@@ossie200 discipline is definitely important but you should not only rely on discipline. you should have enough discipline to decide to change your environment to help you on those days when your discipline is lower for some reason
That's why England, French, America sold cocain and alcohol, opened prisons, closed down schools in any colony they wanted to invade back in the history.
in other words, the best way to learn the things you want is to set yourself up into the kind of environment you need that supports your direction.. willpower alone without the environment is inferior
not always true.. i was accepted in a favorite school whose environment is very supportive and i also have a will, but everything fell apart because i was not disciplined, everyone hated me
Supportive environment aint enough for non disciplined people. You need some kind of martial harsh attitude to deal with those. Thats the way I feel it, I do it well if the situation is demanding but fail if it is chill. Am non disciplined also, used to have good grades with the assholes teachers but fail the kind and funny teachers tests.
Why is it that people always look for that ONE MAGICAL SOLUTION to all their problems? If you want to achieve anything in life, you need all these things: motivation + discipline + environment + people are good for you
Of course, but this is solid advice. He isn't completely dismissing motivation and discipline, but he says that it's way harder to maintain those than changing your environment (which will help you build discipline once it's changed).
Yep, it's a sign of hard work and preparation he put into making this video. To know something so good and be fluent at it, it takes a lot of damn hard work. When people cut their videos that probably means they forgot something mid way.
Too many video games? putting your games somewhere a little less accessible. Leave your DS in a cupboard, or your Xbox games in a cardboard box under your bed. Put a book by your bed, and try doing something simple every day in the morning instead of telling yourself to get up and turn on the console. Becoming too anti-social because of your smartphone? Don't replace your phone with a flip-phone, just limit your smartphone apps/games, or putting apps that encourage you to use your phone for the better. No idea what to say about a farm in the woods, that's all you.
1:31 Only going to take you half an hour (... don't know if I like the sound of that) 1:32 And it will double your productivity and triple your happiness (OK! I'm in!) 3:40 The path of least resistance, example of water 5:10 Pigeons: I would say this, I have seen a pigeon flying flat stick being pursued by a peregrine falcon in a park in Melbourne 2 Km from the CBD. Pigeons can fly at 100km/hr and out fly a falcon in a straight line, falcons eat slow pigeons or use the speed from diving to gain an advantage. Pigeons waddle around on the ground but they do have reserve capacity that we don't often see. The pigeon in the park flew into the foliage of a tree (without crashing) and the falcon broke off it's chase 5:28 discipline is a finite resource 6:10 there is a much easier way 6:50 The secret is : You change your environment, because you can change the path of least resistance, so if you can make the things you should be doing easier then the things you shouldn't be doing, that is where you can get the easy short cut to success. 8:00 Example: Talking at dinner not watching TV 9:09 Supermarket profitable products at eye level, use this in you're own cupboards, healthy at eye level 10:00 example for wealth 11:00 put your goals and the steps they need on the path of least resistance, how can i make it easier for me to ... 11:46 The one exercise that completely changed the trajectory of my life, it is a simple audit of whats going on in your environment, write down every single item in a room on a list, categorize as positive, negative, neutral
I'll give you a tip: don't fall into extremes. Like "It's none of these, it's only this." This came from the Buddha, who advised avoiding extremes ('the middle way'). Whenever someone claims something is "Always X and never Y", they are almost always wrong. Whenever you hear someone make a one-sided statement, be suspicious. In this case, there is little doubt that all three of these things are useful tools depending on the circumstances. But it seems in the west especially, we LOVE extreme statements. Partly because we are always looking for the panacea, the utopia. Partly because we love appearing knowledgable. Both are examples of ego.
@@skepticonHGH isn't middle in all the ways at the same time. I mean isn't precisely that its defining characteristic? All and none at the same time, i remember something like that in the wisdom of those Ways. PS didn't Jesus also have a similar concept behind some of his messages like: i am the heart, through me the way, etc. Yeah besides the crossing itself, absolute symbol for the concept of "middle".
I agree with the idea. But combine the right environment + discipline is the best. But sometimes in life you cant always have the best environment. You cant always make it the path of least resistance. Thats where discipline comes in. Whether you are in the path of least resistance or a difficult environment. Disclipline is still king. Thats my opinion
I agree completely - both are important. When you are out eating healthy, but there's food shoved in your face or on the menu that isn't good you need disciplin. But still, where you can use it, you can use it. :)
He says you "can't rely on discipline." He didn't say that it's useless. He's only saying that discipline alone can't work. You've hit the nail on the head. Use the path of least resistance when at all possible, and when the harsh waters come around discipline will be strong enough to handle the conditions, because the path of least resistance handled all the other unwanted courses.
throw away your laptop/phone/computer and isolate yourself from the society by becoming a lumberjack in the forest. Bonus - you won't have to worry about doing your laundry either. Path of least resistance ftw
Dude, i literally had this idea inside my head for freaking ages, and has been practicing it as well, but had never been able to formulate it coherently in words. This is when you know the idea is true - when multiple independent minds come up with it separately
discipline is a finite resource but you can train it to get better and better, just like a muscle, if you lift weights, it will get tired, but it will grow bigger
I love writing, it's my outlet for breaking free from the world around me. Letting it grow organically is key to a good story, last night I kinda realized something off and this is exactly it! My environment
Andrew, I am a 45 year old man. I must say that I wished I had developed your mindset at your age. You might be a lot younger than I, but you, my man, are one of my inspirations and someone I admire greatly. I got into Stoicism through Ryan Holiday and Donald Roberston, but then I found your channel and your channel has helped me advance as well in my life and keep me inspired. Keep up the good work, young man. You are doing great things for people's lives.
It actually works I did it without knowing it , I was addicted to Facebook , so what I did that I deleted the fb app and started to open it from chrome browser , its more resistant so eventually I got rid of the addiction , great thing ,!!!!!
I've been listening to Jock lately and he defines discipline simply as doing the things you know you should do. Changing your environment is one of the many says you can build discipline and do the things you know you should do.
According to the Reggio Emilia teaching system, parents are our first teachers, teachers themselves are our second teacher, and environment is our crucial third teacher. It's simple and powerful, adjust the environment, create provocations, and changes, immediate changes, will flood in.
The way I saw it was that “Motivation” is based on internal traits (Emotions, Morals, Long Term Goals, etc). Discipline is based on external traits (Physical Routines, Schedules, Plans, Short Terms Goals, etc). Both are required for the most optimal way to attain your own kind of success but are also based in our own judgements. What we can do for ourselves and others, and how fast, or efficiently, or accurately, or determined we are in that pursuit of success. It’s the same as people always say. “Get out of your head.” The easiest way to success is literally changing the way you look at things. If not, we’ll constantly demotivate ourselves and give less credit for our success due to feeling bad on how we haven’t achieved anything significant yet. Or we’ll give up on structuring ourselves around order and routine because despite being disciplined we still see our lofty goals are much further down the path than we see ourselves aspiring. Think about what it takes to steel yourself up and feel how developing yourself can motivate you to doing amazing things, but always be conscious of your own reality. Lofty goals are lofty and everything takes time and effort. So put yourself in an environment where you’ll succeed even when THINK or FEEL you cannot. Your body and mind does the rest on its own.
The way I understand those words, motivation is a strong, good feeling that compells you to do an action, because the action is connected to a tangible good outcome. Discipline is more like the feeling that a proof or calculation is correct. You are compelled to do something, because it came up as the best solution in sone shorthand mental calculus.
I agree with the idea, but In life, the reality will punch you in the face, and when its happen, we have to apply the mental toughness. Thats why we have to be prepared a.k.a discipline. Great discussion though 😁
No discipline doesent prepare us for the punch from life because not having discipline allows us to make more mistakes which means we are making mistakes in life that lead to big hits in life and this allows us to become more resiliant. So when the punch comes we are mentaly prepared. But i do think discipline is good because it makes us get to a certain goal. No discipline is like wanting to go to the store and wanting to buy a tv but youre so distracted by the things on the way to the tv that you might even forget about it or you end up buying the tv but with more stuff causing you to waste time and money but youre usually so caught up with other things that you completely forget about the tv. You just have to know how to turn this all in youre favor. With discipline you would go to the store get the tv and have more time and money to do other things .
