Why is this particular group of people allowed to even come to this facility? They are so rude and disrespectful, yet they don't like it when their culture is mocked or criticized.
The horses ears are flat or laid back. He is not happy. His bit might be worrying him. To the relief of the Kings Guards and the horses it’s quiet. Not many people around. Let’s hope it stays that way.
Why is this particular group of people allowed to even come to this facility? They are so rude and disrespectful, yet they don't like it when their culture is mocked or criticized.
Aber diese Gruppe möchte sich gegenüber immer mit höchstem Respekt behandelt werden. .... über andere machen sie sich lustig😡
Warum wundert sich diese Gruppe das sie keiner mag ? Was soll so was Respekt loses ?
Those people always are so disrespectful and rude when they show up.
I dread the thought when wilderbeasts get here in their massive herds in summer
Did he just say am i allowed to take your horse?.. No ..
Well i never
He stood in front of the sign
why do people have no respect for the kings gard i love london beautiful
The horses ears are flat or laid back. He is not happy. His bit might be worrying him. To the relief of the Kings Guards and the horses it’s quiet. Not many people around. Let’s hope it stays that way.
Some of the tourist are so rude
That’s because they are not allowed to rub the horse.. they get angry & get rude..
All they can do is take a photo & ogle away from afar
No they are just ignorant and don’t give a damn
Pero esto no es hoy porqu no pone ud. Seria más serio 😮
I didn't see them group of people do anything
Yes the man mocked the guard with the foot stomp. That group does that often and usually the mocking is much worse than what he did.
Watch it again.