Proud to have been delicately groomed by Cavendish. Humbled to always share with colleagues. Honoured by the platform that @Tanya Innovations Africa deliberately provides for the illumination of the richness of Africa through techno-connectivity. It's amazing!
Proud to have been delicately groomed by Cavendish. Humbled to always share with colleagues. Honoured by the platform that @Tanya Innovations Africa deliberately provides for the illumination of the richness of Africa through techno-connectivity. It's amazing!
Am here becoming a lawyer ,gaining knowledge and becoming a good personal lawyer for my self ,thanks for sharing knowledge to us all
Haha 😄 interesting @mirriam Namaganda
Thanks for this information shared
Great minds 🎉
I'm proud of u all .
This is really amazing. previlledged to associate with such legal minds at Cavendish University. thanks Tanya innovations for the coverage.
This was absolutely great and helpful.
My best lecturer 😊
Proud of you marriam ❤