Mass Effect Prothean Vision sequence HD

  • Опубликовано: 3 май 2011
  • ИгрыИгры

Комментарии • 156

  • @georgie7109
    @georgie7109 Год назад +105

    They knew this cutscene was raw af because they show it to you at least 4 seperate times over the course of the whole series.

  • @goldensentinel7715
    @goldensentinel7715 3 года назад +433

    Let's face it, this was the scariest thing in the entire series.

    • @bzqp2
      @bzqp2 3 года назад +85

      It must have been fun being the guy responsible for the animation.
      *Jake, what the hell are you doing with these pig hearts and arduinos???*

    • @paladinboyd1228
      @paladinboyd1228 3 года назад +13

      @@bzqp2, Jake: I’m making the Lovecraft squids extra spooky.

    • @adamzilizi7501
      @adamzilizi7501 3 года назад +64

      @@bzqp2 it's funny and you're actually right. From the developer diaries:
      Casey Hudson on Shep’s Prothean vision from the beacon: “It was hard to imagine how we would do this. CG was - and is - really expensive. Instead I wanted to try doing it through photography and video editing. So I went to a local grocery store and bought a few packages of the weirdest looking meat that I could find. Then I set up a little photoshoot in my basement, complete with some electronics parts and some red wine for juicyness.” He used these props to create a video sequence where the photos were rapidly cycled and blurred, along with production paintings, to create the scary vision an organic/machine experiment on the Protheans. These mashups were also used as inspiration for concept artists and level designers who were working on these themes.

    • @bzqp2
      @bzqp2 3 года назад +2

      @@adamzilizi7501 Whoa, great find!

    • @Destroyer120296
      @Destroyer120296 3 года назад +13

      Agreed. it is so frantic,mysterious and disturbing image wise.
      I feel like many of the images are so abstract/weird because it is just the agony,rage and suffering of the protheans meant to convey it to whoever finds it

  • @thelameg6
    @thelameg6 3 года назад +87

    dude i passed out after i had some routine blood work done and i swear to god i had a protheian vision. that shit as a vision is fucking terrifying. (perhaps ive been playing legendary edition too much)

    • @ragingsaviorkami9862
      @ragingsaviorkami9862 Год назад

      Can't take your blood being taken, huh?
      That's okay, I feel ya.
      There's only two things that I've ever been scared of in my entire life. Like, I know people who believe in ghosts and stuff and are terrified of them. I on the other hand, also believe in ghosts, had visions and encounters in the past, but I'm not afraid. Whenever I hear a sound or something, I go to investigate.
      But let me tell you, visiting a dentist, getting an anesthetic, having my teeth possibly pulled or my tooth nerves removed? I feel light headed when just thinking about it. And it's not that I can't take pain. I've had a very deep would(accident at work - a very deep and messy cut) cleaned, and I didn't even flinch. It hurt like hell, but it is what it is.
      But having my blood taken? I never really fainted, but there's something about the needles and tiny bottles and stuff... Every time they sting me with it, and then they put that small bottle on the needly and I see it filling with blood - my blood - I have a small panic attack that makes me light-headed and like I'm about to faint. Think about it, I mean, it's your life force being drained out of you into some stupid plastic bottle.

    • @Zyrodil
      @Zyrodil Год назад +2

      I believe you, the brain is the funniest shit sometimes.
      I once was high on mushrooms and heard the sky scream at me, thinking 100% that the cycle was absolute - until a friend told me three years later that apparently a plane flew over us and it drove me fucking crazy. 😅

    • @drany6707
      @drany6707 Год назад +5

      Are we allowing dreams into evidence now?

  • @lordofoshu8017
    @lordofoshu8017 3 года назад +82

    jeez.. like the feaking borg. Flesh melded with metal forcefully. The hum of the machines fusing and cutting through bone, and grafting part by part. Agony roars of pain mixing with machine. need i say more? this shit is stuff of nightmares lol

  • @xxfalconarasxx5659
    @xxfalconarasxx5659 Год назад +69

    This was back when Mass Effect was a cosmic horror about an existential threat beyond our comprehension. Then Mass Effect 3 rolls in, and reveals to us that it's all just about robots killing people to save them from being killed by other robots or something.