Start just chasing your goal at a vicious pace. Cutting out all distractions. That will give you a sense of discipline and mental toughness. Because If you have the mental strength to cut out the distractions. Then you’ll automatically be able to weather the blow when life punches you, because you’ve left yourself no other options already. You’ve already carved out a lane for yourself. All you have to do is get back up and keep running.
Of course you need mental toughness for anything but the point here is that you want use as little willpower as possible, basically be more efficient. You obviously don't want to take a beating if you don't have to, and can avoid it by being smart. Making things easier isn't a replacement, it's an enhancement to discipline.
For someone so young (relatively speaking) you give out some solid advise Mr Kirby. This video is one of your best in terms of real and simple advice that is easy to implement, in many situations. I would however be interested if you could do a follow up perhaps on methods that you use to not get distracted on you computer, when you are meant to be working on your computer. that is my biggest issue, and I am meant to be working now, but clicked on your video because it was easier, haha!!! (I am glad I did though ;)
One trick that's helped me a ton to reduce distraction on the computer is to create a separate user account that is ONLY for work. Environmental cues play a huge role in habits and cravings, but that "cue" can be as simple as the user account you log into on your computer. When you use the same user account for working and for watching youtube videos, then your brain gets conflicting cues, and it ends up taking the path of least resistance (watching youtube videos). Creating a work-only user account eliminates that association in your brain and helps you shift into work-mode more easily and stay focused. One thing to note: make sure you keep your work account laser-focused on your highest-value work activities. Don't do anything else on that account, or your brain will start getting conflicting cues again and you won't be able to get into "work mode" as easily. Give it a try. Create a work-only user account and see how much easier it is to resist distraction. And let me know!
Andrew Kirby please make that video, ideally in the next month or so, then I can do the same before Uni 😂. Have opted not to take gaming PC with me and might leave PS4 but that’s a tricky one 😭
You really sink your credibility with all the "stay with me", "watch until the end", "please like this video", "before I tell you the secret..." stuff in the beginning. Otherwise, fairly decent advice.
his achieving viewtime quotas with less content to discuss were probably least resistanced into getting wordy about basic semantics, but maybe the audience needs basic cues on such, I know I dont, hence no thumbs up.
I liked the way you used the example of the products display on a supermarket. Really comprehensive about the valid point of always following the less effort/lower energy use way.
I kaizen my way through goals and resistance. Ask simple questions, think small thoughts, take small actions. Assume you want to wash dishes, ask yourself, what if I only washed one plate then sat down can I manage that? Then ask can I do just one more plate? Soon before you know it the whole kitchen is clean. No motivation required, no discipline required.
I recomend also organizing your phone in this way, just reorganizing and changing certain settings. I really recomend using the setting that makes your phone only black and white
This is so spot on!!! I keep telling everyone when I move out of home and I'm not constantly exposed to these distractions things will be different! Thank youuuu
the gym is a good example for me, I always had to take the gym bag to work even if the gym was like across my home, but when I hit home before going to the gym.. most time I didnt go anymore. Solution, straight hitting the gym after work without the possibility of distraction of your "bad" habits.
There is no shortcut to success. There is no secret to success. It is a fool’s dream to believe there is a silver bullet to lodge into the heart of the “monsters” named pain and labor. Discipline in other areas allows freedom for other things in life. Discipline IS disabling your Netflix account because you realize it is not productive to you. It is self love that speaks to you saying “I know you love watching these shows, but I love you too much to let you waste your time on these shows when you could instead interact with your loved one.” It is also discipline that tells you that you need to complete this objective EVEN THOUGH you may not love it or even like it. But it is a REQUIREMENT of you to do this in order to get to where you would love to be. Simply put, you changed the word “discipline” with “get rid of your distractions” which does in fact require discipline to do. Not everyone can immediately let go of their favorite poison. It takes strengthening of the mind in order to see this is truly what is best for you and to STICK WITH IT. Everyone can let go of their poison; their bad habits. But, almost everyone goes back. THAT is deadly to your success. Laziness is the lack of discipline. Laziness tells you “it’s okay to have one more gummy worm. What’s the worst that could happen? I could work harder to burn it off.” And then you decide its dark outside so you go to bed. Discipline tells you “it’s dark outside. You can hear the wind and feel yourself being wrapped around by it. But you MUST push on. You MUST run that extra mile because of that extra gummy worm. If you don’t, not only did you fail, but you didn’t stand back up. You are not a winner if this happens. I know you don’t like running, but you must.”
Sure there's no secret to success or a silver blah blah blah, but does it really need to be as hard as we make it seem? This isn't a magic pill, but it's not "discipline" as you put it either. "Discipline" takes willpower, which is finite. The impression was that doing stuff like canceling Netflix was an easy environmental change, and it didn't take steeling yourself up in the mirror for two weeks to do it. A few actions make the rest easy. While discipline isn't completely useless, it cant be your fuel source because it is very limited. It doesn't help to make things hard.
...I'm still not sure. I think there is an easy way to succeed. I think all you have to do is reach out and take it. All of this hard work, path of least resistance, motivation blah blah blah, is really like talking about the yellow brick road to get to the wizard. Let me ask you, if you wanted to be happy right now, and I mean this very instant couldn't you reach inside yourself smile and feel a small surge of joy if you tried. If you really wanted to couldn't you make yourself angry for a second? Now if you wanted to be "successful" what's stopping you from reaching in and just for a second a micro moment making your self feel success. The cup is half empty/half full is a metaphor we're all familiar with. But what it's really trying to say isn't about perspective. That some people see it one way and some people see it another. It's trying to tell you that positivity is never any further from you then your right hand is further from your wrist. There's a very overlooked scripture in the bible that I've spent time trying to really understand. "Those who have more will be given onto them, and those who have not even what they do have will be taken away." Jesus said that right after saying that whoever has ears let him hear. So it's highlighted above many other things he said. What I believe it means is that we must possess what we want. We must truly have it. If you want more money then possess the money you have. Don't hold onto it like your running out, and don't spend it like you want to get rid of it. How many people do you know that the moment they get some money they immediately blow it like it's burning a hole in thier pocket. And how many people do you know that even though they have money, they pinch every penny and are so cheep that it's like thier only a mistake away from the poor house. Are these people rich? Do they enjoy thier lives? Are they successful? The secret to success is that you don't have to work for it or change for it, you just have to change the way you see it and accept it into your heart and mind. Truly begin to Have it, poses what you want. And at the same time deposes all the things you don't want. Push the anger, fear, poverty!! And anything you don't want out from you mentally. Make sure that you don't have it. Act like those penny pinchers but with your problems. Like you just don't have enough of them. Spend them like they burn a hole in your pocket untill you are poor of misery and you don't have a problem to your name. When you have what you want and don't have what you don't want, then more of what you want will be given onto you and more of what you don't want will be taken away. Sound a little bit too "spiritual" for you? 😄 maybe a little too ridiculous? Well let me ask you, look at what you have and tell me just how easy it is to get more of what you have, then look at what you lack and tell me how easy it is to get more of that? Now look at a billionaire, and let me ask how easy is it for a rich man like him to make more money? At the same time how hard is it to really cause a problem for someone so wealthy? If you truly have something, you'll wind up with more of it. And if you don't truly have something, even the fragment you thought you possessed will be gone before you can stop it. 😄 but I understand if you choose not to believe it. Not many people understand it. Even I don't truly know everything about it. But I do know that when I'm happy I only get more happy when something happens. And when I'm grumpy I only see more reasons to be angry. So I try to just be happy... it's complicated and it takes practice but it works.
