Shaun Whale from 4WD24/7 Discusses USA 4WD, Behind the Senses of Videos & More!

  • Опубликовано: 21 дек 2024

Комментарии • 242

  • @downthetrackaustralia
    @downthetrackaustralia 2 года назад +7

    I worked as the production manager that made the dvd's back from 2013 to 2016. Crazy times with so many DVD's each month. That DVD was pretty much our bread and butter that kept the business running.

  • @hodzy4x4
    @hodzy4x4 2 года назад +9

    Can't explain how much I enjoyed this podcast. The face that's just about on every off-roaders screen these days, talking no frills, no holds barred, no PC cameras, purely speaking how things are ! So good to listen to how things run in the background.
    Love these interviews. This and Grahams interviews with Firetofork are up there !!!
    Podcast with Mr. Cahill next??

  • @CatNamedMilo
    @CatNamedMilo 2 года назад +11

    I wasn’t that into 4wd and camping but stumbled upon 4WD24/7 just before lockdown & I binged watched almost every episode and pushed me to buy a D22 and I have never been happier!!

  • @WildTouring
    @WildTouring 2 года назад +14

    This was so good to watch/listen to!
    There is no way I thought I’d be able to listen to 3hrs of two blokes talking shit- but I could of watched 6hrs of this 😂

  • @daneisenmenger4615
    @daneisenmenger4615 2 года назад +7

    Shauno and the Gypsy two Aussie legends just doing what they love. Shauno!!!! Make the content that makes you happy dude. If you want to do more fishing stuff, then do more fishing stuff. 4WD and fishing go together like peas and carrots.

  • @glensubtorq
    @glensubtorq 2 года назад +11

    Fantastic interview. Stumbled upon 4WD247, it got me through the lockdown madness last few years, was so good to watch each episode. Great stories shared here. 👍😎

  • @johnpurves2951
    @johnpurves2951 2 года назад +19

    Great interview! Be great to see Graham Cahill on too.

    • @7overland514
      @7overland514 10 месяцев назад +5

      He was there but the camera didn’t pan down far enough.

  • @52jimbodave
    @52jimbodave 2 года назад +68

    So awesome to hear from Shauno in a candid setting, would love to have a schooner with the bloke 🍻

    • @charlierolla9576
      @charlierolla9576 2 года назад

      Yer when he isnt infront of a camera be alright i reckon

    • @morganplatt7601
      @morganplatt7601 2 года назад

      I’ve been thinking how awesome it would be for Matt and 4WD 24/7 to do a colab for years. Fab Rats too…

  • @kennec15
    @kennec15 2 года назад +164

    hearing shauno swear gotta be one of the weirdest things

    • @tougesubaru420
      @tougesubaru420 2 года назад +9

      I thought the same lmao

    • @anthonyruddell3969
      @anthonyruddell3969 2 года назад +21

      Hearing him progress from holy heck to fuck going home was unreal haha shows how comfortable he got during the pod aye

    • @southcoastmatty
      @southcoastmatty 2 года назад +8

      I feel like there is a better connection now and he is just one of the boys

    • @unclebushadventures2424
      @unclebushadventures2424 2 года назад

      Ya definitely

    • @spbspermbrosadventures6388
      @spbspermbrosadventures6388 2 года назад +4

      He can be who he would normally be off camera here wich is a nice to see him in this way

  • @shredfest30
    @shredfest30 2 года назад +1

    I have to say, I am almost addicted to the 4WD247 channel. Shauno, Graham, And Jocko all work so well together and the comedy is just as good as the 4 wheel content. If they ever want to play in Canada, I'll buy them all a beer if they can make it out of the bush over here haha!. Great episode Mate!

  • @themechanicslab
    @themechanicslab 2 года назад +30

    I was very close to tuning out of 4WD 247 because it was becoming too generic. After watching this and seeing Shaun as an actual human being himself is refreshing. Understandable you have your hands tied with business contracts on the 4WD channel; at least start a side channel that is raw content and more relaxed because after all, this is life. Great podcast, truely captured two humans being two humans talking about what theyre most passionate about.

