sir your opinion is needed. I believe a private cryptocurrency could never be a sovereign monetary system. Blockchain is great technology. So the sovereign governments are going to lauch own crypto currency at some point in future. Bcoz private cryptocurrency have issues 1. state(political setup) through central bank regulate monetry & fiscal system. How can a unregulated currency do that function. 2. How fractional banking system, & money printing or liquidatity pumping will take place. Then Commercial banking should shut their shops. 3. Transparency issues, money laundering, ransom , tax evaison etc. 4. It's doesn't possess basic conditions for a currency or asset, commodity etc 5. There could be 'n' number of currency ( every month new one is comes) in total the currency supply becomes infinite. As opposed they say it has limited supply. That means in long run it will be more harmful than fiat money. 6. Since sovereign currency are backed by state, private cryptocurrency are not controlled or say regulated by any one than who is going back them & how a majority is going to trust it.. (not everyone is software engineer or emotional technology lover how goes behind it as it is going to revolutionize everything) Technology could revolutionize things but in a limited space. How you will run a political state or federation and even political institutions with crypto.
Hi, You said 300 AMC is the cheapest and no brocker gives free of cost. Can you please tell me about finvasia. It has free brockerage fee & 0 AMC for lifetime.
I feel so proud of Indian Youth like them who work so hard to share their knowledge and information to common people....they make Good use of Technology....hats of to them....👏👏👏👏👌👍🙏😊
Pranjal kamra, ranade mam and mandeep ji means u... Aap u tub par bahot imandari se kam kar rhe ho... Salute u all... Aap hame educate karte rahiye.. Thnk u.. U all r so sweet n humble too
I was curious how about the stock market and was wondering how to start doing it, I was lucky enough to stumble upon one of your videos. It has been so satisfying to watch the videos which actually answer my questions. Keep making videos sir, I still have the rest of your videos in the bookmark and need to watch them. A big thanks for this!
BISMILLAH = > अपने बनाने वाले को पहचानो इससे पहले की मौत आ जाए और तुम पछताते हुए रह जाओ , = > तुम्हारा दिल धड़क रहा तुम सांस ले रहे , मौत बुढ़ापा , क्या तुम यह रोक सकते हो ? इससे साबित होता है कि तुम पर तुम्हारी हुकूमत नहीं है उस अल्लाह की है जो सब कुछ बनाने वाला है , कुरान में एक आयत का महफूम है कि " उसकी शान यह है कि वह जब किसी चीज का इरादा करता है कह देता है के हो जा तो वह हो जाता है " = > जिसको अल्लाह के सिवा पूजा जाता है , अगर सभी एक साथ मिल भी जाए तो एक मक्खी नहीं बना सकते , अगर मक्खी उन पर बैठ जाए तो उसे उड़ा नहीं सकते , और मक्खी अगर उनसे छीन कर कुछ ले जाए तो उसे छुड़ा नहीं सकते , अगर गिर जाए तो उठ नहीं सकते , टूट जाए तो जुड़ नहीं सकते और कुछ बना नहीं सकते खुद बनाए जाते हैं । = > अल्लाह ना बीवी रखता है ना औलाद वह बेनियाज़ है , उसे किसी खाने पीने , औरत बच्चे की जरूरत नहीं , वह किसी चीज का मोहताज नहीं बल्कि सब उसके मोहताज है , अल्लाह को ना ऊंघ आती है ना नींद वह हमेशा हमेशा से जिंदा है और हमेशा हमेशा जिंदा रहेगा = > जिसने तुम्हें बनाया है गंदे पानी की कुछ बूंदों से ( मां बाप से ) फिर वो गंदा पानी उसने आंख कान नाक में हड्डियों नसों में , धड़कते दिल तुम्हारे सोचते दिमाग बोलती हुई जुबान में , बदल दिया बताओ कितनी बड़ी शान वाला है अल्लाह । क्या यह सब अपने आप ही बन गए ? क्या इन्होंने अपने आप ही आकार ले लिया ? या इनको तुमने बनाया है ? = > अगर तुमने अल्लाह के हुक्मो को झूठलाते हुए अपनी जिंदगी गुजारी और अपनी मनमानी चलाई तो तुम नाकाम हो जाओगे क्योंकि उस अल्लाह ने तुम्हें इसलिए पैदा किया है कि तुम उसके हुक्मो को मानो , उसके भेजे हुए पैगंबर यानी अवतार का कहा मानो क्योंकि यह दुनिया इम्तिहान है , इम्तिहान है इसका कि हम उसके हुक्म को मानते हैं या नहीं , बुराई को छोड़ते हैं अच्छाई पर चलते हैं या नहीं। 