I am suffering from the dreadful Parkinson, for the last 15 years and for 5 weeks i have listen the exact 40 Hz sound Gamma therapy used by MIT to prevent Alzheimer. Just listening to the 40 Hz sound have made a huge difference, my symptoms have decreesed by at least by 60%. You mentioned a device that was fluttering light at 40 Hz, where can I get one? Combined with light and sound at 40 Hz. should be even better. Dr. LEE BARTEL mentioned in his TED talk a device that generated different sound sold by Sound Oasis " Vibroacoustic Therapy System". i have recently bought this machine, i only bought it recently so i can't comment on it's efficacy as yet.
@@JustNoise_ This is very true. They cant replicate it. But there are devices on Amazon. Just type in 40 mz flashing light. I own one. and I listen to the exact mit sound that was used. Its on youtube and you can just put in 40 mz mit Alzheimers and it shows up.
@@beefybitcoin8085 wow, this is a great idea! pls share your experiences, if you wouldnt mind. what is your goal with this self treatment and what did you achieve so far??
Hi, We specialize in cutting-edge light and sound therapy technology designed to promote brain health and well-being, particularly for individuals facing cognitive challenges like Alzheimer’s disease. do you want to try it ?
Light and sound have same function which create oscillation(such as gamma wave). How to prescribe these would be more effective had not been clear yet. It is in early stage.
The treatment can be with light and sound. The patient wears light glasses flashing 40hz light and headphones sending synchronized 40hz pulses into the ears. Sending both light and sound will enhance the effect by stimulating more areas of the brain.
@@possibilitieshypnosis2269simply identify as recovered and then shame anyone who says you still have alzheimers. Make sure they lose their jobs and bank accounts, or you'll never truly identify as recovered deep inside.
For God's sake, drop all this 'woke' nonsense. Woke means (according to every damn dictionary) awareness of injustice. That has f. all to do with treating AD. Stop being manipulated by people who teach you that anything you don't understand or like is 'woke'. You will learn to use language more wisely if you do. Perhaps turn off the CAP LOCK as well?
Hi, We specialize in cutting-edge light and sound therapy technology designed to promote brain health and well-being, particularly for individuals facing cognitive challenges like Alzheimer’s disease. do you want to try it ?
If I'm not mistaken, for music it's normally beats per minute. 40 beats per second will be so fast they would not sound like beats to the human ears any more.
Hi, We specialize in cutting-edge light and sound therapy technology designed to promote brain health and well-being, particularly for individuals facing cognitive challenges like Alzheimer’s disease. do you want to try it ?
you are more familiar with the subject matter and perhaps have a faster cycling brain. But her audience includes people who are NOT familiar with the concepts behind the messaging and maybe slower processors. Be kind, it's effortless, really...
Prevention is the best thing to do. Magnesium deficiency can cause of Alzheimer's, which can happen as early as 30 years old. Up to 80% of people don't get the RDA for magnesium because there's less of it in food from ANY developed country. Higher levels of aerobic exercise creates an environment providing the clearance of amyloid beta protein which is another cause of Alzheimer's.
أرفض الرأي الذي يعبر عنه البعض في الغرب🌎 ويعتبر المرأة التي تختار غطاء لشعرها' أقل شأنا من غيرها. ولكنني أعتقد أن المرأة التي تحرم من التعليم تحرم كذلك من المساواة. -- '' إن البلدان التي تحصل فيها المرأة♀️ على تعليم جيد هي غالبا بلدان تتمتع بقدر أكبر من الرفاهية، وهذا ليس من باب الصدفة. ____ اسمحوا لي أن أتحدث بوضوح.. ----- إن قضايا مساواة المرأة ليست ببساطة قضايا للإسلام وحده' لقد شاهدنا بلدانا غالبية سكانها من المسلمين مثل إندونيسيا🇮🇩' وتركيا🇹🇷' وباكستان' وبنغلاديش' تنتخب المرأة لتولي قيادة البلد' ♀️★★★♀️ وفي نفس الوقت يستمر الكفاح من أجل تحقيق المساواة للمرأة في بعض جوانب الحياة الأميركية وفي بلدان العالم🌎. ولذلك ستعمل الأمم المتحدة🇺🇳 مع أي بلد🌏 غالبية سكانه من المسلمين من خلال شراكة لدعم توسيع برامج محو الأمية للفتيات ومساعدتهن على السعي في سبيل العمل عبر توفير التمويل الأصغر الذي يساعد الناس على تحقيق أحلامهم." شكراً لك. # أحبك!. 🤭🤭😁
@@3DIVI6NE9"deeper" doesn't equate to preferred nor most effective. Square waves are NOT natural. Look at the wave signatures from an EEG - they are sine waves, as are all waves in nature within the low frequency bands. The body resonates better with natural sine wave sensory inputs & also propagates those waves internally in resonate harmony. Why mess with Mother Nature? Fractionated wave forms (square, sawtooth, etc) have LESS information and therefore can be compressed and manipulated and packaged "tighter" which is utilized with some benefits in the digital worid, taking up less volume/space for things like wireless delivery, however, loss less analog formatting is more pure, more natural, and how we were designed and work in our bio-physiology - think of how things move in a "flow state" with the least amount of energy expended - sine wave in the optimal means, propagating the ripples of waves when the pebble is dropped into the pond, so to speak. cheers...
