Don’t go to Taiwan - Travel film by Tolt #16
- Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
- One advice: never set foot on Taiwanese soil. Please watch this video until the end to be sure to understand.
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Original score composed by the very talented DIMMI
« Taiwan »
© BMG Rights Management France
Shot, directed and edited by Tolt
Additional footage by Mehdi M’Hamdi
Sound design by Laura Haddad
Big up to Karine ( for the translation!
Thanks for the support to Taïwan Tourisme, Awateha & Eva Air
結果只有台灣人在這看片自慰 留言區99%都台灣人 老外根本沒興趣啦~
@@idontreply2236 沒看到一堆外國人留言?眼殘要去看醫生
@于鹏 又大又豪華的城市 專門生產武漢肺炎!!
我做影視產業 因此大量瀏覽各國人來台灣玩的影片
我發現 許多國家的人來台灣的心得 真的都覺得台灣很棒
對外國人相當親切 旅遊過程也相當安全
最重要的是 可以用相對便宜的價格吃美食
或許因為我們長居於此 早就忘了我們曾經那麼美
但 台灣很美 台灣也很棒 千萬別忘了自己身在那麼便利的土地
Eric 對啊,但是不知道為什麼一堆人說台灣鬼島台灣鬼島,他們有沒有想過台灣人的感受,這樣的行為根本是侮辱台灣,其實台灣是個非常有人才的國家,只是有些新聞或是一堆屁孩都會把台灣不好的都用網路散播出去,但是這部影片,根本把台灣所有的好都展現出來,所以大家千萬不要再說台灣鬼島了。
@@孫文廷 我自己就常自嘲台灣是鬼島,因為真的有很多光怪陸離的事情發生。例如被殺害和其他犯罪的受害者及家屬沒人權,但犯人的人權卻受到高度保障;例如正常行駛的駕駛人與違規逆向又闖紅燈的三寶發生車禍,正常行駛的駕駛人卻需要賠償等等,不合理的事情確實很多。只是,台灣也有這些問題可以提出來討論甚至爭論,包容得下多元文化和各種意見等優點。就像黃明志的鬼島這首歌,雖然稱呼為鬼島,但實質意義褒大於貶。
所以你是麥卡貝的Eric 嗎?
I am from Germany and I am living in Taiwan since 2001... I can't imagine to live somewhere else. Taiwan is by far the best place to live....
Boris Smokrovic wow... it’s going to be more than 20 years of your stay. Thank you for being with us and like this island.
Thank you for loving Taiwan : )
Thank you I'm Taiwanies. Taiwan it good side.
Thank you for loving Taiwan so much and affirming us, we love you too~🤗🤗🤗
Danke schön
I arrived 3 years ago for what was meant to be a year and never left! It's truly my home now!
有機會再回來走走吧! 台灣更美了
Lin Calor 謝謝,會的。
Ching -Kuo Chu ,什麼原因,沒有再故地重遊?四十年也太不可思議了!
Taiwan is gorgeous. Came for the first time as a tourist and just couldn’t stop. The next year came back as an international student and then once again as an intern. Now it feels like the second home. ❤️ love from Russia
We always welcome
thank you !! always welcome ~!! welcome back!!
Thanks for your love!!
we love you too :))видео.html
The video shows the friendliness of Taiwanese,check this out!💖🎊
I miss Taiwan :). Two years there and I still think of it often.
Hey Razven,when you miss here,welcome to back Taiwan again,the people in this island will always smile to you.ihla Formosa.
Welcome back. You know we are all here waiting for you.
Taiwan welcomes you, as always~~~~~~
Yes, Taiwan is a country that people still miss when they come.
Welcome to back Taiwan again
I’m an American from Chicago and I lived in Taiwan for 1 year after college. Best decision ever! Taiwan has a special place in my heart. I miss and think about it all the time :)
Graham you said it right.the best decision you made it to go to Taiwan.Taiwan people are friendly!
