Relationships | Girls Gone Bible

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
    our loves. hiiiiii.
    today we hit our most requested topic (i think its all anyone wants to talk about lol)
    RELATIONSHIPS! we've touched on dating & relationships before but we believe it'll be an ongoing conversation within GGB because there's always so much to talk about!
    we touch on how important it is to be equally yoked and what God wants for us in a relationship/marriage. how it's so important our partner loves us the way Jesus loves us.
    we talk about red flags & non negotiables. masculinity & femininity. gender roles.
    how men and women can best serve each other in a relationship.
    we take it back to the beginning and read about the creation of Adam and Eve-- the first real relationship in the Bible!
    "And above all things have fervent love for one another, for 'love will cover a multitude of sins.'" 1 Peter 4:8
    let's learn to love each other right. let the love we display outwardly be a reflection of the spirit of God within us.
    we love you so much. Jesus loves you more.
    -Ang & Ari
    if you’d like to support Girls Gone Bible 🙏🏻🕊️🤍

Комментарии • 628

  • @claudenegysman
    @claudenegysman Год назад +281

    It's so encouraging hearing sisters talk about God and reading the bible. Just obey Him with joy and He will do the work.

    • @theefreedomkingdomclub8060
      @theefreedomkingdomclub8060 Год назад +1

      Obeying means uniting, as one body: The Church~ and through man He fulfills the work. Through man~ Freedom Shall Be #WhyDivision #WhyHate #WhyBrokenFamilies #WhyHindranceOfTruth #BEaLight4HisTruth

    • @americanswan
      @americanswan Год назад

      LEVEL 1 - Reward and punishment Right and wrong is determined by whoever holds the power to rule by threat of punishment and hope of reward. Mercy (failure to punish) is seen by others at this level as being weak, rather than being moral. This is the level ancient Israel operated at as slaves in Egypt. They did what the task masters said in order to avoid punishment. People at level one insist that God uses his power to torture and kill the unrepentant wicked, as evidenced when he first established his credentials to rule Israel by acts of punishment upon the Egyptian gods, and by mighty, spectacular miracles demonstrating the Egyptian gods were not gods at all. This level of thinking is so primitive that it doesn’t even require a brain; the mind is completely sidelined. Animals, plants, and even bacteria can be conditioned to avoid painful stimuli and grow toward rewarding stimuli. It is Satan’s goal to reduce mankind to “brute beasts and creatures of instinct” operating at level one. Satisfaction Theory of the atonement most closely matches Level One thinking, which is summarized as follows: God said don’t do something, but when we disobey and do what God said not to do, this dishonors and offends him. Therefore, in his justice, he responds with angry vengeance to execute the disobedient to satisfy his outrage. But then Jesus stepped in between God and man to become humanity’s substitute. Thus, instead of killing man, God killed his Son in our place and is now satisfied that his honor and justice are preserved.
      LEVEL 2 - Marketplace exchange Right and wrong is determined by an equitable agreement between two parties, also known as quid pro quo - “I’ll do something for you if you do something for me.” At this level vengeance is a moral duty. People who do evil must be paid back with an equal amount of pain and suffering, in other words, “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” To not return pain and suffering is considered immoral. This was ancient Israel saying at Sinai, when the law was first read, “All the Lord has said, we will do." Ransom Theory of the atonement most closely matches Level Two thinking, which is summarized as follows: Because earth and humanity are now the legal property of Satan and under his control, the devil claimed legal rights to this earth and the lives of the descendants of Adam and Eve. Therefore, God struck a bargain with the devil to exchange the life of Christ for the lives of the rest of humanity.
      LEVEL 3 - Social conformity Right and wrong is determined by community consensus, for example, when a child says, “But everyone else is doing it.” Right is deemed right by the approval of peers. This was ancient Israel when they wanted kings. All the other nations had kings, so it must be right, thus Israel demanded to have kings. Governmental Theory of the atonement most closely matches Level Three thinking, which is summarized as follows: In order for everyone to be convinced that God is fair and right in dealing with sin and sinners by inflicting torturous punishment, somebody has to pay the price. That somebody is Jesus, because he’s the only one who could pay that price to get mankind off the hook.
      LEVEL 4 - Law and order Right and wrong is determined by a codified system of rules, impartial judges, imposed punishments, and respect for authority. Right is getting a proper pay or reward for good work, and proscribed and inflicted punishment for breaking the rules. Authority figures are rarely questioned, “He must be right, because he is the President, the Judge, the Pope, God, etc.” This was ancient Israel at the time of Christ - “we have a law!” they proclaimed, as they sought to stone Jesus for healing on the Sabbath. This is much of our modern world, with its codified laws, courts, prosecutors, judges, juries, and imposed rules. Authority at this level rests in the coercive pressure of the state to bring punishment upon those who deviate from the established laws. At this level, police agencies and law enforcers are required to monitor the population, searching for breaches in the law in order to impose standardized penalties. Penal Substitution Theory of the atonement most closely matches Level Four thinking, which is summarized as follows: Jesus died to pay the legal penalty the law demanded and the heavenly judge imposed. The law must be kept. Man broke the law, thus justice demands and requires the imposition of the proper punishment. Someone had to be executed to pay the legal penalty. Jesus became our substitute and was executed in our place by God the Father (as the righteous judge) to pay that penalty. In doing so, the integrity of the law is maintained and sinners can be pardoned, but only if they claim the legal payment made by Jesus.
      LEVEL 5 - Love for others Right is determined by doing what is in the best interest of others, realizing people have value in who they are irrespective of the rules. Wrong is determined, not by a checklist of rules, but by not doing what is actually helpful and beneficial for another. Jesus demonstrated this when he touched lepers, spoke to women, socialized with tax collectors, and healed on the Sabbath. The Pharisees, operating at level four and below, wanted to stone Him for breaking the law. Moral Influence Theory of the atonement most closely matches Level Five thinking, which is summarized as follows: Sin separated us from God and corrupted our hearts, so that we no longer trusted God, but God loved us too much to let us go, so Christ’s death was the means to reach us with his love and restore us to trust in him.
      LEVEL 6 - Principle based living Right is understanding the design protocols and principles upon which life is constructed to operate and intelligently choosing to live in harmony with them. Right is not doing something because a rule says to do so, but because it is understood to actually work this way. This was Jesus living out God’s character of love in all He did, and the Apostles after Pentecost. It is understood that God says what is right because it is right, because it is the way things actually are. It isn’t right simply because God said it. Recapitulation and Christus Victor Theories of the atonement most closely matches Level Six thinking, which is summarized as follows: Christ’s life, death, and resurrection is understood to be the only means to fix what sin had done to God’s creation. When mankind sinned, the condition of humankind was changed, placing it out of harmony with God and his design for life. Humankind was now held in bondage by their own condition of sinfulness (carnal nature), their terminal state (death), and the lies about God told by Satan. Christ came to break these three powers and fix what sin has done to this creation. Thus “he who knew no sin became sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God.” 2Cor 5:21.
      LEVEL 7 - Understanding Friend of God Those at this level not only have love for God and others (Level 5), not only understand God’s design protocols for life (Level 6), but also understand God’s purposes and intelligently choose to cooperate in fulfilling their role in His purposes. Jesus said to His disciples in John 15:15, “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” People at this level understand the truth about God’s character of love, His nature and design for life, the origin of evil, the nature of sin, the weapons of Satan, the original purpose for the creation of humanity, the fall of humanity into sin, God’s working through human history, the purpose of the Cross, and the ultimate cleansing of the universe from sin. Jesus operated at this level, as will all those who are ready for translation when Jesus comes again. Healing Substitution Reality most closely matches Level Seven thinking, which is summarized as follows: The plan of salvation is understood to have a deeper and broader intent than just the redemption of the human species. Both level five and six are true: God’s character of love has been misrepresented, His methods of truth, love, and freedom have not been fully understood, so God had a larger purpose than just the salvation of humankind; He was also solidifying the unfallen beings in loyalty to His design methods and character of love. 🎉😊❤

