Dear Bob, you should play Mana Cho'Gath. Did you know that Muramana's passive activates twice on every auto with Cho'Gath E? This is why you should play Hail of Blades Cho'Gath top with Manaflow Band, building Muramana first item (or second if your tear stacks are slow). Then, you build any four of: Rod of Ages; the three Lost Chapter items; or Frozen Heart, in whatever order is best that game, in order to maximize the Muramana damage.
Dear Bob, Let me introduce you to the Lambojhini strategy. This is a Jhin build that's all about one thing: movement speed. You might be wondering, "How does that work with a champion who's all about precision and waiting for the perfect shot?" Well, my friend, here's the answer: Let's turn Jhin into a high-speed, four- shot menace. You're going to prioritize movement speed above everything. Forget about those standard damage items. We're here to make Jhin a zooming death machine. Start by building Boots of Swiftness for that lovely combat MS, then go into Shurelya's Battlesong for some extra speed and team utility. At this point 'u'll be zooming around ↓ the map like a Formula 1 car. Combine that with Kraken Slayer for damage, and you're good to go. For the runes, Phase Rush is your best friend. After you land a few basic attacks, bam you're off like a rocket, slinging your fourth shot while the enemy can barely keep up. Nimbus Cloak gives you an extra speed burst when you cast a spell, which you can use to zip away or chase down prey. If you're feeling extra spicy, grab Celerity and Water Walking for even more speed shenanigans. Yes, you can walk on water, Bob. It's time to break the laws of physics.
21:21 "I made that perfectly, man" (immediately gets ulted by lux, mysteriously cut in the video and next frame he appears with one more death in his KDA). Poetic. Never change, Brian ❤❤
Dear Bob you should play musical anxiety Draven (MAD for short). You are allowed to build whatever you want. The catch is you have a song, that won’t trigger RUclips copyright system, playing. If you don’t participate in a kill by the time the song is over then you have to burn a summoner spell and then restart the song. If you get a kill or assist then the song resets and the process begins again. I used to do this with “in the hall of the mountain king”.
Dear Bob. You should play Copy Kat. As most probably already know Katarina can somewhat play any build and succeed. You roll a die every time you fully build an item and depending where it lands (1 - top, 2 - jungle, 3 - middle, 4 - bottom, 5 - support, 6 - item you want to build), you copy their fully built item. (If they haven't built the item yet, you can only buy the components.) To make it easier for you the first item to be built is solely up to you, be it ad, ap, or tank. P.S. : I must apologize for my poor English, for English is my 4th language. P.S.S. : the runes depend on you to make it easier for yourself.
Dear Bob, you should try ot the "Lore accurate Lee Sin" (and Lissandra) strategy, where you have the in-game zoom to the maximum since the character is blind. The immersion increase will sharpen your senses and improve your gameplay!
Dear Bob, you should play ambulance Doctor Mundo. It's pretty much an ap, movement speed version of doctor Dr. Mundo but played as a jungler. For items go for anything that gives ap+ms or at least one of them. Always take blue smite and ghost. For runes you can try phase rush but if its not working out you can always go for fleet footwork. Also, max w. The whole idea behind this build is that Mundo is moving as fast as an ambulance towards his patients and he tries to help those in need with his good doctor skills but he doesnt realise that he is actually hurting them. You get bonus points if you talk like Mundo from time to time. Good luck Bob!
Dear Bob, I'm just checking in. I hope the holidays are treating you well! For the holiday season, you should play Santa Braum and bring the holiday cheer to the rift!
Dear bob , Play tank kennen In this strategy you go mid and get grasp of the undying runes Your core build is hollow radiance, riftmaker, heartsteal. I use this build and have a 70% i wish you luck
Dear bob, you should consider playing ap nunu support, as any good support you have to roam a lot, aiming towards a roam per 2 minutes. Using this technique you should be able to one shot the adc and help the top and mid lane so much that the games should end up with a pretty easy win.
Dear Bob, you should play Marksman ADC Ahri. You start Doran's Ring, then build Essence Reaver. Congrats! No more mana issues. From there, you build standard marksman items like IE and Shieldbow. You are now a marksman with Movement speed on W, a charm on E, and 3 dashes for your ult
Dear Bob, You should try the Vi-olent Versatility build! Vi scales with AD, AP, and HP, making her incredibly adaptable. Since attack speed suits her well, you'll have to at least build Guinsoo's Rageblade and Nashor's Tooth. From there, it’s up to you-you can take her in any direction, but don’t forget to stack some HP and AD for extra punch! You can even add some burn with Blackfire Torch or Liandry’s Anguish.
Dear Bob, Have you ever come across a build in the comments that seemed powerful or interesting, but didn’t get enough votes to be the top pick? Here’s an idea: why not choose 5 highly-rated builds from this year videos (excluding the top-voted comment) and play one game with each of them? It would be great if you let us know if you are doing this, so the community can revisit the comments and vote for their second-best favorite builds. The video would make a great End of Year Special!
Dear Bob, you should play ultimate gamer Hwei. You take Unsealed Spell book as you're rune and can only build active items. The more buttons you have, the better you are. I think it would really prove your skills as the ultimate gamer.
Dear Bob, You should play spin-to-win Katarina where you use a spinning wheel to choose your items, this works beacause Kat can use most stats and it will confuse your opponent.
Dear bob , you should play winter singed as the snowboard king and snowboard as fast as you can while slowing them down with your speed and snow hitting them . Basically rylies with the most speed you can possibly get
Dear Bob, you should play Professor Ryze, where you build regular ryze in midlane or toplane while helping your teammates improve by pointing out their mistakes constantly.
Dear Bob, You should play Perma Blind Teemo which prioritizes lowering your Q’s cooldown using attack speed to make it impossible for the enemy to auto attack you. Runes will be Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Alacrity, and Last Stand. Secondary runes will be Transcendence, and Gathering storm. Then run Attack Speed, Move Speed, and Scaling Health. Your item path will be Nashors Tooth, Beserker’s Greaves, Navori Flickerblade, Spear of Shojin, Wits End, and Blackfire Torch. Nashors Tooth is good to help you get through lane, as well as grants you the attack speed you need to lower your Q’s cooldown later on. Beserker’s Greaves are good for the attack speed to lower your cooldown later on, as well you can upgrade it to zephyr later on. Navori Flickerblade will lower the cooldown of your Q whenever you auto attack. Spear of Shojin will lower your Qs cooldown drastically. If you fully stack both Spear of Shojin, and Lethal Tempo, you are now capable of permanently blinding the enemy. Wits End will push you over the edge of not needing to fully stack lethal tempo to achieve perma blind. Blackfire Torch will push you to not needing to fully stack Spear of Shojin to achieve perma blind. The ability maxing will be Q>E>R>W. With Perma Blind Teemo, nobody will be able to auto attack you and I believe you can win all your games with this build! I believe in you Bob! Good luck!
Dear Bob, I think you should play W max Tank Pantheon, you will max W and build Heartsteel, Overlords Bloodmail, Ionian boots, Black Cleaver or Seryldas for the pen (instant pen with Seryldas if the enemy team is very squishy or Stacking pen + HP with Black Cleaver for tankier comps), Jak'Sho, and Titanic Hydra. Since his W damage% scales off HP and his empowered E resistances also scale with HP and the Overlords Bloodmail will give you lots of AD because of your high HP, and your ultimate gives you extra pen for your W damage, you will deal high damage and oneshot tanks + you will have a lot of Armor MR and HP. The gameplay is very simple, just use your empowered W first and use your basic attacks or Q to charge your empowered E which you will use when its ready for the resistances, or you could start with your empowered E if you need it since your empowered W auto attacks are just used to charge your passive and apply Hydra and Black Cleaver stacks. I really think you will enjoy this build since it can be played in Top, Mid, Jungle, or even Support if you get autofilled and you will be a tank-eraser bruiser that can rotate easily to help other lanes or gank with your R.
Dear Bob, You should play AD Bruiser Malphite top and clap on em. For runes you go Grasp if you are into tanks, Fleet if you are against ranged (ew), and PTA is you're feeling extra spicy. You build Experimental Hexplate, TriForce/Iceborn, and Ravenous/Titanic Hydra as the core and can finish the build based on situation (Sundered Sky/Sterak's/Black Cleaver/BotRK/Dead Man's). The tech is to ult on em and just start clapping them to death with W. With Experimental Hexplate, your ult gives you a nice boost of AS and MS. Q gives you good sticking power to extend a trade or to run away from one. E is secretly OP against AA-ing champs. It is a surprisingly effective pick against heavy AD team and not as boring as playing half tank Malphite (boring....). And even against AP teams, you are more of a threat because you actually do sustained damage. I hope this build can help you climb quickly. Sincerely, An Ex-AD Malphite Abuser (RIP Sword of the Divine)
Dear Bob, you should play critelsticks, since most of fiddlesticks’ abilities scale with ad you should build full crit. You can play it jungle, but if you want some fun, play it top.
