! I would definitely choose the b/w with the cloud and propably the one with the peak emerging from the clouds. Such a strong image, I loved it. Additionally, I'd like to say that seeing how you edited this photo made me rethink about my editing routine. It all made sense the way you explained it and it showed on the photo too. I'm so curious to see the photo that you mentioned in the end of the video. Until then, bye from Greece.
It would test all of us, each gave a different fell. Of course you chose wisely, thankfully I didn't have to. Always like your showing your edit and why.
A warm CTO gel on your window perhaps? Allowing a more even WB, as the wardrobes are reflecting very orange on the shadow side of your face. Finessing your new environment. Keep up the fine work.
oh my god what a teasing end!
I love your videos man keep going!
The ethereal image is my favourite. The cloud is awesome but the ethereal one literally takes my breath away & makes me with I were there more than any of the others.
All four are great but I love that one the most.
Got to be honest for me the bottom right image had more impact for me. I love the dramatic look of the clouds. My eye went to the peak not the hot spot. Just maybe every now and then a white spot works just saying. Of course we all have different taste in what inspires us. All four images are beautiful I guess that’s your problem not ours 😂👍
I don't live in an area as beautiful as you do but there are a few places that are nice so I do visit them frequently. As often as I go there, I almost never leave with images similar to the time before. I always try to find new things to photograph, new compositions. Sometimes the locations are the same but I photograph them from a different angle or at a different type of day. It's all part of the fun challenge of photography, I suppose.
I love the "ethereal" image of the Matterhorn. That's my favorite of the four. I'm glad that made the cut
The third shot, the ethereal one, is the one that I would see in a gallery and would say: that's a Heaton photograph for sure!
Sometimes we need to step out of the personal when it comes to editing our choices. Frequently an image will speak to others not through our own experience, but through the emotions of others. I usually put my work "out there" on a variety of social engines and ponder over the results that appear (which are frequently opposite my own feelings).
Great video as usual Tom! As for the images you have shown us, all good in their own right. But the image you disgarded with the hole in the cloud, was for me the best image by a long way. The hole could be retified very easy if need be, the conditions and mood of the whole image just says the changeing scene of the Alps. Keep up the good work Tom, I look forward to your videos every week.
love the soft ethereal image and the one with the white hole in it
One of the things I've learned as a budding photographer is that having a consistency in your photography is important but I find myself wanting to take photos of everything and change my style according to the photo. I want to enjoy what I do but I feel forced to do just one thing
One other thought an image taken during coffee vs all the bells and whistles shouldn’t matter in terms of a great capture. Some of my favorite images where taken on the fly. I label them lunch break photography 😉
I like the 4th image the most, that and the cloud photo! The other two are a dime a dozen as you say. Interesting that you didn't like the 4th one, by far my favourite!
Enjoyed your thought processes on arguably 4 nice images. Personally I like the ethereal image best with the distractions removed & backing off the contrast worked nicely.
The b&w with the lit cloud & it's reflection is a winner too, once the distractions were removed. :-)
Thank you for your thoughts. I’m a pro photographer but I don’t do landscapes. I just shot Mt. Fuji while I was in Japan on a family holiday. I used your inspiration from the Matterhorn and got up early in teh dark on a terrible rainy day but got a nice sunrise shot as the sky cleared. Nothing classic or portfolio worthy (I’m a corporate and architectural photographer so it wouldn’t be going into my portfolio anyway) but some nice shots. I was a bit disappointed as it wasn’t covered in snow as i expected it to be but I’m going to edit the photos when I get back home in two days time and look at them differently and look for something unique rather than a classic shot. Anyway my first landscape shoot was a great experience none the less.
Switzerland and the Matterhorn are easily some of my favorite palaces on the entire planet. I could shoot that mountain everyday.
Those are all spectacular images. I personally do like the one with the clouds covering the Matterhorn (on the bottom right- the coffee one haha). It just doesn’t look like what people normally do with this setting.
Just goes to show how subjective these decisions can be. You really like the second image and can't be bothered with the fourth, and I feel the opposite. I quite like that shot you took from your lawn chair!
All lovely images. That bright hole in the cloud was the first thing I noticed about the image when you first showed it. I wondered why it didn't bother you originally but as you say , sometimes you have to live with an image a while.
Four things you could do .
1- Clone some clouds in.
2- Bin it so its gone and never bothers you again.
3- Store the image in a folder until you go back and shoot it again, then bin it if you get a better one.
4- Run up the beach at the next full moon, arms flailing while screaming in frustration. :-)
Thomas would you say when faced with choices such as these you would also consider how hard you had to work to capture the image as an influnce and even if it was technically not the best image. Next week sounds exciting considering the quality of your work this really is a strong statement coming from you at this time
So glad you chose the ethereal image, by far my favourite too.
I think the colour version works better in a cropped portrait mode … just to add to your "worries" of making a pick ! Otherwise I agree with the picks you made ie. the B&W image with the cloud which adds balance to the left side of the image and the more soft, ethereal version.
Your best photograph?! Don't leave us hanging, Thomas!
I think there is no problem in posting all four pictures. There is a connection to tell a story. The story you just told us.
Even without any comments, just the pictures, it shows the same place drastically different.
In my opinion it is just nicer to avoid more or less the same scene with only slight differentiation.
Tom, in my opinion the two heavier cloud shots are the strongest. I would favor the wider angle shot, but my eye keeps seeing the low hazy cloud partially blocking the peak. I wonder if it had been 2 minutes later would it have been a stronger shot with it not partially eclipsing/hazing part of the peak. So, I think if it were me I would pick the tighter, heavier cloud shot with the peak protruding from the clouds. The drama in that shot is fantastic. The gap in the clouds you mention actually enhances the image by creating better depth in my opinion. Had that gap not been there I think it would have been a flatter result. But all your images are terrific - so it’s certainly a difficult choice. Looking forward to hearing you speak in Manassas next month. Cheers.
