Afghan Sunni Muslim : How I became a Jesus Follower? Lovely Testimony

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 3,6 тыс.

  • @strongtower27
    @strongtower27  10 месяцев назад +542

    Let us see the short history of early Islam? Islam founded by mohammed as a humble initiative to gain leadership of mohamed's own qureshi tribe defeating his qureshi tribal opponents and also as a way to gain wealth by plundering trade route caravans , simply say as a small mafia group of thieves with sword. It has been initiated and financed by Khadija , the first wife of mohammed , the wealthy business woman in mecaa . When that so called spirit jebriel squeezed mohammed's neck 3 times , make him frightened and shivering. Mohammed believed that he was attacked and possessed by a jinn. He run to Khadijah and said cover him because he felt shivering and scary due to that demonic attack. (Refer Sahih Bhukhari Hadith 6982 ) Mohammed fell down to the ground , water and foam came out from his mouth . As per Bible that "water & foam" is a sign of demonic attack. It happens when Jesus cast out demon possessed. Khadija took him to Wareka bin Nafal her cousin , gnostic preacher from nazara gnostic cult. ( like JW / Mormon) Nazara cult believed that Jesus was not crucified and raised to heaven. At first Wareqa suggested that jinn spirit may be gabriel. So Khadija did a funny test to mohammed to check whether this spirit is a demon or real Jabriel. Khadija is the first to name and call that jinn satan as jabriel after her funny naked test with mohammed. In fact Khadijah is the one who promoted mohammed as the prophet of islam. Kahdija requested her cousin Ex Priest Wareqa bin Nafal to create an Arabic Gospel for mohammed .(Refer Sahih Bhukhari Hadith 6982 for well explained , full story of this small Mafia group & Arabic Gospel of Wareqa) That Arabic Gospel is called quran , the fake wahi from allah did by Ex priest Wareqa . Wareqa bin Nafal is the one who added all that false information in quran against Holy Bible and give it to mohammed as wahi /revelation from allah in a daily basis . Islam created by wealthy Khadija and her cousin Wareqa as a small business initiative to mohammed . Mohammed took that chief moon god allah of his qureshi tribe and white washed , remove 3 daughters of pre islamic allah and promoted as a new deity called quranic allah . Also mohammed adapted all that pagan jehalia kaaba rituals like 7 times tawaf around black stone, run to safa and marwa , stoning at kaaba satan house , kissing black stone and yemeni white stone , in to present day muslim kaaba .Mohammed informed his qureshi tribe that islam is the new religion for muslims and he receiving wahi /revelation from the new deity . Mohammed ordered muslim jihadists to convert non muslims by the sword /by force to islam. In fact islam and quranic allah came in to existence or born on 610 AD . He then start to recruit pagan desert bedouin tribal ansar men as fighters for the new religion called islam with sword. The first operation of Mohammed as a Jihadist mafia leader is to raid trade route caravan and collect mafia extortion money from qureshi merchants. Latter mohammed expand his mafia business by start fight with his own quresh tribe opponents & other pagan tribes communities to plundering and collect money like gold / silver /camels / goats / women and girls as sex slaves. Mohammed added more muslim warriors to his fold to conquer other tribes and communities all over mecca and medina . Ex priest Wareqa bin Nafal add more new wahi from allah in the quran , like the promises of 72 fair everlasting virgins , 24/7 erection , 70 years of non stop orgasm , 80, 000 little boy servants , promise of endless penis for muslim men, river of milk ,honey and wine , all kinds of fruits in hand pick , zam zam fresh water river , silk covered couches for easy virgin sex drive . This fake 6th century offer is just for tempting and encourage desert male Bedouins to join as muslim warriors (jihadists) with sword. And this sex fantasy after life is a dream of every arabian desert Bedouin peoples and consider as a free escape from the horrible life in the Arabian desert. Also they were attracted of the 4/5th of war booty income received as a Jihadi warrior . Also an assured sudden entry to the 72 virgins sex paradise . Look at the 21st century suicide bombers , the same sex fantasy after life , tempted and compelled them to do the mischievous horrible attack against the peaceful humanity by blast themself wearing a safe iron cage for their penis . Read quran 47:4 and Q 8: 12 allah instructed muslims to kill christians and Jews in the name of allah and get a sudden entry to the 72 virgin sex in allah’s paradise.
    Also assured that if they killed in the battle , there will be a sudden entry to the virgins sex heaven. This kind of deception or false fantasy rewards and promises from allah initiated by Ex priest Wareqa bin Nafel to exploit the ignorance of illiterate poor desert male Bedouin tribes. Mohammed start to fight with different tribal qureshi communities and also , Trinitarian Christians @ narjan ,Yemen, pagan nazara Christian cult @ mecca, sabians and Romans @ Tabuk and Yehudis / Jews @ Yathrib/ Medina . Mohammed took 1/5th of war booty including most beautiful captured girl and balance shared with his sahaba’s (jihadists fighters). So everybody happy in this initial Islamic plundering business start up. Mohammed usually order to kill all male members of the tribes during the plundering battle and took woman & girls as sex slaves to jihadists. Mahammed himself chopped heads of 700 Jewish males at Banu Quresh at Yathrib in one day (now Medina). Always the most beautiful cute girl will taken to Mohammed's tent. The same thing happen in 2015 when American white woman press reporter taken to ISIS caliph's tent , repeated the same war booty supply of 6th century in to the 21st century war booty supply by ISIS . Even mohammed sold sex slaves in slave market and collect money. The same sex slave market operated by ISIS in Raaka , Syria in 2015 . Slowly Islam business expanded in medina and all over Arabia as a part of a successful plundering business. Specially battle of Badr is important to Mohammed. He is victorious against his own meccan qureshi tribe opponents in Badr. Please read quran , sura 3 , ayat 161& its Tafsir, says about a very funny pantie theft story related to mohammed did in the day of Badr. During this time very important thing happened. mohammed send Khalid and his gang to narkska , Taif to kill al Uzza , the daughter of allah ( Q 53 Tafsir ibn kathir) . Khalid killed , al Uzza the naked woman in the forest with his sword after 12 years of Islam) After the death of Wareqa bin Nafel , the wahi (ringing bell revelation) from allah completely stopped . Then mohammed believe that he is not a true messenger of allah and became in suicidal thoughts , try to jump from the mountain top several times to kill himself. That story is so funny , every time jebriel appear at the mountain top to stop him to do that. After the death of Ex priest Wareqa bin Nafal , the divine revelation (Wahi) has stopped .(Refer Sahih Bhukhari Hadith 6982 ) for well explained , full story of mohammed’s suicide attempt and wareqa’s Arabic Gospel became quran) Mohammed became sick for 2 years due to the poisoned grill meat given by his Jewish wife Safiya. Why mohammed asked for writing material in his last moment of death bed ? He wish to write a new quran for guide the muslims against go astray. Ummer & Abu baker refused his request and discourage sahaba's not to give writing material to mohammed in his death bed. Mohammed knew that the quran is a book of deception and not enough to guide muslims to the right path. Again the last thing mohammed did in his death bed was to asked for a vessel to pass urine . This action shows his mental insecurity , fear and hopeless mindset of his afterlife and fear of grave torment due to the presence of urine in his body. Mohammed in his last minute of death bed , was frightened and scared to face death , due to the lack of the assurance of salvation. Beware dear muslims , if rasool/prophet al allah died of scared and hopeless in his death bed , then what about you as a layman muslim? Think about it and be a smart Muslim. Do you have an assurance of Salvation? If not call upon Jesus Name , the Savior of the humanity . Ok let me stop here now....Please note , all sugar coated lies , stories & news , heard after that day on wards till today is all fake , deception and make up fairy tale fabricated stories from Muslim scholars to legitimate islam with Christianity . Because Muslims are always have inferiority complex with Christians , due to their embarrassing and funny fake stories about mohammed , allah & islam. The stories like 53 year old grandpa mohammed married a 6 year old child girl , married his daughter in law and instruct all muslim woman and girls to give herself to him (Q 33: 50/51) . This is a small part of his disgusting immoral life as a prophet . Also offering a unrealistic or fraud after life muslim Heaven filled with adultery and santanic immoral deception . So encourage you all educated smart Muslims , please do a sincere research on the subject of PRE ISLAMIC history of your Allah. Ask your questions to Imam or scholars. Also study , thuwarat , Injil , Zabur & do a comparison of Mohamed & Jesus of Holy Bible (Not quranic muslim Issa) Please please my humble request . Please note : the source of information taken from or documents :: Sahih hadiths :: 6 nos , Islamic history books 2 nos published by Saudi Govt waqaf board. The most important book is the biography of Mohammed by Ibn Ishaq in Arabic or Englsh ( Siraat al rasool al allah : Life of Mohammed) Arabic is the best to refer because English translation is always manipulated and did for defend islam. Tafsir Jalalain (English) & Quran. Dear Muslims , If you have concern or questions , please respond here (no copy & paste) . I will answer in detail with references. Thank you , God Bless Muslims.

