This brave girl is one of my heroes. Remember,Malala..first they denounce you,then they fear you,then they realize you are right! May peace and strength be with you,your family,and your journey!
Malala is so amazing, so brave, so kind and Modest. She is a leader for the most noble of causes, and she has a heart full of love and gold for those less fortunate than us. Malala I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the things you do for children.
Malala Yousefzai came to my home city of Birmingham, UK, for her recovery, and we are all so proud of our adopted daughter. She opened our newly built Central Library and has placed one of her own collection of books on the shelves for us to share.
No but I fully support her and her campaign to educate girls and women. She may be very young but hey, look at the mess so-called adults have made (and are still making) of the world, maybe we should listen to younger voices.
A precious gem of humankind. Must be protected! The best is yet to be learned from this enlightened young lady. May she live a long and healthy inspiring life!
Shooting a teenage girl in the head, what proud righteous men they must be. You truly can justify anything if you read your holy book in the right way.
Its amazing as these are the same men that have atleast 9 wives and 20 children. Hypocrisy at it's finest. I wonder were the neonazi-feminists are now tho
123kkambiz No, I haven't. And neither have Muslims. No one has. I said what they said. And if we read the Qur'an, the description of hell punishment is indeed cruel.
When i first heard of her story,i thought of the quote so often attributed to Sir Winston Churchill "If you have enemies,be glad,because it means you're doing something right".
This little girl has bigger balls and heart than 99 % of the men. Before you make any comments think if YOU could do what she does, think what was your scariest moment of life...perhaps being robbed...WE have to have at least big enough balls to honour her courage and determination to step up to those cowards with machine guns! Peace brothers and sisters of the World.
Malala is a beautiful young woman in every way. This video essay was very well done. The speaker's voice sent the message straight into the listeners' hearts.
Things really have to change for the human being to evolve into some better and as good as this Malala. Does this not inspire us all. How can people stand by let a little girl fight their battles for them. No matter what you think of religion is this not bad when people can get killed for a thought.
Just 15 years old, and already she has had more bravery and courage than I have ever had in my 19 years of life. MrShannonite is right. She is worth a million of us who have been silent, or who have spent our time trolling, instead of simply understanding the message and thinking.
Agreed. Unlike the stupid feminazis that prowl on the Western hemisphere, here is a prime example of a country in dire need of feminism, but oldschool feminism. And yet, feminazis always fail to mention this situation almost everytime. This exposes them as hoax manufacturers and vile liars.
My truer words could ever be spoken. Malala, ( Lord help me, every time I see, hear, or type her name, my eyes well up with tears) is and will be an unstoppable force in this world. A voice of reason in the midst of total insanity, she is a gift rarely given to this world. Essentially, when she was shot and recovered, her triumphant spirit screamed " have given me your worst, now I will give you my best!" and she has done nothing but that ever since. I cannot think of a single person on this Earth that I have more respect for than Malala.
You said everything. Even now, just reading your comment and thinking of her, my eyes fill with tears. What an incredible presence she has, even though she isn't present here. Her mission to bring education to the girls of the world is a very noble cause, but I know she could do so much more and I'm sure she will. She is proof that God is among us.
Nadiya Nanoha Not yet, but she is still fighting the fight. She is also has an ambition to become prime minister of Pakistan, which would be a wonderful pulpit on the world stage to further her message even more.
Powerful video Seth, we who deeply value the human right to better yourself educationally and culturally... for some even spiritually are terribly outraged at the treatment of Malala.
Thank you Malala for bringing positive change in this chaotic World. Religions need to inspire people to be better, to connect them and promote peace, but they are doing totally opposite. Greetings from Serbia.