Exposure to flashing lights and sounds seems like getting tapped on the shoulder repeatedly being told to "pay attention! pay attention!" It seems like maybe this would cause increased brain activity and growth, but it also seems borderline torture.
My mother has recently moved in with me because she can no longer care for herself. She can’t remember any simple thing, and is easily confused and agitated. Her mother - my Grammie, who was my hero - died with this illness.
Бос- терапия на порядок эффективнее. Они просто стимулируют частотой это как массаж. А у нас идет обратная связь в режиме онлайн и поощряется и наказывается появление высокочастотных низкочастотных ритмов. Что выберете массаж или тренировку с обратной связью? Другой пример. Вам говорят вы дышите неправильно, нужно дышать так, смотрите на меня. Ничего у вас не измениться. Только когда вы сами начнете дышать правильно, когда идет информация о точности и правильности выполнения, постепенно изменяя свой ритм, только тогда вы научитесь и укрепите новые нейронные связи и произойдет обучение.
Dr. Li Huei Tsai PhD is talking slow for SLOW WITS LIKE YOURSELF. You like insulting others But you cannot take being insulted yourself Montecristo. There is a word or term that describes such a person. If you can tell me that word, I would believe you are not a SLOW WIT. What is that WORD?
-- Indonesian🇮🇩 Language. -- Yang mulia, Bpk. President.. Aku seorang Gadis yang cantik dan Manis. Aku juga admin. Kayak layaknya mereka Gadis Indonesia umumnya. ... Bpk. President.. Setelah aku baca Sejarah, Mengapa Peristiwa-Berdarah selalu dimulai dari Europe? - World War I - World War II tambah lagi Europe: Mereka menyalakan Perang dalam Cold-War/ Perang dinging, antara Soviets dan USA. Kita pun secara tidak langsung, ikut terpengaruh dalam tragedy itu. Mengapa? -- Tuan Presiden.. Bisnis mereka adalah Peperangan. Ya, dan Bagaimana tidak! Perdagangan mereka adalah; SENJATA, BOM, AMUNISI, dan PELEDAK. Sejatinya, merekalah: Perusak Bumi yang SEBENARNYA. Kemungkinan ya, Mereka akan meraup banyak UNTUNG dalam tiap - tiap peperarang itu. Namun, mengapa?? - mereka menuding secara luas, bahwa: '' AGAMA adalah BIANG dari misi Perang-Dunia. '' '' AGAMA adalah Sumber penyebab dalam Conflicts berdarah berikutnya. '' Sungguh, Anggapan yang demikian, tidaklah selamanya benar!. Argument mereka, nampaknya Keliru. serta Ucapan mereka, ' hanyalah Omong Kosong.' Ketahuilah, setiap # Agama mengajarkan Kedamaian, mengatakan kebenaran bahwa: Membunuh satu orang tak bersalah, Sama halnya, merusak bumi dan membunuh umat Keseluruhan. Justru, # Agama sebagai soluti Tuhan menurun kan # KITAB SUCI. dan # PeranAgama di # Bumi🌎🌏🌍, itulah # Solusi. Thank you | Terimakasih. dan Salam Sehat!. We love you. 🙂 ...
??? what are you talking about? this speaking didn't hawk a thing. Check your attitude dude. While you maybe don't have a family member stricken with this condition, there are millions of people who do, and are desperate for solutions and a ray of hope...
Thanks a lot Dr Obulor for healing my Aizheimer diseases completely, i will keep letting the world know about your good works and your youtube channel sir🙏..