1) सबसे पहला अल्लाह का हुकुम यह है कि यकीन हो उस अल्लाह पर यानी कि अल्लाह के सिवा कोई दूसरा इबादत के लायक नहीं मोहम्मद सल्लल्लाहु अलेही वसल्लम अल्लाह के बंदे आखरी पैगंबर रसूल है । 2) दूसरा हुकुम पांच वक्त की नमाज का है जिस ने जानबूझकर ये पांच वक्त की नमाज छोड़ी वो काफिर हो गया । = > ध्यान रखो कि मुहम्मद सल्लल्लाहू अलेही वसल्लम एक मक्खी नहीं बना सकते वह मोहताज हैं । अवतार यानी पैगंबर की भी पूजा नहीं हो सकती पहले भी पैगंबर आए हैं और कुरान की तरह पहले भी किताबें उतरी हैं अल्लाह की तरफ से । एक आयत का मफुम है कि " ऐ पैगंबर अगर तुम वही ऐ इलाही के आने के बाद भी गैरों के रास्ते पर चलोगे तो तुमको हमारी पकड़ से बचाने वाला ना कोई दोस्त होगा ना कोई मददगार " एक और आयत का माफुम है कि " अगर यह पैगंबर हमारी निस्बत कोई झूठ बना लाते तो हम इनका दाहिना हाथ पकड़ लेते और इनकी रगे गर्दन काट डालते फिर हमको इससे कोई रोकने वाला ना होता . = > या रसूल अल्लाह , या अली मदद , या मदद अली , या साबिर , या हुसैन कहना ,काफिर बना देता है। या का मतलब होता है पुकारना। जिसको मौत आ जाए उसको पुकारा नहीं जा सकता और अल्लाह हर जगह मौजूद है उसको पुकार सकते हैं । = ) मान लो अगर तुम्हारी मां जिंदा है तो तुम कहोगे या मां मुझे रोटी दे दो । तो मां तुम रोटी दे देगी ठीक है। अब मान लो तुम्हारी मां को मौत आ जाती है और अब तुम्हारी मां तुम्हारे पास मौजूद ना होगी अब अगर तुमने यह कहा या मां मुझे रोटी दे दो। तो तुम काफिर हो जाओगे क्योंकि तुम्हारी मां तुम्हारे पास मौजूद नहीं और अल्लाह हर जगह मौजूद है । तुम अल्लाह से कह सकते हो या अल्लाह मुझे रोटी दे दो मेरी मदद कीजिए या अल्लाह मुझ पर रहम फरमाए मैं माफी मांगता हूं या अल्लाह मुझे बख्श दीजिए । इसी वजह से , 1.) या रसूल अल्लाह कहना ,मौला अली , या अली ,भर दो झोली मेरी या मोहम्मद , या हुसैन , दरगाह पर कब्रों पर सजदा करना , जिसकी मौत हो चुकी है उसको या कहकर पुकारना काफिर बना देता है। मातम मनाना मोहर्रम को , यह हराम है और । जबकि मुहम्मद सल्लल्लाहू अलेही वसल्लम पैगंबर ने यह सब चीजें नहीं बताई । = > कहीं भी किसी दरगाह पर जाकर सजदा ना करना दरगाह वालों से जाकर दुआएं ना मांगना उन्हें खुद मौत आ चुकी है वह खुद अल्लाह के मोहताज है जैसे कि तुम मोहताज हो अल्लाह के सिवा किसी से भी ना मांगना यहां तक के इंसानों के सामने भी ज्यादा गिड़गिड़ाना गिड़गिड़ाना कुफर की तरफ ले जाता है। कुरान अपनी भाषा में सुनो youtube पर उल्टी उल्टी चीजें देखने के बजाय तुम्हें पता लगे कि उस मालिक ने क्या हुकुम भेजा है what will happen after death with you ? if you obey allah's order or disobey. and you can check my playlist full quran and more links about what is islam and who is ALLAH so plz minimum one time read Quran it is a word of god , i promise you will know everything that you want and you can check my playlist full quran ..,.,.,,...,....
It is not simple and chargeable to transfer shares. Best option is U can sell share and buy in other brokers. Not at once but sell one buy one when price is high and buy same share when it goes low. Current situation there is volatility u definitely get some range to buy and sell without loss infact u can earn some profit too. Since there is no brokerage for delivery in both
After watching the video till last I felt sad that someone instead of encouraging these awesome Guy's 👌😊 he was blaming them...I just want that person to know that information is God in today's world and if someone is sharing these information free of cost then that person or individual is no less then God 🙏...Guys please keep up the Good work and if possible do mention your UPI so that all of us could support you as and when we can. Thank You 👍
Mandeep ji कुछ लोग ऐसे होते है जो खुद कुछ नही करते और जो लोग अच्छा करते है उनकी बुराइया करते है उनकी और ध्यान मत देना आप बहोत अच्छा काम करते हो मुझे आपकी बोलने की और समझाने की स्टाइल ब होत अच्छी लगती हैTx Tx
Thank you so much for explaining about the broker. Its really sad to hear about that disturbing comment. But, anyways your content was well researched and I learned a lot from it InshaAllah I probably will open an account with the broker you suggested.