    • @MrChickennugget360
      @MrChickennugget360 11 месяцев назад +3

      ya. i mean it makes sense that they would not be able to land the franchise. how do you resolve such existential horror?

    • @azkar65
      @azkar65 7 месяцев назад +8

      @@MrChickennugget360 You don't...take a look a Dead Space 3 for example, people like to shit on it but you have to give Visceral credit for having the balls for throwing such a dreadfull and bleak ending on Awakening, for me it's a fitting way to end a series where the enemy is an Lovecraftian entity. But i think Bioware shot themselves in the foot by adding such concept and then turning Shepard into some kind of super hero and making it worse by showing you that the worst threat in the galaxy can be killed even by an environmental hazard. Don't get me wrong, i love the Mass Effect series, but if you start to think too much about the plot it turns into something stupid at the end of the series.

    • @MamadNobari
      @MamadNobari 5 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@azkar65 Nah I like that we get an explanation. It would be more disappointing if they kept the Reaper's motivation ambiguous. At least for me.
      Like imagine for the first game on Virmire you don't get that Sovereign dialogue scene. Would the game be as good?
      Now imagine playing through hundreds of hours of the trilogy only to end it without any explanation whatsoever. What's the point?
      The problem with coming up with this kind of threats and villains, is that you're screwed either way if you give motivation or don't explain it. People are gonna be disappointed either way.
      And yeah, the plot and the reasoning for Reaper's cycles don't make sense at all and are nonsense, but I'm still satisfied with it cause I can't see any other way this could've gone without being disappointing or as plot-holy as this one.

    • @BlueFusion2910
      @BlueFusion2910 4 месяца назад +1

      ​@@azkar65i would have ended it by
      Always having a bad ending. Reapers always win. But at least you add more to the crucible research for the next cycle, the only silver lining. And then it's more about the journey than the destination

    @DaHALOSHOCK 3 года назад +63

    this creeped me out when i first saw it all those years ago... and it still does.

  • @LordBob
    @LordBob 4 года назад +224

    "2020 can't get worse"

    • @WEndro333
      @WEndro333 2 года назад +13

      "2020's can't get worse"

    • @Brwigames
      @Brwigames 5 месяцев назад +1


  • @Leigion8221
    @Leigion8221 12 лет назад +170

    "We were one empire composed of many subjects. all eventually came to call themselves 'Prothean'."-- a quote from Javik. perhaps these were one of the diffrent races?

    • @spacejesus6581
      @spacejesus6581 3 года назад +31

      Would explain why everything in this vision and all the "statues" on Ilos look nothing like the Collectors/Javik

    • @lenyo6371
      @lenyo6371 3 года назад +52

      @@spacejesus6581 Those statues were the original prothean design; they were later retconned into being the inusannon (prothean precursors) by the time Mass Effect 3 came around. Even though the picture Bioware used for the prothean entries in the (ME1 and?) ME2 codex was of the statues.
      It sort of still works, though. The codex in-game is supposed to reflect the knowledge of the galactic species, and at that point they believed those statues to be protheans. When in reality the protheans simply settled on an ancient inusannon world.
      The visions are impossible to retcon though (they're 100% meant to be "the" protheans), so Bioware didn't try. Which is fair enough imo, it's only a few brief glimpses anyway.

    • @spacejesus6581
      @spacejesus6581 3 года назад +17

      @@lenyo6371 now that you put it like that, I guess the visions could be the Protheans discovering what happened to the other species around the time of the invasion. The visions are "a warning sent too late across the empire" so they could potentially use the other species?
      Idk, plot holes are hard to fix

    • @wintertrooper7918
      @wintertrooper7918 3 года назад +9

      @@spacejesus6581 also javik does help to try and fix this plot hole by saying that ilos was a planet that was originally inhabited by the previous cycle prior to the protheans

    • @UsernameGeri
      @UsernameGeri 2 года назад +2

      @@spacejesus6581 retcon

  • @bzqp2
    @bzqp2 3 года назад +38

    Back when the Protheans were supposed to look like the Inusannon.