My thoughts exactly, if you can positively entrain the brain with 40 htz frequencies than that almost implies that you could mess up that healthy entrainment by exposure to the other chaotic light and sound cacophony that we regularly expose ourselves to on day to day basis. Don't tell the overloards about this ; )
-- 🌏Indonesian language. -- Yang mulia, Bpk. President.. Aku seorang Gadis yang cantik dan Manis. Aku juga admin. Kayak layaknya mereka Gadis Indonesia umumnya. ... Bpk. President.. Setelah aku baca Sejarah, Mengapa Peristiwa-Berdarah selalu dimulai dari Europe? - World War I - World War II tambah lagi Europe: Mereka menyalakan Perang dalam Cold-War/ Perang dinging, antara Soviets dan USA. Kita pun secara tidak langsung, ikut terpengaruh dalam tragedy itu. Mengapa? -- Tuan Presiden.. Bisnis mereka adalah Peperangan. Ya, dan Bagaimana tidak! Perdagangan mereka adalah; SENJATA, BOM, AMUNISI, dan PELEDAK. Sejatinya, merekalah: Perusak Bumi yang SEBENARNYA. Kemungkinan ya, Mereka akan meraup banyak UNTUNG dalam tiap - tiap peperarang itu. Namun, mengapa?? - mereka menuding secara luas, bahwa: '' AGAMA adalah BIANG dari misi Perang-Dunia. '' '' AGAMA adalah Sumber penyebab dalam Conflicts berdarah berikutnya. '' Sungguh, Anggapan yang demikian, tidaklah selamanya benar!. Argument mereka, nampaknya Keliru. serta Ucapan mereka, ' hanyalah Omong Kosong.' Ketahuilah, setiap # Agama mengajarkan Kedamaian, mengatakan kebenaran bahwa: Membunuh satu orang tak bersalah, Sama halnya, merusak bumi dan membunuh umat Keseluruhan. Justru, # Agama sebagai soluti Tuhan menurun kan # KITAB SUCI. dan # PeranAgama di # Bumi🌎🌏🌍, itulah # Solusi. Thank you | Terimakasih. dan Salam Sehat!. We love you. 🙂 ...
Both papers showed that GENUS preserved memory and cognitive performance. They have since begun testing GENUS in humans. In 2022 they published results of pilot Phase 1 and Phase 2A clinical studies showing that GENUS was safe, well tolerated and successful in increasing 40Hz power and coherence around the brain.
TED✓ "Our freedom is also incomplete, dear compatriots, as long as we are denied our security by criminals who prey on our communities, who rob our businesses and undermine our economy, who ply their destructive trade in drugs in our schools, and who do violence against our women and children." By. # 🌍Nelson Mandela. Thanks. ...
How about we focus on finding the CAUSE of illnesses and not just focus on treating the SYMPTOMS. Lack of information and communication on prevention and healthy lifestyles is what got us here in the first place!
Well, both are necessary, no? Otherwise, the people that already have Alzheimer's would be left with no solutions. Prevention of the causes + treating the symptoms is the ideal, but the first is harder, because people are not inclined to change their lifestyles unless they go through something hard, like a disease. Say, a well planned plant-based diet is, right now and with the latest research, the safest bet to avoid cognitive and other physical common diseases, like diabetes, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, etc. But not many people are willing to try it out if they don't have a serious diagnosis. More education about lifestyle choices that is based on recent studies is needed, preferably since the first years of schooling.
@@unachicadeargentina I agree 100%, that's why I said "not just focus on the symptoms". The problem is that much more energy is directed towards that, and very little on the prevention. The ideal is to have both for the reason you said - there's a lot of people that are already sick. But places like TED seem to have become very one-track-minded.
so what exactly is your contribution, other than belly-aching? If audio & visual stimulation relieves symptoms and perhaps slows progression, I view it as a plus, going in the right direction. If you were actually a care provider for someone with AD, my guess is that you would be whistling a different tune, perhaps even at 40Hz !?
I'm all for shock therapy. Not the old massive. Cookoos nest but mild sudden stimulation. Ive taken valium and xanex for decades. But and accidental shock changing a light fixture had a better effect. I guess you can't go around sticking your fingers into light sockets. But there's definitely something valid here. Just sayin
It's called PEMF, and it already exists as a treatment for many diseases with inflammation as a driver. Also, it cured my covid brain in one session, which makes sense, as research into covid brain has shown inflammation as a key component.
I want to 🟢Al Jazeera English! Now!. TED, Thanks for your tolerance with.. O thank you, admin. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. And may God's peace 🌍🌏🌎 be upon you all: Staff and Crew of the TED Group ✓ !!!. Good luck to you!. God bless you all forever!. Yes, thank you. 🤭😁😁
TED | Thanks for your role and # Women♀️do hold 🌎high positions ✓. Ladies and gentlemen! The question is whether we spend that time focused on what pushes us apart? or whether we commit ourselves to an effort -- a sustained effort -- to find common ground🌍🌏🌎?. to focus on the future we seek for our children - and to respect the dignity of all human beings?. It's easier to start wars than to end them. It's easier to blame others than to look inward. It's easier to see what is different about someone than to find the things we share. But we should choose the right path, not just the easy path. There's one rule that lies at the heart of every religion -- that we do unto others as we would have them do unto us. 🌏 I thank you. .