I always feel so dissappointed and unhappy about myself when my motivation and discipline are down and I don't get done what I set out to accomplish. Even hated myself at times for it. Now I'm trying to see the reason behind why its so hard at times to get shit done in the different light you are explaining so relatably. I'm trying to be kinder to myself and implementing the things you suggest and take in the good feelings the success gives me to keep going. Thanks man, honestly!!!
Really noticed when I added friction to distractions, I started to feel more humble and happy about little things in my life. My memories were recovered and I had space to really think wisely about my future. Keep up bro!!
Tbh from my experience, most people who made a lot of money, 99 percent had a strong power of persuasion/influence and they used this power to manage other peoples money (opm) , this is like the wolf analogy that you mentioned in your video.
I think this is maybe why the Japanese sleep on futons. Wake up. Fold the bedding. Put bedding away. Get on with your day. You don't see the bed again until it's time to sleep.
"Do THIS instead" : Change your environment - make the things you should be doing easier - Make a note of every item is in your environment and make the more productive things easier to get to Your examples are great Like and subscribe and promote his video
now this is something i can relate to.. the singular reason why my friends envy me as to how i am debt-free is that i never go beyond my means, i have never eaten or bought something where i have used a card, i always pay in cash so that i will never be tempted to go extra. my friends may be flashy with their purchases, but i'm the only one who's still receiving his salary in full, while theirs are deducted even before it reaches their hands, sometimes left to a measly 25% of the original amount. they have enjoyed their salary way before they earned it, which in my opinion is emotionally-charged and financially-stupid: a chimp would act in the same way. i am being seduced left and right by credit card agents to get one, but i know better than to fall for their ploy: they want me to pay interest and fees and charges to their company so that their company will keep growing, and i will become poorer. i can get one, i am a personality of good standing, but no thanks, i have bigger ambitions than to remain as an emotional consumer. @Beauran Bonaparte, my friend i also carry packed lunch to work with me, in my free time i buy the raw ingredients of the kind of food i want to eat during lunch at work, cook it the night before work, heat it in the morning, and i'm all set. in this way i won't have to pay for the profit of the fast food companies and ingest all those preservatives, i also eat fast food whenever i feel like it, but this method makes me save even more, and i consume lesser quantities of preservatives. this is how i changed my environment.
What you said here is as though you were a fly on my wall. Watching everything I’ve been through. Everything you said made sense. It actually gave me answers to questions I always have. For instance, why do I procrastinate and not put in work and time into a business I spent almost all my life savings on? There’s just so much resistance for me to acquire customers, make a sale, prospecting. Running the business feel like a complete utter chore. You made me to think of a potential system whereby acquiring customers, speaking to customers and making the sale process shorter and less complicated. I would be so happy. I’ve always think I’m just a lazy person, unmotivated and not serious. Made me think a lot and felt that that’s not true at all. I just need a better system so I can enjoy the work process and also make it as rewarding as possible. Thank you so much. God bless.
Defining success as the aggregate of wealth, health, and relationships is insightful (I've always disregarded them because people often try to point you to one as the sole measure of success when they clearly aren't great on their own); I would just add: career
Something I recommend is, if you have something such as a console or whatever, put the thing fairly far from your workspace. Or, if the thing is too heavy, such as a pc, hide something fundamental such as an hdmi cord or even the power cord. This definitely helped me
The tough part is when your family doesn’t want to improve so they hold you back even though you really want to improve. I’m trying to eat healthy but dinner isn’t always healthy even though I’ve offered to help make a healthy meal. Also I suggested stopping watching Netflix while eating, we did for like one day, now we’re back to the way it was before 😭. Sometimes I wish I lived alone so I could live my best life without the extra temptation of what other people are doing around me.
Self-discipline creates self-worth. What you explain is something that is a really good tool to combine with discipline. But it should never be your main focus. Children do that stuff, and without the discipline, they would continue doing so for the rest of their lifes, being helpless morrons. Children are nothing more than unused potential. They need discipline and motivation to actually live up to their potential to have a wholesome life. If you just go with the flow like you said, you'd end up homeless in most cases. Without your parents, school, social network etc etc, you couldn't follow your idea without bumping into problems within days.
YannickLB to me discipline is the catalyst that allows you to do these things and overall conserves your discipline for self improvement this kind of process to me is cyclic.
This is really something, thanks! A specific example is to invest in better gear for what you are doing. I bought a better camera and a microphone, it was scary though, and a significant sum of money for me. Now creating content is much easier, and I feel more motivated. In the end, the equipment will pay itself back.
This video is spot on. Discipline is bullshit, it requires willpower which most of us dont have consistently. Ask yourself how many people keep long term promises to themselves and others. Diets and new years resolutions are a good example, also quitting smoking or drinking. How many people do you know that said they are on a diet or quitting smoking/drinking and kept it up long term? the answer is almost none, because the majority of us dont have the consistent willpower to sustain it long enough for it to become a habit. All these people who keep talking about discipline are either part of the few that have it consistently and can rely on it, or are completely full of shit trying to convince themselves and others they know what they're talking about to get a few clicks n likes.
"The smallest lack of doing your best (discipline) will start to erode your self esteem" -Jim Rohn Take care of your garden and don't let the weeds (neglect) take it over.
Excellent point. What Jocko may not have been consciously aware of is that in his military career, his environment would have already been created for him in order to achieve discipline. He would have gone straight into the optimal environment for success.
You are not a prisoner. Everyone needs to negotiate with themselves. I cleaned my room today. Decluttered after seeing the vid on intentionalism. My mom and my dog thank you deeply, as well do i. I am a peiece of work, i just did what i wanted then took breaks when i needed food or water. If we all waited for motivation the tomorrow may never happen.
Fantastic!! Directly within our control and powerful outcome making our desired path our least resistance path. Working with nature, not against it. Leveraging nature. Thank you!
We're roughly around the same age, all my male friends also play csgo. Taking advice from you is like taking advice from that classmate who aces their classes and looks perfect from afar, but pretty much normal and fun when you get to know them. Not to offend you, you just remind me of my friends :)
God advice. Just decided to uninstal the RUclips app from my phone. Now I have to bring out my iPad to watch your advise and that's not likely to happen 100times a day👍
I can only change my environment if I change myself; I otherwise follow myself everywhere I go! And - figuring out "that thing" first, what it is the path should be geared towards, requires stoic discipline. And patience!
I have actually used this "hack" a LOT in my life, but there is a point where it doesn't really work out. Where I don't have sufficient motivation to even do the thing I want to do, so I end up literally doing... nothing. That said --- this technique has made me SIGNIFICANTLY more productive than I would be quiescently. However, I have found more recently that there really is a limit to my productivity at around 80-90 hours of active effort per week.
Well said, relatable from my experience and am happy to say that I was able to call the environmental change one of the best methods to create positive change in one's life. I am fortunate enough to have had drastic and beneficial environmental changes (in large part due to my parent's financial security) in contrast to others who may have little options. It is difficult but there is always a way!
Looking forward for a: top 10 books i recomend. I really like your videos. By the way, congratulations, you are having a great positive impact on society!!
Thank you! I had already realised that when I gave myself only two options: "Doing the dishes or doing the work" I happily skipped to do my work, relieved that it was not dishes what I needed to do. It works with nearly everything....I clean the shower drain, wash the compost bin and nearly lick the toilet seat clean, just to avoid doing the dishes...Problem is that dishes never get done..planning to buy a dishwasher, but then my motivational-plan goes awry. But thank you! This cleared it out, why it works! I can use this in everything!