    • @gypsytalespodcast9369
      @gypsytalespodcast9369  2 года назад

      Glad you appreciated the chat.

    • @MitchZero9
      @MitchZero9 2 года назад +2

      I don't watch the track bashing stuff myself, its not my type of offroading.
      But when they do more touring (eg: Kimberly, Cape York, Grahams AuSolo) my eyes are glued.

    • @Midamas95
      @Midamas95 2 года назад +1

      @@gypsytalespodcast9369 kjejtttkjtekejekttekeetjttjttkjejkkjkk😂eltyykjtkjwkkewettkttjktekkeewektt😂😂eljjjtkkekttkytjwktkek😂ejytjyelyy😂k😂tltkjejkjjtjkyktttkkjeejektkekkejkktjtttkeetjkekwwtjektelkekkjkeeytketkk😂kyjkkerk😂kejtjeltkkekkjelyyyketeklytekkeetjkejek😂ty😂kytejekykkjetettjtttttktteyjketkkyttkeeekteettkkektttettytttttkkeetjttttttttkekektkekkeltttetketkelyttkekekelkejtjeetetykkkketyttttykekkeetleykeeeyttteeketkkkkktkjtjttkjtkekekttyktettyekee😂😂yketttteekyekteekkeetyjyketeeeyyyykettkyketjyteektteje😂tlktjjytteytkketttttkkyektkeltkekyeytkektjyjteektkketketjeet😂kyletjttk😂kyeeeylee😂tttkektkeeltttetekjyyeteetyytjykeekytketetkyeyeeeekeekejytkettteeetkkkkketjeteetkeeyttte😂😂keely😂kyeeykekyleekeketjyteetketekekeettekyketeeyeelyelyjetteykeettkkwetkkeltkjkettetteketjkekyktyekjytljke😂teketttkejeeetkkylettke😂ttkeeljekyyeeekkellyteeekk😂ykeytteeeeeekewykekyeyeykeeetekeyeektkyttteeeetkteekeekyytjyk😂kykekettyeeeykeettetkejekekeyelytlekjwtekkeekyelkettttjeeytyteelkeeetjkekyyekeekttttkeet😂ytjyk😂😂keelyjketyyyeleyleleyyyeyykkkelyttje😂yyerttketylletetyeytyte😂tetkkkleyteyk😂ektyleeyeeetyeyeyeykekykyttttkleyeket😂😂yeeeyyeeyteeytttkeeke😂tetetekklleyejekeyykkeyeekeeyettetek😂ketetekelyttyyleeyejejeyeeeykeeyyeeetteeeleyyteteykeltkeeeyeeetteeeeeyeeeyeeteet😂t😂keekterejee😂😂tleeeyelkleyeetyteteeeleeyee😂😂keykkeyetejetettetetleeetkeeetleyeeelt😂😂teerejekeeteteteeekeetteeekettteyetteteteteeeyeleykeyyetetekekljkejeteteteetetyetkeeeyyekleyyyekyeeykeeeyweyeeeleyeyeeeyeyeeeyyteykkeetllleylkeyelejeyeyeyteyeeyeeeyeleyeeleelyyeyeeeyeyykrlyyyeyeeyyeyekeyeykkleyeeeeyyeyleyeelyeyeekkeeylleyeeleyeyyeyyyttyyeyteyeleelyyeykeeellleyeeyeykeyyeeleyyeleeykekleyeeyyyleyelytyttyteteyeyeeeyttkkeetklleyletetkeeykeeyelleyytteeeekykyekeleykeeeyteteteeetetketwlwletyyteeeyeleylejeteyekyeleyeyeetytetyeeykkkkjeeyejekketeeletekekeytkkllkleyjeeeklkllkeekyleeyeeyeeyeettelkkeetketkeeeylekeketkekletleyteyeteeeyleylkeeyekekeyyetelyeyeeeyyeeeyeykkkkkeketeyeteeteekkekeetkkkkketekeyeteyteeyeeytkkllleyekeyeyeeeytetelee😂eyeteteeeteketeetetetetettkwekjeteyeteyeeteeyeelyeeyeyeyyeyeyeeyleeeylllleektlleeyteteetettekeklkeeteleeleteeteeeyeyllkklllkleleeyleeyklkeeyejllkyleeytkeekteteteekeyellkjleeyeyyeyeekeeylleyeeeltke😂😂yeetkeeyjkeyrleeyeyeeeyeeyleelleyeeyeleejeleeeyeeyllyleeyyeeyeyeyeeyeleyeeelelleyeyeyeyeyeleyeeyeeyekeeylyeleeeyeyeeeyelyeyeyeeyeyeyeyeyeeyekeeleleeeyeyeyekleyeeeeleeleeeeeyee😂😂ttterteeteeteeteeteeteeteeeyyeeeteeyeyeyyeeelleyeyeeyeyeeyyeeleeeyeyeleeekeyeeyekllleyeyleelelellreleeelreyeeyeyeyeeyeeleeeyeelllleleyeyeeyyyeeyeyeleyeyeeelyeyeyeyyeyeeyekeyylekkyleleeelereyrryeteyeeyyleeeeyeeyyeeyleleeleleyyeyleellrrreyeetetyyeyykyyeleeyeeylyeeyeyyrlyreyeeyeyreyeeyleeyteeyeyeyeeleyyylelelryryeleyeeyeleyyeerleeleyeyeeyleeyrelyyleeyyyrelrelyyylelleyryrryeleeyeeyyeleyeyyyleeryyeeeyyeeyyyyeyleryyyereylyyeeyyeeyeyeeyeelerwlryrleyelelyyeyryryryeyleyryeryyeeyeleyyyyyyyyylleellrlerylrleyylrwyryreyerleeeyrryrelelyyylrrryreyrryeleyeleeylyyrreyryryeleyleelylrryryeleeylyylryrrleeeeeeelrlyeeeeeeerlryryeyeleyylrlee😂😂weeymerhhyyrrhememlrhmrmemlrhrheeeejmrrhrremhyrrhrreeeeweemremrmeeeeeehrhehehremeemhyrrhmhemrhrhymhrrmhmrrhrhrhymhmlehrmenhrrellhyyyyjhrhyrm😂hlrllyyyyllllylllyllryry😂yyyryrylrrkllyykyyylyyyyyylyllyyyyyyyylrlykeyy😂yllllyy

