Bonjour, avec cet étang, des canards seraient heureux. Tous le monde y gagne, Kiwi des copains à qui il pourrait donner à manger, les canards pourraient apporter des œufs. Pour manger ou à la vente !!!! Gagnant, gagnant. Et kiwi se sentirait moins seul. 🧐❤🙏❤
Kiwi darling that grapefruit looked so yummy as you & Dad were eating it. I eat mine like that too. be a good little boy & stay low like your dad says so, you won't be in danger. love you so much.
Me da mucha alegría como cuidas a Kiwi. Eres un buen Padre, muy trabajador. Todo el esfuerzo que realizas en hacer mejoras en la casa pronto dará buenos frutos. Dios los bendiga y proteja siempre.
HELLO DAD HELLO KIWI another day of hard work Good job Dad and nice outfit KIWI have a Beautiful rest of your day Thank you for sharing XOXOXO ❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤
Помоги вам Господь! Чтобы ваши дела наладились и Киви с отцом могли позволить себе больше разнообразных продуктов и устройства дома . Крыша дома это важно и необходимо, ей нужен ремонт или новое покрытие.
Papá me gustaría saber si él abracito de mí niño sé le va a quedar malito 😢 qué bueno sería qué mi niño pudiera trepar sin dificultades . Los amo papá y mi kiwi bello 🤗🤗🤗🤗👏👏💋💋💋🐒
Felicidades Papa, se ve el arduo trabajo que realizas en casa y jardín. Hermoso el amor que tienes por Kiwui. Perdón por lo que escribo pero tal vez un poco de límites le resultaría bien a Kiwui.
Nie rozumiem dlaczego niektóre osoby oglądają ten kanał. Tylko krytykują wyżywają się i rozsiewają zła energię, zamiast podnieść na duchu kogoś kto ma trudnosci .Malkontenci
Dont get me wrong , kiwi is so damn cute i love him but he looks like a little werewolf😅😅😅. Hes so sweet but got a different look than all the monkey's i watch. Hes so handsome . Sweet kiwi❤❤❤❤😊😊😊
Hi Kiwi and Dad hope you are both having a good day. Dad you will soon have lots of fruits and veg for you and Kiwi to eat. Your tree has lots of grape fruits would you be able to sell some for extra money for to fix the house up. Kiwi is watching carefully so when he gets bigger he will be able to plant with you. Love kiwi cute little face when he gets saved from the clothes rack. Dad see you are always watching and caring about Kiwi. ❤❤❤
Kiwi is so sweet and calm and very smart; he seems to understand everything dad says to him. I hope Kiwi's arm heals soon. 💗💗💗💗sending love and hugs.💗💗💗💗
Why doesn't dad show any love to kiwi. He only picks him up when he has to n I've never seen him kiss him, monkeys need love n affection. He probably eating grass cause he's hungry
Babanın sevgisini hiç hissedemiyorum..Bence Kiwi,yi sadece ona para getirsin diye sahiplendi..Kiwi babasını görünce koşup ona gitmiyor..Hatta ilk videolarda ondan korkuyordu..Şimdi korkmuyor ama tuhaf bir durum var..Kiwi,canlı ve neşeli değil..Ters giden birşeyler var..Daha öncede yazdım ama kimse dikkate almadı..Sizin farkettiğinize sevindim..
I’m sorry you feel that way. Kiwi and I have always had a loving relationship. Kiwi is an important part of my life, and I always try to take care of her as best I can. I understand that there may be times when Kiwi feels uncomfortable, but I will always listen and care about her feelings. Thank you for sharing your opinion!
