This is the most logical expository teaching of Daniel 9:24-27 that I have ever heard. It's so clear and understandable yet profound at the same time. I am so thankful that the elders of Westminster Chapel had the foresight to record Dr. Lloyd-Jones' sermons. They live on 50+ years later. We are being blessed by them now in the 21st century.
So true that is. Lately all over utube is lots more confusion amill..preterist theory..some of it true..and this notorious premill isreal nation OT prophecies in discontinuity of the Ekklessia the assembly of the body of christ ..had to use the word church not an accurate translation sadly due to KJv english...
I so agree! MLJ is precise, balanced and fair. Thanks be to God, for 'he being dead, yet speaketh' because how we need this ministry in our day of diverse 'doctrines' 😣
Where are the Martin Lloyd Jones’s of today? My niece was needlessly killed and every time , she made an attempt to go to church- the only thing she found were prosperity gospel churches. Is likewise where I live. Either false doctrine, legalistic or Word of Faith, Seeker Friendly, or Prosperity Gospel. I live in Kissimmee Florida. If anyone knows of a good biblical church- please reply- I need one for my family and to send people that I witness too. Brother Lloyd would love to be alive and see what we are seen. Jesus is about to pop the sky open. I’m aware, so is the devil. The fact is that we need to be ready.
@@armidaleconcrete Somebody called Scott Veach has recommended GC Church, below. I think that's John MacArthur's group and he's a Dispensationalist which is the teaching from the Brethren that MLJ speaks about in this sermon.
So sorry for your loss but take comfort in the fact you will soon be reunited. In this age of apostasy (another sign of these End Times and Jesus' imminent return) it is so encouraging to see people who cling to God's word above what ANY mere human or organized religion says. Seek Jesus and His kingdom and fix your mind and affections on things above (Colossians 3) and you will be able to recognize the truth and nobody will deceive you and "steal your crown". 🙋🏻♀️✝🇨🇦❤
People realize something unique and freaky is happening in the world and they desire to know what will happen next yet most pulpits these days completely ignore the topic of eschatology. Too bad as it accounts for almost one third of the Bible. 🙋🏻♀️✝🇨🇦❤
So Thankful and totally amazed at the truth the Holy Spirit gave me to the truth of His second comming just by reading Scripture alone. John Nelson Darby and Scofield certainly were False teachers.
Very good and Biblical teaching. Unfortunately, wolves in sheep’ skin have infiltrated the church and disseminated diabolical doctrines to the congregation. This deception was so well planted , but to the ones that loves the Lord and sincerely seek His truth through His word, the Holy Ghost reveals it. God bless.
.*utterances*... jn darby and kie - which include scofield and ALL dispensationalists, have 'read' the word of God through the glasses of demonic and false 'utterances' - the blind leading the blind - billions of souls with a false gospel, which is none at all - anathema [galatians 1:8]
Yes, I know that, but does MLJ believe in a rapture before the final 7 years, during the 7 years or at the end ? Or does he not believe in any rapture ?@@ellejolichaine140
Peter shows there is nothing between Christ's first advent and death and His 2nd coming left to be fulfilled. The world goes on it's merry way as it was in the days of Noah. The gospel is the only warning. Christ's coming will be like the thief in the night. NO ONE knows. Read 2 Peter 3.