Religion is responsible for sexism. All religious text is sexist. Here is some sexism from the new testament. 1. (For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.)” 1 Corinthians 11:10 2. As the church is subject to Christ, so let wives also be subject in everything to their husbands.” Ephesians 5:24 3.the women should keep silence in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be subordinate, as even the law says. If there is anything they desire to know, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church.” 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 4.“Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or have authority over men; she is to keep silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Timothy 2:11-12 Everything is the woman's fault. I mean Eve was a brand new human being, Adam was around longer than Eve and satan didn't bother him. But it all Eve's fault right? God has no fault for putting the forbidden tree there and then having satan trick the brand new woman god just created. 5.“No one could learn that song except the hundred and forty-four thousand who had been redeemed from the earth. It is these who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are chaste…” Revelation 14:3-4 So all women and every man who has been with a women is not worthy of being redeemed from earth. For they are defiled. God thinks women are stupid and disgusting and blames everything that is fucked in this world on them. But god is love and just some how and everything is ok because this is god's will and he is perfect. Right? Nothing wrong is god's fault it's the ladies fault. Thanks women. I'm being facetious, I love and respect women much more than god evidently does.
Evertime I see or hear of this story, and those like it, I become overwhelmed with concern for the future of the human race. But, to see her recovering and reading dos me with hope! I fully support all efforts to give this young girl the Nobel Peace Prize!
Dam you Seth, I haven't teared up because of a youtube video in a long time. Powerful stuff, this is why I fight for separation of church and state and a secular society. Keep up the good work
What an inspirational and moving young woman Malala is. I am a coward compared to her bravery. This girl deserves to win the Nobel Peace Prize more than anyone else I can think of.
This one little girl has displayed more courage in three short years than most of us ever will in our entire life. A wise man defends the truth No coward defends the truth No coward is wise
Since she was shot, I've followed up on this brave brave girl. Her strength and courage has turned her into a hero, and she's already begun to change the world.
4:02 I really like the values expressed here. Education enhances persons abilities to think for themselves. With thought, and not by any physical means, will people be able to find "truth" rather than being told what it is. And when each person can contribute their ideas, we will not be able to oppress each other, only to work together towards a common goal.
Wow. Props to Malala! I somehow wanna give her a high-five or a hug or something that would let her know that's she's awesome and that she absolutely needs to keep on pushing for true human rights! You are amazing, Malala! Absolutely awesome!
Don't look down upon us and yourself like that. Without us and the rest of the world, Malala would be alone, instead, you now have the chance to stand behind Malala as the Icon of freeing women from oppression, anywhere. Regardless of your worth, you stlll have a voice, use it and speak up for Malala, tell people around you that her work and effort is priceless. Don't be ashamed to be average, it takes many average people to carry one person to great achievements..
There are those in America who try to keep women silent in the church. I was a victim of abuse in many forms. I was able to get out but not without hurt. I’m grateful to Malala for her courage
I truly admire this young girl for her bravery and hope that she lives to the day she dies peacefully from old age, in addition may her legacy live on forever in human history and beyond.
I gratefully appreciate malala my grandmother has books and movies about her I feel like the taliban needs to stop if I could meet malala it would be a dream come true malala sounds like an amazing woman and a beautiful young girl. you are malala like the God that your father named you after
a people cannot be oppressed forever, as their conditions worsen they would have no other choise but to question and rise up againt their oppressors; to be able to just simply survive, to improve themselfs and, maybe, their society. they have nothing else to lose but their chains, they have a world to win, and leading the struggle (for equallity) for this generation is this inspiring true revolutionary, keep on living and keep on fighting malala.
This girl is a heroine. If only the entire world had heros like this, we would be so much more modernized and many parts of the world still stuck in the stone age like this one, and would be much more respectable in civilized humanities eyes. My heart goes out to Malala the bravest girl I have ever known, and thank you.
I feel sorry for those who suffer. I feel happy for knowing some people fight for peace and better life. It doesn't please me seening another human being been tortured or slaughter, but the truth must be spoken. In the end nothing matters at all.
While I agree with your stance on religion, I'm glad you didn't try to turn this situation into a bash on Islam, or religion as a whole. You simply told it as it is. You didn't try and turn it into an anti-religion piece, but kept it as a human-rights piece. And for that, I thank you.
A simple thing as equality isn't even a second thought for me. Its how things should be. I just cant understand how women are treated these ways in so many places of the world. I guess I live in my freedom bubble here in Canada, I am so lucky to think, eat, learn, and work the way I want.
Malala you are EPIC ! Education, information are basic rights. You may believe in any god, in spite of I'm being an atheist I'm at your side because knowlegde is for ANY ONE who's wishing to learn and grow as a sapient being for EVERY human has this potential.
