Thank you very much. i have been using this setup for more then 6 months now, and was pleased with the results. in september i bought also an autoguider camera and guide scope and i can do now even 10 min exposures with round stars using this mount
Is easier to make the adjustments if you do not have heavy payload on the mount but after is still good to check the polar alignment after you have the telescope and camera on and make adjustments if needed. If i have the telescope mounted in daytime i just leave it on and make adjustments like that. But for beginners it can help for the first time to not have all the equipment on
Thank you very much. Wish you great results with the new mount and clear sky! I am glad you like my videos with the Eqm 35 pro. It was my first review.
I have the iPolar on the Skyguider Pro and now I feel spoiled after watching you break down the rig to get a PA. I have been looking at this setup though, thanks for the review!
Thank you. This was my first video review. I mafe another video with polar alignment where i do not rotate the ra axis. With the eqm35 pro you can make alignment without rotating. But at the moment of this video i was not sure. And i had the experience with the skyguider pro when i needed to rotate.
@@GalaxyArtMedia I wonder if the mount you reviewed can be upgraded to have something like the iPolar. That would be pretty cool. Of course, aligning the manual way does look kind of fun, but I feel the iPolar is more accurate because it zooms in and makes sure you are right on the star. I get solid polar alignments and have had 15 minute exposures without trails before (just for testing).
@@GalaxyArtMedia My focal length is 430, but I'm definitely using autoguiding with PHD2 to get those results. The hot pixels are a mess though, it's not worth it, lol.
Hello. I did not experimented with the number wheel, you do not need them if you make polar alignment using a phone app. Here i have a full tutorial on polar alignment with the Eqm35 pro, i also filmed inside the polar scope and i show how i aligned :видео.html
Hello! I think Using The Graduated Circles (Scales) can help you to Polar Align the mount without having to use a mobile app, another method that can help you to know where to place Polaris inside the polar reticle, but i have not try it, I always used a mobile application, usually Polar Finder to show me where i should position Polaris in the Polar scope reticle. If you want so see my full tutorial on Polar aligning the Eqm-35 Pro mount using a phone app you can find it here:видео.html
Great job on your channel. I just bought this mount. I noticed you have a red light attached to Polar Scope front. Is that just a standard SW SA light? Any need for an adapter so it can fit?
Nice Video! I wanted to try out my eqm 35 pro today but had some troubles. I did a good polar alignment, put it in home position and started the mount. I didn’t want to use the star alignment so I went directly to the tracking part in the menu as told in the Manuel. I took a 25sec test image but It seemed like the tracking didn’t start. I also couldn’t hear anything (normally you can hear the motor right?) any ideas why it wouldn’t start tracking?
Hello. You need to select the sidereal tracking mode if you do not use the goto to point to a star. You shoud select no at start from park option untill you make star aligment and only after if you use the mount from same position you shoud select yes at start from parc and in that situation you can skip alignment. After you balanced the. Mount and you made polar alignment you need to make 2 or 3 star alignment so the go to will find the dso you select. It is more accurate if you make the star algnment using a dslr camera and use liveview to see if the star is in center. When selecting a star or dso then the tracking will be activated. If you do not do this as i mentioned before you need to activate manualy from the menu of the hand controler. You could test it also in the photography mode with the sidereal axe removed using a dslr and a ballhead and without goto. The same here also you must activate sidereal tracking from the remote. And you shoud hear the motors not lowd but still hear them if you go close.