    • @caleschnell
      @caleschnell 9 месяцев назад


    • @Chris_Sheridan
      @Chris_Sheridan 6 месяцев назад

      John 14:12
      Most truly I say to you, whoever exercises faith in me will also do the works that I do; and he will do works greater than these, because I am going my way to the Father.

    • @aprilmenchaca2269
      @aprilmenchaca2269 2 месяца назад


  • @tonimargaret-ann2643
    @tonimargaret-ann2643 Год назад +25

    this is truly beautiful, the way you both speak is so elegant and clear. it's great to reflect on our own relationships and start practicing being softer, kinder, more compassionate, not judging and putting the other person first no matter what. Selflessness is everything. Doing everything with a smile and never a sigh is everything. Being in a relationship can be hard yes, but it shouldn't ever be a chore. Relationships and being in love is a choice, choosing each other every day and knowing that you aren't both alone in stormy times, God is there to look up to and guide when needed. 💞

  • @sirmrs6952
    @sirmrs6952 Год назад +460

    Arielle doesn’t need to be edgy. We love her Country Club Hamptoms Mom vibe

    • @amaragrace94
      @amaragrace94 Год назад +23

      Lmao that is such a cute description.

    • @familyengineering5591
      @familyengineering5591 Год назад

      Have you seen her youtube vids from 10 years ago?

    • @sirmrs6952
      @sirmrs6952 Год назад

      @@familyengineering5591 no why?

    • @dylancooper3690
      @dylancooper3690 Год назад +2

      Whatever vibe I'm getting from Arielle, it ain't "Mom" ...

    • @KaiserBP
      @KaiserBP Год назад

      ​@familyengineering5591 she was wildlin?

  • @daliagonzalez4135
    @daliagonzalez4135 Год назад +32

    I loved that you guys emphasized having the title of a "Christian" vs evidence of fruit that comes from actively pursuing Christ and his righteousness + what is found in the word that DEFINES a Christian. Great job ladies, that is SUCH an important distinction to be made. So excited for these episodes, keep them coming! Much love :)!

  • @knightsatin
    @knightsatin Год назад +14

    Very clear and direct message on a subject that concerns many people. Thanks girls. Arielle, sorry you've had such a bad time this last week, may God restore all you lost and more. 🙏ing for you both

  • @Haille__Esterhuizen
    @Haille__Esterhuizen Год назад +2

    When i tell you, this week i prayed about a certain relationship/s that i have with certain people and what their intentions are and are they sent from god and this episode airs! God works in mysterious way! Praise God🙌 his truly amazing in his way and his time. Amen

  • @alexmendez4453
    @alexmendez4453 Год назад +5

    I can’t say this enough, I love you guys so much!!
    I felt like I was in the room with you guys bonding and hanging out 😊❤️ this was so great!! I love what Ari said about Ang because friendships and romantic relationships have a lot in common. Be kind, listen, be supportive, allow people to be silly and make mistakes. But most importantly, pray!! Pray for your partner and your friendships. I wish we were getting daily episodes honestly 🫶🕊️

  • @Sojournersantini
    @Sojournersantini Год назад +3

    Listening to you read the Bible is delightful, a good woman forms her man like a sister forms her student.

    • @nathanmccumber8965
      @nathanmccumber8965 9 месяцев назад

      Make sure it's king James bible brother get baptized in name Jesus Christ only.

