Britain's Biggest Brood: Life in a Large Family | Real Stories Full-Length Parenting Documentary

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 813

  • @ellalarkin1016
    @ellalarkin1016 5 лет назад +25

    What a loving , patient, tolerant man Tom is, and what a hardworking Mum Sue is. And the kids are all lovely. I don't understand why anyone would criticize them- Tom is working, financially supporting all of his children, Sue is at home taking care of all the children, they are not living off welfare. God bless and protect every member of this beautiful family.

  • @bonitaweekes4366
    @bonitaweekes4366 7 лет назад +150

    Didn't you all hear what the older girl said? she said that Mum gets time for all of them. Look the Dad took 4 boys fishing. The house is cleaner than some people who have 2 or 3. They are not starving or worrying anyone.

  • @music4music237
    @music4music237 8 лет назад +19

    I am impressed by the love. They take care of themselves and they have so much soul. God bless them.

  • @toridanielle333
    @toridanielle333 8 лет назад +229

    Ian and Sue seem incredibly sweet!

    • @christywright5439
      @christywright5439 8 лет назад +38

      +Tori Flot Yes I agree and they are so placid. No yelling and screaming at their children.

    • @teacherrl9840
      @teacherrl9840 7 лет назад +5

      Like they are dead inside. hahaha

    • @TheTess64
      @TheTess64 7 лет назад +11

      I agree they seem sweet, and their children too.

    • @BitterBetty76
      @BitterBetty76 7 лет назад +4

      I love the love shown between them! So sweet and kind hearted towards each other. (And truly in love. )

  • @madeleine8977
    @madeleine8977 8 лет назад +38

    This is a lovely family. And the Povey's support themselves independently. I admire them....

  • @misstynax3
    @misstynax3 8 лет назад +36

    I can not fathom how she does it but God bless her. It would be so overwhelming for me

  • @ainescanlon3049
    @ainescanlon3049 4 года назад +23

    Sue is such a loving mother. Such a Beautiful family

  • @emilylapara-hebert9028
    @emilylapara-hebert9028 8 лет назад +187

    Ok, but how sad was her story about sitting on the beach as a child by herself watching the other families play? As weird as this is, her story broke my heart.

  • @amberalcantara9293
    @amberalcantara9293 8 лет назад +62

    what a great man they keep me poor but they keep me happy and the mom is awesome

  • @StripesofShay
    @StripesofShay 8 лет назад +232

    God, let me marry a man as patient and loving as that father is.

    • @purplexninjamom
      @purplexninjamom 6 лет назад +4

      Yes. It´s not a man´s job to support his husband or wife. But it´s nice to have someone to love who loves you. Someone who supports you and you support them. It´s not wrong to want that. Shout out to my hubby

    • @nmmarquesm
      @nmmarquesm 5 лет назад +2

      I wish that too. But is not that easy!

    • @dimonddust4318
      @dimonddust4318 3 года назад +1

      @@purplexninjamom Umm.. that is exactly what a man's job is. It's what makes the world go round.

    • @elbroder8676
      @elbroder8676 2 года назад +1

      Its been five years, have you found that man?

  • @HerMajesty5
    @HerMajesty5 8 лет назад +84

    What a lovely family.they have a nice clean house too for that many kids. I'd like just 1/4 of her energy. God Bless them!

    • @nettlescats3796
      @nettlescats3796 6 лет назад +4

      What if she or her husband became disabled? Total disaster.

    • @shrubsteppers
      @shrubsteppers 3 года назад +4

      It's really easy to keep your house spotless if you have 15 unpaid workers. Especially when you consider that it's probably only clean when they invite camera crews inside to sing their praises.

    • @AnnieAnnieBuckwheatCakes
      @AnnieAnnieBuckwheatCakes 2 года назад

      The house is picked up cuz mom expects the older daughters to pick up her slack while tending to the babies & toddlers. And attempts to get pregnant again.
      Or, as someone else said, there's a cleanup before the camera rolls.

