The Nature of God's Son: Who Cast Down Satan and When?

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Witnesses believe that Satan was cast down to the earth in 1914 by the newly enthroned Jesus Christ, in his role as Michael the Archangel. But what does the Bible really indicated happened and when?
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Комментарии • 405

  • @aleset1
    @aleset1 5 лет назад +64

    So clear and logically sound. I could listen to you all day sir. Thank you so much for your efforts on our behalf.

    • @juliabann2238
      @juliabann2238 4 года назад +1

      @@classickruzer1 they are not the fastest growing. In Canada, they sold many kingdom halls. If they're growing wouldn't they need more halls instead ?

    • @alg7322
      @alg7322 4 года назад

      @@classickruzer1 Who told you that? It's more likely the fastest shrinking denomination in America. Wake up! They would not be consolidating congregations and selling kingdom halls if they were growing.

    • @lumaimubanga9253
      @lumaimubanga9253 3 года назад

      @@classickruzer1 I disagree with u boss. WT disfellowship for many unreasonable reasons. Just asking the source of GB members hold on power n authority over 8 million innocent jws can get u disfelshp. Even understanding bible in your own way can get u disfkshiped. So disfeloshping does not make one an apostate as they want u believe. However, what is wrong with his sentiments? Is it not logical n more understandable than the ever changing doctrines of the So called FnD slave? Rather than getting even, he's showing that the Bible has been manipulated by the GB.

    • @lumaimubanga9253
      @lumaimubanga9253 3 года назад +2

      @@classickruzer1 good to hear from you. Apparently, WT has unscriptural doctrines too. First of all, why do they disfellowship people who voluntarily leave the faith? If a witness gets a blood transfusion, votes in an election, or goes into another church building apart from a KH for a relative's wedding or funeral, why do they disfellowship them? did Jesus disfellowship anyone? what did he say about that adulterous woman? why follow pauls letters than Christ's admonitions? If u are not aware of it, read the secret book "shepherd the flock of God" which is only available to elders. Secondly, where in the bible do we find the phrase "Governing body"? thirdly, the so-called worldly courts allow people to listen to the court processing, but why is it that the judicial committee is secret and no one from the congregation attends when Jesus said the congregation shud be involved? thirdly, why does WT keep changing doctrines? if a doctrine changes meaning, can we say the previous understanding was a lie? Does God give HALF truths which he clarifies later in the name of "new light"? is that not being swept by every wind of doctrine as is mentioned in Ephesians? Fourth, are you still using reasoning from scriptures, Daniel's book, revelations book/ If not why? Why have u been asked to burn them? Does it mean the truth has lost its value because all those were lies? what kind of truth changes? I HAVE ALOT TO ASK YOU BUT FIRST ANSWER ME.

    • @alg190
      @alg190 3 года назад

      @@classickruzer1 Who told you that? Now that you thought about it, what sense does it make to close Halls because of growth?

  • @georgiaroberts9385
    @georgiaroberts9385 5 лет назад +29

    Thank you Eric. Biblical reasoning minus dogma! How refreshing!

  • @BenchPresaPower
    @BenchPresaPower 5 лет назад +35

    Mr Wilson, I really want you to know how much, indeed, so very much appreciate your help, support and love to boldly and selflessly give such logical examples of scriptural course thus, helping many many people who are held through fear in this awful religion.
    I eagerly await your next video series.
    God bless you brother Wilson.

  • @arlittleredfox7671
    @arlittleredfox7671 5 лет назад +9

    The Lords prayer:
    "....your will be done on earth as it IS in heaven." Not "....your will be done as it soon will be in heaven." Thank you so much. That was so clear. Made much more sense than the uninspired words of watchtower. The 1914 prophecy was truly a joke.

  • @markandrew4974
    @markandrew4974 5 лет назад +31

    Thank you Eric, i love the way you explain Bible truth, and really appreciate all you do in exposing false doctrine, looking forward to your upcoming video's 🤗

  • @pentirah5282
    @pentirah5282 5 лет назад +21

    Thank you. You comments on these matter seems to me to be pure common sense. Actually letting the scriptures speak for themselves. I look forward to your next. Blessings.

  • @JamMack
    @JamMack 5 лет назад +40

    Satan uses the watchtower in an attempt to mislead all humans however its good to see so many Jw Witnesses breaking free from this cult by listening watching and learning the truth through the use of these videos..
    Dont ever ever doubt that Jesus is not using you to bring many to righteousness...I learned so much and eagerly await your next video

    • @The_Lion_And_The_Lamb
      @The_Lion_And_The_Lamb 4 года назад +8

      Jam Mack I’m trying to get my best friend out of this cult. He was born into it & the brainwashing is no joke, but he is starting to see the reality of it all. It’s a very slow process. It’s taken years but he’s getting there. He’s going to leave, he just doesn’t know when quite yet because everyone in his life other than me is a JW, even his landlord.

    • @The_Lion_And_The_Lamb
      @The_Lion_And_The_Lamb 4 года назад +6

      classickruzer1 He made the choice yes, I should have said he was brainwashed into it right from birth. I’ll be sure to make that clarification next time for followers, members of a cult like you with no ability to think for oneself. No denomination has it perfect. Personal relationship with God is all we need. Not a group run by men telling us what to think. You JW’s spend more time reading material written by your Illuminati captors than reading scripture. I know how much time you spend pouring over the watchtower pamphlets which are now all online. I think the cult is trying to save some trees. Your membership is declining, not growing but they lie and tell y’all it’s growing. You poor slave. I’ll pray for you.

