Warhammer 40K Female Custodes - Just Admit Why…

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • My final video on the inclusion of Female Custodes in Warhammer 40,000.

Комментарии • 94

  • @praetoriandorn3154
    @praetoriandorn3154 4 месяца назад +24

    I like how they always contradict themselves by saying that the lore is fluid and nothing is established canon, then go ahead and say that this retcon doesn't matter. A retcon by definition is a change to ESTABLISHED lore.

    • @thechadnerd8562
      @thechadnerd8562  4 месяца назад +5

      The lore can be changed, but do it for a good reason that actually adds value to the story.
      Adding in female custodes literally does nothing. It was a pointless change.

    • @praetoriandorn3154
      @praetoriandorn3154 4 месяца назад +2

      @thechadnerd8562 it has to follow the logic and rules already set within the universe. What is consistently evident with these people is that they dont understand fictional world building or storytelling, they think that you can just do anything at any time because its "cool" to them.

  • @pppjunk
    @pppjunk 4 месяца назад +30

    It's about power. First they change something that is specifically targeted to annoy the fans, then parade it in front of them and mock them. The message is "LMAO I broke your toy and you can't do anything about it." They will not say why, because he who has power does not justify himself. Giving a justification would defeat the entire purpose of asserting power. When this change runs out of steam, they will pick a new one, always with the goal to vandalize the franchise and get an angry reaction from the fans. They'll probably make the emperor queer or something of the sort.

    • @thechadnerd8562
      @thechadnerd8562  4 месяца назад +5

      I’ve been telling people that the custodes are all still male. This new “female” one just identifies as female. 😂

    • @lloydgush
      @lloydgush 4 месяца назад +1

      @@thechadnerd8562 Still would break the lore.
      but certainly would piss them off, lol!

  • @588holly
    @588holly 4 месяца назад +5

    That was the best assessment of this whole debacle I've heard yet.

  • @brothazoot
    @brothazoot 4 месяца назад +5

    That's the problem. You should never accept it. It should never be "What it is". Too many people rolling over on this shit is the entire reason why they continue to get away with it. Stop throwing your hands up in defeat. Stand up for what you believe in.

    • @KuldesacMedia
      @KuldesacMedia 4 месяца назад +3

      Take it to the next level and fans should create new tabletop games instead of relying on these legacy IPs. Between 3D printing and easy networking in the online space, it wouldn’t be terribly difficult to build a better “not warhammer” alternative with a motivated community. You have modelers, artists, war gamers, and lore nerds who could all contribute. It could be an open source project. Stop giving money to people who hate you and start creating something better

    • @koreancowboy42
      @koreancowboy42 4 месяца назад

      Yep it's the problem with some of the fans. Some people are saying "it is what it is" and just accepts it. Splitting the fanbase into people who supposedly "is a fan" yet they don't care. 😂
      Then the actual fans that does take issue with it.
      Like this is what happens with idiotic writers and people on the lore.

  • @Kross415
    @Kross415 4 месяца назад +11

    This is not the kind of change GW does to sell minis, pretty sure this change was made because of the Amazon show so they can push it to Henry who is known to respect and value the original material. No new female custodes model has been announced or being promoted in any way and fans are getting banned just by asking GW normal polite questions. We're not bad people for wanting our hobby be safe from political cheap tokenism, the bad people is the one at the other side, just check or remember the Hogwarts Legacy insanity and how people got doxxed, harrased, wish to die and given death threats just because they wanted to play a game that btw had trans and gay characters in it.

    • @richardkelly6732
      @richardkelly6732 4 месяца назад +1

      This was, based on what GW people have said, was never done because female minis didn't sell as well. The writers have wanted to have female Custodes in for quite a while but never had the go ahead because there were no models to sell. The basic point was made in the video here, that there's no real reason in canon or otherwise to not have female Custodes so the objection seems to be that any realistic changes shouldn't happen.

