If you're comparing it to 2 seat, 100 mph airplanes, then you're absolutely right. However in it's class (which is why they have different classes at STOL competitions) it's an outstanding short takeoff and landing airplane.
@@clrann78 Check the Helio courrier 6 seat then. 800 useful load with take off roll 150 feet. Your plane was not designed with a STOL wing in the first place and is nothing more than a glorified Cessna 185. Same exact thing with the Maule.
You're right--the 4 Place and Model 5 Bearhawks are in a comparable class with the Cessna 180/185/Maule. Since you're so hard over on 'STOL' (and I'm not aware of a quantified definition), please feel free to describe it as a back country, utility hauler, relatively fast, family truckster...that can get in and out of relatively short and/or unimproved strips.
Nice landing fella
No that's what that "Bear-Hawk" is made for. (In the hands of a skilled pilot of course).
not exactly a short landing. Try a Just Aircraft next.
True, but I wasn't trying for one either. Show me a Just aircraft with 6 seats + baggage and I'll see what I can do...
@@clrann78 I dont know why they call the Bearhawk a stol plane. It is not.
If you're comparing it to 2 seat, 100 mph airplanes, then you're absolutely right. However in it's class (which is why they have different classes at STOL competitions) it's an outstanding short takeoff and landing airplane.
@@clrann78 Check the Helio courrier 6 seat then. 800 useful load with take off roll 150 feet. Your plane was not designed with a STOL wing in the first place and is nothing more than a glorified Cessna 185. Same exact thing with the Maule.
You're right--the 4 Place and Model 5 Bearhawks are in a comparable class with the Cessna 180/185/Maule. Since you're so hard over on 'STOL' (and I'm not aware of a quantified definition), please feel free to describe it as a back country, utility hauler, relatively fast, family truckster...that can get in and out of relatively short and/or unimproved strips.