Aristotle says “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it”. We hope that you enjoyed this video and for more videos to help you find success and happiness using ancient philosophical wisdom, don’t forget to subscribe. Thanks so much for watching.
Aristotle is way overrated. He was wrong about many things - especially Plato's theory of forms and Politics. Aristotle's toxic thoughts about logic have destroyed mainstream mathematics which is now a full-blown cult. "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it” "It is the mark of an uneducated mind to entertain ill-formed concepts in the first place.” Introducing the notion of *axiom* into logic is something for which he should have been laughed to scorn.
1. Face your problems 2. Keep balance in your life. Strive for the golden mean, the middle. 3. You can learn something from anyone. Even if you disagree, keep the "debate" going while using active listening. 4. Choose your friends wisely, chose someone that elevates you and share the same values/ dreams as you. (3 different friend types. 1- Utility= Transactional friendships where you help your friend with a task and he will help you with another task. 2. Fun / Party friends. 3. Real friendship - you share their happiness and sadness empathetically. You want the best for them.) 5. Be truthful in life. 6. Daily improvements, be an eternal student and keep on learning and growing so you can reach your full potential. 7. Work on something you love or like, find your passion in life. As Steve Jobs said, you must love what you do to become great, because when it gets difficult you will push through. I am just using this comment for instant recall to improve retention of the info, so some stuff can be wrong.
I was just listening to the audio on this video at work and had to check my phone at number 2 because I thought he said "Try to find the golden "Meme" . I was like ...... This man was wayyyyyyyy ahead of his time lol
♡ I'm enjoying watching this me it's a lesson to learn. It's giving me the strength 💪 of wisdoms and of Hope with great knowledge and, to be courageous and, not to be dismay or be afraid of today's ruff and tuff busy world Wow. AMEN to that. Yessir❗️
1. Don't run away from your problems 2. Try to find the golden mean This is something that I realised yesterday myself, life indeed is all about balance between the extremes. Find that balance. 3. Live with dignity and grace 4. Be open to others' point of view Everyone has something to offer. An educated person realises this and tries to learn from everyone. One might not agree with 99% of what someone might say, but there is this 1% can be learnt from. 5. Have the right friends Aristotle says there are 3 types of friends, first useful in profession, second for pleasures, and the third is someone like you, someone who shares the same virtue and views as you, these types of friends last a lifetime. 6. Put truth before everything else 7. Maximize your potential "Happiness is not god-sent but comes as a result of virtue and some process of learning or training"
Aristotle on Socialism (as he answers Plato, whose Republic advocated socialism): “What is common to the greatest number gets the least amount of care. People pay most attention to what is their own: they care less for what is common; or, at any rate, they care for it only to the extent to which each is individually concerned. Even when there is no other cause for inattention, people are more prone to neglect their duty when they think that another attending to it . .”
*Aristotle collectivism* was *socialism* point of view. *Plato Republic* was *Fascism* point of view. The Founding Fathers of America made their country a republic why when you pledge aligence to the flag it said Republic. Also America was Never truly a Free Government because those 2 choice are *Anarchy* or *Fascism. Fascism* is you giving up some of your freedom to live in a civil society vs Anarchy is lawlessness also Fascism has a bad wrap because of Hitler, but that's called *dictatorship* or *Tyrannical government* when it goes wild.
If a government is not socialist, then why have a government at all? Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. Any other form of government is tyranny. Capitalism is cruel and soulless. Communism and capitalism are more alike than different.
@@RealMathematician21stCentury It did in the sense that Hitler and fascists just misunderstood it`s meaning completely,same thing happened with Nietzsche but yeah Plato held no such conviction.
Very glad to have the best videos from practical psychology and philosophy deeply involved how to recognize behaviors disorders personality I like practical one. God bless.
Glad to see the respect/admiration paid to perhaps the greatest thinker/scientist who ever lived, but, sorry he did not invent catharsis: It was an important aspect of Greek cultural life and Plato employs the concept extensively. Also, recent scholarship shows that the term really applied to comedy, not to “serious drama,” aka “tragedy.”
thanks for a great video about Aristotle! can you recommend a book about or from him and in a good translation who make it easy to read for us in this time ?