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  10 месяцев назад +46

      Why & How islamic virgin sex heaven is a GREAT pit of DECEPTION & HOAX?
      God created sex for pro creation only. Bible says that sex has to be save for marriage and consider pre martial sex as a great SIN against God. BUT SATAN OF THIS WORLD use sex as a pleasure making tool and all that immoral thing happened . However , islam is the only religion that legitimize sex and reserved it only for man both in this world and muslim heaven . Muslims call it as Nikah mutah f word mentioned in Arabic quran is like halal adultery. They allow 4 nos of woman for a muslim man for sex at a time . ( note : Nikah arabic word means contract for sexual intercourse . No marriage in islam)Their prophet had 19 woman for sex including a 6 years old child and also countless sex slaves and cocubines. Quran 33:50 says all muslim woman and girls are freely allowed to sex with mohammed. Now look at islamic paradise the same SATAN promise sexual pleasure like 72 evergreen virgins vaginas , 24/7 erection with 100 horse power , 70 years of nonstop orgasm ( here i have a question to my muslim friends , for getting 70 years orgasm , how many years do you have sex , 70,000 years? Quran says about orgasm only) 80000 little cute boys servants for back end work and also each Abdul muslim will have one mile long penis ( here a question to muslims : how Abduls walked in heaven with one mile long steel rod in front of him, or walk backwards? Quran promising endless and thick penis like palm tree ) Moreover mohammed said allah will open a Adult photo shop to sell beautiful pictures including your own mother , own sisters and of any of your relative girls , child girls as your wish . Here you can have sex with your own mother , own sisters . Just buy a picture and enter in to it . And also any ages of male and females , any types of animals of all types. If you read that sunna is very much detailed. Specially homo male to male sex : male human pictures of all ages…Simply buy a picture , jump in to it , done. Why mohammed said , he will have sex with maryam , mother of ISSA & wife of pharaoh ? Because maryam’s photo will be there in the photo shop. Mohammed will buy and jump in to it . Done , will have 70 years of orgasm with her. What a disgusting and nasty SICK PERSON is this man ? Mohammed is very good to say stupidity . Look at sunna and quran , says like a talking machine , garbage in and garbage out . Hello dear muslims , you are deceived by this bewitched prophet mohammed (Sahih bhukhari ) Sorry to say like that. Your holy book said so. Ok ADULT PHOTO SHOP IN HEAVEN : : LINK :
      'Ali narrated that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said: "Indeed in Paradise there is a market in which there is no buying nor selling- except for images of men and women. So whenever a man desires an image, he enters it and have sex .
      LINK :
      Seems this all arrangement is doing by a great deceiver KING SATAN called allah the god of muslims. See what this allah did here in this world , simply worked as a PIMP for mohammed. So satan of this world and satan of islamic paradise came from the same family ..What to do now? You decide by yourself. It is very clear that islamic paradise is not a REAL PLACE , is SCAM , FRAUD and DECEPTION of allah AKA mohammed . Mohammed is very good in saying stupidity like a talking machine. Like Garbage in and garbage out . Hello dear muslim friends , please runaway from this SCAM of mohammed and receive the GRACE of Salvation in Jesus Name . Amen Amen Amen. God bless you

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  10 месяцев назад +31

      @WHO IS ALLAH? SHORT HISTORY OF THE BIRTH OF ALLAH ON 610AD , IN ISLAM? Very simple request : you are the muslim , I am not . Please read and investigate quranic verse Q 38:5 and its Tafsirs : then you will understand WHY PAGAN TRIBAL COMMUNITIES ASKED THIS QUESTION (VERSE )TO MOHAMMED ? Because that communities owned all that 360 idols in kaaba… mohammed removed 359 idols out and spare only one idol in place, that his own qureshi tribal idol god allah(hubal). Here idol god hubal is allah of quran. (Read seraat the life of mohammed translation Ibn Kathir page 126 /127 … ) There is no need of any muslim scholar to preach for you about this clear history . Also read history book : siraat al rasool al allah by ibn idhaq / translated by ibn Kathir Volume 1 english page 125 and 126 …says about WHO IS ALLAH OF KAABA ? all details about idol god Hubal and 3 daughters of hubal are there.
      Did the Arabs ever use the title 'Allah' for the moon god Hubal?
      Who is allah of Kaaba ? Did Hubal was an ancient name for Allah? “Siraat “ (The life of Mohammed ) by ibn Kathir page 125 126 link :видео.html
      How a small mafia gang of thieves with sword became 21st century islam? Who invest for creating this mafia plundering gangs? Also read Sahih Bhukhar hadith no 6982 and ….. will tell you about how Arabic gospel of Wareqa bin nafel became arabic quran. Who promote mohammed as a prophet of islam? Who name or call that jinn satan of hira cave as jibriel ? Why mohammed became controlled by suicidal thought and try to suicide himself many times by jump from mountain top. That i said you are the muslim , you have to investigate and FIND THE TRUTH. THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE FROM THE CLUCHES OF SATAN. God bless you

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  10 месяцев назад +34

      Sahih al-Bukhari 514
      Narrated `Aisha:
      The things which annul prayer were mentioned before me (and those were): a dog, a donkey and a woman. I said, "You have compared us (women) to donkeys and dogs?
      Reference #2 link :
      Jami` at-Tirmidhi 338
      Abu Dharr said that :
      Allah's Messenger said: "When a man performs Salat, then his Salat is severed by (walk in front of or passing of) a black dog, a woman, and a donkey.
      Ref #3 Muslim woman compares to a walking devil :
      Sahih Muslim : 1403a link :
      Jabir reported that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) saw a woman, and so he came to his wife, Zainab, as she was tanning a leather and had sexual intercourse with her. He then went to his Companions and told them: The woman advances and retires in the shape of a devil, so when one of you sees a woman, he should come to his wife. When mohammed saw a woman on the street !he became horney and said woman is like a devil coming and going. This verses are the most nasty and disgusting for all muslim woman in this world. Here Islam , comparing 50% of muslim community to same as a black dog and a stupid donkey. How miserable is that holy book verse of mohammed AKA allah. Shame on you allah aka mohammed and muslim men for downgrading the beautiful and loving Personalities of muslim woman of this world …Pity on you all muslimas ..May God bless all muslima’s in this world. We Christians love you. My Lord Jesus Christ loves you and gives you EQUAL RIGHTS , HONOR and RESPECT in our christian family for you as a true honorable wife (life partner) along with your Christian husband. You are not a right hand posses like a car or a mobile phone or property . In the Bible , nobody allowed to beat you in the bedroom. There is no talak allowed in Bible. Our Christian marriage is one man for one woman and both became one flesh (Echad) in God’s love. Same like one Adam for one Eve ..Again love making is a holy thing in Christian family because your body is the temple of God . Bible did not allow to marry a 2 nd wife or a 2nd husband in their whole life time. Because the Christian marriage OATH is a serious life long decision making . You took an OATH between both of you and also in the presence of God almighty as the witness in your marriage. Christian marriage is not same as the so called islamic Nikah ( f word , literal meaning as sexual intercourse in Arabic) There is no marriage in islam , just muslim man , buy a woman’s private part for sex giving the price (mehr) to her father . So there is no real love and bondage between muslim man to his muslim wife . Christian marriage is called “Zawaj” in Arabic is a Bible marriage or wedding. So encourage you all my sisters , do a simple prayer or sincere talk to Jesus , say Jesus , If you are True reveal yourself to me. That’s it . If you request it sincerely from your heart , sure Jesus will respond you. So most Welcome to all my muslim sisters to the Jesus family of equality , honor and respect . Encourage you to take a smart decision and that will turns your precious life forever and Jesus will take care of you. If you have any questions related to Christianity , Bible and Jesus of Bible , please ask your question here . I will respond you in God’s love and respect. Bless you all in Jesus Name. Amen

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  10 месяцев назад +29

      ALLAH IS THE BEST OF DECEIVERS : Q 3: 54… @Hello muslim friend : At first my request : Do not read any quranic translation , all translation did for hide the embarrassment and defend islam . Read ONLY Arabic Quran 3: 54 Says that : ALLAH IS THE BEST DECEIVER ? Khairul Makireen means best deceiver not best planner. The Arabic word used here is "ماكر" "maakir", coming from the root m-k-r م-ك-ر, with the word Makr "مكر" meaning deception. Hello muslim friends : Your muslim god himself claim that he is a best deceiver . Better you leave this deceiver god allah and receive Jesus , the God of the Bible. Check that WRONG Translation give as best of planners , in this case that arabic word should be “Khairul Mukhatateen” meaning Best of Planners.
      Note : This ayat 3: 54 says that (Khairul Makireen ) means : Best of Deceivers . By giving a wrong translation muslim scholars try to defend allah and author mohammed. But they are cheating millions of NON ARABIC SPEAKING MUSLIMS around the world. Shame on you who did this WRONG TRANSLATION TO CHEAT MILLIONS NON ARABIC SPEAKING MUSLIMS ALL OVER THE WORLD. Revelation 12:9 -Bible says that , Devil and satan who deceives the whole world. satan is the Deceiver. Then tell me Who is allah? God bless Muslims.

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  10 месяцев назад +36

      WHY MUSLIMS CARRY THEIR BAG OF SIN UNTILL THE LAST MOMENT OF DEATH BED? @Hello Dear Muslim friends Christianity is not a RELIGION. But is a WAY TO ETERNAL LIFE. All religions in this world compelled their followers to WORK hard and earn their after life or salvation. They will have NO assurance of salvation till last breadth in their death bed. But in Christianity , Jesus came down with a MISSION to save the humanity from SIN nature and promised life eternity. As a muslim , you try to comprehend sin 49% with good work 51% and carry your sin nature till your last moment of death bed. Because there is no forgiveness of sin assurance in islam. Bible ,Isaiah 64:6 says that All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts or good works are like filthy rags/garment before God. Because God is Holy ,holy God never ever compromise the sin in his presence . So You cannot access holy God with your sin nature . So you have to wash away sin before you reach your death bed and that is only possible through the shed blood of Lord Jesus Christ in the cross. Bible says (John 3:16 ) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Salvation is only possible through Lord Jesus Christ , the shed blood of Jesus in the cross. (Romans 10:9-10 ) If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. You will have eternal life. :: So most welcome , smart , intelligent and truth searching muslim brothers and sisters to try Lord Jesus Christ once in your life time and receive your GRACE of Salvation . God Bless you abundantly

  • @lanayashina
    @lanayashina 10 месяцев назад +484

    I’m Christian but i’m still blown away by this beautiful testimony. A story of a pure heart searching for God. You have given me new inspiration in my faith 🌷

    • @YoLanez
      @YoLanez 10 месяцев назад +8

      The Bible has the best news of all: We have a loving God who sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins; and one day soon He will return to take us to Heaven!