  • @djcommie
    @djcommie 2 года назад +2

    I'm here in the US and have been watching 4WD 24-7 for years now and am so excited for some US content! Great interview, definitely found a new channel here too.

  • @Casey.M28
    @Casey.M28 2 года назад +10

    What an amazing podcast! It was great to hear the whole story behind Shauno’s career, where he started and the whole transition to where he is today. I’m glad he brought up the trip on the east coast of the cape, still to this day one of my favourite episodes, super hectic with tides and risking losing the cars but also the rivers they fished seemed un touched. You could tell they were having the time of there life, stoke levels at an all time high.

  • @Bigrig90
    @Bigrig90 2 года назад +13

    That was awesome. It seems like he is incredibly switched on. PS: Would love to see more fishing in the videos!

    • @Jake_Hamlin
      @Jake_Hamlin 2 года назад

      I think the majority of us would love the fishing addition.

  • @TruckMelanoma
    @TruckMelanoma 2 года назад +2

    I actually named my rig, which is a built 1st Gen Toyota Sequoia, General Sherman. 4wd Action is what got me into the “overlanding” game. I was at the PNW overlanding expo and saw the MITS alloy tent with an homage to the dirty 30! This was a great podcast to listen too, I’ve always like shauno, would love to meet him in person one day.

  • @adengarner8621
    @adengarner8621 2 года назад +1

    my very first pod cast to watch shaun ive learnt so much from your shows i watch 24/7 everyweek love it

  • @noelmoloney8840
    @noelmoloney8840 2 года назад +1

    So good to listen to the back ground of a professional utube company. It's really a no brainer now to watch utube programs as the shit thats on free to air TV. TV is definently dead. I choose to watch a - Great to watch, down to earth, real life, no bs, no over polished turds of reality shows.
    Well done guys to both companies.
    I'm a Hugh fan of 24/7.

  • @twisted_caravan486
    @twisted_caravan486 2 года назад +2

    At 1 hour 14 min, you guys go over swags. Im in the US near Chicago, I actually reached out to Graham and he hooked me up with crashpad. Been camping out of a swag for 2 years now, best camping I've done. Hope it grows here!!!!

  • @lostandnotfound927
    @lostandnotfound927 Год назад

    Just stumbled upon this video this week and low and behold shauno is in USA with the dirty! This podcast actually does alot for his stock in my opinion and certainly shows the support businesses are getting through their sponsors and ads in the vids. Keep it up boys!!

  • @Travellingcampers
    @Travellingcampers 2 года назад

    Thanks so much for this! So good to hear some raw Shauno you can really see how passionate he is about the industry and just camping and 4x4 in general. Well done crew!

  • @philthybstard8306
    @philthybstard8306 2 года назад +6

    Quickly becoming one of my favourite podcasts great variety of guest

  • @Marco-bc4qh
    @Marco-bc4qh 2 года назад +2

    How can you not like this bloke honestly. Great Poddy!

  • @theknockoutartistnc5970
    @theknockoutartistnc5970 2 года назад

    Shauno you have tons of support here in America. I'm in North Carolina and watch your videos over and over again. We freaking love it. Keep em coming.

  • @rwdnissanr33
    @rwdnissanr33 2 года назад +5

    Shauno is such a good bloke. Hope he comes to NZ one day!

  • @kyzzzzaa195
    @kyzzzzaa195 Месяц назад

    Hands down one of my favourite episodes. I got my dmax because of 4wd24/7. I have loved the channel and all the content these guys do. Have been following since the dvd days. Its so awesome to hear from shauno and get his story and his thoughts. He is such a kila dude. To make even better matched with jase is actually the best combo on the internet. Love seeing the dirtbike episodes, but there is nothing more exciting than hearing from some of the aussie icons 🔥🔥🔥 so kila

  • @craigdawes3569
    @craigdawes3569 2 года назад +6

    Have to be my favorite episode you’ve done! Shaun is a legend and such a down to earth guy. Nice work lads 👏🏼👏🏼👌🏼👍🏼

  • @4teenindustries695
    @4teenindustries695 2 года назад +1

    Awesome 2 of our favourite RUclips channels and yes we always watch 4WD 24/7 on TV, and then we watched this episode on TV too.

  • @ThisOldYota
    @ThisOldYota 2 года назад +1

    Add fishing? Hell yeah!
    Come to America? Hell yeah!!
    Netflix series? Hell yeah?
    We’re behind you all the way

  • @benny.pearso8299
    @benny.pearso8299 2 года назад +5

    Best Episode yet just 2 Aussie legends having a yarn..

  • @tracynorton6410
    @tracynorton6410 2 года назад +4

    Re: aftermarket gear...yea, all my gear here in USA on my Toyota rig is aussie or south's the aussie experience that got me the camping/overlanding bug....Shaun & Graham my heroes, along w/ Ronny Dahl, Harry Fisher, Andrew White....

  • @benjaminj1961
    @benjaminj1961 2 года назад +1

    Im based out of Cooktown and its so good to hear you guys talking about all the back tracks and spots between laura and coen as that's our weekend stomping grounds. I avoid the pdr as much as possible in tourist season as its just a sea of vans doing 40km an hour trying to get a photo of the sign and race back to cairns.
    My first trip up here we spent 27days north of Cooktown and after that i could never go back to Sydney so i relocated and haven't looked back!

