你好,要的。 www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-visas/visas/visa/straight-to-residence-visa You will need to provide one of these with your application: An acceptable English language test result. Evidence you are a citizen of Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom (UK) or the United States of America (USA), and you have spent at least five years working or studying in those countries, or in Australia or New Zealand. Evidence you have a recognised qualification that’s comparable to a New Zealand level 7 bachelor’s degree, which you gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, the UK or the USA. You must have also studied for at least two years in any of those countries to get that qualification. Evidence you have a recognised qualification that’s comparable to a postgraduate New Zealand qualification, which you gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, the UK or the USA. You must have also studied for at least one year in any of those countries to get that qualification. Who does not need English language test results You do not need to provide test results if one of the following applies to you. You are a citizen of Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom or the United States, and you have spent at least 5 years working or studying in those countries, or in Australia or New Zealand. You have a qualification similar to a New Zealand level 7 bachelor's degree gained in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom or the United States, and you studied for at least 2 years in any of those countries to get that qualification. You have a qualification gained in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom or the United States, which is comparable to a postgraduate New Zealand qualification. You must have studied for at least 1 year in any of those countries to get that qualification.
@@shyshyvivian 謝謝回覆!好似一定要兩種貨幣唔同先轉到?因為我已經用IB轉左錢haha 不過我都岩岩開通左想試下 但係填香港銀行既account number 佢唔俾 話account number is too short lol 同埋我想問下 係紐西蘭租屋有咩網站好d/ 可信d? thanks!
www.safetravel.govt.nz/hong-kong-china Hong Kong, like other parts of China, does not recognise dual nationality. If you have both New Zealand and Chinese nationality you may be treated as a Chinese citizen by local authorities and you may not be granted access to New Zealand consular assistance. Travellers should read our advice on dual citizenship here. If you are a New Zealand dual citizen with Hong Kong residency, you can make a declaration of change of nationality if you wish to be treated as a New Zealand citizen. Consult the Hong Kong Immigration Department for more information. You may wish to seek legal advice if you are considering changes to your citizenship status. _________________________________________________________________ www.immd.gov.hk/hkt/faq/faqnationality.html 問1 :本人是香港出生的中國人並持有香港永久性居民身份證。本人已移民外國及持有外國護照。本人在香港特別行政區是否仍然被視為中國公民? 全國人民代表大會常務委員會關於《中華人民共和國國籍法》在香港特別行政區實施的幾個問題作出了一些解釋。根據解釋,凡具有中國血統的香港居民,本人出生在中國領土(含香港)者,不論其是否持有外國護照,都是中國公民。 在外國有居留權的香港特別行政區的中國公民,可使用外國政府簽發的有關證件去其他國家或地區旅行。但在香港特別行政區和中華人民共和國其他地區不得因持有上述證件而享有外國領事保護的權利。 任何在香港的中國公民,因英國政府的「居英權計劃」而獲得的英國公民身份,根據《中華人民共和國國籍法》不予承認。這類人仍為中國公民,在香港特別行政區和中華人民共和國其他地區不得享有英國的領事保護的權利。 除非你已向香港特別行政區入境事務處申報國籍變更,否則你仍是中國公民。倘若你希望在香港特別行政區被視為外國公民,你須具備相關文件,向香港特別行政區入境事務處申報國籍變更。當你國籍變更的申報獲得批准後,你便不再擁有中國國籍而成為外籍公民,你可以享有所屬國家的領事保護權。但請注意,國籍變更會對你在香港特別行政區的居留權有所影響。詳情請參閱「常見問題」之「香港特別行政區的居留權」第四及十二條
我較早前申請審批比較快. www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-visas/visas/visa/partnership-resident-visa PRV - Processing time 80% within 9 months www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-visas/visas/visa/special-work-visa-for-partners-of-work-visa-holders Partners of a worker work visa - Processing time 80% within 10 weeks
在網站看是需要NZ registration with the Nursing Council. 我不肯定nz registration是否和香港license互認//是否接受student member. 詳細可電郵Nursing Council確認. www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-visas/preparing-a-visa-application/working-in-nz/qualifications-for-work/green-list-occupations Qualifications, registration or experience required You will need: NZ registration with the Nursing Council of New Zealand.
Hello. 這條片很正. 又清楚. 希望幫到多D人啦Thanks. 相信妳已定居落離了🍾是生果酒不是香檳
Thanks, very informative!
香港人真係唔多中意紐西蘭 雖然都係講英文 雖然只在澳洲隔離 (但最近好少少 因為唐寧同姚卓菲都過來 開始多左人關注呢度) 只識美國加拿大澳洲 反而大陸人對呢度的興趣多N倍 所以都是國內人為主 - 呢個真係個好有趣的現象 Anyway 祝一切順利 利申:我來了快三十年了 哈哈
對內地人重有樣好,內地唔比雙重國籍,而紐西蘭pr 長期唔係紐西蘭都唔會過期; 所以如果想keep住中國護照又想有外國保險紐西蘭對佢地黎講係好選擇
請問你在紐西蘭伸請resident visa , 伸請左幾耐你的resident visa才批呀?😊
Hello, 請問有無果邊顧問可以介紹下,兼埋搵工果種同埋收費一般收費係幾多啊?THX
很想知道怎麼移民 ,但聽不懂廣東話 >< 請問可以上中文字幕嗎? 感謝
Subscribed, 加油~~~!!!
歡迎來到紐西蘭, 得閒出黎飲咖啡
請問你用邊一間agent 幫你搵工同申請visa?
ig dm pls
妳的資訊好有用呀!如果申請straight to resistance, 需要英文考試IELTS成績嗎?謝謝妳!