Kiwi est un gentil singe tout comme son Papa aussi veuillez cesser vos critiques .Moi j'aime bcp Kiwi et son Papa .Bonne soirée et à bientôt. ❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉
😢Pur monkey Kiwi er is immer alleine tut mir sehr leid tiny Engel er braucht Körper Kontakt sowie bei monkey Mama leider seiner Menschen Papa hat nur für seiner Garten enterese traurig 😢 ich habe Kiwi sehr lieb er ist ganz besonders monkey Gott soll ihm schützen ❤❤❤❤
Кивчик не привык играть на улице и на деревьях он сидит посточнно дома на кровати и не умеет прыгать, боится всего вот и попадает в разные ловушки и получает травмы 😢😢❤❤❤❤❤😊
Добрый вечер из Казахстана 🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿!!! Кивчик, какой ты красивый в этом костюмчике!!! Солнышко, видно, что ручка твоя ещё болит, но ты активный и любознательный малыш, я очень рада за тебя!!!! Папа, а может дома не стоит так нарядно одевать Киви? Может что-то попроще, чтобы он не испачкался? Потому, что ему везде хочется посмотреть, потрогать? У меня такое к Вам предложение. ❤❤❤🥰🥰🥰💕💕💕🐵🐵🐵🌞🌞🌞💓💓💓
Buen día familia, lindo papá de kiwi, no me gusta el título por favor ni en broma uses la palabra mala suerte, eso no existe la vida es causa y efecto, debemos de aprender de nuestras buenas y malas decisiones, dar gracias por todo hasta lo malo porque nos dejan una enseñanza, no te lamentes todo pasa, tienes juventud y salud, una casa aunque sea vieja no importa es tuya dale amor y cariño hay quienes no tienen ni eso, las personas hablan y juzgan mucho, creo que lo estás haciendo muy bien y confío en que te levantarás, esa es la vida l9 demás es una ilusión, los hombres se miden por las veces que se levantan no por las que caen ok, lo material es necesario pero ficticio también la felicidad la hacemos nosotros con nuestro día a día y logrando las cosas te deseo lo mejor y mejora de ánimo que todo pasa por algo no te rindas.
Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement! I totally agree that life is a combination of lessons learned from both success and failure. I will always try to stay positive and appreciate everything I have. Your support really means a lot, and I will not give up. Thank you for being here! ❤️
@@carolmcquay7042 Hello, that's life, we all come with a life mission even if you don't know it and to learn, above all to be happy, the rest is an illusion caused by us human beings.
Poor Kiwi, he is bored, he is also too good to play by himself, but his father reprimands him for too many things: don't get dirty, don't fall down, don't climb, why are you eating grass, etc. He is an animal playing in the garden: why recommend that he does not get dirty?
Yes, dad has to work a lot, so Kiwi feels lonely. The house has been empty for a long time, so everything is not as expected. But I will gradually fix it to make everything better! Thank you for your concern! 😘❤
Znova ste dostali veľa nevyziadanych rád ako a co zlepšiť a ako máte žiť s Kiwi. Riadte sa svojim srdcom a inštinktom a ostatné si nevšímajte, my si tiez s mnohými vecami nevieme rady ale radi dávame rady druhým. Tak si nás nevšímajte a robte co vas a Kiwi napĺňa spokojnosťou.
Temos que lhe dizer o que vemos e vemos que kiwi não e feliz se você gosta de kiwi também lhe deveria dar conselhos pra ele beijar dar atenção e carinho a kiwi não acha kiwi não tem nada disso por parte do pai
Kiwi 🥝 és muito malandro mesmo com o braço doente não estas sossegado pões o teu papa doido ele tem muito cuidado contigo beijinhos para vocês que Deus vos abençoe sempre 😘😘😘😘
Thanks for your suggestion! I totally agree. With the amount of fruit I have now, I can provide enough for Kiwi and sell some to buy milk and food for both of them. When the grapefruit is ready for harvest, I will sell some. Thank you for your interest! 🌟
Крышу новую делай , а то весь дом в плесени. Можно из шивера, дешевле! Уже делай!😢А попом все остальное!Работай паренек, а не кукурузу выращивать. Это главное сделать крышу!
Can kiwi talk/make monkey sounds? Seems he would have called dad to come get him. Does he doze or take naps? I have watched most every video and he does not act like other monkeys. When dad put Kiwi on the white seat, he was pulling on his clothes and thinking "if I did not have on clothes, I would not have gotten caught on that nail" 😂😂😂 He is very cute!