    • @dogsdroolllquinavancepasre6756
      @dogsdroolllquinavancepasre6756 4 года назад +2


    • @ellejmarie882
      @ellejmarie882 4 года назад +3

      classickruzer1 fastest growing denomination? Let’s be factual here - your stats please-
      Jdubs are not walking away- they are running as the lies and misleadings “come to light” /the sexual abuse of children and the the liaisons with United Nations of which they lied about- this man doesn’t push a denomination-(that’s biblical) he asks us to read, build a relationship outside of men- shame on you. This man is class act and loves jah and is standing for our Christ. If your active witness you shouldn’t even be watching let alone commenting- 👌

    • @gbnomore3918
      @gbnomore3918 3 года назад

      @@ellejmarie882 🤣😂🤣🤣 Quite the Blowhard wasn't he (or she😜) ??? Was lmao at his pathetic troll rant!

  • @mbtofnj9180
    @mbtofnj9180 5 лет назад +16

    you are correct about how JW's view Jesus. I have a Christian friend who ALWAYS referred to Jesus as my Lord and master.I asked why I never heard JW say this. when I studied more I noticed that the apostles preached Christ, they said they suffered for Christ. again it is always suffering for Jehovah. or Hebrew 12 2 where it said to keep your eyes focused on Jesus. but the WT article said keep your eyes focused on Jehovah. when I asked this question why would the inspired apostle paul tell us to focus on Jesus and the uninspired GB tell us differently? not a good question for elders to hear. God bless

    • @mbtofnj9180
      @mbtofnj9180 5 лет назад +8

      this is one of many reasons they don't want you to look outside its teachings. I always said I don't want to be deceived. so I research all sides as to know why they believe what they believe. but it was clear once I saw the scripture if it does not come true I did not send you. but the JW say Jesus chose them, going against what he warned us about. or the teaching we must trust completely the slave when the Bible clearly list 8 scriptures not to trust any human. again going against the council God has given us.I feel the more you know your bible the better you can defend it. I listen and watch every video I can, I take notes of applications I never heard before. another one is the WT says its ok to lie. the reason given is to protect the ministry. theocratic warfare. they use Abraham, rehab , and the midwives as examples. they said God bless them for liying to protect the ministry. this was false. the bible actually said because of their faith they were blessed. when one lies. they look to lie for protection. if they tell the truth they feel they will be punished. so run to satan's for protection instead of running to the Father for protection as a tower of truth / protection. if you lied for doing something wrong then you reap what you sow. you still can ask for mercy from the Father. Abraham feared the king so he lied even though the Father PROMISED Abraham the blessing. so actually Abraham could have walked up to the king and say she is my wife and relied on the promise but he was in fear. did Jesus say to Peter good job for lying 3 times. the WT does not give this as an example

    • @veratonnisen3639
      @veratonnisen3639 4 года назад +1

      mbt of nj go to Jason Zeldas videos, watch them all and learn who the GB really is Love Erik Tonnisen

    •  3 года назад

      Well who created Jesus not the Mighty God . Who you going to serve The Mighty God or the Almighty. Jesus never said he was a God .But the Mighty God said he send his Son. Not to be Praised but to show us the way to the narrow Road that lead to the Everlasting God. All Honor Belongs to the Mighty Creator who. Made Heaven and the Earth.

    •  3 года назад

      And everybody talking about Paul said this and that But Paul was not recognised in the Bible in the Old Testament . Why not talk about John the Baptizer who was preaching the Kingdom of The Mighty God long before Jesus was send to Earth. He never murdered Persecuted and. Seek out Christians and put them to the Slaughter . John the Baptizer did more than this man they. Giving. Praise. by the name of Paul.When John the Baptizer Baptized Jesus .and was send to Prison . Portifer. had him beheaded. Jesus did not even visited him in the Prison. Because Jesus knew he was the next one being hunted . Why the Bible always giving praise to Paul and not to John the Baptizer who was Jesus Cousin by Elizabeth that Did the Baptism of Jesus . the Bible is so screwed up by Man. thst they always debating and can't figure out the Crap.

    • @veratonnisen3639
      @veratonnisen3639 2 года назад

      @@faithfultheology governing body

  • @irishhomedeemob677
    @irishhomedeemob677 5 лет назад +8

    Thank you brother in Christ !
    I'm a partial preterist (former JW). Jesus has had authority over all things in heaven and hearth, since his resurrection, and will continue until the last enemy is destroyed. Then he will subject all things to the Father since the Father's image (qualities and charachter) will be in ALL perfected sons / daughters
    Shalom 👍🙏
    1 Corinthians 15:28, Matthew 5:48
    People who talk about *location* EG heaven and earth, miss the goal and contracted mission ..
    Genesis 1:26 ... colossians 1:26-27
    Whatever the environment!

  • @johnron61
    @johnron61 5 лет назад +31

    Can't wait for the Trinity discussion!

    • @need2knowanonymous857
      @need2knowanonymous857 5 лет назад +3

      johnron61 me too. I have a feeling....

    • @aknightwhosaysni2475
      @aknightwhosaysni2475 5 лет назад +1

      Why? Is Eric going to go crazy and make you believe its a sound doctrine, Jesus is God the son and the Holy spirit is a person? 🙄

    • @aknightwhosaysni2475
      @aknightwhosaysni2475 5 лет назад

      @Ignatius Don't be ridiculous. Don't quote the bible if you have no understanding

    • @aknightwhosaysni2475
      @aknightwhosaysni2475 5 лет назад +1

      @Ignatius studied the bible for 47 yrs and you still think Jesus is God Almighty. Some folk will never get it

    • @aknightwhosaysni2475
      @aknightwhosaysni2475 5 лет назад

      @Ignatius Well I agree with you, of course it was by nature, God created Him in His own image, an exact copy, if you are a copy then you can't be the same person. Don't know where you got that about JW's, they don't believe Jesus was adopted. I believe they are absolutely correct about the nature of the relationship betweenJesus and His Father. Kind regards and Godspeed

  • @flostep9887
    @flostep9887 3 года назад +3

    May our Lord Jesus be with you... I am finally out of this destructive cult...after 40 years...

  • @danelleheathman5385
    @danelleheathman5385 5 лет назад +10

    Thank you for aiding me to truly understand and appreciate Bible teachings. I wasn't sure I could ever "like" learning again having had so many years of twisted scriptural reasoning crammed down me. You provide clear, concise, thought provoking commentary. It's truly enjoyable; thank you for taking the time.