I may not agree with everything said but there is no doubting he tried to stand on His Word to the best of his understanding. We will find no perfect man of God this side of Heaven except the perfect Son of Man, the very Son of God, the Word made Flesh... John 1:1-5 While going about those who claimed this as some special revelation for themselves, he's completely ignored the teachings of our Lord and the Apostles themselves. He failed to mention the teachings of Clement, Ignatius, Irenaeus, Ephraim, Polycarp, Papias (who sat at the feet of John) and many others but instead brought up some obvious apostate to support his views. There have always been contentions within our faith but be very careful when saying things like this or that are doctrines of demons and such like. Prior to hearing this sermon from Dr. Jones I had no idea he was so blinded to the "Doctrine of Imminency". He did write an excellent book on expository preaching "Preaching and Preachers" that I own and have read that I can easily recommend but sadly on his teaching on this point of doctrine I can not recommend as he's stated many falsehoods as fact. He's also used misleading arguments to bolster his understanding, such as this teaching was new in 1830 which is just not true, which is never good. He has however made a great error in saying that no one taught of the Doctrine of Imminency prior to 1830 as it was taught by the Apostles themselves as I've stated in this post. It will not just be the Jewish remanent left on earth but all those who do not accept the Lord as their savior, so all lost not just Israel. It is taught in Scripture as the verses I've linked in this comment show. The statement that this was not taught even by the Apostles themselves is false as they taught as if the Lord would return in their day as I'll show. It is not based on some supposed revelation but on the very Word of God. To everyone reading this keep asking, keep seeking and keep knocking as we're told to do. Pray, study, pray and as promised more will be given you. Please do not be one of those who has even the little they have taken away for lack of discernment found only in His Word. I want to share some information about His gathering of His Church, Christ's Bride to Himself. Just some information to help understand why so many are blinded today to the "Doctrine of Imminency". Show me from Scripture where God has allowed His Wrath to be poured out on those He's found righteous, other than our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus as the Propitiation for all? The tribulations of today and the past that Jesus and Scripture warned us of are perpetrated by the sinful, men/women, this fallen world, not the LORD. The Great Tribulation, (the Time of Jacob's Trouble they also warned of), will be God and the Lamb's Holy Wrath poured out on the deserving and none else. P - Placement of His Church (Revelation 4 & 5:6-14) R - Removal of the Restrainer (indwelt Holy Spirit) E - Exempt from God's Wrath (as promised in Scripture) T - Twenty Four Elders (white robes/crowns/thrones - priests/kings) R - Rapture confused with Second Coming (reward vs judgement) I - Imminent return of Christ (believed/taught by the Apostles) B - Blessed Hope (encouragement/edification) I often hear those that confuse the Trumpet of God, (Heavenly Shofar), with the Trumpets in the Book of Revelation. They apparently have no understanding of how the LORD used the Trumpet of God in the Old Testament to signal His People to come/gather to Him for Instruction, Worship/Celebration or to follow Him. Please study these Scriptures: Gen 5:24, Isaiah 26:20-21, Zeph 2:3, Mal 3:16-18 (and many more in the OT), Matt 24:36-39, Matt 25:13, Mark 13:32-37, John 14:1-3, Rom 8:19, 1 Cor 1:7-8, 1 Cor 15:51-53, 1 Cor 16:22, Phil 3:20-21, Col 3:4, 1 Thes 1:10, 1 Thes 2:19, 1 Thes 4:13-18, 1 Thes 5:4-9, 1 Thes 5:23, 2 Thes 2:1-3a, 1 Tim 6:14, 2 Tim 4:1, Titus 2:13, Heb 9:28, Heb 10:37, James 5:7-9, 1 Peter 1:7 (13), 1 John 2:28 - 3:2, Jude 21, Rev 3:10-13, Rev 4:1 (4), Rev 5:6-14, Rev 22:20. These are just some of the verses of Scripture that point to the Rapture, our being "caught up", throughout the Bible. Many are types and examples that prefigure, (typology), the event and others point straight to it or are promises/reasons it will happen. Something extremely interesting is when you realize the Greek word translated as "apostacy" has dual meanings. It can mean rebellion or a falling away, (as most English translations show), but or more shockingly it can be translated as "departure". With that in mind go study 2 Thessalonians 2:3a again. Now tell me what you see in the Word of God. Tell me you don't see it, the (Harpazo/Rapio)? Watch as the early followers of the "Way" are told to encourage each other with the words