Calendar is amazing, thank you Thomas!
wow the picture at 3:37 made me literally cry bc of its perfection
I agree, one in the calendar, but different one for the portfolio, all of them for sale as prints. Already, people disagree with you about why about which is best.
Thx for sharing your honest thoughts. A question, that every photographer will face in time can be answered with some honest self reflection, just like you did.
I think you're over thinking it. "If i had to narrow it down" - you don't need to. Easy way round it. "The Heaton Matterhorn Series" - 1 of 4, 2 of 4, 3 of 4, 4 of 4. Sell them separately but as an implied collection. You don't "need" all 4, but if you have all 4 you've got the complete collection.
I found the bottom 2 images by far the 'strongest' of the bunch. Having more clouds adds more atmosphere or something. As far as 'postcard' images go, when I hear this I always think that there is a reason images are chosen for postcards! Not high art, maybe, but they are the images which catch the eye...
@8:16 "I will always remove distractions like that... that just bother me ever so slightly" .... I must say I agree with you, and in fact while watching you in your video I had this irresistible urge to edit out that little 'distraction' on your hair lol. Love your vids mate, and your photos are amazing, but maybe take a couple of mins to do some light grooming before a vid? hehe. Altho I don't have any hair on my head, so maybe I'm just jealous? lol.
Keep em coming bro, totally loved that moody Matterhorn one with all the clouds. Heaven.
Haha, you made perfect sense to me. And I agreed with your final choice as well. Well what do ya know!
The cloudy one, really calms me even if it look bast and agresive
Interesting video and great photos all round. I totally agree that you cannot use all four photos separately in your portfolio. I was just wondering if you have ever considered using multiple photos in a single exhibition piece. For example in this case you could use all four photos in one exhibition or print to tell a story about the different moods or conditions you experienced. Would be interested to see if that could be made to work.
Yet again a great video though. Cheers
Superb yet again Thomas, do love the ethereal image with reflection, looks like a couple of huskies, or just me with pareidolia. Looking forward to the next vid, must be a special image for it to get a pre mention. All the best.😀
Great - clear and enjoyable. That ethereal shot is an absolute piece of heaven.
I really like #4. Personally I think that it's the result that matters, not how much effort you put in to get it. Sometimes your shot simply is right there in front of you and the skill is in noticing it and capturing it. If effort mattered above results, then it would be tempting to defend a so-so image that took a huge amount of time or you risked your life to get.
Lower right one is awe inspiring!
Ethereal hands down a winner for me. So much climate and mood in it. I love its painting-like look as well. Would love to have it on my wall 1,5m wide.
Tom, it's not like we're friends, but you have to believe when I say this, publish all of them. I just googled the Matterhorn, and tried a variety adjectives to see what is out there. These images are not out there. I understand your reputation being at stake, and if you don't want to use the one with the white space then ok, but as an artist it is your duty to provide the world with beauty. Those other 3 images are beautiful, and not available anywhere else, and even if you feel like it's redundant, there's someone who would want each one, and a lot of us who would kill to capture something like that. Do your duty!! Post them all! Or at least the 3 from the pond
I love all of these, but if I had to I'd personally lose the coloured one. It doesn't tell me as much of a story about the changing conditions and the unpredictable nature of the Alps. Also you have lots of colour pics like it (all of which are amazing).
I totally love the cloudy one :)
I couldn't help being distracted Tom by what appears to be a large sack of potatoes in the background !! New venture for you and Mrs H? ...... "Heatons" crisps will be available in all good retailers soon :-)
sell all four in the same paper as a collage.
but if you must choose one, pick the black and white image with the single cloud. it is by FAR the strongest of the four.
I would be deliriously happy if I had taken four such beautiful photos and had to choose two from among them. Oh well. Maybe one day I will be faced with such a choice. Thank you for another very helpful video.
The image at 3:30 is by far my favourite. The atmosphere is superb.
One possible solution is to keep two in a safe place to return to them in a few years. The one thing about these types of pictures is that they are not time dependent. So there is nothing wrong with saving some nice ones and using them a few years down the road, if they fit in well with the theme you are using them in. Nobody has to know that you took those pictures around the same time, nor should they care. They are all your pictures, they are all different, and they are all very nice. That is all that matters.
Would have chosen the moody with reflection, no cloud & the one with details only. Perhaps square crop to get rid of white space? This way one image would be a 'hero' image & the other would show the details. But that would be me, your choice is up to you ;)
nice cliffhanger in the end :) looking forward to find out about that image!
Hi Thomas-I know nothing... but here’s a thought. No portfolio is static-it is constantly changing. So my thought is with 4 outstanding images, why not rotate one in every couple of months? That way over the course of a year each will have some air time? As you said, a good problem to have😊. Enjoy your videos and your work immensely. Looking forward to your calendar on my wall 😊
G-Day Thomas Heaton, Just received your 2019 Calendar today delivered to Brisbane Australia, its just beautiful, worth every cent and a real nice keepsake, thanks very much.
Kind Regards / Trevor Crossley
Easy. The one that is enveloped by clouds. Not only a great shot (if it were me it would be the only shot worth keeping) but it is different. It stands out from all the others - not just yours.
So, Thomas, pretty brutal cliffhanger are your thing now huh? =) I must say it works, I am excited!
God I love your choice of music! that outro is amazing every time!