Nice way of presenting brother. Appreciate it. Very clear, crisp, transparent and decent. Appreciate the way you responded to the comment as well. Thanks for the knowledge :)
No Please stay away from Upstox Don't open DEMAT ac Very bad poor service .upstox's all Promises is false Keep distance This is my experience Don't refer any one Because referral amount not credited .so many questions arise and refuse to give amount Please keep distance 8446924365
Hi LLA team.. Please ignore such negativity in comments. Those fools doesn't deserve an explanation. They donot even have the endurance to watch the full videos and just drops from somewhere to spread negativity. We do understand your intention behind your struggle. Lots of love... From Assam❤️
You can do it. U can switch to GROWW ap by just making a free demat account on GROWW and you can easily tranfer your stocks in that. I transferred my stock from PAYTM MONEY to GROWW
Mandeep you are really a gem. Thank you for keeping your pace at steady. Loved the content which you share and enhance the knowledge for us without any research, we can simply watch your videos and gain so much. Keep up the great work. Because of your videos only I have opened NPS account.
Ek no. Bro...wo banda naya naya aya hai jaagruk janta banne me thoda samay to lagega it's alright ..he is learning from you in one way....keep growing your good work...india me waise bhi aapke jaise logon ki kami hai...
Amazing video and well answered,who comment negative.Ur videos are to the point and educational.Its true no one will do for free.Ur watching free RUclips paying from ur mobile data??.Keep it up with good work. I promise,one day I will Join for ur monthly subscription. Thanks
Hahahahahahhahahahahahahahah Wo last wala rant mast tha bhai!!!!! You are one of the most honest n transparent RUclipsr in my subscriber list. Hight values better brand! Kudos to you guys!
Its really sad to see that people think that a broker would provide you all these services for free. Non salary savings account mein to bank bhi minimum average balance mangta hai bhai, warna wo bhi charges lagata hai. Plus trading nahi karni to account band karwalo. Nobody is forcing anyone to keep an active account. As far as the video goes, this was really very helpful. Could you make a video on the Margin maintained by brokers for Delivery and Intra day trades respectively, like what that is and how it works.
Hi, I had so much doubt regarding "what if my broker goes bankrupt" and you video has clearly specified "in case this happens" what is the solution. Now, I am fully satisfied that my money invested is protected by CDSL in case my broker goes bankrupt. Thank you very much for your fantastic and easy way of explaining these important things in lay terms.
ye sab kehne ki baat hai..mera broker karvy bhaag gya tha..SEBI pe claim dala sirf 40 percent paisa hi mila baki 60 percent kha gye ye bolke ki abhi case chal rha hai..apna broker kisi bank k saath hi rakho.zerodha ya upstock nhi daily trading k liye ye theek hai but long term investing k kiye kisi bank k saath hi broker account kholo
@@soothingmusic2078 But what if i dont' have any cash lying with my broker, all is invested in shares, it's already invested right. I can transfer them to another account in case Zerodha or Upstox goes bankrupt?
@Karan Agarwal I am not talking about cash which was there in broker's account..I am talking about the shares which I had in my can check youtube video's for more with karvy stock broking scam this happend last year only and it is a very big company...I had raised claim but nothing is cannot the company is gone now
@@soothingmusic2078 Hello, I was just reading about Karvy how they transferred 2,000 crores of client securities to themselves. This can only be done if they had Power of Attorney right? So if I don't give the broker POA, are my shares safe with the exchange or it's still risky POA or no POA. Please reply.
Wow, beautifully explained. Just one question. Which one do u recommend if only motive is to buy stocks occasionally for long term, no intra day trading or Any other option required. Actually i am using sharekhan currently and feels delivery charges are bit high.
Very informative. Thanks. You need to touch upon the BSDA facility on DEMAT accounts which don’t attract any AMC upto holdings of Rs.50000/-. And, after that also it is slab wise.
You sound very honest brother 😊 you doing a very good job! God Bless! Pls if possible do make a video on how to transfer shares from share khan to Zerodha. Thanks
आप लगे रहो भाई. कोई बात नही. भोंकने वाले भोंकते है. शेअर मार्केट तक जानेवाला चुतीया नही होता. भारत देश मे 4-5 % लोग ही शेअर मार्केट मे इनवेस्टमेंट करते है. जब ये पर्सेंटेज 50 % तक जायेगा ना तो भारत आमेरीका के आगे जायेगा. आप बहोत बढीया काम कर रहे है. सॅल्युट आपको.....आप बहोत आगे बढे....ढेर सारी शुभकामना..🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 जय महाराष्ट्र.
Thanks sir. ..My question is " Unfortunately any happing with client, what is the process minor nominee draw the stock amount". Create a new video please. .
Extremely informative! I've been looking for someone to tackle this issue for a long time and am glad to have found your channel. Could you comment on whats happening with Cafe Coffe day? What does it been to be delisted? If one owns CCD stocks, is all lost now? Thanks much!
That was really helpful but I have one doubt, Even if quality brokers shuts down their firm for any unfortunate reasons, Then as CDSL/NSDL having my stocks but do I need to have any source of documents regarding stocks? If yes then please mention them Sir and also where will I get those documents of verification/proof.
In case of discounted broker, investor are required to trade regularly atleast in medium volume (for intraday) so that ₹ 20/- per side brokerage won't pinch him/her. In case of delivery, investor should also trade regularly so that monthly Maint charges won't pinch him in Upstok (where I have an account). But for one or 2 trades (called inactive traders) for delivery may pinch monetarily.