Quand kiwi reste à la maison il faut lui mettre ses vieux vêtements. Il se salit beaucoup dans le jardin. Il faut reculer la balancelle du mur sinon il gratte le vieux crépis
I think you should take Kiwi to doctors for his arm he is still struggling with it,he holds it down all the time it could get worse when he is older,please show him more attention & play with him,he is not very sociable it’s cold & damp in that house,everyone can see he’s not happy you are not doing him any favours,plus the money situation you are in you can’t afford him,😢😢😢😢😢😢
Ciao, principino mio, oggi ti guardo più tardi, ma mi sei mancato tantissimo, ma sto notando chw il tuo visino è triste 😔😔😔, forse ancora fa male oppure hai fastidio, perché con un solo braccino e difficile..... Cmq ora piccolo mio, nn devi sforzarti troppo❤️ Papà fagli qualche coccola in più, stringilo forte a te, queste creature hanno bisogno di sentire il calore umano, l affetto, l amore❤️❤️❤️ Poi in effetti è vero dalle qualche bacetto, che nn ti ho mai visto dargli😔 Lo avessi io lo riempirei di baci notte e giorno, perché basta guardarlo e te li richiama proprio. È come un bambino umano, perfavore potresti iniziare da ora. Lo ami così tanto come lui contraccambia te, ma perfavore daglieli perché a volte vedo che si rattrista facilmente 💙💛💙🐒🐒🐒💙💛💙❤️❤️❤️💫💫💫💫💫
Είδα παλαια σας βίντεο και είχατε καλλίτερο σπίτι και τον πατέρα σας.πως βρεθήκατε σε αυτό το σπιτι?.Δυστυχώς δεν έχετε ελληνικούς υπότιτλους σε παλαιότερα βίντεο και δεν καταλαβαίνω. Ευχαριστώ.
키위네 집앞마당 정원에 맛있는 자몽 나무가 많아서 귀여운 키위가 비타민이 풍부한 자몽를 많이 먹을수 있어서 너무 좋겠어요😊🤗🐒👍👍🎶🎶❤❤❤❤❤❣❣❣
Kiwi eres tan lindo y tierno. Gracias papá por cuidarlo con tanto amor.❤❤❤
Essa casa tem muita coisa para fazer que bom que vc é muito trabalhador bjs
Papai comprou fatinhos limdos pra kiwi e ele fica ainda mais fofo eu te amo muito kiwi
황금빛 아름답고 귀여운 키위야 항상 조심해서 놀아라❤❤❤ 키위야 사랑해😊🤗👍👍🎶🎶❤❤❤❤❣❣❣
😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤kiwi eres súper adorable con esos ojos k tienes guapo 😂😂😂😂😂💋💋💋💋💋💋💗💗💗💗🐒
훌륭하고 멋진 아빠와 사랑스럽고 똑똑하고 귀여운 키위가 함께 하는 달콤하고 아름다운 한가족에 모습이 최고 최고 입니다🥰😍🐒👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💕
Thank you for your continued interest and support!
What’s wrong with kiwi left? I saw where he fractured the right arm
❤dad, kiwi mériterait d'avoir un ami, il s'ennuie ❤
It’s nice that you are allowing Kwi to try working out his arm so it gets stronger and stronger give him a big hug from family. ❤ Texas USA 🇺🇸
Bonjour, avec cet étang, des canards seraient heureux. Tous le monde y gagne, Kiwi des copains à qui il pourrait donner à manger, les canards pourraient apporter des œufs. Pour manger ou à la vente !!!! Gagnant, gagnant. Et kiwi se sentirait moins seul. 🧐❤🙏❤
good idea
Enten kacken überall auf das Grundstück.
귀염둥이 키위야 사랑한다🥰😍🐒❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💕
Kiwi darling that grapefruit looked so yummy as you & Dad were eating it. I eat mine like that too. be a good little boy & stay low like your dad says so, you won't be in danger. love you so much.
