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  • @StarkMaximum
    @StarkMaximum 5 месяцев назад +1696

    One of my favorite little details is that Peppino isn't wearing an apron like it may seem, he's wearing an old tank top. Dude can't even afford _an apron._

    • @PotatoPatatoVonSpudsworth
      @PotatoPatatoVonSpudsworth 5 месяцев назад +243

      It's also an excellent decision from a game design standpoint. The white torso helps define the character's movements at all times. Had his back been the same black as his sleeves/pants, it would've made it harder to distinguish some movements. The choice of monotone colours also helps Peppino stand out against the colourful Pizza Tower environments!

    • @davidthecommenter
      @davidthecommenter 5 месяцев назад +83

      it's always slightly bugged me when people give him an apron

    • @potato_the_chip
      @potato_the_chip 5 месяцев назад +86

      ​@@davidthecommenter they wish the best for the poor guy after the events of Pizza Tower 🙏🙏😔😔😔

    • @notimportant768
      @notimportant768 5 месяцев назад +5

      ​@@PotatoPatatoVonSpudsworthi thought it was a chef coat for some reason.

    • @carlrygwelski586
      @carlrygwelski586 5 месяцев назад


  • @kratangg-arang
    @kratangg-arang 5 месяцев назад +822

    My favorite description of Peppino’s vibe is that of a pendulum rapidly swinging between a shivering baby seal and an entire navy seal team

    • @subtlewhatssubtle
      @subtlewhatssubtle 5 месяцев назад +159

      I saw a quote on a short which went "This man is *screaming.* Sometimes in fear, sometimes in rage, but *always* screaming."

    • @dmclsl03
      @dmclsl03 3 месяца назад +6

      I guess that makes sense lmao

    • @paulitastic2460
      @paulitastic2460 3 месяца назад +4

      REAL thats peppino fr​@@subtlewhatssubtle

  • @TheRTDZ
    @TheRTDZ 5 месяцев назад +591

    I think one of the more interesting things about Peppino is that in the end he doesn’t really become successful at the end. He’s still working the 9-5 job, still worrying about the bills, and while all the bosses show up for a party, there’s no guarantee they’ll be regular costumers. There’s a very real chance that he’s gone back to the status quo at the begging of the game, albeit with a couple of new nuisances thrown into the mix.
    …but it’s still a happy ending, because Peppino no longer has to throw himself through a death gauntlet to save his business. (For now.) He may have risked his life just to go back to misery, but that misery is nothing compared to the absolute PAIN that is video game platforming bullshit. Peppino may not like his status quo, but he’ll take it over the insanity of Pizzahead’s gauntlet.
    In a world where every video game is a escapist fantasy, Pizaa Tower has the balls to be an escapist fantasy that points out that being a protagonist of a escapist fantasy won’t make you cool, won’t be much fun, and won’t give you the success you crave in life. The bad guys still lose, and in hilarious and humiliating ways to boot, but Peppino doesn’t so much win as survive. But that’s okay. Because the 9-5 grind might suck, but having to go through a video game in real life sucks worse, and making to the end of one deserves a celebration, even if it’s one where all you get is a free pizza, a slap on the back and a gift card with “a winner is you!” written on it.
    Peppino may be the video game equivalent of Charlie Brown, but that doesn’t mean his “victory” isn’t a triumph.

    • @PaypsAgain
      @PaypsAgain 5 месяцев назад +57

      I mean he has Gustavo for support,even if he finds him annoying, Gustavo is basically his only friend and the only one willing to help him, Gustavo is with him when he enters the tower and right next to him when he escapes

    • @muffings9328
      @muffings9328 5 месяцев назад +14

      That is litteraly what I thought when I saw every thing of pizza tower until the end

    • @TheIrreverentUncleAl
      @TheIrreverentUncleAl 4 месяца назад +26

      "There's a very real chance that he's gone back to the status quo at the beginning of the game, albeit with a couple new nuisances thrown into the mix."
      Just like an episodic 90s cartoon, eh?

    • @spindash64
      @spindash64 3 месяца назад +10

      Honestly, id wager his business will be doing much better after the tower goes down. Not just because Pizza head is out of the way, but by giving Peppino the confidence boost he needed to really, REALLY give people the pizza they want.
      It's still not some massive payout, but it's the thing he needed most: _peace_

  • @peucoman
    @peucoman 5 месяцев назад +996

    I think the most important part of Pizza Tower is the symbolism. We have a humble, small business worker triumphing over the massive, soulless franchise. Pizzahead was deliberately designed after Ronald McDonald, and having what amounts to an underpaid everyman cave the mascot of the franchise that antagonizes his hard work's teeth in works wonderfully from a narrative standpoint.

    • @Toonrick12
      @Toonrick12 5 месяцев назад +81

      To add to the Ronald McDonald design, I believe the choice to use "After you get what you want, You don't want it" was to replace a famous Ronald McDonald MAD (Movie Anime Dōjinshi, basically an AMV) for copyright reasons. So the connection is even stronger than you think.

    • @rainbowsylvie16
      @rainbowsylvie16 5 месяцев назад +14

      can you be underpaid if you own the place

    • @aquamarinerose5405
      @aquamarinerose5405 5 месяцев назад

      Considering Peppino is constantly swimming in debt and only barely keeping his restaurant alive. Yes.@@rainbowsylvie16

    • @TheRedCap
      @TheRedCap 5 месяцев назад +4

      ​@@Toonrick12I thought it was a YTPMV based on a Japanese McDonald's commercial

    • @peucoman
      @peucoman 5 месяцев назад +17

      @@rainbowsylvie16 with how Mr. Stick shafts Peppino? yeah I'd say so

  • @popularvote3613
    @popularvote3613 5 месяцев назад +430

    I think one of Peppino's best, understated moments, is when he reaches the top of the tower and sees his little pizza place.
    Canonically, he's not a great chef. His pizza is just "OK" at best. He's always scraping by.
    But dammit, it's his. That little place is his, and even with everything that's happened, he's willing to fight for it.