    • @incemomnia
      @incemomnia 10 месяцев назад +3

      Me as well. I was brought to Hosea which is is about adulterous faith and not honoring God as we should. It felt like a warning to call more people to Him and to hold those who represent the Truth, but do not honor it, responsible. To righteously rebuke and bring them back to the Way so they may he granted Life.
      Not by faith alone will you be saved. You will be judged according to every word spoken and every action taken. Jesus brother James talks about the importance of works too.
      It's interesting that we are called to witness to others, yet so many only testify before one another or conveniently live of the world until Sunday. Too mamy think "Jesus knows what's in your heart" as if He didn't tell you to abandon your lives and spread the good news in His name.
      Sorry for the rant. Someone needed this apparently. Thank you Father God, Lord Jesus, and Your Holy Spirit for guiding me in ALL things! Glory to God in Highest! ❤

    • @christywallace7339
      @christywallace7339 10 месяцев назад +2

      She’s so wholesome like she looks so unused respectfully so glad you give your life to Jesus Christ ❤❤

    • @newLifeStartsHere
      @newLifeStartsHere 9 месяцев назад +4

      Thank you sister, I am glad you watched my testimony

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  9 месяцев назад +2

      @newLife823…Praise the Lord wow our beloved Sister in Christ here with us ? Welcome dear Sister Arian. What a great blessing is your living Testimony . Thank you for presenting your testimony in such a beautiful way to give all honor and Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ our Savior. Ofc our Lords Name will be glorified. Yes i visited your RUclips channel and subscribed. I wish to encourage you , that you got wisdom and knowledge to do the beautiful Gospel work through your RUclips channel. Your God given talent and the skill for presentation has to be use for glorify His name. Hope you are doing well in all your life situations. Pray that you may blessed abundantly during your walk with Christ. Stay blessed in Jesus Name.

  • @shamilali680
    @shamilali680 10 месяцев назад +598

    I also was born into Islamic home, grew up being Muslim, reciting Quran by heart, teaching in the mosque, until one eid namaaz I prayed a pray in English and it went like this, God I want to know the true you who created everything and I got a message in my dream by my deceased grandfather which up to this day felt so real not like a dream and he said to me Sham beta Jesus Christ is Lord.
    Fast forward to this present time I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who would believe and I'm now preaching Jesus Christ the one whom I scorned and hated when I was Muslim. I love The Lord Yashua Hamashiach every day much more than yesterday!

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  10 месяцев назад +28

      @shamil…Dear brother shamil..Welcome. Thank you for your beautiful testimony. Glad to meet you here and Proud of you being a Jesus follower..Its worthy and never ever regret of your life changing decision. What a joy in my heart to read your Testimony..Every knee shall bow , every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Pray that you may blessed abundantly during your walk with Christ. Stay blessed in Jesus Name. Amen

    • @believersfreedom2869
      @believersfreedom2869 10 месяцев назад +34

      Support to you from India! You will never be adhamed of your faith in Jesus!

    • @KFJamesLau-aka-TunaSing
      @KFJamesLau-aka-TunaSing 10 месяцев назад +26

      Greetings from Singapore. Keep the faith dear brother.

    • @juliailyukhina4901
      @juliailyukhina4901 10 месяцев назад +30

      God found me through reading the Bible
      Ukraine 🇺🇦

    • @rongopaihiku369
      @rongopaihiku369 10 месяцев назад +26

      What a testimony 🙌 God bless you Jesus is Lord and Savior

  • @BeUnitednow
    @BeUnitednow 10 месяцев назад +206

    As a Christian from Nigeria, when I hear and see testimonies like this it humbles me and make me reflect my commitment to Jesus Christ for his great sacrifice of redemption on the cross of Calvary

    • @stevenferrante6730
      @stevenferrante6730 9 месяцев назад +6

      Africa shall be free from this poison my friend and shall rise like the lion it always was.
      As one my friend ❤

    • @ocoerc
      @ocoerc 9 месяцев назад +4

      My brother

    • @mikeigori2983
      @mikeigori2983 8 месяцев назад +3

      A very powerful and moving testimony from a beautiful woman who finally found her true Redeemer and Saviour Jesus Christ.If only muslims seek the Lord with all their hearts, Jesus will reveal himself to them like he did her.God bless you my sister.Stay strong in the Lord.He will keep you safe as he has promised.Your beloved family He also will protect.God bless you.We shall surely meet on that glorious morning when the trumpet sounds.

    • @foutautuaa4363
      @foutautuaa4363 8 месяцев назад +2


  • @aaadit4131
    @aaadit4131 10 месяцев назад +1701

    I'm former muslim. Please pray for me and my family. Let peace of Christ be with you all wherever you are

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  10 месяцев назад +33

      @aaadit…Hello Dear bro mohammed , Welcome. Thank you for your beautiful testimony. Glad to meet you here and Proud of you being a Jesus follower. Its worthy and never ever regret of your life changing decision. What a joy in my heart to read your testimony of a former muslim. Pray that you may blessed abundantly during your walk with Christ. Stay blessed in Jesus Name. Amen

    • @tizitaweliastube147
      @tizitaweliastube147 10 месяцев назад +29

      God is with you and with your family God bless you

    • @frenzy3132
      @frenzy3132 10 месяцев назад +16

      We will my brother..god always love you and your family..amen 🙏🙏🙏

    • @dasig46
      @dasig46 10 месяцев назад +22

      ❤ in Jesus Name may the Holy Spirit give u strength to face ur Christian life..Welcome

    • @paanokumitaonline1609
      @paanokumitaonline1609 10 месяцев назад +14

      May the ETERNAL GOD give you inner peace that surpasses all understanding

  • @vintage99999
    @vintage99999 8 месяцев назад +75

    Hi, basic Christian here. I feel ashamed to have taken my relationship with Jesus a bit for granted. That's how I feel when I listen to these testimonies. ❤❤❤ so beautiful

    • @Thruevangelisteyes
      @Thruevangelisteyes 7 месяцев назад +2

      Nothing basic about being saved from Hell. And it’s easy for “ us “ rich kids to take our riches for granted. So very exciting to hear about your awakening. 🙏🏼🎶 So now are you ready to tell someone else about Jesus ?

  • @mariama.sgodhelpme2264
    @mariama.sgodhelpme2264 8 месяцев назад +35

    Jesus rescued me many times his miracles are great , and as Arabic Christian this testimony touched my heart even i cried , God is great ❤❤❤❤❤

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  8 месяцев назад +2

      @mariama….Hello dear Sister , most welcome here with us. Proud of you as a Arabic speaker Christian. Ok where ever you are share this beautiful Testimony to your friends and other social media . I wish any Arabic RUclipsrs may put Arabic subtitle and publish in their channel. Pray that you may blessed abundantly. Stay blessed in Jesus Name

  • @ashrafrehmat2622
    @ashrafrehmat2622 10 месяцев назад +279

    every knee shall bow before him and every tongue shall confess that he is THE LORD. God bless you. Amen.

    • @alessandrazanette09
      @alessandrazanette09 10 месяцев назад +3


    • @deonitorana7871
      @deonitorana7871 10 месяцев назад +2

      That is how the miracle worker works GOD BLESS TO ALL...

    • @tontonbeber4555
      @tontonbeber4555 10 месяцев назад +2

      Not my knees. Never.

    • @nooridaariffin4991
      @nooridaariffin4991 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@tontonbeber4555yup y bow to another human being? Bow to God in a prayer i can understand

    • @tontonbeber4555
      @tontonbeber4555 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@nooridaariffin4991 I'll never bend for a god. It's just an human creation, so I'll certainly show it I am the boss

  • @artoflament
    @artoflament 10 месяцев назад +460

    A sincere woman speaking her truth with simplicity. My hope hope is that others seeing this will find Him who is The Way, The Truth and The Life.

    • @dBibleClub
      @dBibleClub 10 месяцев назад +3


    • @somefavourite5800
      @somefavourite5800 10 месяцев назад +1


    • @user-ne8vl2uh8g
      @user-ne8vl2uh8g 10 месяцев назад +1


    • @Atlantis872
      @Atlantis872 10 месяцев назад +1

      I'm glad I was born a Muslim. Islam is the last religion. And it includes all religions. He loves all the Prophets. Those who see Islam as a structure that slaughters heads are wrong. Those who cut off heads are those who are against Islam and Muslims who have infiltrated that beautiful structure.

    • @user-ne8vl2uh8g
      @user-ne8vl2uh8g 10 месяцев назад +6

      @@Atlantis872 I'm glad i be believe in the son of the living God Christ Jesus..who conquered death for this wrenched world., that is salvation my friend the blood of Christ washing our sins away..Lord have mercy on me.

  • @shivadizayin
    @shivadizayin 7 месяцев назад +21

    God bless you sister!
    Ex Muslim here too.
    Christ is King !
    Christ is Lord!
    Christ is our Holy Saviour .

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  7 месяцев назад +2

      @shivadizayin….hello Dear brother Welcome. Thank you for your beautiful testimony. Glad to meet you here and Proud of you being a Jesus follower . Its worthy and never ever regret of your life changing decision.. Do not turn back , hold on your faith in Lord Jesus . You will see greater things in your life. Every knee shall bow , every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Pray that you may blessed abundantly during your walk with Christ. Stay blessed in Jesus Name. Amen.

    • @shivadizayin
      @shivadizayin 7 месяцев назад

      @@strongtower27 Amen!!!
      That is beautiful!
      The Holy Spirit has truly changed my life.
      His Light is the path to Life.
      His grace and mercy brings me to tears everyday.
      His Love holds me and covers me.
      To know the unconditional love of God is a prayer we all wish for humanity.
      The peace, calm and rest that Christ has brought is unexplainable!
      All Glory goes to God Almighty, for His Mighty hands renews us.
      God bless you!
      In Jesus name I pray that your journey continues also, with love and protection.
      Continue to share your stories and testimony so that more brothers and sisters are brought back to His flock!

  • @GodAlmighty34
    @GodAlmighty34 10 месяцев назад +417

    Praying for all our Muslim brothers and sisters to come to the truth. Wonderful testimony..❤

    • @rianamohamed300
      @rianamohamed300 10 месяцев назад +6

      Amen, andcwe are praying for you to see the truth for what it is.

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  10 месяцев назад +11

      @rianamohamed300 ..hello dear riana , welcome . Yes agreed but truth? There is no chance of 2 truths at a time : one must be false ? Let us think about 2 holy books : one history book came first , circulated all over the known world then after 600 years appeared the 2nd one . As a general logic : always REAL original will come first and then fake and counterfeit will follows means , copy paste and circulate and say this is truth ? Just like fake dollar bills? Look at your Issa bin maryam is a fake person, also your virgin paradise is the the fairy tales of mohammed’s sex fantasy, And also gnostic preacher Wareqa bin nafel help mohammed to create major part of quran. Read sahih Bhukhari hadith 6982 will tell you the details about gnostic book Arabic gospel of infancy and how it is copied in quran ….God bless you.

