It looks like a very bad Oak leaf pattern. Not plane tree. I bought a few of these early 2000's. Then realised it was the camo that I liked. So started buying that. These days it's out the fields with dog, gun and shooting rabbits when I'm wearing it. I still love the old figures.
Yes. I agree looks more like Oak leaf pattern. But of course is not very perfect. Maybe with dirt or wear effects I will be better. I like old figures too. Not all, of course. Thanks for your comment. It made me wonder how to get better. :)
Looks like a pretty good haul to me 😎
For me too :) Thanks.
@@rammhobby205 🍻
It looks like a very bad Oak leaf pattern. Not plane tree. I bought a few of these early 2000's. Then realised it was the camo that I liked. So started buying that. These days it's out the fields with dog, gun and shooting rabbits when I'm wearing it. I still love the old figures.
Yes. I agree looks more like Oak leaf pattern. But of course is not very perfect. Maybe with dirt or wear effects I will be better. I like old figures too. Not all, of course. Thanks for your comment. It made me wonder how to get better. :)