I don't know why so many people down rated your comment, as I agree with the part about having less weapons makes them less likely to be used in crimes, but that doesn't mean crime will drop massively as they will just find other means. The bigger point here is not crime, at least for me, but the much bigger picture. When citizens are not allowed to own or carry guns it gives the government ultimate power over them as they no longer have the means to revolt against mass corruption.
Malala is a HERO of our Human Race! Rare Hero. We must protect and listen to her. Malala is AWAKE! Are Yew Awake?! This is our 21st Century. WakeTheFlockUpNOW!!
I've got deep respect for this girl, I never would have the courage to stand up against the Taliban in such a situation. It's people like her that make the world suck less. It's people like the Taliban who make the world suck bigtime.
I shared this on facebook and I hope it is ok if I also link this video on my blog. I wanna write about it and put this video in as well. This is how things change! Have a voice and make it heard against all odds and even if it might be dangerous. Make sure you are heard... This girl is doing something very good!
I am a Christian, and I know the problem in this region is not the religion; its the cultural traditions and mind sets that are the root of the problem. I hope that one day we can all just coexist.
The Taliban isn't the only sect who uses religion to deny women equality. So does Judaism and Christianity. Liked and shared. I sincerely hope Malala goes on to be a voice for freedom of people oppressed by religions that deny them the right to educate themselves and think for themselves all around the world.
This is one of those videos where I genuinely worry for dislikers because I can't fathom how they can justify disagreeing with a message of peace as relevant as this.
I just got a gift from my aunt. Its a necklace with a book, and it says 'I Am Malala' I didn't know who she was until now. And I wish I have known about her sooner.
She's 100 times braver than I am. Reminds me of Rachel Corrie in Palestine. Remember for every hero like Malala, there are thousands who sacrifice & die in obscurity.
personally have done and I feel shame for the bad things that I personally, have done. But I will not take the blame or the glory for the deeds of others! Be brave, be open minded, think for yourself and encourage others to do the same.
malala shows that women may be a sensitive creature she love she bring life to world she can do all sensitive work but when a girl made idea in her mind and plan to do it then she is more stronger than anyone even more than never underestimate girl power.behind malala thier is an idea AND IDEAS ARE BULLET PROOF.
one of your best videos, makes a strong clear statement. I hope many are informed about her life and it will shame the seemingly shameless taliban/religionists
This is such a tragic story. My heart really goes out to this brave young woman. As shocking and violent as it all is, it is an atrocity of which all religions are guilty. Imagine what things would be like if we had photography during the crusades, or the general population even had a basic education.
I can pretty much guarantee you that TheThinkingAtheist team will be nothing but happy that you share their video as long as you give them credit, that's why they make these videos
something about seeing that image of a woman buried in the ground, presumably to be stoned, really, really fucks my head up. its so unbelievably sad what goes on.
I understand your position. I am an atheist. But like Seth, I was once an evangelical. To be honest, I have a lot of animosity for the religious because I feel like my life has been ruined by their lies. So when I see evangelicals posting comments on an atheist channel, it gets under my skin. I know at the core of my being that hurling insults is childish. But it feels good.
Petes Got If people started killing in the name of Gandhi, would that make Gandhi bad? If 10 years after, people started killing in the name of Malala, would that make Malala bad? Same is the case with God. Listen to what Malala herself has to say about the terrorists misusing religion for their benefit.
***** God doesn't say anything like that, unless you're reading the English bibles which has been "mistranslated" to match false doctrines of different church denominations.Take a look at the ancient Greek bibles.
04:40 "The fight for human rights is not the responsibility one one person but the responsibility of us all". 00:43 By the age of twelve Malala was an activist. 00:47 She wrote a diary for the BBC. 00:56 Nominated for the international childrens peace prize. 01:04 received Pakistan's first youth peace prize. This poor young Girl was set up by manipulative, professional, international 'Gender activists' . They encouraged her but offered her no protection. What they really wanted was a Martyr!
Thank you Malala , you have proved that a single voice can change the world....
This brave girl is one of my heroes. Remember,Malala..first they denounce you,then they fear you,then they realize you are right! May peace and strength be with you,your family,and your journey!