  • @tychicusparegoria7276
    @tychicusparegoria7276 5 лет назад +35

    'Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.' Acts 4:12 - That name is Jesus (but if he is Michael the archangel, then salvation must be through two names?)

  • @jeneb52
    @jeneb52 5 лет назад +2

    Ha ha I did that once, comparing Santa and Jesus that they both know when you have been good or bad, and the look on my sisters face was priceless. She then calmly asked why I made such a comparision, to which I said : Well he is the Prince of Princes, Lord of Lords, King of Kings, isn't Jesus?" She couldn't reply back, but it gave her something to ponder over. I love how you bring things full circle, showing how Michael and Jesus could not be one in the same. But of course the org, tries and tries to fit him into a box of their own design. Yet we that have done independent research can prove them wrong every time.

  • @Mr2fatcats
    @Mr2fatcats 4 года назад +4

    Hello everybody I’ve been separated from The JW’s for quite a while. I just want to Thank Eric for these videos he has cleared up a bunch of thoughts that have been in the back of my mind it’s like Eric is bringing out (from Jesus of course)The Truth WILL SET YOU FREE. I feel like finding Eric’s videos is a gift from YHWH (Jehovah) thru His Holy Spirit ! I wasn’t even looking for anything about the JW’s when one of his (Eric’s) videos showed up while I was on RUclips so just out of curiosity I clicked on it to see what Eric had to say and now I can’t seem to stop watching them ! Thank you again Eric !
    Please excuse any mistakes I’ve made in my grammar.

    • @mamajan99
      @mamajan99 9 месяцев назад

      Your story is our story! They "left us" over 30 years ago. Eric has a gift (and experience) to explain the apostate JW dogma. We all have various gifts, according to scriptures. The gift that I can offer you is the knowing that you are loved... and very much not alone! Elijah felt alone in serving God but was told that there were 7,000 who had not bent a knee to BAAL! Like Christ, we are children of God and brothers and sister of Jesus. John 1:12-18 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God"

  • @littleoneprodigaldaughter275
    @littleoneprodigaldaughter275 5 лет назад +13

    Many thanks for your conveying the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ with such clarity. You offer me living evidence of the faith I must continue to have, that it is God who gives the gift of faith. After your 40 years as an elder, I may have much prayer and many years of patience ahead for my brother, an elder for 10 years.
    I've just started a "bible study" with witnesses. Coincidentally, it began with the boast that Jehovah's witnesses are the only organization that has successfully downplayed Jesus as opposed to false religions that "keep talking about Jesus, Jesus, Jesus..." There IS a purposeful objective to excise Jesus from scripture. We are just starting the "bible teach" book. Thank you for the entirety of your video, that I can, in real time, incorporate into the study.
    I pray for your continued strength, beyond what is normal, in light of your recent (most despicable) ordeal. Many thanks.🌿
    PS. Through the study, I am hoping to learn how to better, more skillfully, and with mildness (very challenging in light of some blatantly unbiblical doctrines) convey "what the bible REALLY teaches".

    • @veratonnisen3639
      @veratonnisen3639 4 года назад

      LittleOne Prodigal Daughter tell them that Bible study is study from the Bible only.
      Also go to JasonZeldas videos he is awesome. .love Erik Tonnisen

    • @flostep9887
      @flostep9887 3 года назад

      Dont be fooled you are inviting Satan in your home I know what I am saying I am a witness just about to fade for 40 years...if you play with fire you will get burned....

  • @jakeroberts6274
    @jakeroberts6274 5 лет назад +8

    Great job. Never heard a JW ever talk of our Lord Jesus like you say

  • @Lady.B0420
    @Lady.B0420 5 лет назад +8

    I am NOT a JW. I have not been baptised as such. That is what they are trying to prime me for. I just finished chapter 8 in the study book. Again. We are about to start Chapter 9. I have serious questions about things that do not make sense. The answers I am getting do not make sense either. What you are saying is accurate and honest. Thank you. 🙌

    • @incognitofade9574
      @incognitofade9574 5 лет назад +8

      Don't do it, it's a trap. They will tell you to wait and as you progress spiritually (remembering and agreeing with Watchtower doctrine) you'll understand. By then it will be too late. Study the Bible only. If they refuse to study with you without a watchtower aid, walk away.

    • @Lady.B0420
      @Lady.B0420 5 лет назад +7

      @@incognitofade9574 I have no plans too. The couple I study with are very deep into the church. The wife was raised JW and the husband has been for years. I have found a lot of good info about Jesus and have developed a relationship I didnt have before. So I am Greatful for that. However, I feel like They don't like me to ask a lot of tough questions. It always ends up with them discrediting my questions. I am not as knowledgeable on this as they are and I am also not good at articulating my thoughts. Healthy and effective communication is an area I am working on. I am doing my homework so when I speak with them again, I will be as prepared as possible. I hope I can put a seed in their mind so they realize things do NOT add up.

    • @MarilynNemeth
      @MarilynNemeth 5 лет назад +3

      There is much to learn in reading the Bible and discussions. But you must realize the study books are designed to teach man's doctrine along with Bible teaching. Be careful because they baptism is on believing that their organization is the ONLY organization backed by God. True Christian's dedication has never changed, " Babtism in name of father, son, and holy ghost(spirit). The organization ask babtism questions which are not in line with JC teachings on babtism. They have an organization book (another book) that list their questions. And if you are babtised, and you realize that one of their teaching is not scriptural and you voice your findings. They will disfellowship you where no one that claims to be a JW will talk to you, or have any dealing with you because you are now branded as an apostate, because you do not follow THEIR TEACHINGS. Best to never get babtised if you like their company or their meetings. Just know what you're getting into.

    • @Lady.B0420
      @Lady.B0420 5 лет назад +4

      @@unclesalty7778 thank you!