@@RealMathematician21stCentury entertaining needs some level of intelligence i may label it in different names like educated or idiot it doesn't matter....but if u can entertain any thoughts with out accepting it blv me u r not ordinary
@@sofoniyasteklegiorgis2626 My IQ is above 160 and I do not tolerate fools gladly. According to Aristotle I am uneducated - lmao. Aristotle was a fool.
If I think about ''then'' and ''now'' I feel like we are going backwards! All the greatness was ''then'' and not so much greatness ''now''. Such a shame!
Small correction. Eudamonia wasn`t something exclusive to Aristotle`s philosophy. Eudamonia is more so the final goal of any ancient greek philosophy. For example, eudamonia for epicurian philososphy is ataraxia and the rejection of the fear of death
11:41 actually there is a controversy because if you digg up into the questionnaire, how the question was formulated and who answered it you will realize that many people who answered have nothing to do with the field and they answered that yes climat change is true but never got as asked if they consider that the human factor is the major cause. Bottom line is that the science isn't done by asking scientists that have nothing to do with the specific topic, via a poll, what they believe.
Yeah, but facts..... who needs them. Proving Plato correct in that the educated should rule their subject.... not those who don't know what they are talking about. I'm surprised in the day and age how many people are still spewing the man made climate change BS. Especially after all we (the real scientists who aren't bought and paid for by politicians) have done to debunk all the myths this guy spouted. It's crazy to still hear them, just like listening to flat earthers...
And, even if you asked the correct group, they have a vested interest these days in where the money comes from. The fact is that none of the models have ever been even remotely correct, and ignore many influences that are known to be strong causal influencers. The state of the science now is denial that we can model the climate effectively due to the complexity of the system. They also ignore that historically, warming preceded increased concentrations of greenhouse gases. And, most amazingly, it completely ignores the granularity of climate changes, such as coming out of an ice age. As long as there is money buying conclusions that allow the collection and concentration of power, science and truth will suffer.
FN, I thought you died about 120 years ago. Good to know you are still around. And as always, Mr. Nietzsche, I very much appreciate your insight. I hope that nice list of philosophers you suggest be discussed inspires our friend at this channel.
I was going to share this video because I think we NEED more Aristotle in the world today. HOWEVER, the example used about 'climate change deniers' put me off. The narrator CLEARLY is propagandizing here. Sickeningly NOT Aristotle. Pffft ... pathetic.
I feel the modern wisdom of the goal being happiness is far diluted and promotes indulgence, a heavy hand on the scale in one direction. We have a philosophy in our culture that focuses too highly on the moment and in the interest and of the highest possible glory with the smallest amount of effort - through consumption, with little regard for tomorrow. In a word, indulgence.
I'm going to try to use reason on the 97% of scientists statement. In this context what is 100% of scientists, I consider myself a scientist but i wasn't asked. The fixed quantity here is papers sampled in a survey (which was not all the scientists in the world). The survey was flawed because it assumed that the scientist was in agreement even if no opinion was expressed in the paper.
Not only that, but we who do the work all know that majority consensus does not make a proof. Majority of society disagreed with Galileo. The majority of scientists disagreed with Oppenheimer and Einstein at some time. Science has never worked by majority rule. Quite often the majority is wrong. Especially when it's a flawed survey. Thank you for your comment.
That's a great point. I thought the video was great until this debate was brought up and portrayed believers as educated and superior by default, and deniers as necessarily inferior. Quality of citation matters and it gets tiring seeing papers, data etc. being used in a misleading way meant to sway the audience. I've seen compelling evidence that the subject is at the very least more complex and nuanced than it is portrayed in the news, and I don't think it's ever a good idea when topics are beyond questioning and debate. It is always, always worthwhile to revisit everything you think to be true and test the validity of it.
The low to moderately payed professions are the most noble and essential. Like food production, construction, service, humanitarian professions, security, maintenance, cleaning etc.
Yes, it's very wacky to claim that the majority should decide on matters. Herein is a contradiction because Aristotle claims to seek truth above all else and then claims the majority should decide. Chuckle.
Everyone should of course look for the truth... Then in that case you can go with the majority when deciding things.. otherwise who's truth are you going to listen to??
@@RealMathematician21stCentury it's one thing to seek truth but not everyone is going to agree with your truth... Hence going with the majority of what truth people have found
Brings up climate change. Stick to ancient history. Something in old books. There, you won’t miss the one of Aristotle’s big lessons: Don’t follow mob beliefs like a useful fool.