Sir, first of all thank you so much for making this video... I am new in stock market , it is very beneficial for me at this stage...🤝🙂 But sir, Is all these points valid also for MUTUAL FUND OR ANY INVESTMENT ADVISOR Company? If these makes any fraud with us..
You can do it. U can switch to GROWW ap by just making a free demat account on GROWW and you can easily tranfer your stocks in that. I transferred my stock from PAYTM MONEY to GROWW
Sir, My father had his DEMAT account with Karvy, It was a month back when I found about the karvy fraud. I checked his e-CAS and found the shares are intact. I want to transfer those shares in my DEMAT account (Zerodha) online. I made an account with NSDL on behalf of my father but couldn't find how to initiate the transfer. Please make a separate video on that.
sir your opinion is needed.
I believe a private cryptocurrency could never be a sovereign monetary system.
Blockchain is great technology. So the sovereign governments are going to lauch own crypto currency at some point in future.
Bcoz private cryptocurrency have issues
1. state(political setup) through central bank regulate monetry & fiscal system. How can a unregulated currency do that function.
2. How fractional banking system, & money printing or liquidatity pumping will take place. Then Commercial banking should shut their shops.
3. Transparency issues, money laundering, ransom , tax evaison etc.
4. It's doesn't possess basic conditions for a currency or asset, commodity etc
5. There could be 'n' number of currency ( every month new one is comes) in total the currency supply becomes infinite. As opposed they say it has limited supply. That means in long run it will be more harmful than fiat money.
6. Since sovereign currency are backed by state, private cryptocurrency are not controlled or say regulated by any one than who is going back them & how a majority is going to trust it.. (not everyone is software engineer or emotional technology lover how goes behind it as it is going to revolutionize everything)
Technology could revolutionize things but in a limited space.
How you will run a political state or federation and even political institutions with crypto.
Sir ek stock transfer ka video bana di jiya
Bohot logo ka help ho jaiega
Sath me invest karneka panic vi chala jaiga
Please vaiiiaaa
Yes make a video
I want to change my broker
Hi, You said 300 AMC is the cheapest and no brocker gives free of cost.
Can you please tell me about finvasia. It has free brockerage fee & 0 AMC for lifetime.
मनीकंट्रोल प्रो इसके बारे में सर वीडियो बनाओ इसके क्या फायदे क्या नुकसान हैं
I feel so proud of Indian Youth like them who work so hard to share their knowledge and information to common people....they make Good use of Technology....hats of to them....👏👏👏👏👌👍🙏😊
The video starts at 8:44 and it's really knowledgeable 👍
Thank you bro
Thanks bro
Thank you
सबके बस की बात नहीं है..... इतनी seva भाव से काम करना..... इतनी मेहनत करना ताकि लोगों को सहूलियत हों.... बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद भैया जी
Pranjal kamra, ranade mam and mandeep ji means u... Aap u tub par bahot imandari se kam kar rhe ho... Salute u all... Aap hame educate karte rahiye.. Thnk u.. U all r so sweet n humble too
Yes yes we want to learn how we can personally switch stocks!
Aapne ek viewer k comment ka jawab is video me diya... Hats off to you... Very informative ... Very transparent...
I was curious how about the stock market and was wondering how to start doing it, I was lucky enough to stumble upon one of your videos. It has been so satisfying to watch the videos which actually answer my questions. Keep making videos sir, I still have the rest of your videos in the bookmark and need to watch them. A big thanks for this!
= > अपने बनाने वाले को पहचानो इससे पहले की मौत आ जाए और तुम पछताते हुए रह जाओ ,
= > तुम्हारा दिल धड़क रहा तुम सांस ले रहे , मौत बुढ़ापा , क्या तुम यह रोक सकते हो ? इससे साबित होता है कि तुम पर तुम्हारी हुकूमत नहीं है उस अल्लाह की है जो सब कुछ बनाने वाला है , कुरान में एक आयत का महफूम है कि " उसकी शान यह है कि वह जब किसी चीज का इरादा करता है कह देता है के हो जा तो वह हो जाता है "
= > जिसको अल्लाह के सिवा पूजा जाता है , अगर सभी एक साथ मिल भी जाए तो एक मक्खी नहीं बना सकते , अगर मक्खी उन पर बैठ जाए तो उसे उड़ा नहीं सकते , और मक्खी अगर उनसे छीन कर कुछ ले जाए तो उसे छुड़ा नहीं सकते , अगर गिर जाए तो उठ नहीं सकते , टूट जाए तो जुड़ नहीं सकते और कुछ बना नहीं सकते खुद बनाए जाते हैं ।
= > अल्लाह ना बीवी रखता है ना औलाद वह बेनियाज़ है , उसे किसी खाने पीने , औरत बच्चे की जरूरत नहीं , वह किसी चीज का मोहताज नहीं बल्कि सब उसके मोहताज है , अल्लाह को ना ऊंघ आती है ना नींद वह हमेशा हमेशा से जिंदा है और हमेशा हमेशा जिंदा रहेगा
= > जिसने तुम्हें बनाया है गंदे पानी की कुछ बूंदों से ( मां बाप से ) फिर वो गंदा पानी उसने आंख कान नाक में हड्डियों नसों में , धड़कते दिल तुम्हारे सोचते दिमाग बोलती हुई जुबान में , बदल दिया बताओ कितनी बड़ी शान वाला है अल्लाह । क्या यह सब अपने आप ही बन गए ? क्या इन्होंने अपने आप ही आकार ले लिया ? या इनको तुमने बनाया है ?
