🔮 Do they have any regrets for hurting you? pick a card tarot ✨️ timeless ✨️

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024

Комментарии • 27

  • @eveningwhisk7736
    @eveningwhisk7736 7 месяцев назад +14

    Pile 3 resonates. This person has remorse because they can no longer exploit me. Haha too bad so sad. I’m not sorry for cutting them off. I knew something was off and I’m learning to trust my intuition. Anyways thanks for the reading.

  • @surgeonvicryl4872
    @surgeonvicryl4872 7 месяцев назад +2

    Pile 2 resonates :) except that she knows and acknowleges her faults but afraid to say sorry and start a heart 2 heart conversation. Conflicted internally.

  • @petrafenijn2569
    @petrafenijn2569 7 месяцев назад +3

    For some reason I feel the urge last days to dig up past disasters...urgh!
    Ok number 3 used to be a kind of coworker/organizer.I did not feel so much for him but he seemed friendly ,talented etc.
    I was aware he has a huge ego and a short "temper "and appeared a bit or more mysogyne .i kept the distance,but this did not matter,one day after working seemingly well together he took on me and my husband so viciously for absolutely nothing!
    I have put on firm distance and boundaries ,also energetic (we do not want him in tha house!),and I had nearly forgotten all of it until he suddenly was there at an event and I felt my knees gave way....I felt getting sick.And Frightened !

  • @Incognitohealing
    @Incognitohealing 7 месяцев назад +2

    Pile 3👺~ Im an aquarius & this is (platonic relationship) ab my older virgo brother. I recently came out ab my sexual abuse and confronted my parents (the abusers) , he decided to get involved and take sides w my narcissist parents who made it like I was out to get them and “ruin their lives” all bc they couldn’t handle confrontation like usual. I was only trying to talk bc I had thought they’d truly changed. I was literally ganged up on & verbally harassed. Since he’s never wanted to grow up, I feel he betrayed me to secure his spot living under their roof, but he’ll see for himself; theyve never supported us or taught us skills to be independent, but Im not afraid to get out & take risk and am the youngest & only one who has left and thriving away from the household and have been so blessed by God. Of all ppl in this world he was the only one who truly could understand bc of shared trauma so ofc I cant help but take it as an emotional blow to the heart, but logically I can see where he’s coming from & have nothing but pity. He fronted (like my parents) that theyve been spiritually transformed in the last yrs but this situation showed true colors for sure. Thank you for this reading, just wanted to know if he felt any type of remorse as Ive been psychically hearing a lot of what you were saying so this confirms. Onward with the healing journey 💪🏽

  • @thevestalvirginspeaks3847
    @thevestalvirginspeaks3847 7 месяцев назад +5

    💯💯💯#3 We are the same ethnicity but he's Muslim. He 's a Scorpio. He knew I wasn't Muslim when he first approached me as a student at a Catholic women's college... He proceeded to string me along and I was young and dumb and let him for a decade. He ended our engagement then married a Muslim woman from another country a year later. If I never have children it's in part because this pos wasted all my childbearing years. Luckily for me my ancestors have my back and they saw everything I was too blind to see at the time. That woman he married didn't love him, that baby they had didn't survive, and now he's most likely getting dragged by her in divorce court. Alls well that ends well if you ask me!

    • @Blessed.Allwin
      @Blessed.Allwin 6 месяцев назад

      He wasted your childbearing years he got his karma.

  • @mooonlightwater
    @mooonlightwater 7 месяцев назад +1

    You really read it so accurately! Went through everything you said, and they purposely hid so many things to try to control the situation and me. Lied, cheated, gaslighted and breadcrumbed me. I learned my lesson with that one. Never again. Thank you for the beautiful read, loved the archangel guidance at the end 💓🥹. Pile 2

  • @astroemerald3175
    @astroemerald3175 7 месяцев назад +7

    My ex a serial cheater land iar closeted gay man . Used and abused both female partners he was with previously .
    His pride will never allow him apologise .

  • @delm8063
    @delm8063 7 месяцев назад +2

    Pile 2. Resonated, in and out relationship for years, I walked away for good after he disappeared for a week suddenly, I'm so tired of this, and he want to reconcile with me after I cut him off. He's a Gemini and I'm a Scorpio. Thanks for your reading.