    • @rianamohamed300
      @rianamohamed300 10 месяцев назад +11

      @@strongtower27 the Quran is truth, it is the literal word of God Almighty, verbatim, never changed since it was revealed, and venerated till today, by millions of muslims in that they can read it to you, off by heart, memorised, even if its not in thier native tongue. No contradictions. Islam is truth. And sword weilding sahabas or no-one for that matter, can change what is in the hearts of people. I know you mean well. May Allah swt guide you.

    • @forestfighter6891
      @forestfighter6891 10 месяцев назад

      What is ur truth? To w 1:36 wordship a human as a logical to wordship a man is like you..jesus eat and u eat..its better for you all to wordship adam because adam nt have father and mother..super miracle adam birth

    • @leonardobedi5418
      @leonardobedi5418 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@rianamohamed300Alah from quran is Satan my friend

  • @randompersonp119
    @randompersonp119 10 месяцев назад +251

    Born in a Christian home, but God saved me from depression and darkness🤩😍
    Amazing testimony and congrats to her!!❤❤

  • @cynthialobo1500
    @cynthialobo1500 8 месяцев назад +51

    The difference between Jesus and Muhammad is like day and night. Jesus is full of love and Muhammad is full of hatred. Muhammad preached and lived his life exactly opposite of what Jesus taught. All honour and glory to Jesus Christ the Saviour. Thank you sister for this lovely testimony.

    • @Thruevangelisteyes
      @Thruevangelisteyes 7 месяцев назад +3

      Cynthia, amen ! Now are you ready to tell someone else about Jesus ?🙏🏼🎶

    • @andrewdsouza3973
      @andrewdsouza3973 6 месяцев назад

      👍💐Very true ✝️❤Jesus is Lord while Muhammad is Fraud ☪️🕋👿

    • @Jenny.Jennie
      @Jenny.Jennie 6 месяцев назад

      True Jesus is beautiful love ❤🙏🏽 Mohamed was killer and hatred!

    • @HumblePerson-en4ub
      @HumblePerson-en4ub 4 месяца назад

      Who told you that Muhammad may peace be upon him is full of hatred?On the contrary,He was very kind, and definitely the kindest person of all time.The Messenger chosen by the Most Merciful to deliver the message of mercy set a great example in this regard. His life reflected this sublime value. In his sayings, actions and dealings, he reflected the highest level of mercy that a human being could ever reach.furthermore,In the Qur’an, Allah Almighty makes this brief yet crystal-clear statement: {And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds} (Al-Anbiyaa’ 21:107). finally,I hope that I made it real clear for you .

    • @Thruevangelisteyes
      @Thruevangelisteyes 4 месяца назад +1

      @@HumblePerson-en4ub Mr. Humble ,who told you the definition of humble ? Obviously you did not get your definition from the Word of God ! You like the definition of Man. I’ll take the definition of God . Isaiah 66:2 - and the humility of Christ , Isaiah 53: 8-10 Mr. Humble, if you don’t turn to Jesus, your pride will be the end of you . Sincerely a neighbor. ⏰

  • @luciparadise6781
    @luciparadise6781 10 месяцев назад +283

    I was crying towards the end. Such a lovely woman. I'm so happy that she has been saved through Yeshua. ✝️🙏❤️😊🙌

    • @incemomnia
      @incemomnia 10 месяцев назад +1

      I was too!!
      It made me think of Aisha wife of Muhammad.

    • @DhanushSavanur146
      @DhanushSavanur146 8 месяцев назад

      Praise the LORD JEHOVAH
      In Jesus NamE

    • @abigailm2484
      @abigailm2484 8 месяцев назад

      Same here! Floods of tears dear

  • @Bittertruth86
    @Bittertruth86 10 месяцев назад +240

    Such a beautiful testimony from this sister. It literally brought tears in my eyes. I am so happy for her that she found Jesus. We should all pray that many muslims like her should seek the truth and accept Jesus Christ. We should share this video to all our non Christian brothers and sisters and try to save as many souls as possible. We can atlst do this much. God bless you all ✝️❤

  • @lauralee9115
    @lauralee9115 9 месяцев назад +111

    I am Christian, a believer in Jesus. Your story is amazing. I've never heard the Muslim faith put like this. I have Muslim people who are friends and in laws. I need to show them this video. God bless you and keep you safe. Thank you for your testimony, for your honesty.

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  9 месяцев назад +5

      @lauralee… hello dear. Well said. Thank you. When she said was a hypocrite who follows a phidophilii mohammed. That shows her sincere heart to search truth. Sahih bhukhari hadith shows that 53 years old mohammed Nikah with a 6 years old child. And it consider as the best role model to muslims ..Yes this is the best exmuslim testimony in RUclips right now. God bless You.

    • @davejones8847
      @davejones8847 9 месяцев назад +2

      Yes spread it to other Muslims

    • @Thruevangelisteyes
      @Thruevangelisteyes 7 месяцев назад +1

      Amen ! And may God bless your desire to help your friends. 🙏🏼🎶 Psalm 145:19 so , are you ready to tell others about Jesus ? Acts1:8

  • @muhammadabisina4095
    @muhammadabisina4095 10 месяцев назад +1003

    I'm ex muslim. Quran teach muslim to kll non muslim. Jesus open my eyes and change my life. From darkness to the Light of Christ amen. I pray that muslims will know the truth and receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior amen

    • @Bittertruth86
      @Bittertruth86 10 месяцев назад +35

      Welcome home brother ✝️❤🤗🤗

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  10 месяцев назад +44

      @muhamned…Hello Dear brother ….Welcome. Thank you for your beautiful testimony. Its worthy and never ever regret of your life changing decision. Every knee shall bow , every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Pray that you may blessed abundantly during your walk with Christ. Stay blessed in Jesus Name. Amen

    • @loveallnations
      @loveallnations 10 месяцев назад +14

      GOD bless you 🙌

    • @KofiCatlovesU
      @KofiCatlovesU 10 месяцев назад +9


    • @RichardDakingking-zq5lv
      @RichardDakingking-zq5lv 10 месяцев назад +17

      Thanks God and thank you for having an open heart accepting Jesus Christ as your saviour and redeemer.Stay strong and be light to other s. God bless you and your whole family.

  • @goutamdebbarma6902
    @goutamdebbarma6902 10 месяцев назад +539

    I'm born hindu and I used to worship only during festival days just like majority of hindus does. But now after accepting Jesus Christ I'm more into prayer and can feel the presence of God. May God bless us all

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  10 месяцев назад +9

      Beautiful Testimony. Bless you in Jesus Name. Stay blessed..

    • @blackswan4349
      @blackswan4349 10 месяцев назад +3

      Haleluyah...Puji Tuhan...✝️❤️

    • @SandeepYadav-gx3nj
      @SandeepYadav-gx3nj 10 месяцев назад

      You are dlit???

    • @goutamdebbarma6902
      @goutamdebbarma6902 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@SandeepYadav-gx3nj no, but I know how dalit are being treated by so called high caste

    • @mimleonce8579
      @mimleonce8579 10 месяцев назад +4

      🙏🙏🙏 for u all to receive all the gifts& speaking in tongues, Holy Spirit I ask u to give these converts dreams & visions from Jesus

  • @nerissaobiecheton4713
    @nerissaobiecheton4713 10 месяцев назад +42

    Whenever I hear and see testimonies of people from other faiths, and especially Muslims, coming to faith in Christ, I am deeply moved, encouraged and inspired. This testimony did no less. While I know very little about the religion of Islam, I always pray for Muslims and everyone else to come to the knowledge of Christ. Let's keep praying for people called to lead people of other faiths to Christ as we look forward to a huge harvest of souls before the return of Christ.❤❤❤❤

    • @Thruevangelisteyes
      @Thruevangelisteyes 7 месяцев назад

      Nerissa , amen ! May God’s people step up to proclaim the Good News. 🙏🏼🎶 So, Nerissa , are you ready to tell someone else about Jesus ?

  • @cradle2grave15
    @cradle2grave15 10 месяцев назад +198

    What an amazing God we serve ..Jesus alone is worthy of all praise and glory..I love you my dear most beloved jesus Christ forever and ever 🙏 Amen

  • @gracekeller1748
    @gracekeller1748 10 месяцев назад +56

    Thank you for your testimony. I pray for more Muslims to find Jesus as their Lord and Savior!

  • @prayerforceone
    @prayerforceone 7 месяцев назад +11

    Hallelujah!! Please pray that Muslims here in Malaysia will find the true Lord Jesus.

  • @ShirinKargar
    @ShirinKargar 10 месяцев назад +176

    JESUS!!! This is exactly what I’ve been praying for 🙏 my in laws are from Afghanistan and strong belief in Islam. Pray with me today for my Kargar family in Jesus name I love and adore them and would die for them but don’t want to see anyone perish and not know the good news of Jesus Christ. Abba Father!!! open all ears and eyes and hearts as I’ve tried and will continue to, but not just my family but all mankind who are lost. Amen Amen

  • @ranjit9220
    @ranjit9220 10 месяцев назад +1417

    I am born Hindu medical professional from India and have given my life to Jesus Christ. Just now I sent this testimony to my Muslim friends to whom I regularly preach Christ.

    • @Bittertruth86
      @Bittertruth86 10 месяцев назад +56

      Welcome home brother ✝️❤ God bless you

    • @Herod4
      @Herod4 10 месяцев назад +34

      God bless you bro.

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  10 месяцев назад +39

      @ranjit..hello dear Doctor , welcome , thank you for your Gospel work , sure you will be blessed in all your situations. I have uploaded wide screen video format also link ::видео.html
      Pray that you may blessed abundantly during your walk with Christ. Stay blessed.

    • @cyprianserra9548
      @cyprianserra9548 10 месяцев назад +26

      I Praise and thank God, I thank you brother because you are in Jesus family. Have a nice time.

    • @shanemad1640
      @shanemad1640 10 месяцев назад +26

      Hey bro , Would love to hear your testimony as to how you became a Christian especially when you were a Hindu and the pressure of being a Doctor and trying to comprehend Creation and Evolution kind of subjects .