Hello. I have sone many times. I used a zwo 120 mono camera connected to a guide scope and i connected the camera with the st4 cable to the controller box of the mount. You can see how i guided with phd2 in some videos like the one with horse head nebula and with the Rc 6 inch telescope
@@GalaxyArtMedia cheers mate I was wondering as I tried autoguiding for my first time the other night with PHD2 and connected into the controller. Could not figure it out lol. I know alot of mounts have inputs directly into them. Also, I know many appear to control everything through the laptop rather than go through the hand controller. I will take a look at your vid :)
@@gdlambert9736 In Phd2 you need to enter the focal length of the guide scope and sensor size and pixel size of your guiding camera, than you should be able to connect your camera and mount to phd2, If you want to do also dithering than you need to connect phd2., and after you will sue Apt to to set the dithering options, but you should start with the basics first and learn how to guide. You need to connect your camera to the laptop also with the usb cable, and the st4 cable to the controller of the mount, then enter the settings in phd2 and also see how i connect when i start the program. Good Luck Lambert and Clear sky!
Hi, i received my EQM35 yesterday, and i noticed the RA and Dec are not smooth, not easy to balance this way, it looks like your axes are a lot smoother, did you do anything to make them smoother ? Thanks
Hi AstroDude. I did not make any maintenance or changes. When i did receive also the mount the axis were a little more stiff because the mount had also grease in it, but the movement of the axis will loosen up in time, and it will be easier to balance, If you use a telescope like the ed80 to balance should not be a problem. You can watch also my video with the level of friction of the Ra and Dec axis after 6 months.видео.html A friend of mine from Instagram had a problem with the eqm35 pro with the movement of the axis especially the Dec axis, i think it was a factory defect, so you should also test the mount see if it works fine or not, you could also talk with him and see if you have a similar problem.
Ioan Nemes the mount slews fine as far as i can tell. It is fully loaded with ED80, camera, Evoguide 50, pocket Powerbox and USB hub, so one would think that the axes would feel less stiff with all that weight (almost 10kg), I posted a picture oon Stargazers Lounge as Miguel1983.
@@Miguel_Noppe I checked the post, but i did not found any image, well i can confirm that when i bought the mount the ra and dec were more stiff, when i did the review on the eqm35 pro already passed more than 4 months and they were more loose, but even so, i did not had problems with the mount when balancing on this regard, what i had to change the rings position on the dovetail so i could balance my Skywatcher Ed80 in declination, also the dec cable i mentioned in my video ( there are 4 parts), you must be careful how you insert the cable , so it will be above the dec motor, since it is not sealed in the lower part so it could cut the cable if not inserted properly.
Hello, yes i think it is the same mount, maybe some sites do not use the Pro in the title, i did find it on skywatcher here:
I just got this mount and I don't understand the polar scope. Should I unscrew the black piece/cover infront of it? If I do that a glass piece comes of too so it doesn't look right. There's a super tiny hole in the black cover that looks out of place but it's not that I should look through right? If it is, that's not what I expected lol
Hello, I need an image to understand better, maybe you can post one on my Facebook group GAM ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY CLUB, here is the link: You can check also my dedicated polar alignment video for the Eqm35 pro:видео.html Normaly you shoud not need to do anything regarding the polar scope, except the situation that is not calibrated in the factory. you need to remove the caps in back and front so you can look through the polar scope, than you can use a polar illuminator that will light up inside and help you position polaris in the polar finder reticle.
@@GalaxyArtMedia It was just me being stupid, it's fixed now. The cap on the polar scope, I didn't understand that I just had to wiggle it off and not screwing it off...
Hi! What polar illuminator do you have? I asked two providers about the "Skywatcher illuminator for EQ3 and EQ5" and I got two different answers. I do not know which polar illuminator to buy.
Multumesc! Da, acesta e modelul. Am mai observat ca luneta de aliniere polara nu are reticolul centrat, se poate ajusta dar nu cu imbusurile livrate in pachet, insa in manual ar fi trebuit sa atraga atentia asupra necesitatii de a verifica colimarea.
I did show in the next part, you can find it here.видео.html at minute 5.27 sec. Also after testing the mount, and you know how to balance it good, and you have a good 3 star alignment, you can place the mount in the same position to save time and you just have to place the weight, and make the polar alignment easy and no need to make the star alignment again for a while, the mount will remember the home position and star alignment from last time. In this situation you chose start from parc. Also make sure coordinates, time and date and time zone are correct.