  • @fishingoz279
    @fishingoz279 2 года назад +2

    Great podcast! u always find a way to get the best side out of the people u converse with, It makes your content next level. I’ve Followed anything Shaun does since he started 4wd action dvd’s, I believe I still have the very first, it was great to see the real Shaun we all thought he would be off camera! I was 4wding with my dad well before it was popular and I’ve rode bikes all my life, bike’s and 4wds go hand in hand, would love to find More great content like this!

  • @bobdavis2554
    @bobdavis2554 2 года назад +22

    The Dirty Thirty is coming to the States, to quote Shauno, "HOLY HECK!" Thank you for this content, already planning my trip to Arizona!

  • @timgillham7437
    @timgillham7437 2 года назад +2

    Awesome podcast, first time listener, long time 4WD 24/7 viewer. Good to see shauno let his hair down and have a good yarn. Jase is a great host, actually listens to what people have to say. Epic one and definitely will be an avid listener now 💪🏻

  • @paulmerriman5222
    @paulmerriman5222 2 года назад

    I with you Shauna fishing and 4wd together
    I was in bad head space for 5 years been watching you and Graham's Chanel for 6 months like say thank you now getting back into camping again

  • @LethalLee666
    @LethalLee666 2 года назад

    i love the fact your on you tube shaun you been faithful too us as your fans other 4x4 people have gone to amazon and forgotten there fans on you tube and the people who made them successful keep up the great work with you and your team and big shout out to gypsy tales for pod cast with real Aussie legends great work to

  • @deanhitchcock364
    @deanhitchcock364 2 года назад +2

    Driving back home from 1st cape trip atm. Loved the podcast and knowing the spots. Great podcast fellas cheers

  • @yermoffroad
    @yermoffroad 2 года назад +15

    Shaun! If you do bring the dirty 30 to the states, please dont do a collaboration with any of the "overlanding" RUclips channels, they all suck. It would be cool to see you meet up with Matt's offroad recovery and his friends and/or Dave and Fred from dirt everyday.

    • @morganplatt7601
      @morganplatt7601 2 года назад +1

      I’ve been thinking how awesome it would be for Matt and 4WD 24/7 to do a colab for years. Fab Rats too…

  • @jordzhowlett4719
    @jordzhowlett4719 2 года назад +4

    Favourite poddy by far so sick to see a different side to the absolute legend!

  • @KOBBSdiesel
    @KOBBSdiesel 2 года назад

    Shauno is really a good inspiration to me. they made me buying a 4wd and travel around the country where only fewer people could get the access to the most beautiful untouched spots in whole Australia otherwise I still driving a sports car in a concrete jungle. Please bring Ronny Dahl to the podcast as well another legend.

  • @canadian4wd654
    @canadian4wd654 2 года назад +3

    Awesome podcast! 4wd 24/7 got me back into 4wheeling as one of my biggest passions now , don’t miss an episode 🤘

  • @matts_inthetopend6196
    @matts_inthetopend6196 2 года назад +12

    This was unreal , I'm a long time 4wd247/ action viewer been watching almost since the beginning, so stoked to see shauno in this setting,
    proper legend !! I also would love to have a beer at the lions den . 💯

    • @kadenmackriell4751
      @kadenmackriell4751 2 года назад +1

      Yeah aye. I’ve been here since the magazines, got a full box of 4wd action magazines.

  • @Franksssss
    @Franksssss 2 года назад +1

    Shauno, i was that p plater goin by the servo every arvo waiting for the 4wd action mag to show up. Seein the next instalment of Otis.
    Nearly blew a load when they started getting loaded with DVDs.🤣🤣🤣(still got every dvd)
    I went away for a awhile when it went to RUclips because I didn't have the access, but now when there's a new proper vid up it's on the TV with the kids involved.
    But them Oombulgurri eps were the best I've ever seen ever.
    The only thing that would've topped this podcast is to have sir cahill sitting next to ya.