Same! I regret saying not to live in Taiwan for the rest of my life. I really wanna go back but I can’t cuz of COVID.
it dont exist
@@luvxwint3r732 I'm sorry to read this. I hope Covid can be completely over so I can take another trip to Taiwan.
im taiwanese i love taiwan very much!😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
哇! 拍的好漂亮,就連台灣人可能都沒去過的地方都拍出來,感謝你喜歡台灣
他其實是在說不要去台灣 因為有些東西,但我也贊成你說的他的確拍得很漂亮
@@林宜蓁-l6o 他說的不要去台灣是反話...... 最後一句是你會愛上感動心台灣
因為台灣人要加班又沒錢 怎去
@@520somuch 沒錯我常加班,公司說責任制不給錢,台灣勞工的辛酸處。
終於有一部不是把 #台北 當成全 #台灣 的 真•台灣影片了😏
普通影片成本5000元 國際級50萬 甚至500萬 電影更是隨便都要5000萬 5億!!!看影片的人願意捐獻多少?願不願意花錢欣賞別人的創作?來讓創作者 有才華的人大展身手? 而不是被貧窮限制了行動 沒預算更是想都不要想 大家都在等看免費 用免費 損人利己 只會因為自身素質差 拖累了整個國家 現今滿街都是這種人。
@@張志成-m9r 台中有免費公車,假如第一站就落角在台中國際機場
可能會以為台中市就是中華民國首都喔, 海拔300以下的部分,冬天幾乎都不下雨
Tom Chen 101要蓋在台中 才有是首都的可能 現實就不是 台中還沒有捷運是非常大的問題 只有勤美誠品算是比較有城市容顏的 台北的信義區也是到處都在施工 塵土亂飛 市容沒有好到那裡去 東北季風台北首當其衝 陽明山一年中有雨超過300天。
我也認同這才是一部真正介紹台灣的影片!其他的介紹永遠都只限於台北而已 那根本不能說是介紹台灣 是介紹台北才對!
光是看到標題的「The heart of Asia」就覺得好感動…… 希望台灣的多元文化能一直一直保留傳承下去。
@Vivian Lam 你啊,我一個小台灣人的留言你都在乎了= =
@Vivian Lam 痾……我是啊XD 所以你要繼續當嘴砲王?
@Vivian Lam 你的閱讀理解能力十分的可憐
@Vivian Lam 遲遲都不是的原因不正就是因為偉大的習包子他非常在乎嗎
@Vivian Lam 真是抱歉,別忘了這裡不是可悲的中國,我是臺灣人,享有全然地言論自由,你也無法阻止我
你就繼續貶低他人來成就你悲哀的人格吧 That's all you can do.
I lived in Taiwan for six months in 2013. The time I spent there was the most memorable in my life. I miss every second of it.
尹相睿大哥再加拿大哪? 我也是在加拿大
我在多倫多 這裡東西好貴😂
我也在加拿大 好想台灣ಥ_ಥ 我在hamitlon
太棒了 謝謝你的話
Nice man
真的有拍出台灣傳統文化與現代融合之美! 看完這影片心中充滿著深深地感動,也讓我回憶起自己從小到大所生長的根。👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
蘇欣建 chien 其實那都是中華傳統文化,台灣島真的是讓中華文化發揚光大的地方,小小一地卻能把中華文化發揚成這樣
yg 3425 ,岷賤黨不是要去中國化嗎?🤔🤔🤔
@@PaddyMan1988 新加坡不是也去中國化 只保留華夏文化
Chen Skyboy ,請解釋中國化和華夏文化的分別!🙏🙏🙏
I had the honor of growing up here from the time I was born till 13, I have the BEST memories here. People ask where I am from all the time, I tell them I was born in Mexico but my heart is from Taiwan, it will forever be my home!
Japanese girl reacts to "Don't go to Taiwan" ►видео.html
Chinese girl reacts to "Don't go to Taiwan" ►видео.html
Want to learn more about the gear and techniques we used?
How I created the 3D light rays effect in the intro ►видео.html
How to film people ►видео.html
Et pour ceux qui parlent français, regardez "La vérité sur Taïwan" ►видео.html
Here is the link of the After Effects project I bought for the light ray effect in the intro ►
Use my special coupon to get unlimited downloads for a month (€9.60 instead of €25.20) ►
the negative title and negative comment in the film is very different from the video you presented which shows you are despising this country. as a citizen feel unpleasant. i wondering that you are trying to present this country in a wrong way , or you do hate this country?