    • @JamMack
      @JamMack 5 лет назад +4

      The leaders of the watchtower are quacks and have a lust for power and control..for example J.F. Rutherford the second president of the watchtower in 1929 told Jws Witnesses at that time that God told him that Abraham Issac,Jacob is going to be resurrected and so he bought a luxurious mansion and told Jws that he had to live in there and be the caretaker was all a lie he took money from the donations and bought him a fancy car ..and get this while the war was raging during that time he was living in shameless luxury while Hitler was killing jws for standing up for their doctrinal beliefs
      Abraham..issac and Jacob never came back to life during that time and Rutherford died and the house was purchased by another person you want to be part of a religion that lies like this..if you do..they could send you too your death by having g you to do something that would unnecessarily get you killed...and this I believe is going to happen too many Jws in the near future
      Watch it with this linkвидео.html
      Witnesses will deny it ..but it is in the pages of history..they been trained by the watchtower to say they dont k ow anything bout it

  • @kewlleleven9771
    @kewlleleven9771 5 лет назад +5

    Great Effort Mr. Eric , thank you sir.
    I pray every day to Jehovah God to please open the mind of my mom and sister, they are being lied to.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    • @veratonnisen3639
      @veratonnisen3639 4 года назад

      Denis Lumori next time you pray, pray to Jesus. Nobody comes to the Farther but true Jesus.It is powerful Love Erik aTonnisen

  • @sinemetu9037
    @sinemetu9037 5 лет назад +10

    Thank you for your efforts Eric...great to see you again. A superb video and excellent open thinking on scripture...exactly as it should be.
    No dogma...just open thought.

  • @omarseneriz5577
    @omarseneriz5577 5 лет назад +7

    Thank You Eric....Fantastic work as always. Your message is very clear and to the point. Once I left the organization some months ago, I realized how much work I had in front of me. Change the way I pray using Jesus name and reading the bible with a clear and new view. 1914 it is a very important year for the JW's and how wrong they are.

    • @veratonnisen3639
      @veratonnisen3639 4 года назад

      Omar Seneriz if 607 is wrong everything JW have predicted is wrong wrong wrong. They are a cult. And God willing they will be dealt with Erik Tonnisen

  • @sundance8862
    @sundance8862 5 лет назад +11

    @3:00 minutes in, re: using Jesus instead of Jehovah.
    My sister in law (active JW) recently posted on Instagram the news of her friend's unexpected death. Like many others, I shared my comments of condolence. One member of her congregation posted the comment "Thank Jesus for the beautiful resurrection hope!!" Just moments later, that same person posted a follow up comment "Thank Jehovah! (The phone changed what I wrote!)" exactly the point you are making. So strange for a group that claims to be Christian.

  • @daleisatimpactms
    @daleisatimpactms 5 лет назад +7

    Thank you for continuing to direct your understanding in such a professional and kind manner. Jesus set the example on this, you are following it.

  • @elizabethharden842
    @elizabethharden842 2 года назад +2

    I still find myself using the JW language at times and feel embarrassed afterward.
    It has been an ongoing adjustment for me but I'm thankful for the huge sacrifice you're making in getting into the deep scriptural teachings which bring honor to our heavenly family rather than pay homage to a group of men who don't follow the law of love as Christ our Lord demonstrated.

  • @renehettinga6610
    @renehettinga6610 5 лет назад +5


    • @eriq54321
      @eriq54321 4 года назад

      What was it of the archangel that through you off your seat

  • @benlyedll3902
    @benlyedll3902 5 лет назад +2

    I had this discussion with my family members I said “ if all authority was given to Jesus in 33 ce and the apostles taught directly after that we are in the last days, then that means 1914 is a lie. Due to the fact of the watchtowers a day is as 1000 years thinking so last days if applied to 33 ce would only be 2 days to God. But if it’s 1914 we need thousands of years to pass for last days to be true if 2520 years is true if the day for year and time isn’t what think mentality.” I got a call from an old family friend in bethel to see if I was alright. Then all my uncles and everyone else. They snitched on me and that’s what caused me to start digging and looking online and on RUclips. Thank you my brother for the wonderful videos please keep them coming.

  • @kellyspatarella6020
    @kellyspatarella6020 5 лет назад +9

    Thank you!!! Just what I needed to hear today. 😊

  • @chicknpi
    @chicknpi 5 лет назад +9

    So good to hear from you! Your archangel Michael parody made me laugh outloud.

  • @sanzilla502
    @sanzilla502 5 лет назад +11

    Thank you again for your wonderful insight and making things so simple and clear to understand. I'm truly grateful for your efforts and that I found your videos. Looking forward to the next. God bless and keep you well Eric. :)

  • @Jeruzalemforever
    @Jeruzalemforever 5 лет назад +4

    Fantastic analyzing of the scriptures, those things you are saying are also almost exactly of what has been revealed to me, really hope to see more of your future research.

  • @amberforcen1177
    @amberforcen1177 Год назад +1

    Thank you for that - I got into a huge argument with my JW elder cousin over this but mostly because Jerusalem was not defeated in 607 so the math didn’t add up. Also , that part about the angels and Michael makes a lot more since then just having Jesus become a new character. Also , the part about how we are just a little below the angels.

  • @lindachilds2227
    @lindachilds2227 4 года назад +1

    I wonder why Jehovah's Witnesses were not called witnesses of Christ or Witnesses of Jesus (Yeshua ) since he said to make witnesses of him or disciples. Now after doing my own research started with Rutherford wanting to stand out from those that broke away from the International Bible students and videos like this I finally got real answers, Thank you Eric!!

    • @dominicdavino252
      @dominicdavino252 14 дней назад +1

      Read Isaiah 43 verse 12 and you will see why JW call themselves Jehovah Witnesses. They Witness about the true God Jehovah like his Son Jesus did. Read it.

