It’s not so bad. I was bags on the back guy for a long time. So a bit different for sure. Honestly, had the bags for 2 weeks then one of my cabinet installers wanted to try it out and I won’t get them back because he loves it!! He wears it in the back since he was used to his old set up. I’ll see if I can do a review with his opinions. I do plan to get another trimmer but without the custom 2 bag option on the left. I’ll add 2 spacer clips left and right of the middle bag to hold a tape measure and use the middle bag as a fastener bag. One thing I did notice was the slots for the pencils. Didn’t seem like they weren’t deep enough. I put a brand new pencil and it stuck up so high it would dig into my side. Let me know if this helps!!
@@bonybacathecabinetguy7007thanks man I appreciate the response! I kinda wish they had more rear worn stitched in place stuff it would be a nice thing I think because if they are meant to be worn in the front when you spin them around to the back I find they sit too far back
Thanks for the information.
How is it when bending down do the bags get in the way a lot?
It’s not so bad. I was bags on the back guy for a long time. So a bit different for sure. Honestly, had the bags for 2 weeks then one of my cabinet installers wanted to try it out and I won’t get them back because he loves it!! He wears it in the back since he was used to his old set up. I’ll see if I can do a review with his opinions. I do plan to get another trimmer but without the custom 2 bag option on the left. I’ll add 2 spacer clips left and right of the middle bag to hold a tape measure and use the middle bag as a fastener bag. One thing I did notice was the slots for the pencils. Didn’t seem like they weren’t deep enough. I put a brand new pencil and it stuck up so high it would dig into my side. Let me know if this helps!!
@@bonybacathecabinetguy7007thanks man I appreciate the response! I kinda wish they had more rear worn stitched in place stuff it would be a nice thing I think because if they are meant to be worn in the front when you spin them around to the back I find they sit too far back