@@kaorutk Hey! You probably didn't get the point... It's sarcasm or reverse psychology. The purpose is to oppose negative misconceptions to the footage.
@@Toltaroundtheworld the title and commends in the video looks like " a statement" from you.
Love your video !!
Awesome! I like your sarcasm und look forward to your „making of“ videos.
@@abigail2066 他在反串(扶額
@@cola2132 ok
Who’s Taiwanese here🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼✋🏼
白龍布萊克 我是
So proud to be a taiwanese
Awww…… I’m VietNamese!! :((
but I must admit that the natural scenery in Taiwan is beautiful and majestic, when I have the opportunity I will visit Taiwan!!
You’re more than just welcome back home after this pandemic.
wow . it's Adi here .
I miss Taiwan every day... truly the kindest and warmest people in the whole world 🇹🇼
Welcome to Taiwan again 🙂
Thanks.that is warm for us
I’ve been there last week, and all I can say is I want to stay there a bit longer and I don’t want to leave ㅠㅠ. The foods, the people, scenery, transportation etc are all amazing ❤️I miss taiwan 🇹🇼
Welcome to Taiwan again.
Hoped you like my country :)
Thank you for liking TW. ❤Hope you can come for another visit soon.
I'm so glad you liked it! I was born there and it really is beautiful
From Russia with love for both Taiwan and Korea ❤️
Been here 14 years now. Married and with a kid. Love this place.
Thank u!!! Love from Taiwan ♥
Thank you so much
@@rrrrtztttt3612 lol, no problem.
19 years now, hehe
Just got back home from Tawiwan and im still in awe how amazingly beautiful the whole country is-from the people, landscapes, culture, and food. I wish everyone in the world could come and experience it themselves.
Thank you.
Jocelyn Huang No, it’s thank YOU :) i had a womderful stay mainly bc of you guys-so generous, hospitable, and very kind
I just got back from a one month long tour there. It was the trip of a lifetime and watching this made me so happy and sad at the same time because I'm not the anymore. I miss it already, but this video captures how enchanted I felt, thank you!
Alisa Hoang welcome 💕
Taiwan always welcomes you
I've been to Taiwan more than a dozen time already. There are too many things to be treasured, but the most admirable is Taiwanese people. I could never forget their unique culture, creativity, hospitality, friendly smile, and dignity. I love Taiwan, you are not alone
A year later, I finally left my home country HK to a stranger's place for a better future to my kids. 請你們要珍惜台灣這個美麗動人的國家。 台灣加油, 台灣人加油!
@@getony7 What... You left HK? What made you wanna leave? Now you making me wanna work hard to go there to Taiwan too. I promise after I go to Japan I will go there to Taiwan next. But idk about moving there you are braver then me.
@@SoulOctavius My family and love HK a ton, but I guess it's not easy to feel the awful and abrupt changes going on in HK. I'm proud of being a HKer and I'll always be no matter where I am
@@getony7 I am from America. I like my home too. But I have a deep need for mental and personal growth. Traveling offers that.
@@SoulOctavius @SoulShaderCrypto Good for you. Is there a word called "sojourn"? I believe it sure do help us opening up our horizons. I tried ChiangMai, Thailand when I was younger, and I studied in USA for a few years so I kind of understand.
I am from Singapore. I love Taiwan so much that I visit Taiwan every year. Love everything there, the food the people the place. EVERYTIME I return back from Taiwan I will miss there so i wish I was born in taiwan
Thank you for your love to TAIWAN
Just enjoy yourself in TAIWAN next time~
Singapore is a gorgeous country too
Mr. Lee great work and all Singaporean...
看完只有無限感動及讚嘆 太棒了👍👍👍
請問那是什麼團體阿? 是表演什麼的? 超美的!
@@zoejovovich2515 冠麗舞蹈團
@@大師-n5b 等等……
My first trip to Taiwan was in 2012. I had just graduated high school and went to Taiwan to celebrate with some of my Taiwanese friends. I visited Taipei and Taichung for a week and left wishing I could do so much more. I’ll never forget my first meal eating Taiwanese tempura and quickly falling in love with Taiwanese food. I still dream of that beef noodle soup I ate at this bare bone hole in the wall restaurant in Taipei. I really want to go to Taiwan again and hope it opens up soon
welcome you
可惜历史不能倒退 ,也没的选择,不然我一定选择生活在民主自由的台湾 而不是独裁统治下的大陆
別這麼想 想來台灣玩就來吧!