My father teach me very clear when you open your mouth make sure you have support people be strong it's not have money be strongest be unique be unique with powers be unique with powers souls with powers no need anything 😂❤
Aristotle is also cockney rhyming slang for bottle. "Geyser ran away, must av lost his 'aris". A noteworthy achievement that the video somehow overlooked ;)
Philosophers become kings & kings become philosophers. Athens is a perfect example of the foundation of due process for it's citizens. You must 1st be charged with a crime. That's the 1st step. Nothing else matters.
Yes, since there is no sovereignty that does not reward those who obey it and punish the rebelliou an eternal sovereignty which is at the degree of absolute dominicality rewarding those who form a relation with it through belief and submit to its decrees, and its punishing rebellious disbelievers who deny its proud sovereignty will be in a manner fitting for its mercy and beauty, its dignity and glory. Thus, the Names Sustainer of All the Worlds and Just Monarch reply to our question. Also, we see as clearly as the sun, as daylight, a general mercy and all-embracing compassion and munificence on the face of the earth. For example, every spring that mercy adorns all the fruit-bearing trees and plants like houris; it fills their hands with every sort of fruit and they hold them out to us, saying: "Help yourselves, and eat!" So does it give us sweet, healing honey to eat from the poisonous bee, and dresses us in the softest silk by means of a handless insect. It deposits for us in a handful of tiny seeds pounds of food, making those tiny stores into reserve supplies. Such a mercy and compassion surely would not execute these lovable, grateful, worshipping believers which they nurture so kindly. They rather dismiss them from their duties in this worldly life to bestow on them still more brilliant instances of mercy, and in so doing the Names of All-Compassionate and Munificent answer our question. Also, we see before our eyes that a hand of wisdom works in all creatures on the face of the earth and a justice is in force with its measures, nothing superior to which the human mind can conceive of. For example, a pre-eternal wisdom inscribes in man's faculty of memory, which is one instance of wisdom in his thousands of faculties and physical systems and is as tiny as a miniscule seed, his entire life-story and the numerous events which touch on him, making it into a small library. He then places it in the pocket of his mind as a note from the register of his actions which will be published for his judgement at the Great Gathering, in order to continuously remind him of this. And an eternal justice places on all creatures their members with the finest balance, and makes all of them -from the microbe to the rhinoceros, and the fly to the simurgh bird, and from a flowering plant to the flower of the spring, which opens thousands of millions of flowers in the spring- with a beauty of art and balance with no waste within a mutual proportion, equilibrium, order and beauty; it gives all living creatures their rights of life with perfect balance, and makes good things produce good results and bad things, bad results; and since the time of Adam it has made itself felt forcefully through the blows it has dealt to rebellious and tyrannous peoples. Certainly and without doubt, just as the sun cannot be without the day, so that pre-eternal wisdom and eternal justice cannot be without the hereafter. The Names of All-Wise and Sapient, Just and Equitable would never permit the awesome injustice, inequity, and unwisdom of oppressed and oppressor being equal in death, and thus they decisively answer our question.(The Rays,Risale-i Nur)
The Greeks Thales, Hippocrates, Pythagoras, Socrates, and Plato all traveled to Kemet, they studied at the temple-universities Waset and Ipet for more than 20 years
The narrators defense of climate change was presented in a very illogical fashion his support for it was weak and appears to be agenda driven which makes me question the accuracy of anything else he may say.
The “climate change” portion of this video is based on nonsense rather than science. The rest of it is quite interesting although I do not agree with Aristotle, Plato, nor any other philosopher 100%.
@@williamw422 100% of so-called scientists constantly make the disproven claims of “97% of scientists agree” some say “98%” some “96%” but I’ll give whoever all of the margin they need to make any provable point. Through my own observation I estimate that among scientists it’s actually about 50% of the opinion that current climate change is caused by humans. My personal view on the issue is that science is always provable and repeatable. I have no desire for the truth to be this or that, but I have always and will continue to insist that science be provable and repeatable. I have been patiently waiting for anyone to show that climate change is caused by humans. Emotions and philosophies aside there is no proof that I can find. If you disagree please post your proof here. I will gladly change my mind if ever such evidence is submitted. Is that clear enough?