First of all: awesome video! But I do have to add that I strongly disagree that environment > discipline. While I absolutely agree on the point that having as good of an environment as possible is unquestionably important, it is not something that is built overnight. Additionally, simply having as good of an environment as possible doesn’t necessarily mean that you will do what has to be done. Also, if you do not find yourself in (for example) your work environment, does that mean your progress is stunted? If I have to work outside of “my environment” - for example, at work and not home - it wouldn’t be the environment that completes the tasks. In my opinion, it still relies heavily on discipline. In order to create a functional environment and execute your tasks, you still need discipline to create and maintain the environment. The environment may certainly encourage you to complete your tasks, but the environment doesn’t complete the tasks for you. To actually take action, you need discipline. Nevertheless, it’s still important. I’d much rather do my thesis in my flat that in the Tube or at Starbucks. And finally, if you believe that environment is more important than discipline, that’s cool. I hope it works for you. Not every method works for everyone. But if you agree or disagree with me, I’d love to hear why! Who knows? Maybe we’ll learn something?
Oder an online service that delivers ingredients for healthy meals (with the recipes) to your doorstep. If you hate wasting food or money, this should keep you from ordering out.
@@katenka_ana3997 Then you need discipline. It's not like you just end up doing it. You decide not to eat healthy because you don't want to put in the effort to resist the urge to just stuff yourself with unhealthy food. Always remind yourself why you are doing this and from time to time it will get easier to resist. You can also read about the "transtheoretical model of change". It really helped me to understand that it really takes a lot of time to change behaviour. By knowing this I started loving myself more because I knew it's natural to fail sometimes and to relapse. But in the same time you still make successes so you keep motivated.
Dude! You're absolutely right. Tried it out today. My problem is instead of doing work I end up watching Netflix on my desktop. So I gave myself a rule to only watch Netflix on the TV and only use the computer for work. I got so much done today. I've used the path of least resistance as a technique in LOA manifestation but never thought of applying it this way. Thank u! Please keep making videos!
I love the concept of nature always taking the path of least resistance. My favorite example is a lightning strike. The electric charge is branched because electricity travels through the least dense parts of the atmosphere. (or through the most moist, not really sure)
I replace my keyboard with a sketchbook every time I leave the computer. I've been drawing every day this year because it's the path of least resistance.
Kid, every time I see you I think "what can this kid teach me?" (I'm 60). Consistently you either teach me something new or reinforce something useful/helpful from before. Thank you for that.
Congratulation Andrew for half a million subscribers..Hopefully very soon it will be million subscribers. Keep continue the amazing work you are doing for your followers. Best wishes for you and your beloved ones.
I am currently setting up my own social enterprise - was only able to do this after I stopped playing CSGO - finally realised 1300 hours for being Global is a bad trade - I might actually sell my PC now, prevent me from slipping down that slippery slope I occasionally find myself falling down when I come home from Uni - thankyou
Theres nothing wrong with playing occasionally. Maybe set a clock for a set of amount of play time per day. That's what i'm attempting to do. 2 hours a day. At first it was difficult but after a few days felt routine so it got easier to hop off gaming.
the problem with setting alarms is that it would demand discipline, the easiest thing to do would be simply keep playing, therefore, is what you’re probably gonna do (in my experience, specially at night, when your decision making process is worse)
Taking the idea you expressed as applied to myself. I love to eat leafy greens. Box gardens up against my house. Investment. Dig and plant them. Return. Any time I lack the ambition to go forage in the wild or at the grocery store, I circle my house, fill a giant bowl. I've done this for years now. Thankyou for helping me to see the principle of "environment" more clearly. Peace.
"Water goes through the drain pipe" As an engineer specialising in water, I have to say it's not entirely true. Water will chip away at any surface it travels on and will eventually make a new way to travel.
Thought that with all the hype it'd end up being some hippie bs that was entirely unhelpful... turned out to be incredibly sound advice that I genuinely appreciate. nice.
One of the best way I have found to achieve things, my own path of least resistance is to "Focus on the process, not the outcome" to "be always present to the tasks I am achieving", it's the same thing as the mindfulness mantra "Paying Attention in the present moment, on purpose not judgmentally" as Jon kabat Zin would put it. Just try it, it works !
This seems like the most helpful advice I've ever received on this topic. I'm trying to learn SQL and I often find myself saying "Just one RUclips video before I get started. That wasn't that long; I have time for one more." - before I know it I've wasted an hour. I'm definitely going to implement this. Thank You.
thank you this solved a life long problem for me with productivity and laziness
it did?
Yup. This RUclips video got you all figured out...
@@ossie200 discipline is definitely important but you should not only rely on discipline. you should have enough discipline to decide to change your environment to help you on those days when your discipline is lower for some reason
@@renookami4651 if u start doing something for a week its way easier to vontinue doing it
"If you want to encourage someone to do something, make it easy."
- Richard Thaler [Nobel Prize Winning Behavioral Economist]
XwingMechanic There is no Nobel Prize for economics
Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. 2017.
timzanation „Memorial“ Alfred Nobel hated economists
@@johnnyhaselnuss9808 no.. Nobel hated mathematician..
Looking back in my life the most productive time in my life was when I had no internet in my apartment.
RoadSurfer Official I was just saying the same thing
The most productive time was when I forgot my smartphone at school.
You are just another fool who is misusing the power of science.
@@amitpaul7940 okay bill nye
I always have found a way to procrastinate
“Environment is stronger than willpower.”
-Paramhansa Yogananda
That's why England, French, America sold cocain and alcohol, opened prisons, closed down schools in any colony they wanted to invade back in the history.
in other words, the best way to learn the things you want is to set yourself up into the kind of environment you need that supports your direction.. willpower alone without the environment is inferior
not always true.. i was accepted in a favorite school whose environment is very supportive and i also have a will, but everything fell apart because i was not disciplined, everyone hated me
Supportive environment aint enough for non disciplined people. You need some kind of martial harsh attitude to deal with those. Thats the way I feel it, I do it well if the situation is demanding but fail if it is chill. Am non disciplined also, used to have good grades with the assholes teachers but fail the kind and funny teachers tests.
Why is it that people always look for that ONE MAGICAL SOLUTION to all their problems? If you want to achieve anything in life, you need all these things: motivation + discipline + environment + people are good for you
No, all you need is something that you like enough
Of course, but this is solid advice. He isn't completely dismissing motivation and discipline, but he says that it's way harder to maintain those than changing your environment (which will help you build discipline once it's changed).
yes 100%
In Anhedonia you lose ability to feel so yea there are people who are looking for alternatives
you’re videos make my life so easy
Big Wavy *you’ere’re
That's because you are watching his videos instead of doing something lmao
Isn't that the opposite of what they should do
Are you sure 🤣
Can't find the motivation to get out of the house.
*Gets rid of the house*
Problem solved!
Moving into a shitty house would work
@@lamdrewpleasse4667 You're not wrong 😂
I changed country haha
@@webmasale Where'd ya go?
I like how you think... keep it up
I respect a man who doesn’t use jump cuts. Big up
i liked that too
He isn't jumpy or one of those that do cuts every 10 secs as soon they go off topic
This can't be understated these days.
Yep, it's a sign of hard work and preparation he put into making this video. To know something so good and be fluent at it, it takes a lot of damn hard work. When people cut their videos that probably means they forgot something mid way.
Solved nofap this way.
*smashes gaming console
*buys a flip phone
*lives on a farm in the woods
I always end up re downloading games to my pc. I think the only solution is to smash it
@@Mark-xw5yt you might end up buying another one
@@akarshtaylo156 if I get another summer job.
Too many video games? putting your games somewhere a little less accessible. Leave your DS in a cupboard, or your Xbox games in a cardboard box under your bed. Put a book by your bed, and try doing something simple every day in the morning instead of telling yourself to get up and turn on the console.
Becoming too anti-social because of your smartphone? Don't replace your phone with a flip-phone, just limit your smartphone apps/games, or putting apps that encourage you to use your phone for the better.
No idea what to say about a farm in the woods, that's all you.
1:31 Only going to take you half an hour (... don't know if I like the sound of that)
1:32 And it will double your productivity and triple your happiness (OK! I'm in!)