Traders should avoid attempting to predict trend reversals, or even worse, I believe there is more to this market than we currently understand. When people are losing, they don't endeavor to increase their average. Using expert Clinton Ray's assistance, I've made almost 9.5 btc on a 2 btc Trade capital over the last 8 months. Things could get worse, so make the wise decision. Markets fluctuate in cycles that might span anywhere from a few days to several years. In the case of B -TC, it's difficult to make a bullish case merely by glancing at the chart. It's a lot more complicated than some people want you to believe. You can reach Clinton on ͲeIєɠɾαm👉ClinRay👈
Thanks a lot Dr Obulor for healing my Aizheimer diseases completely, i will keep letting the world know about your good works and your youtube channel sir🙏..
أرفض الرأي الذي يعبر عنه البعض في الغرب🌎 ويعتبر المرأة التي تختار غطاء لشعرها' أقل شأنا من غيرها. ولكنني أعتقد أن المرأة التي تحرم من التعليم تحرم كذلك من المساواة. -- '' إن البلدان التي تحصل فيها المرأة♀️ على تعليم جيد هي غالبا بلدان تتمتع بقدر أكبر من الرفاهية، وهذا ليس من باب الصدفة. ____ اسمحوا لي أن أتحدث بوضوح.. ----- إن قضايا مساواة المرأة ليست ببساطة قضايا للإسلام وحده' لقد شاهدنا بلدانا غالبية سكانها من المسلمين مثل إندونيسيا🇮🇩' وتركيا🇹🇷' وباكستان' وبنغلاديش' تنتخب المرأة لتولي قيادة البلد' ♀️★★★♀️ وفي نفس الوقت يستمر الكفاح من أجل تحقيق المساواة للمرأة في بعض جوانب الحياة الأميركية وفي بلدان العالم🌎. ولذلك ستعمل الأمم المتحدة🇺🇳 مع أي بلد🌏 غالبية سكانه من المسلمين من خلال شراكة لدعم توسيع برامج محو الأمية للفتيات ومساعدتهن على السعي في سبيل العمل عبر توفير التمويل الأصغر الذي يساعد الناس على تحقيق أحلامهم." شكراً لك. # أحبك!. 🤭🤭😁 .
TED✓ "Our freedom is also incomplete, dear compatriots, as long as we are denied our security by criminals who prey on our communities, who rob our businesses and undermine our economy, who ply their destructive trade in drugs in our schools, and who do violence against our women and children." By. # 🌍Nelson Mandela. Thanks. ...
I am suffering from the dreadful Parkinson, for the last 15 years and for 5 weeks i have listen the exact 40 Hz sound Gamma therapy used by MIT to prevent Alzheimer. Just listening to the 40 Hz sound have made a huge difference, my symptoms have decreesed by at least by 60%.
You mentioned a device that was fluttering light at 40 Hz, where can I get one? Combined with light and sound at 40 Hz. should be even better.
Dr. LEE BARTEL mentioned in his TED talk a device that generated different sound sold by Sound Oasis " Vibroacoustic Therapy System". i have recently bought this machine,
i only bought it recently so i can't comment on it's efficacy as yet.
How do you listen to the 40 HZ? Do you have a device you would recommend?
Hello, there is a youtube video called "40 Hz flash Alzheimers"!
@@tt5167 Sadly, due to youtube's limitation of 60 fps, you cannot create a 40 hz flashing video, only a 30 hz
@@JustNoise_ This is very true. They cant replicate it. But there are devices on Amazon. Just type in 40 mz flashing light. I own one. and I listen to the exact mit sound that was used. Its on youtube and you can just put in 40 mz mit Alzheimers and it shows up.
@@beefybitcoin8085 wow, this is a great idea! pls share your experiences, if you wouldnt mind. what is your goal with this self treatment and what did you achieve so far??
This is in clinical trial. Search for Cognito Hope Study.
wait so we will do gamma wave partys in the future? awesome^^
thank you Prof. Tsai,for your amazing gift to our world。
Thank the RUclips overlords for the ability to play at 1.5x speed.
Thank you for this tip. I was about to stop seeing this video.
Lol, thank you so much RUclips overlords!
Maybe she got Alzheimer!
Li Huei Tsai PhD talks slowly for slow wits like yourselves!!! Bwahahaha!!!😱😂😂😂
If someone loses memory after a stroke, are disrupted or weaker gamma waves correlative as well, or is this just associated with AD and dimentia?
this is brilliant
Hi, We specialize in cutting-edge light and sound therapy technology designed to promote brain health and well-being, particularly for individuals facing cognitive challenges like Alzheimer’s disease. do you want to try it ?
How can I order this waves device cos I don't see any website
They are for free ! Both flashing lights and binaural tones are in RUclips. Search for 40Hz Gamma Flashing lights or tones.
Using flashing lights may cause seizures in some individuals though.
i really have to ask since im german and my english isnt the best. what exactly are the gamma waves are doing to the brain?
Gamma wave made on cerebral cortex has higher intellectual function wave than any other brain wave like as alpha wave or theta wave.
Stimuliert, verstärkt und synchronisiert dann wieder die Gammawelle des Gehirns auf die richtige Frequenz und Amplitude.
