I am floored! This one really fooled me. Ol' Nikolaus just keeps cranking them out, and they are always wonderful. I am not really sure if I have ever heard him interpret Telemann, so this was a real Easter treat for me. BTW, it is a crystal-clear upload. Fondly as always, BRIAN
This is a superb piece. It's one of Telemann's I've been listening to it on and off for the last 40 years and cannot understand why the likes of Classic FM ignores it. Instead we have endless Vaughan Williams, Finzi (mediocre), Amy Beach (was she married to Finzi?) and other equally predictable things but no Telemann and even very little Bach. Odd.
CMW's transition in playing style from the 60s to to late 70s is truly striking. I have some from their Telemann from the mid 60s, which are clearly outdated... These, on the other hand, have aged quite well.
To expand on the description above, Christoph Graupner was the Kappelmeister at Darmstadt, and was friends with Telemann when he was at Frankfurt. This overture, along many others, was found in the scores that were written by or belonged to Graupner that ended up in the library of the Landgrave of Hessen-Darmstadt, Graupners' employer. Because the Landgrave took possession of all of Graupner's music when he died, we in fact have a much greater percentage of his music still in existance than Bach's music, and the addition of the Telemann scores, found nowhere else, is an added bonus.
The Someille is an example of profound music composition by Telleman. You have to search it out, as some of his music can be background noise. Good performance as well!
Hi Brian, as usual, you are so keen to respond to my uploads before I can put more information on them :) You'd surprise to know that this is a late 70s recording by Concentus Musicus Wien and Harnoncourt!
A very nice work of Telemann. Even though I enjoyed the slower movements a lot, some of the faster ones are played somewhat too ecstatic and rough for my liking...
Is this picture of Frankfurt, or Darmstadt? Telemann writes very pleasing music indeed, but It doesn't really speak to me, or move me the way Bach or Händel does. Sorry!
Pour moi, Telemann est aussi grand que Bach !!! Declaration "solennelle" qui n engage que moi tant sa musique est belle et grande et tres diverse. Mais il me semble que Telemann a produit plus que Bach du fait aussi que Telemann a vecu plus longtemps que Bach...Les deux sont vraiment les deux grands genies de la musique...i
Mon ami, je suis d'accord avec toi: je pense aussi que G.P.Telemann est aussi grand que J.S.Bach: il n'est francais - il est allemande, mais il est..le "Bach" de la France, puor ansi dir. Ps: je m'escuse pour mon terrible francais!
I'm a huge fan of authentic instruments, period performance practices, etc. and in fact seek such recordings whenever possible. But I don't know if conducting modern orchestras using modern instruments is necessarily to turn one's back on historically informed performance. I've been a fan of Harnoncourt, Goebel, and especially Manze for two decades, yet I don't view their evangelism of HIP to modern bands a betrayal to the cause. If anything, it's faithfulness to it.
Eduardo Poblete de Chile, Telemann fascinante, hermoso y grandioso, su alegre música llega al alma. Goebel es un gran intérprete del maestro.
I am floored! This one really fooled me. Ol' Nikolaus just keeps cranking them out, and they are always wonderful. I am not really sure if I have ever heard him interpret Telemann, so this was a real Easter treat for me. BTW, it is a crystal-clear upload. Fondly as always, BRIAN
This is a superb piece. It's one of Telemann's I've been listening to it on and off for the last 40 years and cannot understand why the likes of Classic FM ignores it. Instead we have endless Vaughan Williams, Finzi (mediocre), Amy Beach (was she married to Finzi?) and other equally predictable things but no Telemann and even very little Bach. Odd.
Magnifique, quel plaisir, vraiment reposant et déstressant, j'adore
How elegant was Telemann's style.
Thank you for posting this. The Harlequinade is my favorite movement. His best compositions were as good as anyone's.
CMW's transition in playing style from the 60s to to late 70s is truly striking. I have some from their Telemann from the mid 60s, which are clearly outdated... These, on the other hand, have aged quite well.
what a wonderfull performance!
Kind of a bustling German small town feel... picture is well matched.
To expand on the description above, Christoph Graupner was the Kappelmeister at Darmstadt, and was friends with Telemann when he was at Frankfurt. This overture, along many others, was found in the scores that were written by or belonged to Graupner that ended up in the library of the Landgrave of Hessen-Darmstadt, Graupners' employer. Because the Landgrave took possession of all of Graupner's music when he died, we in fact have a much greater percentage of his music still in existance than Bach's music, and the addition of the Telemann scores, found nowhere else, is an added bonus.
The Someille is an example of profound music composition by Telleman. You have to search it out, as some of his music can be background noise. Good performance as well!
Una obra maestra de un compositor no tan conocido por el gran público.
Mark de Zabaleta
Великолепно. )
Picture is Darmstadt.
Barroco en estado puro.
Hi Brian, as usual, you are so keen to respond to my uploads before I can put more information on them :) You'd surprise to know that this is a late 70s recording by Concentus Musicus Wien and Harnoncourt!
The Sommeille is exquisite! :)
Et håndkollureret fotografi af den gamle by, hvor hverdagslivet blomstrer og livet leves.......
¿Bach compuso su Suite Orquestal 1, tomando como referencia ésta obra? Encuentro muchas similitudes en el primer movimiento de ambas obras...
Is that a harpsichord in the background, isn't it? Beautiful metallic sound.
Lovely performance. By any chance is this Goebel and company? Thanks and Happy Easter! BRIAN
A very nice work of Telemann. Even though I enjoyed the slower movements a lot, some of the faster ones are played somewhat too ecstatic and rough for my liking...
Quite well indeed.
Is this picture of Frankfurt, or Darmstadt? Telemann writes very pleasing music indeed, but It doesn't really speak to me, or move me the way Bach or Händel does. Sorry!
Roy Andersen is sorry because he likes more Bach and Handel. We are sorry for him because of his lack of musical judgement.
Pour moi, Telemann est aussi grand que Bach !!! Declaration "solennelle" qui n engage que moi tant sa musique est belle et grande et tres diverse. Mais il me semble que Telemann a produit plus que Bach du fait aussi que Telemann a vecu plus longtemps que Bach...Les deux sont vraiment les deux grands genies de la musique...i
Mon ami, je suis d'accord avec toi: je pense aussi que G.P.Telemann est aussi grand que J.S.Bach: il n'est francais - il est allemande, mais il est..le "Bach" de la France, puor ansi dir. Ps: je m'escuse pour mon terrible francais!
keltdevangel1 Maar u hebt wel gelijk....
I'm a huge fan of authentic instruments, period performance practices, etc. and in fact seek such recordings whenever possible. But I don't know if conducting modern orchestras using modern instruments is necessarily to turn one's back on historically informed performance. I've been a fan of Harnoncourt, Goebel, and especially Manze for two decades, yet I don't view their evangelism of HIP to modern bands a betrayal to the cause. If anything, it's faithfulness to it.
this obviously not english mothertongue music lover(much like myself) probably means
like nice wallpaper, atmosphere
Beats me really. Same goes for Goebel and Manze.....
What else do you call it when a founding father of 20th century HIP no longer bothers to perform with period groups.