That was just an example on how to handle someone who sounds completely absurd to you, and still be a part of the conversation. And personally I found it quite good. It's because we avoid such uncomfortable conversations that we're not able to bring about meaningful change in people's opinions. We just try finding people who agrees with us and and just avoid those who don't. And that's what 'polarizes' the world.
Humans do not have our set purpose, this is our God given free will we unlike all other creatures can choose our purpose everything plays a vital role and every being is recycled back to the earth but before you can train your mind and body to learn almost anything allowing you to choose any purpose you feel will benefit the balance :)
When he says he will not let the Athenians sin twice against philosophy, he's actually referring to Socrates, who was executed by Athenian democratic vote.
Wow ... how about you apply Aristotle's precepts to your climate change example? No need to be polemical and biased in your examples. Open your mind--I'm sure Aristotle would agree. Or perhaps you can use another example.
This one is extremely relevant at this time...especially with the 40% of folks who are on their anti-vaxxer bullshit.......Philosophies for Life is the best out here....
If my doctor tells me that the f I had the virus I don't need to take the vaccine be sure that I will listen to him and not internet folks who knows nothing about my medical history.
Funny how after the narrator finishes talking about "dignity and grace," he cites the quote about "entertaining other view pionts as a mark of an educated mind", then spends a few minutes talking about climate change, claims it's all settled using made up stats, and smears the critics in a rather patronizing way as 'cLiMaTE deNieRs.' The lack of self-awareness 🏆
Aristotle says “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it”.
We hope that you enjoyed this video and for more videos to help you find success and happiness using ancient philosophical wisdom, don’t forget to subscribe. Thanks so much for watching.
Thank you for sharing this interesting video!
When you apply this mixing it with Dale Carnegie philosophy people may thing you are estupid hahahaha
Hi, can't find the morning brew link.
Aristotle is way overrated. He was wrong about many things - especially Plato's theory of forms and Politics. Aristotle's toxic thoughts about logic have destroyed mainstream mathematics which is now a full-blown cult.
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it”
"It is the mark of an uneducated mind to entertain ill-formed concepts in the first place.”
Introducing the notion of *axiom* into logic is something for which he should have been laughed to scorn.
1. Face your problems
2. Keep balance in your life. Strive for the golden mean, the middle.
3. You can learn something from anyone. Even if you disagree, keep the "debate" going while using active listening.
4. Choose your friends wisely, chose someone that elevates you and share the same values/ dreams as you.
(3 different friend types.
1- Utility= Transactional friendships where you help your friend with a task and he will help you with another task.
2. Fun / Party friends.
3. Real friendship - you share their happiness and sadness empathetically. You want the best for them.)
5. Be truthful in life.
6. Daily improvements, be an eternal student and keep on learning and growing so you can reach your full potential.
7. Work on something you love or like, find your passion in life. As Steve Jobs said, you must love what you do to become great, because when it gets difficult you will push through.
I am just using this comment for instant recall to improve retention of the info, so some stuff can be wrong.
“A friend for all is a friend for none” beautiful
I try to be friend everyone, but a majority show me why I choose to be selective.
that's why I say I am friend to all, for everybody else is an enemy, and you don't want everybody to gang up upon you. It's simple strategy :)
I was just listening to the audio on this video at work and had to check my phone at number 2 because I thought he said "Try to find the golden "Meme" . I was like ...... This man was wayyyyyyyy ahead of his time lol
Glad I found this Chanel. Thank you for making it possible and available.
Salute to u Mr Aristole its so poignant and so simple to understand and to live it practically in our day to day life. A WORD TO THE WISE. Thks .sir .
♡ I'm enjoying watching this me it's a lesson to learn. It's giving me the strength 💪 of wisdoms and of Hope with great knowledge and, to be courageous and, not to be dismay or be afraid of today's ruff and tuff busy world Wow. AMEN to that. Yessir❗️
Great vídeo ! Thank you 🙏🙏
Best way to learn about wisdom. Thank you very much for your work. It helps make this world a little bit better.
Thank you and we Learned so much from the video God Bless you 🙏
1. Don't run away from your problems
2. Try to find the golden mean
This is something that I realised yesterday myself, life indeed is all about balance between the extremes. Find that balance.
3. Live with dignity and grace
4. Be open to others' point of view
Everyone has something to offer. An educated person realises this and tries to learn from everyone. One might not agree with 99% of what someone might say, but there is this 1% can be learnt from.