Malala is so amazing, so brave, so kind and Modest. She is a leader for the most noble of causes, and she has a heart full of love and gold for those less fortunate than us. Malala I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the things you do for children.
JOSH HOLCOMB What has she really done?:)
Nadiya Nanoha That she is greter then you
Laiba Ehsan I keep asking what has she done:))) And all I get is hysterical or silly comments like yours:)))
I can't begin to imagine the courage she has shown, nor the Fear and Pain she must have felt.
This brought a tear to my eye.
Malala Yousefzai came to my home city of Birmingham, UK, for her recovery, and we are all so proud of our adopted daughter. She opened our newly built Central Library and has placed one of her own collection of books on the shelves for us to share.
............You serious?
Tyler Yates Absolutely. We are all massively proud of Malala and her campaign to get education for girls and women everywhere.
You actually met her?
No but I fully support her and her campaign to educate girls and women. She may be very young but hey, look at the mess so-called adults have made (and are still making) of the world, maybe we should listen to younger voices.
Hold up, I thought you said you MET her.
A precious gem of humankind. Must be protected! The best is yet to be learned from this enlightened young lady. May she live a long and healthy inspiring life!
Shooting a teenage girl in the head, what proud righteous men they must be. You truly can justify anything if you read your holy book in the right way.
Its amazing as these are the same men that have atleast 9 wives and 20 children. Hypocrisy at it's finest. I wonder were the neonazi-feminists are now tho
***** Have you been there to know how the punishment is cruel in hell. I am sorry for your type ignorant people.
No, I haven't. And neither have Muslims. No one has. I said what they said. And if we read the Qur'an, the description of hell punishment is indeed cruel.
Thanks Seth, a fitting tribute to this amazing young woman! We should all strive to be more like her.
When i first heard of her story,i thought of the quote so often attributed to Sir Winston Churchill "If you have enemies,be glad,because it means you're doing something right".
hats off ...
Truly said , " Education is the only weapon you can change the world ."
This little girl has bigger balls and heart than 99 % of the men. Before you make any comments think if YOU could do what she does, think what was your scariest moment of life...perhaps being robbed...WE have to have at least big enough balls to honour her courage and determination to step up to those cowards with machine guns! Peace brothers and sisters of the World.
Malala is a beautiful young woman in every way. This video essay was very well done. The speaker's voice sent the message straight into the listeners' hearts.
Things really have to change for the human being to evolve into some better and as good as this Malala. Does this not inspire us all. How can people stand by let a little girl fight their battles for them. No matter what you think of religion is this not bad when people can get killed for a thought.
Sadly of all the posts I do this is the least one visited.
That comment was so good I quoted you when I shared it on Facebook. Thank you for wrighting it!
Malala the brave! keep going...
Just 15 years old, and already she has had more bravery and courage than I have ever had in my 19 years of life. MrShannonite is right. She is worth a million of us who have been silent, or who have spent our time trolling, instead of simply understanding the message and thinking.
Malala is a real life hero.
Thanks for creating this video. This topic is immensely important.
Malala is awesome! ^^
Agreed. Unlike the stupid feminazis that prowl on the Western hemisphere, here is a prime example of a country in dire need of feminism, but oldschool feminism. And yet, feminazis always fail to mention this situation almost everytime. This exposes them as hoax manufacturers and vile liars.
Incredible... This young girl is more brave than most grown men I've met. Shared.
The first time i saw Malala speak, i thought to myslf, "This girl could change the world."
My truer words could ever be spoken. Malala, ( Lord help me, every time I see, hear, or type her name, my eyes well up with tears) is and will be an unstoppable force in this world. A voice of reason in the midst of total insanity, she is a gift rarely given to this world. Essentially, when she was shot and recovered, her triumphant spirit screamed " have given me your worst, now I will give you my best!" and she has done nothing but that ever since. I cannot think of a single person on this Earth that I have more respect for than Malala.
You said everything. Even now, just reading your comment and thinking of her, my eyes fill with tears. What an incredible presence she has, even though she isn't present here. Her mission to bring education to the girls of the world is a very noble cause, but I know she could do so much more and I'm sure she will. She is proof that God is among us.
Larry Holcomb And she could, but she didn't.