  • @aceknight9167
    @aceknight9167 Год назад +31

    Ladies.. be women of strength and virtue. Be a Proverbs 31 Woman. And gentlemen.. be godly men that put God first. Date with the intentions of becoming a married couple and do not drag the relationship or engagement for years and risk of falling into sexual sin..

  • @Houghtonmorton1410
    @Houghtonmorton1410 Год назад +164

    I'm blessed! $60,000 every month. I can now give back to the locals in my community and also support God's work and the church, God bless America

    • @Houghtonmorton1410
      @Houghtonmorton1410 Год назад

      My wife and myself started out with $8,000 and get a windfall of $60,000 every month guaranteed from returns

    • @TyreseBright
      @TyreseBright Год назад

      Couple goals 😁

    • @stevenmike7775
      @stevenmike7775 Год назад

      That's an outrageous figure you making, how do you come about that in a month? I'd like to know how and if you could put me on, I'd appreciate that

    • @TyreseBright
      @TyreseBright Год назад

      Okay! Do pardon my poor sense of humor. I'm happy for your family, but then how do all that? How do you about making that much in such a period?

    • @ayafakiri
      @ayafakiri Год назад

      Something makes me feel this has got to do with trades yeah? Nonetheless, I still need to know how you go about numbers

  • @alinagherasim2037
    @alinagherasim2037 Год назад +10

    Absolutely love you guys, God bless you guys. These videos have helped me so much you don’t even understand.

    • @nathanmccumber8965
      @nathanmccumber8965 Год назад

      Read scpitures for yourself king James God word in English or listen to it on RUclips. But stop watching youtube to learn about God only way is to read or listen to bible. Faith come by hearing the word of God.
      1 Peter 1:23-25
      King James Version
      23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.
      24 For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away:
      25 But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.

  • @AndrewBrophy-Romans8.1
    @AndrewBrophy-Romans8.1 Год назад +5

    No question in my mind God brought these two ladies together

  • @isaura-22
    @isaura-22 Год назад +9

    16:21 I know alot of woman who say this and find out after 22 years of marriage so sad. I also know men who say if only I had not gone I would not have done these things. I think woman and men need to protect their marriage and have a bond of togetherness. Understand the others weaknesses and help them not sin. Even if that means sorry you can’t travel without your spouse.

  • @michellearchuleta7881
    @michellearchuleta7881 5 месяцев назад

    Wow, the segment about how the man works so hard and not being demanding about attention, leaving them alone, space, etc was just for me. Exactly what I needed to hear. Also, it was funny, but not funny when you said living in LA is like being in a Babylon movie, I could only imagine. You girls are a light in the darkness.

  • @SuperBarton2011
    @SuperBarton2011 Год назад +5

    a follower of christ will pour love into your lives , true love waits

  • @icecastles7
    @icecastles7 Год назад +3

    I love you both! This podcast has really helped me so much! I appreciate you all! Thank you for being obedient to God’s calling on you. God Bless you all! 💛

  • @KevinFunck
    @KevinFunck 6 месяцев назад +1

    Everybody has told me in the past that it will happen when you least expect it I sure wish I would have listened

  • @kasial2335
    @kasial2335 Год назад +4

    I converted to Jesus after 5 years of marriage. My husband is still far from God. It's affecting our relationship because I'm not the person he married anymore. I think and act differently. Sometimes it's hard to show him a lot of patience.
    So seek godly men while you have a choice!🙂❤

  • @ddascola01
    @ddascola01 Год назад +5

    Something on the love languages that I will share:
    We all think we know what our primary love languages are, but ask your partner what it is that makes you the most upset, and generally you are going to find that that is your primary love language!
    My wife is a "quality time" girl hands down, all the way, and she actually had no idea that was her primary language until I realized that the things that made her the most upset is when I wasn't spending time with her. So the Lord showed me that this was her primary language, and that I had to focus more on this area than the other areas if I was going to stay on her good side! Lol
    And don't get me wrong, I think all the love languages are important

    • @amaragrace94
      @amaragrace94 Год назад

      Mine is quality time too. So phone call, video call, or in person time, talking and staying connected while we do our own things or while we are doing something fun/romantic together...that's the way to my heart. And I feel the most let down when there's a sudden lack in that without communication/warning.

  • @rociocartes
    @rociocartes Год назад +4

    I have always been a Christian but only got into the Bible this year. I’m 36. - I had already been seeing a guy who isn’t Christian. I have prayed about it and read in Corinthians how you continue from where you found Jesus. This included staying with someone and working through. There is a part as well that says wives don’t leave your unbeliever husbands etc. Is it going to be harder? Yes. There is going to be challenges. But I know that God has put this man in my life for a reason. He is such a good man, and I have no reason to abandon him. He encourages my faith and I believe one day he will come to God too.
    Everyone is different. Knowing what I know now, would I be with an unbeliever if I was single now? No. But this is where I am found now and I will not give up on this man. Please can you all pray for him to find Jesus also. ❤ only God can work on him. I do talk about God to him and I do see him coming to Christ.

  • @xpred558
    @xpred558 Год назад +1

    Everyone needs a friend like Angela.