Dear Bob, you should play 'Slow Troll Trundle' next. With many items having a slowing passive or active which he now has to buy and of course glacial augment slow the enemy for days while you run them down.
Dear Bob, you should try break the archetype Zilean. He'll never get the most votes but Neeko taught you that copying can't get you everywhere, so take Zilean with Demolish, 3 Kindlegems, and Recall Boots to keep your enemies guessing their plates fall one by one. I heard it's good.
Dear Bob, you should play Superman Bard, to do it, you need to follow some points: - you need to fly fast as fuck and have a flying tail, so for that reason Deadman plate will be always your First item. - like superman, you help people, not your trail so never pick trailblaze. - flying as speed of sound is necessary so every item you build need to give you movement Speed someway. - you must try to save everyone, meeps included, the city of summoner rift is a scared place to be alone. - once you unlock level six, you lane become "Map" and try to not stay too much in a single lane or they could discover your hidden identity. For runes, take red into blue, and put everything that made you go faster. The city need you, Superman Bard!
Dear Bob, I have a build you should play called "Fiddle diddle who's to tickle." The idea is to play Fiddlestick and get as many tickles as possible, which means, hide in bushes to catch the enemy off-guard, flash scares the enemy from behind the wall. BUT You must only build items that looks objectively scary to you and one other person have to agree that it looks scary.
Dear Bob, please try out gold gremlin Zeri. Making use of several AOE items and Zeri's auto attacks that can hit multiple targets, you shouldn't be seeing any pesky minions for long, you won't ever miss out on assists, and you'll be damaging the entire enemy team for free! Core items of the build will be Tiamat, Runaan's, and Statikk Shiv. I recommend starting Tiamat then finishing Statikk before your Hydra's item. If you want to finish with crit then build Rapid Firecannon, Flickerblade, or Phantom Dancer. If you'd prefer to double down on your on-hit effects then build into Guinsoo's, Kraken, or Black Cleaver.
Dear Bob, Please play Wuju Master Diana. This play style revolves around killing your opponents with auto attacks by weaving in abilities to proc her three hit auto passive which makes her auto faster and harder. you begin by building BORK, then berserker greaves. Afterwords you can either go nashors and/or guinsuu's Then kraken and/or wits end Then finish with a auto attack item of your choice! Enjoy! Sincerely, The snow prinse
Dear bob Teamwork makes the dreamwork so in the champ select ask your teammates which champ you are gonna play, which runes you go for and even which skin you should pick
Dear Bob, I think you should try exponentially stacking Smolder. Smolder’s passive stacks infinitely, so why not continue that trend? Take Grasp of the Undying, Conditioning, Overgrowth, Manaflow Band, and Gathering Storm for the extra stacks. Start with a tear for those additional stacks, then grab a Dark Seal. Build Hubris, Heartsteel, Bloodmail, and Rabadon’s (or boots if you need the movement speed). With the items and passive stacking off each other, Smolder can go beyond his normal stacking shenanigans.
Dear Bob, you should try AP assassin Twitch jungle. His slow scales with AP as well as his true damage burn and E leading to effective ganks, I heard its good.
Dear bob play proxy jax, you play with phase rush, mana flow and demolish the rest you choose. You go for nashor’s tooth and lich bane sorcers shoes then shadowflame, rabadons deathcap and end the build with zhonyas or what ever fits the best. Its important to play safe untill lvl 6 and proxy if you find the opirtunity. You max E then W. You will oneshot oponents because you deal more damage the more damage u take while you E. GLHF
Dear Bob, you should play Azir in the top lane with Grasp of the Undying. You should build a Heartsteel into Liandry's Torment then finally Abyssal mask or Zhonya's Hourglass. This build is very fun and easy to climb with, I hope you have fun with it.
Attempt 19 : Dear Bob, you should play Sle(i)eper-Senna (grasp, heartsteel, warmog, Bloodmail). You don't die and you hit hard ! I heard it's good...! ...After 40 minutes!
Dear Bob, you should play "Magic burning-sucker Trundle" I heard it´s good. You take Dark harvest, cheap shot, eyeball colletion, ultimate hunter, manaflow and celerity for runes. You start your build with Nashors tooth for early damage and then in whatever order: Liandrys, Riftmaker and Malignance, which are most important for the strategy, without them it completely fails as they give your ult the burn, lifesteal and magic penetration you need. You can choose rest of the items but they must be ap. The goal of this strategy is simply harrass enemies by sucking the living shit out of your enemies and burn them with your R, or bonk them with your magic stick. This strategy is simple, effective and will totally get you out of diamond.
Dear Bob, you should play "trap" nidalee. Her traps are normally not payed attention to. So get your double burn items of shadowflame and liandrys, a crystal scepter for 4 seconds of slowing, and your ap giga items of deathcap, shadowflame, and/or horizon focus. Bonus points of French maid nidalee being the "trap" lol.
Dear bob, you should play Idol Duo with Derrick, where you play as Serraphin and Sona on bot lane and destroy your enemies with power of friendshin and music!
Video 7 of Asking: Dear Bob, I think you should consider trying Magic Crit Yone Mid. As you may know has several abilities that deal seperate types of damage. His passive allows every other auto to deal half magic damage, his W deals split damage, his E deals true damage, and his Ultimate deals split damage. I believe that maximizing this damage could let you carry your games. The build includes the following items: Sorc Shoes (Higher magic pen = higher magic crits!), Infinity Edge (While not an AP item, this increases crit damage which is essential.), Shadowflame (The key to this build, since it lets your magic damage crit for even more damage.), Wit's End (More magic damage on-hit means more magic damage that can crit.), Phantom Dancer (More crit chance = more damage.) and finally Terminus (This item gives 30 magic damage on-hit, grants more magic pen and gives resists. What's not to love?) As for runes and summoner spells, I will leave that up to you, Bob. I believe in your genious decision making! To summarize; I firmly believe that the magic damage Yone deals is underutilized and that maximizing it will make you win more games!
Dear Bob, please play "Rabid Briar". this is a Briar build all about attacking as fast as you can and chunking people like a rabid dog. Take Hail of blades, Sudden Impact, eyeball collecter and treasure hunter for your first rune path with Legend: Alacrity and Cut down for your second path. For items you want to get BoRK and Kraken hunter for your first 2 items, berserker greaves for boots and phantom dancer to not worry about pathing around minions during your W, the other items are up to you to decide.
Dear Bob, You should play 10 death power spike Yasuo. Where you use past life experiences to beat the game. You pretty much play traditional Yasuo, but everyone knows that Yasuo will feed early on, they can't help it. For you this is okay as you will only be getting stronger. Once you hit 10 deaths however, it is imperative that you go ultra instinct and hyper focused, taking advantage of all the past live experiences to outsmart your opponent and ultimately win the game. Some clothing change to indicate your new elevated status may be helpful.
Dear bob, you should play full attack speed on-hit lvern. Build as many on-hit items and then sit inside of a bush while daisy attacks for you applying on-hit. (Daisy apply on hit effects and your W also grants on hit attack damage). I heard its great!
Also the Daisy does AD damage even if you build full AP, so the damage is hybrid! So broken! The build should be lich bane, nashors tooth, guinsoo's and terminus for armor and magic pen. If the enemy team has a lot of tanks you can also build BORK.
Dear bob, you should play ARAM. I heard it’s where all of the best players go to test their skills, and only the TRUE avatar can save the howling abyss.
Dear Bob, These builds people are suggesting are getting too meta now. I thought this was off the wall strategies.. I Present to you, Tankali Grasp for your Rune Akali's Items are as follows: Heartsteel, Defensive boots (Steelcaps or Merc Treads), Unending Despair, Spirit Vis, THEN round it out with whatever you want. More armour (Thornmail, Frozen Heart) or, More health (Warmogs, Icebourne Gauntlet) or, MR (Hollow Radiance, Kaenic) or, AP Bruiser (Liandrys, Abyssal) EVEN AD Bruiser (Sundered Sky, Titanic Hydra)
Hello Bob, May i suggest that you try Ryze Jungle, using the Ultimate to either Invade the enemy jungle, or get to objectives quicker without crossing midlane. (I'd reccomend E -> Q -> W Order and Max order, with Rod Of Ages, Ionian, and Seraph's core. Green smite.)
Dear Bob, you should be a STALKer by playing a Support Tank Awesome LeblanK (STALK). To do this play Leblanc support and just build tank and max your chains. You're in love with the enemy and you want to keep them close. Roam and CC are your only jobs, on a quest to find and lock down your true love. Good luck!
Dear Bob, you should try Thunder AP Jax mid. First build Stormsurge with Berserker's Greaves or tank boots. Then build a Shadowflame and Nashor's Tooth. Finish off the build with a lot of Ap Items. At the beginning of the Match, build Doran's Shield. The runes are: Electrocute, Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, Ultimate Hunter, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, double Adaptive and Tenacity. Just roam a ton and farm the enemy ADC.
