That’s incorrect. Cap doesn’t have a current rating - it makes no sense from an engineering perspective. Non engineers trying to sell useless products to gullible audiophiles.
Audioquest NIAGARA costs USD$3,900. I tested a Furman ELITE-15 PF I AC Power Conditioner, around USD$420, which can reduce EMI from wall outlet around $180mV to 20+- mV, is more cost-effective. Note, most higher end Hi-Fi boxes already have excellent regulator and filers built into their supply source. Not to mention those such as CH Precision L1/X1 preamp or Naim NAC 552 DR preamp, all already have separated power source box with extensive power regulators and filters. So don't waste too much extra $$ on this.
@@devilpen6565 DAC時鐘和專線工程都需要升級!不過專綫電源雜訊仍有問題!只是先後順序不同而已!即便請水電工來做接地之後,我們的實際案例電源濾波器接上去仍有實質上的改善!👍
@ 謝謝你的指正!這是電容單位,但本頻道解釋的他裡面可以承受90安培的瞬間電流!針對擴大機以及其他設備
That’s incorrect. Cap doesn’t have a current rating - it makes no sense from an engineering perspective. Non engineers trying to sell useless products to gullible audiophiles.
@@devilpen6565 電源濾波器使用的真實的狀況並不會改變他聲音輸出的內容!最主要是改善你背景的輸出時候的躁訊!如果是讓聲音變得矯情的話,那這種產品就不適合推廣!至少目前用過的人沒有這樣的感受!而且本頻道有介紹audio quest Niagara AC7000 讓大家知道他真實的作用的狀況!
Audioquest NIAGARA costs USD$3,900. I tested a Furman ELITE-15 PF I AC Power Conditioner, around USD$420, which can reduce EMI from wall outlet around $180mV to 20+- mV, is more cost-effective. Note, most higher end Hi-Fi boxes already have excellent regulator and filers built into their supply source. Not to mention those such as CH Precision L1/X1 preamp or Naim NAC 552 DR preamp, all already have separated power source box with extensive power regulators and filters. So don't waste too much extra $$ on this.
感觉很多餘, 要花多少钱? 如果是一大筆钱倒不如為每一部器材, (特别是电需求量大的如后级放大机), 在电箱直接接去牆插, 用不少于2.5mm的电线每一部机一个尊用牆插, 効果可能不及但相差不大, 如有可能, 再用另外一条线接入地線, 这就能减少电源噪音,
@@cheungshuiyeung5081 電源線的專用接地工程其實好壞品質相差甚大!關鍵在能不能確實執行還有事後的量測數據分析能不能達到理想的結果?至於接地工程如果要做得好,那個費用也是相當可觀!