@@AnnAtistros 我認為自己是台灣人,以前認為自己是中國人,因為祖先是福建人,但現在我們有自己的國家了,我並不以對外宣稱中華民國為恥喔(^ω^)
只能說現在的中國連國內自己的文化宗教都要打壓 一些特色都在漸漸消失
Just came back from Taiwan in September. One of my favorite places in the world. Went on a hike, went to hotsprings, temples, night markets, had the best food ever and has the best massage ever.
I really didn’t expect to Taiwan having so much nature, here in Brazil the media shows only things about technology, microchips and conflicts between Taiwan and China…
Really liked the culture, people, architecture, landscapes and nature. Almost cried tbh hahaha.
Definitely a must-go.
Greetings from Brazil 🇧🇷
There are spots in Taiwan where honestly, it's heartachingly beautiful. I've never seen such peaceful sunsets on a harbor with hundreds of boats, and behind me are mountains with orange hues from the sun. Amazing country.
I love the sunsets here too.
i am here now in taiwan working for more than 3 years and what i can say was this country amaze me and i hope i can live here forever but as a foreign worker we just stay here until 12 years,,,i really love taiwan,,this is my second country,,,
btw ur video was so great
keep it up,,,
我是来自中国香港的黄成,我的基地位于美国圣何塞市南17街375号,邮政编码95112。 我没有孩子,我的女儿和我的妻子几年前因火灾事故而死亡。 寻找一个诚实的女人的认真关系。 如果您有兴趣在WhatsApp + 16469494802或线路ID chenghuang121上给我发消息
Hi Tolt! When I read the title, I thought "Clearly this person has never been to Taiwan". After seeing your vignettes, you capture the essence of Taiwan perfectly. You made me miss it even more than I already do. Once you go, you will not want to leave. Thanks!!!
@no issues I am familiar with the concept and technique....thanks
Im so excited to go to Taiwan. Will be travelling this January ❤❤❤
Janine Nierra wish you a pleasant journey ~~~
Welcome to Taiwan.
Welcome,Taiwan is a nice place.🙂
Taiwan 🇹🇼 is a great beautiful and FREE COUNTRY. God bless you Taiwan 🇹🇼 🇹🇼 🇹🇼
Taiwan has never been a country😠
@@junojuno5720 We do not welcome you
@@junojuno5720 Taiwan Number 1, China Number 444444444444444444444444444
@@junojuno5720 stfu greedy Xi Dada-supporting communist jackass
@@junojuno5720 TAIWAN is a country☺️
That was absolutely amazing! I just moved my whole family to Taiwan. And i have to tell you… GO TO TAIWAN!!!!
Is this the New "GO TO BRAZIL"?
Being here for over a decade from Canada, I can wholeheartedly say this is one of the best countries in the world to live in. ❤TW❤
Really really thank you ❤
@@NhanNguyen-pp6yw In fact, Taiwan doesn't belong to China.
Nhân Nguyễn taiwan is a country
@@NhanNguyen-pp6yw Taiwan is “not ” belong to China, we are totally different
@@NhanNguyen-pp6yw台灣不是誰的! 台灣是二千三百萬人民的!
The country which I want to visit most is Taiwan!!!
I want to say Thank you for helping us!
From Japan
I’m in Taiwan for the third time. Warning: once you go, you will never stop going.
Very welcome😄😄😄
Welcome to Taiwan!
Thanks for the comment.We love you
And never stop eating in night market 😂
Dont jsut stay in Taipei,Welcome to Tainan😉😉
I got goosebumps when watching this clip. It brings too many fond memories of my trip around Taiwan 3 years ago.
I am a worker from Indonesia, here I look after a grandmother, and from here I know a variety of customs and culture in Taiwan, it is amazing to be in the midst of a very good Taiwanese community 🌸
Terima kasih 🙂 I am happy to know that you have a pleasant experience in Taiwan!