  • @lindamarie6574
    @lindamarie6574 7 лет назад +76

    they are self supporting, hard working, loving, tolerant, and obviously happy, so, to those who call them "selfish", take a look in the mirror. The Povey family are a great example of a true family which is rare anymore.

    • @Me-Want-SnuSnu
      @Me-Want-SnuSnu 5 лет назад +3

      it's selfish to force humans beings to live. they didn't choose to live. and it's destroying the earth

    • @chocolatemafia4303
      @chocolatemafia4303 4 года назад +1

      @@Me-Want-SnuSnu what is wrong with you

    • @Me-Want-SnuSnu
      @Me-Want-SnuSnu 4 года назад +2

      @@chocolatemafia4303 sorry I don't have a perfect world mentality. It's selfish to continually bring kids in this world. We are close to 8 billion, suffering and pain is part of life, etc. And IDC what anyone says. A family with that many kids cannot raise them right. The older children raise them. They do not get 1 on 1 with their parents.

    • @chocolatemafia4303
      @chocolatemafia4303 4 года назад +1

      @@Me-Want-SnuSnu if we dont have kids, well die out

    • @Me-Want-SnuSnu
      @Me-Want-SnuSnu 4 года назад +1

      @@chocolatemafia4303 good

  • @enelyawood
    @enelyawood 8 лет назад +119

    I have to say I've watched a lot of these benefits shows where there are large and small families living off the dole and they have all these tv's and video games and cell phones. I love seeing that not only does this family, even though their big, supports themselves but they don't resort to just sitting their kids in front of the tv or what have you. On rainy days she's finds other things other than tv or ipads to occupy her children. I think they're great parents and make the most of what they have.

    • @suetkoonlai6359
      @suetkoonlai6359 6 лет назад +2

      Lindsay Robinson I

    • @dlo111
      @dlo111 4 года назад +4

      And such a clean house for the amount of traffic, very well done.

    • @mh56487
      @mh56487 4 года назад +7

      They're not great. A good parent knows when to stop since you physically cannot give enough attention to all your kids when you have 15. Also the poor kids will never get privacy or a quiet evening. I'm worried about their grades too, having to study in that place would be a nightmare

  • @God.sDaughter
    @God.sDaughter 7 лет назад +9

    The mother is such an industrious lady.
    She's so dedicated to her motherhood journey.

  • @cheryldahl9192
    @cheryldahl9192 8 лет назад +80

    Nothing crazy about this, except the fact that she spends 3 hours ironing. I don't even iron for me! lOl

  • @dreamdancea.b5351
    @dreamdancea.b5351 7 лет назад +40

    So Ian works and earns 30k a year, that Fisk family of 14 from Ipswich are unemployed but earn almost 60k a year. Fair isn't it?

  • @manongtagaoman1054
    @manongtagaoman1054 5 лет назад +13

    " they keep me poor but I am happy" at least a positive attitude of a father

  • @aardvark1956
    @aardvark1956 7 лет назад +29

    The Poveys are a WONDERFUL, caring, responsible family. They share, help each other, are honest, hard working and loving. I'd love to meet them .

  • @kimberlytokome-maua5831
    @kimberlytokome-maua5831 8 лет назад +73

    ''they keep me poor, but keep me happy''
    PS; Alex should model

  • @jemjarvs
    @jemjarvs 8 лет назад +352

    Why on earth does she bother to iron?

    • @Ma05Lu
      @Ma05Lu 8 лет назад +9

      Thats what I thought 😄

    • @katiekat4457
      @katiekat4457 8 лет назад +21

      liz sewell I though the exact same thing. I never iron. Never. Ever.

    • @nidahocat171
      @nidahocat171 8 лет назад +15

      I think it's because they don't currently have a dryer. Line drying creates wrinkles - even in knits.

    • @thandoc3934
      @thandoc3934 8 лет назад +3

      you know....i wud not bother as well

    • @karenhearne7112
      @karenhearne7112 8 лет назад +17

      I just wouldn't worry about it. We all can wear crinkled clothes. I mean,I'm sure everyone knows they are from a huge family so who gives a bugger? Only exceptions would be dad's work clothes and the older high schoolers.....even then they'd have to do it themselves. She's only one person and they are the ones out to impress. Littler kids don't give a hoot! Cooking,washing,cleaning,driving,shoe polishing,shopping,managing etc. I would be delegating the hell out of that place. They will all benefit after all.