    • @nicool350tm3
      @nicool350tm3 3 месяца назад +28

      i'd moreso say that his pizza is AMAZING but he's..a local place really. local places get by harder than big brands, which is why peppino's got trouble getting by - he's a local specilty, nothing more

    • @ayylmao2040
      @ayylmao2040 3 месяца назад +9

      From the start of trying the game it's what endeared me to him the fastest. He's just a man trying to get by, and when that is threatened, he takes it on without hesitating. Fear, flaws and all, he transcends into something unstoppable, and despite the apparent odds, he wins the day and achieves his goal. Most people can identify with a character like that, and appreciate the fantasy of it for themselves.

    • @ProfessionalNamielleLewder69
      @ProfessionalNamielleLewder69 3 месяца назад

      Basically, Courage the Cowardly Dog's Tower of Zalost... but a lot more Italian.

  • @smashers6971
    @smashers6971 5 месяцев назад +354

    Small little detail I like that really shows the contrast between Peppino and Pizzahead, in Pizzahead’s second phase he tries pulling a sword from a stone, something that would normally grant the Knight transformation, however Pizzahead cannot pull the sword out of the stone, denying him the the transformation. Considering the myth of the sword in the stone, Peppino is considered WORTHY, that’s legitimately cool.

    • @blueknightskeleton8424
      @blueknightskeleton8424 5 месяцев назад +64

      It becomes hilarious too when you realize Peppino and Snick can pull out the sword, as logical, but Noise of all people can pull it out too, which says a ton about Pizzahead lmao-

    • @average-pizza-in-the-comments
      @average-pizza-in-the-comments 5 месяцев назад +41

      @@blueknightskeleton8424 doesn't the noise pull out a fork to eat some spaghetti with?

    • @blueknightskeleton8424
      @blueknightskeleton8424 5 месяцев назад +16

      Yeah, maybe it's a different stone then lmao-

    • @zerobotico2382
      @zerobotico2382 4 месяца назад +6

      In a really early version of the fight he actually grabbed the sword

    • @epix_gamer2000
      @epix_gamer2000 3 месяца назад +12

      @@blueknightskeleton8424 in the end of the noise version of the game , it is revealed that his campaign is just a play made by him, so it could just not be the real thing.

  • @Le-cp9tr
    @Le-cp9tr 5 месяцев назад +436

    Pizza Tower is best described as an anxiety attack but if it felt good

    • @MrSkerpentine
      @MrSkerpentine 5 месяцев назад +82

      an anxiety attack but you’re the one attacking the anxiety

    • @yourcordialvermillionchapw2398
      @yourcordialvermillionchapw2398 5 месяцев назад +28

      This is just me when the coffee/energy drinks hits just right.

  • @IncoisaRadio87
    @IncoisaRadio87 5 месяцев назад +499

    I've already seen another comment mention it, but Pizzahead is such a perfectly crafted image of the soulless pizza corporation, with Ronald McDonald imagery in there to prove the point.
    Pizzahead hides behind an enormous face for the entire game, an unstoppable face, becoming one with the brand, one with the product. And in this form, this monolith of product, he is unstoppable, until Peppino can finally stand up to him. You have to take him on *head on* to do any real damage to the Pizzaface.
    And once you do, you find Pizzahead, who we can presume to be affiliated with Pizzaboy Jr's due to the resemblance between him and the Pizzaboy, plus the jokes about Pizzaboy being the protagonist of a mario-like platformer with Peppino as the antagonist already putting them at odds. Pizzahead is Deliberately reminiscent of a fast food chain mascot, and stands at the top of an unscaleable tower. All throughout the tower, Peppino is mimicked and twisted, as if Pizzahead is trying to commodify him, the local pizza chef who make-a the pizza for the sake of artisanship as opposed to profit. It's no coincidence he's constantly copied, between WAR's clones, the robots in the factory, and Fake Peppino himself... Pizzahead is constantly *taking.* Even in his bossfight, he constantly takes and takes, reaching into the tower, pulling up something from his own domain, and then... well...
    "When you get what you want, you don't want it. If I gave you the moon, you'd grow tired of it too."
    He discards everything, hurling it Peppino's way with no concern. He even tries to pull up the sword from Pizzascape, only for it to reject him, as if the sword truly is only for the worthy like Excalibur itself and Peppino was worthy while Pizzahead was not. Peppino, after all, is a human being, with human troubles, and human feelings. Pizzaface isn't.
    And when he can't do it anymore himself, he hides behind his underlings, just as any corporation would.
    Even the game's television theming plays into this. Whether you interpret it as him getting footage of Peppino for advertisement, or merely for his own entertainment, it's just another way Pizzaface commodifies the working man. His presumed original chain, the one we see in Don't Make A Sound, is directly meant to resemble Chuck-E-Cheese, a pizza joint that has never truly put love and care into its pizza. Always frozen, never fresh. Always about the brand, the entertainment, the novelty and commodity as opposed to the artisanship and flavor of the food. Pizzaface has never cared about Pizza, not really. He just wants to take.
    And when Peppino finally meets the man behind the curtain, he pummels him. Pizzaface may be many things, we can speculate on if he's a mad scientist, a chaos god, or who knows what, but whatever he is, he's also a coward. No wonder he hides behind his machine the whole game. As we see after the Boss Rush, when he has noone and nothing left to hurl at Peppino and must fight himself, he's pathetic. He can't win if he's not punching down, he crumples when he can no longer intimidate. And at the very summit of it all, after Peppino's gone through everything? He can't be intimidated anymore, he can only be enraged further.

