I miss the solos like this. Spontaneous, and wild without all of the classical rules that keep a player trapped WITHIN scale-like-technique. I'd really be happy if this was a modern day garage-band that just APPRECIATE band-generated-song without all of the deaf leopard overdub. As on the album, as is the live. \m/
"Love Is What You Make of It" is such a great sing along catchy song.
1.On The Road To Freedom 2.When the city sleeps
3. Love is what you make of it (trust me these are the correct song names )
Thanks so mucho.
I miss the solos like this. Spontaneous, and wild without all of the classical rules that keep a player trapped WITHIN scale-like-technique. I'd really be happy if this was a modern day garage-band that just APPRECIATE band-generated-song without all of the deaf leopard overdub. As on the album, as is the live. \m/