5. Have the right friends
Aristotle says there are 3 types of friends, first useful in profession, second for pleasures, and the third is someone like you, someone who shares the same virtue and views as you, these types of friends last a lifetime.
6. Put truth before everything else
7. Maximize your potential
"Happiness is not god-sent but comes as a result of virtue and some process of learning or training"
I don't agree with climate change but I respect your opinion.
Love your videos! Thank you for your passion!
Be Open to listen to people
Thank you for this great video!
Aristotle on Socialism (as he answers Plato, whose Republic advocated socialism):
“What is common to the greatest number gets the least amount of care. People pay most attention to what is their own: they care less for what is common; or, at any rate, they care for it only to the extent to which each is individually concerned. Even when there is no other cause for inattention, people are more prone to neglect their duty when they think that another attending to it . .”
*Aristotle collectivism* was *socialism* point of view. *Plato Republic* was *Fascism* point of view. The Founding Fathers of America made their country a republic why when you pledge aligence to the flag it said Republic. Also America was Never truly a Free Government because those 2 choice are *Anarchy* or *Fascism. Fascism* is you giving up some of your freedom to live in a civil society vs Anarchy is lawlessness also Fascism has a bad wrap because of Hitler, but that's called *dictatorship* or *Tyrannical government* when it goes wild.
If a government is not socialist, then why have a government at all?
Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Any other form of government is tyranny. Capitalism is cruel and soulless. Communism and capitalism are more alike than different.
@@joshuaa.kennedy8837 Rubbish. Plato's republic had nothing to do with fascism.
@@RealMathematician21stCentury It did in the sense that Hitler and fascists just misunderstood it`s meaning completely,same thing happened with Nietzsche but yeah Plato held no such conviction.
Thank you so much for making this.
Very good this video. After watching it I’ve realized how much I have in common with his ideas.😊
Amazing work! Thank you for sharing. 😀
This is a really good lecture about Aristoteles’ philosophy. Dignity and grace is my favourite attitude towards life.
Very glad to have the best videos from practical psychology and philosophy deeply involved how to recognize behaviors disorders personality I like practical one. God bless.
Than you so much for this amazing vedios
This is a really great video. I enjoyed learning about Aristotle. Thank you for making it.
thank you for art in intellingt words...That keeps my night so shiny
Glad to see the respect/admiration paid to perhaps the greatest thinker/scientist who ever lived, but, sorry he did not invent catharsis: It was an important aspect of Greek cultural life and Plato employs the concept extensively. Also, recent scholarship shows that the term really applied to comedy, not to “serious drama,” aka “tragedy.”
most of these things are in 12 rules for life. this man was born over 2000 years ago
Very useful philosophy even relevant today Thanks sir
It's very important information thanks a lot to provide you sir.
thanks for a great video about Aristotle! can you recommend a book about or from him and in a good translation who make it easy to read for us in this time ?
Nicomachean Ethics
Thank you for you brought me the best..
Always on point 🙏
thanks! great! wonderful episode!
Very nice. Thank you soooooo much. 🙏🙏🙏
The biggest gift one must and can learn in life, is not to bored or sad in once one company..
How do I make the best of all circumstances?
it is the mark of an educated mind be able to entertain a thought with out accepting it
One could say that of an idiot as well. For example, an idiot hears many things and no amount of thought can lead him to make the right choice.
@@RealMathematician21stCentury entertaining needs some level of intelligence i may label it in different names like educated or idiot it doesn't matter....but if u can entertain any thoughts with out accepting it blv me u r not ordinary
@@sofoniyasteklegiorgis2626 My IQ is above 160 and I do not tolerate fools gladly. According to Aristotle I am uneducated - lmao. Aristotle was a fool.
Nice video but you left morning brew hanging...there is no link to be found.
If I think about ''then'' and ''now'' I feel like we are going backwards! All the greatness was ''then'' and not so much greatness ''now''. Such a shame!
Climate has always changed. At least those attempting to extort aren’t saying it’s cooling or warming anymore.
We need this in schools.
Yes, but over the last couple hundred years the change "has changed" due to human behavior
Green New Scam
Small correction. Eudamonia wasn`t something exclusive to Aristotle`s philosophy. Eudamonia is more so the final goal of any ancient greek philosophy. For example, eudamonia for epicurian philososphy is ataraxia and the rejection of the fear of death
This Philosophers r very Inspiring. Especially the Greek ones.