    • @Pizza_Dude1920
      @Pizza_Dude1920 5 месяцев назад +59

      This is the perfect analysis of what Pizzahead even is, and what he is in relation to Pepino!
      Pizzahead probably has all the money in the world but decides to use it too take it out on someone who has next to nothing just for fun.
      In my eyes, this is frustrating because It would’ve been already frustrating enough that Pizzahead would’ve done this to get land, or benefit his business in a very unprofessional way, But he literally has no legitimate reason for doing it Other than the fact that the delusional lunatic thinks messing with this man’s life is just a game. Just a laugh he gets on a normal Saturday. That’s all it was.
      He’s a lunatic, but also a very cowardly lunatic.

    • @jacksongreen4107
      @jacksongreen4107 5 месяцев назад +18

      Couldn't have said it better myself. Great job!

    • @popularvote3613
      @popularvote3613 5 месяцев назад +9

      Excellent analysis!

  • @Trevthehedgehog7
    @Trevthehedgehog7 5 месяцев назад +369

    Now if only this game had gotten this kind of recognition it did during The Game Awards, and Steam Awards...
    Seriously, this game was _robbed._

    • @xx_bugc0re3_xx28
      @xx_bugc0re3_xx28 5 месяцев назад +8

      Should of bootlicked to the higher ups. Just a huge “Should of tried harder!”

    • @Dyedrainn
      @Dyedrainn 5 месяцев назад +36

      They didn't took it seriously because of how it looksand only put it in because people are gonna riot if they didnt

    • @Syrupsyke
      @Syrupsyke 5 месяцев назад +92

      The fact that it got nominated alone is pretty cool. Although I am still mad that it lost "best debut indie game" to a game that wasn't even a debut indie game

    • @pizzaboy498
      @pizzaboy498 5 месяцев назад +36

      The Game Awards one wasn't robbed, the Steam Awards one was
      TLoU2 is, like, a -10-year-old- 3-year-old game
      Edit: Confused 2's release with 1. Apologies. wait why is a 2020 game in-

    • @CassiusStelar
      @CassiusStelar 5 месяцев назад +17

      ​@@Syrupsyke*the director* has been part of the industry for a while, it is the debut for like 15 or so other people

  • @ripleyandweeds1288
    @ripleyandweeds1288 5 месяцев назад +165

    Note: The Peppino war vet thing isn't cut lore, McPig has said on his discord that it is canon, and the time he said it wasn't canon was just because he was shitfaced.

    • @hunterbennett757
      @hunterbennett757 4 месяца назад +8

      I thought McPig said Peppino was a veteran while he was drunk.

    • @wistfulanthophila9317
      @wistfulanthophila9317 3 месяца назад +24

      the noise update confirmed it for real this time

    • @kittenchopper4646
      @kittenchopper4646 3 месяца назад +1

      Yes, thats what shitfaced means

    • @hunterbennett757
      @hunterbennett757 3 месяца назад

      @@kittenchopper4646 oh.

    • @BooBoy456
      @BooBoy456 3 месяца назад +2

      ​@@wistfulanthophila9317 How did the Noise update confirm this? I'm genuinely curious, because I didn't notice anything confirming the Peppino war vet theory while playing.

  • @autismandgaming4532
    @autismandgaming4532 5 месяцев назад +174

    A detail that's Something I love with the combo system, and by proxy the final boss fight, is that Peppino's idle animation goes from Panic mode, to Angry mode, to "I'M SO ABSOLUTELY DONE WITH EVERYTHING AND WANT IT ALL DESTROYED" mode, selling the idea that the longer the chef lasts, the less everything around him stands a chance. Which makes said final boss SO DAMN EUPHORIC.

    • @LucasMiddleNameandLastname22
      @LucasMiddleNameandLastname22 5 месяцев назад +22

      "The longer the chef lasts, the less everything around him stands a chance."
      damn bro that goes hard.

  • @mysterystring-702
    @mysterystring-702 5 месяцев назад +111

    "The most dangerous person is one who has nothing left to lose"

    • @farofa2843
      @farofa2843 Месяц назад

      To be honest this quote doesn't really fit Peppino, I mean he's willing to destroy everything in his path just to save his little pizzeria, he clearly has everything to lose if he's going so far as that, so he's essentially an antithesis of this quote

  • @SnesySnas
    @SnesySnas 5 месяцев назад +72

    I'd like to say
    The Noise isn't a competitor of Pepino
    He's just a TV show guy who LOVES to fuck with our favorite pizza man, these 2 just hate each other
    Infact, Noise HATES pizza

  • @daltongill8677
    @daltongill8677 5 месяцев назад +95

    whenever i think of this game i think of this quote from Bumbles McFumbles:
    "Well, let's see how this Italian man handles... actually, he can't *handle* any more!"

  • @LucasMiddleNameandLastname22
    @LucasMiddleNameandLastname22 5 месяцев назад +115

    There's something so genuinely endearing about how Peppino is willing to go through the crazy worlds inside the Tower JUST to protect his pizza shop, i dunno how great his pizzas are, or if they're even good at all, but goddammit how could you not THINK that the man makes banging pizza after playing the game? he certainly makes better pizza than Pizzahead and his pizzeria did, which y'know, actually went bankrupt.

    • @popculturegamer6464
      @popculturegamer6464 3 месяца назад +12

      I'd eat at Peppino's Pizza! Hell, I bet he'd make killer Cheesy Bread! That shit rules!