  • @stevebenoit6649
    @stevebenoit6649 5 лет назад +4

    Lately I have been discussing this...
    Imagine the difference,,,
    God Himself manifest for the sacrifice on the cross,. Vs a created angel.
    God Himself is the worthy sacrifice. Any created angel lacks the purity of the sacrifice.

    • @aknightwhosaysni2475
      @aknightwhosaysni2475 5 лет назад +2

      Have you ANY idea how utterly ridiculous your comments are??

    • @clagle9899
      @clagle9899 5 лет назад

      God can not die. Maybe you did not get the memo. Humans die.

    • @stevebenoit6649
      @stevebenoit6649 5 лет назад +2

      @@clagle9899 John 1 1. Jesus Christ is God.
      I will take the Bible over your opinion, thanks

    • @stevebenoit6649
      @stevebenoit6649 5 лет назад +1

      Jehovah's witness I presume

    • @clagle9899
      @clagle9899 5 лет назад

      @@stevebenoit6649 Jesus actually died because he was human. A man attested by God, sacrificial lamb, second Adam. So much scriptures on the One God the Father and one Lord Messiah. No I'm not a JW. He was not an angel, he is Son of God and son of man. Yes God saved the world by a human.

  • @fra365
    @fra365 5 лет назад +8

    Great Video Eric..I wonder what the haters & nayers are going to say after watching this video? If they decide to watch...

  • @achiqyaku
    @achiqyaku 4 года назад +1

    Stephen said : Jesus, receive my spirit!
    And John ends Apocalipsis by saying : yes, come, Lord Jesus.
    So, after his resurrection and ascension to the Heavens , Jesuchrist is still called “ Jesus” by an already old Apostle John and by Stephen.

  • @horus173
    @horus173 5 лет назад +6

    Bravo Eric un raisonnement simple et surtout logique des écritures ça change du collège central qui s entête dans ses doctrines compliquées, j attends tes autres vidéos avec impatience merci de les traduire en français !!!

  • @renehettinga6610
    @renehettinga6610 5 лет назад +5

    You speak in authority..EXCELLENT EXCELLENT EXCELLENT.

  • @damminers49
    @damminers49 5 лет назад +2

    I wouldn’t classify the doctrine of the trinity as an extreme. Oneness Unitarianism would be a better fit. I would also like to recommend a few books on the subjects you’re tackling. Mostly any of Gordon Fee’s books but according to your topic, I recommend “How to Read the Bible for all its Worth.” Secondly N.T. Wright’s, “Surprised by Hope,” and many other by him. Lastly “The Unseen Realm” by Michael Heiser. Those 3 cover the topics you mention.

  • @jont39
    @jont39 7 месяцев назад

    They don't actually say it's Jehovah on the chariot but"Ezekiel saw the invisible part of Jehovah’s organization depicted by a colossal celestial chariot." But thank you there is so much valuable food for thought.

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  7 месяцев назад

      That is what the Organization assumes, but a careful read of the vision indicates that the wheels moved, not the platform. So calling it a chariot is going beyond what is written and is a ploy of the organization to try to associate themselves with what they refer to as God's heavenly organization even though the word "organization" doesn't appear in the Bible.

  • @luvn.j.4263
    @luvn.j.4263 5 лет назад +8


  • @davidkent5758
    @davidkent5758 4 года назад +2

    I love you as a brother and im glad you had power to make clear to us who love the truth

  • @jacibledsoe9647
    @jacibledsoe9647 5 лет назад +2

    Eric, glad to hear from you again!! Thank you. Exegesis and hermeneutics were my favorite classes in ministry school.

  • @roypeaslee1305
    @roypeaslee1305 3 года назад

    I have asked The Lord Jesus to guide me in my search for truth and your videos keep popping up on my screen. I believe your simple way of explaining scripture is ideal for anyone who is looking for the truth of scripture.

    • @vintage6346
      @vintage6346 3 года назад

      Lloyd Evans keeps popping up on my screen. Lol.

  • @arnoldalega1520
    @arnoldalega1520 5 лет назад +2

    Peace be with brother eric. Continue on sharing the light given to you. - agape

  • @dawill2doit
    @dawill2doit 5 лет назад +1

    Simply put and eagerly accepted!.....thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom. May the Holy Spirit continue to help you in helping all of us who are searching for this much needed truth.

  • @TheCchinc1984
    @TheCchinc1984 5 лет назад +1

    I love your videos please keep them coming they are very very refreshing. As a Jw Myself who currently transitioning. it is very refreshing to have found someone who is putting out Videos that have not completely lost there entire faith in the Bible and God and become atheist. I look forward to seeing more of your videos and a fresh outlook on things such as Hell birthdays Christmas Etc

  • @MsJfraser
    @MsJfraser 5 лет назад +2

    The concept of God being triune was discarded by Charles Russell from the beginning. Joseph Rutherford took it a step further removing all deity from Jesus and demoting him to more of a servant than a king. Considering that both Russell and Rutherford had failed predictions to justify, should they have been taken seriously as being servants of Jesus? 1975 also presents the same problem with the current leadership. How does one justify a failure by not blaming God? Scripturally, they would be out of a job overnight. Cheers

  • @paulrosser6249
    @paulrosser6249 2 года назад

    Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

  • @eragonzaroc
    @eragonzaroc 5 лет назад +5

    what an interesting support of an alternative thought to the failed dates

  • @WitnessForJesus
    @WitnessForJesus 5 лет назад +2

    Outstanding!! Thank you.

  • @dionnefrancis5249
    @dionnefrancis5249 5 лет назад +1

    Jesus being an archangel does not take away from the importance of Jesus role as our saviour

    • @tychicusparegoria7276
      @tychicusparegoria7276 5 лет назад

      Dionne Francis - The whole statement 'Jesus being *an* archangel....' diminishes his role as 'King of kings and Lord of lords...' Revelation 19:16; Revelation 17:14. Salvation is found in only one name, Jesus, not two (Michael) Acts 4:12

    • @dionnefrancis5249
      @dionnefrancis5249 5 лет назад +1

      @@tychicusparegoria7276 no body makes a big deal about Michael being the archangel or refer to him as such in prayers.he is the archangel,the first if Gods creation.,later our lord an Saviour.we pray to our Heavenly father through Jesus name.