Thank you so much
11:41 actually there is a controversy because if you digg up into the questionnaire, how the question was formulated and who answered it you will realize that many people who answered have nothing to do with the field and they answered that yes climat change is true but never got as asked if they consider that the human factor is the major cause.
Bottom line is that the science isn't done by asking scientists that have nothing to do with the specific topic, via a poll, what they believe.
Yeah, but facts..... who needs them. Proving Plato correct in that the educated should rule their subject.... not those who don't know what they are talking about. I'm surprised in the day and age how many people are still spewing the man made climate change BS. Especially after all we (the real scientists who aren't bought and paid for by politicians) have done to debunk all the myths this guy spouted. It's crazy to still hear them, just like listening to flat earthers...
And, even if you asked the correct group, they have a vested interest these days in where the money comes from. The fact is that none of the models have ever been even remotely correct, and ignore many influences that are known to be strong causal influencers. The state of the science now is denial that we can model the climate effectively due to the complexity of the system. They also ignore that historically, warming preceded increased concentrations of greenhouse gases. And, most amazingly, it completely ignores the granularity of climate changes, such as coming out of an ice age. As long as there is money buying conclusions that allow the collection and concentration of power, science and truth will suffer.
I love your channel give some suggestion
Satre, Emil cioran, foucoult, Sócrates, epitetus, kiigard,
FN, I thought you died about 120 years ago. Good to know you are still around. And as always, Mr. Nietzsche, I very much appreciate your insight. I hope that nice list of philosophers you suggest be discussed inspires our friend at this channel.
@@alineharam thank you
Very beautiful thoughts .
Other than contending that there is some strong validity to climate change, this is an enjoyable video.
Tq for the vid
I was going to share this video because I think we NEED more Aristotle in the world today. HOWEVER, the example used about 'climate change deniers' put me off. The narrator CLEARLY is propagandizing here. Sickeningly NOT Aristotle. Pffft ... pathetic.
Great Video but 'climate change' agenda was inserted in a sneaky way. me too, I was not impressed.
Thanks due
I feel the modern wisdom of the goal being happiness is far diluted and promotes indulgence, a heavy hand on the scale in one direction. We have a philosophy in our culture that focuses too highly on the moment and in the interest and of the highest possible glory with the smallest amount of effort - through consumption, with little regard for tomorrow. In a word, indulgence.
I'm going to try to use reason on the 97% of scientists statement. In this context what is 100% of scientists, I consider myself a scientist but i wasn't asked. The fixed quantity here is papers sampled in a survey (which was not all the scientists in the world). The survey was flawed because it assumed that the scientist was in agreement even if no opinion was expressed in the paper.
Not only that, but we who do the work all know that majority consensus does not make a proof. Majority of society disagreed with Galileo. The majority of scientists disagreed with Oppenheimer and Einstein at some time. Science has never worked by majority rule. Quite often the majority is wrong. Especially when it's a flawed survey. Thank you for your comment.
That's a great point. I thought the video was great until this debate was brought up and portrayed believers as educated and superior by default, and deniers as necessarily inferior. Quality of citation matters and it gets tiring seeing papers, data etc. being used in a misleading way meant to sway the audience. I've seen compelling evidence that the subject is at the very least more complex and nuanced than it is portrayed in the news, and I don't think it's ever a good idea when topics are beyond questioning and debate. It is always, always worthwhile to revisit everything you think to be true and test the validity of it.
The low to moderately payed professions are the most noble and essential. Like food production, construction, service, humanitarian professions, security, maintenance, cleaning etc.
The 97% claim is kind of wacky itself.
Yes, it's very wacky to claim that the majority should decide on matters. Herein is a contradiction because Aristotle claims to seek truth above all else and then claims the majority should decide. Chuckle.
Everyone should of course look for the truth... Then in that case you can go with the majority when deciding things.. otherwise who's truth are you going to listen to??
@@RealMathematician21stCentury it's one thing to seek truth but not everyone is going to agree with your truth... Hence going with the majority of what truth people have found
@@RealMathematician21stCentury Very true! Thanks for pointing that out!