    • @matttheheckingweeb3462
      @matttheheckingweeb3462 3 месяца назад

      I think what might be endearing about it is that it shows Peppino truly cares about his craft. It shows that even if it isn't successful in the way he might've hoped, he cares about what he does, and will *literally* topple towers to protect it.
      Plus, you can't convince me that Peppino doesn't make the most bangin' pizza you've ever eaten. I mean, in those little pictures seen during the credits of the game, Peppino manages to dissuade both Pepperman AND his sworn rival, the Noise-who HATES pizza, mind you-to not attack him by offering them some of his pizza for free. And moreover, it's literally marketed as "the best-a pizza in-a town-a."
      It's gotta be some damn good pizza.

    • @popculturegamer6464
      @popculturegamer6464 2 месяца назад

      @@matttheheckingweeb3462 Definitely. I'd support him! Hell, I'd even work as a delivery driver!

  • @Daniel_Coffman
    @Daniel_Coffman 5 месяцев назад +143

    What happens if you sit at the title screen for 40 seconds is a perfect representation of how anxious Peppino is as a character, too.

    • @Zackwashacked
      @Zackwashacked 5 месяцев назад +22

      yeah it'll make some people want a hug

  • @frohawkmaster
    @frohawkmaster 5 месяцев назад +92

    I think there are two points one you glossed over a bit and another that mightve been overlocked. Wario is proactive and confident, even though hes a jerk he usually seems to help accidentally and isnt that hated. However because Warior always struts and smirks you dont feel bad for him because hes clearly walking it off. He is the architect of his own destiny and will willingly get bitten by a zombie if it gets him 50 bucks, so you dont feel bad for him because ya know, he doesnt feel bad either. Also Peppinos eternal panic gives a illusion of speed critical to the sortof speed run optimized style that not even sonic can mimic because hes cool. Its like how older cars can feel faster then newer ones even at slower speeds.

    • @frohawkmaster
      @frohawkmaster 5 месяцев назад +22

      Like a key thing is that, while Peppino is relatable in that his life is stressful and hard. Hes also much more literally relatable in that, as you struggle and rush to finish a stage as fast and cleanly as possible, hes also litterally doing that. Peppino has this motion to his movements that its almost like he tripped and hasnt ever really caught himself.

  • @ShinoSarna
    @ShinoSarna 5 месяцев назад +77

    I realized during watching this video - that's also the reason why you can't die. See at the end of the day, dying in a timed section is release of tension - it's over, take a breather and try again. But not in Pizza Tower. You fuck up during the escape sequence? You lose time and scramble to get back on track. The more you get hit, the worse it feels, but you cannot die to end it.
    Except the bosses, which are exact opposite - for a P rank you need to not get hit AT ALL. Even once. Simplest attack of any boss becomes terrifying in this context.
    All the mechanics are about making the player fell the same anxiety Peppino does.

    • @steeledminer616
      @steeledminer616 3 месяца назад +1

      I love this explaination;
      The amount of times that I would go from "Alright I got this" to "OH FUCK OH FUCK" was a level of emotional swing that I don't think I could handle in any other game.

    • @isolatedegg3234
      @isolatedegg3234 2 месяца назад

      ​@@steeledminer616Honestly Pizza Time (and more specifically lap 2) is my favorite thing in this game. You're going for that p-rank. You look at the bottom of your screen. The timer says "1:40". Deep down, you know that you won't make it in time and Pizza Face WILL spawn, but you say to yourself: "Lap 2 is always quicker than lap 1!". And then the lap 2 ost starts and you lock in. Even the song has a "fuck it, we ball" energy compared to Pizza Time's "oh shit oh shit oh shit" energy.
      It's such a good feeling that hasn't been replicated in any other game I've played so far.

    • @steeledminer616
      @steeledminer616 2 месяца назад

      @@isolatedegg3234 Hell even WHEN Pizza Face spawns, I get that panic of "NOPENOPENOPE WE DOING THIS" as the Mach 4 kicks in and I'm 2 rooms away, it just feels so intense.
      I LOVE Timers in games, you don't know if it's gonna be close or not and it completely changes how you approach the game.

    • @isolatedegg3234
      @isolatedegg3234 2 месяца назад

      @@steeledminer616 True. I only love timers in video games if it's done well, and Pizza Tower did it perfectly.

  • @ZarkWiffle
    @ZarkWiffle 5 месяцев назад +103

    The music during the Pizza Time sequence is absolutely fantastic. It's Pizza Time perfectly encapsulates the mad dash to finish something on a deadline that you can't reach comfortably and in The Death I Deservioli you can practically hear Peppino steady his nerve and gain the confidence to fly through the level one more time.

    • @aaronTGP_3756
      @aaronTGP_3756 2 месяца назад +1

      Then there's the many glorious level themes, and boss themes. Pig City has two of the game's best songs (Bite the Crust, Way of the Pig).

  • @nathanthesquot3093
    @nathanthesquot3093 3 месяца назад +13

    Noise is now playable, so you'll have to make a, "Designing for Annoyance: The Noise!"

  • @Poyostar
    @Poyostar 5 месяцев назад +29

    Y'know, for as many Pizza Tower videos there are, I haven't seen any that put a big focus on how Peppino ties the whole thing together. Great to see this man get more appreciation here, 'cause after everything he went through to save his restaurant, he truly deserves it.

  • @atlaslovesedm8704
    @atlaslovesedm8704 5 месяцев назад +29


    • @knucks5793
      @knucks5793 3 месяца назад

      cuz it is how he sounds, that bit in particular isnt in the game but he DOES have voicelines (or, more accurately, anxious gibberish)

    • @farofa2843
      @farofa2843 23 часа назад

      ​@@knucks5793mhm, in fact, every single one of Peppino's voicelines that aren't just screams are different versions of him saying "Paranoid"

  • @paper-03
    @paper-03 5 месяцев назад +61

    This was a pretty fun video! I kinda wish you talked about the Lap 2 system, I think that and the ranks also do a great job of tying into Peppino’s almost pendulum like emotional state. You build yourself up higher for no real gain beyond the sweet rush of pride as you push past what you thought were your limits, the anxiety of “It’s Pizza Time” giving way to the confident final push of “The Death That I Deservioli” the pressure building till its nearly too much to handle, the ultimate make or break. I think that would have tied very neatly into your talk on Peppino’s contemporary take on the extraordinary everyman.
    Still, good video, continue to make more!

