Oy Gay!


Комментарии • 10

  • @omarenriquez3536
    @omarenriquez3536 10 лет назад +1

    I liked the video !.
    Hopefully I can find a version of this video subtitled in Spanish :)

  • @laneluskey
    @laneluskey 11 лет назад +1

    So impressive!! Thanks so much for putting this important piece together. Really informative and inspirational. You and your mom are terrific!! Give her a hug and a kiss for me and thank her for her compassion and understanding. The growing tolerance, acceptance and equality GLBT community has been gaining more and more of these days is due to wonderful people like your mother. Thanks again.

  • @Lark_Vivian
    @Lark_Vivian 11 лет назад

    Fantastic. Thanks Will D. for tweeting this video out today!

  • @SerayHussein
    @SerayHussein 11 лет назад

    23:55 onwards was just fantastic!! So proud! x

  • @SarahCharles92
    @SarahCharles92 11 лет назад

    Fantastic video Jamie. Very impressed to say the least :)

  • @MuonRay
    @MuonRay 10 лет назад

    As long as the individual can find peace with themselves it is up for the community at large to accept them. Bisexual people like myself can blend in a lot easier than gay or lesbians can however it is always important to assert yourself as being who you really are. Its great to see that you and your mother have such a strong bond (you are both beautiful looking people btw) and that as individuals you can adapt your religious beliefs, which are always up for interpretation.
    The Talmudic tradition of questioning basic assumptions of the Hebrew Bible has led Jewish people to be highly adaptable to modern life, so adaptable that its a wonder there are not hundreds of millions of Jews worldwide.
    Gay people have had incredible strife and struggle throughout history, no better people can understand this than the Jews. When you look at the gay and lesbian movement in Israel and particularly the strong homosexual community in Tel Aviv it is very clear that the Jewish people are very supportive of gay and lesbian people which is a strong lesson to other religions.

  • @JoWebber
    @JoWebber 11 лет назад

    This is great, an issue very close to my heart.

    • @gracesmithtv
      @gracesmithtv 11 лет назад

      This was beautiful, Jo! I loved it

    • @JoWebber
      @JoWebber 11 лет назад +1

      Thank you sweetie, Surat is a dear friend...when you're here, we can meet!

  • @gayscristianos
    @gayscristianos 11 лет назад

    great video Jamie Brenner!!