    • @inquerion8867
      @inquerion8867 2 года назад +4

      In the end I like that Inusannon are separate species. Love the mystery part about them and how they contributed to the Prothean technology and eventual Reapers defeat.

    • @xxfalconarasxx5659
      @xxfalconarasxx5659 Год назад +4

      The statues were retconned to be representative of the Inusannon, but as for the figures in the vision, they could represent other species. The Protheans were not alone. They had an empire made up of multiple species, and they considered all members of this empire to be Prothean.

  • @dmoney_warrior8171
    @dmoney_warrior8171 Год назад +12

    I have a incredibly strong urge to get someone to see this with absolutely no context

  • @skindiggy
    @skindiggy 10 месяцев назад +6

    lmao casey hudson really worked wonders with his weird meat and wine

  • @Achanarr
    @Achanarr 12 лет назад +34

    That reaper still sends chills up my spine!

  • @WholesomeBurn
    @WholesomeBurn 11 лет назад +50


  • @JJDvorshak
    @JJDvorshak 3 года назад +19

    Playback on: 0.25%. Is a really bad, yet fascinating trip.

  • @alejandrotamayo2008
    @alejandrotamayo2008 3 года назад +25

    a few weeks ago I did LSD with some friends, we went out to the park and as hours passed nighttime fell upon us who had no notion of time whatsoever, we eventually got mugged at gunpoint and we all had a really BAD trip afterwards
    This video right here is literally how I felt the subsequent hours afterwards

    • @VindAvSorg
      @VindAvSorg 2 года назад +1

      dude that must have been nightmarish

    • @sErgEantaEgis12
      @sErgEantaEgis12 2 года назад +1

      I remember having fever dreams that felt a bit like that, complete with the red and orange tint, and the feeling of pure dread persisted for a little while after I woke up drenched in sweat. I remember this feeling of everything being wrong and being disoriented and having this terrifying feeling that if I stared at once spot too long I'd start splitting the atoms and destroy the Earth.

  • @moviebrainfart
    @moviebrainfart 4 года назад +88

    Star Trek Picard totally stole this

    • @Ample17
      @Ample17 4 года назад +7

      Absolutely. Was thinking just that as I watched it .

    • @raimondsstokmanis1892
      @raimondsstokmanis1892 3 года назад +3


    • @amko6358
      @amko6358 3 года назад +4

      Also The Expanse.

    • @hotlemonade6643
      @hotlemonade6643 2 года назад +5

      @@amko6358 Expanse didn't literally steal it in the sense that Picard did.
      Picard was all about Synthethics vs Organics totally like in the Mass effect Game series but if you factor in the original Mass effect Dark Matter ending then the story becomes more in depth & Bone chilling.
      The ending which way we fans speculate Expanse is aiming for.

    • @inquerion8867
      @inquerion8867 2 года назад +3

      Yeah, I'm watching ST: Picard Season 1 now and I'm getting strong Mass Effect vibes.
      I don't like them stealing ideas like this, without giving any credits to the original creators (at the same time they sue Star Trek non-profit fan movies/series for copyright claims...), but at least these ME vibes are making me liking ST: Picard more.
      Except for these ME parts, old Star Trek TNG crew appearance and amazing Patrick Stewart (J.L. Picard) performance, it's hard to find something truly unique and really well done on their own in the first Season of ST: Picard.
      Btw. I love old Star Trek series, especially TOS and TNG. Discovery is hard to watch though, doesn't feel like Star Trek at all.
      I recommend you guys to check out the Orville (essentialy good Star Trek TNG clone, that managed to not get sued). There are some ME/BSG vibes there too (Kaylons - ME Geth/ BSG Cylon?), really good series. First season is a bit to much comedic, but it get's better with time.
      Would love to see Star Trek/Orville game similar in style and gameplay to the Mass Effect one day...