  • @very_funni
    @very_funni 5 месяцев назад +65

    16:52 fun fact: in war, the backround seems to be a cloning machine for pillar john and fake peppino, assuming the fake peppino's were made in war and decided to put in brunos pizza. And well pillar john... yeah just supporting the tower levels itself.

    • @RealProtonPrompt
      @RealProtonPrompt 5 месяцев назад +3

      Apparently John and Gerome originally took care of the tower until Pizzaface cursed John to become a hivemind organism holding all the levels together.

  • @WhoIsSirChasm
    @WhoIsSirChasm 5 месяцев назад +29

    It's time for me, the one person who will defend Wario as a character!
    I completely and utterly disagree with the sentiment that Wario is meant to be laughed "at," at least in the context of the Wario Land series. For one thing, the man faces more defeats than victories: the statue he rescues from the Syrup Pirates is shanghaied by some inverse Wario with an "M" on his hat; the events of Wario Land II, 2, and World are caused due to the actions of outside forces (the Syrup Pirates and Black Jewel directly destroy his home and valuables, and Wario would never have discovered the Music Box if his plane hadn't broken down, not to mention it sucking him in without warning); hell, in 4, the one time he finds someone who he could see as a romantic partner she vanishes into the ether along with any evidence of the Golden Pyramid.
    For another, he actively embraces the transformations he has to undertake even if they distort him physically. Remember, in Land II and 3, Wario is incapable of dying save for one solitary attack by Rudy; he takes everything on the chin because he damn well knows it'll get him to his next treasure. Laughing at that is like laughing at Indiana Jones for triggering a booby trap; it's just part of the procedure.
    And Wario, despite his immense wealth, is also an everyman to some extent! He watches too much TV, is quick to take opportunity of a good deal on steak dinners, and has everything taken away from him by people who abuse his abilities and desires. While he's far from a family man, per se, he is still someone the audience can see themselves in, albeit in a distorted perspective. If Wario is laughed at, the audience thus must be laughing at themselves as well.
    No, Wario can't and won't hold a candle to Peppino in terms of embodying anxiety or feeling like a power fantasy in the sense he provides. But Wario still speaks to us at a base level, a man who will do anything and everything to get what he wants even when it's taken away from him after all of his hard work. Wario cannot and will not be replaced, and to even suggest that's a possibility is to discredit a little part of ourselves.

    • @mr.beetroot2219
      @mr.beetroot2219 5 месяцев назад +1

      God….this is a really well made comment for only 6 likes lol

    • @SebsistButReal
      @SebsistButReal 4 месяца назад +1

      I love this comment. As much as i love peppino, wario is on top

  • @johncreche671
    @johncreche671 5 месяцев назад +199

    Peppino is literally if Luigi and Wario were thrown in a blender
    Edit: Also thanks for all the likes everyone!

    • @reverbthevocal421
      @reverbthevocal421 5 месяцев назад

      No, that would just leave you with a bunch of viscera.

    • @randocalzone8772
      @randocalzone8772 5 месяцев назад +5

      He's like a reverse Waluigi

    • @johncreche671
      @johncreche671 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@randocalzone8772 Maybe, but I think that would be just plain ol' Luigi. But it does get me thinking what a waluigi pizza tower equivalent would look like 🤔

    • @randocalzone8772
      @randocalzone8772 5 месяцев назад +3

      @@johncreche671 Fake Peppino? The Noise? Pizzahead?

    • @johncreche671
      @johncreche671 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@randocalzone8772 Honestly I'm not sure either?

  • @ElijahTheMarvelous
    @ElijahTheMarvelous 5 месяцев назад +51

    Bro you need to get into voice acting that fake peppino monologue gave me chills down my spine

  • @Rubberman202
    @Rubberman202 5 месяцев назад +15

    I remember Chris O'Neill, AKA OneyNG, describing Crash Bandicoot, as see in his first game, as being appealing because he's constantly nervous about everything but still gets through it. I'd say that same logic applies to Peppino, and then some!

  • @wyattmcgahey3035
    @wyattmcgahey3035 5 месяцев назад +94

    and then there's Patafoin's eevee mod, where instead of playing as an anxiety filled Italian, you play as a rabid dog who just wants to watch the world burn. AND I LOVE IT.

  • @Spatu10
    @Spatu10 5 месяцев назад +57

    “Marinara mauling” killed me, masterful writing as always

  • @TarvouldsQuest
    @TarvouldsQuest 5 месяцев назад +27

    Another banger. The editing in this one is out of this world, holy crap. Also the entire section at 14:41 had me actually uncomfortable. Really nailing the designing for Anxiety vibe.
    Throwing this onto the backlog pile like an extra layer of Mozzarella.

  • @burnttoast5477
    @burnttoast5477 5 месяцев назад +29

    This video reminds me a lot of the way english teachers tell you to think about things. Not that that's a bad thing, it was definitely a unique perspective on Peppino compared to other videos.

  • @TheDukeofDorks
    @TheDukeofDorks 5 месяцев назад +18

    Ok, one was bad enough, but TWO videos taking a wonderful cartoonishly fun game and using it to fill me with existential dread over the general state of our time is just mean Pyrr! Like holy shit I admire the writing chops it takes to pull that off and goddamn is this a good video, but also how dare you!