  • @monzepadilla6103
    @monzepadilla6103 2 месяца назад +1

    Please do one of overthinking!!!!🙏🏻

  • @blueeyes6653
    @blueeyes6653 Год назад +2

    Wow. Praise God for you girls! I was skeptical and concerned with you from your earlier videos but I have seen growth and hunger for God's words. I know you are still babies in Christ but amen on wanting to obey and do God's will and not your own. Now, 2 things:
    1) a godly man is not afraid to pray. God is our guide and prayer is our source to communicate with God and bring all of our heavy weights to him. I pray to God because I need him. I pray when I'm working, when I'm going to drive, when I'm with my kids. I am an emotional guy. I do let my anger get the best of me(because of stress and frustration) so I always pray to God for patience, to always guide me, give strength, and not let emotions blind me. I often avoid road rage and let other cars pass me and bite my tongue, bless the other drivers rather than curse them. I pray when I go out at night because NYC is getting dangerous 😅
    2) No marriage/relationship will be perfect. My wife and I do argue sometimes but I believe it is Proverbs that says we should not go to sleep bitter. I usually swallow up my pride and be the bigger person and apologize to my wife, even when I didn't start an argument. We won't achieve perfection in this world but we do have God's words to help us be better ppl, be more Godly. Your marriage/relationship will have trials but abide in God's words and make God the center of your marriage/relationship.
    My wife and I have been in our walk for almost 2 years now. We are constantly learning. Ari. My wife tells me she wants to read a chapter or 2 of the Bible and I quickly get my Bible to see what she learned and want to share with me or what questions she has. I have been getting a lot into apologetics. God bless you girls!

  • @Gabriellamariaaa
    @Gabriellamariaaa Год назад +2

    the amount of times i have rewinded to the part where arielle says “no i think you’re ckooOl” is embarrassing. (meanwhile she can fully change a tire, i think that’s pretty dang ckooool 🤭) lol i love you guys 😭 xo

  • @reecemurray9977
    @reecemurray9977 Год назад +5

    Your podcast is the best out there you two girls are the best, and I am happy you guys came out with an episode about relationships, I am A young black male who is in A long distant relationship we both can definitely see each other being together in the future I pray for her and myself and praying that we are about to make the right decision we both believe God has lead us to each other. What would be your opinions on long distance relationships

  • @samueljsnead
    @samueljsnead 10 месяцев назад

    100% men need their brotherhood, women need a sisterhood- I heard it said this way- when I do something wrong- you call one of my brothers- not my parents, my friends will check me.
    When my wife does something wrong, I can call her circle, not her parents, and they will check her.
    This takes a level of grounding in the Holy Spirit to even digest what I just shared.
    This sounds nuts to the world, but it is the essence of a trusted Kingdom Team-
    Having wise council around you is something we should all build on a solid foundation of Christ.
    This is what Kingdom Family looks like.🎁

  • @michelleobama8188
    @michelleobama8188 Год назад +1

    struggling in college right now and you two are my only friends i love you

    • @clockworkorange3628
      @clockworkorange3628 Год назад +1

      Try meeting like minded people, there's a lot of good people everywhere .

    • @nathanmccumber8965
      @nathanmccumber8965 8 месяцев назад

      Study king James bible God word in English

  • @Sarritabonitaa
    @Sarritabonitaa 8 месяцев назад

    I loooooove that it said He had not made it rain but that a mist came from the earth I loooooove it so much 😭🙏🏼♥️♥️♥️♥️

  • @coolsdebristv489
    @coolsdebristv489 Год назад +1

    I lef kitty alone(for the most part😅)
    and she indeed came back to me 😲 throughout our whole RELATIONSHIP!! until she met my little Nephew who would pull her tail around the house
    ...that pushed Kitty to run away 💘

  • @stephanielong784
    @stephanielong784 Год назад +1

    9:29 thisthisthisthisthisthisthis "when a man can lead you it will be the most beautiful relationship "

  • @qxlocal2472
    @qxlocal2472 Год назад +1

    4. Lifes twists and turns beautifully exemplify the quest for self-discovery. This video captures the essence of facing challenges and growing through them, ultimately finding a stronger sense of self. ?? #EmbraceTheJourney

  • @thanhphong7053
    @thanhphong7053 Год назад +1

    3. The narrative of embracing change and uncovering inner strength, as portrayed here, speaks volumes about the resilience of the human spirit. An empowering reminder to keep moving forward. ?? #EmpowermentJourney

  • @jfy-temp1457
    @jfy-temp1457 Год назад +5

    When they said what do you look for in a man. I bet every single christian male viewer paid extra attention. XD

  • @whymindsetmatters
    @whymindsetmatters 9 месяцев назад

    Love this passage in Genesis 2 where he says the Lord brought her to the man, not the man to the woman. Is it fair to say that the man needs a little more preparation than the woman? It wasn't until after the preparation process did GOD say it wasn't good for man to be alone. The woman was already prepared and ready to be presented to the man. Ladies, allow your heavenly Father to be the one who gives you, his daughter away to the man he has for you. You don't have to go seeking anyone.

  • @rutheeevanham3765
    @rutheeevanham3765 Год назад +1

    Can you please make a video about fear and worry’s? I struggled with this my whole entire life and this year it has gotten worse. Luckely lately i am bringing it to the Lord Jesus and it already helped, but it would be also nice to have some advice from you! Also i just want to say what you 2 do is incredible! Jesus is with you🫶🏻

  • @randyellison602
    @randyellison602 7 месяцев назад

    Great videos. I love that you both share God's word it's awesome.

  • @ChiefCedricJohnson
    @ChiefCedricJohnson 6 месяцев назад

    Psalms 5:4
    For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee.