= > अगर तुमने अल्लाह के हुक्मो को झूठलाते हुए अपनी जिंदगी गुजारी और अपनी मनमानी चलाई तो तुम नाकाम हो जाओगे क्योंकि उस अल्लाह ने तुम्हें इसलिए पैदा किया है कि तुम उसके हुक्मो को मानो , उसके भेजे हुए पैगंबर यानी अवतार का कहा मानो क्योंकि यह दुनिया इम्तिहान है , इम्तिहान है इसका कि हम उसके हुक्म को मानते हैं या नहीं , बुराई को छोड़ते हैं अच्छाई पर चलते हैं या नहीं।
1) सबसे पहला अल्लाह का हुकुम यह है कि यकीन हो उस अल्लाह पर यानी कि अल्लाह के सिवा कोई दूसरा इबादत के लायक नहीं मोहम्मद सल्लल्लाहु अलेही वसल्लम अल्लाह के बंदे आखरी पैगंबर रसूल है ।
2) दूसरा हुकुम पांच वक्त की नमाज का है जिस ने जानबूझकर ये पांच वक्त की नमाज छोड़ी वो काफिर हो गया ।
= > ध्यान रखो कि मुहम्मद सल्लल्लाहू अलेही वसल्लम एक मक्खी नहीं बना सकते वह मोहताज हैं । अवतार यानी पैगंबर की भी पूजा नहीं हो सकती पहले भी पैगंबर आए हैं और कुरान की तरह पहले भी किताबें उतरी हैं अल्लाह की तरफ से ।
एक आयत का मफुम है कि " ऐ पैगंबर अगर तुम वही ऐ इलाही के आने के बाद भी गैरों के रास्ते पर चलोगे तो तुमको हमारी पकड़ से बचाने वाला ना कोई दोस्त होगा ना कोई मददगार "
एक और आयत का माफुम है कि " अगर यह पैगंबर हमारी निस्बत कोई झूठ बना लाते तो हम इनका दाहिना हाथ पकड़ लेते और इनकी रगे गर्दन काट डालते फिर हमको इससे कोई रोकने वाला ना होता .
= > या रसूल अल्लाह , या अली मदद , या मदद अली , या साबिर , या हुसैन कहना ,काफिर बना देता है।
या का मतलब होता है पुकारना।
जिसको मौत आ जाए उसको पुकारा नहीं जा सकता और अल्लाह हर जगह मौजूद है उसको पुकार सकते हैं ।
= ) मान लो अगर तुम्हारी मां जिंदा है तो तुम कहोगे या मां मुझे रोटी दे दो । तो मां तुम रोटी दे देगी ठीक है।
अब मान लो तुम्हारी मां को मौत आ जाती है और अब तुम्हारी मां तुम्हारे पास मौजूद ना होगी अब अगर तुमने यह कहा या मां मुझे रोटी दे दो।
तो तुम काफिर हो जाओगे क्योंकि तुम्हारी मां तुम्हारे पास मौजूद नहीं और अल्लाह हर जगह मौजूद है ।
तुम अल्लाह से कह सकते हो या अल्लाह मुझे रोटी दे दो मेरी मदद कीजिए या अल्लाह मुझ पर रहम फरमाए मैं माफी मांगता हूं या अल्लाह मुझे बख्श दीजिए ।
इसी वजह से ,
1.) या रसूल अल्लाह कहना ,मौला अली , या अली ,भर दो झोली मेरी या मोहम्मद , या हुसैन , दरगाह पर कब्रों पर सजदा करना , जिसकी मौत हो चुकी है उसको या कहकर पुकारना काफिर बना देता है। मातम मनाना मोहर्रम को , यह हराम है और । जबकि मुहम्मद सल्लल्लाहू अलेही वसल्लम पैगंबर ने यह सब चीजें नहीं बताई ।
= > कहीं भी किसी दरगाह पर जाकर सजदा ना करना दरगाह वालों से जाकर दुआएं ना मांगना उन्हें खुद मौत आ चुकी है वह खुद अल्लाह के मोहताज है जैसे कि तुम मोहताज हो अल्लाह के सिवा किसी से भी ना मांगना यहां तक के इंसानों के सामने भी ज्यादा गिड़गिड़ाना गिड़गिड़ाना कुफर की तरफ ले जाता है।
कुरान अपनी भाषा में सुनो youtube पर उल्टी उल्टी चीजें देखने के बजाय तुम्हें पता लगे कि उस मालिक ने क्या हुकुम भेजा है
what will happen after death with you ? if you obey allah's order or disobey.
and you can check my playlist full quran and more links about what is islam and who is ALLAH
so plz minimum one time
read Quran it is a word of god , i promise you will know everything that you want
and you can check my playlist full quran ..,.,.,,...,....