  • @cedric-eq3hi
    @cedric-eq3hi 2 месяца назад

    We, I and we love everything Shauno does! ..heck, I’d watch him hoover and be entertained🤷‍♂️

    • @StupidEarthlings
      @StupidEarthlings 19 дней назад

      😮 Hey Now!, this is a Family Show.. 😂

  • @Finksta951
    @Finksta951 8 месяцев назад

    See this is why I fuck with this dudes podcast. From Mx to 4x4 great quality content. Thanks for all the work you do keep up the great work.

  • @keilfestin4606
    @keilfestin4606 2 года назад

    Good to see a different perspective on this 4wd channel a lot of hard work . Thanks shauno for sharing keen for more

  • @_sssnips
    @_sssnips 2 года назад

    Thank you for all you and the 4x4 24/7 guys do Shauno. You lads give us some mint content, inspire us, crack us up, and bring us back to the basics of life and it has helped me when I'm not feeling too good so big thanks from NZ. Show em mericans how its done hah! 🤙🏽

  • @Missystaf
    @Missystaf 2 года назад

    how good is Shauno! Great Ep. Shauno and Graham should be doing a podcast and have convo's like this. real world honest chats with all the good stories included! How good is the fishing story.

  • @Dean_Ranga
    @Dean_Ranga 2 года назад +1

    To add to the ticktok conversation iam new here and thats exactly where i seen the shorts for the interview with shawn and now going to go through your videos and watch anything and everything.

  • @josephnave38
    @josephnave38 2 года назад +7

    Shauno needs his own YT channel 👌👌

  • @ShoulderRollJason
    @ShoulderRollJason 2 года назад +6

    Shauno is a legend!

  • @shanestaff6307
    @shanestaff6307 2 года назад +3

    Awesome video great video watched it from start to finish good to see different side of Shaun

  • @vSAHARAx
    @vSAHARAx 2 года назад +1

    Killer podcast Lads! I see Shauno cruising around on the GC, try to respect his privacy but definitely a fanboy moment. I was fortunate enough to have my 80 in the old mag and DVD in 2009 and 2012. 100% agree that the 80’s and 90’s were the pinnacle years. Just sold my 200 and can’t help but look at the dusty 80 that’s been sitting for years and wanna fire her up again.

    @SEEKANDDESTROY717 2 года назад

    Shaun's passion for wheeling/overlanding seeps through the screen. Good to see this side of him. Great interview. 🤙🏼(From USA) oh and Diesels are fine everywhere but California.
    As for the scene being behind on the overland/touring front, it's tougher here in the US due to the majority of the country being private land. The wester half of the US has BLM(Bureau of Land Management) land which makes it a bit easier to do extended trips.

  • @simmo812
    @simmo812 2 года назад

    Cool to hear how he got started in the 4wd industry, and I'm stoked they're coming back to tassie

  • @zk-xy1yw
    @zk-xy1yw 2 года назад +2

    Hearing Shauno say “no one wants to see me pull a Barra out a creek” how cool would it be for a spin off show, add Graham and Reuben and you’ve got a hit !!

  • @jonathonms4906
    @jonathonms4906 2 года назад +2

    It's a weird thing to say but I think the reason why Shawn is so successful is the fact that everybody can relate to him in some way ..... either you have a mate like Shawn or you are like Shawn

  • @scottwhyte2772
    @scottwhyte2772 2 года назад

    Totally enjoyed work yesterday listening to this podcast.
    Great insight into Shauno.
    I have been to MOAB and Shaun is going to lose his shit when he gets there.
    Can't wait for that video.

  • @TaylorFeist206
    @TaylorFeist206 Год назад

    AWESOME interview. Great knowledge and inspiration. Cheers from the USA

  • @kane9956
    @kane9956 2 года назад

    Great episode. From a non-4x4 fella that was up there with the mtb guys for me. And made me want a 4x4 now

  • @hanswurl583
    @hanswurl583 2 года назад

    Great job. Love to hear real in depth convos with interesting personalities.