  • @bipo819
    @bipo819 2 года назад +20

    The whole sequence looks like mechanical body horror it awful
    The realistic parts with slimy bits of flesh and circuits inside them
    It’s really feels out of place in the game making it scarier

  • @aggserp4340
    @aggserp4340 5 лет назад +27

    0:21 Sentry gun down!

    • @sErgEantaEgis12
      @sErgEantaEgis12 3 года назад +1

      Lmfao now I can't unhear it.

    • @maykr2025
      @maykr2025 2 года назад

      Spy: *kills engineer*

    • @Sowee1409
      @Sowee1409 11 месяцев назад

      "(Laughs on French)"

  • @haminatorainz7227
    @haminatorainz7227 4 года назад +17

    It sounds more scary if you watch it at 0.25x spead

  • @Mart289
    @Mart289 Год назад +3

    I think this is the process of making collectors...

  • @mariofan1ish
    @mariofan1ish 2 года назад +19

    I'd love to see some behind the scenes stuff that talks about exactly what we're looking at here. Clearly some mechanical parts, an image of the Protheans before their appearance was changed, and the planet you need to go to. But that 'mouth', and what I assume is supposed to be flesh, and whatever's going on as the vision progresses? I'd love to know more.

    • @DrProfScience1
      @DrProfScience1 2 года назад +4

      I assume its showing the process of reapers turning them into husks.

    • @mariofan1ish
      @mariofan1ish 2 года назад +2

      @@DrProfScience1 No, I meant how this was made. I think I recall someone mentioning them using raw chicken and some scrapped mechanical parts from an old TV or computer to make certain shots. I was wondering as to how the creative process of this went.

    • @weregarurumon3202
      @weregarurumon3202 2 года назад +4

      Based on the comments on this video
      Looks like a mix of wierd meats,wine and some electronic parts.

    • @joshuachapman2065
      @joshuachapman2065 Год назад +5

      Canon states the beacon message was a distress/warning sent by the protheans. Protheans communicated by sharing memories/feelings as demonstrated by Javik. I feel like the vision was from a prothean witnessing the horror of one of the first Reaper invasions during prothean times, so a prothean, utterly terrified after witnessing reaper ships firing on him, reaper drones/husks and reaper molded protheans/other alien species at the time, hooked up to a beacon, and due to his emotional state, pooled his memories, emotions, terror, and horror into his message to absolutely insure it would be heard and heeded.

  • @gtakiller0914
    @gtakiller0914 12 лет назад +48

    Holy crap! Some of those images were in one of the comics. It's about the Protheans dying.

    • @sErgEantaEgis12
      @sErgEantaEgis12 6 лет назад +9

      Which comic?

    • @paladinboyd1228
      @paladinboyd1228 3 года назад +3

      Which comic?

    • @amko6358
      @amko6358 3 года назад +3

      Which comic?

    • @americanpride8441
      @americanpride8441 3 года назад +14

      @@amko6358 9 years and we still be wondering the answer to that question

    • @erlandir9121
      @erlandir9121 3 года назад +2

      @@americanpride8441 Which comic? I will keep the Legend alive.

  • @youngkappakhan
    @youngkappakhan 7 месяцев назад +2

    What if I was your trip sitter while you were off 6 tabs and told you I was gonna put on something relaxing then played this

  • @ericjames4034
    @ericjames4034 3 года назад +7

    I watch this every time I'm tripping balls

    • @louis8487
      @louis8487 3 года назад +7

      Why would you do that to yourself

  • @dmoney_warrior8171
    @dmoney_warrior8171 4 месяца назад +1

    I think I put this into an asmr playlist

  • @wololo3781
    @wololo3781 5 лет назад +11


  • @IllusivePrime
    @IllusivePrime 3 года назад +11

    0:07 what is that?