  • @beautifulbuds
    @beautifulbuds 9 месяцев назад +17

    I' so broken to hear what they did to the Christians in Afghanistan. What a blessed lady!!!!!!

  • @McbonLyle
    @McbonLyle 10 месяцев назад +130

    I'm a Filipino Christian and am crying with joy for this victorious testimony in the Name of Jesus❤

    • @sudandhali7545
      @sudandhali7545 7 месяцев назад +3

      Jesus, the True Lord, bless you. Love from Bangladesh

    • @Thruevangelisteyes
      @Thruevangelisteyes 7 месяцев назад +1

      Amen ! We should celebrate every new believer. So, Mcbon, are you ready to tell someone else about Jesus ?🙏🏼🎶

  • @stanislaskabalira2922
    @stanislaskabalira2922 10 месяцев назад +104

    Thank you Jesus for your saving grace!!!

    • @MegaZindaDil
      @MegaZindaDil 10 месяцев назад

      Yusuf Estes about Jesus Christ on RUclips channel.
      Very interesting 💯

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  10 месяцев назад +3

      @MegaZinda….That is beautiful story? Yusef Estes..using the same quran and Hadith or their own created muslim holy book? Tell me , Is it , they are all promising and preaching the same 72 virgin sex and one mile long penis in heaven or different special types of things are offering for christian guys for converting to islam? What is the trick of Yusef? I know that rewards are as per your real holy books. Listen , Those who ignorant and brain dead christians are join your death cult islam believing they will have eternity sex , 24/7 erection and 70 years of orgasm in muslim heaven. I think the christians are more attracting of that 70 years of orgasm stuff . They like never ending orgasm sleep , will never ever awake gone to infinity ? That type of Christians love heavenly holy tight vaginas and mile long penis more than the living God of Bible. They are all deceived by phido mohammed by his sugar coated lies by dawa gangs . Yes 5 min Sahada Christian converts. Ok forget it now. Hello muslim friend , listen , your mohammed is a pedophile , warlord , mafia leader , plundering gangster , sex addict , child raper , child molester , son’s wife grabber , brutal desert bandit and Islam is a complete deception , simply say LIE , LIVE & DIE for 72 virgins sex in heaven. Ok bet , tell me something beautiful in Islam?? tell me the truth in islam with reference ? Rewards of 72 virgins , 24/7 erection and 70 years of orgasm all that promises are lie , scam and deception of mohammed aka allah to cheat you. That is the sex fantasy dream of mohammed. Well done and thank you prophet mohammed for confusing & deceiving muslims. Hello your imaginary penis god allah and delivery boy jebriel is the creation of mohammed fir his private part business. Note : You cannot carry your sin to your death bed . Sin is not allowed in the presence of HOLY GOD . Virgin paradise is not a real place , that is hoax..Scam and deception of mohammed. There is no sex and marriage in the spiritual heaven of Jesus Christ. Run away from the mind set of Virgins SEX & 24/7 Erection . Please Come to the Grace of salvation of your soul and get an assurance of Salvation. That 5 times daily bowing down to black stone and kissing black stone is also a life time adultery in Islam. You cannot escape from that unforgivable sin . Only Jesus can save you from the bondage of sin & satan. God bless you.

    • @ZerroMatch007
      @ZerroMatch007 10 месяцев назад +1

      Blessed be the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Savior of the World... Amen

  • @radiarashed351
    @radiarashed351 9 месяцев назад +139

    As an Arab Christian, I am happy to watch this video.

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  9 месяцев назад +4

      @radiarashed351…hello dear , welcome and thank you for your comment. As it is a beautiful , genuine testimony , Please share this testimony to all your friends in all social media platforms . Pray that you may blessed abundantly in all your walks of life. Stay blessed in Jesus Name.

    • @radiarashed351
      @radiarashed351 8 месяцев назад +4

      Thanks 😊l read it.
      Jesus bless u,too

    • @dombret426
      @dombret426 8 месяцев назад +2


    • @sudandhali7545
      @sudandhali7545 7 месяцев назад +1

      Jesus bless you abundantly.

  • @eve6225
    @eve6225 10 месяцев назад +127

    My family came to Christ through healing. I was born into a Christian home by then. I took it for granted and sometimes can still do. Went into a dark place for a while until my loving Saviour gave me my own healing. And He brings a peace in your life that really passes all understanding. I see that same peace in you Sister 🙏

  • @branard342
    @branard342 10 месяцев назад +75

    When you seek him with all your heart, then you will find him because, he will come running. Hallelujah 🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • @debasishtripuraofficial4347
    @debasishtripuraofficial4347 9 месяцев назад +28

    Oh father God thank you for using this sister for your glory ,John 8:32 You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free . Amen .Lord bless your daughter more so that she can become a testimony for you in this world and spread your gospel .🙌✝️

  • @Sophi76841
    @Sophi76841 10 месяцев назад +36

    Sophia • Os ago
    The lord healed me last month of epilepsy, a condition I've been dealing with for 36 year's that I was Muslim. After my conversation to christianity, l've never been happier. Jesus stands for and represents love and compassion.
    God is the greatest!
    I'm thankful for everything the lord has done for me

  • @godsmissiontv3099
    @godsmissiontv3099 10 месяцев назад +114

    Hallelujah what a powerful life changing testimony.... Let's continue praying and declaring transformation and salvation of many souls through Christ Jesus... Amen!

  • @lisasharkey9768
    @lisasharkey9768 9 месяцев назад +37

    Praise Jesus 🤗🙌❤️ Oh sister, that’s a beautiful testimony that made me smile and tear up with how good our Lord and Savior is. You found the truth and I’m so proud of you for continuing to seek the Lord with all your heart. You’re highly favored and you’re more than a conqueror In Jesus name. God bless you in Jesus name ❤🤗😇🙏

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  9 месяцев назад

      Hello dear sister lisa , are you an Arab Christian? Just curious. Thank u

    • @sudandhali7545
      @sudandhali7545 7 месяцев назад


  • @mindykaur8139
    @mindykaur8139 10 месяцев назад +86

    Such a beautiful testimony. Am so glad she was able to discern the truth from the lies she grew up with and found salvation in Lord Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life in the One True and Most High God. Hallelujah!🎉

    • @Lincoln1862
      @Lincoln1862 10 месяцев назад

      Many people born into Christian families don't realize what they have, and many don't even read the Bible regularly and get distracted.

    • @newLifeStartsHere
      @newLifeStartsHere 9 месяцев назад

      thank you

  • @suzieroberts2203
    @suzieroberts2203 10 месяцев назад +166

    Once you have found Jesus Christ, the king of kings and Lord of lords, you no longer have to search because you have found the absolute truth. Praise his holy name, and thank you, sister, for this beautiful, the Mooney God bless you.❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @lalitmohanpandey7804
      @lalitmohanpandey7804 10 месяцев назад

      Bible directions/instructions/guidance became very complicated as these were incomplete due to murder of Jesus by his enemies in his very early life and also due to Jesus becoming weak in presence of his enemies and against his enemies and Jesus could also not fight against his evil enemies. Hence God was compelled to send another eligible and strong prophet for full and final revelation of His guidance and directions to humanity and prophet Mohammed also proved strong against his idol worshipping enemies and Dajjal worshipping enemies, as prophet Mohammed fought with sword against his evil enemies. Hence full and final revelation and implementation of God's full and final guidance and instructions to humanity was possible.

    • @trishwragg848
      @trishwragg848 10 месяцев назад +5

      ​@@lalitmohanpandey7804Jesus, being God laid down his life, it wasn't taken and on the third day He rose from the dead conquering death which you and your religion so celebrates with evil in your hearts. I have a certain eternal life in Jesus. I will reign in His Kingdom. Death for Christians, has lost its sting. Wherever you got your knowledge, it must have come straight from satan himself

    • @cherryannroberts3711
      @cherryannroberts3711 10 месяцев назад

      The Mooney God bless you???

  • @Mystik_Storm
    @Mystik_Storm 10 месяцев назад +45

    Your testimony is so beautiful. I don’t know how to reach people of Islam, Buddhism, or other religions myself, but I’m praying for all. I’m praying for the ones the Lord called to do this, to go and preach the gospel faithfully. I’m praying for Christians to obey the Lord after believing in Him. I’m praying for salvation for everyone. I know our God is good. He hears and answers.

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  7 месяцев назад +1

      @Mystick-Storm …wow Thank you. Well said. Beautiful insight. Seems you are a talented personality and have God given wisdom and knowledge. Why you cannot ? yes you can easily share Gospel the grace of Salvation to in all over the social media platforms? In this channel also easily available bro and sisters coming from many different faiths and asking different questions about their spiritual matters. I encourage you to participate like that beautiful Gospel work when you have free time. Thank you. God bless you abundantly.

    • @Mystik_Storm
      @Mystik_Storm 7 месяцев назад

      The Lord is changing my heart through His Word on this. I’m thankful for your reply. I now know that sharing what Christ has done for me, to bear witness, is much simpler than I thought.
      In Matthew 28:19-20, it felt like the Lord was teaching me things I didn’t realize I didn’t know. I hope many of you watch the video my pastor did on this passage and learn alongside me! Start on the Dec 31st, 2023 sermon up until now if you would like to keep up this year. Also, these are especially great foundational Godly teachings.
      Choose the live videos after searching JoeMulroney5819, you can view the most recent videos. (Feel free to skip ahead to the teaching or sing along if you’d like.)

    • @Thruevangelisteyes
      @Thruevangelisteyes 7 месяцев назад

      Mystik, amen. So many believers are quite about the Good News. 🙏🏼🎶 So, Mystik , are you ready to tell someone else about Jesus ?

  • @melenedezssss
    @melenedezssss 10 месяцев назад +92

    I'm 63 yrs old and I'm in tears from this woman's testimony. I'm so very happy for her. I'm glad she had the spirit to pursue God & recognize him when he called. I do feel so sorry for all the men, women, & children that are so sad, angry or mesmerized by the lies of Islam. I'm sad for them in the videos they themselves have created and how so many are harmed in the worst ways & for the most mindless reasons. We're all corrupt and filled with sin. The happiest and most memorable times in my life are when I read the Bible and when I see the beauty he's created. It never gets old or dull, but it's always fascinating. The most beautiful Christians are often from outside the US. We've grown to comfortable & distracted. Just to read God's word outshines the toys made to distract us. You see God's love in all things and it brings incredible peace & comfort.