  • @TheEmeraldSword04
    @TheEmeraldSword04 5 месяцев назад +15

    When I saw Pizza Tower for myself I noticed the same details, from Pippino never being confident, and the pizza places strewn in the tower, but I could not put into words what I was picking up, they we're just at the tip of my tongue. This video managed to take those words and then some, and explained it in great execution.
    Amazing content, I'll be sure to check out more of your channel!

    • @LucasMiddleNameandLastname22
      @LucasMiddleNameandLastname22 5 месяцев назад +4

      I once saw someone describe Peppino as being infinitely wrathful in places he's thriving which is accurate.

  • @Anthaneus
    @Anthaneus 5 месяцев назад +20

    The real ones stay after the hype🔥🔥🔥🗣🗣🗣

  • @RoseSupreme
    @RoseSupreme 5 месяцев назад +7

    11:57 That's *LITERALLY* what Game Theory is ever since FNAF was brought up to them.

  • @abismal_pecto
    @abismal_pecto 5 месяцев назад +21

    I absolutely loved this video, but I'll hope to our pizza god you'll cover what is basically Peppino's chaotic rival and complete opposite, the Noise.

    @PIZZATOWERFANATIC25 5 месяцев назад +12

    FUN FACT: ya know how when you stand still, youd hear peppino speak? but its like random gibberish
    well he actually says the word "PARANOID" but at different tones (low tones or high tones, fast or slow)
    so not only does he have anxiety, he is paranoid.

  • @SlenchFan
    @SlenchFan 3 месяца назад +2

    I think what’s special about pizza tower is that the feelings your describe are actually established and bettered by gameplay. The formal elements of the game, assisted by dramatic elements like music and visuals and narrative, make you feel something powerful, regardless of how “simple” the “story” is.

  • @NanagoBlake
    @NanagoBlake 5 месяцев назад +9

    "Pizza tower's good stuff"
    And that's all i need to hear!

  • @ianrocha6854
    @ianrocha6854 5 месяцев назад +14

    Dude, I must congratulate and thank you for sharing this sensible and thought-out interpretation that is not the usual subjectivist juice the internet is chock-full of. There is no overinterpretation either, there is no fan trying to make their taste look intelectually and culturally superior. I'm even more convinced that Peppino is indeed one of the best characters until now conceived for videogame media. As a comic book artist and art educator, I will surely take your words into account. I've subscribed to your channel now.

  • @edfreak9001
    @edfreak9001 5 месяцев назад +9

    I just wanna say how well this video is edited for this topic, so many little quarter-second bits off a random utterance into the mic or like three frames of "what the hell was that I saw coming into frame"

  • @rubykaylaandogie3334
    @rubykaylaandogie3334 5 месяцев назад +12

    Ok well now you need to do the noise when he releases as a playable character

  • @goldengrecha
    @goldengrecha 3 месяца назад +4

    Thats a nice and a good video we have here! Thank you for your work and for this video, yeah. It was really nice!
    For me, Peppino is like really some kind of genuinely very important character. I love and care for him. But i also really love his vibe.
    I think, Peppino may be really relatable for someone with anxiety - even if reason of their anxiety is somethint different completely. Just this vibe, this panic, this anxiety, this "beat someone up or cry loudly" state, its so touching. I think its really hit the spot. Also its makes (at least for me) him more comfortabe and human-like, and i really like that.

  • @stevenschuitemaker8438
    @stevenschuitemaker8438 5 месяцев назад +12

    18:00 ye your right…………,

  • @culinaryartificer5123
    @culinaryartificer5123 5 месяцев назад +6

    Upon learning Pizza Tower came out, I put a meme on the subreddit that said Peppino was Wario's upgrade. I'm glad to sush ideas return.

  • @glennruark5932
    @glennruark5932 5 месяцев назад +15

    So awesome to see this game covered on this channel, its one of my all time favorites!!

  • @Koistork
    @Koistork 5 месяцев назад +10

    Can't wait to see what you have to say about playing as The Noise in the following update, lol

  • @TanteiRotana
    @TanteiRotana 5 месяцев назад +8

    When I first played through Pizza Tower the games final moments felt like an incredible climax, I enjoy achivement hunting and orginally didn't plan on doing all the S ranks until finding out they were required for it, going for them felt incredibly rewarding.
    Thank you for the upload.

    • @revooh-hj2nu
      @revooh-hj2nu 5 месяцев назад +5

      what about p-ranks

    • @TanteiRotana
      @TanteiRotana 5 месяцев назад

      Yeah I meant P ranks my mistake@@revooh-hj2nu

  • @shyguyissoawesomeguys
    @shyguyissoawesomeguys 5 месяцев назад +4

    14:00 just wanna say i LOVE the editing in this part it's so crazy and chaotic and fits the song perfectly

  • @pdg3513
    @pdg3513 5 месяцев назад +11

    Friendly reminder that Pepino's yell is the same one as the Orphan of Kos's have a nice what you will with this information

  • @yoshiyoshi2955
    @yoshiyoshi2955 5 месяцев назад +7

    This may sound silly but you have know idea how excited I was hearing the song in the credits/outro and getting a massive rush of nostalgia from the cars 2 game

  • @thegreatkiwibeast2591
    @thegreatkiwibeast2591 3 месяца назад +2

    The fact that a channel with editing and scripts this good doesn’t even crack 100k views is depressing

  • @notyetimnot406
    @notyetimnot406 5 месяцев назад +7

    first bumbles mcfumbles, now designing for?
    now all i need is caddicarus and the holy "favourite youtubers making a pizza tower review" trinity is complete.