  • @goodday4112
    @goodday4112 7 лет назад +5

    my grandma had 8 and she was not a happy camper around the sixth. i always remember her as one tired grandma and very frugal with food. she worked hard all her life raising her kids.

  • @tiasara5967
    @tiasara5967 Год назад +9

    Her desire to never be lonely is a completely understandable fear.

  • @HPFangirl71
    @HPFangirl71 8 лет назад +238

    All the comments on here putting these people down!! Stop being so judgey!! At least they aren't asking for government handouts!! They take care of their own and all their kids seem happy and well adjusted!! Here in America, my husband has to work 2 jobs for us to afford what we want!! Also we live in subsidized housing or we'd have no luxuries at all!! These people seem to be doing just fine!! Just because her life goals are different from yours doesn't mean you have the right to call her selfish!! What about all the moms who work at having a career instead of staying home with their kids..... that's no more wrong than this!! She likes being a mum so leave her be!!

    • @87clits
      @87clits 8 лет назад +14

      HPFangirl71 卌 so wait, you don't think people should be so judgy, but you and your husband works two jobs and you live in subsidized housing, but what the hell are you doing all day? Taking care of kids? Why do you have children if you can't even afford to house and keep a roof over your head? Even worse if you're childless and it's just two of you, then your ass should never be given subsidized housing. It's a real shame that people think they should be given anything simply because they exist. Thanks freeloaders, enjoy the luxury off my hardwork, while I am homeless and working 50 hours a week.

    • @susanosborne5582
      @susanosborne5582 8 лет назад +2

      HPFangirl71you tell us😋😋😋😋

    • @StripesofShay
      @StripesofShay 8 лет назад +14

      clearly, your judgement shows how blessed you've been all your life. People who live with less should still enjoy having children.

    • @leedaniels2506
      @leedaniels2506 7 лет назад +2

      Be sure to tell the "Refugees" that. BBC seems to just be down on white people having children.

    • @al-bi7by
      @al-bi7by 7 лет назад +1

      Engelse Wit The US is different. As you can see from the comments in this thread American conservatives demand that anyone with less money than they live in misery. Poor people are NOT EVER to have any thing not necessary for life.

  • @leonhenry4861
    @leonhenry4861 7 лет назад +35

    a lot of negative comments in here. They are not sponging of anybody and the kids seem well rounded. I'm sure your lives are so perfect. Stop pointing fingers and mind your own business.

    • @timbirch3869
      @timbirch3869 5 лет назад +1

      I agree with you, but we have to hope that everyone doesn't do this or the planet will be too small.

  • @donyanaticSone
    @donyanaticSone 7 лет назад +7

    after 15 children, they still look so inlove like they're new lovers!😍😊
    they look like their nice people, and as long as they can provide the needs of their children, its fine.
    so stop judging them!

  • @seraphiccandy21
    @seraphiccandy21 8 лет назад +48

    They seem like lovely well adjusted kids :)

  • @MaryDublin2010
    @MaryDublin2010 8 лет назад +62

    one of the sons was holding the baby and shouts to his mum and says mum your brat just puked on me .

    • @emmae9924
      @emmae9924 8 лет назад +23

      Mary O'Connnor British humour

    • @luna-xl1xx
      @luna-xl1xx 7 лет назад +5

      that baby is his sisters baby. that's why he could her like that.

    • @maurabattersby3370
      @maurabattersby3370 5 лет назад +1

      Mary O'Connnor madness having so many children.

  • @blindpeopledostuff3587
    @blindpeopledostuff3587 8 лет назад +60

    The grandparents don't seem that happy or maybe they're just not use to the cameras.

  • @anastasiagirl1342
    @anastasiagirl1342 8 лет назад +41

    I love these documentaries

    • @knuddelkatze452
      @knuddelkatze452 6 лет назад +3

      Me too, it is just sad that some ppl are so judgemental of them!