  • @kurthealy9508
    @kurthealy9508 Год назад +1

    God will keep Blessing you both.🙏 ✝️

  • @yuliannaflores5703
    @yuliannaflores5703 Год назад +1

    crying at the start of this episode 🤣🤣🤣

  • @fashionwomens5946
    @fashionwomens5946 Год назад +1

    5. Witnessing the evolution of the individual in this video is a powerful testament to the human capacity for growth. A portrayal of embracing change and charting a path towards personal fulfillment. ??️ #ChartingNewHorizons

  • @tima1443
    @tima1443 Год назад +2

    I have been feeling so sad bc my first ex was toxic so I left him & then I jumped into another relationship quickly because I wanted a healthy relationship, & this other guy had good qualities & got to love him… however he’s Muslim & im a Christian . We also broke up & I feel alone bc my friends all have their boyfriends & I just want a genuine partner ❤️ I work from home & love my job & I’m thinking about cosmetology school (but there’s only mostly women there) I just feel like I won’t find anybody anywhere… I try to be out there, but all my friends are married & have kids (I’m 23) and they can’t go out to the club .. I’m thinking about joining places: dance classes, volunteering, modeling to meet more people… but not sure if that’s me being desperate 😔

    • @lalayatem3758
      @lalayatem3758 Год назад +1

      Please make prayer your first resort. I have never been in a relationship before but most of my friends are/ have. I understand it’s hard not to compare yourself or feel happy being single, but it’s truly better to wait for the right man of God. Rather than rush and date someone who isn’t meant for you, just for it to end it tears. God has someone great for you! Patience is such a virtue, God bless you❤

    • @tima1443
      @tima1443 Год назад

      @@lalayatem3758 definitely right ! Have to pray first 💕 I’ve felt so lonely through so much heartbreak, I have to just trust Lord Jesus that a good man will land in my path

  • @pedrorodriguez8512
    @pedrorodriguez8512 Год назад +1

    To be or Not EDGY it 's a Person 's own Chioce But Respectfully Your Both Fine the way You Both are Just being Yourselves . Yes Your Both Attractive and Hip BUT WE Are here To Listen to You Both Talk about GOD'S TRUTH THE WORD # THE BIBLE . KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK . Thank you For Transparent and Real. # John316.

  • @Ptouro58
    @Ptouro58 9 месяцев назад

    You guys are going to help me score the prettiest girl at my church. Thank you 😎🇺🇸🦅

  • @Ylinsalmon123
    @Ylinsalmon123 Год назад

    Im going to rewatch this once I start a relationship

  • @Revfredrmarch
    @Revfredrmarch Год назад +1

    hi beautful sisters I am ready for the WORD

  • @melimelmelimel
    @melimelmelimel Год назад +1

    PLEASE POST AT MINIMUM 2x A WEEK🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 like this comment if you agree!!

  • @artgarcia9715
    @artgarcia9715 Год назад +1

    She's excited.

  • @thewatcher8573
    @thewatcher8573 Год назад +2

    38:04 do women, does anyone? i thought that was a universal thing
    seriously tho do women actually respond to being nagged, i don't like to do it to anyone, i didn't think it was of benefit to anyone open to learning tho

  • @tawanchilsom8207
    @tawanchilsom8207 Год назад +1

    Yall both great you can be more edgey when your in a beach setting or in a secluded area!!!! Your both gorgeous looking females working for the kingdom

  • @mariosebok
    @mariosebok Год назад

    How do you meet the person you aspire that also has the values and goals aligned to God, today?

  • @MaryFinn-p3o
    @MaryFinn-p3o Год назад +1

    i love this pod

  • @auctomasprime
    @auctomasprime 8 месяцев назад

    0:21 : "....take you jacket off ..... YOU NEED SPRAY TAN ....."

  • @alexiavelazquez1793
    @alexiavelazquez1793 Год назад

    Love you guys!!! but Ang what lip combo are your wearing?? SO cute

  • @evil_2539
    @evil_2539 Год назад +1

    Another dope show

  • @romanbonifield
    @romanbonifield Год назад +1

    I think Trust is the most important in a relationship and communication

  • @repent_0ne
    @repent_0ne Год назад

    Thank you both. Lord.

  • @yvonneestrada2544
    @yvonneestrada2544 Год назад

    Amen I love this thank you 🥺😭

  • @simsixzero
    @simsixzero Год назад +2

    I have no favorite book to read that surpasses the Bible.

  • @JoseEliasdasilva-im9bs
    @JoseEliasdasilva-im9bs 5 месяцев назад

    Love Jesus crispy forever love love love ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @peterhirst5153
    @peterhirst5153 Год назад

    .~Both Women, 💯👌, as a Christian man, I believe that applying that integrity is crucial to the role of marriage! If a house is divided it will not stand! (Matthew 12:25). Marriage is to be Honourable by both being intertwined into the faith with Christ, without that spiritual union it will not stand! (John 15:5) Love you both Sister's any man would be Honoured to take either of you as Sister's in Christ! Hallelujah, Amen, go on bearing much fruit my Father is glorified in this! John 15:8! ❤~.

  • @Johnarvis
    @Johnarvis Год назад

    22:03 Proverbs 12:4
    A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones (NIV).
    I know y’all mean well, but just wanted to leave this here for clarification.

  • @gardenrookie
    @gardenrookie Год назад +1

    Sex before marriage..............interested to hear your perspective. Please address the physical side of relationships.

    • @gardenrookie
      @gardenrookie Год назад

      .....or avoid it like most of us Christians do.