    • @revooh-hj2nu
      @revooh-hj2nu 5 месяцев назад

      bumbles reviews sucked tho

  • @am-180
    @am-180 5 месяцев назад +5

    oh man great production on this. sick

  • @portalfreak7628
    @portalfreak7628 5 месяцев назад +4

    Wow, that's probably the first time I've ever seen someone miss the Pizza Gnome time limit lmao

    • @AuthorMx
      @AuthorMx 5 месяцев назад

      It was my first time playing the level I sowwy :c

  • @mwelite1706
    @mwelite1706 5 месяцев назад +10

    I’m surprised it took a year for you to cover Pizza Tower but anyways good video on narrative and symbolism.

    • @SebsistButReal
      @SebsistButReal 4 месяца назад +1

      Crazy that this game is already a year old. Well the full release at least

  • @cheezemonkeyeater
    @cheezemonkeyeater 5 месяцев назад +2

    I love that the final boss's second phase is a completely anti-twist. You smash up the pizza monster you've been pursuing the whole time and he's . . . just some guy. Not even a guy you've ever met, or who's ever been established. He's just another guy out there competing for a piece of your pizza pie.

  • @dnd1016
    @dnd1016 5 месяцев назад +11

    People at the awards Ceremony: What if we told you that the Last of Us 2 had a better soundtrack
    *Everybody disliked that*

    • @The0320Angela
      @The0320Angela 5 месяцев назад

      Blame the internet for taking Steam Awards as a cruel joke.

    • @The0320Angela
      @The0320Angela 5 месяцев назад

      I absolutely hate TLOU after that fiasco.

  • @anthonyascencio7399
    @anthonyascencio7399 5 месяцев назад +2

    Peppinos expressions remind me pf Tex Avery cartoons

  • @BrazilianMongoose
    @BrazilianMongoose 5 месяцев назад +2

    I love Peppino so much, he’s the most expressive character I’ve ever played as

  • @campthemvp
    @campthemvp 5 месяцев назад +20

    I’m very glad you said the game was good, but the 20 extra minutes of gushing over Peppino is also well appreciated!

  • @mothramaster1837
    @mothramaster1837 3 месяца назад +2

    With the addition of the Noise Update, i feel like he'd naturally be the next best character to be featured, because dear lord is his mode a total mockery of Peppino's hardships in the game (and the player's, as he constantly chastises you if you're not getting at least an S on every level)

  • @pixeldemon6173
    @pixeldemon6173 3 месяца назад +2

    Another little detail is that, unlike the other bosses, if fake peppino goes into a stun state and starts blinking, the fight wont ever continue until you hit him. That abomination will lay, crumpled on the floor, in a little ball of misery, forever, until you knock some sense into him.

  • @Sam_Wowza
    @Sam_Wowza 5 месяцев назад +8

    Haven't heard of this channel before, but this video is great! I'll make sure to check out your other videos :)

  • @dr.ludwik2063
    @dr.ludwik2063 3 месяца назад +1

    Basicly what Game Theory video about Pizza Tower should be

  • @Dr33lz
    @Dr33lz 5 месяцев назад +3

    Anxiety is my favorite pizza topping

  • @ameryaser3987
    @ameryaser3987 5 месяцев назад +4

    Great video man. Honestly awesome stuff!

  • @rowdyriolu1
    @rowdyriolu1 5 месяцев назад +4

    The Fake Peppino narration gave me an upset stomach, outstanding work

  • @Megafrostbear
    @Megafrostbear 5 месяцев назад +3

    I love your editing style, subscribed

  • @Trashpile-bf6vk-1hg809ksa
    @Trashpile-bf6vk-1hg809ksa 5 месяцев назад +16

    I love still seeing people cover this game that basically has...died sadly, but you really did a good job explaining the disinge of pizza tower, i appriciate the love put inside this, hope you have a nice evening!

    • @The0320Angela
      @The0320Angela 5 месяцев назад +1

      Technically it’s not dead. Fandom went quiet and probably move on to the next big thing.

    • @nerd0Chija
      @nerd0Chija 5 месяцев назад +2

      Well, maybe the spotlight moved to new shiny things, (as always) but still is slowly turning into a cult classic between those who still stay with it.
      Even for small communities, there are many mods that keep the game alive and a bit fresh, people still making animations, comics, music, drawings and fanfics. We have even a little Pizza Tower multiverse with some more or less known AUs (some of them being pretty nice, some of the most obscure ones....well.... I leave no comment on them). Also, some stuff that is...very unfriendly to advertisers (according to YT) are doing very good too.
      And there would be also soon (promised for so long) official playable Noise update as McPig announcement.
      In nutshell, it still exists, but as small communities. Some of them are nice, some of them…well, questionable.

    • @Trashpile-bf6vk-1hg809ksa
      @Trashpile-bf6vk-1hg809ksa 4 месяца назад

      @@nerd0Chija Thanks for the info bro!

  • @EggBastion
    @EggBastion 5 месяцев назад +4


  • @dukereal8106
    @dukereal8106 3 месяца назад +1

    It's funny because the war story seems to have been un-retconned, as in the noise update you can find war medals in his house above his bed.

  • @New3DSLuigi364
    @New3DSLuigi364 12 дней назад +1

    I LOVE THAT "Don't Make a Sound" is Basically a FNAF Level in a Game inspired by Wario Land!!

  • @SeagullBruh
    @SeagullBruh 5 месяцев назад +1

    Hey theres my art at 8:39!
    I never thought that would get into a video but im still proud of it lol, thanks for using it!

  • @ThatBillNyeGuy09
    @ThatBillNyeGuy09 4 месяца назад +1

    I love how Designing For talks about Fake Peppino by starting with a second-POV scenario, where you ARE Fake Peppino. Him whispering to the viewer what it's like to be in the faker's shoes always sends chills down my spine, in the best way possible, of course.