    • @ImMePrincess
      @ImMePrincess 6 лет назад +2

      I do as well 💕. People judge what they can't relate to, don't understand, or subconsciously judge in others, what they don't like in themselves...then again some people are just judgemental. It's sad, but I believe we all judge to a certain extent; just my opinion. Hoping all is well.

  • @Springsdaisy
    @Springsdaisy 8 лет назад +18

    What a great, loving and patient family. God bless them.

    • @Springsdaisy
      @Springsdaisy 8 лет назад +4

      I would love to see a follow-up documentary of this family.

  • @maysmama1273
    @maysmama1273 5 лет назад +9

    I wish I could be as patient as the mom.

  • @luismanuel-tena
    @luismanuel-tena 6 лет назад +4

    How sweet what Alex said about his family.. I would not nock off anyone to make it smaller ... Excellent kids indeed.

  • @maryreynolds5310
    @maryreynolds5310 8 лет назад +71

    I think this is an extraordinary family..I have great respect for this mother and father! Also, the kids that work and help I believe they are being very gracious and respectful of their parents. All these kids will grow up with great values and structure in their own lives. All these children are treated and cared for very very well! I would have loved to have a mom and dad like this couple. Such good kind people. Thumbs up forsure!! I hope to see how this family is doing a few years from now. Please keep us informed :)

    • @joycampbell6157
      @joycampbell6157 7 лет назад +6

      Mary Reynolds I just started watching this video and im maybe 10 mins into it and I already LOVE THIS FAMILY!!! I wanted to stop and read some comments b4 I went any further.... They seem like a very loving couple and the children seem to be well mannered!!! I hated seeing such negative comments about them simply bc IF THEY ARENT LIVING OFF GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE AND THEY CAN FINANCIALLY PROVIDE FOR ALL THE KIDS THEN IM ALL FOR COUPLES HAVING LARGE FAMILIES!!! I was a only child I wld of loved a bro or sis when i was little so when i got married I wanted at least 5 or 6 but it just wasnt possible for me and Im happy with the 2 that God blessed me with!!! Im hoping to adopt one day! Ty for posting a positive and beautiful comment!!!

    • @Miriboheme
      @Miriboheme Год назад

      why would you respect anyone that selfish and stupid? do you not understand that the world is grossly overpopulated to the point where the entire planet is practically on fire? are you people deaf, dumb, and blind as well as stupid? wtf?

  • @KindvanLig
    @KindvanLig 8 лет назад +59

    I'm never moaning about housework again!

    • @sunbunni39
      @sunbunni39 6 лет назад +4

      Renate - Me either. I do two loads of laundry a day and I thought that was excessive. After seeing her do 9 to 11 loads a day and hang them out to dry, I'll never complain again. Lol

  • @poppykok5
    @poppykok5 8 лет назад +34

    I'd LOVE to be from a large and close loving family...These children are so fortunate...

    • @Miriboheme
      @Miriboheme 2 года назад

      the world is overpopulated. it is selfish and stupid to have more than two kids.

  • @heatherjocobsen9562
    @heatherjocobsen9562 4 года назад +3

    I think this is a bloody awsome family , there was 8 kids in my family so only half what they have , and we all enjoyed ourselves and there was no telly back then, thoroughly enjoyed watching this.

  • @carlodigma5128
    @carlodigma5128 7 лет назад +5

    What a blessing and happy family... God bless.....

  • @jasonbourne6323
    @jasonbourne6323 8 лет назад +5

    All the best for this family. Great watch.

    • @ellalarkin1016
      @ellalarkin1016 5 лет назад

      Sorry about your flashbacks, J. Get well soon.

  • @annaluvsbobmarley9130
    @annaluvsbobmarley9130 8 лет назад +26

    Wow they seem to be more hands on then the Duggers. Love how the mom doesn't depend on the kids to do the house chores.