    • @SageO6PathzGON
      @SageO6PathzGON Год назад

      what u want them to talk about? cuz no shot they arent fucking. especially since one of the girls boyfriend dated tana mojo lol

    • @nathanmccumber8965
      @nathanmccumber8965 8 месяцев назад

      No sex b4 marriage. Gentile's got to abstain from fornication and that was a commandment

    • @gardenrookie
      @gardenrookie 8 месяцев назад

      I'm assuming since these two ladies avoid the subject like a plaque that they disagree. Would love for them to do a podcast on this.@@nathanmccumber8965

  • @yokaijem
    @yokaijem 9 месяцев назад

    Ari we need more straight edge girls!!
    Every girl I know is fake edgey don't need any more

  • @xanders.3810
    @xanders.3810 Год назад +2

    Good Afternoon, to everyone 🤌🏾

  • @arlasmith4789
    @arlasmith4789 Год назад +197

    Not to sound dramatic but your guy’s podcast is literally life changing❤️

    • @thisourdailylife3979
      @thisourdailylife3979 7 месяцев назад

      May I ask you what about it is life changing? ❤️

    • @AleJyck
      @AleJyck 20 дней назад

      I definetly think you podcast is life changing because you guys talk about everything you went through and till where you got now. You girls have real life experience!

  • @tmasessa
    @tmasessa Год назад +176

    My soul needs this show 3 times a week. The world needs this show 3 times a week. Please. 🙏🏻

    • @ddascola01
      @ddascola01 Год назад +14

      What we all need 7 days a week is what this show is all about, which is more of Christ Jesus and less of us!
      Press into God, spend time reading His Word on a daily basis, connect with some "men friends" like what the gals are talking about, and you will find that exactly what you don't need is your 3-time-a-week Jesus fix, which relies upon these young ladies to fulfill!
      Because the God of "Girls Gone Bible" is, in fact, the God of all comfort for all who believe, and who call on the name of Jesus Christ, putting all their faith, hope, and trust in Him, and His finished work!
      We all need the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit to live this Christian life and if you've never been born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit, then Girls Gone Bible could be on three times a day and it wouldn't make any difference for any of us!

    • @supmrdave
      @supmrdave Год назад +3

      Put another way, the world needs a lot more Jesus. I pray God draws everyone to him as only he can. And those who know him can walk with others on their spiritual journey.

    • @familyengineering5591
      @familyengineering5591 Год назад


    • @johnm.8204
      @johnm.8204 Год назад +2

      I think having more than one platform of good gospel messages is important, especially from actual pastors. The girls here are sometimes fun to listen to and they feed off each other more than anything, but true messages come directly from the Word and from trained pastors teaching from the Word.

    • @nathanmccumber8965
      @nathanmccumber8965 9 месяцев назад +1

      Your soul need the word of God. Get king James bible study it.

  • @ari-tw5vx
    @ari-tw5vx Год назад +100

    Hearing Ari talk about how Ang brings out the best in her = unconditional love ❤

    • @GlamGolightly
      @GlamGolightly Год назад +1

      The kind of friendship I dream of!

  • @maticlogy208
    @maticlogy208 Год назад +33

    letting your partner go on trips with their friends depends on the kind of friends they have

  • @jenayemarie
    @jenayemarie Год назад +5

    Proverbs 21:19 “Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife.”
    Colossians 3:18 “Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. 19 Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them.”

    • @nathanmccumber8965
      @nathanmccumber8965 8 месяцев назад

      Get baptized Acts 2 38 KJV. Study King James bible God word in English

  • @comac2373
    @comac2373 Год назад +110

    It’s nice to hear a feminine, kind, and down-to-Earth perspective on Biblical issues. I’ve been listening to y’all in the truck when I’m at work, it puts me in a peaceful mindset when driving. It’s good that you take the Scriptures seriously and study the way you do, keep it up it’s very important. I’m curious to see where this goes. Will you go to the streets or have guests on your show? Don’t let the enemy rush you, and stay pure! Praises be to Jesus

    • @wickmaani116
      @wickmaani116 Год назад +4

      lol same here

    • @clockworkorange3628
      @clockworkorange3628 Год назад +1

      Nicely said brother

    • @anthonydamato0803
      @anthonydamato0803 Год назад

      Totally agree. Would love to see them get out on the streets!

    • @mikepiccolo32
      @mikepiccolo32 Год назад

      ​@@clockworkorange3628no not really it sounded a bit nuts to be truthful

    • @mikepiccolo32
      @mikepiccolo32 7 месяцев назад

      @@wickmaani116 Are you doing ok wickmaan?

  • @centpushups
    @centpushups Год назад +3

    I dont know about Ang's guy. Seems somewhat meh on this guy, Christian. Seems too nice to me. Past videos seems like she wants a guy with a bit more rugged and grit feel.
    Its all in God's hands though. Pray and seek.

  • @IlirProgri
    @IlirProgri Год назад +7

    I have known a lot of Christian women over the years as a Christian. I believe that in a lot of time, most Christian women will behave a lot like their Christian mother, & will settle 4 a guy who is a lot like their Christian Dad. This is just the fact.

  • @swoozie
    @swoozie Год назад +29

    Also try playing The Sims. I learned a lot of great relationship advice in Simsville 😇

    • @tallywave25
      @tallywave25 Год назад +5

      Lmaoooo Plz tell me this is a joke

    • @MouseCrusader
      @MouseCrusader Год назад +6


    • @MouseCrusader
      @MouseCrusader Год назад +5

      i mean I'm glad you're here dude!

    • @RuNZiT1
      @RuNZiT1 Год назад +4

      Swoooozie!? Ayo this is your sign of trying to find a future wifey! Also, cool to see you watching a faith based podcast

    • @leif54
      @leif54 Год назад +1

      Like removing the ladder from the swimmingpool? ;)

  • @KevinFunck
    @KevinFunck 6 месяцев назад +2

    I sure wish I would have listened to God more he told me not to do something in my life and I did it anyway now I regret it I know I am not giving a lot of detail but I just feel very uncomfortable talking about it

    • @lilly5908
      @lilly5908 4 месяца назад

      Prayers for you ❤

  • @vincesigala9104
    @vincesigala9104 Год назад +6

    A true man of God would not try to talk a women that he claims to love to do anything with him that would drag them both straight to hell. On the contrary a man of God will put his “ needs” aside and do everything in his power to make sure that he gets the women he loves to Heaven.