  • @6886a
    @6886a 7 месяцев назад +2

    Pile 3 🪬🧿 great reading my lovely Star 🌟🥰🤗❤

  • @abcdefg2575
    @abcdefg2575 2 месяца назад

    2 ✅ i am done. All confirmed 💯

  • @deborahhendren4665
    @deborahhendren4665 3 месяца назад

    Thank you! group 1 ❤

  • @trippytia
    @trippytia 7 месяцев назад +1

    Pile 3 - He did ghost me. We met on an app, we got along really well, very quickly. We texted for about a month and then we met in person and went on a date. It all felt like a dream. I got really attached very quickly. Hes a very handsome guy, and I was so startstruck that he even liked me but once we started to hang out more, it was like I was the one trying to see him more and he would act like “cool” like as if it didn’t bother him if I came around or not. But I could always tell he wasn’t being his true self around me. I felt he held back sooooo much and it made me question his feelings for me. He blocked me about halfway through our time together and I called him from a different number just to clarify what happened and I told him I’d leave him alone if he didn’t want me around. He said apologized and said he did want me but there’s so much going on with his family that he didn’t want me to be dragged into his drama. I told him I had issues too and I’d never be one to judge him for it. He then said he’d like to keep talking. We went on for another month or so but the last day I saw him, I came over very drunk and (mind you we lived an hour away from each other, so i drove there drunk. Bad idea) when I got there I remember I laid on the bed and I started falling asleep and he kept kissing me on my face and then I blacked out. I came to and it was dark in the room and he has a mirror that faced his bed, and when I turned and looked at the mirror, I saw what was happening. (Trigger warning ⛔️ but you get the gist of what’s going on) The next day I remember feeling like soemthing was very off. He looked so so sad and wouldn’t look me in the eye or really even speak to me. I stayed there all day and before I left I admitted to him that I felt like he was wearing a mask around me and that I feel l could never reach the true verison of him and in turn I could not be my fully authentic self around him. He stayed very quiet. I was falling in love with him but I felt like a fool that was falling in love with someone who didn’t love me back but it was like my gut was telling me he did love me but didn’t want to admit it. Anyways, he walked me to my car and told me he would come to my side of town later that week. I remember asking if he promised and he said he promised. We said goodbye but I could feel something was wrong or this would be the last time I saw him. When I got home, I went to text him but found I was blocked on EVERYTHING. I was absolutely devastated. I compartmentalized it for about 2 years and then randomly I had a very vivid dream about him, almost like a visitation dream, and it was like my feelings were right back where they started. Every dream I have of him is so so vivid it’s like I’m really there talking to him. It’s been 7 years total since he ghosted me and I don’t understand how someone I only dated for 3-4 months could have such a profound impact on me, to the point of unhealed pain. Some part of me wishes he would come back to explain himself and the other part of me wishes I could just get over him. Anyways. This was so spot on. (Also we share the exact same birthday, same year)

    • @thestarclairvoyant
      @thestarclairvoyant  7 месяцев назад +2

      It's that no closure we do not get when someone ghosts us. Also sometimes something is much more attractive when we can't have it. Hun I spotted so many red flags with this guy. Take it as a blessing, and please 🙏 don't drink and drive 🙏

  • @sisid6295
    @sisid6295 7 месяцев назад +1

    Thx so much for this topic !

  • @edwardbenjamin2723
    @edwardbenjamin2723 7 месяцев назад +2

    Yea she kept it quiet hot caught then closed the door on it and within a month the new partner was gone in a extra toxic exchange. Her ego is way too big to say sorry and work it out she says she does not think about me lol ego taking over

    • @user-id6ei7jx7x
      @user-id6ei7jx7x 7 месяцев назад +1

      If she left dude and chose someone else and you think she misses you probably she doesn't because that explains how she is. Maybe they don't miss us that doesn't change anything. Be strong and move on.❤

  • @Viviannavalha
    @Viviannavalha 7 месяцев назад


  • @CaIIMeElla
    @CaIIMeElla 7 месяцев назад +3


  • @amarsingh-gd2iy
    @amarsingh-gd2iy 6 месяцев назад