    • @kandyswan2765
      @kandyswan2765 3 года назад +3

      Right! The Duggers got nothings on this family. They aren't all brain washed, nor making the children do their siblings raising or the house work. I actually like this family....

  • @BaconNtofu
    @BaconNtofu 8 лет назад +45

    at that point, my kids would either be wrinkly or very efficent self ironers lol

  • @leereadman9940
    @leereadman9940 8 лет назад +11

    what an amazing mum. congrats to you all l think its wonderful. l only have 3 wish ld had alot more l think your an amazing mum wow

  • @denisenoles3159
    @denisenoles3159 7 лет назад +24

    Props to mom and dad! If a couple can take care of the kids, I don't care how many children they have. The kids seem well-adjusted and well-taken care of. I have a problem with people who have a lot of kids but neglect or abuse them or depend on the government.

  • @alexr1865
    @alexr1865 8 лет назад +84

    I have one sister and that's even more than I can handle

  • @MsRazno
    @MsRazno 6 лет назад +6

    Wonderful family! They made everything themselfs, they don't live on benefits. Big love!

  • @hassanadaani2359
    @hassanadaani2359 8 лет назад +11

    why most negative comments leave the family alone they are beautiful family

  • @gailbarrett9834
    @gailbarrett9834 Год назад +2

    What a beautiful family. Awesome parents and house so organized and take care of their own! Those kids with be amazing contributing adults. 🙏❤️🤗

  • @savannaking9833
    @savannaking9833 6 лет назад +9

    I love the bedrooms,nice house...Good for them ,they look happier than most couples or small families.. Mostly ,they do it on their own,no help.

  • @ocmiss
    @ocmiss 8 лет назад +42

    The water bill must be insane with that amount of laundry.

    • @TheRealEvvonne
      @TheRealEvvonne 6 лет назад +1

      ocmiss I was thinking the same thing and the electric bill too 😂

  • @Teaally1913
    @Teaally1913 3 года назад +1

    This family seem very happy and the parents are so patient

  • @Slytherin14567
    @Slytherin14567 Год назад +1

    Amazing family!! love the mom, my goodness, she works all day long, and is still happy.. I admire her for that. I only have two littles, and don't have her patience... The dad is amazing too. Great father

  • @sheilachatel6301
    @sheilachatel6301 6 лет назад +3

    What a loverly family .god bless them

  • @bonniebabyboo3095
    @bonniebabyboo3095 5 лет назад +6

    I just really enjoyed this lovely couple with their 15 lovely children. And, thank them so much for sharing parts of their lives. I hope there will be more episodes on their family.

  • @geoffhubbard1254
    @geoffhubbard1254 7 лет назад +4

    I was the youngest of 15 ... 9 boys 5 girls . There was no twins, my dad worked hard . Dad had no siblings.. we learnt to make do and that carries on in the rest of your life

  • @jasmineshores8305
    @jasmineshores8305 7 лет назад +8

    I love how the parents described the kids by personality 👏🙏

  • @corinneballard4404
    @corinneballard4404 7 лет назад +8

    Omg the mom's childhood was so heartbreaking

  • @lindadobson9854
    @lindadobson9854 8 лет назад +15

    At Least they don't live on welfare like some that we know! And I love that they save even for a yearly vacation!!

  • @AmandaAllen-c2q
    @AmandaAllen-c2q 11 месяцев назад +1

    My great grandma was one of 13 great grandpa was one of 10..but both my mom and grandma were each 1 of 3. For most of my life, it was just myself. It wasn't until college that I had a brother.

  • @kynearamsey1968
    @kynearamsey1968 26 дней назад

    I find these parents are so patient and loving. I don't know how they do it

  • @milianorth655
    @milianorth655 8 лет назад +20

    "chris...mmh...well...chris is his own person" so funny haha

  • @troublesome.94
    @troublesome.94 7 лет назад +30

    I think these women are addicted to being pregnant & the unconditional love a newborn baby provides, then once the baby is old enough to form their own opinions, discarded, time to get pregnant again. I don't believe each child gets the individual love and support required...messed up, not fair.