of Jesus and the Apostles John, Peter and Paul. As their instruction is for us to be ever looking upward for our Lord's imminent return at any moment. Paul's proclaiming of, When the dead in Christ will be raised first and then we who remain will be changed in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, and be "caught up" together with them to meet our Lord in the clouds/air/heavens. Notice it isn't on the ground that we will meet our Lord, but in the air? An early Hymn of Praise and Hope: Jesus may come today. Glad day! Glad day! And I would see my friend! Dangers and troubles would end, If Jesus should come today. Jesus is coming to earth again. What if it were today? the Didache dated about 100-120 A.D., which contains the exhortation: "Watch for your life's sake. Let not your lamps be quenched, nor your loins unloosed; but be ye ready, for ye know not the hour in which our Lord cometh". The Lord's Return believed by the Apostolic Fathers: They expected the return of the Lord in their day. They believed the time was imminent because their Lord had taught them to live in a watchful attitude. And concerning the Ante-Nicene Fathers most of them: By tradition they knew the faith of the Apostles. They taught the doctrine of the imminent return of the Lord. So get out there my brothers and sisters and proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, (Yeshua Ha Mashiach), for time is short and the day is near. Marana tha !!! Come Lord Jesus, come, Amen... If you are reading this after the Rapture find a Bible and read as it truly is your only hope. Start in the Gospel of John and then read Acts and the teaching Epistles. He is the only way and if you're brave enough to want to know the truth of what is to come read Revelation starting at Chapter 6 because that is all that is left to you of our Lord's as yet unfulfilled Prophetic Word. The first 4 chapters and parts of 5:6-14 dealt with His Bride, His Church/Saints/Body made up of true believers, who are now and forever will be with Him. It will not be easy and you will loose your earthly life that is but a vapor compared to eternity. Give your life to and for Jesus so you can be with Him in paradise... Romans 10:9 Say it, mean it, believe it and trust in Him. He will save you even now no matter what you've done or not done unless you take the mark willingly. No matter what they threaten you with do not take the mark or worship the beast. Do not fear anything they can do to you in this life now but fear Him who can destroy both body and soul in Hell for eternity. God Bless... PS. For those with post and mid-trib views how do you reconcile Matthew 24:36-39 with all the promises of our Lord such as Hebrews 9:28b "To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation". This and many other such promises our LORD has given us in His Word. The Lord tells us it will be just as the days of Noah at His Coming in Mathew 24:36-39. This is not only pointing to the wickedness in Noah's day but life as normal for those on earth right up until Noah entered the ark and the flood came. Mathew 24:38-39 "For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be". Now how can you honestly believe at the end or middle of the Great Tribulation, (the Time of Jacob's Troubles), during the middle or at the end, the Seals, the Horsemen, the Trumpet and Bowl judgements. The great and terrible Holy Wrath, the judgement of God and the Lamb, being poured out on the whole earth and yet people will just be living life as they always have? You can not add in some supernatural protection that is not clearly taught in Scripture, such as the saints in Heaven watching it all unfold from above with Him. As described for us in Revelation chapters 4 and 5:6-14. That supernatural protection you refuse to accept is the Rapture, our being "caught/snatched up", before His Wrath to come. We are promised we are not destined for wrath but will be protected from it, not thru it... God Bless...
This is the most logical expository teaching of Daniel 9:24-27 that I have ever heard. It's so clear and understandable yet profound at the same time. I am so thankful that the elders of Westminster Chapel had the foresight to record Dr. Lloyd-Jones' sermons. They live on 50+ years later. We are being blessed by them now in the 21st century.
Yes! I agree with all you said. I’m so thankful for these 🙏
A man of God
So true that is. Lately all over utube is lots more confusion amill..preterist theory..some of it true..and this notorious premill isreal nation OT prophecies in discontinuity of the Ekklessia the assembly of the body of christ ..had to use the word church not an accurate translation sadly due to KJv english...
So grateful to God for making it possible for me to have access to such a teaching. Truly Blessed.