    • @tychicusparegoria7276
      @tychicusparegoria7276 5 лет назад

      @@dionnefrancis5249 - But I didnt say it was about prayers. Do you have a scripture to share with me that explains that Michael 'is the archangel, the first of Gods creation'?

    • @phillipmadahar5438
      @phillipmadahar5438 5 лет назад

      Please gather and take a look at these portions of scripture, Daniel 12:1, Jude 1:9, 1 Thessalonians 4:16, Revelation 1:10, 1 Corinthians 15:52, John 5:25, Matthew 24:31.Give me your thoughts on it, Godbless.

  • @brucerobertson2466
    @brucerobertson2466 4 года назад +1

    That explanation makes sense concerning when war broke out in heaven and Satan was ousted.

  • @constpegasus
    @constpegasus 5 лет назад +3

    I love these videos.

  • @thebaconk1ng25
    @thebaconk1ng25 5 лет назад

    Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ is The Way, The Truth and The Life.

  • @RiverDanube
    @RiverDanube 5 лет назад +2

    Thanks Eric, I enjoy your reasoning.

  • @fontybits
    @fontybits 5 лет назад +7

    (Hebrews 5:10) ". . .because he [JESUS] HAS been designated by God a high priest in the manner of Melchizʹedek.
    According to Watchtower teaching, Jesus was made HIGH PRIEST on his return to heaven, but he only received 50% of the "manner of Melchizedek" - due to the fact that he had to wait for more than 1800 years before he received the other 50% - the kingly part! Makes sense - not!

    • @jameselpis3384
      @jameselpis3384 5 лет назад +2

      This is such a great point I bring up to JWs also! Then I throw in the question of how Jesus could have fulfilled Zech 9:9 without being King already? Clearly, Nathanael could see it: John 1:49 - "You are the king of Israel!"

  • @stevebenoit6649
    @stevebenoit6649 5 лет назад +14

    Scripture said that all eyes will see the return of Jesus Christ.
    Watchtower said that Jesus has returned invisibly.

    • @pentirah5282
      @pentirah5282 5 лет назад +2

      Yes. It has always seemed strange to me that the JWs downgraded Christ and denied the cross symbol.

    • @aknightwhosaysni2475
      @aknightwhosaysni2475 5 лет назад +2

      @@pentirah5282Deny the "symbol" 😲
      Oh the irony 🤣

    • @MarilynNemeth
      @MarilynNemeth 5 лет назад +2

      @JoeJoeRadio when JC returns. All will know, and Watchtower will have no say. I do believe they reject the Christ, because it's evident at their memorial they celebrate. (Which is contrary to JC instructions)

    • @MarilynNemeth
      @MarilynNemeth 5 лет назад +1

      @@pentirah5282 . They do not understand that it was the crossbeam that JC was carrying before the Romans got someone else to carry it. Then hung up on a stake. It's true he was crusified on cross.

    • @pentirah5282
      @pentirah5282 5 лет назад +2

      Yes. That makes sense to me. Also I think that if Jesus' arms were straight above his head (as on a straight stake) where did Pilate fix his name? It would have needed too much length of stake.

  • @private009
    @private009 5 лет назад +2

    14. The scripture says there is no other name than Jesus given among men whereby we must be saved which clearly contradicts their doctrine about Michael. If there is only one name: Jesus, then Michael cannot be Jesus.
    ==> Acts 4:10-12 KJV Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

  • @paulsimpson7248
    @paulsimpson7248 5 лет назад +7

    Thank you Eric for all your hard work, it is appreciated.
    Revelation 12:1 starts with a sgin in heaven ( just the same as when Jesus was born ) if you googal, or go on RUclips rev 12:1 and the sgin in heaven, you will see when Michelle hurls the dragon down, this is when Daniel 12:1 starts to be fulfilled,
    As some prof for you , in Daniel 11:40 onward it descuses the time of the end , when they enter the land ( that is the promised land if you look at a map of the land God gave them in the beginning you will find it covers a vast area , 2 of the country's are Libya and Egypt. in Daniel 11 :42-42 we have seen them invade and kill the Libyan leader gidaffe, we also saw in the spring up rising in Egypt, were all the Egyptians when on the streets with all the tanks, ending in the president being thrown in jail ( all in fulfilment of Daniel 11:40 onward , just after is the time Michael stands up to protect Gods people against the enemie the devil the same s Rev 12 . All the evidence is compelling . Good news for all Christians .
    Thanks again Eric

  • @suriyaraj662
    @suriyaraj662 5 лет назад

    Thank you for a clear explanation of the scriptures may our lord Jesus continue to bless your teachings many have come out of the org.but so far your awakening has a true purpose by our lord. Being a witness for over 50 years I can see that. Ecclesiastes 7:8 has great comfort in times like this.

  • @dawnemile4974
    @dawnemile4974 4 года назад

    Thank you Eric. I had discarded 1914 as being of any importance but this video helped me to reject what goes along with it such as "woe to the earth and to the sea" applying since then. I just hadn't thought about it enough so now it is clearer. Many other good points such as Jesus having been given all authority in the 1st century and Jehovah not riding on a chariot was also appreciated. I will review that scripture because I never thought we had been told that Jehovah was literally riding on the chariot, I thought that it was being directed by his holy spirit.

  • @haan3549
    @haan3549 3 года назад +2

    Thank you!!!

  • @antonyroberts803
    @antonyroberts803 2 года назад +1

    Thanks brother Eric.