    • @naseerahvj
      @naseerahvj 5 лет назад +3

      I disagree often this is the case, but not always. I think this woman loves having a full home, not nessarally newborns. She knows each child as an individual.

  • @leamay56
    @leamay56 6 лет назад +3

    Wewow..spotless house. no yelling or smokes and cans of beer....everyone will be educated or work a job contribute to society......the Mom should teach all the people on Beneifits Britian how to handle it all without being on depression and disabled. This family is so awesome and they should be Proud and deserve all the praise they get and will get in the future.

  • @JojoplusBo
    @JojoplusBo 7 лет назад +1

    BE WARNED: "do not take on a Povey at a game of musical chairs" it and this loving and well grounded sweet family. How could you not wish them the very best in life. G'day from Sydney Australia Povey Family :))

  • @nmmarquesm
    @nmmarquesm 5 лет назад

    It is calmer and cleaner than I expected! Im amazed! Who i am to judge it seens to be a happy family!

  • @joshuahedglen9042
    @joshuahedglen9042 5 лет назад +8

    I have five siblings, and I thought our family was large. This family seems really happy tho so I’m not judging

  • @katjiang4510
    @katjiang4510 8 лет назад +15

    wow...same parents but they look so different

  • @theresabaker8952
    @theresabaker8952 8 лет назад +10

    i just love the British accent!

  • @activeincolorado
    @activeincolorado 7 лет назад +7

    I love this family! Most of these videos I have watched the parents are so over whelmed that they rely on the older kids to take care of the younger kids. Its warming to see the parents take the responsibility of their decisions and step up and do it all on their own.

    • @CJMGalaxy
      @CJMGalaxy 2 года назад

      I agree. It's rare to see a large family that doesn't resort to parentification of their oldest kids. It's standard operating procedure in the large fundamentalist Christian families here in the States. But Sue and Ian seem truly dedicated to their kids, and quite loving.

  • @orangegold2481
    @orangegold2481 5 лет назад +1

    May God bless these parents for this huge responsibility.

  • @andreipopa5821
    @andreipopa5821 8 лет назад +8

    Haveing so many children it's also a blessing! ;-)

  • @theresabaker8952
    @theresabaker8952 8 лет назад +18

    I admire this Mum! 15 children! We need more honorable Women and mothers!

    • @juliepaperno7036
      @juliepaperno7036 7 лет назад +4

      Theresa Baker this is a nice family I have six children and she is doing a amazing job

    • @missblueberry1033
      @missblueberry1033 5 лет назад +1

      Theresa Baker yes and we need more men who want to support a (big) family :)

  • @thepixiefiles7711
    @thepixiefiles7711 6 лет назад +13

    God bless this moms heart! I mean, she does it! My dad was one of 8(11 originally) mom one of 7. It was amazing growing up with so many cousins! If you can swing it and not live off of benefits, you get all of my support!

  • @treasurz1
    @treasurz1 8 лет назад +22

    3 hours of ironing and you have all those kids? I don't think I've done 3 hours in the last year. Some things should just be left if not necessary, I never have understood why some people iron so much. If someone knows why (or is an avid ironed themselves) please feel free to educate me, I'm genuinely interested.

    • @acousticitie
      @acousticitie 8 лет назад +7

      i dont get it either. i had a job as a cleaning lady when i was a teenager, and the family even paid me to iron their pajamas... so unnecessary

    • @Anessa64222
      @Anessa64222 8 лет назад +10

      I know your comment is old but someone mentioned that because she line dries the clothes, she probably irons them since they get way more wrinkled, but to be honest, I wouldn't iron the little kids clothes, maybe the older kids could iron their own, and just do the husband and her clothes but yeah, there's no way I'd spend that much time purely ironing, even in a year.

    • @TheRealEvvonne
      @TheRealEvvonne 6 лет назад +2

      treasurz1 I only iron dress clothes (and other clothes) that are clearly wrinkled. However, they may iron a lot because she has to line dry. Using a dryer usually eliminates most wrinkles. Line drying does not.