Dear Bob, did you know that in terms of hp scaling and hp healing builds, Briar is the most compatible champion for humans? Not only are they in the bruiser group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Briars are an average of healing tanks and AD assassins, this means they’re large enough to be able handle ADC auto attacks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to insane life steal, you can be rough with any play. Due to their mostly bleed based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that a fed Briar would be incredibly strong, so strong that you could easily have plays with one for hours without getting bored. They can also buy the items Heartsteal, Black Cleaver, Spirits Visage, BORK, and Titanic Hydra, along with not having HP regen for adrenaline, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Blood Frenzy and Chilling Scream, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough Healing. No other champions comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Briar recall. Briar is literally built for Bob. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Life Steal means it can take damage all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more.
Dear Bob, you should play AP Rell top lane, I hear it's really good. Max Q first and build Rocketbelt and lich's bane for that HP, engage power and big % health damage on E, then build into Liandry's torment, Zhonyas and Rabadon's. For boots take steelcap boots for tank or swiftness for that extra horse speed. For runes take dark harvest with cheap shot, eyeball collection, relentless hunter and your choice of secondary runes (just whatever you're feeling from game to game.)
Dear bob, you should try a strategy called “degenerate gambling” its op. Where you always run twisted fate but your items and runes are completely randomized. As well as any true degenerate gambler you must try to take as many risk in the game meaning trying to take those dragon steals. Make a name for yourself in the game or go home with nothing
Dear Bob, you shuld try the Zac full ap build and be like a meteorite every time you use your E and land on the enemy, you can either try this on jungle or even top.
Dear Bob, You should play the Super Cho'Bob Strategy I heard its extremely good as not only is this predator silent, allowing you to end your enemies effortlessly. But the build allows you to not only have infinite scaling HP. But also allows you to have an extremely high amount of AP unimaginable of the average tank! You will surpass your limits and become a Super Cho'Gath. They ain't dealing with the average Bob. Your a super Bob. (Basically : You sit in a bush with Cho'Gath and assasinate people) Sincerely, Snipez.
Dear bob, I’ve heard that glacial augment aatrox is a great and highly adaptable support pick. If you’re ahead you can bully people with lethality items, you can build tank to support your team or lead from the front, or if you have faith in your adc to hyper carry, you can build items like redemption and Mikael’s Blessing to keep them safe. Or you can mix and match as needed for mix of offensive and defensive abilities. I look forward to hearing how it worked for you.
Dear Bob, you should play Swain Anvia bot lane with anvia adc. It has great scaling a strong level 2 power spike and a lot of cc. You also both get to be bird characters.
Dear Bob, you should play TANK EKKO. It was the coolest build back in the day. You queue up top, take grasp, and build either ice born gauntlet or heartsteel for some crazy stacking action. Then follow it with boots of your choice and nashors tooth for damage. After that you build items to help you destroy the enemy while staring in their face like an INVINCIBLE NINJA RAIDBOSS!
Dear Bob, You should play Tokyo Drift Jhin. Basically, Jhin gains a burst of movement speed every time he crits, and this speed scales with his attack speed. By building Phantom Dancer, Runaan's Hurricane, Navori Flickerblade (along with whatever else floats your boat), you can run laps around basically any champion in the game.
Dear bob, I see you liked Maokai. He has gotten mad because of deforestation and now require you to build full AP Maokai toplane to take revenge and take back the forest with your dangerous sapplings.
Dear Bob, you should play the fast Hecarim support strategy. As you may know, Hecarim’s passive allows him to gain AD as percentage of his bonus movement speed. This means that if you buy a bunch of support items with speed stats, it will actually give him a lot of AD ! This allows you on one hand to do a bunch of damage and one-shot the enemy ADC, but also to be able to have great engages as a support (especillay with your ult that fears the enemy). In order to do this, I recommend you building Shurelya’s with Dead Man’s Plate and Youmuu’s, and after build up some AP for your healing !
Dear Bob, You should try bruiser Draven. In our modern League climate, critical strike is a dead concept. With this strategy, you take Grasp runes for tankiness, then build items like Trinity Force, Ravenous Hydra, and Spear of Shojin. The goal is to use the extra on-hit damage from Trinity Force you get from your W proc and the extra tankiness from being a bruiser to win fights. Additionally, if the ADC role is undesirable to you, you can play him top or mid for a more duel-centric playstyle. Take care on this fine afternoon. Sincerely your loyal subscriber, thewaffletank
Dear Bob, you should try Robbin Hood Soraka: It's the usual healer soraka but this time with a twist; Instead of building warmog's or RoA and other support items you build lifesteal and omnivamp. You basically steal HP from the enemy and give it to your teammates in need. Runes: bloodline and Revitalize are the core runes, the rest are up to your judgement (like conqueror, fleetfootwork or grasp as mentioned in a reply). Items: anything that can be built that offers lifesteal/ with vampiric scepter and Riftmaker. Position: support
Dear Bob, This fun and actually legitimate strategy is the KEY to achieving Emerald in the next episode. You should try Critical Strike Zed. It's quite the simple strategy, you rush The Collector for that early Lethality and execute, after that you can go Essence Reaver, Infinity Edge and Lord Dominik's Regards in any order you like! Lord Dominik's can be replaced if there are no tanks in the enemy team or they aren't stacking armor. I leave the last item choice to you, crit or not. For boots, you can go either Ninja Tabi or Mercury Treads if you want to be a little more beefy, or Boots of Swiftness if you want to run faster. The idea of this strategy is to combo the enemy squishy targets and give them that SLAP with your passive and crit, while also being able to fight tanky targets due to having Lord Dominik's. Good luck.
Dear Bob, you should play naked feet infinite heal Briar. Her passive boosts her regeneration/heals from any source based on ehr max health. Make sure to take grasp of the undying, revitalize and the reju. winds, on secondary take lifesteal and triumph. Max E, W second, Q last. Use E towards wall and usually E at low-health Rush heartsteel, follow with undying despair, spirit visage, death's dance,overlord's bloodmail and finish with jaksho or sunfire. START DORAN'S SHIELD, BELIEVE ME, IT WORKS. Your priority early game isn't to farm, it is to stack as much grasp as you want(do farm however as you want to rush the heartsteel).
Dear Bob, you should play super positioning miss fortune. Your core items are Youmuu’s ghost blade, Experimental Hexplate, and a dps third of your choice before Rocket belt. Your strategy is to position and ult enemies down asap, by making use of strut, youmuu’s and belt to fly into the fight. For summoner’s, you have to have flash, and either teleport or phase rush. You do not have to only use ult, but for every fight you engage in, you have to use your ult as soon as possible, after getting into position.
The funniest part of this video is that the enemy olaf in game 4 had that same Kha'zix that bob got in Game 5, so when Kha'zix saw Bob pick olaf he probably thought "not again".
Dear Bob you should try Dalmatian Fizz ! Fizz support whose main objective to take kills lvl 2 ,3 and roam mid instant after recall first item is rocketbelt and after that standard Fizz build. you can start W so you can get lvl 2 before enemy bot than it is your choice Q or E second depends on situation . U just go into them with Q-auto-w or same with E, you can perma dive enemy adc with this strategy .GL in your climb !
To hit your e after a neeko ult, you can actually cast e during your ult animation. This prevents them from dashing or flashing as they overlap. Sincerely your local neeko/lillia main
Dear Bob, you should play ap irelia. This will mess up the opponent's gameplan, as rather than your dashes being the maon source of damage, you ult- e combo kinda just two-taps them and they die. Build burst, and electrocute/dark harvest for your keystone
Dear Bob, you should play 1-tap Thresh: -Max E first -Runes should be First strike or Dark harvest -Build Sundered sky for the granted first crit -build IE to crit even harder -Sorc shoes to maximize E magic dmg -Hubrys and collector could work fine next to pump up your dmg -last item is situational (GA, maw, death dance, serylda) HAVE FUN :)
Dear Bob , you should play River king Tahm Kench mid lane. You go fleet footwork to reach those pesky ranged champions with triump last stand and alacrity and resolve secondary with second wind and revitalize for maximum sustain. Items are Heartsteel , Unending Despair and spirit visage then you can go either for more ap with riftmaker or full tank it's up to you , happy frogging!