  • @Adrian-pi4zu
    @Adrian-pi4zu 2 года назад

    Yeeeah look. Around the 2hr mark in and i will be honest.
    Mint podcast this! Shauno is a good bloke. Big fan of this channel aswell. Well done mate keep on the grind 🤙

  • @richardwalsh5570
    @richardwalsh5570 2 года назад

    Really enjoyed this, great to hear Shaun be some candid.

  • @DReal_Bull
    @DReal_Bull 2 года назад

    Great podcast, love hearing the back ground of here Shaun started.

  • @CherokeeChief.
    @CherokeeChief. Год назад

    Happy to be the 2000th like.
    This channel deserves it.

  • @Kaveman907
    @Kaveman907 2 года назад

    Fantastic episode! Been watching 4WD 247 for a few years now. Nice to see Shauno more authentic. Love to see the fishing! Im watching from Alaska. If he makes it to America and comes up to Alaska I got some amazing tracks up here we can go on and some great fishing! Most of what I do for fun in Alaska is 4wd and fish! Come catch some salmon and halibut and we can go drive your truck to a glacier.

  • @adammclucas1996
    @adammclucas1996 2 года назад

    Great chat boys! Was very interesting to find the evolution details of 4WD 247. Would love to see a multi episode series on Netflix of Shauno, Graham, Jocko and the boys doing a massive trip non stop.... maybe WA from bottom to top! Also EV conversion with a diesel generator.... that combo could work well for 4WDs.

  • @dbikekid2169
    @dbikekid2169 2 года назад

    Was hyped when I seen this pop up, I dont even 4wd and I watch 4wd 24/7 🤣
    Would be sick to see Jase tag along in an episode. Cheers for the podcast boys

  • @tonygreen8221
    @tonygreen8221 2 года назад +2

    Great interview. Shauno’s a ripper bloke.

  • @joshdawson7246
    @joshdawson7246 2 года назад

    Excellent podcast now I’ll have to subscribe to this channel and go diving through all the old content.

  • @authenthuse5165
    @authenthuse5165 Год назад

    Great conversation! Perhaps consider dividing the podcast in smaller sections - so we can hear it in parts, in case we don't have a 3 hour chunk!

  • @7overland514
    @7overland514 10 месяцев назад

    How did I miss this one? Love your pod and 4WD 24/7 and Shauno

  • @RichardMowat-n8b
    @RichardMowat-n8b Год назад

    That was perfect , algorithm brought me to your podcast because ive been binging on the 24/7 shows . Sure hope Shano comes salmon fishing in BC Canada. If ya want the outback we have that in spades

  • @HYPRCTV-dw3gw
    @HYPRCTV-dw3gw 2 года назад +1

    Awesome video mate good to see Shauno in the flesh you’ve earned a subscriber out of me keep it up🤘🏻

  • @mrdoodle8748
    @mrdoodle8748 2 года назад +1

    Great podcast, new respect for Shaun.

  • @Luke_Mead
    @Luke_Mead 2 года назад +2

    Haven't even finished the episode and this is great

  • @jakoj2098
    @jakoj2098 2 года назад +4

    Shauno uncut but when u watch him u can tell he dose it for love not $, time for a fishing24/7 channel also

  • @Webby3939
    @Webby3939 2 года назад

    Awesome podcast, so cool to hear some off footage stories and future plans

  • @jadmacrae
    @jadmacrae 2 года назад

    awesome episode!! love seeing the pooch at 2:01:22 please keep doing this - you have a winning formula.
    Kicking the sidekick our was not cool - lol

  • @damianshale4567
    @damianshale4567 2 года назад

    Very interesting to hear from Shaun about his experinces with 4wd; 24/7, action and so forth. While it is true, that 4wd 24/7 is a great channel; I think that with an influx of new presenters in the next couple of years both he and Graham can find time to create their own personal space as well. For instance, i really enjoyed Sam's episode featuring Shaun on an outer reef expedition, deep jigging and trolling . Take some time to cement your following, and I believe that Shaun can diversify into many other fields of outdoor adventures.