3:40 The path of least resistance, example of water
5:10 Pigeons: I would say this, I have seen a pigeon flying flat stick being pursued by a peregrine falcon in a park in Melbourne 2 Km from the CBD. Pigeons can fly at 100km/hr and out fly a falcon in a straight line, falcons eat slow pigeons or use the speed from diving to gain an advantage. Pigeons waddle around on the ground but they do have reserve capacity that we don't often see. The pigeon in the park flew into the foliage of a tree (without crashing) and the falcon broke off it's chase
5:28 discipline is a finite resource
6:10 there is a much easier way
6:50 The secret is : You change your environment, because you can change the path of least resistance, so if you can make the things you should be doing easier then the things you shouldn't be doing, that is where you can get the easy short cut to success.
8:00 Example: Talking at dinner not watching TV
9:09 Supermarket profitable products at eye level, use this in you're own cupboards, healthy at eye level
10:00 example for wealth
11:00 put your goals and the steps they need on the path of least resistance, how can i make it easier for me to ...
11:46 The one exercise that completely changed the trajectory of my life, it is a simple audit of whats going on in your environment,
write down every single item in a room on a list, categorize as positive, negative, neutral
Great job ✅
Thank you for the notes.
I'll give you a tip: don't fall into extremes. Like "It's none of these, it's only this." This came from the Buddha, who advised avoiding extremes ('the middle way'). Whenever someone claims something is "Always X and never Y", they are almost always wrong. Whenever you hear someone make a one-sided statement, be suspicious. In this case, there is little doubt that all three of these things are useful tools depending on the circumstances. But it seems in the west especially, we LOVE extreme statements. Partly because we are always looking for the panacea, the utopia. Partly because we love appearing knowledgable. Both are examples of ego.
@@RIPxBlackHawk That's why you go every way.
It all depends when to take which way. But 90 percent of the time it's middle way.
@@RIPxBlackHawk by definition middle != extremes (not equal)
@@skepticonHGH isn't middle in all the ways at the same time. I mean isn't precisely that its defining characteristic?
All and none at the same time, i remember something like that in the wisdom of those Ways.
PS didn't Jesus also have a similar concept behind some of his messages like: i am the heart, through me the way, etc. Yeah besides the crossing itself, absolute symbol for the concept of "middle".
I agree with the idea. But combine the right environment + discipline is the best.
But sometimes in life you cant always have the best environment. You cant always make it the path of least resistance. Thats where discipline comes in. Whether you are in the path of least resistance or a difficult environment. Disclipline is still king. Thats my opinion
I agree completely - both are important. When you are out eating healthy, but there's food shoved in your face or on the menu that isn't good you need disciplin. But still, where you can use it, you can use it. :)
He says you "can't rely on discipline." He didn't say that it's useless. He's only saying that discipline alone can't work. You've hit the nail on the head. Use the path of least resistance when at all possible, and when the harsh waters come around discipline will be strong enough to handle the conditions, because the path of least resistance handled all the other unwanted courses.
@@andrewglover8256 Read the thumbnail my friend: it literally says "screw discipline". If that's not what he meant then it's clickbait 100%.
NineNine lol that’s exactly what it is, an eye catching thumbnail. Coz in the video he literally says not to rely on discipline alone
@@JRevengeZzz Well, yeah. It's eye-catching. His words in the video clarify that further.
Wanted to do the laundry. Watched this video instead. So easy!
Damn you RUclips!
I rarely "watch" RUclips. Put in some earphones and do both ;-)
I rarely "watch" RUclips. Put in some earphones and do both ;-)
I rarely "watch" RUclips. Put in some earphones and do both ;-)
Lol same and I have to do it with my hands also C
throw away your laptop/phone/computer and isolate yourself from the society by becoming a lumberjack in the forest. Bonus - you won't have to worry about doing your laundry either. Path of least resistance ftw
Dude, i literally had this idea inside my head for freaking ages, and has been practicing it as well, but had never been able to formulate it coherently in words. This is when you know the idea is true - when multiple independent minds come up with it separately
Same. I thought about it too but I thought it's just a sub factor
@lol huilo if you had this in your head, maybe you should have stopped watching videos to have time to figure this out by yourself.
discipline is a finite resource but you can train it to get better and better, just like a muscle, if you lift weights, it will get tired, but it will grow bigger
I love writing, it's my outlet for breaking free from the world around me. Letting it grow organically is key to a good story, last night I kinda realized something off and this is exactly it! My environment
If only I had known this when I was 17...well! Here I am at 30 and hoping it is not too late. Thanks for the wisdom!
Its easy
It's never too late to improve yourself!
@@cmplx21 😜
I'm 17
Its not too late
Andrew, I am a 45 year old man. I must say that I wished I had developed your mindset at your age. You might be a lot younger than I, but you, my man, are one of my inspirations and someone I admire greatly. I got into Stoicism through Ryan Holiday and Donald Roberston, but then I found your channel and your channel has helped me advance as well in my life and keep me inspired. Keep up the good work, young man. You are doing great things for people's lives.
It actually works I did it without knowing it , I was addicted to Facebook , so what I did that I deleted the fb app and started to open it from chrome browser , its more resistant so eventually I got rid of the addiction , great thing ,!!!!!
I've been listening to Jock lately and he defines discipline simply as doing the things you know you should do. Changing your environment is one of the many says you can build discipline and do the things you know you should do.
If anyone is interested his point is well documented in the book Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard
By Chip Heath and Dan Heath
According to the Reggio Emilia teaching system, parents are our first teachers, teachers themselves are our second teacher, and environment is our crucial third teacher. It's simple and powerful, adjust the environment, create provocations, and changes, immediate changes, will flood in.
The way I saw it was that “Motivation” is based on internal traits (Emotions, Morals, Long Term Goals, etc). Discipline is based on external traits (Physical Routines, Schedules, Plans, Short Terms Goals, etc).
Both are required for the most optimal way to attain your own kind of success but are also based in our own judgements. What we can do for ourselves and others, and how fast, or efficiently, or accurately, or determined we are in that pursuit of success.
It’s the same as people always say. “Get out of your head.” The easiest way to success is literally changing the way you look at things. If not, we’ll constantly demotivate ourselves and give less credit for our success due to feeling bad on how we haven’t achieved anything significant yet. Or we’ll give up on structuring ourselves around order and routine because despite being disciplined we still see our lofty goals are much further down the path than we see ourselves aspiring.
Think about what it takes to steel yourself up and feel how developing yourself can motivate you to doing amazing things, but always be conscious of your own reality. Lofty goals are lofty and everything takes time and effort. So put yourself in an environment where you’ll succeed even when THINK or FEEL you cannot. Your body and mind does the rest on its own.
The way I understand those words, motivation is a strong, good feeling that compells you to do an action, because the action is connected to a tangible good outcome.
Discipline is more like the feeling that a proof or calculation is correct. You are compelled to do something, because it came up as the best solution in sone shorthand mental calculus.
When he said “I sold the computer,” I died. 😂😂😂. I was not expecting that but that is gold
This is the essence of what the Tao calls "wei wu wei" - effortless action. They also use water as the standard reference.
@Evan Hodge missing the point are ya
I agree with the idea, but In life, the reality will punch you in the face, and when its happen, we have to apply the mental toughness. Thats why we have to be prepared a.k.a discipline. Great discussion though 😁
No discipline doesent prepare us for the punch from life because not having discipline allows us to make more mistakes which means we are making mistakes in life that lead to big hits in life and this allows us to become more resiliant. So when the punch comes we are mentaly prepared. But i do think discipline is good because it makes us get to a certain goal. No discipline is like wanting to go to the store and wanting to buy a tv but youre so distracted by the things on the way to the tv that you might even forget about it or you end up buying the tv but with more stuff causing you to waste time and money but youre usually so caught up with other things that you completely forget about the tv. You just have to know how to turn this all in youre favor. With discipline you would go to the store get the tv and have more time and money to do other things .