Dear Bob, you should play Shy Kassadin top lane. This is an AD Split Pushing build to ALWAYS auto reset with your W, and whenever someone comes to stop your beautiful pushing, you ult away and hide in the enemy jungle to steal camps where the enemy's disgusting prying line of sight can't find you. Rush attack speed and AD damage items like Triforce for extra W damage, and Statikk Shiv for waveclear. When you've inevitably run out of towers you can finish your build with some Crit items and two shot the enemy backliners
Dear Bob, I understand you’re looking for a detailed strategy to dominate your League of Legends matches. I’ll give you a full breakdown with a champion choice, optimal build, playstyle, and some general strategic tips. For this example, let’s go with Kai’Sa, an AD/AP hybrid ADC who can be very versatile in the current meta. Champion: Kai’Sa Role: ADC (Bot Lane) Lane: Bot Lane (with Support) Difficulty: Moderate 1. Runes Setup Primary Tree: Precision Keystone: Kleptomancy (or Lethal Tempo for more sustained DPS in teamfights) Triumph: Grants bonus health on takedowns, helping in teamfights. Legend: Alacrity: Increases attack speed as you attack enemies. Coup de Grace: Deals more damage to low-health enemies, which is great for securing kills. Secondary Tree: Sorcery Nimbus Cloak: Grants bonus movement speed after using summoner spells, giving you extra mobility to reposition in fights. Gathering Storm: Increases your damage output as the game progresses. 2. Summoner Spells Flash: For repositioning, dodging abilities, or escaping. Heal: To help yourself or your support in emergencies. If you want more aggressive potential, you can go for Ignite for extra kill pressure. 3. Item Build Starting Items: Doran's Blade: Provides early attack damage, lifesteal, and health. A good balance for laning. Health Potion: One for sustain in the early laning phase. Core Items: Galeforce: A solid Mythic item for mobility and damage. The active ability helps you reposition quickly, which is great for Kai’Sa’s playstyle. Kraken Slayer: If you prefer raw damage, Kraken Slayer is another strong Mythic option. It's particularly effective against tanky champions due to its true damage proc. Situational Items: Runaans Hurricane: Excellent for adding AoE damage, especially when you're facing multiple enemies or grouped-up teams. Lord Dominik's Regards: If the enemy team has high armor, this item will help shred through their defenses. Guardian Angel: Provides damage and a safety net with its passive revival effect, especially in the late game. Boots: Berserker's Greaves: For enhanced attack speed, allowing you to dish out more damage. 4. Gameplay Strategy Early Game (Laning Phase): Positioning: Your main role in the bot lane is to farm and scale. Kai’Sa is weak in the early game, so focus on last hitting minions and avoiding skill shots from the enemy bot lane. Stay safe until you have your first power spike with Galeforce or Kraken Slayer. Trading: Try to poke with your Q (Icathian Rain) and Passive (Living Battery) when the enemy is out of position. Use your W (Void Seeker) to poke or mark enemies for your follow-up damage. Watch for Roams: Always keep an eye on the enemy jungler. If they try to gank, use Flash or your Ultimate (Killer Instinct) to reposition and escape. Mid Game: Team Fights: Once you have your core items, Kai’Sa becomes much more dangerous. Stick with your team, use your W to poke enemies from a distance, and use your Ultimate to jump into the backline to secure a kill on squishy targets like the enemy ADC or mid-laner. Objectives: Focus on helping your team with objectives like Dragon and Rift Herald. You’re great at taking down these structures thanks to your damage output. Late Game: Positioning in Fights: Kai’Sa is very dependent on positioning in team fights. Stay in the backline at first and wait for your team to engage. Once you see a good opportunity, dive into the fight with your Ultimate, prioritize the enemy ADC or squishy carries, and use your Q and Auto Attacks to shred them down. Split Pushing: If your team is ahead, you can push side lanes to apply pressure while the rest of the team focuses on objectives. You’re quick at clearing minion waves with your damage and Q. 5. Additional Tips Early game farm: Kai’Sa relies heavily on gold and items, so make sure you’re getting consistent farm during the laning phase. If you fall behind in farm, it can be hard to catch up. Target priority: In fights, focus on squishy carries first, and avoid diving directly into tanks unless you’re confident in your team's ability to secure the kill. W placement: Your W is a skill shot, so aim it to poke enemies or mark them for your team. It also reveals hidden targets in brush, so use it strategically when checking areas of the map. With this build and strategy, you’ll be a major threat to the enemy team, transitioning smoothly into a powerful late-game carry. Remember to focus on your positioning and stay aware of the enemy threats-Kai’Sa is incredibly strong once she hits her power spikes, so don’t hesitate to engage when the time is right. Good luck on the Rift, Your Coach
Dear Bob,You Should Play pocket Sona jungle I Heard it's good! Runes: Primary: Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, Gathering Storm Secondary: Conditioning, Revitalize Stat Shards: +9 Adaptive Force, +9 Adaptive Force, +10-180 Health (based on level) Summoner Spells: Smite and Flash Items: Start with Mosstomper Seedling Rush Ionian Boots and Moonstone Renewer After that, buy 4 Forbidden Idols Complete them based on your team’s needs, usually in this order: Staff of Flowing Water Ardent Censer Mikael’s Blessing/Redemption (depending on if you need to dispel CC) Dawncore Ability Order: Start with Q Max W first, then level Q and E evenly Playstyle: Follow a standard jungle path: start Blue, then Red. After Raptors, rush the Red-side Scuttle, and continue your path from there. When you’re near a lane, even if you can’t gank, give your W to the laner to stack your passive. Alternative Version: For more movement speed (MS), you can run Celerity, Waterwalking, and Relentless Hunter in your runes, with MS stat shards. Start with Gustwalker Seedling instead of Mosstomper Seedling, and max W and E evenly. Take Ghost instead of Flash.
Dear Bob, Imagine this: You’re Mordekaiser, an unstoppable juggernaut not just shredding enemies but also out-healing their entire team. With a full heal build, you don’t just fight-you thrive. Mordekaiser’s abilities naturally benefit from sustain, his W converts damage taken and dealt into a massive shield or heal. A full heal build amplifies its second effect, making you nearly unkillable. Build full Ability haste and Heal power with items like AH boots, Moonstone Renewer, Staff of Flowing waters, Mikael's Blessing, Redemption and Spirit Visage. A full heal build Mordekaiser isn’t just about winning; it’s about asserting dominance. It’s about walking into fights knowing that no matter how much they throw at you, you’re coming out stronger.
Dear bob, you should play jungle mordekaiser. By going rocket belt first then swiftboots then into rylais to slow the enemy team, you can gurantee an insta kill ult every time u gank a lane, or when you are contesing drake you can 1v1 the jungler. I also recommend buying the orange egg for the slow since you already have movement speed from the swift boots.
Dear Bob, you should play on-hit Warwick in the top lane. You start with blade of the ruined king, grab a Guinsoo’s Rageblade, then a Terminus. All of the items you build aside from boots should grant some kind of on hit effect, Nashor’s Tooth for example. Take Lethal Tempo to complement your on-hit damage, and don’t be afraid to go hybrid damage! I hear it’s pretty good.
Dear Bob, you should try out Meltdown Cassiopeia, where you focus on your Q and buy items like Shadowflame and LIandry's to help with the burn, then poke out your lane opponent with the Q and get out of their range, letting them die to the burn instead of committing with your E.
"Dear Bob, my contacts on the FBI are telling me about a BOILING POINT NAMI build, you should play Nami with Dark Harvest, Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, and Ultimate Hunter, rush Luden’s Tempest, Nashor’s Tooth, and Liche to boil your enemies alive with fiery bursts of damage and harvest their souls for extra heat. All nami stat ecalate with AP. ALL OF THEM. Your teammates will be left steaming, and your enemies will expect a small splash, not boiling water. Turn the river into a jacuzzi of destruction. My regards."
Dear Bob, you should play Mana Cho'Gath. Did you know that Muramana's passive activates twice on every auto with Cho'Gath E? This is why you should play Hail of Blades Cho'Gath top with Manaflow Band, building Muramana first item (or second if your tear stacks are slow). Then, you build any four of: Rod of Ages; the three Lost Chapter items; or Frozen Heart, in whatever order is best that game, in order to maximize the Muramana damage.
Then*,* you build all three... I believe that's missing a comma. 😢
I didn’t even realise the muramana interaction occurred, will try in ranked!
@@KnowledgeIsRandom Thank you, fixed it
why no RoA?
@@vhfulgencio Could have sworn I included it, mb
dear Bob
He a little confused, but he got the spirit!
@@МарсКардунов Shouldn't 'd' be capitalized?
Dear Bob,
Let me introduce you to the Lambojhini strategy. This is a Jhin build that's all about one thing: movement speed. You might be wondering, "How does that work with a champion who's all about precision and waiting for the perfect shot?" Well, my friend, here's the answer: Let's turn Jhin into a high-speed, four- shot menace.
You're going to prioritize movement speed above everything. Forget about those standard damage items. We're here to make Jhin a zooming death machine.
Start by building Boots of Swiftness for that lovely combat MS, then go into Shurelya's Battlesong for some extra speed and team utility. At this point 'u'll be zooming around ↓ the map like a Formula 1 car. Combine that with Kraken Slayer for damage, and you're good to go.
For the runes, Phase Rush is your best friend. After you land a few basic attacks, bam you're off like a rocket, slinging your fourth shot while the enemy can barely keep up. Nimbus Cloak gives you an extra speed burst when you cast a spell, which you can use to zip away or chase down prey. If you're feeling extra spicy, grab Celerity and Water Walking for even more speed shenanigans. Yes, you can walk on water, Bob. It's time to break the laws of physics.