    • @thechadnerd8562
      @thechadnerd8562  4 месяца назад +4

      No the point is that one should only change a story that is loved by millions upon millions of people if the change is going to have a significant positive impact.
      Female custodes have no impact. Significant or otherwise.
      This move only serves to “fight prejudice & bigotry”

    • @Kross415
      @Kross415 4 месяца назад

      @@richardkelly6732 I've seen that argument several times, that the writers have wanted to write femstodes for a while but I've only seen 1 quote from 1 author so I would like to see sources on that statement.
      ''but never had the go ahead because there were no models to sell'' And there aren't any new models to sell now either so...(?)
      ''there's no real reason in canon or otherwise to not have female Custodes''
      They've always been called ''brotherhood'' and ''son'' and there's never been a femstodes mentioned or models, you can chose to believe in whatever you want but reality is reality. And again, no models to sell.
      ''so the objection seems to be that any realistic changes shouldn't happen.''
      What's the reasoning behind ''having females in the Custodes is more realistic than Custodes being all male'' because if anything is the other way around.
      Also as a sidenote I think the whole reason female models sell (meaning SoS,SoB) is because they're unique and badass on their own right and not just poorly integrated into other armies for cheap tokenism.

    • @haraldbredsdorff2699
      @haraldbredsdorff2699 4 месяца назад

      @@richardkelly6732 The thing is, the person who claimed custodies was always suppose to have male and female, lies.
      We know, because they made the same claim about space marines. And it was claimed in 1st edition, when custodies did not have any models.
      That is the worst part of arguing with these people. They do not care, if the lie.
      You can even catch them in a lie, prove to them they are wrong is such a way they have to admit it.
      And then, 1 week later, they are back to push the same lie.

  • @StigPrice
    @StigPrice 4 месяца назад +8

    "For clarity: satire is the use of humour, irony, or exaggeration, displaying people’s vices or a system’s flaws for scorn, derision, and ridicule. Something doesn’t have to be wacky or laugh-out-loud funny to be satire. The derision is in the setting’s amplification of a tyrannical, genocidal regime, turned up to 11. The Imperium is not an aspirational state, outside of the in-universe perspectives of those who are slaves to its systems. It’s a monstrous civilisation, and its monstrousness is plain for all to see." - games workshop...
    Also games workshop "lets make the imperium more inculsive, there is no place for mysogyny in the imperium"...
    Looks like gamesworkshop forgot how their lore works.

    • @thechadnerd8562
      @thechadnerd8562  4 месяца назад +3

      Oh they didn’t forget. $$$$$$🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑

    • @richardkelly6732
      @richardkelly6732 4 месяца назад +1

      I think it's fair to make the differentiation that the horrific status of the Imperium and the horror they employ isn't the same as the modern world.

  • @coldtruth9431
    @coldtruth9431 4 месяца назад +1

    I started to think this video was on a loop because I heard the same thing like 3 or 4 times in a row but it’s not lol

  • @ltGargoyle
    @ltGargoyle 4 месяца назад +1

    you do not need to buy anything new to continue to play warhammer. you can get rules online and buy second hand or 3d print. Also you can play older editions.

  • @slitth
    @slitth 4 месяца назад +2

    But it does make a difference story wise.
    They don't have the brain or the bravery to dig in and explore the scenario.
    Because there would be question about how the custodes view themselves, how the world views them, how this would impact the Terran nobility.
    The Warhammer 40k world is not a nice place, there are traditions and power struggles that does not like changes and would kill people that would try to challenge it.

  • @bootlegpete7984
    @bootlegpete7984 4 месяца назад +1

    Some corpo suit and tie who has just bought up GW licences didn't like the projected profit analysis on their latest upcoming 40K production when they found out the Imperium's most powerful warriors are solely male. No co-in-ka-dink that Amazon have a Warhammer tv show in the works and need GW to bend some of the rules for certain ''communities'' in order to maximize viewership, audiences and merch sales.
    Mainstreamism and popularity will ruin 40K, just like everything else.

  • @enfantterrible1102
    @enfantterrible1102 4 месяца назад +2

    I hope the people who plan on boycotting stay strong. I have never played the tabletop game myself but I do enjoy the lore and this decision felt like a stab in the back from GW. Thank you for making this video!