    • @missblueberry1033
      @missblueberry1033 5 лет назад

      treasurz1 I iron all my cloths, cuz I'm a perfectionist and hate wrinkles xD
      but honestly even I wouldn't spend that much time on ironing...I'd rather spend it on cleaning, I couldn't live in her house, it is so dirty and there is so so so much chaos and the toothbrushs *frightend look * (okay understandable if u have this many kids)...I spend at least 2 hours/day on cleaning every inch in my 40 qm apartment (I even vacum+clean under/behind the couch, my bed and capports every yeah...I'm a little OCD and better shouldn't have (many) kids anyways ^^)....if I was her I would spend my whole day cleaning the house I guess xD

  • @nwofforijeoma9020
    @nwofforijeoma9020 7 лет назад +1

    i love ur family, very organize and peaceful

  • @LatinRose0424
    @LatinRose0424 7 лет назад +2

    Ian and Sue are the most wonderful and selfless people I have ever seen. Those kids are incredibly lucky to have parents like them. To many kids for my taste but I'm not the one supporting them so who am I to say anything? How can anyone call them selfish when those kids aren't suffering or in need of anything and they are not asking for a handout or help from the government, like welfare or food stamps, they do it all on their own. I just have an issue with one thing, if those were my kids they would all help me with the cleaning. laundry and Ironing. Everyday they would have a chore outside of keeping their room clean.. I love this family!! God bless them!📿

  • @luismanuel-tena
    @luismanuel-tena 6 лет назад +3

    I support this large family 100%. They all are lovely. Good kids and their parents are two diamonds. All the best to you all.

  • @mohammadzaid1221
    @mohammadzaid1221 3 года назад +4

    Here I am struggling to decide if I even want one child.
    They are a lovely family.
    But they live my nightmare. Too many Children. ❤️

    @OXFORDUK44 7 лет назад +1

    The both PARENTS are JUST LOVELY

  • @nadiapralija4222
    @nadiapralija4222 6 лет назад +9

    Love love this family, the mum and dad are so calm, so loving, I wish I had of grown up in this wonderful family ❤️🦋🌈

  • @t4r4k4y
    @t4r4k4y 3 года назад +1

    This woman is an absolute saint!

  • @Insertuserr
    @Insertuserr 8 лет назад +6

    "Chris.. he's his own person" Lol... that's their way of saying Chris is special.

    • @naseerahvj
      @naseerahvj 5 лет назад +2

      There's one in every family

  • @ScottVSpiroIII
    @ScottVSpiroIII 7 лет назад +3

    Amazing. Imagine the grandchildren to come! Povey genes will be spread far and wide.

  • @ddaagggg
    @ddaagggg 8 лет назад +28

    One bathroom 😰😖

    • @emmae9924
      @emmae9924 8 лет назад +3

      Diana Garza we had 9 in our family and one bathroom. This family had more bath rooms. You cope.

    • @nunya2954
      @nunya2954 5 лет назад

      They have one in the master bedroom. Did you miss that part? I am sure the children are allowed to use it.

    • @withintheshyness
      @withintheshyness 4 года назад

      Nun Ya I think they have one for the master so the parents can go in peace.

  • @debibarrington8348
    @debibarrington8348 6 лет назад +2

    What a preety lady and awesome mom

  • @mythomasmoney1988
    @mythomasmoney1988 3 года назад +2

    I’m 33 and I have 9….and yes they all know there daddy and I see my kids all the time.. some of them live with me…………… but on another note just make sure Yal spend plenty of time with Chris too he seems out of it sometimes but still seems like a great kid just a lil xtra attention could prevent a lot of future hurt…bless u guys

  • @zohar1099
    @zohar1099 6 лет назад +4

    So much love, happiness and joy around this special family. The kids are wonderful and the parents are as well. In old age, these parents will have the best attention and care. Truly blessed couple and family!

  • @amom2my3kids72
    @amom2my3kids72 8 лет назад +5

    i seen this years ago, they seem so normal..does anyone have a update on this family?

    • @angelabell8725
      @angelabell8725 3 года назад

      I would think all the kids are aall grown and moved out.I would love to see an update.