Dollar store The Fast be like:
Atk speed Jhin is better in that
Just build AS then Jhin passive gives him move speed lol. Also use hail of blades to get that AS surge.
Phantom dancer is a must as jhin crits = more lambojhini activations
@@gabrielfandaruffhartmann7481 But LamborJhini is the best.
21:21 "I made that perfectly, man" (immediately gets ulted by lux, mysteriously cut in the video and next frame he appears with one more death in his KDA).
Poetic. Never change, Brian ❤❤
Cutting the clip at 21:21 was criminal 😂
21:20 "i baited that perfectly man"
Perfect cut before lux ult connects and then plus one death on the next clip... Absolute cinema.
nah ts was too funny fr 😭
Dear Bob you should play musical anxiety Draven (MAD for short). You are allowed to build whatever you want. The catch is you have a song, that won’t trigger RUclips copyright system, playing. If you don’t participate in a kill by the time the song is over then you have to burn a summoner spell and then restart the song. If you get a kill or assist then the song resets and the process begins again. I used to do this with “in the hall of the mountain king”.
This is beautiful!
Actually genius, and only partially int, I do hope this strategy wins over others.
Get this to the top!
Super cool. But what happens if the song expires and no summoners are up?
@@uec_umbranecis1608 maybe you can burn it right away it comes up?
Dear Bob.
You should play Copy Kat.
As most probably already know Katarina can somewhat play any build and succeed.
You roll a die every time you fully build an item and depending where it lands (1 - top, 2 - jungle, 3 - middle, 4 - bottom, 5 - support, 6 - item you want to build), you copy their fully built item. (If they haven't built the item yet, you can only buy the components.)
To make it easier for you the first item to be built is solely up to you, be it ad, ap, or tank.
P.S. : I must apologize for my poor English, for English is my 4th language.
P.S.S. : the runes depend on you to make it easier for yourself.
Dear Bob, you should try ot the "Lore accurate Lee Sin" (and Lissandra) strategy, where you have the in-game zoom to the maximum since the character is blind.
The immersion increase will sharpen your senses and improve your gameplay!
If only Lee Sin could read this
Make this win
Great one
I think this wouldn't be fun to watch nwn
@@Joseferberger yea
21:19 perfectly baited, as all things should be
Dear Bob, play Minecraft.
Play modded Minecraft
Please do so, Bob! With great regards.
@@Jeffrey3924gregtech new horizons to be specific
How will he reach masters
Should be Rl craft dregora, normal minecraft would be too difficult.
Dear Bob, you should play ambulance Doctor Mundo. It's pretty much an ap, movement speed version of doctor Dr. Mundo but played as a jungler. For items go for anything that gives ap+ms or at least one of them. Always take blue smite and ghost. For runes you can try phase rush but if its not working out you can always go for fleet footwork. Also, max w. The whole idea behind this build is that Mundo is moving as fast as an ambulance towards his patients and he tries to help those in need with his good doctor skills but he doesnt realise that he is actually hurting them. You get bonus points if you talk like Mundo from time to time. Good luck Bob!
Way too many words
Dear Bob,
I'm just checking in. I hope the holidays are treating you well! For the holiday season, you should play Santa Braum and bring the holiday cheer to the rift!
Dear bob ,
Play tank kennen
In this strategy you go mid and get grasp of the undying runes
Your core build is hollow radiance, riftmaker, heartsteal.
I use this build and have a 70% i wish you luck
Dear bob, you should consider playing ap nunu support, as any good support you have to roam a lot, aiming towards a roam per 2 minutes. Using this technique you should be able to one shot the adc and help the top and mid lane so much that the games should end up with a pretty easy win.
Dear Bob, you should play Marksman ADC Ahri. You start Doran's Ring, then build Essence Reaver. Congrats! No more mana issues. From there, you build standard marksman items like IE and Shieldbow.
You are now a marksman with Movement speed on W, a charm on E, and 3 dashes for your ult
Dear Bob,
You should try the Vi-olent Versatility build! Vi scales with AD, AP, and HP, making her incredibly adaptable. Since attack speed suits her well, you'll have to at least build Guinsoo's Rageblade and Nashor's Tooth. From there, it’s up to you-you can take her in any direction, but don’t forget to stack some HP and AD for extra punch! You can even add some burn with Blackfire Torch or Liandry’s Anguish.
Dear Bob,
Have you ever come across a build in the comments that seemed powerful or interesting, but didn’t get enough votes to be the top pick? Here’s an idea: why not choose 5 highly-rated builds from this year videos (excluding the top-voted comment) and play one game with each of them?
It would be great if you let us know if you are doing this, so the community can revisit the comments and vote for their second-best favorite builds.
The video would make a great End of Year Special!
Dear Bob, you should play ultimate gamer Hwei. You take Unsealed Spell book as you're rune and can only build active items. The more buttons you have, the better you are. I think it would really prove your skills as the ultimate gamer.
0:55 most accurate neeko-splay
Dear Bob,
You should play spin-to-win Katarina where you use a spinning wheel to choose your items, this works beacause Kat can use most stats and it will confuse your opponent.
Dear bob , you should play winter singed as the snowboard king and snowboard as fast as you can while slowing them down with your speed and snow hitting them . Basically rylies with the most speed you can possibly get
Dear Bob, you should play Professor Ryze, where you build regular ryze in midlane or toplane while helping your teammates improve by pointing out their mistakes constantly.
This one is gonna be good :)
Dear Bob, you should play Naked Ivern. Your Ivern becomes naked, therefore you can only use abilities or auto attack when you are hiding in a bush
At this point i feel like people make a whole ahh word file about their suggestions and copy paste when Bob posts a new video XD
Dear Bob, You should play Perma Blind Teemo which prioritizes lowering your Q’s cooldown using attack speed to make it impossible for the enemy to auto attack you.
Runes will be Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Alacrity, and Last Stand. Secondary runes will be Transcendence, and Gathering storm. Then run Attack Speed, Move Speed, and Scaling Health.
Your item path will be Nashors Tooth, Beserker’s Greaves, Navori Flickerblade, Spear of Shojin, Wits End, and Blackfire Torch.
Nashors Tooth is good to help you get through lane, as well as grants you the attack speed you need to lower your Q’s cooldown later on.
Beserker’s Greaves are good for the attack speed to lower your cooldown later on, as well you can upgrade it to zephyr later on.
Navori Flickerblade will lower the cooldown of your Q whenever you auto attack.
Spear of Shojin will lower your Qs cooldown drastically. If you fully stack both Spear of Shojin, and Lethal Tempo, you are now capable of permanently blinding the enemy.
Wits End will push you over the edge of not needing to fully stack lethal tempo to achieve perma blind.
Blackfire Torch will push you to not needing to fully stack Spear of Shojin to achieve perma blind.
The ability maxing will be Q>E>R>W.
With Perma Blind Teemo, nobody will be able to auto attack you and I believe you can win all your games with this build! I believe in you Bob! Good luck!
Dear Bob, I think you should play W max Tank Pantheon, you will max W and build Heartsteel, Overlords Bloodmail, Ionian boots, Black Cleaver or Seryldas for the pen (instant pen with Seryldas if the enemy team is very squishy or Stacking pen + HP with Black Cleaver for tankier comps), Jak'Sho, and Titanic Hydra. Since his W damage% scales off HP and his empowered E resistances also scale with HP and the Overlords Bloodmail will give you lots of AD because of your high HP, and your ultimate gives you extra pen for your W damage, you will deal high damage and oneshot tanks + you will have a lot of Armor MR and HP. The gameplay is very simple, just use your empowered W first and use your basic attacks or Q to charge your empowered E which you will use when its ready for the resistances, or you could start with your empowered E if you need it since your empowered W auto attacks are just used to charge your passive and apply Hydra and Black Cleaver stacks. I really think you will enjoy this build since it can be played in Top, Mid, Jungle, or even Support if you get autofilled and you will be a tank-eraser bruiser that can rotate easily to help other lanes or gank with your R.
Dear Bob,
You should play AD Bruiser Malphite top and clap on em. For runes you go Grasp if you are into tanks, Fleet if you are against ranged (ew), and PTA is you're feeling extra spicy. You build Experimental Hexplate, TriForce/Iceborn, and Ravenous/Titanic Hydra as the core and can finish the build based on situation (Sundered Sky/Sterak's/Black Cleaver/BotRK/Dead Man's). The tech is to ult on em and just start clapping them to death with W. With Experimental Hexplate, your ult gives you a nice boost of AS and MS. Q gives you good sticking power to extend a trade or to run away from one. E is secretly OP against AA-ing champs. It is a surprisingly effective pick against heavy AD team and not as boring as playing half tank Malphite (boring....). And even against AP teams, you are more of a threat because you actually do sustained damage. I hope this build can help you climb quickly.