@@start3079 I like what you said at the start about no having discipline inadvertently leads to the accumulation of discipline ironically. Good view
Start just chasing your goal at a vicious pace. Cutting out all distractions. That will give you a sense of discipline and mental toughness. Because If you have the mental strength to cut out the distractions. Then you’ll automatically be able to weather the blow when life punches you, because you’ve left yourself no other options already. You’ve already carved out a lane for yourself. All you have to do is get back up and keep running.
Of course you need mental toughness for anything but the point here is that you want use as little willpower as possible, basically be more efficient. You obviously don't want to take a beating if you don't have to, and can avoid it by being smart. Making things easier isn't a replacement, it's an enhancement to discipline.
If you combine the best of both worlds, the path of least resistance allows your discipline to be prepared for when it's needed most.
For someone so young (relatively speaking) you give out some solid advise Mr Kirby. This video is one of your best in terms of real and simple advice that is easy to implement, in many situations. I would however be interested if you could do a follow up perhaps on methods that you use to not get distracted on you computer, when you are meant to be working on your computer. that is my biggest issue, and I am meant to be working now, but clicked on your video because it was easier, haha!!! (I am glad I did though ;)
One trick that's helped me a ton to reduce distraction on the computer is to create a separate user account that is ONLY for work.
Environmental cues play a huge role in habits and cravings, but that "cue" can be as simple as the user account you log into on your computer. When you use the same user account for working and for watching youtube videos, then your brain gets conflicting cues, and it ends up taking the path of least resistance (watching youtube videos).
Creating a work-only user account eliminates that association in your brain and helps you shift into work-mode more easily and stay focused.
One thing to note: make sure you keep your work account laser-focused on your highest-value work activities. Don't do anything else on that account, or your brain will start getting conflicting cues again and you won't be able to get into "work mode" as easily.
Give it a try. Create a work-only user account and see how much easier it is to resist distraction. And let me know!
Andrew Kirby please make that video, ideally in the next month or so, then I can do the same before Uni 😂. Have opted not to take gaming PC with me and might leave PS4 but that’s a tricky one 😭
@stephen stewart I would love if you would give a few examples of programs for this, because I can't seem to find any, please and thanks
You really sink your credibility with all the "stay with me", "watch until the end", "please like this video", "before I tell you the secret..."
stuff in the beginning. Otherwise, fairly decent advice.
THANK you!
his achieving viewtime quotas with less content to discuss were probably least resistanced into getting wordy about basic semantics, but maybe the audience needs basic cues on such, I know I dont, hence no thumbs up.
Yeah honestly the whole start of the video I was just thinking "GET ON WITH IT". Nobody likes that guy in the infomercial.
yea, clicked out of this twice and still dont know what he's trying to sell us
Agree on this one, good advice though
I liked the way you used the example of the products display on a supermarket. Really comprehensive about the valid point of always following the less effort/lower energy use way.
I kaizen my way through goals and resistance. Ask simple questions, think small thoughts, take small actions. Assume you want to wash dishes, ask yourself, what if I only washed one plate then sat down can I manage that? Then ask can I do just one more plate? Soon before you know it the whole kitchen is clean. No motivation required, no discipline required.
Instructions unclear: set my yard on fire so I didn’t have to water and mow it anymore.
Joking- great video!
im not lazy im energy efficient
yes! I will never sweat unless I have an ac nearby!
Bryan Slankster I can’t tell if that’s more work than just developing willpower and discipline
You are a max
Lazy is a horrible word, I call it selective participation
I recomend also organizing your phone in this way, just reorganizing and changing certain settings. I really recomend using the setting that makes your phone only black and white
This is so spot on!!! I keep telling everyone when I move out of home and I'm not constantly exposed to these distractions things will be different! Thank youuuu
the gym is a good example for me, I always had to take the gym bag to work even if the gym was like across my home, but when I hit home before going to the gym.. most time I didnt go anymore. Solution, straight hitting the gym after work without the possibility of distraction of your "bad" habits.
My son's gonna do the same thing, but with school
There is no shortcut to success. There is no secret to success. It is a fool’s dream to believe there is a silver bullet to lodge into the heart of the “monsters” named pain and labor.
Discipline in other areas allows freedom for other things in life. Discipline IS disabling your Netflix account because you realize it is not productive to you. It is self love that speaks to you saying “I know you love watching these shows, but I love you too much to let you waste your time on these shows when you could instead interact with your loved one.”
It is also discipline that tells you that you need to complete this objective EVEN THOUGH you may not love it or even like it. But it is a REQUIREMENT of you to do this in order to get to where you would love to be.
Simply put, you changed the word “discipline” with “get rid of your distractions” which does in fact require discipline to do. Not everyone can immediately let go of their favorite poison. It takes strengthening of the mind in order to see this is truly what is best for you and to STICK WITH IT.
Everyone can let go of their poison; their bad habits. But, almost everyone goes back. THAT is deadly to your success.
Laziness is the lack of discipline. Laziness tells you “it’s okay to have one more gummy worm. What’s the worst that could happen? I could work harder to burn it off.” And then you decide its dark outside so you go to bed. Discipline tells you “it’s dark outside. You can hear the wind and feel yourself being wrapped around by it. But you MUST push on. You MUST run that extra mile because of that extra gummy worm. If you don’t, not only did you fail, but you didn’t stand back up. You are not a winner if this happens. I know you don’t like running, but you must.”
Ikr, I was already wondering how you can change your behaviour without discipline. But yes, this is what discipline is.
Loved your comment!
@L K exactly
Sure there's no secret to success or a silver blah blah blah, but does it really need to be as hard as we make it seem?
This isn't a magic pill, but it's not "discipline" as you put it either. "Discipline" takes willpower, which is finite. The impression was that doing stuff like canceling Netflix was an easy environmental change, and it didn't take steeling yourself up in the mirror for two weeks to do it. A few actions make the rest easy. While discipline isn't completely useless, it cant be your fuel source because it is very limited. It doesn't help to make things hard.
...I'm still not sure. I think there is an easy way to succeed. I think all you have to do is reach out and take it. All of this hard work, path of least resistance, motivation blah blah blah, is really like talking about the yellow brick road to get to the wizard.
Let me ask you, if you wanted to be happy right now, and I mean this very instant couldn't you reach inside yourself smile and feel a small surge of joy if you tried. If you really wanted to couldn't you make yourself angry for a second? Now if you wanted to be "successful" what's stopping you from reaching in and just for a second a micro moment making your self feel success.
The cup is half empty/half full is a metaphor we're all familiar with. But what it's really trying to say isn't about perspective. That some people see it one way and some people see it another. It's trying to tell you that positivity is never any further from you then your right hand is further from your wrist.
There's a very overlooked scripture in the bible that I've spent time trying to really understand. "Those who have more will be given onto them, and those who have not even what they do have will be taken away." Jesus said that right after saying that whoever has ears let him hear. So it's highlighted above many other things he said.
What I believe it means is that we must possess what we want. We must truly have it. If you want more money then possess the money you have. Don't hold onto it like your running out, and don't spend it like you want to get rid of it. How many people do you know that the moment they get some money they immediately blow it like it's burning a hole in thier pocket. And how many people do you know that even though they have money, they pinch every penny and are so cheep that it's like thier only a mistake away from the poor house. Are these people rich? Do they enjoy thier lives? Are they successful?
The secret to success is that you don't have to work for it or change for it, you just have to change the way you see it and accept it into your heart and mind. Truly begin to Have it, poses what you want. And at the same time deposes all the things you don't want. Push the anger, fear, poverty!! And anything you don't want out from you mentally. Make sure that you don't have it. Act like those penny pinchers but with your problems. Like you just don't have enough of them. Spend them like they burn a hole in your pocket untill you are poor of misery and you don't have a problem to your name.
When you have what you want and don't have what you don't want, then more of what you want will be given onto you and more of what you don't want will be taken away.