Respect appreciation 😢
Determination ❤
Everything happens for a reason making sure people you understand we open too many doors the universe take it take it or leave it😢
If only people knew how much he’s really teaching us🤣 keys to open tons of doors
10 life lesson from Socrates! is the next! yeeeeeeh!
When you say click on the link below further morning bro I don’t know where the link is can you help
Brings up climate change. Stick to ancient history. Something in old books. There, you won’t miss the one of Aristotle’s big lessons: Don’t follow mob beliefs like a useful fool.
what an awsome example u have,when you said funding schools in Africa, where did you think this all knowledge came from?
I just realized i never had true friends… al those years together came to an end so hard
My father teach me very clear when you open your mouth make sure you have support people be strong it's not have money be strongest be unique be unique with powers be unique with powers souls with powers no need anything 😂❤
Aristotle is also cockney rhyming slang for bottle. "Geyser ran away, must av lost his 'aris".
A noteworthy achievement that the video somehow overlooked ;)
Truly that HNIC
Philosophers become kings & kings become philosophers. Athens is a perfect example of the foundation of due process for it's citizens. You must 1st be charged with a crime. That's the 1st step. Nothing else matters.
Yes, since there is no sovereignty that does not reward those who obey it and punish the rebelliou
an eternal sovereignty which is at the degree of absolute dominicality rewarding those who form a relation with it through belief and submit to its decrees,
and its punishing rebellious disbelievers who deny its proud sovereignty
will be in a manner fitting for its mercy and beauty, its dignity and glory. Thus, the Names Sustainer of All the Worlds and Just Monarch reply to our question.
Also, we see as clearly as the sun, as daylight, a general mercy and all-embracing compassion and munificence on the face of the earth.
For example, every spring that mercy adorns all the fruit-bearing trees and plants like houris;
it fills their hands with every sort of fruit and they hold them out to us, saying: "Help yourselves, and eat!"
So does it give us sweet, healing honey to eat from the poisonous bee, and dresses us in the softest silk by means of a handless insect.
It deposits for us in a handful of tiny seeds pounds of food, making those tiny stores into reserve supplies. Such a mercy and compassion
surely would not execute these lovable, grateful, worshipping believers which they nurture so kindly.
They rather dismiss them from their duties in this worldly life to bestow on them still more brilliant instances of mercy, and in so doing the Names of All-Compassionate and Munificent answer our question.
Also, we see before our eyes that a hand of wisdom works in all creatures on the face of the earth and a justice is in force with its measures, nothing superior to which the human mind can conceive of.
For example, a pre-eternal wisdom inscribes in man's faculty of memory, which is one instance of wisdom in his thousands of faculties and physical systems and is as tiny as a miniscule seed, his entire life-story and the numerous events which touch on him,
making it into a small library. He then places it in the pocket of his mind as a note from the register of his actions which will be published for his judgement at the Great Gathering, in order to continuously remind him of this. And an eternal justice places on all creatures their members with the finest balance, and makes all of them -from the microbe to the rhinoceros, and the fly to the simurgh bird,
and from a flowering plant to the flower of the spring, which opens thousands of millions of flowers in the spring- with a beauty of art and balance with no waste within a mutual proportion, equilibrium, order and beauty;
it gives all living creatures their rights of life with perfect balance,
and makes good things produce good results and bad things, bad results;
and since the time of Adam it has made itself felt forcefully through the blows it has dealt to rebellious and tyrannous peoples.
Certainly and without doubt, just as the sun cannot be without the day, so that pre-eternal wisdom and eternal justice cannot be without the hereafter.
The Names of All-Wise and Sapient, Just and Equitable would never permit the awesome injustice, inequity, and unwisdom of oppressed and oppressor being equal in death,
and thus they decisively answer our question.(The Rays,Risale-i Nur)
I got you people very well for year's 😅
Be open to other people's ideas although you may not agree with everything they say.
The Greeks Thales, Hippocrates, Pythagoras, Socrates, and Plato all traveled to
Kemet, they studied at the temple-universities Waset and Ipet for more than 20 years
I don’t believe that is true. Please offer a source besides your comment.
I have read this so many times, but no one has ever stated a source.
The narrators defense of climate change was presented in a very illogical fashion his support for it was weak and appears to be agenda driven which makes me question the accuracy of anything else he may say.
The “climate change” portion of this video is based on nonsense rather than science. The rest of it is quite interesting although I do not agree with Aristotle, Plato, nor any other philosopher 100%.