Brother Beginner choose Full time like Shafwkhan
Sir, Please make a video on "How to transfer stocks from Upstox to Zerodha"....Thank you....
It is not simple and chargeable to transfer shares. Best option is U can sell share and buy in other brokers. Not at once but sell one buy one when price is high and buy same share when it goes low. Current situation there is volatility u definitely get some range to buy and sell without loss infact u can earn some profit too. Since there is no brokerage for delivery in both
Yes this is a much needed video
Yes sir plz make video on this topic...
How to transfer stocks from groww to zerodha?
Stop loss and stop profits is not on groww
Upstox is the best...why are you transferring ??
for me u r the best in business and most transparent ...keep doing good work bro
After watching the video till last I felt sad that someone instead of encouraging these awesome Guy's 👌😊 he was blaming them...I just want that person to know that information is God in today's world and if someone is sharing these information free of cost then that person or individual is no less then God 🙏...Guys please keep up the Good work and if possible do mention your UPI so that all of us could support you as and when we can. Thank You 👍
This was my million dollar question 😀
One of the best videos on RUclips that I was looking for a while…
Sir, Really liked your gentle talk Thank you for available guidance.
I appreciate your time and information you share.
This is fruitful for genuine investors.
Mandeep ji कुछ लोग ऐसे होते है जो खुद कुछ नही करते और जो लोग अच्छा करते है उनकी बुराइया करते है उनकी और ध्यान मत देना आप बहोत अच्छा काम करते हो मुझे आपकी बोलने की और समझाने की स्टाइल ब होत अच्छी लगती हैTx Tx
Thank you so much for explaining about the broker.
Its really sad to hear about that disturbing comment.
But, anyways your content was well researched and I learned a lot from it InshaAllah I probably will open an account with the broker you suggested.
Agr bhaag gye then this video will hit millions of views within few hours......
Nice info, thank u
Sir mai naya hu share market aapne jo knowledge di wo bahut hi ahchi lagi mujh thanku so much 🙏
Nice way of presenting brother. Appreciate it. Very clear, crisp, transparent and decent. Appreciate the way you responded to the comment as well. Thanks for the knowledge :)
Please stay away from Upstox
Don't open DEMAT ac
Very bad poor service .upstox's all
Promises is false
Keep distance
This is my experience
Don't refer any one
Because referral amount not credited .so many questions arise and refuse to give amount
Please keep distance
@@advbhandekaromprakash2332 kyaaa tera broking House mein khulwaye???
@@soumyasahu6807 lol
Hi LLA team.. Please ignore such negativity in comments. Those fools doesn't deserve an explanation. They donot even have the endurance to watch the full videos and just drops from somewhere to spread negativity. We do understand your intention behind your struggle. Lots of love... From Assam❤️
sir your all details are perfect and knowledgeble .
Yes, transfer holding video from one broker to another broker
You can do it. U can switch to GROWW ap by just making a free demat account on GROWW and you can easily tranfer your stocks in that. I transferred my stock from PAYTM MONEY to GROWW
वाह बहुत शानदार .... इतनी सटीक जानकारी प्रदान करने के लिए.....
Mandeep you are really a gem. Thank you for keeping your pace at steady. Loved the content which you share and enhance the knowledge for us without any research, we can simply watch your videos and gain so much. Keep up the great work.
Because of your videos only I have opened NPS account.
Thank you so much Udaydeep. This love and support motivates us :)
@@LabourLawAdvisor i have open nps account thank u labour low advisor
बिल गेट्स अपने खास दोस्त वॉरेन बफे का जन्मदिन कुछ इस अंदाज़ में सेलिब्रेट किया!видео.html
Nice information. Thank U!
One thing I noticed currently that Zerodha is not requesting POA now but only the TPIN required to sell share.
we are really luck to have you by our side bhaiya ji, free me itna gyan kon deta hai bhai..thanks to your team LLA and keep up the good work guys
Very nice way of explanations, I like the way you used the words without fumbles and no Bowring points..... :)
Well explained and easy to understand by beginners.
Ek no. Bro...wo banda naya naya aya hai jaagruk janta banne me thoda samay to lagega it's alright ..he is learning from you in one way....keep growing your good work...india me waise bhi aapke jaise logon ki kami hai...
I appreciate your time & work.
Keep it up sir, one of the most informative Indian RUclips channel.
Wow! I am fresher just started 1month ago. Very IMPORTANT question answered.. Thanks a lot..
8:44 save time
Bhai aap ka bohut bohut dhanyabad. Aapne mera samay bacha liya
Thanks Bro
Thanks bro
Time saver of the year
Thank You Bro!
Amazing video and well answered,who comment negative.Ur videos are to the point and educational.Its true no one will do for free.Ur watching free RUclips paying from ur mobile data??.Keep it up with good work. I promise,one day I will Join for ur monthly subscription. Thanks
Bhai jo aapne last mein baatein boli bhai ke comment par, dil jeet liya kasam se aur wahi maine subscribe button daba diya....!!