What is the difference between using light or sound individually versus using both light and sound together?
Light and sound have same function which create oscillation(such as gamma wave). How to prescribe these would be more effective had not been clear yet. It is in early stage.
Does it have to be light, or would audio at 40Hz also work?
The treatment can be with light and sound. The patient wears light glasses flashing 40hz light and headphones sending synchronized 40hz pulses into the ears. Sending both light and sound will enhance the effect by stimulating more areas of the brain.
@@harryhondo1013 40hz flickering makes me nauseous for a very long time and gives me a headache. How can this be good?
fascinating talk, thank you 👍
what is God's name is a "woke" answer to alzheimers Sertiously....
@@possibilitieshypnosis2269simply identify as recovered and then shame anyone who says you still have alzheimers. Make sure they lose their jobs and bank accounts, or you'll never truly identify as recovered deep inside.
For God's sake, drop all this 'woke' nonsense. Woke means (according to every damn dictionary) awareness of injustice. That has f. all to do with treating AD.
Stop being manipulated by people who teach you that anything you don't understand or like is 'woke'. You will learn to use language more wisely if you do.
Perhaps turn off the CAP LOCK as well?
This is a wonderful video and thank you so much for posting it 🙏❤️
Hi, We specialize in cutting-edge light and sound therapy technology designed to promote brain health and well-being, particularly for individuals facing cognitive challenges like Alzheimer’s disease. do you want to try it ?
play at x1.5 speed or higher
Oh man! Off to Google how I can be part of a trial!
I don't know. I forgot..
@@ZoroastrianFlame 🤣😂
@@gvelden1 🤭
Does that mean music with a rate of 40 beats per second - can do the same as gamma stimulation? Such as trance music for example
If I'm not mistaken, for music it's normally beats per minute. 40 beats per second will be so fast they would not sound like beats to the human ears any more.
It sounds like crickets
This is really amazing research. How can someone get a light-box device?
Order it online
@@thedrop1033 website?
@@AJ-xm4xc Thank you 🌹
@@AJ-xm4xc thx
Hi, We specialize in cutting-edge light and sound therapy technology designed to promote brain health and well-being, particularly for individuals facing cognitive challenges like Alzheimer’s disease. do you want to try it ?
Listen with 1.5 speed.
I´d never take her clase, many students fall sleeping and get impatient.
you are more familiar with the subject matter and perhaps have a faster cycling brain. But her audience includes people who are NOT familiar with the concepts behind the messaging and maybe slower processors. Be kind, it's effortless, really...
Prevention is the best thing to do. Magnesium deficiency can cause of Alzheimer's, which can happen as early as 30 years old. Up to 80% of people don't get the RDA for magnesium because there's less of it in food from ANY developed country. Higher levels of aerobic exercise creates an environment providing the clearance of amyloid beta protein which is another cause of Alzheimer's.
Which type of Mg is best as a supplement? I’ve tried at least 4 different types.
@@jnellie1970 My osteopath recommended magnesium glycinate orally; magnesium chloride flakes in water to soak feet, or spray on body.
Only the magnesium who can penetrate the barrier hematoencefalic..
So aerobic exercise is bad or good?
@@joanngonzales-plascencia9515 the best
أرفض الرأي الذي يعبر عنه البعض في الغرب🌎 ويعتبر المرأة التي تختار غطاء لشعرها'
أقل شأنا من غيرها.
ولكنني أعتقد أن المرأة التي تحرم من التعليم تحرم كذلك من المساواة.
'' إن البلدان التي تحصل فيها المرأة♀️ على تعليم جيد هي غالبا بلدان تتمتع بقدر أكبر من الرفاهية،
وهذا ليس من باب الصدفة.
اسمحوا لي أن أتحدث بوضوح..
إن قضايا مساواة المرأة ليست ببساطة قضايا للإسلام وحده'
لقد شاهدنا بلدانا غالبية سكانها من المسلمين مثل إندونيسيا🇮🇩'
وتركيا🇹🇷' وباكستان' وبنغلاديش'
تنتخب المرأة لتولي قيادة البلد'
وفي نفس الوقت يستمر الكفاح من أجل تحقيق المساواة للمرأة في بعض جوانب الحياة الأميركية وفي بلدان العالم🌎.
ولذلك ستعمل الأمم المتحدة🇺🇳
مع أي بلد🌏 غالبية سكانه من المسلمين من خلال شراكة لدعم توسيع برامج محو الأمية للفتيات ومساعدتهن على السعي في سبيل العمل عبر توفير التمويل الأصغر الذي يساعد الناس على تحقيق أحلامهم."
شكراً لك.
# أحبك!.
What about eesystems
Way to go Professor! Keep going...
The Gateway ad leads me here. Anyone else?