100% of so-called scientists constantly make the disproven claims of “97% of scientists agree” some say “98%” some “96%” but I’ll give whoever all of the margin they need to make any provable point. Through my own observation I estimate that among scientists it’s actually about 50% of the opinion that current climate change is caused by humans. My personal view on the issue is that science is always provable and repeatable. I have no desire for the truth to be this or that, but I have always and will continue to insist that science be provable and repeatable. I have been patiently waiting for anyone to show that climate change is caused by humans. Emotions and philosophies aside there is no proof that I can find. If you disagree please post your proof here. I will gladly change my mind if ever such evidence is submitted. Is that clear enough?
That was just an example on how to handle someone who sounds completely absurd to you, and still be a part of the conversation. And personally I found it quite good. It's because we avoid such uncomfortable conversations that we're not able to bring about meaningful change in people's opinions. We just try finding people who agrees with us and and just avoid those who don't. And that's what 'polarizes' the world.
😂 what type of science do u think you are an expert in.. thats cute
Aristotelis, was for a reason the teacher of the Greatest of all the Greeks.
Was Alex really so great? I find Aristotle to be greater - at least his words still reach into today, as far into the future of those times as we are.
Humans do not have our set purpose, this is our God given free will we unlike all other creatures can choose our purpose everything plays a vital role and every being is recycled back to the earth but before you can train your mind and body to learn almost anything allowing you to choose any purpose you feel will benefit the balance :)
Very informative video, refreshingly clear and succinct. Well done! 👍🏻
Not running away from your problems is huge.
Good morning people ❤
12:05 if you check your facts you will see that that affirmation is false, you have had a similar situation 320 & 450 millions years ago.
The one and only thing in life we control is our brain. So wouldn't you want to have good self talk?
How can you ever know someone if they don't know themselves? . No one can tell the future and the future always changes things.
A climate change 'denier' - Aristotle would never use insults to prove a point.
Exactly. Never knew this page would start talking like this. It always seemed to be fair but they clearly showed their bias on this issue
Well the channel has 1 million subscribers so is anybody surprised do you think they got 1 million subscribers from making good videos?
Seriously glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed this. I was quite perturbed.
Looks like all societies accuse thinkers of impiety, doesn't matter the eon.
I stopped listening as soon as the video changed to a focus on controvertial climate change propaganda.
When he says he will not let the Athenians sin twice against philosophy, he's actually referring to Socrates, who was executed by Athenian democratic vote.
You are gentes abalfabetas and burdas found definitions 😂❤
Wow ... how about you apply Aristotle's precepts to your climate change example? No need to be polemical and biased in your examples. Open your mind--I'm sure Aristotle would agree. Or perhaps you can use another example.
Somehow he managed to work climate change into a discussion about Aristotle.
And was poorly informed on it!
The only philosopher who influenced Ayn Rand.
Talk about a complete lack of ethics. Couldn't be more politically biased. Definitely not letting my kids watch this garbage.
You sir are lost
Who's care right ❤
This one is extremely relevant at this time...especially with the 40% of folks who are on their anti-vaxxer bullshit.......Philosophies for Life is the best out here....
Ah a yes, let's have a conversation my authoritarian friend.
Hooray! What else have you learned from television and Facebook?
If my doctor tells me that the f I had the virus I don't need to take the vaccine be sure that I will listen to him and not internet folks who knows nothing about my medical history.
Funny how after the narrator finishes talking about "dignity and grace," he cites the quote about "entertaining other view pionts as a mark of an educated mind", then spends a few minutes talking about climate change, claims it's all settled using made up stats, and smears the critics in a rather patronizing way as 'cLiMaTE deNieRs.'
The lack of self-awareness 🏆
Glad I'm not the only one who noticed the tone of superiority and condescension . . .
What makes him a Promethean figure ? What does this mean ?
A figure that gave knowledge to further humanity
wonder what he would think about today with ppls needs to seem virtuous but in reality they have not done the work involved to truly be
Bro please stop putting your own political views on other people we came here for philosophy not politicals
Weird how climate change is a political issue
Could have done without the climate change propaganda right in the middle of Aristotle’s teachings.
Principles moral scruples valores people ❤❤ logical
Ancient wisdom
Capacity's ❤