An Ex-AD Malphite Abuser (RIP Sword of the Divine)
Dear Bob, you should play critelsticks, since most of fiddlesticks’ abilities scale with ad you should build full crit. You can play it jungle, but if you want some fun, play it top.
Dear Bob, you should play 'Slow Troll Trundle' next. With many items having a slowing passive or active which he now has to buy and of course glacial augment slow the enemy for days while you run them down.
Dear Bob, you should try break the archetype Zilean. He'll never get the most votes but Neeko taught you that copying can't get you everywhere, so take Zilean with Demolish, 3 Kindlegems, and Recall Boots to keep your enemies guessing their plates fall one by one.
I heard it's good.
Dear Bob, you should play Superman Bard, to do it, you need to follow some points:
- you need to fly fast as fuck and have a flying tail, so for that reason
Deadman plate will be always your First item.
- like superman, you help people, not your trail so never pick trailblaze.
- flying as speed of sound is necessary so every item you build need to give you movement Speed someway.
- you must try to save everyone, meeps included, the city of summoner rift is a scared place to be alone.
- once you unlock level six, you lane become "Map" and try to not stay too much in a single lane or they could discover your hidden identity. For runes, take red into blue, and put everything that made you go faster.
The city need you, Superman Bard!
Dear Bob, I have a build you should play called "Fiddle diddle who's to tickle."
The idea is to play Fiddlestick and get as many tickles as possible, which means, hide in bushes to catch the enemy off-guard, flash scares the enemy from behind the wall.
You must only build items that looks objectively scary to you and one other person have to agree that it looks scary.
Dear Bob, please try out gold gremlin Zeri.
Making use of several AOE items and Zeri's auto attacks that can hit multiple targets, you shouldn't be seeing any pesky minions for long, you won't ever miss out on assists, and you'll be damaging the entire enemy team for free!
Core items of the build will be Tiamat, Runaan's, and Statikk Shiv. I recommend starting Tiamat then finishing Statikk before your Hydra's item. If you want to finish with crit then build Rapid Firecannon, Flickerblade, or Phantom Dancer. If you'd prefer to double down on your on-hit effects then build into Guinsoo's, Kraken, or Black Cleaver.
Dear Bob,
Please play Wuju Master Diana. This play style revolves around killing your opponents with auto attacks by weaving in abilities to proc her three hit auto passive which makes her auto faster and harder.
you begin by building
then berserker greaves. Afterwords you can either go nashors and/or guinsuu's
Then kraken and/or wits end
Then finish with a auto attack item of your choice! Enjoy!
The snow prinse
Dear bob
Teamwork makes the dreamwork so in the champ select ask your teammates which champ you are gonna play, which runes you go for and even which skin you should pick
Dear Bob,
I think you should try exponentially stacking Smolder. Smolder’s passive stacks infinitely, so why not continue that trend? Take Grasp of the Undying, Conditioning, Overgrowth, Manaflow Band, and Gathering Storm for the extra stacks. Start with a tear for those additional stacks, then grab a Dark Seal. Build Hubris, Heartsteel, Bloodmail, and Rabadon’s (or boots if you need the movement speed). With the items and passive stacking off each other, Smolder can go beyond his normal stacking shenanigans.
He already played this
@ I don’t see it in the Bob playlist
21:18 "I am so alive, haha, baited that perfectly" - final words
Dear Bob, you should try AP assassin Twitch jungle. His slow scales with AP as well as his true damage burn and E leading to effective ganks, I heard its good.
Dear bob play proxy jax, you play with phase rush, mana flow and demolish the rest you choose.
You go for nashor’s tooth and lich bane sorcers shoes then shadowflame, rabadons deathcap and end the build with zhonyas or what ever fits the best.
Its important to play safe untill lvl 6 and proxy if you find the opirtunity. You max E then W. You will oneshot oponents because you deal more damage the more damage u take while you E. GLHF
his neeko was clean fr
Dear Bob, you should play Azir in the top lane with Grasp of the Undying. You should build a Heartsteel into Liandry's Torment then finally Abyssal mask or Zhonya's Hourglass. This build is very fun and easy to climb with, I hope you have fun with it.
Dear Bob,
You should play Tank Fiddlesticks build Sunfire Aegis and tank items while using your drain (W) to SUCKKK the enemy during fights
Attempt 19 : Dear Bob, you should play Sle(i)eper-Senna (grasp, heartsteel, warmog, Bloodmail). You don't die and you hit hard ! I heard it's good...!
...After 40 minutes!
Dear Bob,
you should play "Magic burning-sucker Trundle" I heard it´s good. You take Dark harvest, cheap shot, eyeball colletion, ultimate hunter, manaflow and celerity for runes. You start your build with Nashors tooth for early damage and then in whatever order: Liandrys, Riftmaker and Malignance, which are most important for the strategy, without them it completely fails as they give your ult the burn, lifesteal and magic penetration you need. You can choose rest of the items but they must be ap. The goal of this strategy is simply harrass enemies by sucking the living shit out of your enemies and burn them with your R, or bonk them with your magic stick. This strategy is simple, effective and will totally get you out of diamond.
Dear Bob, you should play "trap" nidalee. Her traps are normally not payed attention to. So get your double burn items of shadowflame and liandrys, a crystal scepter for 4 seconds of slowing, and your ap giga items of deathcap, shadowflame, and/or horizon focus. Bonus points of French maid nidalee being the "trap" lol.
Dear bob, you should play Idol Duo with Derrick, where you play as Serraphin and Sona on bot lane and destroy your enemies with power of friendshin and music!
Video 7 of Asking:
Dear Bob, I think you should consider trying Magic Crit Yone Mid. As you may know has several abilities that deal seperate types of damage. His passive allows every other auto to deal half magic damage, his W deals split damage, his E deals true damage, and his Ultimate deals split damage. I believe that maximizing this damage could let you carry your games.
The build includes the following items: Sorc Shoes (Higher magic pen = higher magic crits!), Infinity Edge (While not an AP item, this increases crit damage which is essential.), Shadowflame (The key to this build, since it lets your magic damage crit for even more damage.), Wit's End (More magic damage on-hit means more magic damage that can crit.), Phantom Dancer (More crit chance = more damage.) and finally Terminus (This item gives 30 magic damage on-hit, grants more magic pen and gives resists. What's not to love?) As for runes and summoner spells, I will leave that up to you, Bob. I believe in your genious decision making!
To summarize; I firmly believe that the magic damage Yone deals is underutilized and that maximizing it will make you win more games!
Dear Bob, please play "Rabid Briar". this is a Briar build all about attacking as fast as you can and chunking people like a rabid dog. Take Hail of blades, Sudden Impact, eyeball collecter and treasure hunter for your first rune path with Legend: Alacrity and Cut down for your second path. For items you want to get BoRK and Kraken hunter for your first 2 items, berserker greaves for boots and phantom dancer to not worry about pathing around minions during your W, the other items are up to you to decide.
Dear Bob,
You should play 10 death power spike Yasuo. Where you use past life experiences to beat the game. You pretty much play traditional Yasuo, but everyone knows that Yasuo will feed early on, they can't help it. For you this is okay as you will only be getting stronger. Once you hit 10 deaths however, it is imperative that you go ultra instinct and hyper focused, taking advantage of all the past live experiences to outsmart your opponent and ultimately win the game. Some clothing change to indicate your new elevated status may be helpful.
Dear bob, you should play full attack speed on-hit lvern.
Build as many on-hit items and then sit inside of a bush while daisy attacks for you applying on-hit. (Daisy apply on hit effects and your W also grants on hit attack damage).
I heard its great!
Also the Daisy does AD damage even if you build full AP, so the damage is hybrid! So broken!
The build should be lich bane, nashors tooth, guinsoo's and terminus for armor and magic pen. If the enemy team has a lot of tanks you can also build BORK.
Dear bob, you should play ARAM. I heard it’s where all of the best players go to test their skills, and only the TRUE avatar can save the howling abyss.
i cant stop watching piant while thinking on SR PELO when he does his little voices when dying or being excited. Just
Dear Bob,
These builds people are suggesting are getting too meta now. I thought this was off the wall strategies..
I Present to you, Tankali
Grasp for your Rune
Akali's Items are as follows:
Heartsteel, Defensive boots (Steelcaps or Merc Treads), Unending Despair, Spirit Vis, THEN round it out with whatever you want.
More armour (Thornmail, Frozen Heart) or,
More health (Warmogs, Icebourne Gauntlet) or,
MR (Hollow Radiance, Kaenic) or,
AP Bruiser (Liandrys, Abyssal)
EVEN AD Bruiser (Sundered Sky, Titanic Hydra)
the perfect cut off doesn't exis- 21:18
Hello Bob,
May i suggest that you try Ryze Jungle, using the Ultimate to either Invade the enemy jungle, or get to objectives quicker without crossing midlane.
(I'd reccomend E -> Q -> W Order and Max order, with Rod Of Ages, Ionian, and Seraph's core. Green smite.)