Upstox should develop its technical analysis charts like zerodha it’s not properly visible in mobile app like zerodha.
True... Making live candles delayed always or not showing correct data
But zerodha hang zada hota hai....upstox lag free hai
I think otherwise, Avishek. Aren't Upstox's charts better?
बिल गेट्स अपने खास दोस्त वॉरेन बफे का जन्मदिन कुछ इस अंदाज़ में सेलिब्रेट कियाвидео.html
Upstox is the worst thing that happened to me in my market career till now.
Wo last wala rant mast tha bhai!!!!!
You are one of the most honest n transparent RUclipsr in my subscriber list. Hight values better brand! Kudos to you guys!
This was running in my mind last week. Bhai AI is going next level.
Loved the last roast 😂 you make great videos keep growing 👍👍👍
First time visited on labour law advice channel really impressed nice work bhaiya
श्रीमान CDSL जैसा NSDL मे भी TPIN जैसी कोई सुविधा दी गयी है क्या.. कृपया इस बारे मे जानकारी स्पष्ट करे।
Thank you bro.
Your presentation style very impressive.
Yes we need to learn how to transfer shares between different brokers.
That introductory music .... goosebumps.....keep the music alive always with your videos ......
I was looking for this information/knowledge. Thanks
Its really sad to see that people think that a broker would provide you all these services for free. Non salary savings account mein to bank bhi minimum average balance mangta hai bhai, warna wo bhi charges lagata hai. Plus trading nahi karni to account band karwalo. Nobody is forcing anyone to keep an active account. As far as the video goes, this was really very helpful. Could you make a video on the Margin maintained by brokers for Delivery and Intra day trades respectively, like what that is and how it works.
8:39 Finally you come to the point
Really interested to learn about transfer from one broker to another!
Nice video, the actual content which I was looking started at 8.40
Hello sir, your videos are amazing. I really learned many things from your videos. Thank you
Labour law advisor
Pranjal kamra
Asset yogi
You guys are my favourite ❤️jitnaa bhi seekhaa h stock market k baare me
Yeah bro me too...❤
One more name I include in this list
CA Rachana Phadke Ranade
@@mindfulscripter10 sorry unko kaise bhul sakte h 👍🏻
Ek aur naam hai isme
MKJ ......unka channel bhi kaafi acha hai daily updates ke liye..
Same bro
how to transfer the shares from one broker to another I want to transfer from Hdfc securities to Zerodha....please like !!!
Isase achha to bech ke paise transfer karo aur wapas khareedo
Brokerage to dena padega na ...aur unke sath wahi to problem hai... aur abhi to waise hi sab down hai...
@@GauravKumar5410 take dis slip feel it and transfer attach closing demat account request so you will not be charged transfer charges
yeh article padh lo: ... grow k jagah Zerodha select karna
@@KVijayalaxmiPatil thanks you for your valuable feedback...
Sir, mai toe aap jaise logo ko support karne ke liye beech ke advertisements bhi poori dekhta hu. Sabhi ko dekhni chahiye.
I got this dream , that my broker ran with my money , I never thought about it while awake😂😂
So go with Stable and full time, Sharekhan
Babuchak khi ka sote rhta h 😂😂
Hi, I had so much doubt regarding "what if my broker goes bankrupt" and you video has clearly specified "in case this happens" what is the solution. Now, I am fully satisfied that my money invested is protected by CDSL in case my broker goes bankrupt. Thank you very much for your fantastic and easy way of explaining these important things in lay terms.
ye sab kehne ki baat hai..mera broker karvy bhaag gya tha..SEBI pe claim dala sirf 40 percent paisa hi mila baki 60 percent kha gye ye bolke ki abhi case chal rha hai..apna broker kisi bank k saath hi rakho.zerodha ya upstock nhi daily trading k liye ye theek hai but long term investing k kiye kisi bank k saath hi broker account kholo
@@soothingmusic2078 But what if i dont' have any cash lying with my broker, all is invested in shares, it's already invested right. I can transfer them to another account in case Zerodha or Upstox goes bankrupt?
@Karan Agarwal I am not talking about cash which was there in broker's account..I am talking about the shares which I had in my can check youtube video's for more with karvy stock broking scam this happend last year only and it is a very big company...I had raised claim but nothing is cannot the company is gone now
@@soothingmusic2078 OMG. I will open with bank now. Sir, what about my mutual funds with coin zerodha, I should get them transferred also?
@@soothingmusic2078 Hello, I was just reading about Karvy how they transferred 2,000 crores of client securities to themselves. This can only be done if they had Power of Attorney right? So if I don't give the broker POA, are my shares safe with the exchange or it's still risky POA or no POA. Please reply.
Yes। आप एक video जरूर बनाये, जिसमे एक Demat A/C से दूसरे Demat A/C में अपने hold किये Share कैसे transfer किया जाय, इसकी जानकारी हमलोग को मिल सके।
Wow, beautifully explained. Just one question. Which one do u recommend if only motive is to buy stocks occasionally for long term, no intra day trading or Any other option required. Actually i am using sharekhan currently and feels delivery charges are bit high.