  • @darthkai3621
    @darthkai3621 4 месяца назад

    I say the Sisters of Battle are as great as the Space Marines, since they often get miracles from just pure *FAITH* to allow them to do shit like parry greater demons. As for Sisters of Silence, they’re more specialized against demons and warp entities as opposed to the more generalized Custodies.

  • @jaegerbomb269
    @jaegerbomb269 4 месяца назад +4

    I know we all hate GW, but they're angels compared to Amazon. No on in their right mind would want that company to buy GW. Have you seen Rings of Power? Need I say more? Keep Gatekeeping! Fuck Amazon!

  • @DeathMortarion
    @DeathMortarion 4 месяца назад +1

    The woke mind virus is alive and well in the GW headquarters. I'd tell ppl to jump ship to Battletech but it's almost as bad over there. Thing is Battletech is not quite the same though, with female clanners and lots more going back to the 1990s. Battletech is much more contemporary so it works, 40k however is meant to be regressive and dystopian high tech mediveal version of humanity.

  • @CrunchyNorbert
    @CrunchyNorbert 4 месяца назад

    whats worse is they have no point of reference for how much it would suck to go through the process, furthermore Valdor's personal sadness at being easily one of the wisest people around but so bound

  • @nickhorde4419
    @nickhorde4419 4 месяца назад

    Maybe those are Emperors Stick Of Truth keepers. Got promoted asap not to get blasted by his mighty climaxes to the oblivion in one go.

  • @Miku-2020
    @Miku-2020 4 месяца назад

    at 8:00 it just feels like you're not saying, maybe later you will. but this kind of thing breeds more prejudice when you take totaliriatian position and limit what opinions others are allowed to have.

  • @ringotomb
    @ringotomb 4 месяца назад +1

    its just so they can have a super chick in the amazon show

  • @koreancowboy42
    @koreancowboy42 4 месяца назад

    Here's the thing about adding or retcons or changing things.
    "Give an proper reason and why"
    All it took was an "Just write it better"
    Instead of gaslighting the entire fanbase "You guys are dumb, bigots, neckbeards and fake fans cuz the female custodes have been around for ages" also I remember someone saying the genes or whatever to make the Custodes is not compatible for females to be made. So it does not matter if they add "Female custodes have been around"
    When there's dozens of passages of information explaning it.
    Also I recommend The Archcast he's an amazing 40k youtuber lore guy.
    Like valuing lore and continuity is the "Skeleton structure" that holds it all together. Without lore that makes no sense it contradicts all other information that has been mentioned from other passages.
    Like 😂 it literally says "Sons of Terra" "Brotherhood"
    Not "Sons and Daughters of Terra" "Brother and Sisterhood"
    Im an new fan of 40k, I only got into it because of The Archcast and playing warhammer total war. Being invested into playing the WH total war for hours.
    Like take a look at Lotr fans when RoP came out, it was heavy backlash and destroying everything that was Lore established in Tolkiens work.
    Even if RoP was its own thing, they knew exactly what they were making was to insult Lotr and peter jacksons work and tolkiens world.
    Can you imagine Barbie dolls being replaced by "Dudes"
    This is also what happens to our idiotic society when things are left unchecked. We just let anything happen and things just happen for the more dumbest reasons.

  • @frankverisco4722
    @frankverisco4722 4 месяца назад +1

    Apparently lore doesnt matter but D.E.I. does. The amazon tv show is gonna have some 10ft tall chicks in power armor. I cant wait NOT to watch this show.