Nadiya Nanoha Not yet, but she is still fighting the fight. She is also has an ambition to become prime minister of Pakistan, which would be a wonderful pulpit on the world stage to further her message even more.
Tawnku Imi-Uru Prime Minister?:) Are you serious?:)
Powerful video Seth, we who deeply value the human right to better yourself educationally and culturally... for some even spiritually are terribly outraged at the treatment of Malala.
I cant belive that malala is in Norway i live in Norway so cool
Thank you Malala for bringing positive change in this chaotic World. Religions need to inspire people to be better, to connect them and promote peace, but they are doing totally opposite. Greetings from Serbia.
i am learning about you at school i really like you
One of the most inspiring people I have ever heard of. Malala, you have the guts of a thousand men!
Religion is responsible for sexism. All religious text is sexist. Here is some sexism from the new testament.
1. (For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.)” 1 Corinthians 11:10
2. As the church is subject to Christ, so let wives also be subject in everything to their husbands.” Ephesians 5:24
3.the women should keep silence in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be subordinate, as even the law says. If there is anything they desire to know, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church.” 1 Corinthians 14:34-35
4.“Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or have authority over men; she is to keep silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.
Timothy 2:11-12 Everything is the woman's fault. I mean Eve was a brand new human being, Adam was around longer than Eve and satan didn't bother him. But it all Eve's fault right? God has no fault for putting the forbidden tree there and then having satan trick the brand new woman god just created.
5.“No one could learn that song except the hundred and forty-four thousand who had been redeemed from the earth. It is these who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are chaste…” Revelation 14:3-4
So all women and every man who has been with a women is not worthy of being redeemed from earth. For they are defiled. God thinks women are stupid and disgusting and blames everything that is fucked in this world on them. But god is love and just some how and everything is ok because this is god's will and he is perfect. Right? Nothing wrong is god's fault it's the ladies fault. Thanks women. I'm being facetious, I love and respect women much more than god evidently does.
In nowhere in any religion does it have anything against women u just have to take it in context
Evertime I see or hear of this story, and those like it, I become overwhelmed with concern for the future of the human race. But, to see her recovering and reading dos me with hope! I fully support all efforts to give this young girl the Nobel Peace Prize!
Very moving video, Malala is indeed a symbol of inspiration that no matter what age you are, you can stand up for yourself, no matter what.
Dam you Seth, I haven't teared up because of a youtube video in a long time. Powerful stuff, this is why I fight for separation of church and state and a secular society. Keep up the good work
Malala is in each one of us..her story has shaken my heart
What an inspirational and moving young woman Malala is. I am a coward compared to her bravery. This girl deserves to win the Nobel Peace Prize more than anyone else I can think of.
This one little girl has displayed more courage in three short years than most of us ever will in our entire life.
A wise man defends the truth
No coward defends the truth
No coward is wise
Since she was shot, I've followed up on this brave brave girl. Her strength and courage has turned her into a hero, and she's already begun to change the world.
A true human rights hero. It is precisely people like Malala that will defeat violence and bring peace to this world. LONG LIVE MALALA!
Wonderful video, as usual. Thank you for shaing her story!
Her courage is epic. She exposes the weakness of those whose only power is the use of brute force and opens the door for ending oppression.
4:02 I really like the values expressed here. Education enhances persons abilities to think for themselves. With thought, and not by any physical means, will people be able to find "truth" rather than being told what it is. And when each person can contribute their ideas, we will not be able to oppress each other, only to work together towards a common goal.
Thanks. Unfortunately politeness and comprehension are rare to find in the Internet. Glad to be remembered that they actuelly still exist.
Wow. Props to Malala! I somehow wanna give her a high-five or a hug or something that would let her know that's she's awesome and that she absolutely needs to keep on pushing for true human rights!
You are amazing, Malala! Absolutely awesome!
A great video for a extremely brave and extraordinary little girl, what an inspiration she is.
Don't look down upon us and yourself like that. Without us and the rest of the world, Malala would be alone, instead, you now have the chance to stand behind Malala as the Icon of freeing women from oppression, anywhere. Regardless of your worth, you stlll have a voice, use it and speak up for Malala, tell people around you that her work and effort is priceless. Don't be ashamed to be average, it takes many average people to carry one person to great achievements..