Hello! It is portable power generator 40.800mah with 3xdc 12V 2x Usb can also charge AC like my laptop, I should make maybe also a review for it. I shared the link also in the video description.
It is a 40.800mah solar power generator, here is the link from where i bought:
Foarte bun clipul si videouri-le pe care le faci, foarte inforamtive, ce recomand in plus este un autoguiding pentru a face o expunere foarte precisa. De curand am cumparat un explore scientific APO 102 mm triplet. Ce parere ai despre montura pe care o ai? Pro si contra! Merci Cer liber!
Salut. Mulțumesc pentru comentariu. Am cam spus aproape tot in cele 4 parti ale recenziei la Eqm35 Pro, Părerea mea este ca e o montura foarte buna la acest segment de pret, am fost multumit si înainte sa cumpar un autoguider, am folosit-o nu numai cu telescopul Ed80 dar si in modul mai ușor, cel de dslr star tracker doar cu axa Ra si am obtinut rezultate bune, am folosit in general cu o greutate de 5 sau 5 .5 kg dar am mers si pana in 6.5 kg poate 7 kg cu ocularul baader pentru a fotografia planete. Combinat cu un autoguider schimba total jocul am testat expuneri până in 10 minute cu rezultate bune, in ultimile luni am folosit mai mult expuneri de 4 minute cu filtru uhc-s nebula de la Baader, urmează sa incerc mai lungi cu filtru Ha. Cu Ed80 funcționează foarte bine nu am încercat inasa 102. dacă greutatea este până in 6.5 kg , posibil sa mearga pentru astro si cu un refractor de 102, dar nu pot recomanda dacă nu am încercat. fiind triplet este și mai greu mai conteaza si lungimea acestuia. Pentru vizual ar trebui sa susțină sarcini cu o limită de 10 kg , asa cred. Contra nu am prea multe sa reproșez, era plăcut să aibă cabluri interioare și luneta polara sa fie iluminata fără sa ai nevoie sa cumperi iluminator, motoarele puteau poate fi izolate mai bine au aerisire in partea de jos, și dacă nu montezi cablul dec corect il poate prinde motorul, dar am observat acest fapt si l-am montat in pozitia corecta, asa ca nu am avut probleme. Trepied solid, după ce am făcut recenzia am observat ca cauciucurile la picoare se pot desprinde dar se pot pune la loc. Sistemul goto functioneaza bine, desi nu totdeauna tinta e perfect in mijloc, dar se poate misca cu telecomanda si aranja compozitia dupa, deci nu este o problema mare, cred ca conteaza aici alinierea polara si cea la stele. A funcționat bine atat in curte cat si pe teren, in zone cu cer intunecat. Are o baza solida, trepied solid, Pot sa zic ca momentan sunt multumit de montura Eqm 35 pro GOTO de la Skywatcher. Pentru un triplet 102 poate ar fi indicat ceva mai solid, deși nu cunosc greutatea acestuia, dar folosită împreună cu Ed 80 Apo de la Skywatcher am avut rezultate bune. Cer senin si vreme mai buna in 2020 !
@@GalaxyArtMedia Multumesc pentru raspuns, sunt tentat sa cumpar monura de la aceasi firma, cu wi-fi integrat, telescopul are 5 kg, posibil cu accesorii ajung pe la 7, ma gandeam la montura pe care o ai si tu sau EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC EXOS-2 PMC-EIGHT GOTO sa o cumpar. Foarte tare canalul tau, o sa te urmaresc cu atentie. Mai am o singura intrebare , ce baterie externa folosesti pentru montura? Merci, cer senin si un an nou mai bun!