  • @Peretoroto
    @Peretoroto 2 месяца назад +1

    Little unrelated but that outro song made me RECOIL recoil I haven't played Cars 2 in the fattest minute but man shoutout to AuthorMx for recognising that games' OST 🤝

  • @TopityTurvity
    @TopityTurvity 5 месяцев назад +8

    that's some good pizza right there

  • @angel_of_rust
    @angel_of_rust 5 месяцев назад +11

    the whole game screams "how do you do my fellow mental health struggle enjoyers"

    • @akiradkcn
      @akiradkcn 3 месяца назад

      The game isn't trying to be pretentious bro, its just silly

  • @bendy809
    @bendy809 5 месяцев назад +5

    I got the dark cook clothes, which can only be earned by getting no damage for every boss fight

  • @blackheartzerotheundergrou3225
    @blackheartzerotheundergrou3225 5 месяцев назад +13

    D4 episode about Peppino Spaghetti? _Say no more!_

  • @spaghetrikov
    @spaghetrikov 5 месяцев назад +8

    Absolutely fantastic video that really hits the nail on the head of why I love and relate to Peppino as a character so much-Thank you for covering this incredible Italian, it puts to words what I've often had trouble properly articulating to people when I say he's my favorite video game protagonist! It also helped me reexamine my own perspective on him, you bring up some very compelling points about how the game itself repeatedly reinforces his anxiety and personal struggles and shoves it right in his face, and I think we can all sometimes relate to feeling like life just won't give us a break like that.
    The specific note about his animations reignited my own passion for animation and character design, and it has me excited to work on my own video game project and its protagonist. I love the idea of putting that kind of love, thought, and care into one's main character and just what they represent, with each and every animation they have. It's really inspired me to push myself past my limits, and give it 110%! Much love, thank you for the wonderful analysis!

  • @PeterSpaghetti69
    @PeterSpaghetti69 5 месяцев назад +4

    Finally a Pt vid

  • @cnkaiser1
    @cnkaiser1 3 месяца назад

    Pizza tower is a documentary of how far you can take a man until he breaks. And boy, the moment Peppino does is just perfect. Also 10/10 game + soundtrack.

  • @pizzaboy498
    @pizzaboy498 5 месяцев назад +4


  • @R-youdamantendo-R
    @R-youdamantendo-R 5 месяцев назад +2


  • @JULIOGM360
    @JULIOGM360 5 месяцев назад +9

    Pizza Tower!!!!!

  • @richieosborn2639
    @richieosborn2639 5 месяцев назад +12

    How about doing an episode about Metal Sonic next?
    He’s one persistent robot!

    • @T.T_CenrryTH
      @T.T_CenrryTH 5 месяцев назад +1

      That might be a fun idea!

    • @Toonrick12
      @Toonrick12 5 месяцев назад

      Good idea. I think it's telling that Eggman keeps him around despite having made multiple Robotic clones of Sonic after. (Since Sonic CD is placed before Sonic 2, chronologically) Especially after Metal Sonic has betrayed the Doctor at least a few times in the 30 or so years he's been around. It's very much apparent in the IDW comics that Metal Sonic is Eggman's FAVORITE creation, to the point his subconscious cares for him like a son. I am actually a bit interested if Sega plays with this relationship with Sage. Would they be good siblings or would they try to fight to be Eggman's favorite? I could possibly see them be like Scratch and Grounder from AoSTH, but played more seriously.

  • @snugbug7241
    @snugbug7241 5 месяцев назад +1


  • @sansinator0889
    @sansinator0889 3 месяца назад +1

    And then comes the Noise, dishonest insanity

  • @evanraynolds8699
    @evanraynolds8699 2 месяца назад

    you give the single creepiest description of fake peppino that i have ever heard/seen. i love it!
    14:57 for those who want to hear Fake Peppino described as something from the pits of hell itself

  • @veryverybadanimations5601
    @veryverybadanimations5601 2 месяца назад +1

    Best pizza tower web video there ever is, no need for any other

  • @Gaia_BentosZX5
    @Gaia_BentosZX5 3 месяца назад

    And now for his antithesis, The Noise to capitalize on his new dedicated update.

  • @adonisbballin
    @adonisbballin 7 дней назад +2

    Mhm yeah. This, this right here, this is definitely a *>>LEGENDARY

  • @andre_601
    @andre_601 2 месяца назад

    Whoever had the idea of making the TV screen of peppino with a gin like being a buff serious guy... I hope they earned a raise.

    • @reallyahuman
      @reallyahuman Месяц назад

      you can thank mcpig for that
      man's a powerhouse that designed basically EVERY SINGLE sprite, mechanic and designs

  • @PlebNC
    @PlebNC 5 месяцев назад +3

    Plus there's a mod that replaces Peppino and other elements as Pinkie Pie and other My Little Pony things.
    And it matches the quality of the original game's sprite work so well.

    • @Erwandawa
      @Erwandawa 5 месяцев назад +1

      There's a ton of other mods that reskin peppino and other things

  • @geothepoly
    @geothepoly 5 месяцев назад +3

    Peppino is basically Wario but broke

  • @user-tc6ln6ch5c
    @user-tc6ln6ch5c 14 дней назад

    "there is a pizza in your tower with all this information"

  • @troin3925
    @troin3925 3 месяца назад

    Something that I've seen no one talk about is that Peppino is very clearly based on Chef Louie from The Little Mermaid. I immediately recognized this as soon as I saw Peppino for the first time. Not only does Peppino kind of look like him, but he also has that same insane, psychotic energy (they both even have circles around their eyes when under extreme stress or anger).

  • @tootbender6935
    @tootbender6935 3 месяца назад

    I needed a fuckin' minute after escaping Oregano Desert with 1 SECOND REMAINING... I really understood Peppino's Mindset during those last 10 seconds.