  • @Jonesy96
    @Jonesy96 2 года назад +1

    I reckon Shaun should have a crack at his own channel on the side for his personal interests and approach it like grahams ausolo platform was a couple of years ago. Just him on his own with a camera or with mates, fishing or doing a trip where making the content isn’t the actual purpose of the content, rather it’s just a way for him to do more of what he enjoys and if people wanna watch it they can without having the ‘target audience’ complain about not getting what they signed up for. All of my mates here in Tassie (myself included) froth it when an episode comes out that’s got some fishing or a bit more exploring/touring in it because what we love doing and what we enjoy watching is the whole experience. Going to wicked places not everyone can, finding awesome camping spots and fishing anywhere there’s some water, not just doing hard tracks.

  • @terryoleary5424
    @terryoleary5424 2 года назад +1

    Wow , great chat .thanks

  • @patbright5334
    @patbright5334 2 года назад

    First pod cast ever and subscribed to ya channel ya a down to earth muda farka and was awesome to see shauno just being himself and saying how it is
    Will be watching more
    Thanks for three hrs of interesting footage 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🍺🍺😂🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺

  • @paulgriffiths7399
    @paulgriffiths7399 2 года назад

    Epic episode! Love Shaun and saw a different side to him today. humble and switched on. You should overlay the same images you guys are looking at for us too so we can see what you're seeing.

    @BZBDUZIT 2 года назад

    Shauno, When Graham did his own thing there for those coupla vids, I really enjoyed! Take your cam on your trips and ill happily watch you pull a Barra outta some small creek bruss

  • @shanemoore7305
    @shanemoore7305 2 года назад +2

    Well do guys really enjoy to see you you both just being brutally honest. Loved it. Would love to see Shaun’s fishing adventures as well

  • @Crashryding
    @Crashryding Год назад

    Bloody brilliant podcast lads! Top notch

  • @obsidian....
    @obsidian.... Год назад

    Part of the 60% right here 👋

  • @stevegraham3817
    @stevegraham3817 2 года назад

    There is a company in Oz that converts 76/79 series Landcruisers to EV for the mines, and there is a bloke in the UK who sells Landrover conversion kits, both worth looking for.

  • @michaelbulla9231
    @michaelbulla9231 2 года назад

    That was my 1st 1 too great insight into your world good job

  • @SGDaht
    @SGDaht 2 года назад

    Awesome pod cast man love the way you do it. Would be awesome to get a scene change to what you're seeing on your screen to know what you're talking about!

  • @marielachristian8666
    @marielachristian8666 2 года назад

    Wow. Shaun was sooo goood 2 see u chatting here like that .. I learned so much more bout u m8.. Wudve liked 2 have a drink or 2 wit u afta wards

  • @rpalmer274
    @rpalmer274 2 года назад

    Love these guys all the way from Canada 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

  • @fishingwithfrighty1615
    @fishingwithfrighty1615 2 года назад

    Shaun is a legend. Great listen 👍

  • @lachlanmarshall2820
    @lachlanmarshall2820 2 года назад +1

    Stella video mate, shaunos a legend

  • @MarkGaffey
    @MarkGaffey 2 года назад +1

    Hangin out with Matt's recovery in Moab should be good

  • @lukejones4017
    @lukejones4017 2 года назад

    Good podcast, would be cool if we could see the TV you're looking at when looking up things like the electric bikes and stuff.

  • @OffBeatTrax
    @OffBeatTrax 2 года назад +1

    i know how people feel i have a youtube channel of enduro content and been doing it for 3 years now with only 300 odd subs but thats not why i do it but yeah its good when it grows love the pod cast

  • @lok14
    @lok14 2 года назад +1

    This is brilliant. You have gained a subscriber!

  • @Generalpickaname
    @Generalpickaname 2 года назад

    You should edit the video podcasts to show the videos you guys are watching, even as a PIP. Great podcast man. 🍻