Thank you for your kind words! Kiwi loves grapefruit too and we appreciate your concern! ❤️
Me da mucha alegría como cuidas a Kiwi. Eres un buen Padre, muy trabajador. Todo el esfuerzo que realizas en hacer mejoras en la casa pronto dará buenos frutos. Dios los bendiga y proteja siempre.
Cuidado mi precioso kiwi Dios te proteja día y noche bendiciones para 🙏 papá y para ti gracias a Dios que no te caíste 🙏
Meu deus mesmo com o braço ainda a doer kiwi nao.para!!! Rsrs e grita logo que se ve numa enrrascada.muito lindo e mimadissimo!
The arm still needs support until it's healed properly.
Kiwi ist ein Kind, nicht erwachsen. Kinder schreien nach Hilfe, wenn sie in Schwierigkeiten stecken. Das ist normal.
HELLO DAD HELLO KIWI another day of hard work Good job Dad and nice outfit KIWI have a Beautiful rest of your day Thank you for sharing XOXOXO ❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thanks, I appreciate your support! Hope you have a great day too! ❤️
Помоги вам Господь! Чтобы ваши дела наладились и Киви с отцом могли позволить себе больше разнообразных продуктов и устройства дома .
Крыша дома это важно и необходимо, ей нужен ремонт или новое покрытие.
it takes $$$$ Dad just got a job how bout sending Dad $$$$
Il mio Kiwi ti amo piccolo❤
Hermoso mi bebé 🍼 te amo ❤❤ gracias a ese padre que te dió un hogar y protección bendiciones hoy y siempre 🙏🙏🙏
Papá me gustaría saber si él abracito de mí niño sé le va a quedar malito 😢 qué bueno sería qué mi niño pudiera trepar sin dificultades . Los amo papá y mi kiwi bello 🤗🤗🤗🤗👏👏💋💋💋🐒
Boa-tarde família kiwi papai Deus os Abençoe e fiquem com Deus ❤❤
Felicidades Papa, se ve el arduo trabajo que realizas en casa y jardín.
Hermoso el amor que tienes por Kiwui. Perdón por lo que escribo pero tal vez un poco de límites le resultaría bien a Kiwui.
Nie rozumiem dlaczego niektóre osoby oglądają ten kanał. Tylko krytykują wyżywają się i rozsiewają zła energię, zamiast podnieść na duchu kogoś kto ma trudnosci .Malkontenci
Que buena es kivvi y el padre una buena persona ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂❤❤❤❤
Dont get me wrong , kiwi is so damn cute i love him but he looks like a little werewolf😅😅😅. Hes so sweet but got a different look than all the monkey's i watch. Hes so handsome . Sweet kiwi❤❤❤❤😊😊😊
do all humans look alike
He seems to have a touch of neurological issues perhaps a highly functional autism but he's smart and such a lovely,,
Hi Kiwi and Dad hope you are both having a good day. Dad you will soon have lots of fruits and veg for you and Kiwi to eat. Your tree has lots of grape fruits would you be able to sell some for extra money for to fix the house up. Kiwi is watching carefully so when he gets bigger he will be able to plant with you. Love kiwi cute little face when he gets saved from the clothes rack. Dad see you are always watching and caring about Kiwi. ❤❤❤
Ma quanto sei tenero Kiwi !!! Il tuo papa ti ama tanto piccolo
Bellissimo Kiwi😍🐒❤️
Kiwi is so sweet and calm and very smart; he seems to understand everything dad says to him. I hope Kiwi's arm heals soon. 💗💗💗💗sending love and hugs.💗💗💗💗
ops kiwi be careful❤❤❤❤❤
❤❤❤que elegante estás hermosura❤❤papa sigue laborioso ❤❤bendiciones para los dos❤❤
Kako tako tuzan izraz lica…kadga vidim placemise…a onda vidim ovog decka kojise trudi svojim rukama da nesto napravi…❤
Kiwi é muito esperto e levado
Beautiful eye❤❤ such a sweetheart
Thanks, he’s a special little monkey.
