heard it 3 miles away from the port in my garden. Which prompted me to a research of the sound. Turns out, this beauty docked in my village. took my kids to see it . She has 4 more sailings from my village in next 2 months.
This is so cool! My mom said that she was on a different cruise ship when a Disney one pulled out (like 20 years ago) and played 'when you wish upon a star' and she almost cried. I played this for her and she said she got chills and almost cried again.
Patrick: “Are automobiles an instrument?” Squidward: “No Patrick, automobiles are not an instrument“ (Patrick raises his hand again) Squidward: “Cruise ships are not an instrument either.” Disney Cruise Line: “Hold our anchor.”
0:25 for When you wish.
Hey Disney remember me? I played CST with you and I can play this irl
I still think its dope ships these days can play part of a song thats awesome imagine hearing that in the distance
Its pretty awesome and sounds better honestly
heard it 3 miles away from the port in my garden. Which prompted me to a research of the sound. Turns out, this beauty docked in my village. took my kids to see it . She has 4 more sailings from my village in next 2 months.
This is so cool! My mom said that she was on a different cruise ship when a Disney one pulled out (like 20 years ago) and played 'when you wish upon a star' and she almost cried. I played this for her and she said she got chills and almost cried again.
Sounds like a melody of ships horns making one song dolphins remind me of the scene with dolphins in titanic
Patrick: “Are automobiles an instrument?”
Squidward: “No Patrick, automobiles are not an instrument“
(Patrick raises his hand again)
Squidward: “Cruise ships are not an instrument either.”
Disney Cruise Line: “Hold our anchor.”
went on here in Feb 2016!!
0:21 horn plays
Actually, more like 0:25
Cuboy'dMC No No No More like 0:24
Amazing, is my dream
I saw them at :48 the Dolphins
This is my favorate ship💕💕💕💕
I bet your English is teacher is so proud of her _favourite_ pupil. 🥴
after I saw it live I think I'm a convert
LGR i just happend to come across your channel looking for Disney cruise stuff. OMG
Dolphins at 0:48
Honestly I would be creeped out if i was in the middle of the ocean and heard this 😂
No! Everyone know its the famous Disney ship's horn ;)
Am I the only one who thinks that this is actually kind of creepy and unsettling?