  • @grenadiergord
    @grenadiergord 4 месяца назад

    Just cancelled my plus membership that's the best way to make them feel the pain

  • @Miku-2020
    @Miku-2020 4 месяца назад

    about boycott, i don't really say I'm boycotting but I've not spent a pennie for while now on 40k. my collection, time and money is not appreciated by GW I buy new primaris liutenant in 8th and build it with legal loadout to just be hit on to nose in 9th it is no longer legal loadout, and as dark angel player now it feels half of stuff is either in legends or do not exist in game rules at all. It's really hard to find motivation on to the hobby as the gaming was the biggest reason for me to the hobby. I tried OPR but their newest revision doesn't scratch the itch . so yeah I've not spent even a pennie on Gamesworkshop for sometime now. especially not after 10th ed

  • @spnked9516
    @spnked9516 4 месяца назад +2

    It's honestly surprising that it's taken the wider community this long to take note of the worsening progressive lean that GW has been captured by for a few years now. Seems like many people were willing to turn a blind eye to overtly political corporate statements (ie the notorious "Warhammer is for everyone" post), or the increasingly rampant tokenism (ie blacks on Fenris in 40k, the corporate safe "diversity" of the new CoS line in AoS, or the addition of female knights and black handmaidens to the Brets in TOW).
    Hell, if you want to drop the political angle altogether, the total nuking of Fantasy should have been the canary in the coal mine to let people know GW doesn't care about their properties or their consumers. Sorta telling when a company wipes out the IP that built it because they couldn't be bothered to fix the problems with it they themselves created.

    • @azamonra
      @azamonra 4 месяца назад

      Fantasy got nuked because it didn't sell well enough. Mainly because it was outshone by 40K and was notably harder to get into as a game.

    • @spnked9516
      @spnked9516 4 месяца назад +1

      @@azamonra Think about WHY it didn't sell well. The majority of its issues were self-inflicted.
      - Inconsistent and infrequent updates for models and rules (i.e. the Brets as a whole, or the VC receives rule fixes and TK not despite having the same problems)
      - Increasing prices for decreasing value (i.e. blood knights or witch elves by 8th)
      - Little to no support for lower entry-level games (i.e. Skirmish, Border patrol, Mordheim even)
      -Overabundance of metal and low-quality resin in the lines.
      And that's just a few.
      If you want a really simple comparison between how Fantasy and 40k/AoS are treated just look at battalion boxes versus Combat Patrol/Vanguard (or their older counterparts, the "getting started" boxes). Unlike the Battalion boxes, Combat Patrol boxes are a functional vertical slice of a faction.

  • @konradmickiewicz4020
    @konradmickiewicz4020 4 месяца назад +3

    3.Calidus assassins

    • @thechadnerd8562
      @thechadnerd8562  4 месяца назад

      What about them?

    • @konradmickiewicz4020
      @konradmickiewicz4020 4 месяца назад


    • @charalamboscharalambous165
      @charalamboscharalambous165 4 месяца назад +2

      @@thechadnerd8562 He is pointing out that the Callidus Temple assassins are also a female only faction

    • @thechadnerd8562
      @thechadnerd8562  4 месяца назад +1

      @@charalamboscharalambous165 bruh….thats 3 lol

    • @azamonra
      @azamonra 4 месяца назад

      @@charalamboscharalambous165 In the Inquisitor Wars there was were two male Callidus but those books are probably not canon anymore.

  • @Sukmuhnutz
    @Sukmuhnutz 4 месяца назад

    You dont have to accept female custodes. No one does. You can still play older additions. Just dont accept the change. You dont really have to boycott them. Just ignore the change. It's corruption from the warp.

    • @safteydoode7824
      @safteydoode7824 4 месяца назад

      females can not survive the gene-seeding. Any that have died relatively quickly afterward ... that is cannon.

    • @karpnado5447
      @karpnado5447 4 месяца назад

      @@safteydoode7824 Custodes don't use gene seed.

  • @azamonra
    @azamonra 4 месяца назад

    I don't get this at all. If female Custodies would be exactly like male Custodies, and the one bit of fluff that actually has one basically says she's just like the other Custodies, then why fight so hard against this? Ok you don't agree with the assumed motivation behind the change and I do agree people that hold such views are wrong. But by being so hard against this all you're doing is presenting yourself as what they believe you to be.
    So I ask; why can't women be Custodies? There is only a vague implication that it can't be done by virtue of it never being stated to have been done as far as I'm aware.