  • @wanekent2418
    @wanekent2418 4 года назад

    Eric is the best i have not ever in my life and I was born in 1963 and i have been studying with the witnesses every cence a round 82 or 83.iv never heard words like in the way Eric has been preaching it.i would like for us who likes Eric or love Erics skills in the word.i myself get a SSI check every month.and starting on the first I myself am going to give 25 dollars each month and I promise to keep the truth coming to me through Erics hard labor and it's for us all please do your up most with your help

  • @Torrpeter
    @Torrpeter 5 лет назад

    Now what he speaks is the truth. What we've heard in the past by The WTB has been such a misrepresentation of the truth. Thanks Eric and keep it coming.

  • @sharoncarter7746
    @sharoncarter7746 5 лет назад +7

    Thank you, Eric, for your answering my questions about true worship. I was wondering about Abel and if God didn't see his soul after Cain killed him why didn't God see his form up in heaven with him? (Genesis 4:8-10) It shows that God's curse on mankind was death and not heaven or hell. (Genesis 3:17-19)

    • @jesusiscoming7872
      @jesusiscoming7872 5 лет назад +2

      Doesn't the Bible say in Revelation 6:9-10...that Abels soul was under the altar...along with all the others that were slain?

    • @sharoncarter7746
      @sharoncarter7746 5 лет назад +1

      @@jesusiscoming7872, thanks for finding Abel!

  • @Ron-dz7ep
    @Ron-dz7ep 2 года назад +1

    Excellent scriptural reasoning brother Eric in regards to whether Michael was Jesus before his human time here on earth. In regards to when satan was cast down it also makes sense that he and his demons might have been cast down around 33C.E. the only thing i might question is the book of Revelation is written for in the Lords day. Did the Lords day begin in the 1st century? Who’s to say. It does make more sense that things would have started back then as why would war in heaven wait another 2,000 years to start up? Revelation has always been a tough read for me in regards to understanding it but it ends well 🙂

  • @feralgal46
    @feralgal46 4 года назад +1

    In the old purple Greek Interlinear put out by the WT Society, Romans 10:13 says "all those who call on the name of Jehovah will be saved... on the left side of the page, is the Greek "Kyrios" translated "Lord". On the right their translation is "Jehovah". They taught us that Jehovah's name is ALWAYS written "LORD" And for Jesus it is ALWAYS written "Lord". Therefore we should have been translating it "All those calling on the name of JESUS will be saved." Another lie right under our noses!! About 9 years ago I walked away after 35 years as a Jehovah's Witness.

  • @pubsignart5762
    @pubsignart5762 3 года назад +1

    Russell originally thought Michael was the Pope in his early books of revelation . Add that to his pyramid end of times, thank you for your logic Eric it's so much more beneficial than the rantings of some ex JWs, god bless your works.

    • @gbnomore3918
      @gbnomore3918 3 года назад

      Dude was quite the nutjob eh?

  • @ludmillasomp4723
    @ludmillasomp4723 Год назад +1

    Once again Eric I love the way you explain in such a simple manner. Everything becomes clear. I was so confused studying with JW that I was beginning to wonder is it me just not getting it. Yes, exegetically is the way to go and I’ve learned so much doing just that. Thank you so much Eric for your dedication in this important work in helping us see the logic and truth. At least that’s my opinion.👍💕

  • @KevinRoseYT
    @KevinRoseYT 3 месяца назад

    At last. The first person I've found that realizes WW1 started months before Oct 1914.
    I think Satan must have read revelation and realized he was about to be chucked out and started causing mischief before that.

  • @valhenry2154
    @valhenry2154 2 года назад

    Thank you Eric.. This helps me greatly.. I so appreciate all your effort, and bible knowledge. Thank you

  • @dawill2doit
    @dawill2doit 5 лет назад

    Truth that is simply explained cannot be questioned! And you my Brother have explained it simply! No question!!😁

  • 2 года назад

    I love your explanation of Arch-Angel Michael at 10:00 excellent video thank you

  • @atserehenry2813
    @atserehenry2813 Год назад

    Much appreciated. Thank you ❤

  • @compositioncompilation
    @compositioncompilation 5 лет назад +1

    Whilst jesus was given authority, he did not need to immediately wade in all guns blazing.
    Sitting at Gods right hand , although he can
    Displays wisdom..which at times involves waiting with patience
    for the right time to implement
    A new arrangement.

  • @sunshinegreen5164
    @sunshinegreen5164 4 года назад

    Hello, I just came across your videos and teachings and I rejoice in the Truth of God setting you free to rejoice in our Lord Yeshua... Thank you for providing the insight about JW incorrect teachings as I try to convey the to people I know....I know it is by the mercy of Jehovah and the power of the Holly Spirit that this revelations is given. I have come to also learn many of our roots in Judaism and Oh how much more clear the entire Bible has become, especially because the "New Testament is such a reflection or fulfillment of Thora. I started with the book Lost in Translation. May the Lord Bless you and keep you....Marissa.

  • @johnnylnowlin
    @johnnylnowlin 5 лет назад +2

    "Revelation -Its Grand Climax At Hand!" Chapter 12 para. 19

  • @annaelizabethtay5688
    @annaelizabethtay5688 5 лет назад +1


  • @00001EMAN
    @00001EMAN 5 лет назад +1

    your videos are amazing

  • @mvaug69
    @mvaug69 3 года назад

    Jesus said, "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE,.......". My thoughts entirely, JW's put Jesus in second place. Emulating Him doesn't mean copying Him, but to live with Him in relationship and be changed by Him.

  • @mamajan99
    @mamajan99 9 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you Eric. I have been pondering "Exegesis vs Eisegesis" and came up with a likely 3rd method of interpretation, or at least a subdivision of Eisegesis! Exegesis vs Eisegesis vs Egotistical. This third approach, Egotistical, seems to be used most often by the GB who imagine that everything is all about them! And that's being polite! They say they are the only way to Christ. Tell that to Saul, who became the Apostle Paul.

  • @isabelramos7754
    @isabelramos7754 2 года назад

    My whole world is shattered! How should I pray then? As a JW is always {Jehová god….in the name of Jesus name, amen}

    • @vintage6346
      @vintage6346 2 года назад

      I'm beginning to call Jehovah "Father". Some things take time.