M edified tQ
I so agree!
MLJ is precise, balanced and fair. Thanks be to God, for 'he being dead, yet speaketh' because how we need this ministry in our day of diverse 'doctrines' 😣
thank God there is someone teaching the scriptures.
Yes , but also take note this man expired in 1981! Can you tell me who has replaced him since then?
@@garygiff2024Well, at least we have these recordings 😊
Glory to God
Wonderful Christ exalting exposition.
Really enjoyed this excellent sermon.
Thank you
Where are the Martin Lloyd Jones’s of today? My niece was needlessly killed and every time , she made an attempt to go to church- the only thing she found were prosperity gospel churches. Is likewise where I live. Either false doctrine, legalistic or Word of Faith, Seeker Friendly, or Prosperity Gospel. I live in Kissimmee Florida. If anyone knows of a good biblical church- please reply- I need one for my family and to send people that I witness too.
Brother Lloyd would love to be alive and see what we are seen. Jesus is about to pop the sky open. I’m aware, so is the devil. The fact is that we need to be ready.
subscribe to "the banner of truth magazine" for some sound biblical reformed teaching.
You need to make one. I live in Idaho, churches here are dead too.
You could try Grace Community Church, 5501 E. Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy, St. Cloud. My daughter and her family go there and like it.
@@armidaleconcrete Somebody called Scott Veach has recommended GC Church, below. I think that's John MacArthur's group and he's a Dispensationalist which is the teaching from the Brethren that MLJ speaks about in this sermon.
So sorry for your loss but take comfort in the fact you will soon be reunited. In this age of apostasy (another sign of these End Times and Jesus' imminent return) it is so encouraging to see people who cling to God's word above what ANY mere human or organized religion says. Seek Jesus and His kingdom and fix your mind and affections on things above (Colossians 3) and you will be able to recognize the truth and nobody will deceive you and "steal your crown". 🙋🏻♀️✝🇨🇦❤
Thank you for teaching the truth especially the scripture of truth.
Amazing to see how many views this got over and above jones teaching on subjects like the cross. Makes ye wonder.
People realize something unique and freaky is happening in the world and they desire to know what will happen next yet most pulpits these days completely ignore the topic of eschatology. Too bad as it accounts for almost one third of the Bible. 🙋🏻♀️✝🇨🇦❤
A lie can go around the world in the time it takes the truth to put on it's shoes...
So Thankful and totally amazed at the truth the Holy Spirit gave me to the truth of His second comming just by reading Scripture alone. John Nelson Darby and Scofield certainly were False teachers.
Very good and Biblical teaching. Unfortunately, wolves in sheep’ skin have infiltrated the church and disseminated diabolical doctrines to the congregation. This deception was so well planted , but to the ones that loves the Lord and sincerely seek His truth through His word, the Holy Ghost reveals it. God bless.
.*utterances*... jn darby and kie - which include scofield and ALL dispensationalists, have 'read' the word of God through the glasses of demonic and false 'utterances' - the blind leading the blind - billions of souls with a false gospel, which is none at all - anathema [galatians 1:8]
When rightly dividing God’s word of truth, it becomes overwhelmingly obvious that there is no secret rapture.
is there a rapture ?
@@Anthony-ix3rp According to the Bible, there are many raptures.
Yes, I know that, but does MLJ believe in a rapture before the final 7 years, during the 7 years or at the end ? Or does he not believe in any rapture ?@@ellejolichaine140
Robinson Eric Garcia Mark Wilson Patricia
Jackson Mark Anderson Helen Taylor Eric
Peter shows there is nothing between Christ's first advent and death and His 2nd coming left to be fulfilled. The world goes on it's merry way as it was in the days of Noah. The gospel is the only warning. Christ's coming will be like the thief in the night. NO ONE knows. Read 2 Peter 3.
White Jessica Walker George Jones Sandra
I may not agree with everything said but there is no doubting he tried to stand on His Word to the best of his understanding.
