Спасибо за видео. Есть вопрос,можно в первом предложении использовать " as"без " if",сказать :"She looks as a model"...и в чем будет разница между ними если говорим ,"She looks like a model"
Хороший вопрос) Мы можем сказать She works as a model. Мы используем as как эквивалент слова "как" в смысле "в качестве". Но в том варианте, как предложение представлено в видео, like - единственный путь
The courtesy of this channel in collaboration with notable scientific institutions and valuable tips from sentient leader himself, on how exactly to proceed chasing your lifetime goals, as for example, peruse and leafing modern literature and become completely versed in English, withdraw benefits from more high-brow society, roughly speaking settled my confidence in magic and divine power of learning, when you navigated on heights of more intelligent persons, you signficantly strengthen belief in your hidden abilities and abilities of your comrades, willpower and determination, firmly impacted your subconciousness work properly and adequately to eliminite gaps and flaws and empower to work more efficiently. Technically speaking, i managed to step from raw and weak, ignorant and rather dull student to more profound and proficient learner not only by toil or learning passion, but by following directions educators give you, seriously shaped my understanding of language mechanics and cemented tenets of morality, intellectual legacy and well-being. Вообщем, равняемся на Вас Ильяс.
Отличный формат! Недавно как раз эту тему проходили)))
О как совпало)
6/7 the last one was a bit complicated for me. i hope new videos we will see soon.
Good result!
I'm hoping to make more videos this summer)
Поучил английский по вашему методу (читая книги) словарь увеличился до 28 тис слов.
@@hasato-e1 не знал, что это "мой метод", но рад Вашему прогрессу :)
Спасибо за видео. Есть вопрос,можно в первом предложении использовать " as"без " if",сказать :"She looks as a model"...и в чем будет разница между ними если говорим ,"She looks like a model"
Хороший вопрос)
Мы можем сказать She works as a model. Мы используем as как эквивалент слова "как" в смысле "в качестве".
Но в том варианте, как предложение представлено в видео, like - единственный путь
Ильяс приветствую тебя) А ты куда хоть пропал-то от нас?) Видео выходят не особо часто недели раньше)
Очень большая занятость в академическом году. Летом постараюсь появляться чаще.
Плюс требовательнее к себе стал в отношении контента
I feel like it is not enough your lessons.
like there is...* :)
? like there are….?
Аспирантура у Ильяса на английском. Поступайте, причем бесплатно (пока)
Еще на фейсбуке увидел группу, где можна взять литературу для филологов. Ильяс, если интересно название Linguistic facts.
The courtesy of this channel in collaboration with notable scientific institutions and valuable tips from sentient leader himself, on how exactly to proceed chasing your lifetime goals, as for example, peruse and leafing modern literature and become completely versed in English, withdraw benefits from more high-brow society, roughly speaking settled my confidence in magic and divine power of learning, when you navigated on heights of more intelligent persons, you signficantly strengthen belief in your hidden abilities and abilities of your comrades, willpower and determination, firmly impacted your subconciousness work properly and adequately to eliminite gaps and flaws and empower to work more efficiently. Technically speaking, i managed to step from raw and weak, ignorant and rather dull student to more profound and proficient learner not only by toil or learning passion, but by following directions educators give you, seriously shaped my understanding of language mechanics and cemented tenets of morality, intellectual legacy and well-being. Вообщем, равняемся на Вас Ильяс.
@@vladimirp2674 Well, let's say that I am glad to inspire :)