  • @FromTheHipp
    @FromTheHipp Год назад +51

    nah she doesnt need to be more edgy. she has style that seems to be intertwined with her view on what is 'classy.' i respect it. i personally prefer when women dress like her(not necessarily hella turtle necks and what not lol).

  • @americanswan
    @americanswan Год назад +5

    Heavenly Father,
    Praise the Lord for you are good and full of mercy forever. (Psalm 106:1)
    Tremble, whole earth, at the presence of God. (Psalm 114:7)
    Let me worship and bow down. Let me kneel before my Maker. (Psalm 95:6)
    You haven’t forgotten them that seek you. (Psalm 9:10)
    Respecting You is the beginning of wisdom. (Psalm 111:10)
    Into your hand I commit my spirit (Psalm 31:5)
    It is good for me to come close to you. I have put my trust in you, so I can declare your works. (Psalm 73:28)
    Lord, you will come and not be silent. (Psalm 50:3)
    Many ask, “Where is your God?” (Psalm 42:3)
    Listen and do not hide from my prayer (Psalm 55:1)
    May I hear Your love in the morning because I trust you. Make me know the way I should walk for I give my soul to you. (Psalm 143:8)
    I delight to do your will. (Psalm 40:8)
    I will serve the Lord with joy. I will sing before him. (Psalm 100:2)
    May I praise you all day. (Psalm 71:8)
    I will praise you continually. (Psalm 34:1)
    What am I waiting for? My hope is in you. (Psalm 39:7)
    May I speak of Your Righteousness all day. (Psalm 71:24)
    Help us at this time, for man cannot help us. (Psalm 108:12)
    You are a refuge for the oppressed. (Psalm 9:9)
    Lord, may your love, kindness, and truth preserve me. (Psalm 40:11)
    When I am afraid, I put my trust in You. (Psalm 56:3)
    Save me for Your mercy’s sake. (Psalm 44:26)
    All my goodness is worthless. (Psalm 39:5)
    Help us. You are our salvation for the glory of your name; deliver us, purge away our sins for your name. (Psalm 79:9)
    Do not rebuke me in anger. (Psalm 38:1)
    If I know sin is in my heart, You will not hear me (Psalm 66:18)
    I acknowledge and confess my sin and you have forgiven me. (Psalm 32:5)
    I declare my sin and I will be sorry. (Psalm 38:18)
    Heal my soul for I have sinned against you. (Psalm 41:4)
    Create in me a clean heart. (Psalm 51:10)
    Teach me your way. I will walk in truth. (Psalm 86:11)
    You are teaching and guiding me. (Psalm 32:8)
    You will save me from the grave. (Psalm 49:15)
    I seek you and you have heard me and delivered me from my fears. (Psalm 34:4)
    I will be still and know you are God. (Psalm 46:10)
    In Jesus Name Amen.

  • @mv1714
    @mv1714 Год назад +27

    Ari your delicate aesthetic is whole. Ang is all the edge you need and your style balances out Ang 💜

  • @IlirProgri
    @IlirProgri Год назад +2

    Unfortunately, even some Godly men like King David, & 1 of his sons King Solomon exploited women. By today’s standards I don’t think you would date or marry some1 like King David or King Solomon. Would you? Would you please comment on this question?

  • @rachelrosendo
    @rachelrosendo Год назад +21

    This topic is sooo important!💯 Can you both please speak on unequally yoked friendships as well? Love you guys. 💕

    • @amaragrace94
      @amaragrace94 Год назад +5

      I think that is an interesting topic. I don't think there is any issue in being friends with non-believers. Do you still speak truth to them? Do you talk about God to them, sharing how He blesses you every day? Do you pray or listen to Christian music in front of them. Jesus did not isolate himself to only believers. He spoke to everyone (i.e. adulterers and tax collectors) and the supposed believers judged him for it. Don't be like them. Give people a chance. You never know if/when the Lord could be using you to bring them into the body. Show them what His love looks like. The only case when you should separate yourself is when they are speaking down or ill about God (especially the Holy Spirit), they are not respectful & supportive, and/or they are tempting you to join them in sin. Express your boundaries with kindness, patience, and respect (even if they do not - do not return evil for evil). If they don't respect you, then leave. That doesn't mean hate them or hold onto resentment. Forgive and love them from a distance with prayer, that the Lord may one day reach their hearts, so that they may come to know the true love, joy, and peace that awaits them. Same thing goes for family members that do not yet know Him.

    • @americanswan
      @americanswan Год назад +3

      I am a bit shocked. Two precious ladies learning about Jesus and the Bible are now your spiritual advisors and a primary source for truth? Go read your Bible please.

  • @amirdennis3057
    @amirdennis3057 Год назад +2

    @ 18:00 minutes; So your not a true Man of God if you don’t value marriage, children & family🧐??? What if you value those things but you don’t desire some of those things.

  • @JaredReall
    @JaredReall Год назад +3

    19:26 - You could not have picked a better verse. A lot of this generation 20s, 30s, don’t understand this, who are in the faith. This isn’t just men that do this, but also women. Divorce is awful. Pray always for protection of your spouse / marriage. The devil is using social media to destroy families right and left. Divorces in the church are at the same percent as the world. How sad…

  • @paulodeoliveira4634
    @paulodeoliveira4634 Год назад +4

    Being a "Christian" versus a "God fearing man" ...two very different things.