@@visandaniel175 Cu placere. M-am uitat si eu peste monturile de la EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC din aceasta categorie de preț, am întrebat la un magazin ce mi-ar recomanda, si mi s-a spus ca sunt mai nou si posibil sa fie mai multe erori decât la skywatcher. La fel in Review-uri, dar nu mai știu exact la care model m-am uitat. Ca si sursa am in descriere trecut modelul, la fel si in fotografiile de pe instagram, este un solar power generator, dar nu am cumparat panoul solar. si il incarc la priza Powerbank ,Lithium 40800 MAH. Are si curent continuu si alternativ, poate încărca si laptopul cu incarcatorul de priza, are 3 iesiri dc si 2 iesiri usb. Ca si cost este undeva pe la 800 lei depinde la ce firma il gasesti daca este sau nu la reducere. Am cumparat si wifi adapter pt eqm 35 pro dar sunt ceva probleme cu programul lor cred, am avut anumite erori așa ca am trecut înapoi la telecomanda. Pe site-ul Skywatcher scrie ca suporta pana la 100mm refractoare si 127mm Maksutovs.Telescopul meu cu inele si placă montaj are 3.5 kg. ajung undeva la 5.5 kg in setup normal pentru astrofotografie. Cu un Apo Ed 80 s-a descurcat bine, mai greu de atat nu am încercat pentru deep sky. deci nu am cum sa știu dacă va face fata bine la 7 kg, pe site-ul lor scrie pana la 6.5 kg pentru astrofotografie. Poti incerca si cu eqm 35 pro și daca telescopul va fi prea greu sa schimbi după montura cu una care suporta mai multă greutate, doar sa ai timp si cer senin sa o testezi. Personal dacă as avea bugetul cred ca as cumpara o montura si mai solidă pentru un triplet 102mm, m-as orienta poate spre un Heq5 sau mai sus depinde ce buget as avea
@@GalaxyArtMedia Ok, merci mult pentru informatii, atunci o sa mai astept o perioada si o sa imi iau Heq5, momenta vremea nu este asa favorabila. Din cate am vazut si eu este cam cea mai recomandata! multumesc pentru informatii !Eu am un sony a 5000 pentru a face astro.
@@visandaniel175 cu placere. Vremea nu este ideala acum. Dar daca reusesti sa iti cumperi iarna aceasta montura vei putea sa folosesti telescopul pentru niste nebuloase specifice anotimpului. Precum este Orion Nebula Flame Nebula si Horsehead care sunt împreună cu ic434 si ngc 2023 mai este Messier 78 si Rosette Nebula mai sunt si Pleiades si inca câteva
I do not know this, but it should be polar illuminators for sale. i will serch for one after i get some sleep, i imaged all night the planets and filmed for a review for a 2x barlow ed from Gso,
This is the exact telescope mount I am looking to buy. I was undecided about the tripod but seeing your videos helped.
Thank you very much. i have been using this setup for more then 6 months now, and was pleased with the results. in september i bought also an autoguider camera and guide scope and i can do now even 10 min exposures with round stars using this mount
Thanks. This is my set up too. I also have Asiair plus, and Zwo guidescope and use Nikon DLSR.
Sounds great! Asiair seems very nice option especially if you travel
Good explaining. It's a great video. Now when I get my mount I know how to align. Thanks.
Thank you Mark! Glad it helped!
Thank you for detailed review and instructions! I am setting up my EQM-35 now-this was very helpful!
Glad it was helpful! I wish you clear sky!
I have always polar aligned with full gear mounted and balanced, never had an issue.
Is easier to make the adjustments if you do not have heavy payload on the mount but after is still good to check the polar alignment after you have the telescope and camera on and make adjustments if needed. If i have the telescope mounted in daytime i just leave it on and make adjustments like that. But for beginners it can help for the first time to not have all the equipment on
Just ordered this mount few days ago attaching a redcat 51 with a canon rebel T7i DSLR. Ty for the video. Good info.
Thank you very much. Wish you great results with the new mount and clear sky! I am glad you like my videos with the Eqm 35 pro. It was my first review.
