How to work with Cernunnos

  • Опубликовано: 17 июн 2021
  • here i talk a little about working with the god cernunnos

Комментарии • 63

  • @markbarrera6807
    @markbarrera6807 2 года назад +43

    Years ago, I was a doubting pagan and felt disconnected, I asked for a sign, or some indication that my path was true. After work I went walking in my usual field near some woods, which was surrounded by office buildings and even a highway; despite its location, it had a quiet isolated quality I loved. Suddenly out of the brush stepped a huge buck with a large set of horns. We stared at each other for some time, before I thanked him and he stepped back into the wood. I left that day feeling renewed. Soon after, however that patch of field and partial wood was bulldozed for more office space. I grieve for the animals and loss of my sacred space. But will never forget that event.

    • @mysticwolfwitch
      @mysticwolfwitch  2 года назад +3

      Cernunnos has a message for you my friend and I hope you get it, he says your sacred space can be in the Physical or the spiritual as long as it brings peace inside of you, hold on to memories that bring joy and fuel your future with those energies as they are always a thought away 🙏

    • @mysticwolfwitch
      @mysticwolfwitch  2 года назад +3

      He also says your emotions are there to cleanse heal and bring growth so shed those tears and find your inner flame to bring you strength

    • @markbarrera6807
      @markbarrera6807 2 года назад +1

      @@mysticwolfwitch Thank you! Words I need these days.

  • @greenforest3237
    @greenforest3237 2 года назад +7

    Cernunnos has become so much more prominent in my life lately, in dreams, symbols, a strong feeling that he is there in the woods whilst I walk. Ive always known of him but the draw has been very strong of late and I really do like it

  • @SillyChickens222
    @SillyChickens222 4 месяца назад

    I kept pulling my new tarot cards and kept getting the white stag within the woods. I’ve felt him around me so much.. he is more like a lover to me, keeping me protected and safe. I give him offerings through intimate moments and it’s an incredible experience to connect with him in that way ♥️

  • @barrycollingswood7946
    @barrycollingswood7946 Год назад +3

    I didn’t see the sign straight away that cernunnos was trying to get my attention I have a walking stick for about 5 years and his face had been carved on it that didn’t trigger my thoughts. But when I was given a bronze statue of him that had been left in my house it all started to make sense and I now have started to work with him at last his message to me was understood. You are so right in saying that he will make sure to you that he wants to do this. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and guidance to me on your videos. You have helped me a lot to understand how to work with this amazing God

  • @kaelin8775
    @kaelin8775 2 года назад +17

    i've been researching deities recently and found Cernunnos, he seems to be parts of everything i've felt connected to (nature, the underworld, animals, the forest, a horned entity etc.) so i think im going to reach out to him soon.
    your video was very useful!

  • @kristenhenshaw4735
    @kristenhenshaw4735 7 месяцев назад +1

    Im still a "baby" in my practices, and discovering and reaching out to my guides. I've wondered about deities, and just left myself open to who draws me.
    I was surprised and a little nervous that the one that i have always felt drawn to, whether i knew it consciously or not, is Cernunnos.
    Where The Wild Things Are was my favorite book as a child. Being outdoors in the wild as far away from signs of civilization is and always has been my favorite place to be. In college, Jagermeister was my favorite shot 😅 I've always been drawn to frankincense, woodsy smells, etc.
    When i started on my journey into the Craft, i wasnt drawn to goddesses as i thought i would be. I kept seeing information, videos, etc on Cernunnos. In my area, i always see deer around me, and i can see them in the woods even when it would appear they are trying to hide.
    It would appear this is who is drawing me in. And it makes me so happy.
    Thank you for this information. Your video pretty much solidified my belief that Cernunnos is calling to me, and has been probably my whole life.
    Blessed Be.

    @GLENHARTSHAMAN Год назад +2

    The savior and hunter of lost souls a dear friend!

  • @zenz0ha472
    @zenz0ha472 5 месяцев назад

    Thank you so much, your information is so very valuable to helping me connect to him! I have reason to believe he’s my Patron, and I’ve felt his presence alongside Hekate’s since I started practicing magic. Blessings and many more thanks for your helpful video!