21:21 that cut right before lux ults you at 200 hp is hilarious
Dear Bob, you should be a STALKer by playing a Support Tank Awesome LeblanK (STALK). To do this play Leblanc support and just build tank and max your chains. You're in love with the enemy and you want to keep them close. Roam and CC are your only jobs, on a quest to find and lock down your true love. Good luck!
Dear Bob, you should try Thunder AP Jax mid. First build Stormsurge with Berserker's Greaves or tank boots. Then build a Shadowflame and Nashor's Tooth. Finish off the build with a lot of Ap Items. At the beginning of the Match, build Doran's Shield. The runes are: Electrocute, Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, Ultimate Hunter, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, double Adaptive and Tenacity. Just roam a ton and farm the enemy ADC.
You told some day ago, if someone will catch you without your merch in video, that person will get something. This is the case.
isn't there merch hanging on the light in the background?
@ he said about wearing I think, but I could be wrong 😊
Dear Bob, did you know that in terms of hp scaling and hp healing builds, Briar is the most compatible champion for humans? Not only are they in the bruiser group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Briars are an average of healing tanks and AD assassins, this means they’re large enough to be able handle ADC auto attacks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to insane life steal, you can be rough with any play. Due to their mostly bleed based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that a fed Briar would be incredibly strong, so strong that you could easily have plays with one for hours without getting bored. They can also buy the items Heartsteal, Black Cleaver, Spirits Visage, BORK, and Titanic Hydra, along with not having HP regen for adrenaline, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Blood Frenzy and Chilling Scream, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough Healing. No other champions comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Briar recall. Briar is literally built for Bob. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Life Steal means it can take damage all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more.
25:49 bob was sweating for his life, meanwhile i was begging him to get the cannon
Dear Bob, you should play AP Rell top lane, I hear it's really good. Max Q first and build Rocketbelt and lich's bane for that HP, engage power and big % health damage on E, then build into Liandry's torment, Zhonyas and Rabadon's. For boots take steelcap boots for tank or swiftness for that extra horse speed. For runes take dark harvest with cheap shot, eyeball collection, relentless hunter and your choice of secondary runes (just whatever you're feeling from game to game.)
Dear bob, you should try a strategy called “degenerate gambling” its op. Where you always run twisted fate but your items and runes are completely randomized. As well as any true degenerate gambler you must try to take as many risk in the game meaning trying to take those dragon steals.
Make a name for yourself in the game or go home with nothing
Dear Bob, you shuld try the Zac full ap build and be like a meteorite every time you use your E and land on the enemy, you can either try this on jungle or even top.
Dear Bob, You should play the Super Cho'Bob Strategy I heard its extremely good as not only is this predator silent, allowing you to end your enemies effortlessly. But the build allows you to not only have infinite scaling HP. But also allows you to have an extremely high amount of AP unimaginable of the average tank! You will surpass your limits and become a Super Cho'Gath. They ain't dealing with the average Bob. Your a super Bob.
(Basically : You sit in a bush with Cho'Gath and assasinate people)
Sincerely, Snipez.
Dear Bob, please kindly implement the jumping-Talon strategy where the only ability you are allowed to use is E.
the cut from lux ult at 21:20 is hilarious
Dear bob, I’ve heard that glacial augment aatrox is a great and highly adaptable support pick. If you’re ahead you can bully people with lethality items, you can build tank to support your team or lead from the front, or if you have faith in your adc to hyper carry, you can build items like redemption and Mikael’s Blessing to keep them safe. Or you can mix and match as needed for mix of offensive and defensive abilities.
I look forward to hearing how it worked for you.
Dear Bob, you should play Swain Anvia bot lane with anvia adc. It has great scaling a strong level 2 power spike and a lot of cc. You also both get to be bird characters.
Dear Bob, you should play TANK EKKO. It was the coolest build back in the day. You queue up top, take grasp, and build either ice born gauntlet or heartsteel for some crazy stacking action. Then follow it with boots of your choice and nashors tooth for damage. After that you build items to help you destroy the enemy while staring in their face like an INVINCIBLE NINJA RAIDBOSS!
I swear to god the cuts right before he gets shutdown always have me dying like the lee sin early and the lux at 21:20
Dear Bob, you should play hidden splitpush Neeko. To do this you will disguise yourself as a neeko and splitpush.
Dear Bob,
You should play Tokyo Drift Jhin. Basically, Jhin gains a burst of movement speed every time he crits, and this speed scales with his attack speed. By building Phantom Dancer, Runaan's Hurricane, Navori Flickerblade (along with whatever else floats your boat), you can run laps around basically any champion in the game.
Dear bob, I see you liked Maokai.
He has gotten mad because of deforestation and now require you to build full AP Maokai toplane to take revenge and take back the forest with your dangerous sapplings.
Dear Bob, you should play the fast Hecarim support strategy.
As you may know, Hecarim’s passive allows him to gain AD as percentage of his bonus movement speed. This means that if you buy a bunch of support items with speed stats, it will actually give him a lot of AD ! This allows you on one hand to do a bunch of damage and one-shot the enemy ADC, but also to be able to have great engages as a support (especillay with your ult that fears the enemy). In order to do this, I recommend you building Shurelya’s with Dead Man’s Plate and Youmuu’s, and after build up some AP for your healing !
Dear Bob,
You should try bruiser Draven. In our modern League climate, critical strike is a dead concept. With this strategy, you take Grasp runes for tankiness, then build items like Trinity Force, Ravenous Hydra, and Spear of Shojin. The goal is to use the extra on-hit damage from Trinity Force you get from your W proc and the extra tankiness from being a bruiser to win fights. Additionally, if the ADC role is undesirable to you, you can play him top or mid for a more duel-centric playstyle.
Take care on this fine afternoon.
Sincerely your loyal subscriber,
Bob only lost lane because he didn't build like the Pantheon.
"Neeko is so easy!" -Building her meta build instead of copying the enemy xD
Dear Bob, you should try Robbin Hood Soraka: It's the usual healer soraka but this time with a twist; Instead of building warmog's or RoA and other support items you build lifesteal and omnivamp. You basically steal HP from the enemy and give it to your teammates in need. Runes: bloodline and Revitalize are the core runes, the rest are up to your judgement (like conqueror, fleetfootwork or grasp as mentioned in a reply). Items: anything that can be built that offers lifesteal/ with vampiric scepter and Riftmaker. Position: support
Dear Bob,
This fun and actually legitimate strategy is the KEY to achieving Emerald in the next episode.
You should try Critical Strike Zed. It's quite the simple strategy, you rush The Collector for that early Lethality and execute, after that you can go Essence Reaver, Infinity Edge and Lord Dominik's Regards in any order you like! Lord Dominik's can be replaced if there are no tanks in the enemy team or they aren't stacking armor. I leave the last item choice to you, crit or not. For boots, you can go either Ninja Tabi or Mercury Treads if you want to be a little more beefy, or Boots of Swiftness if you want to run faster.
The idea of this strategy is to combo the enemy squishy targets and give them that SLAP with your passive and crit, while also being able to fight tanky targets due to having Lord Dominik's.
Good luck.
Dear Bob, you should play naked feet infinite heal Briar. Her passive boosts her regeneration/heals from any source based on ehr max health. Make sure to take grasp of the undying, revitalize and the reju. winds, on secondary take lifesteal and triumph.
Max E, W second, Q last. Use E towards wall and usually E at low-health
Rush heartsteel, follow with undying despair, spirit visage, death's dance,overlord's bloodmail and finish with jaksho or sunfire.
Your priority early game isn't to farm, it is to stack as much grasp as you want(do farm however as you want to rush the heartsteel).
Dear Bob, you should play super positioning miss fortune.
Your core items are Youmuu’s ghost blade, Experimental Hexplate, and a dps third of your choice before Rocket belt. Your strategy is to position and ult enemies down asap, by making use of strut, youmuu’s and belt to fly into the fight.
For summoner’s, you have to have flash, and either teleport or phase rush.
You do not have to only use ult, but for every fight you engage in, you have to use your ult as soon as possible, after getting into position.
The funniest part of this video is that the enemy olaf in game 4 had that same Kha'zix that bob got in Game 5, so when Kha'zix saw Bob pick olaf he probably thought "not again".
Perfect cut at 21:15
Gigachad Brian talking to the landlord while on teamfight
Dear Bob you should try Dalmatian Fizz ! Fizz support whose main objective to take kills lvl 2 ,3 and roam mid instant after recall first item is rocketbelt and after that standard Fizz build. you can start W so you can get lvl 2 before enemy bot than it is your choice Q or E second depends on situation . U just go into them with Q-auto-w or same with E, you can perma dive enemy adc with this strategy .GL in your climb !
To hit your e after a neeko ult, you can actually cast e during your ult animation. This prevents them from dashing or flashing as they overlap.