I've learned about many gamma waves,defference types,thanks.I should learn more for my future
Sooo. . . . 40 sine wave or square wave?
Square wave always goes deeper into the body
@@3DIVI6NE9"deeper" doesn't equate to preferred nor most effective. Square waves are NOT natural. Look at the wave signatures from an EEG - they are sine waves, as are all waves in nature within the low frequency bands. The body resonates better with natural sine wave sensory inputs & also propagates those waves internally in resonate harmony. Why mess with Mother Nature? Fractionated wave forms (square, sawtooth, etc) have LESS information and therefore can be compressed and manipulated and packaged "tighter" which is utilized with some benefits in the digital worid, taking up less volume/space for things like wireless delivery, however, loss less analog formatting is more pure, more natural, and how we were designed and work in our bio-physiology - think of how things move in a "flow state" with the least amount of energy expended - sine wave in the optimal means, propagating the ripples of waves when the pebble is dropped into the pond, so to speak. cheers...
Exposure to flashing lights and sounds seems like getting tapped on the shoulder repeatedly being told to "pay attention! pay attention!" It seems like maybe this would cause increased brain activity and growth, but it also seems borderline torture.
40hz soundtracks are pretty relaxing IMO
Tapped 40 times/s? Lol nice imagination. Jk it’s pretty bad imagination.
Thank you for your work and sign me up!
My mother has recently moved in with me because she can no longer care for herself. She can’t remember any simple thing, and is easily confused and agitated. Her mother - my Grammie, who was my hero - died with this illness.
Vitamin b5 & myelin could be worth researching , and music from when she was young
exercise everyday, min 30 min
Бос- терапия на порядок эффективнее. Они просто стимулируют частотой это как массаж. А у нас идет обратная связь в режиме онлайн и поощряется и наказывается появление высокочастотных низкочастотных ритмов. Что выберете массаж или тренировку с обратной связью? Другой пример. Вам говорят вы дышите неправильно, нужно дышать так, смотрите на меня. Ничего у вас не измениться. Только когда вы сами начнете дышать правильно, когда идет информация о точности и правильности выполнения, постепенно изменяя свой ритм, только тогда вы научитесь и укрепите новые нейронные связи и произойдет обучение.
А что это?
Love this stuff.
Painfully slow, she may speed up with gamma wave, so speaks fast.
too slow
She talks slow for slow wits like you! Bwahahahah!
@@nicole4080 She talks slow for slow wits like you! Bwahahahah!
@@HectorReyes-iu2js I reported you because you insulted me. I am not slow wit.
Dr. Li Huei Tsai PhD is talking slow for SLOW WITS LIKE YOURSELF. You like insulting others But you cannot take being insulted yourself Montecristo. There is a word or term that describes such a person. If you can tell me that word, I would believe you are not a SLOW WIT. What is that WORD?
-- Indonesian🇮🇩 Language. --
Yang mulia, Bpk. President..
Aku seorang Gadis yang cantik dan Manis.
Aku juga admin. Kayak layaknya mereka Gadis Indonesia umumnya.
Bpk. President..
Setelah aku baca Sejarah,
Mengapa Peristiwa-Berdarah selalu dimulai dari Europe?
- World War I
- World War II
tambah lagi Europe: Mereka menyalakan Perang dalam Cold-War/ Perang dinging, antara Soviets dan USA.
Kita pun secara tidak langsung, ikut terpengaruh dalam tragedy itu. Mengapa?
Tuan Presiden..
Bisnis mereka adalah Peperangan.
Ya, dan Bagaimana tidak!
Perdagangan mereka adalah; SENJATA, BOM,
Sejatinya, merekalah: Perusak Bumi yang SEBENARNYA.
Kemungkinan ya, Mereka akan meraup banyak UNTUNG
dalam tiap - tiap peperarang itu.
Namun, mengapa??
- mereka menuding secara luas,
'' AGAMA adalah BIANG dari misi Perang-Dunia. ''
'' AGAMA adalah Sumber penyebab
dalam Conflicts berdarah berikutnya. ''
Anggapan yang demikian, tidaklah selamanya benar!.
Argument mereka, nampaknya Keliru.
serta Ucapan mereka, ' hanyalah Omong Kosong.'
Ketahuilah, setiap # Agama mengajarkan
Kedamaian, mengatakan kebenaran bahwa:
Membunuh satu orang tak bersalah,
Sama halnya, merusak bumi dan membunuh umat Keseluruhan.
Justru, # Agama sebagai soluti
Tuhan menurun kan # KITAB SUCI.
dan # PeranAgama di # Bumi🌎🌏🌍,
itulah # Solusi.
Thank you | Terimakasih.
dan Salam Sehat!.
We love you.
Is Ted just an infomercial now?
??? what are you talking about? this speaking didn't hawk a thing. Check your attitude dude. While you maybe don't have a family member stricken with this condition, there are millions of people who do, and are desperate for solutions and a ray of hope...