  • @nomoremrniceguy007
    @nomoremrniceguy007 2 года назад +2

    I'm a Daoist esotericist but after a practicing druid from an established order in the UK gave numerous random tarot readings on social media and several resonated with me in very specific ways, I began to be curious.
    I didn't realize my manifestation methods like using green and gold everywhere, Daoist duality ideals, Samhain rituals to speak to spirits and ancestors and other nature related traits were so aligned.
    No wonder he's reaching out to me directly.
    I was also looking to work with a fertility celestial.
    I refer to "Gods" as celestials in my own practice. I don't worship but I align with and work with by making our goals common to one another.
    🙏🙏🙏 hoping we will work further together. I feel a strong kinship to Cernunnos, we naturally align very strongly.

  • @KH-ty4fi
    @KH-ty4fi 2 года назад +14

    Cernunnos has taken a very much "father" like role in my development. He has always been patient, loving even if at times his lessons seem cruel, it's always been a tough love wake up call. What instantly attracted me to him, was he is not aloof or subtle- you have no doubt when he is answering a call or bringing a lesson to you and he is a constant figure. I see his signs around me daily and everywhere, and he often visits me in the form of a rabbit (even though that's not a visage typically associated with him?)

    • @KH-ty4fi
      @KH-ty4fi 2 года назад +1

      @brittany metzler he likes being spoken with. I've never gotten a "im a God" vibe from him, just that he seeks to be brought into your life. I've never worshiped him but find just carving out the time to speak with him 1 on 1 each day has made a strong relationship. I've even began having him influence some of my tastes (like craving apple juice first thing in the morning- and no I'm not pregnant but apples are an offering he appreciates). Also to note, I speak to him with a soft c "Surn" as opposed to "Kurn" and was worried initially about the proper pronunciation. His response, which was clear as a bell "The name in which you use to call to me makes no difference, what matters is that you call. "

  • @Maiden_to_mother
    @Maiden_to_mother 7 месяцев назад +1

    I know you posted this 2 years ago but i just wanted to say thanks for posting. I’ve been in the arms of the Goddess for years now, and I think it’s time to emerge from her cocoon and dive into the divine masculine, which I’ve always been slightly weary of. The Stag has always been an animal of significance to me, as well as the serpent. Cernunnos is the obvious choice for me for many reasons. I’m excited to work with him and to bring balance to my practice and my life in general. I could stay all wrapped up in the moon forever but then I’d be missing out on the gifts of the Sun and all he has to offer. 🌞

  • @darrynmilanmedjeri
    @darrynmilanmedjeri 2 года назад +7

    I’ve recently started working with him also and can totally resonate with everything you have said in this video!!

    • @mysticwolfwitch
      @mysticwolfwitch  2 года назад +1

      I'm glad it resonates buddy I'll be doing more videos soon oh him and how to do different rituals too

  • @gooutside6055
    @gooutside6055 9 месяцев назад

    I’ve been very interested in this for a long time.

  • @uberscribbles7901
    @uberscribbles7901 9 дней назад

    My God🙏

  • @kenhouston814
    @kenhouston814 Год назад

    I've recently started down a path of exploring my own spirituality. The last few years I've been followed by hawks almost everywhere I go (lovingly call them my feathered stalkers). Not the same birds, but where ever I went, there they were, even having to live in the city. I've been called more and more back to the wild places, the forests like where I spent so much of my youth. I have an antler I found, when I was very young, in the bush. I first reached to Ullr about a month ago, but it didn't feel quite right. I can't actually remember what it was, but something changed my view and I reached out to Cernunnos. This has felt right.

  • @valeriemcquillan5065
    @valeriemcquillan5065 2 года назад +1

    Thankyou for your insight, I’ve been thinking about Cernunnos for some time now x

  • @aquaecoloratum
    @aquaecoloratum 7 месяцев назад

    This video made me cry💞

  • @torontoshirleywilliams6687
    @torontoshirleywilliams6687 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for this video. I look up all the time and can never find anything like this. Thank you