    • @mistersippi2945
      @mistersippi2945 3 года назад +4

      The thing with its mouth open? I thought it was a Prothean being turned into a Collector. It also seems like a sequence of different living organisms becoming synthetic. Like the opening to ME2 when it shows the machine using technology to bring Shepard back to life.

  • @poslednisoud
    @poslednisoud 9 лет назад +17

    Seven days!

  • @ozimandyus
    @ozimandyus 6 лет назад +8

    The expanse...

  • @TheStarcraftJACKAL
    @TheStarcraftJACKAL 12 лет назад +2

    "What a sad end..."

  • @cavrianer
    @cavrianer 12 лет назад +2

    Baby don't fear the reaper....

  • @commanderthomasdodge2273
    @commanderthomasdodge2273 3 месяца назад +1

    Doing a frame-by frame, it looks like they just used an old CD/DVD player that they took the motherboard out of and threw some sort of fat and meat on and put on a red filter.
    Shots of that interrupted by some really terrifying, but neat, art cards with the same red filter.

  • @Linkolnverse
    @Linkolnverse 2 года назад +2

    This shit was fucking dark man.

  • @user-gu7he8tv1x
    @user-gu7he8tv1x 3 года назад +2

    When I first played mass effect I was like: Who the fuck is this? The flood or something?

  • @somethingfunny4332
    @somethingfunny4332 3 месяца назад +1

    Basically the last five years of my life

    • @SyrinxOfTemple
      @SyrinxOfTemple Месяц назад

      Yep pretty much. The Reapers are here

  • @TheFly212
    @TheFly212 10 лет назад +35

    This is Synthesis...

    • @Foofoothegoon
      @Foofoothegoon 10 лет назад +4

      [ME3 spoilers]
      I.. what? This is the Reaper harvest. Synthesis is an alternative.

    • @franswaafranswaa5026
      @franswaafranswaa5026 5 лет назад +16

      @@Foofoothegoon synthesis is a sham, it's a downgrade to organic life

    • @Foofoothegoon
      @Foofoothegoon 5 лет назад +8

      @@franswaafranswaa5026 Each of the endings of ME3 were a sham.

    • @Foofoothegoon
      @Foofoothegoon 3 года назад +2

      @@punished7030 It's been several years and I am no longer as passionate about this, so okay.

    • @mariocabrera1550
      @mariocabrera1550 3 года назад

      @@Foofoothegoon time to get passionate about it with the Legendary edition boy

  • @lordofgingers
    @lordofgingers 12 лет назад

    @FellFather thats what we're hoping bioware explains to us

  • @B3NH0LD3N
    @B3NH0LD3N 12 лет назад +78

    Is this images of the Proethians being turned into the collectors??

    • @mast3rofducks174
      @mast3rofducks174 7 лет назад +56

      its the reapers harvesting the Proethians

    • @cliff9092
      @cliff9092 3 года назад +12

      Yea it is.

    • @tg.tyrant2302_
      @tg.tyrant2302_ 3 года назад


    • @TheTapiocaBabe
      @TheTapiocaBabe Год назад +1

      I know this is a really old reply, but no, both of the other people that commented are wrong; the images of the aliens we see are the same we see on Ilos. These are called the Inusannon, and they're believed to be the alien race that predated the Protheans, roughly 127,000 years before, and are what mass effect technology is based off of. The Inusannon are to the Protheans what the Protheans are to the galaxy in it's current state, and very very little, unfortunately, is known about them.

  • @morgenmuffellp8494
    @morgenmuffellp8494 10 месяцев назад +4

    lol the vision in starfield is soooo boring compared to this

  • @SpecterKnight638
    @SpecterKnight638 Год назад +1

    StarCraft looks different than i remember

  • @ReicantheJester
    @ReicantheJester 5 месяцев назад

    Did anyone else feel like that sound at 0:12 sounds like an old Nidoran sound from the pokemon games?