  • @Williamb612
    @Williamb612 Год назад +3

    Corinthians 13:4-8. New International Version
    4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
    8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. ❤️🙏✝️

  • @danieltoaetolu6787
    @danieltoaetolu6787 Год назад +12

    I love hearing you guys talk about The Lord and everything. You both are so encouraging and inspiring. I too read my Bible a much as I can. I am sorry to hear what happened to you with the your car too. I think you both are perfect the way you both are. Truly Women of God and Jesus Christ! Thank you both so much for this video and everything you guys do. I appreciate it everything very much too! God bless you both.

  • @Revfredrmarch
    @Revfredrmarch Год назад +8

    My relationship with God is everything to me it is the reason for my life. Thats why I am a revert and have a Podcast about my life in God.

  • @aaronacero105
    @aaronacero105 Год назад +9

    Another big thing for me is a persons ability to account for their life and the decisions they made good, bad, or otherwise. This lets me know they are conscious and mature at a certain level. It's hard to build a life with someone who doesn't really know what's happening in theirs 🤷

  • @JoeRandom95
    @JoeRandom95 Год назад +3

    The super sweet guy attitude works when a girl takes accountability for her mistakes. But sometimes girls will run over super sweet guys and make them do stuff because they’re so soft. Guys have to be careful, especially these days with so many narcissistic, attractive women.

  • @mattwalmer6162
    @mattwalmer6162 Год назад +4

    Ladies, please stop getting tattoos!
    While women love tattoos on men, it is not the same for tattoos on women. The vast majority of men do not want a tatted up woman. Tattoos are masculine. It makes women look hard and screams daddy issues. Men do not want a masculine hard women.....for more than one night.
    Studies have shown that when men get tattoos, their happiness and satisfaction goes up and stays up, even months after getting it.
    While women's happiness and satisfaction plummeted hours after getting it. Most regretted them and suffered bouts of depression months after.
    We are Not the same.
    Love the podcast. Keep it up Girls!

    • @PeterBornAgain
      @PeterBornAgain Год назад +2

      It is not the same for anyone DO NOT GET A TATTOO PERIOD read Leviticus 19:28
      *Do not cut your bodies for the dead, and do not mark your skin with tattoos. I am the Lord.*
      I am completely covered in tattoos right to the fingertips all of which came before I repented, I believe I will be forgiven as I did not have the knowledge of scripture but now that I do I would never get another tattoo under any circumstance Leviticus 19:28 is a direct command from the lord.

  • @andrevangraan8241
    @andrevangraan8241 Год назад +2

    Why does Ang have a boyfriend if he is not in God's will for marriage to her? Speculation? 😉 The two shall become when I want to hang with my girlfriends.

  • @TL-ef6gs
    @TL-ef6gs Год назад +13

    I just recently got baptized and all of the sudden the church is texting by me every other day and makes me feel very uncomfortable and I just can’t believe I feel this way when I’m learning the word! I think this is the kind of stuff that pushes people away…. Love the podcast! 🙏 ❤

    • @LennyCash777
      @LennyCash777 7 месяцев назад

      I recommend Shepherd's Chapel to study with and learn from. They have a channel on here where they put out Bible teaching pretty much 24/7. God bless, sister. ✝️

    • @Vegcrafttt
      @Vegcrafttt 6 месяцев назад +2

      That's very unusual. May not be the church for you.

  • @MapSpawn
    @MapSpawn Год назад +3

    I have no "strong male friendships" and I can't help but wonder why it matters to them. I don't have female friends either, I'm just flying solo loving God.

  • @gracieriggan
    @gracieriggan Год назад +4

    Love this! But I will say in Leviticus 19:28 God talks about making marks on your body (tattoos, branding, ect.) I personally always felt like I should never get one because I was taught that at a young age, just thought I would share !

  • @samueljsnead
    @samueljsnead 10 месяцев назад +1

    Consider Satan went after Eve’s powerful purpose of her “influence” over the man- to get to the man.
    ❤️knife drop

  • @Delta-qz3mb
    @Delta-qz3mb Год назад +5

    Glad you bring up the fact there’s a difference between someone who just goes to church and someone who actually believes it. I see this in my family members and it’s remarkable how different they are when they are simply people who go. But don’t believe. You will eventually figure this out though in a relationship and most likely very fast.

  • @BruceJC75
    @BruceJC75 2 месяца назад +2

    Does anyone think these girls are actually legit?

  • @AugustGrantTeague
    @AugustGrantTeague 6 месяцев назад +1

    As I heal from my past relationships, I realize that some of them were not from God, they were from Satan, it hurts to realize that but it's the truth. My ex boyfriend is a prime example of this.

  • @frankholmes5393
    @frankholmes5393 Год назад +4

    The beginning of the scripture says “if anyone does not provide” so even though it uses the pronouns his and he doesn’t mean that it’s directed only for males. It is very possible that it applies to any human form as in several other scriptures that uses the “man” pronoun to refer to males and females alike.

  • @ellymurniati525
    @ellymurniati525 Год назад +2

    Ur friends both ggb are our friends can be until to the heavenly meeting tgthr.

    • @ellymurniati525
      @ellymurniati525 Год назад

      I ve got ur tiktok very happy just the way u are i want to listen so much love words of God that sent u masseged than another stories life no means for me. But i cant get ask and reply in comment caused in connecth with my instagrm a little bit to login in trouble abt pswrd dont mind remember

  • @marcomolina2443
    @marcomolina2443 Год назад +2

    a word of advice Jesus is not a child he not a baby or as you said in reference to your t-shirt baby Jesus. no Jesus is not baby he is the Lord of Lords and kings of kings this can be taken as insult to him. I am certain it is not you intention to insult God but calling or referring to him in anyway shape or from that diminishes who he is never a good idea. if you are not sure or disagree with my comment then pray and ask him yourself. God bless!