Why doesn't dad show any love to kiwi. He only picks him up when he has to n I've never seen him kiss him, monkeys need love n affection. He probably eating grass cause he's hungry
Babanın sevgisini hiç hissedemiyorum..Bence Kiwi,yi sadece ona para getirsin diye sahiplendi..Kiwi babasını görünce koşup ona gitmiyor..Hatta ilk videolarda ondan korkuyordu..Şimdi korkmuyor ama tuhaf bir durum var..Kiwi,canlı ve neşeli değil..Ters giden birşeyler var..Daha öncede yazdım ama kimse dikkate almadı..Sizin farkettiğinize sevindim..
Show some love don't be a social media bully
I’m sorry you feel that way. Kiwi and I have always had a loving relationship. Kiwi is an important part of my life, and I always try to take care of her as best I can. I understand that there may be times when Kiwi feels uncomfortable, but I will always listen and care about her feelings. Thank you for sharing your opinion!
Ahh nao inventa, cada um da catinho ao seu jeito pa! Ate com nossos filhos nao somos completo, fogo!!!
@@gulkaratas4743cala te ! Estas a falar inverdades, fogo!!
Je vous adore tous les deux, je vous suis depuis peu, et je vous admire jusqu'à très tard dans la nuit, à très bientôt, gros bisous à Kiwi
Kiwi est un gentil singe tout comme son Papa aussi veuillez cesser vos critiques .Moi j'aime bcp Kiwi et son Papa .Bonne soirée et à bientôt. ❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉
Je suis désolée pour Kiwi, il a du mal à se servir de son bras gauche … j’espère que ça va aller mieux très vite ❤❤❤
Tantranquilito que es Kiwi es preciodo a vecestiene una carita triste
😢Pur monkey Kiwi er is immer alleine tut mir sehr leid tiny Engel er braucht Körper Kontakt sowie bei monkey Mama leider seiner Menschen Papa hat nur für seiner Garten enterese traurig 😢 ich habe Kiwi sehr lieb er ist ganz besonders monkey Gott soll ihm schützen ❤❤❤❤
Кивчик не привык играть на улице и на деревьях он сидит посточнно дома на кровати и не умеет прыгать, боится всего вот и попадает в разные ловушки и получает травмы 😢😢❤❤❤❤❤😊
process of L I F E
Kiwi es un mono ellos hacen travesuras y se meten en problemas jjj bastante tranquilo es paciencia 🙏 😉
Добрый вечер из Казахстана 🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿!!! Кивчик, какой ты красивый в этом костюмчике!!! Солнышко, видно, что ручка твоя ещё болит, но ты активный и любознательный малыш, я очень рада за тебя!!!! Папа, а может дома не стоит так нарядно одевать Киви? Может что-то попроще, чтобы он не испачкался? Потому, что ему везде хочется посмотреть, потрогать? У меня такое к Вам предложение. ❤❤❤🥰🥰🥰💕💕💕🐵🐵🐵🌞🌞🌞💓💓💓
Bà chào 2 ba con Kiwi bà chúc 2 ba con buổi tối vui vẻ an lành hạnh phúc nhé
Cảm ơn bà rất nhiều! Hai ba con Kiwi cũng chúc bà có một buổi tối thật vui vẻ, an lành và hạnh phúc! ❤️🌙
Monkey needs more interaction, not only by dad but with more toys. He leads a boring life.
C est clair il s ennuie dans la natutre ils vivent ensemble
Hello Kiwi and Dad ❤❤❤
A sua maozinha não está nada bem meu amor você não consegue mexer a mãozinha e o braço
Buen día familia, lindo papá de kiwi, no me gusta el título por favor ni en broma uses la palabra mala suerte, eso no existe la vida es causa y efecto, debemos de aprender de nuestras buenas y malas decisiones, dar gracias por todo hasta lo malo porque nos dejan una enseñanza, no te lamentes todo pasa, tienes juventud y salud, una casa aunque sea vieja no importa es tuya dale amor y cariño hay quienes no tienen ni eso, las personas hablan y juzgan mucho, creo que lo estás haciendo muy bien y confío en que te levantarás, esa es la vida l9 demás es una ilusión, los hombres se miden por las veces que se levantan no por las que caen ok, lo material es necesario pero ficticio también la felicidad la hacemos nosotros con nuestro día a día y logrando las cosas te deseo lo mejor y mejora de ánimo que todo pasa por algo no te rindas.
Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement! I totally agree that life is a combination of lessons learned from both success and failure. I will always try to stay positive and appreciate everything I have. Your support really means a lot, and I will not give up. Thank you for being here! ❤️
@@carolmcquay7042 Hello, that's life, we all come with a life mission even if you don't know it and to learn, above all to be happy, the rest is an illusion caused by us human beings.
Poor Kiwi, he is bored, he is also too good to play by himself, but his father reprimands him for too many things: don't get dirty, don't fall down, don't climb, why are you eating grass, etc. He is an animal playing in the garden: why recommend that he does not get dirty?
Ce monsieur a prit Kiwi uniquement pour l argent des vidéos. Il est triste et il n y pas d interaction.pauvre Kiwi ! Il s ennuit
His father is a very controlling mean man to our Innocent kiwi
Dad has to work a lot, that's why Kiwi is lonely😘❤
Yes, dad has to work a lot, so Kiwi feels lonely. The house has been empty for a long time, so everything is not as expected. But I will gradually fix it to make everything better! Thank you for your concern! 😘❤
@@MonkeyKiwiTVRIGHT ON DAD ❤❤
The 🐒 is very well disciplined! tu.braçito.esta,mejor..beOs.❤
Que carinho vc tem pelo miki
Quién es Miki en este video?, estas en el canal de KIWI
i love him more than i can say
키위 일어났나요
아빠랑 밥 맛나게 드세요 7:24
Lo veo triste a Kiwi que le pasara dale mas mimos papa lo amo se que trabajas mucho pero el bb te necesita❤❤
I love you Kiwi 🥰🐒💕💞
Znova ste dostali veľa nevyziadanych rád ako a co zlepšiť a ako máte žiť s Kiwi. Riadte sa svojim srdcom a inštinktom a ostatné si nevšímajte, my si tiez s mnohými vecami nevieme rady ale radi dávame rady druhým. Tak si nás nevšímajte a robte co vas a Kiwi napĺňa spokojnosťou.
Temos que lhe dizer o que vemos e vemos que kiwi não e feliz se você gosta de kiwi também lhe deveria dar conselhos pra ele beijar dar atenção e carinho a kiwi não acha kiwi não tem nada disso por parte do pai
Kiwi 🥝 és muito malandro mesmo com o braço doente não estas sossegado pões o teu papa doido ele tem muito cuidado contigo beijinhos para vocês que Deus vos abençoe sempre 😘😘😘😘
Con la frutta che hai ,può bastare per dare a kiwi frutta fresca e il resto venderla per comprare latte per kiwi e mangiare per te 👍
Thanks for your suggestion! I totally agree. With the amount of fruit I have now, I can provide enough for Kiwi and sell some to buy milk and food for both of them. When the grapefruit is ready for harvest, I will sell some. Thank you for your interest! 🌟
Крышу новую делай , а то весь дом в плесени. Можно из шивера, дешевле! Уже делай!😢А попом все остальное!Работай паренек, а не кукурузу выращивать. Это главное сделать крышу!
Need $$$$$$$ he just got a job OR SEND DAD SOME $$$$$$
Киви такой серьезный грустный малыш
Papai fazer um doce da casca é o doce mais saboroso que já comi na minha vida.
I agree to these comment that true hello kiwi gud pm ❤❤❤😢😢😢
Je pense que la tenue de kiwi le gène et son bras aussi
Pobre kiwi está demasiado solo no tiene con quien jugar ni que lo pechichen 😢 está triste
Can kiwi talk/make monkey sounds? Seems he would have called dad to come get him. Does he doze or take naps? I have watched most every video and he does not act like other monkeys.
When dad put Kiwi on the white seat, he was pulling on his clothes and thinking "if I did not have on clothes, I would not have gotten caught on that nail" 😂😂😂
He is very cute!