  • @nunurbuisness5877
    @nunurbuisness5877 8 лет назад +4

    it's good to see sombody have kids

  • @ladychasehart8433
    @ladychasehart8433 8 лет назад +18

    there doing a grate job with the kids. only $180 on shopping I spend like $300 on 2 kids

    • @XxXAngelGilbertXxX
      @XxXAngelGilbertXxX 8 лет назад +5

      miss chase Hart 180 pounds is like $230

    • @TheRealEvvonne
      @TheRealEvvonne 6 лет назад +1

      miss chase Hart she said she spends 180 pounds PER WEEK (not month).

    • @rebeccamartinez1214
      @rebeccamartinez1214 6 лет назад

      Pounds, not dollars. And in 2003, not 2017.

  • @Gypseygirls
    @Gypseygirls 5 лет назад +3

    beautiful ppl💟💟🇨🇦

  • @ibelongtojesus0316
    @ibelongtojesus0316 3 года назад

    They love each other they look eye to eye. Now that's wow.

  • @becca8423
    @becca8423 5 лет назад +8

    I do love that they make a point out of birthday celebrations. I am from a very large family and I can remember so many combination birthdays and I think the individual celebration is important in terms of the development of individuality.

    • @smc130
      @smc130 11 месяцев назад

      We had combined birthdays in a family of only 3 kids.

  • @elfling1362
    @elfling1362 7 лет назад +5

    Awesome family..lovely to see parents that love their kids so much.all the washing ironing and work that goes into it.good on them!!

  • @terryansell6641
    @terryansell6641 3 года назад

    What fun and joy to come home after work to this family

  • @snoko2
    @snoko2 8 лет назад +13

    I would love 3 or 4 kids and everyone I tell thinks I'm insane. Including my parents and my boyfriend. They think that's a crazy amount and everything more than two is just way too many. I think I'm going to show them this video. hahaha

  • @jonathanbussu6748
    @jonathanbussu6748 4 года назад +3

    What a beautiful sight!!
    As a only child I can say from my experience I always felt lonely and always dream of having this one day. A big family is my dream.

  • @mattiesmith1
    @mattiesmith1 5 лет назад

    Beautiful and large loving family. The parents are caring and give each child their time and support. The older ones are not taking care of the young ones but the parents are. No one is complaining. The account for each child’s birthday, Christmas and going on holidays etc. I would suggest clipping coupons and bulk shopping but I don’t know if the U.K. has that but if she’s ironing 3hrs a day then when will she find the time. God bless this house of love in one large family. Applause 👏

  • @tatenda1735
    @tatenda1735 8 лет назад +53

    If this was an American family, I guarantee that they would've been over religious and didn't send their kids to school and had an awkwardly close bond with each other.

    • @kahlendurin9632
      @kahlendurin9632 8 лет назад +5

      Like that creepy family...the one that used to have a tv show...the Duggors or something like that. the one with 20 kids? Didn't they get banned from tv because of some incest shit that went down and the parents accepted it even though as you say they were over the top religious?

    • @tatenda1735
      @tatenda1735 8 лет назад +5

      Kahlen Durin yup, that's them. They were weird.

    • @kahlendurin9632
      @kahlendurin9632 8 лет назад +9

      Tatenda Madondo Weird and creepy as shit!

    • @pinkiesue849
      @pinkiesue849 7 лет назад +5

      thank you for making all 330 million of us all alike.

    • @TheRealEvvonne
      @TheRealEvvonne 6 лет назад

      Tatenda Madondo not true at all. That was just the Duggers and cults 💀🙄😂

  • @barbaragardner8626
    @barbaragardner8626 Год назад

    I can’t imagine anyone wanting to do this. Good luck to this family and God Bless

  • @hj2298
    @hj2298 7 лет назад

    The parents are patient and loving and the younger kids are adorable and the older kids are very respectful and helpful

  • @samaracade352
    @samaracade352 6 лет назад +4

    Wonderful family! I love it! May The Lord continue to bless them and keep them! Amen