Anything this man and his band plays is fine by me.He Funkin ROCKS! Layla would be a bore compared Richie approach. I love Clapton, but Kotzen really has his shit together, and if anyone doubts it, check out the entire 2015 Concert. Unbelievably Good.
fantastic vocal and awesome guitar player...really f@kn ROCKS
New favorite song!
How much does he get paid to play in a place like that?
Anything this man and his band plays is fine by me.He Funkin ROCKS! Layla would be a bore compared Richie approach. I love Clapton, but Kotzen really has his shit together, and if anyone doubts it, check out the entire 2015 Concert. Unbelievably Good.
So great you know? but I think(I could be wrong) his guitar playing is so great that his vocals get over looked...this cat can sing.
I wish he had played Layla it might be interesting.
Shut da fuck up!!
noooooooooooooooo he was about to rock Layla so hard