Kiwi está aburrido , papá tiene mucho trabajo y no puede jugar con el 😢
Saludos wiki te amó 🥰
Quand kiwi reste à la maison il faut lui mettre ses vieux vêtements. Il se salit beaucoup dans le jardin.
Il faut reculer la balancelle du mur sinon il gratte le vieux crépis
En France ce pamplemousse géant coûte cher. C'est délicieux
Kiwi ta sempre com fome
Tato ma depresyjna naturę to wpływa na emocje Kiwi. I na jego zdrowie, energię życiową
Kiwi always looks sad 😢
Yo solo le pido a dios que proteja a kiwi, y a todos los monitos que estan en posicion de los humanos
No se ve nunca bañar a Kiwi
Creo le iría muy bien
Aria ejercicio todo el cuerpo
Still not using his arm?
Get him a small dog to keep him company and pre-occupied
I think you should take Kiwi to doctors for his arm he is still struggling with it,he holds it down all the time it could get worse when he is older,please show him more attention & play with him,he is not very sociable it’s cold & damp in that house,everyone can see he’s not happy you are not doing him any favours,plus the money situation you are in you can’t afford him,😢😢😢😢😢😢
Ziehihmdie Klamotten aus/ sie sind nicht nur ungesund, sondern auch gefährlich!
Eu tou triste com a situação do papai do kiwi que saiu da casa que era tão boa.
What country are you in?
Can’t he understand that kiwi is hungry. Feed him
Kiwi Baby Monkey Left Hand RecoveryYet
kiwiBany Monkey Daddy
Да деревьев много , а Киви не даете лазить по деревьям!Вы когда работаете, пусть Киви лазит по деревьям, развлекается . А не на корове сидеть!
By the way this poor monkeys eyes looks like he probably has been drugged! Or he is very sad and unhappy!
Did you need to let Kiwi play, have fun and get dirty! He’s a baby and he’s just being a monkey 🐒
Pauvre bete il est trop triste
Ciao, principino mio, oggi ti guardo più tardi, ma mi sei mancato tantissimo, ma sto notando chw il tuo visino è triste 😔😔😔, forse ancora fa male oppure hai fastidio, perché con un solo braccino e difficile..... Cmq ora piccolo mio, nn devi sforzarti troppo❤️ Papà fagli qualche coccola in più, stringilo forte a te, queste creature hanno bisogno di sentire il calore umano, l affetto, l amore❤️❤️❤️ Poi in effetti è vero dalle qualche bacetto, che nn ti ho mai visto dargli😔 Lo avessi io lo riempirei di baci notte e giorno, perché basta guardarlo e te li richiama proprio. È come un bambino umano, perfavore potresti iniziare da ora. Lo ami così tanto come lui contraccambia te, ma perfavore daglieli perché a volte vedo che si rattrista facilmente 💙💛💙🐒🐒🐒💙💛💙❤️❤️❤️💫💫💫💫💫
Είδα παλαια σας βίντεο και είχατε καλλίτερο σπίτι και τον πατέρα σας.πως βρεθήκατε σε αυτό το σπιτι?.Δυστυχώς δεν έχετε ελληνικούς υπότιτλους σε παλαιότερα βίντεο και δεν καταλαβαίνω. Ευχαριστώ.
Looking at little Kiwi, so adorable!" That’s really sweet. When Kiwi is that cute, it's hard not to love them! 😻
I really want to help your family. Right now, I am having some issues with my PayPal account. Kiwi is the saddest.
I understand you want to help, but please focus on yourself and your PayPal issues for now. I appreciate your concern for Kiwi!
Es wirkt wie ein Knochenbruch. Eine Verstauchung würde den Arm nicht leblos hängen lassen.
No le dejes comer papá que tiene las manos sucias de tierra
И щеки всегда пустые!
Dejá ya lo que estás haciendo y darle al monito ya de comer no ves que tieneicha hambre
Wieso ist das Tier nicht bei Artgenossen in der trüben Wohnung nur mit der kleinen Katze das ist Quälerei.