I have the iPolar on the Skyguider Pro and now I feel spoiled after watching you break down the rig to get a PA. I have been looking at this setup though, thanks for the review!
Thank you. This was my first video review. I mafe another video with polar alignment where i do not rotate the ra axis. With the eqm35 pro you can make alignment without rotating. But at the moment of this video i was not sure. And i had the experience with the skyguider pro when i needed to rotate.
@@GalaxyArtMedia I wonder if the mount you reviewed can be upgraded to have something like the iPolar. That would be pretty cool. Of course, aligning the manual way does look kind of fun, but I feel the iPolar is more accurate because it zooms in and makes sure you are right on the star. I get solid polar alignments and have had 15 minute exposures without trails before (just for testing).
@@ryanmichaelhaley i herd that are some adapers that can be used. With what focal length you got 15 min ? Without autoguiding?
@@GalaxyArtMedia My focal length is 430, but I'm definitely using autoguiding with PHD2 to get those results. The hot pixels are a mess though, it's not worth it, lol.
I tested maximum 20 min at 420mm with autoguiding on my eqm 35 and 5 min at 1500mm with eqm35
How do you know what to set the green and silver dials to at around 6:40?
Hello. I did not experimented with the number wheel, you do not need them if you make polar alignment using a phone app. Here i have a full tutorial on polar alignment with the Eqm35 pro, i also filmed inside the polar scope and i show how i aligned :видео.html
Hi, I've just bought the same mount, already received and want to know what does that green ring with numbers on it mean at 6:34
Hello! I think Using The Graduated Circles (Scales) can help you to Polar Align the mount without having to use a mobile app, another method that can help you to know where to place Polaris inside the polar reticle, but i have not try it, I always used a mobile application, usually Polar Finder to show me where i should position Polaris in the Polar scope reticle. If you want so see my full tutorial on Polar aligning the Eqm-35 Pro mount using a phone app you can find it here:видео.html
very good video do you use polar alignment and the 3 stars from synscan
Thank you so much. I made also another video explaining better polar alignment with eqm35 pro you can check it out for more info
Great job on your channel. I just bought this mount. I noticed you have a red light attached to Polar Scope front. Is that just a standard SW SA light? Any need for an adapter so it can fit?
Thank you! That is correct, is the standard sky watcher polar iluminator, no adaptors.
@@GalaxyArtMedia Thanks for the fast reply!
Nice Video! I wanted to try out my eqm 35 pro today but had some troubles. I did a good polar alignment, put it in home position and started the mount. I didn’t want to use the star alignment so I went directly to the tracking part in the menu as told in the Manuel. I took a 25sec test image but It seemed like the tracking didn’t start. I also couldn’t hear anything (normally you can hear the motor right?) any ideas why it wouldn’t start tracking?
Hello. You need to select the sidereal tracking mode if you do not use the goto to point to a star. You shoud select no at start from park option untill you make star aligment and only after if you use the mount from same position you shoud select yes at start from parc and in that situation you can skip alignment. After you balanced the. Mount and you made polar alignment you need to make 2 or 3 star alignment so the go to will find the dso you select. It is more accurate if you make the star algnment using a dslr camera and use liveview to see if the star is in center. When selecting a star or dso then the tracking will be activated. If you do not do this as i mentioned before you need to activate manualy from the menu of the hand controler. You could test it also in the photography mode with the sidereal axe removed using a dslr and a ballhead and without goto. The same here also you must activate sidereal tracking from the remote. And you shoud hear the motors not lowd but still hear them if you go close.
Galaxy Art Media I will try it, thanks!
Hi mate, have you ever done autoguiding with this mount? If so, how did you set up the connections?