  • @DeadlyFreedom
    @DeadlyFreedom 3 года назад +3

    When you run too many tabs on Chrome

  • @chy_jackie_4ever
    @chy_jackie_4ever Год назад

    These images are about the leviathan being covered to the first reaper.

  • @peytonburnsed2196
    @peytonburnsed2196 2 года назад +3

    0:05-0:06 scares the crap out of me. I mean the whole thing is scary by holy shit.

    • @AgentVector51
      @AgentVector51 2 года назад +1

      What makes it funny is that it's also Bowser's roar from SSBM 😂

    • @mwbgaming28
      @mwbgaming28 16 дней назад

      What the actual fuck is that, I almost thought it's a mouth being forced open after it's sewn shut, or a neck being stretched to breaking, but it doesn't look quite right

  • @rbstyle1201
    @rbstyle1201 6 месяцев назад

    Reaper indoctrine them so hard that they turned into Xenomorph

  • @TheFullthrottleOwnag
    @TheFullthrottleOwnag 12 лет назад +2

    @GodzillaMaster322 the vision isn't meant for the human mind

  • @normanred9212
    @normanred9212 11 месяцев назад +2

    The original Protheans looked MUCH different and were biomechanical not jamaican 4 eyes

  • @WASDMagazine
    @WASDMagazine Год назад

    Prothean vision from Starcraft 1998

  • @splendidantoan
    @splendidantoan 12 лет назад

    yes D:

  • @betrayedkingzero1801
    @betrayedkingzero1801 Год назад

    When you drink a grimace shake

  • @ragnabolt683
    @ragnabolt683 12 дней назад

    Back when video games were good

  • @ddsjgvk
    @ddsjgvk 4 года назад +7

    So what is that Screaming thing?

    • @Ammoniumbicarbonat
      @Ammoniumbicarbonat 4 года назад +20

      Who knows, possibly some poor life form that’s being tortured or mutated by the Reapers.

    • @kakashihatake326
      @kakashihatake326 3 года назад

      A Collector

  • @echo-hotel
    @echo-hotel 3 года назад +2

    Is this the vision Shepherd has in the begging of ME1? I’m playing the remaster/legendary edition and it just skipped the vision on me. I played through that part twice to test some things and the vision never happened.

    • @johndims5098
      @johndims5098 3 года назад +5

      no its not, im also playing legendary and i didnt skip that scene, but he does not see this in its entirety then. Im not sure when he does but im pretty sure its through the help of a different character that he sees the full vision

    • @lenyo6371
      @lenyo6371 3 года назад +5

      Yes and no. Keep playing and you'll see the full version eventually
      At the beacon on Eden Prime, you get only a few flashing images

    • @mariocabrera1550
      @mariocabrera1550 3 года назад

      You'll see this a couple times. After the Thorin, and then with T'Soni

    • @mistersippi2945
      @mistersippi2945 3 года назад

      @@johndims5098 It seems like that’s the scene from where he communicates with Harbinger. After the Thorian and Rachni missions. Also playing Legendary,

    • @johndims5098
      @johndims5098 3 года назад

      @@mistersippi2945 I don’t think Harbinger is in ME1 Is he?

  • @static.6524
    @static.6524 Год назад +2

    They didn't survive the cycle, but at least they had some good video editors.

  • @rosskerr1439
    @rosskerr1439 11 месяцев назад

    … Seven days?

  • @blueshit199
    @blueshit199 Год назад

    did the reapers wipe out the music too?

  • @Ayranenjoyer
    @Ayranenjoyer 2 месяца назад +1

    this was the shit btw

  • @xXxalex1866xXx
    @xXxalex1866xXx 12 лет назад +3


  • @desireless4092
    @desireless4092 5 месяцев назад +1

    A Lovecraftian old "gods" that seek to "correct" our galaxy, with a human trying to stop them.
    I miss when games exited me to play it. But at least I am about to replay the trilogy, yet again.