Sound a little bit too "spiritual" for you? 😄 maybe a little too ridiculous? Well let me ask you, look at what you have and tell me just how easy it is to get more of what you have, then look at what you lack and tell me how easy it is to get more of that? Now look at a billionaire, and let me ask how easy is it for a rich man like him to make more money? At the same time how hard is it to really cause a problem for someone so wealthy? If you truly have something, you'll wind up with more of it. And if you don't truly have something, even the fragment you thought you possessed will be gone before you can stop it.
😄 but I understand if you choose not to believe it. Not many people understand it. Even I don't truly know everything about it. But I do know that when I'm happy I only get more happy when something happens. And when I'm grumpy I only see more reasons to be angry. So I try to just be happy... it's complicated and it takes practice but it works.
Wow, i was skeptical at first but this really makes sense. Thanks for the insights. Keep posting such meaningful videos.
I always feel so dissappointed and unhappy about myself when my motivation and discipline are down and I don't get done what I set out to accomplish. Even hated myself at times for it. Now I'm trying to see the reason behind why its so hard at times to get shit done in the different light you are explaining so relatably. I'm trying to be kinder to myself and implementing the things you suggest and take in the good feelings the success gives me to keep going. Thanks man, honestly!!!
6:50 Change Your Environment (make a path of the least resistance)
Really noticed when I added friction to distractions, I started to feel more humble and happy about little things in my life. My memories were recovered and I had space to really think wisely about my future.
Keep up bro!!
Tbh from my experience, most people who made a lot of money, 99 percent had a strong power of persuasion/influence and they used this power to manage other peoples money (opm) , this is like the wolf analogy that you mentioned in your video.
I removed my bed out of my room during my 1st & 2nd year of college & it made a huge change in my studies.
You should focus on progress over perfection kaisen as much as possible
One of my favorites videos, Andrew! Thank you so much again
This is the MOST helpful thing I've ever heard about how to get better at anything
I think this is maybe why the Japanese sleep on futons. Wake up. Fold the bedding. Put bedding away. Get on with your day. You don't see the bed again until it's time to sleep.
"Do THIS instead" :
Change your environment - make the things you should be doing easier
- Make a note of every item is in your environment and make the more productive things easier to get to
Your examples are great
Like and subscribe and promote his video
I wanted to stop spending so much on fast food at work... So I left my bank card at home and only carry enough cash for public transport
now this is something i can relate to.. the singular reason why my friends envy me as to how i am debt-free is that i never go beyond my means, i have never eaten or bought something where i have used a card, i always pay in cash so that i will never be tempted to go extra. my friends may be flashy with their purchases, but i'm the only one who's still receiving his salary in full, while theirs are deducted even before it reaches their hands, sometimes left to a measly 25% of the original amount. they have enjoyed their salary way before they earned it, which in my opinion is emotionally-charged and financially-stupid: a chimp would act in the same way.
i am being seduced left and right by credit card agents to get one, but i know better than to fall for their ploy: they want me to pay interest and fees and charges to their company so that their company will keep growing, and i will become poorer. i can get one, i am a personality of good standing, but no thanks, i have bigger ambitions than to remain as an emotional consumer.
@Beauran Bonaparte, my friend i also carry packed lunch to work with me, in my free time i buy the raw ingredients of the kind of food i want to eat during lunch at work, cook it the night before work, heat it in the morning, and i'm all set. in this way i won't have to pay for the profit of the fast food companies and ingest all those preservatives, i also eat fast food whenever i feel like it, but this method makes me save even more, and i consume lesser quantities of preservatives.
this is how i changed my environment.
@Dr. M. H. You literally put my thoughts into words. Genius:))
Beauran Marc I do that too lol
Perfect... If you eat, you'd need to go walking to home, and lose the gained calories.
What you said here is as though you were a fly on my wall. Watching everything I’ve been through. Everything you said made sense. It actually gave me answers to questions I always have. For instance, why do I procrastinate and not put in work and time into a business I spent almost all my life savings on? There’s just so much resistance for me to acquire customers, make a sale, prospecting. Running the business feel like a complete utter chore. You made me to think of a potential system whereby acquiring customers, speaking to customers and making the sale process shorter and less complicated. I would be so happy. I’ve always think I’m just a lazy person, unmotivated and not serious. Made me think a lot and felt that that’s not true at all. I just need a better system so I can enjoy the work process and also make it as rewarding as possible. Thank you so much. God bless.
Defining success as the aggregate of wealth, health, and relationships is insightful (I've always disregarded them because people often try to point you to one as the sole measure of success when they clearly aren't great on their own); I would just add: career
A simple yet effective rule in changing your environment to your advantage:
*"Out of sight is out of mind".*
I've just been trying to find the motivation to do something I've been putting off for ages. I'll definately give this a try.
You’re becoming my favorite RUclipsr! Amazing stuff!
Something I recommend is, if you have something such as a console or whatever, put the thing fairly far from your workspace. Or, if the thing is too heavy, such as a pc, hide something fundamental such as an hdmi cord or even the power cord. This definitely helped me
The tough part is when your family doesn’t want to improve so they hold you back even though you really want to improve. I’m trying to eat healthy but dinner isn’t always healthy even though I’ve offered to help make a healthy meal. Also I suggested stopping watching Netflix while eating, we did for like one day, now we’re back to the way it was before 😭. Sometimes I wish I lived alone so I could live my best life without the extra temptation of what other people are doing around me.
Self-discipline creates self-worth.
What you explain is something that is a really good tool to combine with discipline. But it should never be your main focus.
Children do that stuff, and without the discipline, they would continue doing so for the rest of their lifes, being helpless morrons.
Children are nothing more than unused potential. They need discipline and motivation to actually live up to their potential to have a wholesome life.
If you just go with the flow like you said, you'd end up homeless in most cases. Without your parents, school, social network etc etc, you couldn't follow your idea without bumping into problems within days.
YannickLB to me discipline is the catalyst that allows you to do these things and overall conserves your discipline for self improvement this kind of process to me is cyclic.
Agree. I wanted to save the time I spent on social media, I simply deleted my account. Never gone back since.
I do the same thing since 12 22 2018. I am feeling so good now
This is really something, thanks! A specific example is to invest in better gear for what you are doing.
I bought a better camera and a microphone, it was scary though, and a significant sum of money for me.
Now creating content is much easier, and I feel more motivated. In the end, the equipment will pay itself back.
Bard's Craft hell yeah!! That’s really awesome to hear man! What are you filming? 🙏
Invest in yourself, your worth it.!
This is so true! Take the good path of least resistance. Screw motivation, screw discipline.
This video is spot on. Discipline is bullshit, it requires willpower which most of us dont have consistently. Ask yourself how many people keep long term promises to themselves and others. Diets and new years resolutions are a good example, also quitting smoking or drinking. How many people do you know that said they are on a diet or quitting smoking/drinking and kept it up long term? the answer is almost none, because the majority of us dont have the consistent willpower to sustain it long enough for it to become a habit. All these people who keep talking about discipline are either part of the few that have it consistently and can rely on it, or are completely full of shit trying to convince themselves and others they know what they're talking about to get a few clicks n likes.
The truth is that you can combine this with discipline !
of course, and motivation, but u will do the thing anyway
I was just on a binge of your videos, very happy to have gotten this notification ✨
"The smallest lack of doing your best (discipline) will start to erode your self esteem" -Jim Rohn
Take care of your garden and don't let the weeds (neglect) take it over.
Excellent point. What Jocko may not have been consciously aware of is that in his military career, his environment would have already been created for him in order to achieve discipline. He would have gone straight into the optimal environment for success.
You are not a prisoner. Everyone needs to negotiate with themselves. I cleaned my room today. Decluttered after seeing the vid on intentionalism. My mom and my dog thank you deeply, as well do i. I am a peiece of work, i just did what i wanted then took breaks when i needed food or water. If we all waited for motivation the tomorrow may never happen.
Fantastic!! Directly within our control and powerful outcome making our desired path our least resistance path. Working with nature, not against it. Leveraging nature. Thank you!