Hello. I have sone many times. I used a zwo 120 mono camera connected to a guide scope and i connected the camera with the st4 cable to the controller box of the mount. You can see how i guided with phd2 in some videos like the one with horse head nebula and with the Rc 6 inch telescope
@@GalaxyArtMedia cheers mate I was wondering as I tried autoguiding for my first time the other night with PHD2 and connected into the controller. Could not figure it out lol. I know alot of mounts have inputs directly into them. Also, I know many appear to control everything through the laptop rather than go through the hand controller. I will take a look at your vid :)
@@gdlambert9736 In Phd2 you need to enter the focal length of the guide scope and sensor size and pixel size of your guiding camera, than you should be able to connect your camera and mount to phd2, If you want to do also dithering than you need to connect phd2., and after you will sue Apt to to set the dithering options, but you should start with the basics first and learn how to guide. You need to connect your camera to the laptop also with the usb cable, and the st4 cable to the controller of the mount, then enter the settings in phd2 and also see how i connect when i start the program. Good Luck Lambert and Clear sky!
@@GalaxyArtMedia thanks for your help mate. Will let you know how I get on!
@@gdlambert9736 with pleasure!
Hi, i received my EQM35 yesterday, and i noticed the RA and Dec are not smooth, not easy to balance this way, it looks like your axes are a lot smoother, did you do anything to make them smoother ? Thanks
Hi AstroDude. I did not make any maintenance or changes. When i did receive also the mount the axis were a little more stiff because the mount had also grease in it, but the movement of the axis will loosen up in time, and it will be easier to balance, If you use a telescope like the ed80 to balance should not be a problem. You can watch also my video with the level of friction of the Ra and Dec axis after 6 months.видео.html
A friend of mine from Instagram had a problem with the eqm35 pro with the movement of the axis especially the Dec axis, i think it was a factory defect, so you should also test the mount see if it works fine or not, you could also talk with him and see if you have a similar problem.
Ioan Nemes the mount slews fine as far as i can tell. It is fully loaded with ED80, camera, Evoguide 50, pocket Powerbox and USB hub, so one would think that the axes would feel less stiff with all that weight (almost 10kg), I posted a picture oon Stargazers Lounge as Miguel1983.
@@Miguel_Noppe I checked the post, but i did not found any image, well i can confirm that when i bought the mount the ra and dec were more stiff, when i did the review on the eqm35 pro already passed more than 4 months and they were more loose, but even so, i did not had problems with the mount when balancing on this regard, what i had to change the rings position on the dovetail so i could balance my Skywatcher Ed80 in declination, also the dec cable i mentioned in my video ( there are 4 parts), you must be careful how you insert the cable , so it will be above the dec motor, since it is not sealed in the lower part so it could cut the cable if not inserted properly.
@@GalaxyArtMedia maybe another post ? You can find it here :
I don't see a EQM-35 Pro on the Skywatcher site. I just see the EQM-35 without the "Pro" designation. Is this the same mount?
Hello, yes i think it is the same mount, maybe some sites do not use the Pro in the title, i did find it on skywatcher here:
I just got this mount and I don't understand the polar scope. Should I unscrew the black piece/cover infront of it? If I do that a glass piece comes of too so it doesn't look right. There's a super tiny hole in the black cover that looks out of place but it's not that I should look through right? If it is, that's not what I expected lol
Hello, I need an image to understand better, maybe you can post one on my Facebook group GAM ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY CLUB, here is the link: You can check also my dedicated polar alignment video for the Eqm35 pro:видео.html Normaly you shoud not need to do anything regarding the polar scope, except the situation that is not calibrated in the factory. you need to remove the caps in back and front so you can look through the polar scope, than you can use a polar illuminator that will light up inside and help you position polaris in the polar finder reticle.
@@GalaxyArtMedia It was just me being stupid, it's fixed now. The cap on the polar scope, I didn't understand that I just had to wiggle it off and not screwing it off...
Well you can't see if the cap is is on🙈
Hi! What polar illuminator do you have? I asked two providers about the "Skywatcher illuminator for EQ3 and EQ5" and I got two different answers. I do not know which polar illuminator to buy.