  • @kataro89
    @kataro89 4 месяца назад

    So think about this, out of ALL the factions you can play in 40k, how many are single gender, SM/CSM, Custodians, Soritas and Silence Sisters. And how many are coed...hmm. Yea not much excuse for "needing representation"

    • @kataro89
      @kataro89 4 месяца назад

      I personally don't like the change because it could/can be a sign of more crape writing and unnecessary fan conflict in this hobby. We all seen what's happen to other fandoms in last 10yrs. That's what I'm worried about and thats what I'm sure 90% of fans that worried about. So you tell those defenders of this unnecessary change to the lore, it's not the fact that their female, it's the why and what it could lead to, ideology first before good story.

  • @AgesEons
    @AgesEons 4 месяца назад +1

    I'll say it the lore and books are secondary to the tabletop wargame. Without the lore warhammer is still a game system, without the game warhammer 40k is a shit story with some good ideas. There will be female space marines eventually because that means they can sell you space marines (the most popular army) again its not that deep.

  • @tailamkins7550
    @tailamkins7550 4 месяца назад +2

    This is my opinion but I'm pretty confident that GW made this decision to make female models and hopefully sell more models to girls best opening up their marketing demographic.

    • @tailamkins7550
      @tailamkins7550 4 месяца назад

      Also I think Space Marine versus a sister of silence isn't so one-handed, there's a decent amount of lore to back up either side, I think it comes down to which character, that being said I think a no-name Space Marine would beat a no name sister of silence.

    • @thechadnerd8562
      @thechadnerd8562  4 месяца назад +6

      Making female custodes will not bring any additional women to this hobby.
      There were ZERO people staying away from 40K simply because it lacked superhuman females.

    • @Croziuz
      @Croziuz 4 месяца назад +2

      I was there in 1997 when SoB came out, and no significant number of women joined us. A friend of mine put it like this, 40K is like the scifi version of traincollectors, a type of hobby that mostly men find interesting.
      Always found that funny

    • @EyeXombie
      @EyeXombie 4 месяца назад +2

      @@thechadnerd8562 You're wrong because it already has. I've already seen several channels with women buying their first armies since the change has happen. You're just making blanket statements that you can't possibly know is true.

    • @thechadnerd8562
      @thechadnerd8562  4 месяца назад +5

      @@EyeXombie links to videos or it didn’t happen.

  • @theunreasonablyreasonablea7982
    @theunreasonablyreasonablea7982 4 месяца назад

    It's interesting to me that the version of representation people champion in modern times is basically tokenism...something that has always been a big no no lol

  • @Tidus13666
    @Tidus13666 4 месяца назад


  • @sickmit3481
    @sickmit3481 4 месяца назад +2

    I dont have anything against adding something to an established lore if it really fits in an has a good reason why it suddenly is part of said lore. But as i understood they were gas lighting people into believing that they have allways been part of the Lore. That last part is just a dick move imo. Imagine if they had brought out a book with a really cool and understandable story why there suddenly are female custodes although most of the imperium never knew about it or something. Nobody would be mad but they instead chose to do a really dumb move

  • @EyeXombie
    @EyeXombie 4 месяца назад +5

    Lets talk about why you really made this video.... So you could jump on the hate bandwagon and join all the other hate channels and try to grab likes and subs from the anti woke/woke cult BS.

    • @thechadnerd8562
      @thechadnerd8562  4 месяца назад +8

      Nope, just a big Warhammer 40K fan. I play the tabletop game & I’ve been into the lore and reading the books for the last 16 years.

    • @koreancowboy42
      @koreancowboy42 4 месяца назад

      I mean, as if Woke is doing anything for the people. The fact woke politics began pouring into world wide view to Gamez, movies, TV shows and now into Schools and colleges.
      Wow and what exactly is wokeness giving us? Nothing but ruining things and not giving us any reasons to accept it.

    • @Mooshkajoe
      @Mooshkajoe 4 месяца назад

      Ah yes, the "You're not really mad and just making a video for content" gaslighting.
      This argument never works. Just because some makes a video doesn't mean their opinion is invalid.
      By posting this smoothbrain comment, you're literally proving his point because the only people who post shit like this just can't be honest that they support woke injection into existing IP's because the woke camp is too morally and creatively bankrupt to come up with their own shit... and even when they do it fails horribly because its all pandering and no substance.
      Im surprised you didn't say, "Why do you care so much?"
      It's exhausting, and we see right through your bullshit.