But be careful other old grandmons.
Wish you have a wonderful living experience in Taiwan. And thank you for working hard for Taiwan from overseas.
@@仙哥-h9u thank you...the grandmother i look after is 82 years old 😊
@gagagaga Ga terimakasih 🌸
@shin yi wang thank you...taiwanese people verry kind 🍓
I’ve been there.... the people are very respectful .... even as a tourist ... I often left or fall things on a store or streets.... people pick your stuff s and ran to give it back to you! People are grateful... I once offered my seat to an old lady... but she declined... they were used to stand on a busy train but to my surprise... when I arrives at the bus terminal to Jeufiang.... the old lady volunteers to guide us all the way !
The place is not everything.... for me it’s the people’s attitude that matters.
Why im in tears reading this, im not even a taiwanese
Definitely want to go back to Taiwan. It's an incredible place.
Thanks Dave.welcome
I've been to taiwan 2 years ago,and i can say that its a great experience for me..i love the food,the people,the transportation etc.i wish i could go back again,thank you to my boyfriend who have sent me there..such an unforgettble experience😌
不管有没拍出台湾的全貌,这片子都值得赞而不是踩.也请大家各自拍出自已的台湾片子来补充! 台湾真的是宝岛,是世上华人甚至非华人最宜居的地方之一! 我爱台湾!希望有一天能生活在那里!
@@江柏叡-s6n 感謝,相信我們中國有朝一日也會想台灣一樣自由民主的。
I found more depth, beauty, respect, and meaning to my daily life during my year in Taiwan than I did my entire four years in china.
I've been to Taiwan three times, and I want to go again. It's not within my Top 10 destination, not Top 5, but definitely the TOP. One main reason is a factor that could not be easily captured through this video, which is the overall kindness, helpfulness and friendliness of the Taiwanese people. Gotta be there to experience it.
"Taiwanese people" And Then "TAIWAN, THE TRUE CHINA!"
@@Reesqs I don't see any problem with that. Another good example is Sarawakian people and Sarawak, The True Malaysia. Please read beyond national identity and political connotation.
It’s exactly what we encountered when we told friends that we were going to visit this amazing country! Super nice video that represents so well this mysterious, beautiful country ! Far far away from any other Asia countries we have visited ! Miss you Taiwan !
I love Taiwan 🇹🇼, I'm from Brazil 🇧🇷.
台湾 巴西都很棒!
Me too!🇧🇷
@@yuyang895 I don't speak chinese but thank you
@@thiagonogue04 the same !
What the reason u love taiwan? I dont like southeast asian people
One of the best countries I have ever been to, nature, people, and food is so rich and diverse.
One word = AMAZING !!!
Taiwan is my first ever country outside Philippines. When I first landed here, my heart immediately fall in love here! And yes indeed, am more than happy and proud being both a Filipina and a Taiwanese now. Been here for almost 20 years and counting. To make it short .... I Love Taiwan! Am so proud of Taiwan!
I wanna thank you Tolt for making this video for Taiwan and for the whole world to see. God Bless!
Nice thoughts.
@Marilyn Rose Mahal kita 🌹 ako Pinoy sali ka , kumusta ka ok Lang Salamat po . naw I’m not I just like the phillidelphia women
Marilyn Rose Taiwan is not a Country, it’s a province of China.
@@huangying9894 you must be ccp.
洪至良 大陆不是每个人都有机会成为ccp
張予薰 不是唱反調是有智障亂翻
Like how it’s gonna do anything about the whole point of the video
Oh wait I’m mistaken it’s the whole video that’s doing it. Rightio, misleading description
笑死 樓上到底有什麼問題
pony 原來,我正猜有可能政府找來拍的,就像柯p之前城門改造拆橋找discovery 拍一樣概念
I miss Taiwan 😍😍😍
I was celebrating my birthday in Taiwan last Jan, 22-29,2020.
Surely want to come back there..
The discipline, culture and clean lines and also the great transportation.
From Philippines 😊
This film shows really beautifully how diverse Taiwan is! It’s amazing how much one island can offer. Taiwan is definitely one of the most underrated countries in Asia!
Totally agree with you and thanks for the vedio.