Thanks a lot Dr Obulor for healing my Aizheimer diseases completely, i will keep letting the world know about your good works and your youtube channel sir🙏..
If your gamma waves can be so influenced by strobing light.. then how bad is decades of television watching for the brain?
And flickering fluorescent lights, and LEDs...
My thoughts exactly, if you can positively entrain the brain with 40 htz frequencies than that almost implies that you could mess up that healthy entrainment by exposure to the other chaotic light and sound cacophony that we regularly expose ourselves to on day to day basis. Don't tell the overloards about this ; )
-- 🌏Indonesian language. --
Yang mulia, Bpk. President..
Aku seorang Gadis yang cantik dan Manis.
Aku juga admin. Kayak layaknya mereka Gadis Indonesia umumnya.
Bpk. President..
Setelah aku baca Sejarah,
Mengapa Peristiwa-Berdarah selalu dimulai dari Europe?
- World War I
- World War II
tambah lagi Europe: Mereka menyalakan Perang dalam Cold-War/ Perang dinging, antara Soviets dan USA.
Kita pun secara tidak langsung, ikut terpengaruh dalam tragedy itu. Mengapa?
Tuan Presiden..
Bisnis mereka adalah Peperangan.
Ya, dan Bagaimana tidak!
Perdagangan mereka adalah; SENJATA, BOM,
Sejatinya, merekalah: Perusak Bumi yang SEBENARNYA.
Kemungkinan ya, Mereka akan meraup banyak UNTUNG
dalam tiap - tiap peperarang itu.
Namun, mengapa??
- mereka menuding secara luas,
'' AGAMA adalah BIANG dari misi Perang-Dunia. ''
'' AGAMA adalah Sumber penyebab
dalam Conflicts berdarah berikutnya. ''
Anggapan yang demikian, tidaklah selamanya benar!.
Argument mereka, nampaknya Keliru.
serta Ucapan mereka, ' hanyalah Omong Kosong.'
Ketahuilah, setiap # Agama mengajarkan
Kedamaian, mengatakan kebenaran bahwa:
Membunuh satu orang tak bersalah,
Sama halnya, merusak bumi dan membunuh umat Keseluruhan.
Justru, # Agama sebagai soluti
Tuhan menurun kan # KITAB SUCI.
dan # PeranAgama di # Bumi🌎🌏🌍,
itulah # Solusi.
Thank you | Terimakasih.
dan Salam Sehat!.
We love you.
I was reading about it 5-7 years ago, where are the results?
Both papers showed that GENUS preserved memory and cognitive performance. They have since begun testing GENUS in humans. In 2022 they published results of pilot Phase 1 and Phase 2A clinical studies showing that GENUS was safe, well tolerated and successful in increasing 40Hz power and coherence around the brain.
"Our freedom is also incomplete, dear compatriots, as long as we are denied our security by criminals
who prey on our communities,
who rob our businesses and undermine our economy,
who ply their destructive trade in drugs in our schools,
and who do violence against our women and children."
By. # 🌍Nelson Mandela.
Con you use the 40hz gamma sound and light the roof while the subject is sleeping and get results
Brain is our last frontier.
Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.” -
Why speaks so slow? She has Alzheimer?
Many Asians are slow speakers.
Yes, she make me sleep and tired.
But not every Asian speak this way.
See Wendy Suzuki, she talks with energy, makes people laugh and move.
@@juanm.7459 Wendy is far better speaker and good professor. talks with energy and enthusiasm.
This Li is painfully slow and emotionless.
@@alejandrog.7378 she may speed up with gamma wave, so speaks fast.
Poor quality infomercial, she looks sad and depressed. Not convincing.
Poor quality infomercial, she looks sad and depressed. Not convincing.😒
Indeed, looks old and aged.
How about we focus on finding the CAUSE of illnesses and not just focus on treating the SYMPTOMS. Lack of information and communication on prevention and healthy lifestyles is what got us here in the first place!
Well, both are necessary, no? Otherwise, the people that already have Alzheimer's would be left with no solutions. Prevention of the causes + treating the symptoms is the ideal, but the first is harder, because people are not inclined to change their lifestyles unless they go through something hard, like a disease. Say, a well planned plant-based diet is, right now and with the latest research, the safest bet to avoid cognitive and other physical common diseases, like diabetes, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, etc. But not many people are willing to try it out if they don't have a serious diagnosis. More education about lifestyle choices that is based on recent studies is needed, preferably since the first years of schooling.
@@unachicadeargentina I agree 100%, that's why I said "not just focus on the symptoms". The problem is that much more energy is directed towards that, and very little on the prevention. The ideal is to have both for the reason you said - there's a lot of people that are already sick. But places like TED seem to have become very one-track-minded.
so what exactly is your contribution, other than belly-aching? If audio & visual stimulation relieves symptoms and perhaps slows progression, I view it as a plus, going in the right direction. If you were actually a care provider for someone with AD, my guess is that you would be whistling a different tune, perhaps even at 40Hz !?
