Now this is a build I need a good bit of luck putting together...getting the right affinity pairings is crucial to even try reaching multiple 400% affinities....on top of getting another set of gear for the set up ninja that involves that 400% assassin on top of the 400% void knight, 250% samurai, and 120% white mage
So I have noticed alot of his builds are suited for ignoring chaos effects unless you get lucky. Which is great to use as a base if you want to farm out a chaos effects.
Love the build! Think you could do something on Void Knight or Evoker? Both of those classes just seem a little lack luster to me even when I was messing around with them.
Bro how do you get all those items with perfectly matched affinities? I have so much random shit and nothing adds to anything like it... I can't get 3 of those affinities at 400+ to save my life... I'm stuck on floor 22 and can't get past it
There's a couple affinities I've been trying to make a build with to little success -- Warrior and 400 Berzerker. In theory all the stacked bonuses (plus some Samurai stuff) to ensure you always have MP for action abilities would be cool, but in practice I just find myself wishing I was just spamming Chaosbringer instead. Any luck with those?
Dude, you be having some bomb ass builds man!
I’ve beaten and platinum’d this game. And I STILL come and watch these cool vids. Glad someone is still doing it. This game is highly underrated
Now this is a build I need a good bit of luck putting together...getting the right affinity pairings is crucial to even try reaching multiple 400% affinities....on top of getting another set of gear for the set up ninja that involves that 400% assassin on top of the 400% void knight, 250% samurai, and 120% white mage
So I have noticed alot of his builds are suited for ignoring chaos effects unless you get lucky. Which is great to use as a base if you want to farm out a chaos effects.
Nice!! I've been looking for a dk build to farm crest lol
Great one !
I can't pull that off yet, but I'll get to it ;)
Love a good reason to use the katanas. Can't wait to try this out
Love the build! Think you could do something on Void Knight or Evoker? Both of those classes just seem a little lack luster to me even when I was messing around with them.
This is pretty much what I seen a guy use the other day. He carried hard lmao
Pretty solid build x)
I wish you could make an Evoker OP build JayZ please, this class need love and your magic
We need an update on this build since chaosbringer got changed/nerfed.
Bro how do you get all those items with perfectly matched affinities? I have so much random shit and nothing adds to anything like it... I can't get 3 of those affinities at 400+ to save my life... I'm stuck on floor 22 and can't get past it
Really love your videos, keep up the amazing job
So, we just gonna look past the fact he used the FFXIV:HW photo is the thumbnail? Okay....
Good video, tho lol.
*crossing my fingers ninja tools don't get nerfed!!
There's a couple affinities I've been trying to make a build with to little success -- Warrior and 400 Berzerker. In theory all the stacked bonuses (plus some Samurai stuff) to ensure you always have MP for action abilities would be cool, but in practice I just find myself wishing I was just spamming Chaosbringer instead. Any luck with those?
Wth I just witnesed... 😱😲
Welcome to Katana weapon abilities. All viable in different ways, mobbing or bossing
So is near death damage better on equipment over during lightbring dd?
How do you get the seiryu weapon
What is the name of the intro music? I know it is an in game music, but i do not know how to search for it
During Lightbringer: Damage dealt. What is this in german? I cant find this. Can you tell me where it is?
Can you update this build for the new dlc? I had fun playing it
Is DLC necessary for this build ?
how the fuck do i change class? nobody ever tells
Ciao puoi aiutarmi con la build??