You will need to provide one of these with your application:
An acceptable English language test result.
Evidence you are a citizen of Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom (UK) or the United States of America (USA), and you have spent at least five years working or studying in those countries, or in Australia or New Zealand.
Evidence you have a recognised qualification that’s comparable to a New Zealand level 7 bachelor’s degree, which you gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, the UK or the USA. You must have also studied for at least two years in any of those countries to get that qualification.
Evidence you have a recognised qualification that’s comparable to a postgraduate New Zealand qualification, which you gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, the UK or the USA. You must have also studied for at least one year in any of those countries to get that qualification.
Who does not need English language test results
You do not need to provide test results if one of the following applies to you.
You are a citizen of Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom or the United States, and you have spent at least 5 years working or studying in those countries, or in Australia or New Zealand.
You have a qualification similar to a New Zealand level 7 bachelor's degree gained in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom or the United States, and you studied for at least 2 years in any of those countries to get that qualification.
You have a qualification gained in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom or the United States, which is comparable to a postgraduate New Zealand qualification. You must have studied for at least 1 year in any of those countries to get that qualification.
有無immigration advisor 可以介紹? 謝謝
IG dm me pls.
你好呀,你講得好詳細,講問你係唔係做construction 架?如果係,我有關於搵工嘅事情想請教你,方便係tg 到傾嗎?
ig dm me is fine😉
希望有普通話版本 謝謝:)))
@@shyshyvivian 谢谢你啦,祝你生活一切顺利~
你好 請問有冇紐西蘭工作短缺嘅 相關短期課程系讀完可以容易移民
本身疫情前都係打算直接飛去搵工夠160分 依家轉左直接去澳洲😂
主要我諗佢無咩pathway for 香港人所以大家注意力都係捨難取易
anyway 都係恭喜晒🎉
Hi 想問下可否介紹你的移民顧問給我🙏因我想申請移民紐西蘭噢 感謝你呀🥹
ig dm me pls
Hello 想請問下你係紐西蘭申請邊間銀行啊?或者你知唔知邊間轉錢翻香港/接收香港銀行錢最方便/低手續費?謝謝🙏
我自己用TransferWise轉的. 銀行無咩大分別. 最大幾間有ANZ, BNZ, ASB, Kiwibank.
@@shyshyvivian 謝謝回覆!好似一定要兩種貨幣唔同先轉到?因為我已經用IB轉左錢haha 不過我都岩岩開通左想試下 但係填香港銀行既account number 佢唔俾 話account number is too short lol 同埋我想問下 係紐西蘭租屋有咩網站好d/ 可信d? thanks!
請問green list , on tier 1. 係咪一定要找到工,要test english 先可以申請pr?
你好,可以留個電郵或者在IG PM發給你
請問可以介紹NZ 移民顧問?
可以ig pm我~
@@shyshyvivian ok, pm 左🙏
work visa居然要五个月,会有雇主愿意等近半年来让这个人入职吗
可能某些能remote work的工種機會較大
Hong Kong, like other parts of China, does not recognise dual nationality. If you have both New Zealand and Chinese nationality you may be treated as a Chinese citizen by local authorities and you may not be granted access to New Zealand consular assistance. Travellers should read our advice on dual citizenship here.
If you are a New Zealand dual citizen with Hong Kong residency, you can make a declaration of change of nationality if you wish to be treated as a New Zealand citizen. Consult the Hong Kong Immigration Department for more information. You may wish to seek legal advice if you are considering changes to your citizenship status.
問1 :本人是香港出生的中國人並持有香港永久性居民身份證。本人已移民外國及持有外國護照。本人在香港特別行政區是否仍然被視為中國公民?
請問residence visa 同PR的分別?謝謝.
RV 兩年會expire. PR不會.
Thank you!
ig dm pls
partner visa等幾耐,移民局先批
PRV - Processing time 80% within 9 months
Partners of a worker work visa - Processing time 80% within 10 weeks
請問我係RN,on green list , 但我都要有new zealand nursing license 先? 之後再apply job , 有job offer 先用green list apply visa?
在網站看是需要NZ registration with the Nursing Council. 我不肯定nz registration是否和香港license互認//是否接受student member. 詳細可電郵Nursing Council確認.
Qualifications, registration or experience required
You will need:
NZ registration with the Nursing Council of New Zealand.
有work visa先可以過去工作, 否則只可以以旅客身份去旅行呢. (3個月期限)
請問用Straight to Residence visa係咪即係黎到NZ等5年就可以入國籍?
@@shyshyvivian 希望你可以拍多d片令有意移民去NZ嘅人可以了解更多。
視乎你以什麼簽證的類型申請,例如技術移民要求是55歲以下,Working Holiday是30歲。
@@shyshyvivian 請問如何可做到六十歲? 什麼行業?
申請work visa時不必考IETLS,PR才要。移民顧問AGENT可以ig pm我。
ig dm me please @@samakeupchannel4523
Thank you 😊
其實straight to residence =/= PR
咁到時點先PR 到
係咪有工= straight to residence visa
咁可以apply PR
兩年stay NZ over 184days/ yr 可以成功PR
2年後再申請PR Visa. 詳情可到以下網址
the best and cheapest way to immigrant NZ is get a boyfriend and apply for partner resident after two years time.
我鐘意靠自己多啲 ~😗
可以在這裡 徵女友嗎? 希望是紐西蘭PR的人xd
@@shyshyvivian 不好意思 我是直男