Thanks for sharing this. She is an amazing person.
Beautifully done. Thanks so much for this. I hope they give her the Nobel Peace Prize.
What a beautiful human being she is, inside and out. Keep up the good fight, Malala. Our hearts and hopes are with you.
It doesn't matter how old you are. You can still be an inspiration to many. You go,girl!
There are those in America who try to keep women silent in the church. I was a victim of abuse in many forms. I was able to get out but not without hurt. I’m grateful to Malala for her courage
amen thank for share your story and I got your book.God bless you and your familys I wish and my dream I want to meet you.
this is an amazing and inspiring young girl! I hope her dream comes true and she will see it when it does
I truly admire this young girl for her bravery and hope that she lives to the day she dies peacefully from old age, in addition may her legacy live on forever in human history and beyond.
I gratefully appreciate malala my grandmother has books and movies about her I feel like the taliban needs to stop if I could meet malala it would be a dream come true malala sounds like an amazing woman and a beautiful young girl. you are malala like the God that your father named you after
"this is a critical moment"
sent chills down my spine. very well produced seth
Wow. She inspires me. So incredibly brave!
a people cannot be oppressed forever, as their conditions worsen they would have no other choise but to question and rise up againt their oppressors; to be able to just simply survive, to improve themselfs and, maybe, their society. they have nothing else to lose but their chains, they have a world to win, and leading the struggle (for equallity) for this generation is this inspiring true revolutionary, keep on living and keep on fighting malala.
"Extremists have shown what frightens them most. A girl with a book." - Malala Yousafzai
This girl is a heroine. If only the entire world had heros like this, we would be so much more modernized and many parts of the world still stuck in the stone age like this one, and would be much more respectable in civilized humanities eyes. My heart goes out to Malala the bravest girl I have ever known, and thank you.
I feel sorry for those who suffer. I feel happy for knowing some people fight for peace and better life. It doesn't please me seening another human being been tortured or slaughter, but the truth must be spoken. In the end nothing matters at all.
Malala, you are an amazing girl. you inspired me. Thank you :)
While I agree with your stance on religion, I'm glad you didn't try to turn this situation into a bash on Islam, or religion as a whole. You simply told it as it is. You didn't try and turn it into an anti-religion piece, but kept it as a human-rights piece. And for that, I thank you.
One has to admire (and indeed adore) this young woman. Bravo, darlin'!
A simple thing as equality isn't even a second thought for me. Its how things should be. I just cant understand how women are treated these ways in so many places of the world. I guess I live in my freedom bubble here in Canada, I am so lucky to think, eat, learn, and work the way I want.
Thank you for this
Malala you are EPIC ! Education, information are basic rights. You may believe in any god, in spite of I'm being an atheist I'm at your side because knowlegde is for ANY ONE who's wishing to learn and grow as a sapient being for EVERY human has this potential.
Thank you for this video.
I don't know why so many people down rated your comment, as I agree with the part about having less weapons makes them less likely to be used in crimes, but that doesn't mean crime will drop massively as they will just find other means. The bigger point here is not crime, at least for me, but the much bigger picture. When citizens are not allowed to own or carry guns it gives the government ultimate power over them as they no longer have the means to revolt against mass corruption.
Malala is a HERO of our Human Race! Rare Hero. We must protect and listen to her.
Malala is AWAKE! Are Yew Awake?! This is our 21st Century. WakeTheFlockUpNOW!!
I've got deep respect for this girl, I never would have the courage to stand up against the Taliban in such a situation. It's people like her that make the world suck less. It's people like the Taliban who make the world suck bigtime.
I was a US Army soldier for 12 years and this girl has more guts than I or any of my comrades that I've served with and under. That's no joke.
I shared this on facebook and I hope it is ok if I also link this video on my blog. I wanna write about it and put this video in as well.
This is how things change! Have a voice and make it heard against all odds and even if it might be dangerous. Make sure you are heard... This girl is doing something very good!
I am a Christian, and I know the problem in this region is not the religion; its the cultural traditions and mind sets that are the root of the problem. I hope that one day we can all just coexist.
The Taliban isn't the only sect who uses religion to deny women equality. So does Judaism and Christianity. Liked and shared. I sincerely hope Malala goes on to be a voice for freedom of people oppressed by religions that deny them the right to educate themselves and think for themselves all around the world.