    • @Thruevangelisteyes
      @Thruevangelisteyes 7 месяцев назад

      Bob ,amen. Now are you ready to tell someone else about Jesus ? 🙏🏼🎶

  • @nan31978
    @nan31978 10 месяцев назад +115

    I ‘ve been a christian since I could remember, but your testimony made me cry. JESUS is the epitome of LOVE. Welcome to christianity, the journey is not easy (psalms 34:19 )but if you do not give up on God, HE will never give up on you and you will see his GLORY
    in your life!

    • @femalewarrior125
      @femalewarrior125 10 месяцев назад +2

      Such a beautiful comment! Thanks 🙏

    • @jomansson5742
      @jomansson5742 10 месяцев назад +1

      Amen ❤

    • @pieterdeiman3736
      @pieterdeiman3736 10 месяцев назад

      she is brave!!!
      what a woman....
      Islam is so primitive and overripe for a very heavy reformation....
      Full of nonsensi cal rules which are completely inhuman and wrong

    • @tunde6573
      @tunde6573 8 месяцев назад

      I've been a born again Christian for close to thirty years (I will be thirty years in the Christian faith by June of 2024)
      I was born into a Muslim family.
      The Christian journey has been easy and interesting for me.
      It is easy because the grace Christ Jesus gave me made it easy for me to live a life above sin. This was made possible because I have the commitment and determination to please God by obeying His words and he compliments my thirst for righteousness with the grace to live a godly life.
      I've however gone through some difficult moments in life, yet God has been with me through all those challenges.
      There is nothing sweeter and fulfilling than consistently living a godly life in Christ. JESUS
      May the good Lord uphold us to the very end.
      I'm Nigerian (African)

  • @hotokhuchishi1910
    @hotokhuchishi1910 9 месяцев назад +19

    What a beautiful testimony. In this world of hatred you have found Jesus who is the only way, the truth and the life. Praise the Lord!!

  • @antoinette4568
    @antoinette4568 10 месяцев назад +67

    This morning a friend l made in beauty school in my late 20s was from Jordan...she was Muslim. Today for the first time in 30 years l thought of her and her husband...and most likely the family she had as she was married off upon returning. I prayed for her and her family. I hope wherever she is all these years she is ok and has found Jesus Christ 🙏

    • @tynkrbel201
      @tynkrbel201 10 месяцев назад +3

      That’s God wanting you to pray for her and knowing Jesus as Lord 😇

    • @mariannemarek6683
      @mariannemarek6683 10 месяцев назад

      Pray fast and offer sacrifices to.Jesus for grace and mercy on her soul. We are all part of the body of Christ. We are to pray for her conversion.

  • @cinnamonvic0
    @cinnamonvic0 10 месяцев назад +59

    The last shall be first and the first last...those who are from other faiths and come across the Lord Jesus Christ have a greater understanding of the scripture and have a more intimate relationship with the Lord, unlike those who are born in Christian families but have rejected or ignored the Gospel and the Lord. Am so happy for this Sister. God bless us all🙏

    • @kingwildcats
      @kingwildcats 10 месяцев назад

      Where do u get that conclusion???? You think all families born in to Christianity are fall outs of Jesus??? And that we dont understand our lord like you , of who just came in to the faith??

    • @elenanito8843
      @elenanito8843 10 месяцев назад +1

      If Christians would only appreciate what we got…

  • @punxitani
    @punxitani 8 месяцев назад +6

    I'm a Christian of many years. I'm over joyed and,speechless.
    Praise God... Love Jesus !

  • @alexayuso3563
    @alexayuso3563 10 месяцев назад +68

    A kind hearted intelligent woman with class and a deep soul. She has found the truth!

  • @arindambiswas100
    @arindambiswas100 10 месяцев назад +101

    Thank you dear sister for sharing your story. It moved me to tears. I sought all religions despite being born into Hindu faith & practiced Sikhism & called onto the name of all gods on the face of the planet every single day. Of all that I prayed to, Jesus is the only one who answered and fast forward eleven years my whole family is Christian today. Jesus is the best thing which can ever happen to anyone. I thank our father for reaching out to people of other faiths as well as to people who’re born Christians. We all need him just as much. Many blessings❤

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  10 месяцев назад +1

      @arindam…wow what a beautiful testimony you have? Hello dear bro , welcome , thank you for your testimony. Pray that you may blessed abundantly during your walk with Christ. Stay blessed.

    • @Chichibu01
      @Chichibu01 10 месяцев назад +1

      Amen 🙏

  • @goodvibestv63
    @goodvibestv63 10 месяцев назад +19

    I'm crying! Thank you Lord Jesus for your love and mercy all the time❤️🙏 I love you Lord Jesus Christ❤️🙏

  • @GlobalTrading2012
    @GlobalTrading2012 10 месяцев назад +47

    Jesus says in John 10:27-28, My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. No matter whether you are black or white, poor or rich, hindu or Islam, Buddhist or atheist, jihad or hamas the time will come you to hear the voice of the master. You will obey as a sheep and follow the master. Jesus you are wonderful. Amen

  • @user-so5wm3ms4r
    @user-so5wm3ms4r 10 месяцев назад +33

    Praise God!!! Jesus is so faithful, kind, patient and loving. He finds the lost and saves them, Hallelujah!!!!

  • @esterwyman
    @esterwyman 10 месяцев назад +33


  • @flourishers
    @flourishers 10 месяцев назад +55

    Thank God for his grace that saved this sister. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ🙏

  • @paulinesangham6641
    @paulinesangham6641 10 месяцев назад +62

    What awesome testimony. Hope every muslim can hear it. Jesus is the way, he is the truth and he gives us life like no other forever and ever Amen

    • @tonymercer7759
      @tonymercer7759 10 месяцев назад +1


    • @knight-zy6ox
      @knight-zy6ox 10 месяцев назад +1

      But jesus isn't God... He is the messenger of god

    • @tonymercer7759
      @tonymercer7759 10 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@knight-zy6ox Colossians 2.9 tells that in Christ dwells all the substance of the Godhead in bodily form

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  10 месяцев назад +2

      @knight..hello dear , you are mistaken . Read quran man …That is your muslim Issa bin maryam , the holy pig killer in islam. quran also says that Issa will supply 72 virgin vaginas and long penis to all Abdul’s in muslim heaven , the rewards of allah god of muslims.

    • @knight-zy6ox
      @knight-zy6ox 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@strongtower27 This kind of behaviour shows how much respectful your religion is and how much respectful towards others.... Btw we love jesus more than you do ... But as a messenger of God..

  • @inspiredscoop234
    @inspiredscoop234 10 месяцев назад +19

    I am so glad that Jesus loves us so much to the point of showing us the way. Thank you, Lord! ❤️

  • @shemkhongjoh9714
    @shemkhongjoh9714 10 месяцев назад +19

    Your testimony made me cry, especially at the point when you said about Jesus saving the life of the adultrous women.
    It just hit me. May God bless you sister, may He give you more divine wisdom to understand more about our saviour Jesus Christ. May you be filled with the joy, love and peace from our Lord.
    In Jesus name Amen.

  • @marsguibone3861
    @marsguibone3861 10 месяцев назад +43

    I feel her...
    I feel her profound faith...
    I feel her light up from within as her search matched with what she has yearned and now, found...
    Very inspiring!
    Truly a gift!

    • @juliailyukhina4901
      @juliailyukhina4901 10 месяцев назад

      Feeling is not the best way to learn the truth
      Truth first then feelings

  • @Paradisusinfernalis6815
    @Paradisusinfernalis6815 10 месяцев назад +41

    I am not religious, but the words of Arian touched me - she sincerely wants to be close to god and the journey when she realized her past religion is a wicked demonic way and how horrified she by behavior of so called prophet

    • @joshua2000chicago
      @joshua2000chicago 7 месяцев назад +2

      Please read the gospel of John. It will change your life.

    • @sudandhali7545
      @sudandhali7545 7 месяцев назад +1

      Jesus gives life.

    • @2007DNT
      @2007DNT 6 месяцев назад +2

      I am glad you are watching clips like this....I hope you will find Jesus for yourself. You will be in my prayers.

    • @ludabariesheff4470
      @ludabariesheff4470 Месяц назад +1

      I'm so glad that you came across this testimony, I also will be praying for you Please find a Bible & read apostle John & ask God to reveal Himself to you. God Bless you.

  • @marthaganta1595
    @marthaganta1595 10 месяцев назад +35

    Always praying for our Muslim brothers and sisters... that our Lord Jesus may help them see the truth 🙏

    • @happydays310
      @happydays310 10 месяцев назад +3

      And the Jews we must not forget them.

    • @marthaganta1595
      @marthaganta1595 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@happydays310 yes,, definitely..

  • @dianaleal5183
    @dianaleal5183 10 месяцев назад +38

    I cried when I heard her story it was so heart warming to hear someone learning all about Jesus and how he treated people of his day. So happy for her to know she is a Christian. ✝️

  • @user-pe9gz8si8k
    @user-pe9gz8si8k 7 месяцев назад +6

    I am eternally grateful to Jesus for saving me. Everyday.

  • @magdapatriciaromerorimoldi5751
    @magdapatriciaromerorimoldi5751 10 месяцев назад +73

    “Vengan a mi todos los que están cansados con su carga, porque yo les aliviaré “ Jesús, Mi SEÑOR 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @rosemarytony635
    @rosemarytony635 10 месяцев назад +58

    What a beautiful testimony, sister! You sought and found the Treasure who is Christ.

  • @MrWagnar
    @MrWagnar 8 месяцев назад +10

    A beautiful testimony that again highlights the beauty of Christ. O Christ my Saviour!!!

  • @draconian8994
    @draconian8994 10 месяцев назад +58

    This is the first testimony of a convert that has impressed me, and I had listened to many.
    Her efforts to reach into other religions independently without the influence of Clerics or Apologetics is outstanding.
    She made what we call informed decision without sentiment.
    Her reasons are what makes me a Christian.