Very informative. Thanks. You need to touch upon the BSDA facility on DEMAT accounts which don’t attract any AMC upto holdings of Rs.50000/-. And, after that also it is slab wise.
You are doing a noble job. Don't get disheartened by non sense comments. I felt obliged to comment on this year old post.👍👍👍
You sound very honest brother 😊 you doing a very good job! God Bless!
Pls if possible do make a video on how to transfer shares from share khan to Zerodha. Thanks
आप लगे रहो भाई. कोई बात नही. भोंकने वाले भोंकते है. शेअर मार्केट तक जानेवाला चुतीया नही होता. भारत देश मे 4-5 % लोग ही शेअर मार्केट मे इनवेस्टमेंट करते है. जब ये पर्सेंटेज 50 % तक जायेगा ना तो भारत आमेरीका के आगे जायेगा. आप बहोत बढीया काम कर रहे है. सॅल्युट आपको.....आप बहोत आगे बढे....ढेर सारी शुभकामना..🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
जय महाराष्ट्र.
👏very nicely said.....i am very proud subscriber of this channel 😍😍😍
Yes , make a video on how to transfer share from one broker to another......
Behtareen bole to zabardast 👌👌👌
Good andusefull इन्फॉर्मेशन.
All are sold in this world, NSE is Telling that, he can not do any thing in Karvy Case
Thanks sir. ..My question is " Unfortunately any happing with client, what is the process minor nominee draw the stock amount".
Create a new video please. .
Very good and knowledgeable video .thanks friend.
Love from Assam ♥ Brother
Extremely informative! I've been looking for someone to tackle this issue for a long time and am glad to have found your channel. Could you comment on whats happening with Cafe Coffe day? What does it been to be delisted? If one owns CCD stocks, is all lost now? Thanks much!
Adding comment to support your videos. Really helpful and easy to absorb!
8:39 ,what if broker run away,(already mention )
That was really helpful but I have one doubt, Even if quality brokers shuts down their firm for any unfortunate reasons, Then as CDSL/NSDL having my stocks but do I need to have any source of documents regarding stocks? If yes then please mention them Sir and also where will I get those documents of verification/proof.
very interesting and informative sirji , kafi bada doubt solve kardiya aapne. liked
In case of discounted broker, investor are required to trade regularly atleast in medium volume (for intraday) so that ₹ 20/- per side brokerage won't pinch him/her. In case of delivery, investor should also trade regularly so that monthly Maint charges won't pinch him in Upstok (where I have an account). But for one or 2 trades (called inactive traders) for delivery may pinch monetarily.
Groww is beneficial in such a case mentioned by you Zero AmC and Zero account opening charges
Sir, first of all thank you so much for making this video... I am new in stock market , it is very beneficial for me at this stage...🤝🙂
But sir, Is all these points valid also for MUTUAL FUND OR ANY INVESTMENT ADVISOR Company? If these makes any fraud with us..
Very nice detailed information video.. 👍
Keep it up bro... 👍👍
I want to know "how to transfer the shares from one broker to another ?" & also about charges
I want to transfer from Sharekhan to Zerodha
Yes do make a video on transferring of demat account
Hello Bro Your Giving Valuable Information about Demat Account Charges . Nice Video Brother . 👋
I was about to open zerodha account today☺️
Sir make a video of how shares are transferred from one account to another.
Hi Nilesh m working with Motilal oswal if you want to share from one account to you need to open account with other broking firm
Requesting for a video on transferring the stocks from one trading account to another.
You can do it. U can switch to GROWW ap by just making a free demat account on GROWW and you can easily tranfer your stocks in that. I transferred my stock from PAYTM MONEY to GROWW
Ha sir make video's on share transfers from one dp demat account to another dp demat account.
You are doing very good work by providing informative videos.
Must make vide on transfer of shares from one account to another account
Thank you for the great video., My All doubts cleared, I was feared to hold long term in Zerodha.. Now I can hold long term too :)
Thank you provide best knowledge...👍👍👍
8:40 what if your broker get bankrupt or gone away thanks me later
Pls I also interested in this type of videos
Wonderful, keep producing such useful videos. The way you explain that is lovely
sir please make a video on GROW app charges... they say the AMC charges annualy are zero... is it true
Yes it is true
Sir I have already have demat in sbi security but I want to shift to zerada , how can I change.
Yes we want to see how stock can transfer to another broker.
Good work brother 👏👏
I can see one of my favourite book - permanent record ❤️.
What about Angle broking application? Is it safe? I have created my account in angle broking, is it a good decision?
Thank u sir from all indian youth
I want to know how to get transfer my shares from one broker to another.
My father had his DEMAT account with Karvy, It was a month back when I found about the karvy fraud. I checked his e-CAS and found the shares are intact. I want to transfer those shares in my DEMAT account (Zerodha) online. I made an account with NSDL on behalf of my father but couldn't find how to initiate the transfer. Please make a separate video on that.