Sincerely your local neeko/lillia main
Dear Bob, you should play ap irelia. This will mess up the opponent's gameplan, as rather than your dashes being the maon source of damage, you ult- e combo kinda just two-taps them and they die. Build burst, and electrocute/dark harvest for your keystone
Dear Bob, you should play 1-tap Thresh:
-Max E first
-Runes should be First strike or Dark harvest
-Build Sundered sky for the granted first crit
-build IE to crit even harder
-Sorc shoes to maximize E magic dmg
-Hubrys and collector could work fine next to pump up your dmg
-last item is situational (GA, maw, death dance, serylda)
Dear Bob , you should play River king Tahm Kench mid lane. You go fleet footwork to reach those pesky ranged champions with triump last stand and alacrity and resolve secondary with second wind and revitalize for maximum sustain. Items are Heartsteel , Unending Despair and spirit visage then you can go either for more ap with riftmaker or full tank it's up to you , happy frogging!
Dear Bob, you should play Shy Kassadin top lane. This is an AD Split Pushing build to ALWAYS auto reset with your W, and whenever someone comes to stop your beautiful pushing, you ult away and hide in the enemy jungle to steal camps where the enemy's disgusting prying line of sight can't find you. Rush attack speed and AD damage items like Triforce for extra W damage, and Statikk Shiv for waveclear. When you've inevitably run out of towers you can finish your build with some Crit items and two shot the enemy backliners
Dear Bob,
I understand you’re looking for a detailed strategy to dominate your League of Legends matches. I’ll give you a full breakdown with a champion choice, optimal build, playstyle, and some general strategic tips. For this example, let’s go with Kai’Sa, an AD/AP hybrid ADC who can be very versatile in the current meta.
Champion: Kai’Sa
Role: ADC (Bot Lane)
Lane: Bot Lane (with Support)
Difficulty: Moderate
1. Runes Setup
Primary Tree: Precision
Keystone: Kleptomancy (or Lethal Tempo for more sustained DPS in teamfights)
Triumph: Grants bonus health on takedowns, helping in teamfights.
Legend: Alacrity: Increases attack speed as you attack enemies.
Coup de Grace: Deals more damage to low-health enemies, which is great for securing kills.
Secondary Tree: Sorcery
Nimbus Cloak: Grants bonus movement speed after using summoner spells, giving you extra mobility to reposition in fights.
Gathering Storm: Increases your damage output as the game progresses.
2. Summoner Spells
Flash: For repositioning, dodging abilities, or escaping.
Heal: To help yourself or your support in emergencies. If you want more aggressive potential, you can go for Ignite for extra kill pressure.
3. Item Build
Starting Items:
Doran's Blade: Provides early attack damage, lifesteal, and health. A good balance for laning.
Health Potion: One for sustain in the early laning phase.
Core Items:
Galeforce: A solid Mythic item for mobility and damage. The active ability helps you reposition quickly, which is great for Kai’Sa’s playstyle.
Kraken Slayer: If you prefer raw damage, Kraken Slayer is another strong Mythic option. It's particularly effective against tanky champions due to its true damage proc.
Situational Items:
Runaans Hurricane: Excellent for adding AoE damage, especially when you're facing multiple enemies or grouped-up teams.
Lord Dominik's Regards: If the enemy team has high armor, this item will help shred through their defenses.
Guardian Angel: Provides damage and a safety net with its passive revival effect, especially in the late game.
Berserker's Greaves: For enhanced attack speed, allowing you to dish out more damage.
4. Gameplay Strategy
Early Game (Laning Phase):
Positioning: Your main role in the bot lane is to farm and scale. Kai’Sa is weak in the early game, so focus on last hitting minions and avoiding skill shots from the enemy bot lane. Stay safe until you have your first power spike with Galeforce or Kraken Slayer.
Trading: Try to poke with your Q (Icathian Rain) and Passive (Living Battery) when the enemy is out of position. Use your W (Void Seeker) to poke or mark enemies for your follow-up damage.
Watch for Roams: Always keep an eye on the enemy jungler. If they try to gank, use Flash or your Ultimate (Killer Instinct) to reposition and escape.
Mid Game:
Team Fights: Once you have your core items, Kai’Sa becomes much more dangerous. Stick with your team, use your W to poke enemies from a distance, and use your Ultimate to jump into the backline to secure a kill on squishy targets like the enemy ADC or mid-laner.
Objectives: Focus on helping your team with objectives like Dragon and Rift Herald. You’re great at taking down these structures thanks to your damage output.
Late Game:
Positioning in Fights: Kai’Sa is very dependent on positioning in team fights. Stay in the backline at first and wait for your team to engage. Once you see a good opportunity, dive into the fight with your Ultimate, prioritize the enemy ADC or squishy carries, and use your Q and Auto Attacks to shred them down.
Split Pushing: If your team is ahead, you can push side lanes to apply pressure while the rest of the team focuses on objectives. You’re quick at clearing minion waves with your damage and Q.
5. Additional Tips
Early game farm: Kai’Sa relies heavily on gold and items, so make sure you’re getting consistent farm during the laning phase. If you fall behind in farm, it can be hard to catch up.
Target priority: In fights, focus on squishy carries first, and avoid diving directly into tanks unless you’re confident in your team's ability to secure the kill.
W placement: Your W is a skill shot, so aim it to poke enemies or mark them for your team. It also reveals hidden targets in brush, so use it strategically when checking areas of the map.
With this build and strategy, you’ll be a major threat to the enemy team, transitioning smoothly into a powerful late-game carry. Remember to focus on your positioning and stay aware of the enemy threats-Kai’Sa is incredibly strong once she hits her power spikes, so don’t hesitate to engage when the time is right.
Good luck on the Rift,
Your Coach
Dear Bob,You Should Play pocket Sona jungle I Heard it's good!
Primary: Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, Gathering Storm
Secondary: Conditioning, Revitalize
Stat Shards: +9 Adaptive Force, +9 Adaptive Force, +10-180 Health (based on level)
Summoner Spells:
Smite and Flash
Start with Mosstomper Seedling
Rush Ionian Boots and Moonstone Renewer
After that, buy 4 Forbidden Idols
Complete them based on your team’s needs, usually in this order:
Staff of Flowing Water
Ardent Censer
Mikael’s Blessing/Redemption (depending on if you need to dispel CC)
Ability Order:
Start with Q
Max W first, then level Q and E evenly
Follow a standard jungle path: start Blue, then Red. After Raptors, rush the Red-side Scuttle, and continue your path from there.
When you’re near a lane, even if you can’t gank, give your W to the laner to stack your passive.
Alternative Version:
For more movement speed (MS), you can run Celerity, Waterwalking, and Relentless Hunter in your runes, with MS stat shards.
Start with Gustwalker Seedling instead of Mosstomper Seedling, and max W and E evenly. Take Ghost instead of Flash.
Dear Bob,
Imagine this: You’re Mordekaiser, an unstoppable juggernaut not just shredding enemies but also out-healing their entire team. With a full heal build, you don’t just fight-you thrive. Mordekaiser’s abilities naturally benefit from sustain, his W converts damage taken and dealt into a massive shield or heal. A full heal build amplifies its second effect, making you nearly unkillable. Build full Ability haste and Heal power with items like AH boots, Moonstone Renewer, Staff of Flowing waters, Mikael's Blessing, Redemption and Spirit Visage. A full heal build Mordekaiser isn’t just about winning; it’s about asserting dominance. It’s about walking into fights knowing that no matter how much they throw at you, you’re coming out stronger.
Dear bob, you should play jungle mordekaiser. By going rocket belt first then swiftboots then into rylais to slow the enemy team, you can gurantee an insta kill ult every time u gank a lane, or when you are contesing drake you can 1v1 the jungler. I also recommend buying the orange egg for the slow since you already have movement speed from the swift boots.
Dear bob, you should play kindred jungle with TP, and you place wards on your marks to tp to as well as ult + TP away from a bad situation
Dear Bob, you should play on-hit Warwick in the top lane. You start with blade of the ruined king, grab a Guinsoo’s Rageblade, then a Terminus. All of the items you build aside from boots should grant some kind of on hit effect, Nashor’s Tooth for example. Take Lethal Tempo to complement your on-hit damage, and don’t be afraid to go hybrid damage! I hear it’s pretty good.
Dear Bob, you should try out Meltdown Cassiopeia, where you focus on your Q and buy items like Shadowflame and LIandry's to help with the burn, then poke out your lane opponent with the Q and get out of their range, letting them die to the burn instead of committing with your E.
"Dear Bob, my contacts on the FBI are telling me about a BOILING POINT NAMI build, you should play Nami with Dark Harvest, Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, and Ultimate Hunter, rush Luden’s Tempest, Nashor’s Tooth, and Liche to boil your enemies alive with fiery bursts of damage and harvest their souls for extra heat. All nami stat ecalate with AP. ALL OF THEM. Your teammates will be left steaming, and your enemies will expect a small splash, not boiling water. Turn the river into a jacuzzi of destruction. My regards."