We're roughly around the same age, all my male friends also play csgo. Taking advice from you is like taking advice from that classmate who aces their classes and looks perfect from afar, but pretty much normal and fun when you get to know them. Not to offend you, you just remind me of my friends :)
God advice. Just decided to uninstal the RUclips app from my phone. Now I have to bring out my iPad to watch your advise and that's not likely to happen 100times a day👍
I can only change my environment if I change myself; I otherwise follow myself everywhere I go! And - figuring out "that thing" first, what it is the path should be geared towards, requires stoic discipline. And patience!
I have actually used this "hack" a LOT in my life, but there is a point where it doesn't really work out. Where I don't have sufficient motivation to even do the thing I want to do, so I end up literally doing... nothing. That said --- this technique has made me SIGNIFICANTLY more productive than I would be quiescently. However, I have found more recently that there really is a limit to my productivity at around 80-90 hours of active effort per week.
Well said, relatable from my experience and am happy to say that I was able to call the environmental change one of the best methods to create positive change in one's life. I am fortunate enough to have had drastic and beneficial environmental changes (in large part due to my parent's financial security) in contrast to others who may have little options. It is difficult but there is always a way!
Your voice makes my forearms pop, thanks man 👊🏼
Looking forward for a: top 10 books i recomend.
I really like your videos. By the way, congratulations, you are having a great positive impact on society!!
Thank you! I had already realised that when I gave myself only two options: "Doing the dishes or doing the work" I happily skipped to do my work, relieved that it was not dishes what I needed to do. It works with nearly everything....I clean the shower drain, wash the compost bin and nearly lick the toilet seat clean, just to avoid doing the dishes...Problem is that dishes never get done..planning to buy a dishwasher, but then my motivational-plan goes awry. But thank you! This cleared it out, why it works! I can use this in everything!
You know i feel like every 3-6 months i only find one youtube video that provides an extraordinary amount of value as this one does, thank you
First of all: awesome video!
But I do have to add that I strongly disagree that environment > discipline.
While I absolutely agree on the point that having as good of an environment as possible is unquestionably important, it is not something that is built overnight. Additionally, simply having as good of an environment as possible doesn’t necessarily mean that you will do what has to be done.
Also, if you do not find yourself in (for example) your work environment, does that mean your progress is stunted? If I have to work outside of “my environment” - for example, at work and not home - it wouldn’t be the environment that completes the tasks. In my opinion, it still relies heavily on discipline.
In order to create a functional environment and execute your tasks, you still need discipline to create and maintain the environment.
The environment may certainly encourage you to complete your tasks, but the environment doesn’t complete the tasks for you. To actually take action, you need discipline.
Nevertheless, it’s still important. I’d much rather do my thesis in my flat that in the Tube or at Starbucks.
And finally, if you believe that environment is more important than discipline, that’s cool. I hope it works for you. Not every method works for everyone.
But if you agree or disagree with me, I’d love to hear why! Who knows? Maybe we’ll learn something?
"Just don't buy unhealthy food"
Tried that. Ended up ordering a lot of delivery pizza.
Make it a difficult path by blocking those websites with things like leechblock, and meal prepping instead. No excuses.
I then find myself making a cake or just going to the supermarket and buying chocolate anyways
Oder an online service that delivers ingredients for healthy meals (with the recipes) to your doorstep. If you hate wasting food or money, this should keep you from ordering out.
@@katenka_ana3997 Then you need discipline. It's not like you just end up doing it. You decide not to eat healthy because you don't want to put in the effort to resist the urge to just stuff yourself with unhealthy food. Always remind yourself why you are doing this and from time to time it will get easier to resist.
You can also read about the "transtheoretical model of change". It really helped me to understand that it really takes a lot of time to change behaviour. By knowing this I started loving myself more because I knew it's natural to fail sometimes and to relapse. But in the same time you still make successes so you keep motivated.
The best solution is to delete the delivery number. Even if you want pizza you won't be able to buy it lol
I don’t feel like it,
I’m lazy,
I’m depressed,
Jocko: I do it anyway
Dude! You're absolutely right. Tried it out today. My problem is instead of doing work I end up watching Netflix on my desktop. So I gave myself a rule to only watch Netflix on the TV and only use the computer for work. I got so much done today.
I've used the path of least resistance as a technique in LOA manifestation but never thought of applying it this way. Thank u! Please keep making videos!
I love the concept of nature always taking the path of least resistance. My favorite example is a lightning strike. The electric charge is branched because electricity travels through the least dense parts of the atmosphere. (or through the most moist, not really sure)
Enjoying your vids !
"Don't do the easy things or you'll end up with a hard life.
Instead, do the hard things for an easier life."
I replace my keyboard with a sketchbook every time I leave the computer. I've been drawing every day this year because it's the path of least resistance.
Kid, every time I see you I think "what can this kid teach me?" (I'm 60). Consistently you either teach me something new or reinforce something useful/helpful from before. Thank you for that.
Congratulation Andrew for half a million subscribers..Hopefully very soon it will be million subscribers. Keep continue the amazing work you are doing for your followers. Best wishes for you and your beloved ones.
Dude you're young but you're smart. Great content, continue! And yeah CS:GO, very dangerous ^^
I was addicted to LoL for like 7 years until my PC died. It is sad that it was a good thing.
He is young, and smart enough to sound smart to dumb people. Lots of word salad.
I am currently setting up my own social enterprise - was only able to do this after I stopped playing CSGO - finally realised 1300 hours for being Global is a bad trade - I might actually sell my PC now, prevent me from slipping down that slippery slope I occasionally find myself falling down when I come home from Uni - thankyou
Theres nothing wrong with playing occasionally. Maybe set a clock for a set of amount of play time per day. That's what i'm attempting to do. 2 hours a day. At first it was difficult but after a few days felt routine so it got easier to hop off gaming.
Sounds like discipline to me.
the problem with setting alarms is that it would demand discipline, the easiest thing to do would be simply keep playing, therefore, is what you’re probably gonna do (in my experience, specially at night, when your decision making process is worse)
@@guialmeidaalt an easy solution for that for me, is to just go to sleep. Requires even less effort.
finally, one suggestion that break all of my defences. awesome
Discipine doesnt fail.. Its just that most people fail at mastering discipline..
This is totally true. I work from home and improving my working environment every now and then help me get motivated to do more in less time.
I don’t give a shit about success all I want is happiness and to me success is not the same as happiness.
Osman Mohammad but are you successful being happy??
Environment is a powerful factor. For a small investment, the payout can be huge.
Taking the idea you expressed as applied to myself. I love to eat leafy greens. Box gardens up against my house. Investment. Dig and plant them. Return. Any time I lack the ambition to go forage in the wild or at the grocery store, I circle my house, fill a giant bowl. I've done this for years now. Thankyou for helping me to see the principle of "environment" more clearly. Peace.
"Water goes through the drain pipe"
As an engineer specialising in water, I have to say it's not entirely true. Water will chip away at any surface it travels on and will eventually make a new way to travel.
My mind is blown by the facts you put in your videos.... And it is so much relatable and easier to visualise by the way you explain
This one was very good, thank you!
I like this strategy, it takes full advantage of our animal-like nature.
May I suggest using your theory as well as the concept of discipline depending on the goal/circumstance?
Thought that with all the hype it'd end up being some hippie bs that was entirely unhelpful...
turned out to be incredibly sound advice that I genuinely appreciate.
One of the best way I have found to achieve things, my own path of least resistance is to "Focus on the process, not the outcome" to "be always present to the tasks I am achieving", it's the same thing as the mindfulness mantra "Paying Attention in the present moment, on purpose not judgmentally" as Jon kabat Zin would put it. Just try it, it works !
This seems like the most helpful advice I've ever received on this topic. I'm trying to learn SQL and I often find myself saying "Just one RUclips video before I get started. That wasn't that long; I have time for one more." - before I know it I've wasted an hour. I'm definitely going to implement this. Thank You.