    • @7perry
      @7perry 10 месяцев назад +6

      Amen.That was her encounter with the Lord,that no one could take away from her until Eternity because she seek the Lord with all her heart.
      Moses had an encounter.Apostle Paul,Peter had encounters and so it would be for anyone who encounters our Lord & King Yeshua.

    • @liw12
      @liw12 10 месяцев назад

      Nikki Kingsley a former Muslim has a fascinating testomony which she shared on 'The Journey Home' host Marcus Grodi well worth tuning into

  • @dannydalvi1761
    @dannydalvi1761 10 месяцев назад +15

    What a mind blowing testimony 👏 👌.
    Welcome home sister, You are Blessed. Amen 🙏

  • @JohanDee
    @JohanDee 10 месяцев назад +15

    Heartwarming story, she was like the Bereans who searched the scriptures. I am happy to know that she is my new sister in Christ! ❤

  • @manishakhoyani6258
    @manishakhoyani6258 10 месяцев назад +31

    Praise the L'ord 🙏 ..M from gujrat India from Bramhin family but now still in Jesus Christ from last 12 years 🙏 coz he is only God

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  10 месяцев назад

      @manisha… Hello dear , welcome …Thank you for your beautiful testimony. Pray that you may blessed abundantly during your walk with Christ. Stay blessed in Jesus Name.

  • @Elizabeth-zh4nt
    @Elizabeth-zh4nt 10 месяцев назад +58

    Thank you sister. I'm a Christian. But my faith was poor. I heard a similar message this morning from a muslim to whom Jesus appeared. I wished Jesus would appear to me also so that i would be more faithful. It is then that i heard your message which has increased my faith. Thank you so much sister for refreshing my faith. I pray that your message will be a reminder for all people to experience Jesus as their saviour. I was weak in my faith but you inspired me. Thank you so much 🙏🏼

    • @templekanu6740
      @templekanu6740 10 месяцев назад +4

      Tou are supposed to be the testimony of Christ and not someone He has to prove Himself to. You have received the message.

    • @mariaespi7198
      @mariaespi7198 10 месяцев назад

      There is a story of the prodigal son. The older brother who's been with his father all throughout his life was jealous of his brother (prodigal son) for being welcomed by the father eagerly with a big celebration and complained that he had been faithfully working in the fields for his father but there was never a celebration for him. He felt angry and refused to join the celebration. "And he [the father] said to him, 'Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. It was fitting to celebrate and be glad, for this your brother was dead and is alive; he was lost, and is found.'"
      There is that tendency for anyone enjoying the conveniences of life to be less appreciative of what is within their hand but should you lose it, it would understand its true value.

    • @mariaespi7198
      @mariaespi7198 10 месяцев назад +1

      It is normal to feel that but should you really want to increase your faith in addition to watching testimonies like these, I suggest you read the lives of the Saints. It would surely help and guide you on how to live in deep faith in Christ Jesus. May God bless!

    • @Elizabeth-zh4nt
      @Elizabeth-zh4nt 10 месяцев назад

      Thank you so much. I'll be more faithful

    • @Elizabeth-zh4nt
      @Elizabeth-zh4nt 10 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@mariaespi7198 Thank you so much. I'll be more faithful

  • @kitt765
    @kitt765 10 месяцев назад +19

    What a wonderful conversion experience - born out of compassion for others. She had the courage & integrity to face difficult truths & follow through.😇

  • @tette6511
    @tette6511 10 месяцев назад +26

    Praise the Lord. What a testimony. Very blessed by it. Thank you for sharing it. All glory and Honour to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. God bless her, God bless the church, God bless this channel and God bless all who hears it.

  • @Greggsoldies
    @Greggsoldies 10 месяцев назад +20

    Thank you for sharing your testimony.
    All praise and glory be to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.🙏✝️🙌📖

  • @rhondahamm4168
    @rhondahamm4168 10 месяцев назад +10

    Welcome to the Kingdom my sister🙌🏻🙌🏻❤️how blessed I am for your testimony

  • @daisybeebee3824
    @daisybeebee3824 10 месяцев назад +33

    Powerful testimony and the song are so beautiful ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏

  • @RRAY2024.
    @RRAY2024. 10 месяцев назад +25

    Welcome to the family we are all one in Christ. All boundaries all nationalities all backgrounds fall and we become one in Christ. God bless you.

  • @PlantingSeedsofTruth
    @PlantingSeedsofTruth 7 месяцев назад +3

    Welcome sister ❤ your testimony brought tears to my eyes. Honestly the story of the adulterous woman was the one that got me too! I just knew He is the way after reading it. God bless you.

  • @margiehelberg4594
    @margiehelberg4594 10 месяцев назад +12

    How beautiful!! Praise the Lord for He is good and His mercies are new every morning!! ❤ Much love from South Africa

  • @chandrikatilak3259
    @chandrikatilak3259 10 месяцев назад +14

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful testimony sister. may your testimony be an opportunity For people who are in dark to seek the light ! God bless you!🙏🙏🙏

  • @sathish72162
    @sathish72162 9 месяцев назад +8

    Glory to Jesus Christ 🙌
    All Muslims should listen to this testimony. Jesus is the only almighty God.
    God bless you sister...

  • @godskingdomservant3191
    @godskingdomservant3191 10 месяцев назад +20

    Beautiful testimony! 🌠
    Yeshua is amazing, All-Powerful and beautiful! He is just and holy.
    He is Our Beloved High Priest that redeemed us with His precious royal blood, to bring us back to the Father!

  • @strongtower27
    @strongtower27  10 месяцев назад +128

    Sis Arian , Afghani Muslim: How I became a Christian? Lovely Testimony . This is smart phone version of this video , and if you like to watch in full screen version click here this link : ExMuslim : Why I left Islam & Became Christian ? Lovely Testimony :видео.html
    Please share this link all over social media , let the message of salvation spread all over . This beloved sister in Christ , presented her testimony in a beautiful way makes this video as genuine and authentic . Here this Sister explains what is the mindset of an average muslim . she confirms that was a hypocrite , because she as a muslim knew that mohamned married a 6 years old child is a wrong role model to humanity , but muslims found excuses to forget that nasty of mohammed . This sister is so sincere to expose the lies & she proves that islam is NOT from the God of Abraham , Isac and Jacob.
    Watch full Testimony video : Mohd sunni muslim from Egypt left islam ✝️ 2 Arabic speakers✝️видео.html
    Ex Muslim Christian : Why muslims scare to read Holy Bible? full video click @видео.html
    Ex Muslim Christian Bro Ahmed / Arab Christian Apologist :
    Christian Convert Stories :
    MORE VIDEOS FROM THIS CHANNEL : Watch Unique Christian Videos , SHARE THIS LINK to all social media platforms :
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    Ex Muslim Testimony File 2/9:
    Ex Muslim Testimony File 3/9:
    Ex Muslim Testimony File 4/9:
    Ex Muslim Testimony File 5/9:
    Ex Muslim Testimony File 6/9:
    Ex Muslim Testimony file 7 of 9:
    Ex Muslim Testimony file 8 of 9:
    Ex Muslim Testimony File 9 of 9 :видео.html
    Messianic Jews (Jewish Christian)Testimony from Israel:
    Former/Ex Hindu Christian Testimony Play list File ::видео.html
    Ex Muslim Christians Testimony from INDIA & Bangladesh :
    Rare Christian video clips :видео.html Christian Prince videos ::
    Miracle Healing in Jesus Name : Testimony ::
    Read Holy Bible or Listen Audio Bible in your language , select from approximate 1300 languages around the world (Urdu , Arabic , Bahasa Indonesia , Malay , Hindi , Bangla and many )...Free Download of Audio Bible in your language . Audio Bible : select your language ::: Bible Reading & listen audio in your language :: Download Holy Bible Mobile app :::
    Hindi Christian Song Play list File 1 of 2 ::
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    Arabic Christian Song File # 2 of 6 ::
    Arabic Christian Song File # 3 of 6::
    Arabic Christian Song File # 5 of 6
    Arabic Christian Song with English : File # 6 of 6
    Hebrew Christian Song from Israel ::
    Christian Prince Videos : Ex Muslim Christians 1 of 2 :
    Christian Prince Videos : Ex Muslim Christians 2 of 2 :
    Where do you think you will go after you die?
    Video link :

    • @stanislaskabalira2922
      @stanislaskabalira2922 10 месяцев назад +2

      Kindly indicate your contacts, how one can get in touch with you.

    • @GodGirl254
      @GodGirl254 10 месяцев назад

      And the link to the song?

    • @user-ds7us5jp6o
      @user-ds7us5jp6o 10 месяцев назад

      May God bless you daughter.

    • @noeljoseph6273
      @noeljoseph6273 10 месяцев назад +1

      Almighty Lord God Jesus Christ bless you

    • @legaspidumagay8644
      @legaspidumagay8644 10 месяцев назад +1

      God bless you sis!!!!

  • @sumathia3781
    @sumathia3781 9 месяцев назад +3

    Sister,May Our Lord Jesus Christ Bless You More Abundantly with Long Life Good Health Peace and Happiness with all of Us, today tomorrow and Forever 👍

  • @christinestumpf10
    @christinestumpf10 10 месяцев назад +19

    Praise the Lord welcome you my sister in Christ🙏 beautiful testimony the Lord Jesus loves you so much ,the Lord Jesus guided you to life truth peace freedom 🙏 Thankyou God for leading my sister on the right path .Jesus is the way the truth and life and he is the prince of peace 🙏

  • @samsundarv1013
    @samsundarv1013 10 месяцев назад +13

    Praise the Lord, wonderful testimony. What a wonderful God we serve! We did not find him as we were sinners once but he loved us and shown and showering his grace for ever. Thank you lord.

  • @gregwoyton7236
    @gregwoyton7236 10 месяцев назад +17

    Thank you for your personal testimony. The truth is available to those who seek it. Jesus is the only way to the truth , salvation from sin, and the hope of everlasting life. His door is always open to those that knock.