We will find no perfect man of God this side of Heaven except the perfect Son of Man, the very Son of God, the Word made Flesh...
John 1:1-5
While going about those who claimed this as some special revelation for themselves, he's completely ignored the teachings of our Lord and the Apostles themselves.
He failed to mention the teachings of Clement, Ignatius, Irenaeus, Ephraim, Polycarp, Papias (who sat at the feet of John) and many others but instead brought up some obvious apostate to support his views. There have always been contentions within our faith but be very careful when saying things like this or that are doctrines of demons and such like. Prior to hearing this sermon from Dr. Jones I had no idea he was so blinded to the "Doctrine of Imminency". He did write an excellent book on expository preaching "Preaching and Preachers" that I own and have read that I can easily recommend but sadly on his teaching on this point of doctrine I can not recommend as he's stated many falsehoods as fact. He's also used misleading arguments to bolster his understanding, such as this teaching was new in 1830 which is just not true, which is never good.
He has however made a great error in saying that no one taught of the Doctrine of Imminency prior to 1830 as it was taught by the Apostles themselves as I've stated in this post. It will not just be the Jewish remanent left on earth but all those who do not accept the Lord as their savior, so all lost not just Israel. It is taught in Scripture as the verses I've linked in this comment show. The statement that this was not taught even by the Apostles themselves is false as they taught as if the Lord would return in their day as I'll show. It is not based on some supposed revelation but on the very Word of God.
To everyone reading this keep asking, keep seeking and keep knocking as we're told to do. Pray, study, pray and as promised more will be given you.
Please do not be one of those who has even the little they have taken away for lack of discernment found only in His Word.
I want to share some information about His gathering of His Church, Christ's Bride to Himself.
Just some information to help understand why so many are blinded today to the "Doctrine of Imminency".
Show me from Scripture where God has allowed His Wrath to be poured out on those He's found righteous, other than our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus as the Propitiation for all?
The tribulations of today and the past that Jesus and Scripture warned us of are perpetrated by the sinful, men/women, this fallen world, not the LORD.
The Great Tribulation, (the Time of Jacob's Trouble they also warned of), will be God and the Lamb's Holy Wrath poured out on the deserving and none else.
P - Placement of His Church (Revelation 4 & 5:6-14)
R - Removal of the Restrainer (indwelt Holy Spirit)
E - Exempt from God's Wrath (as promised in Scripture)
T - Twenty Four Elders (white robes/crowns/thrones - priests/kings)
R - Rapture confused with Second Coming (reward vs judgement)
I - Imminent return of Christ (believed/taught by the Apostles)
B - Blessed Hope (encouragement/edification)
I often hear those that confuse the Trumpet of God, (Heavenly Shofar), with the Trumpets in the Book of Revelation. They apparently have no understanding of how the LORD used the Trumpet of God in the Old Testament to signal His People to come/gather to Him for Instruction, Worship/Celebration or to follow Him.
Please study these Scriptures:
Gen 5:24, Isaiah 26:20-21, Zeph 2:3, Mal 3:16-18 (and many more in the OT), Matt 24:36-39, Matt 25:13, Mark 13:32-37, John 14:1-3, Rom 8:19, 1 Cor 1:7-8, 1 Cor 15:51-53, 1 Cor 16:22, Phil 3:20-21, Col 3:4, 1 Thes 1:10, 1 Thes 2:19, 1 Thes 4:13-18, 1 Thes 5:4-9, 1 Thes 5:23, 2 Thes 2:1-3a, 1 Tim 6:14, 2 Tim 4:1, Titus 2:13, Heb 9:28, Heb 10:37, James 5:7-9, 1 Peter 1:7 (13), 1 John 2:28 - 3:2, Jude 21, Rev 3:10-13, Rev 4:1 (4), Rev 5:6-14, Rev 22:20.