Salut. L-am cumparat cand am luat și montura. Il găsești la Telescop-Expert la 135 RON.
Multumesc! Da, acesta e modelul.
Am mai observat ca luneta de aliniere polara nu are reticolul centrat, se poate ajusta dar nu cu imbusurile livrate in pachet, insa in manual ar fi trebuit sa atraga atentia asupra necesitatii de a verifica colimarea.
Did you set the time on the mount as per the polar app? This wasn’t covered in the video
I did show in the next part, you can find it here.видео.html at minute 5.27 sec. Also after testing the mount, and you know how to balance it good, and you have a good 3 star alignment, you can place the mount in the same position to save time and you just have to place the weight, and make the polar alignment easy and no need to make the star alignment again for a while, the mount will remember the home position and star alignment from last time. In this situation you chose start from parc. Also make sure coordinates, time and date and time zone are correct.
Where did you get that polar finder illuminator?
Hello! I bought it from a local shop.
Working on my set up. I have a telescope, mount and camera and am trying to find a good power supply and failing. What is the name of yours?
Hello! It is portable power generator 40.800mah with 3xdc 12V 2x Usb can also charge AC like my laptop, I should make maybe also a review for it. I shared the link also in the video description.
Ioan Nemes thank you very much!
What is the model of power supply?
It is a 40.800mah solar power generator, here is the link from where i bought:
What if its not really good polar aligned. Does it gonna drift?
Hello. Yes it will drift. Depending on the error of alignment. Usualy in a coupe of minutes you will notice a change in position of the star or planet
Foarte bun clipul si videouri-le pe care le faci, foarte inforamtive, ce recomand in plus este un autoguiding pentru a face o expunere foarte precisa.
De curand am cumparat un explore scientific APO 102 mm triplet. Ce parere ai despre montura pe care o ai? Pro si contra! Merci
Cer liber!
Salut. Mulțumesc pentru comentariu. Am cam spus aproape tot in cele 4 parti ale recenziei la Eqm35 Pro, Părerea mea este ca e o montura foarte buna la acest segment de pret, am fost multumit si înainte sa cumpar un autoguider, am folosit-o nu numai cu telescopul Ed80 dar si in modul mai ușor, cel de dslr star tracker doar cu axa Ra si am obtinut rezultate bune, am folosit in general cu o greutate de 5 sau 5 .5 kg dar am mers si pana in 6.5 kg poate 7 kg cu ocularul baader pentru a fotografia planete. Combinat cu un autoguider schimba total jocul am testat expuneri până in 10 minute cu rezultate bune, in ultimile luni am folosit mai mult expuneri de 4 minute cu filtru uhc-s nebula de la Baader, urmează sa incerc mai lungi cu filtru Ha. Cu Ed80 funcționează foarte bine nu am încercat inasa 102. dacă greutatea este până in 6.5 kg , posibil sa mearga pentru astro si cu un refractor de 102, dar nu pot recomanda dacă nu am încercat. fiind triplet este și mai greu mai conteaza si lungimea acestuia. Pentru vizual ar trebui sa susțină sarcini cu o limită de 10 kg , asa cred. Contra nu am prea multe sa reproșez, era plăcut să aibă cabluri interioare și luneta polara sa fie iluminata fără sa ai nevoie sa cumperi iluminator, motoarele puteau poate fi izolate mai bine au aerisire in partea de jos, și dacă nu montezi cablul dec corect il poate prinde motorul, dar am observat acest fapt si l-am montat in pozitia corecta, asa ca nu am avut probleme. Trepied solid, după ce am făcut recenzia am observat ca cauciucurile la picoare se pot desprinde dar se pot pune la loc. Sistemul goto functioneaza bine, desi nu totdeauna tinta e perfect in mijloc, dar se poate misca cu telecomanda si aranja compozitia dupa, deci nu este o problema mare, cred ca conteaza aici alinierea polara si cea la stele. A funcționat bine atat in curte cat si pe teren, in zone cu cer intunecat. Are o baza solida, trepied solid, Pot sa zic ca momentan sunt multumit de montura Eqm 35 pro GOTO de la Skywatcher. Pentru un triplet 102 poate ar fi indicat ceva mai solid, deși nu cunosc greutatea acestuia, dar folosită împreună cu Ed 80 Apo de la Skywatcher am avut rezultate bune. Cer senin si vreme mai buna in 2020 !