S. Young Hi, I’m from the country in question, let me tell you something, in my country gay marriage has been legalized and we can make fun of Winnie the Pooh without risking being put to death.
陳仕孟 , Taiwan has gay marriage and it can be proved that you have freedom? What kind of joke it is! 🤣🤣🤣
Legalization of gay marriage is not only an evidence of freedom and democracy, but also shows how human rights is valued in this country called Taiwan, which is completely different from Communism China
@S. Young there's also a law against eating dogs and the law against for sharkfinning
I'm from Italy, Taiwan is wonderful, I love it ♥️ actually...I'm here 😏
I am the local 😏😏
@@jason620362 good boy 😀
Thank you for liking China Taiwan, and I like China Taiwan very much.
oh my goodness, you're shameless.
是的,我來環遊一圈就定居下來了,合歡山武領 花連清水淡涯 南投 日月潭 桃園巴陵 新竹雪霸 高雄西子灣 屏東墾丁 基隆的九份......太美太美了,花上幾年的時間都遊不玩
What a beautiful input ! I've been to Taiwan few months ago, it was a great and beautiful ! Thank you Tolt for this video, I can't wait for the next episode !
Thank you my Hampton! Can't wait to make one with Mima start some serious trees plantation 😉
Awesome video! I arrived in Taiwan 30 years ago ... and stayed. It's truly a very beautiful, progressive, and diverse place with a rich culture and warm people.
i'm from vietnam, i used to travel to taiwan. it's such a beautiful country. i enjoy every moments there. i'm going to visit taiwan again next year! so excited 💗
Thank you for your compliment~ Vietnam is also a wonderful place to visit!!
Welcome to Taiwan.
welcome to Taiwan 🇹🇼
wish you have a nice trip
haha, hoan nghênh em sang chúng ta Đài Loan du lịch lại đi :)))
在台灣居住8年 真的是我的第二個家 我來自汶萊∼∼∼
I was there for a week, i think 4 years ago. I was really mesmerized with Taiwan. The culture, discipline, cleanliness, great people and being a progressive country. Really great to be there. And we’re going back this month. Yeah!
Welcome back!
Thanks! I’m looking forward creating my own vlog about this country. 🤗
Thanks for your love for Taiwan.
Please subscribe to my channel if you wish to be updated on my future vlogs about Taiwan. Thanks!!!
Don't go to Taiwan otherwise you don't want leave
Don't go to China otherwise you can't leave
Taiwan is a part of China.
@@白志旭 It really isn't tho...
白志旭 China is a part of the world.
Haha so true 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I love Taiwan. It's my first overseas trip and I wanna come back. The people were so nice and friendly and omg the food. I love it there.
Most of the time, u don’t realize how beautiful a country is when u live there. Usually u take everything for granted. But now that I’ve left Taiwan for three years, living in the US, I’ve finally realized just how heavenly Taiwan is. I miss my country...
Would love to visit Taiwan when the pandemic is over. The place seems so wonderfull. Huge respect from Denmark 🇹🇼🇩🇰
My favorite country in Asia. Every time I go, I don't want to leave.
楓葉maple 他只是說他最喜歡的國家”在”亞洲……
sugalove husan 可是我又沒說他最喜歡的國家不是台灣……我是在回復說他誤解人家把亞洲當國家欸
荼錦 在亞洲裡我最喜歡的國家 沒毛病啊
QAQ 我是在回復一樓欸 為什麼你們都覺得我在回覆po主……
@YUTIN LIOU 刪除囉,我也想看看你的英文怎麼樣
I'm so touched seeing the foreign fisher was included at the 2:32; it is their hard work and diligence that allow us to enjoy freshest seafood and produce. Thanks to them wholeheartedly, and thank you for that fine framing.
Man, Taiwan! In my opinion, it's one of the most amazing places on the planet. I absolutely love the fusion of differnt cultures & food they have there. Peace & love from the US. I really hope to visit someday! ✌️♥️
I don't want to go to Taiwan because, every time I go, I don't want to leave 😭
Ale S thank you so much you love Taiwane😆
U mean you gain10 lbs
God! I love your ironic joke!
Same here!