"Ideas are Bulletproof"
- Alan Moore
Es una Joven Valiente,defiende sus derechos y el de los demas ,es un ejemplo a seguir
This is one of those videos where I genuinely worry for dislikers because I can't fathom how they can justify disagreeing with a message of peace as relevant as this.
I just got a gift from my aunt. Its a necklace with a book, and it says 'I Am Malala' I didn't know who she was until now. And I wish I have known about her sooner.
She's 100 times braver than I am. Reminds me of Rachel Corrie in Palestine. Remember for every hero like Malala, there are thousands who sacrifice & die in obscurity.
Its time for people to realize that some ways of life aren't just different. They are better.
A pen is sharper than a sword,
a book is sturdier than a shield,
and an intellectual is stronger than a soldier.
Stay strong Malala.
Her bravery is something to be admired. I hope her ideas hold up and this unscrupulous doctrine is eschewed from our world.
My Heart sings Thankyou! Malala.
Enough to make a grown man cry.
I knew I shouldn't have watched this while working. Now I'm all emotionally jacked-up.
Ideas are bulletproof...
personally have done and I feel shame for the bad things that I personally, have done. But I will not take the blame or the glory for the deeds of others!
Be brave, be open minded, think for yourself and encourage others to do the same.
She is far more worthy of that word, than most of what we would call "Hero"
I have so much respect for Malala. We take our education for granted so much
malala shows that women may be a sensitive creature she love she bring life to world she can do all sensitive work but when a girl made idea in her mind and plan to do it then she is more stronger than anyone even more than never underestimate girl power.behind malala thier is an idea AND IDEAS ARE BULLET PROOF.
where can I egt music like this ...2:40 ... Love the calm sound
one of your best videos, makes a strong clear statement. I hope many are informed about her life and it will shame the seemingly shameless taliban/religionists
At first I started to get a little teary eyed...
Then I got to the part where she survived
This is such a tragic story. My heart really goes out to this brave young woman. As shocking and violent as it all is, it is an atrocity of which all religions are guilty. Imagine what things would be like if we had photography during the crusades, or the general population even had a basic education.
This is powerful and beautiful! :'-)
I can pretty much guarantee you that TheThinkingAtheist team will be nothing but happy that you share their video as long as you give them credit, that's why they make these videos
At first, I was skeptical, but then I noticed that you used eleven exclamation points, and it really got me thinking.
This is beautiful.
something about seeing that image of a woman buried in the ground, presumably to be stoned, really, really fucks my head up. its so unbelievably sad what goes on.
Wow, that really is something.
I really thought she died there for a moment.
Malala is a truly incredible girl.
I understand your position. I am an atheist. But like Seth, I was once an evangelical.
To be honest, I have a lot of animosity for the religious because I feel like my life has been ruined by their lies. So when I see evangelicals posting comments on an atheist channel, it gets under my skin. I know at the core of my being that hurling insults is childish. But it feels good.
The grace of an all loving god, delivered by deadly bullets.
She is unique….God bless her and all the children in Pakistan!!!
Not to be rude. But they shot her in the name of God. I think the last thing the children need is that same "gods" blessing.
Petes Got Everyone has their own image of who God is and what he likes, dislikes, etc.
***** Yeah, and that's fucked up, in my opinion.
Petes Got If people started killing in the name of Gandhi, would that make Gandhi bad? If 10 years after, people started killing in the name of Malala, would that make Malala bad? Same is the case with God. Listen to what Malala herself has to say about the terrorists misusing religion for their benefit.
***** God doesn't say anything like that, unless you're reading the English bibles which has been "mistranslated" to match false doctrines of different church denominations.Take a look at the ancient Greek bibles.
04:40 "The fight for human rights is not the responsibility one one person but the responsibility of us all".
00:43 By the age of twelve Malala was an activist. 00:47 She wrote a diary for the BBC. 00:56 Nominated for the international childrens peace prize. 01:04 received Pakistan's first youth peace prize.
This poor young Girl was set up by manipulative, professional, international 'Gender activists' . They encouraged her but offered her no protection. What they really wanted was a Martyr!