These are just some of the verses of Scripture that point to the Rapture, our being "caught up", throughout the Bible. Many are types and examples that prefigure, (typology), the event and others point straight to it or are promises/reasons it will happen.
Something extremely interesting is when you realize the Greek word translated as "apostacy" has dual meanings. It can mean rebellion or a falling away, (as most English translations show), but or more shockingly it can be translated as "departure". With that in mind go study 2 Thessalonians 2:3a again.
Now tell me what you see in the Word of God. Tell me you don't see it, the (Harpazo/Rapio)? Watch as the early followers of the "Way" are told to encourage each other with the words of Jesus and the Apostles John, Peter and Paul. As their instruction is for us to be ever looking upward for our Lord's imminent return at any moment. Paul's proclaiming of, When the dead in Christ will be raised first and then we who remain will be changed in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, and be "caught up" together with them to meet our Lord in the clouds/air/heavens.
Notice it isn't on the ground that we will meet our Lord, but in the air?
An early Hymn of Praise and Hope:
Jesus may come today.
Glad day! Glad day!
And I would see my friend!
Dangers and troubles would end,
If Jesus should come today.
Jesus is coming to earth again.
What if it were today?
the Didache dated about 100-120 A.D., which contains the exhortation: "Watch for your life's sake. Let not your lamps be quenched, nor your loins unloosed; but be ye ready, for ye know not the hour in which our Lord cometh".
The Lord's Return believed by the Apostolic Fathers:
They expected the return of the Lord in their day. They believed the time was imminent because their Lord had taught them to live in a watchful attitude.
And concerning the Ante-Nicene Fathers most of them:
By tradition they knew the faith of the Apostles. They taught the doctrine of the imminent return of the Lord.
So get out there my brothers and sisters and proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, (Yeshua Ha Mashiach), for time is short and the day is near.
Marana tha !!!
Come Lord Jesus, come, Amen...
If you are reading this after the Rapture find a Bible and read as it truly is your only hope. Start in the Gospel of John and then read Acts and the teaching Epistles. He is the only way and if you're brave enough to want to know the truth of what is to come read Revelation starting at Chapter 6 because that is all that is left to you of our Lord's as yet unfulfilled Prophetic Word. The first 4 chapters and parts of 5:6-14 dealt with His Bride, His Church/Saints/Body made up of true believers, who are now and forever will be with Him. It will not be easy and you will loose your earthly life that is but a vapor compared to eternity. Give your life to and for Jesus so you can be with Him in paradise...
Romans 10:9 Say it, mean it, believe it and trust in Him.
He will save you even now no matter what you've done or not done unless you take the mark willingly. No matter what they threaten you with do not take the mark or worship the beast. Do not fear anything they can do to you in this life now but fear Him who can destroy both body and soul in Hell for eternity.
God Bless...
For those with post and mid-trib views how do you reconcile Matthew 24:36-39 with all the promises of our Lord such as Hebrews 9:28b
"To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation".
This and many other such promises our LORD has given us in His Word.
The Lord tells us it will be just as the days of Noah at His Coming in Mathew 24:36-39. This is not only pointing to the wickedness in Noah's day but life as normal for those on earth right up until Noah entered the ark and the flood came.
Mathew 24:38-39
"For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be".
Now how can you honestly believe at the end or middle of the Great Tribulation, (the Time of Jacob's Troubles), during the middle or at the end, the Seals, the Horsemen, the Trumpet and Bowl judgements. The great and terrible Holy Wrath, the judgement of God and the Lamb, being poured out on the whole earth and yet people will just be living life as they always have?
You can not add in some supernatural protection that is not clearly taught in Scripture, such as the saints in Heaven watching it all unfold from above with Him. As described for us in Revelation chapters 4 and 5:6-14. That supernatural protection you refuse to accept is the Rapture, our being "caught/snatched up", before His Wrath to come.
We are promised we are not destined for wrath but will be protected from it, not thru it...
God Bless...