You can try to live here forever💕
@Sahar Liu
+1 ♥️臺灣人#standuplikeataiwanese
@@MandarinWithMissLin pastel de flango
Beautiful video!
Thanks man!
Found wild Allen😆
Gotcha! allan
kario kio 臺灣喔
@kario kio Taiwan not China. Taiwan No1. : )
Taiwan is the worst country i have ever stepped on, only because when you go there, you never want to leave. I miss taiwan 😭😭😭
For a moment, i thought you were criticizing
Yifei Zhao ROC (Taiwan) ,PRC is NOT CHINA is CHINAZI
Yifei Zhao 对呀对呀 就是因为爱删 那种见不得一点批评 只有一种声音的国度 我还是不过去了比较好 我要把我的生命浪费在好的地方 才不要在那种没有人权人民自由的地方 你去跟包子说吧 要他“赋予”你言论自由 而不是要社会主义的铁拳 你不要学不会 因为精神分裂是可怕的 一个拥护人民不能发表自己意见政府的人几乎无药可救 念在我心肠好 让你死马当活马医
@@creditcard3466 same!!!
@@yifeizhao5880 除了罵政府哪一件事做不了?據我所知可能有:地震死多少人不能說、工廠爆炸死多少人不能說、染了豬瘟這事兒不能說、得了鼠疫不能說、國家用低價買血導致HIV病毒染全村不能說、活摘器官不能說、新疆再教育營不能說、西藏自焚不能說、香港人開書店被抓走的原因不能說、外國人到中國被消失的原因不能說、港人五大訴求不能說⋯⋯我可能漏掉滿多的,不曉得有沒有人能幫忙補一補?
I absolutely love Taiwan. I feel sad today because I am leaving Taiwan tonight to head back home to Canada. I'm really going to miss this place.
Hey bro, I miss your videos man. Why did you leave Taiwan so abruptly? How are you now? Hope you're doing well, bro.
@@thsu8 hey man. Im doing well. I left Taiwan for job/economic reasons. As much as I love Taiwan, it was better for me to be back at home.
@@NanoMedia1 Glad to hear you're well. Life can be like that--we still have love for a certain place, and we might always have love for that place, but the best place for our personal growth is somewhere else for whatever reason. I feel that for Oregon, Beijing, and Taiwan. I'm currently in Texas planning on (knock on wood) heading back to Taiwan. Wish you the best man.
@@thsu8 have fun man. My heart aches for Taiwan sometimes!
i've been to this wonderful country at least 4 times, and want to go there even more, like for food, culture, landscape, friendly people, conveniency, etc. I hope this country won't be destroyed by China. Love Taiwan from Poland
I worked in Taiwan for 2yrs and its been an amazing country nice people and food. I miss taiwan❤.Love from Philippines
@Theuwaenig you guys are amazing! 2 of my Taiwanese friend visited here in the Philippines last year and we went to boracay they love the beach!. I'm looking forward to visit Taiwan again. God bless!❤
TWSAR, not country.
@Forever L yeah but their attitude is way way different
Welcome to visit Taiwan again and again and again~~ 😂😂😂
@@whatevermom630 I missed shilin night market and the street food!😅
感謝你 真的非常感謝你讓世界看到我們
I travelled around Taiwan island about 4 years ago. Everything was so easy and casual. The experience throughtout was so "natural" I didn't feel like was on a holiday. I still remember the patient betelnut lady in her antiquated store spending hour n a half trying to tell me the evolution of those betelnuts on the island and how they used to be exotically dressed nut selling girls in their younger days. At the end the night, she asked if i honestly were going to consume those nuts after I went home with them, so she offerred me some samples in her hands for *free* , and deterred me from buying any from her, (reverrse business minded) lol. This was my impression of the Taiwanese people, very human and hospitable.
Taiwan is a beautiful place, I couldn't be more proud of being Taiwanese
you are Chinese. get over it.
Chris Mizo i love my country as well
呵呵 上輩子做壞事下輩子才會當chinese
David lin 所以你上辈子做了啥坏事?姓林的。
大家好。Don't argue.
現在真的可以來....感謝維尼....目前陸客較少....可以更真實的體驗 台灣
This is the kind of place I wanted to live.
Love from Philippines
thank you TW