So all species operate on there own frequency of brain activity.
Telepathy is possible and we need to all build the jump Machine
Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” -
Many thanks
I'm all for shock therapy. Not the old massive. Cookoos nest but mild sudden stimulation. Ive taken valium and xanex for decades. But and accidental shock changing a light fixture had a better effect. I guess you can't go around sticking your fingers into light sockets. But there's definitely something valid here. Just sayin
It's called PEMF, and it already exists as a treatment for many diseases with inflammation as a driver. Also, it cured my covid brain in one session, which makes sense, as research into covid brain has shown inflammation as a key component.
I thought gamma radiation was lethal 🤔
I believe she said gamma BRAIN waves are stimulated by exposure to 40 Hz light and sound, no gamma radiation involved :)
Gamma brain wave is not gamma radiation.
@@leesserotoncharacter7230 then why is it so dangerous 😳 ☠️
just go away, you are obnoxious. There are serious people here with serious problems, looking for helping & hope
I want to 🟢Al Jazeera English! Now!.
TED, Thanks for your tolerance with..
O thank you, admin.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
And may God's peace 🌍🌏🌎 be upon you all:
Staff and Crew of the
TED Group ✓ !!!.
Good luck to you!.
God bless you all forever!.
Yes, thank you.
How so? What are your findings?
Informercial. She got no result on lab and tries to sell here.
Look up "Betteridge's law of headlines" and then read the title of the video.
TED | Thanks for your role
and # Women♀️do hold 🌎high positions ✓.
Ladies and gentlemen!
The question is
whether we spend that time focused on what pushes us apart?
whether we commit ourselves to an effort -- a sustained effort -- to find common ground🌍🌏🌎?.
to focus on the future we seek for our children - and to
respect the dignity of all human beings?.
It's easier to start wars than to end them.
It's easier to blame others than to look inward.
It's easier to see what is different about someone
than to find the things we share.
But we should choose the right path,
not just the easy path.
There's one rule that lies at the heart of every religion -- that we do unto others as we would have them do unto us.
🌏 I thank you.
Traders should avoid attempting to predict trend reversals, or even worse, I believe there is more to this market than we currently understand. When people are losing, they don't endeavor to increase their average. Using expert Clinton Ray's assistance, I've made almost 9.5 btc on a 2 btc Trade capital over the last 8 months. Things could get worse, so make the wise decision. Markets fluctuate in cycles that might span anywhere from a few days to several years. In the case of B -TC, it's difficult to make a bullish case merely by glancing at the chart. It's a lot more complicated than some people want you to believe. You can reach Clinton on ͲeIєɠɾαm👉ClinRay👈
@Tam Pelfrey ClinRay VlA Te le gr am...📧
Thanks a lot Dr Obulor for healing my Aizheimer diseases completely, i will keep letting the world know about your good works and your youtube channel sir🙏..
Hello, who is Dr. Obulur? Is his work available online? Thank you...
أرفض الرأي الذي يعبر عنه البعض في الغرب🌎 ويعتبر المرأة التي تختار غطاء لشعرها'
أقل شأنا من غيرها.
ولكنني أعتقد أن المرأة التي تحرم من التعليم تحرم كذلك من المساواة.
'' إن البلدان التي تحصل فيها المرأة♀️ على تعليم جيد هي غالبا بلدان تتمتع بقدر أكبر من الرفاهية،
وهذا ليس من باب الصدفة.
اسمحوا لي أن أتحدث بوضوح..
إن قضايا مساواة المرأة ليست ببساطة قضايا للإسلام وحده'
لقد شاهدنا بلدانا غالبية سكانها من المسلمين مثل إندونيسيا🇮🇩'
وتركيا🇹🇷' وباكستان' وبنغلاديش'
تنتخب المرأة لتولي قيادة البلد'
وفي نفس الوقت يستمر الكفاح من أجل تحقيق المساواة للمرأة في بعض جوانب الحياة الأميركية وفي بلدان العالم🌎.
ولذلك ستعمل الأمم المتحدة🇺🇳
مع أي بلد🌏 غالبية سكانه من المسلمين من خلال شراكة لدعم توسيع برامج محو الأمية للفتيات ومساعدتهن على السعي في سبيل العمل عبر توفير التمويل الأصغر الذي يساعد الناس على تحقيق أحلامهم."
شكراً لك.
# أحبك!.
"Our freedom is also incomplete, dear compatriots, as long as we are denied our security by criminals
who prey on our communities,
who rob our businesses and undermine our economy,
who ply their destructive trade in drugs in our schools,
and who do violence against our women and children."
By. # 🌍Nelson Mandela.