  • @priscillaa1665
    @priscillaa1665 10 месяцев назад +23

    Praise the lord...Am also ex Muslim..
    Now am following a true God Jesus Christ 🙏 My life changed 🙏

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  10 месяцев назад +4

      @priscillaa…Dear Sis Priscilla..Welcome. Thank you for your beautiful testimony. Glad to meet you here and Proud of you being a Jesus follower. Its worthy and never ever regret of your life changing decision. What a joy in my heart to read your Testimony..Every knee shall bow , every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Pray that you may blessed abundantly during your walk with Christ. Stay blessed in Jesus Name. Amen

    • @KFJamesLau-aka-TunaSing
      @KFJamesLau-aka-TunaSing 10 месяцев назад

      Greetings from Singapore 🙏

  • @daniel.d2150
    @daniel.d2150 10 месяцев назад +16

    The Lord bless this siter mightily and use her with this testimony.
    This was such a blessing to hear.
    Love in Christ to all brothers and sisters.

  • @polokucoch8112
    @polokucoch8112 7 месяцев назад +10

    Wow!! She is out of EVILNESS and DARKNESS!!

  • @maryhansen7021
    @maryhansen7021 10 месяцев назад +17

    ❤ how I love your story and the way you tell it….. and the relief in your story, and in your voice, when you describe how you found the Messiah❤❤❤
    God bless you. Your testimony is so powerful.
    Keep telling your story.❤

  • @One_voice369
    @One_voice369 10 месяцев назад +26

    Praise the LORD!!!❤

  • @olamigokeanuoluwapo9755
    @olamigokeanuoluwapo9755 10 месяцев назад +12

    God took me out of idol worshipping family . He showed me heaven and hell and asked me to make my choice . He told me that he loved me by sending Jesus to die on the cross . I thank God that I made a good decision to serve Jesus all the days of my life. God has been very faithful to me and my family . Glory , Halleluyah

    • @irwinrodrigues754
      @irwinrodrigues754 8 месяцев назад +2

      HE showed me in 2016, December, Heaven in one dream on one day & the very next day, Hell in full color. How kind in HIS LOVE n Grace to do that for you & me.

    • @sudandhali7545
      @sudandhali7545 7 месяцев назад

      Keep walking with the Lord. You will be blessed. Love from Bangladesh

  • @rachelshadap6909
    @rachelshadap6909 10 месяцев назад +22

    I feel ashamed, I born in a Catholic Church but my faith is poor, yes I use to pray follow all religious ritual . Seeing your testimony, I need to take care of my faith keep it stronger. Bcoz our God's love to each of us here is so high until we can't get over it. He's so humble and sacrifice himself for us. 😇Lord Jesus Bless to all our follow Christian here esp those who just recently found and came to know the truth about you, how Happy the angels in heaven sing a song for our muslim brothers and sisters who knows Jesus our Creator

    • @JesusSavesTheLostBrokenConfuse
      @JesusSavesTheLostBrokenConfuse 10 месяцев назад +3

      You need to be born again and God will give you his holy spirit to live like Jesus. Ex Buddhist here, Got saved when I didnt know who God was.

    • @00sj316
      @00sj316 10 месяцев назад +4

      Hey sis I was a born Catholic too. But ngl I never felt my faith very alive until recently. I was taught at a nunnery school as a child and altho we used to attend church mass occasionally and I somewhat prayed daily yet a deeper connection with God was missing. Growing up esp from my teen years onwards I just drifted away from Christ. Fell into some serious sins and battled the quest of fulfillment. I used to feel empty inside. All the time. Looking back at those days i realized how bad the situation was.
      Anyways fast forward to 2021 my mom almost got diagnosed with breast cancer and we were shattered and because of my alr deteriorating mental health my panic attacks worsened. And that's when I finally prayed to God to send me someone as a mentor who can answer me my life biggest question. Why am I even here? Why are we as a family suffering so much? Why can't I simply just die? What is this emptiness inside of me?
      Well in sept of 2021 someone told me mom about Ankur Narula ministry from India. How he is a servant of God. A Hindu convert and how he ministers to the people and sick get healed. Initially we completely stood against it as with our Catholic beliefs it didn't quite set well. But slowly when we learned the teaching and saw that he really knew the Holy Bible we stopped doubting. And then my whole family took water baptism and we became born again.
      Long story short my mother was indeed healed our faith grew. I did receive answers to my questions and also I became aware of the Holy Spirit of God. The being of the trinity that's so less talked or acknowledged in Catholicism.
      I came across David Diga Hernandez ministry and Vlad Savchuk and I further was able to pursue a deeper and intimate bond with God. And also becoming closer to God and getting know his divine promises and guidance for me (by reading the Holy Bible) pulled me out of my depression and that back slided lukewarm Christian life.

    • @OsalenDavidson
      @OsalenDavidson 8 месяцев назад +2

      Lev 26:1
      Please flee from Catholic. Pray To GOD for another church.

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  8 месяцев назад +1

      @sarahjoe6486…hello dear sister Sara , welcome. what a beautiful , genuine testimony you have? Ofc Testimony like this will do a great impact to others life who listen you. For us as Christians, it's a declaration of who Jesus Christ is and what He's done in our or your life. So i encourage you to share your testimony wherever you go. That i said , your testimony is so beautiful , authentic and genuine. Thank you for sharing with us here . Pray that you and your family may blessed abundantly during your walk with Christ. Stay blessed in Jesus Name.

    • @smackova9401
      @smackova9401 8 месяцев назад +1

      Ministry of Vlad Savchuk also helped me. Greatful for his testimonies. Bless you❤.

  • @Mariyam_girlofChrist
    @Mariyam_girlofChrist 10 месяцев назад +12

    My heart rejoices to see such a beautiful testimony.❤
    She understood the truth that JESUS is the way, the truth and the Life
    JESUS is the only way to Salvation
    Amen God bless ❤

    • @MasumiBabylon-tu4ck
      @MasumiBabylon-tu4ck 10 месяцев назад

      Jews don't believe in Jesus at all and Muslims accept Jesus as prophet

  • @the.ugly-truth
    @the.ugly-truth 10 месяцев назад +9

    I was born a Christian and am still a Christian, but this testimony made me cry. Lord Jesus bless you sister, I am so happy you found Jesus Christ who does not condemn but saves! Welcome home🎉

    • @nancydunbar6575
      @nancydunbar6575 7 месяцев назад +1

      Dear ‘ugly truth’, in case anyone gets the wrong idea from your text, the ‘beautiful truth’ is that no-one is born a Christian. Jesus said we need to be born again, because we are all dead in our sin until we accept and experience the new life he freely offers us.

    • @the.ugly-truth
      @the.ugly-truth 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@nancydunbar6575 Dear Nancy, first of all, sorry if my comment made you get the wrong idea. English is not my mother tongue. What I meant was that I was born in a family where all the members were Christian, and so I was born as a Christian. I don't know how to rephrase my comment "I was born a Christian", because I am not good in English language. Sorry for the comment, and I hope nobody gets me wrong🥴

  • @beverlyspeary8979
    @beverlyspeary8979 10 месяцев назад +15

    I think that your testimony is the most beautiful I've ever heard bless you on your journey of being a Christian ❤.

  • @TonyZagr
    @TonyZagr 10 месяцев назад +25

    What a energizing testimony even if churches might be sleeping this is Proof that God never sleeps and reveling Himself to people all over!! Praise God whose Alive!!!

  • @shaunyvettetethiara2973
    @shaunyvettetethiara2973 10 месяцев назад +5

    Thank you for your testimony sister. Our love and warmest wishes to you ….from Australia. Your video clip have helped many undecided moslems embrace Christianity. 🙏. My neighbour was one of them, and I can category say our church which is located in a majority moslem families suburb is witnessing a vast increase of people accepting Christianity. Again, thank you for the soul touching and inspiring testimony. May thru your commitment in Christ, the Lord lights your path always. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  9 месяцев назад +1

      @shaunyvettetethiara….Wow Awesome. Let us share the good news , together . We will see great things in our life. God bless you abundantly.

  • @rabukkayeshua2479
    @rabukkayeshua2479 10 месяцев назад +7

    Tears pouring down watch your testimonies Sist Arian... God in Jesus Christ loved you... congratulations 🥰👏

  • @ajb.822
    @ajb.822 10 месяцев назад +15

    I am SO glad for you, my sister in Christ ! As a young Christian, I actually wanted to just be sure, wondered, what if we just think we have the truth, but it turns out we are wrong ? "
    I had a vague knowledge of others like Islam out there ( not knowing any details about it). I figured they were also sincere in wantig to follow God in truth. So I talked to my mom and I don't recall all she said but that it included some things about the fullfilled prophecies of the Bible and etc., and most of all, to be definitely praying to God always about a real relationship with Him, to be led to truth esp. essential truths, and to know and to follow. So, I did. I checked into more about other religions as I got older, along with the evidence for the Bible, even though I also counted myself as a believer in the God of the Bible and it as His word. I was simply open to correction, if indeed I find the need for it. And I have, in knowledge and understanding and application of the Bible/in Christian doctrine, over the decades, but it has only kept on being confirmed to be, in spite of the doubts and fears of many years of very much adversity ib life, that God is the God of the Bible and it is His word ! That we must be born again by surrendering ourselves to God, accepting redemption and new life, in Christ Jesus, God the Son, the promised Messiah. Amen !

    • @strongtower27
      @strongtower27  10 месяцев назад +2

      @ajb….wow well said. Bless you in Jesus Name.

  • @lukegovindsamy-no1vt
    @lukegovindsamy-no1vt 9 месяцев назад +10

    Our God is an Awesome God he reigns 🙌🙌🙌😭😭😭

  • @estherkantepudi9037
    @estherkantepudi9037 10 месяцев назад +13

    Praise God for her lovely testimony. In Jesus’ name there’s always victory

  • @TheWell22
    @TheWell22 10 месяцев назад +13

    So beautiful, Our God saves,this is so precious,thank you for a wonderful testimony,so authentic,Jesus,King of Kings,we love you&proclaim you as Lord from the pulpit,in the streets,in the workplace,in the prisons,in the hospitals,all over the earth! You are the the name above every other name,worthy of All honour,praise&glory 😊

  • @inspirationalcontents
    @inspirationalcontents 9 месяцев назад +12

    Glory be to Almighty God thank you Jesus for saving our life and may your Beautiful Name be exalted and preached all over the world and you're truly the way, The true and The life .