@@GalaxyArtMedia Multumesc pentru raspuns, sunt tentat sa cumpar monura de la aceasi firma, cu wi-fi integrat, telescopul are 5 kg, posibil cu accesorii ajung pe la 7, ma gandeam la montura pe care o ai si tu sau EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC EXOS-2 PMC-EIGHT GOTO sa o cumpar.
Foarte tare canalul tau, o sa te urmaresc cu atentie. Mai am o singura intrebare , ce baterie externa folosesti pentru montura? Merci, cer senin si un an nou mai bun!
@@visandaniel175 Cu placere. M-am uitat si eu peste monturile de la EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC din aceasta categorie de preț, am întrebat la un magazin ce mi-ar recomanda, si mi s-a spus ca sunt mai nou si posibil sa fie mai multe erori decât la skywatcher. La fel in Review-uri, dar nu mai știu exact la care model m-am uitat. Ca si sursa am in descriere trecut modelul, la fel si in fotografiile de pe instagram, este un solar power generator, dar nu am cumparat panoul solar. si il incarc la priza Powerbank ,Lithium 40800 MAH. Are si curent continuu si alternativ, poate încărca si laptopul cu incarcatorul de priza, are 3 iesiri dc si 2 iesiri usb. Ca si cost este undeva pe la 800 lei depinde la ce firma il gasesti daca este sau nu la reducere. Am cumparat si wifi adapter pt eqm 35 pro dar sunt ceva probleme cu programul lor cred, am avut anumite erori așa ca am trecut înapoi la telecomanda. Pe site-ul Skywatcher scrie ca suporta pana la 100mm refractoare si 127mm Maksutovs.Telescopul meu cu inele si placă montaj are 3.5 kg. ajung undeva la 5.5 kg in setup normal pentru astrofotografie. Cu un Apo Ed 80 s-a descurcat bine, mai greu de atat nu am încercat pentru deep sky. deci nu am cum sa știu dacă va face fata bine la 7 kg, pe site-ul lor scrie pana la 6.5 kg pentru astrofotografie. Poti incerca si cu eqm 35 pro și daca telescopul va fi prea greu sa schimbi după montura cu una care suporta mai multă greutate, doar sa ai timp si
cer senin sa o testezi. Personal dacă as avea bugetul cred ca as cumpara o montura si mai solidă pentru un triplet 102mm, m-as orienta poate spre un Heq5 sau mai sus depinde ce buget as avea
@@GalaxyArtMedia Ok, merci mult pentru informatii, atunci o sa mai astept o perioada si o sa imi iau Heq5, momenta vremea nu este asa favorabila. Din cate am vazut si eu este cam cea mai recomandata! multumesc pentru informatii !Eu am un sony a 5000 pentru a face astro.
@@visandaniel175 cu placere. Vremea nu este ideala acum. Dar daca reusesti sa iti cumperi iarna aceasta montura vei putea sa folosesti telescopul pentru niste nebuloase specifice anotimpului. Precum este Orion Nebula Flame Nebula si Horsehead care sunt împreună cu ic434 si ngc 2023 mai este Messier 78 si Rosette Nebula mai sunt si Pleiades si inca câteva
Very interesting!
Thank you Viola
skywatcher no longer sells any polar illuminators. very strange.
I do not know this, but it should be polar illuminators for sale. i will serch for one after i get some sleep, i imaged all night the planets and filmed for a review for a 2x barlow ed from Gso,