I'd recommend practicing in this order, moving on to the next step once you get kinda consistent with the previous. 1. Practice just doing HCL FRC 2. Practice doing HCL FRC off of buttons or while jumping. 3. Practice doing HCL 6FRC6 off of a superjump. Superjumping makes it easier to do since you don't have to worry about minimum airdash height. 4. Practice doing strings like c.S 8 5H HCL 6FRC6. The 8 input between c.S and 5H gives you your airdashes, this is generally easier than trying to do the JI HCL raw. 5. Practice 5H JI HCL 6FRC6. To get the jump install here, you can TK the HCL. However, you don't want to actually leave the ground, so you should still be pressing K to finish the HCL motion before the hitstop of 5H ends. On stick and pad it's easiest to do this like 5H > 63214786K, but on leverless I do 5H > 6321469K. Dustloop has a more detailed guide on how to do this and practice techniques, but this is my generally recommended guide for how to learn it.
ino goat!
Nice I-no!!! Any tips on practicing FRC HCL?
I'd recommend practicing in this order, moving on to the next step once you get kinda consistent with the previous.
1. Practice just doing HCL FRC
2. Practice doing HCL FRC off of buttons or while jumping.
3. Practice doing HCL 6FRC6 off of a superjump. Superjumping makes it easier to do since you don't have to worry about minimum airdash height.
4. Practice doing strings like c.S 8 5H HCL 6FRC6. The 8 input between c.S and 5H gives you your airdashes, this is generally easier than trying to do the JI HCL raw.
5. Practice 5H JI HCL 6FRC6. To get the jump install here, you can TK the HCL. However, you don't want to actually leave the ground, so you should still be pressing K to finish the HCL motion before the hitstop of 5H ends. On stick and pad it's easiest to do this like 5H > 63214786K, but on leverless I do 5H > 6321469K.
Dustloop has a more detailed guide on how to do this and practice techniques, but this is my generally recommended guide for how to learn it.