  • @kandie3127
    @kandie3127 2 года назад +1

    One night as I lay in wait of sleep, dreamland or astral travels, I decided to create this headpiece that I intended on reaching out deep into space from us here to contact someone out there but more of a "can anyone hear me" type thing.
    I was in my favorite place when I created this 5 point headpiece-- in the woods.
    I ended up in front of this open cliff face, just kinda chillin in the air up by the top when it started to shake & rumble. Soooo deafening. There was this huuuuuge face with the shorter antlers, if I remember correctly, he was waking up & slowly moving forward, out of the cliff. I flew back a good 15 ft when this started to happen, just startled lol. There was a guide chick in that green tan khaki uniform, with hat too. She was watching him & turning to me to tell me all this information about him. How he's had like 5 different names throughout the world throughout history but it's all been him. I can't remember the other things she was telling me bc when I woke up & was looking online to find out who that was, I typed in the 5 names, woods, antlers stuff. Cernunnos felt exactly right for the one I'd met, kinda.
    Oh yeah, the guide lady even had to start shouting louder over all the noise, haha.
    I'd vaguely been aware of Pan & maybe one other but hadn't dove in yet so I didn't even know Cernunnos was anything, let alone a powerful & nature being or god

  • @desireewelsh729
    @desireewelsh729 Год назад

    He came to me in a dream about a week ago. I was very caught off guard by his appearance and honestly was a little frightened. He showed me many past life memories, all being in nature (hunting with my father, relocating venomous snakes and playing in the woods as a child) but while I and whoever else were in the memories were blurred he was not. I feel he was telling me he's been there the whole time and he feels its time I know he's here too. I woke up wondering who it was or if it was just some crazy dream and later found a post talking about him. After a short internet search I absolutely bawled. I never knew of him or his name until that day. I have been making attempts to work with him since that day as I feel I have been called to do so.

  • @Wondering_Ghoul
    @Wondering_Ghoul 6 месяцев назад

    I always offer Cernnunos coins and whisky. I also offer dried herbs and seeds.

  • @soulcology
    @soulcology 2 года назад

    i’m so glad I stumbled across your channel it was so insightful I’m so grateful for your energy. New Subbie Here.

    • @mysticwolfwitch
      @mysticwolfwitch  2 года назад

      Thank you I'm glad it's helped you in some way 😊 blessings to you

  • @alanmd130
    @alanmd130 2 года назад

    Thanks for the advice

  • @jianbrack9096
    @jianbrack9096 2 года назад +4

    cernunnos is the only deity which i have felt very connected to and it is the most beautiful thing i have ever experienced. he has such a comforting presence and I feel very genuinely safe and loved when I am communicating or just spending time with him at my alter or in the woods. I did discover him through a story written in a fandom, a 'fanfiction' you could call it, but I felt so strongly connected to him beyond the character in the story that I started my path into celtic paganism. I was wondering your thoughts on this, as it has made me feel less authentic in my practice because of the way I came to it. I worry sometimes that I only just liked the story, and yet when I meditate and communicate with Cernunnos it feels more real and genuine than my daily life. This is a bit of a rant, and I apologize, but I wonder what you think?

    • @mysticwolfwitch
      @mysticwolfwitch  2 года назад +2

      Cernunnos has a very funny and unique way of getting our attention when he is calling to us and the way he called to you is him all over dear ☺️ I'm glad you heard his call

    • @jianbrack9096
      @jianbrack9096 2 года назад +3

      @@mysticwolfwitch i might cry, this made me feel so much better. this really means a lot

  • @ALANAH_2024
    @ALANAH_2024 2 года назад +2

    I think this is a sign, I was shuffling my tarot deck and just hours before thinking about a deity to work with but not knowing. His cars fell out of my deck and I researched him because I see his images everywhere.

    • @mysticwolfwitch
      @mysticwolfwitch  2 года назад +3

      Follow you're intuition he's definitely calling to you 🙂

    • @ALANAH_2024
      @ALANAH_2024 2 года назад +1

      @@mysticwolfwitch yep I just got my confirmation. I asked him if he was trying to contact me and I shuffled my deck. Three times his card ended on top.

    • @mysticwolfwitch
      @mysticwolfwitch  2 года назад +1

      @@ALANAH_2024 he is an amazing divinity to have on your journey ✨

  • @JamieRambles
    @JamieRambles 2 года назад

    Really interesting.

  • @julieallen8125
    @julieallen8125 2 года назад

    Thank you

  • @americandreamsicle1
    @americandreamsicle1 2 года назад

    Interesting introduction to Cernunnos

    • @mysticwolfwitch
      @mysticwolfwitch  2 года назад

      Thank you I will be doing a more in-depth video soon on cernunnos and different things that can be done to honour and work with him 🙂

  • @quinnblackburn6799
    @quinnblackburn6799 2 года назад

    I think you gave sound advice here

  • @Anton_the_Vampire
    @Anton_the_Vampire 7 месяцев назад +1

    I hope you don't mind me asking, but I've been seeing a "Stag Spirit in the forest" lots lately, but the name I'm getting is Herne. Could this be another aspect of Cernunnos, or is this likely someone else?