  • @dingesskahn
    @dingesskahn 4 месяца назад

    There are alot of assumptions that it's preferable to be a space marine or a custodian. Those aren't men. They look like men, but homo sapiens they are not. They don't think like men they don't act like men. Of what good is a sword that questions the one who wields it?

  • @wlewey
    @wlewey 4 месяца назад +2

    is this really worth crying about my guy.... like you said "its a plastic game with plastic toys." just go outside for a bit.

    • @rabenfedersonnenhut
      @rabenfedersonnenhut 4 месяца назад +5

      You lack the authority to decide what people value how much. If i come to your house and rewrite your favorite books or reedit your favorite movies or games, adding stuff that changes them to the very core, you'd be livid. And justified at that, mate. It's easy to say it does not matter if it does not affect you.

    • @thechadnerd8562
      @thechadnerd8562  4 месяца назад +4

      You ask if it’s really worth crying about?
      Is it really worth changing in the first place?

    • @wlewey
      @wlewey 4 месяца назад

      @@rabenfedersonnenhut I dunno man I’ve lived through Star Wars, the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy movie, and countless others. People change things. That is human nature. I suppose it’s also human nature to complain about the thing you love being changed but time flows on and I don’t see how fussing about things is gonna change anything. If You don’t like the changes, then create your own tabletop game and you’ll get to make the rules. I couldn’t even tell you the last time I fought against a custodes army so it’s not even worth putting on my radar personally.

    • @karpnado5447
      @karpnado5447 4 месяца назад

      @@rabenfedersonnenhut Your comparison is misleading. No one rewrote your books. 40K is not your IP, not your story to tell or to control. You don't like this change. That's perfectly fine. But acting like you were personally disrespected or were owed an explanation is acting like an entitled child.

    • @koreancowboy42
      @koreancowboy42 4 месяца назад

      ​@wlewey then you ain't no true fan of anything. Your exactly the type of person these idiots need to spread their agendas.
      All it takes is a simple "why" why bother at all to change these things. The fact that people can't answer the reason "why" speaks lots.
      Hence the quote "why do you care" so much to change something.

  • @karpnado5447
    @karpnado5447 4 месяца назад

    First of: You're asking a question but then continue on with your "teh wokes" rant like you already made up your mind about GWs reasoning.
    40K is not your IP, the story is not yours to control or tell. Why do you feel you are entitled to an explanation of a company regarding a specific lore issue?
    Lastly, I can't answer your question as to why, however Aaron Dembski Bowden answered the "why not from the start?" about 5 years ago. Regarding female Custodes he wrote:
    "Not exactly. What I was saying was, at the time of working on the lore, there was no reason they couldn't be male or female (and as far as things still stand, there's still no lore reason they can't be). But there is a non-lore reason, which was the previous IP overlord saying "There are no female Custodian models, they're all male, so don't write any female ones."
    There was also a Studio mandate a couple of years after that, saying "Don't do female Custodians." Again, that seemed to tie in with the release of an all-male mini line.
    Two very rare moments of direction from on-high."
    There you go. According to one of the makers of the lore you claim to be so adamant about, female Custodes always were intended but weren't realized because of the miniature line. That's it.
    P.S. Please keep your "culture war" sh*t out of this hobby.

    • @thechadnerd8562
      @thechadnerd8562  4 месяца назад +2

      It’s fine I’m cool with the femstodes.
      I just want everyone to know, accept, and openly admit that it was for the ridiculous purpose of fighting IMAGINARY prejudice/bigotry. Specifically sexism.

    • @Mooshkajoe
      @Mooshkajoe 4 месяца назад

      "Why do you feel entitled..."
      The fucking irony.

    • @karpnado5447
      @karpnado5447 4 месяца назад

      @@Mooshkajoe What's ironic about that?