    • @mysticwolfwitch
      @mysticwolfwitch  7 месяцев назад +1

      Yes Herne is another aspect of cernunnos ☺️

  • @chanellekirch
    @chanellekirch 2 года назад +1


  • @tabathamichelle1278
    @tabathamichelle1278 2 года назад

    I sat down clear minded lit white sage and lit my gold candle I asked him does he wanna work with me I want to work with him I said give me a sign next day I went to my local witch shop a big Statue of him was for sale on the shelf is this confirmation?

    • @mysticwolfwitch
      @mysticwolfwitch  2 года назад +1

      Hello 👋 I would say this was a big yes for a sign of confirmation ☺️

  • @anecologistspeaks6422
    @anecologistspeaks6422 2 года назад +1

    Thank you. Had you already heard the name when asked him what it was? As in, did you know he existed before the introduction?

    • @mysticwolfwitch
      @mysticwolfwitch  2 года назад +2

      Heya no I'd never heard of him before asking

    • @anecologistspeaks6422
      @anecologistspeaks6422 2 года назад +1

      @@mysticwolfwitch thank you. That’s amazing. I had him come to me on a mushroom journey recently, but I already knew who he was.

    • @TheRealFastRabbit
      @TheRealFastRabbit 2 месяца назад

      He appeared to me during a basic spirit guide meditation I found. I was like that doesn’t resonate with me. Where did I get this crazy image of a nice looking ginger man with full stag antlers (weird) and a cloak. He seemed relaxed but strong. I had to research later, at first I just didn’t know what to do. No reference point. Now his attributes and connections, for me with Shiva, have sparked research and growth. I’ve been grateful but perhaps he will receive my first ever offering.

  • @moodymakeup8512
    @moodymakeup8512 11 месяцев назад

    I am getting signs antlers and found a staff with a top that looks like antlers I'm thinking he wants to work with me so I'm going to try to reach out and see!!

  • @houstonbuckley8466
    @houstonbuckley8466 Месяц назад

    Work with my last name how thoughtful lol 😮 its my last name family crest symbols on the rightside spot on in stone. Its like telling the world everything here is mine and ty for shopping let me bag your groceries as a parting gesture and i dont even know you thats the worst part lol 😂

  • @SleepyOtterpop
    @SleepyOtterpop 2 года назад

    I know I’m a bit late commenting but I’m unsure if cernunnos or Pan is reaching out to me and I was wondering what are some signs that he may be I’ve been looking everywhere and unfortunately I don’t have access to Books but I was wondering if anyone here had any knowledge of how you know cannunosis reaching out

    • @mysticwolfwitch
      @mysticwolfwitch  2 года назад

      One of the biggest ways he reaches out is by thinking about him alot and researching him, he can come to you in dreams or showing deers and other Various ways

    • @SleepyOtterpop
      @SleepyOtterpop 2 года назад

      @@mysticwolfwitch Thank you so much after doing a lot of digging I found out it was another dity who reached out to me one I did not expect to at all but your words mean so much thank you~

  • @Mothman1992
    @Mothman1992 4 месяца назад

    I'm confused. Shammanism is a Mongolian practice, what's cernunnos have to do with that

    • @mysticwolfwitch
      @mysticwolfwitch  11 дней назад

      Cernunnos is an ancient and connected to all the lands and the main connection with shamans is there connection the the lands around them

  • @chloemarshall420
    @chloemarshall420 2 года назад

    Black country ?? Xx

    • @mysticwolfwitch
      @mysticwolfwitch  2 года назад +1


    • @chloemarshall420
      @chloemarshall420 2 года назад

      @@mysticwolfwitch You can always tell 😂 Merry Meet, I'm from Hagley, was nice to see someone from round here doing this ⭐

  • @houstonbuckley8466
    @houstonbuckley8466 8 месяцев назад

    👈 see my last name lol

  • @stevenkyle2313
    @stevenkyle2313 Год назад

    You are so freaking cool. Can we be friends?