  • @Josdamale
    @Josdamale 4 года назад

    Jesus Christ is one person in two natures: the divine nature of the Father and the human nature from his mother. He is both true God in the fullest sense and true man in the fullest sense.

  • @freethinker2964
    @freethinker2964 Год назад

    I totally agree I do believe that Satan was kicked out of heaven just shortly after Jesus returned to heaven

  • @fangenesis1
    @fangenesis1 Год назад

    It' s a long time that I' Ve been in doubt about the sign of the last days...wars, earthquakes, pestilence, there have always been, not from 1914.

  • @donsnider4607
    @donsnider4607 5 лет назад +1

    With reading all the u tubes I have become confused who you say Jehovah is God or Jesus. Jesus said to prey to his father. Don’t recall him saying prey to me or like Catholics praying to Mary and the rest, I can see the idea of having them supersede your prayers. God doesn’t answer prays eg he doesn’t do requests when it goes against his plan for us. Eg a child dies for a reason usually to teach someone. The other great stumble of Michael being Jesus. Is that the nature of Jesus or God or Holy Spirit to be deceptive?

  • @tonyspare2468
    @tonyspare2468 5 лет назад +4

    Don't resist the Trinity folks, look at it this way, by regarding the trinity what is the worst God could say when you're standing in front of him on this issue? That you wanted to elevate Jesus and the Holy Spirit like the bible does..., if you're wrong the worst that will happen is a thanks but no thanks here's the truth. If you stick to staunch monotheism what is the result? You risk downgrading the Son and Holy Ghost and having a relationship with God like the JWs have, that is one devoid of the true power of the helper or the true mediatorship with our Lord and king. Too much to risk! You simply cannot have the highest elevated view of Jesus if you do not first accept that he is God come to us in flesh and weakness, the sacrifice is profound and HIS, not just something the father did for us and he was onboard with the idea.

    • @aknightwhosaysni2475
      @aknightwhosaysni2475 5 лет назад

      Nonsensical... That's a dodgy game you're playing there. It's always Jehovah first.

    • @aknightwhosaysni2475
      @aknightwhosaysni2475 5 лет назад

      Nonsensical. That's a dodgy game you're playing there. It's always Jehovah first

  • @williamdraper3192
    @williamdraper3192 5 лет назад +1

    Ok its working ,
    Lets start with JAMES 5: 12
    The rules of FREEMASON already exclude Christian participation .
    EPHESIANS 5: 11 2nd THESSALONIANS 2: 3-4 HOSEA 12: 7
    Now please consider these 2 scriotural passages together
    MATTHEW 4: 8- 9 and EPHESIANS 5: 6- 9
    Why is a WORSHIPFUL MASTER which every man must bow down before to become a FREEMASON .

  • @martyjohn007
    @martyjohn007 5 лет назад +2

    Crackup dude thanks for sharing love it and it makes sense...What an eye opening explanation awesome keep the good work

  • @als.8690
    @als.8690 5 лет назад +2

    The misleading and debasing tactics and theology regarding the identity of Jesus is central to JWs. Of course, they don't see it in those terms. Anything or anyone that puts increased focus on Jesus, automatically doesn't exalt Jehovah enough. However, even JWs admit in their publications that the scriptures do not come out and identify Jesus as Michael specifically. It is their interpretation. The Scriptures do identify Jesus as the Word in his prehuman existence. That's it. So again, they're going beyond Scripture.
    I look forward to the upcoming videos regarding the Trinity. I am a biblical Trinitarian, having received Christ and have had the spirit open my eyes about him in the Scriptures. Sola scriptura and total scriptura.
    Interestingly, even the Bible Students under Russell who used the KJV and the Emphatic Diaglott, were anti-trinitarians. Preconceived ideas from the Adventists and Millerites.
    I believe most JWs, having been one myself, have a fundamental misunderstanding about what the Trinity is. As a Trinitarian, I believe in One God, but three persons. Thanks for all you do Eric.

    • @eriq54321
      @eriq54321 4 года назад

      There used to be a teaching of jesus as Michael that was taught from the 1599 Geneva bible, the bible before the king James bible. There are footnotes notes that explains john 1:1-3 and Daniel 12:1 of the 1599 Geneva bible (gnv) that can be found at .

  • @howardfowler2255
    @howardfowler2255 4 года назад +1

    I enjoy listening to your musings on Bible subjects and insights on the weird world of Watchtowerism! Thanks ,Eric! 🥰

  • @broleosis
    @broleosis 5 лет назад +1

    You are rad!

  • @lauraadam3230
    @lauraadam3230 2 года назад

    Excellent job

  • @simonrgalesg
    @simonrgalesg 5 лет назад +2

    Great video. Thank you.
    One question.
    Do you think it's a bad thing to talk about Jehovah above Jesus ?
    I understand Jesus is the Only way to Jehovah and our mediator.

  • @julielarge6120
    @julielarge6120 Год назад +1

    The teaching regarding Jesus being the arch angel Michael is obviously incorrect.

  • @MarilynNemeth
    @MarilynNemeth 5 лет назад +3

    Simply put; nowhere does Bible call or said Jesus Christ is Michael the Archangel. Doesn't say he is, or doesn't say he is not. Lovers of righteousness should not speculate. Jesus is referred to as son of God, the Word and the first born of all creation.... Not Michael.
    I agree with you on JC having all authority after his Resurrection. He even told his apostles this after his Resurrection. There was no place for Satan in heaven at this time. This was the beginning of new heavens (A Messianic Kingdom established in heaven, a High Priest exercises authority as the book of Hebrews list.)

    • @stevebenoit6649
      @stevebenoit6649 5 лет назад +5

      The last part of your comment should be researched. You can only arrive at that theory from the Jehovah's witness Bible. Jesus Christ is the Creator of all.
      You should use the kingdom interlinier book by the Jehovah's witnesses to see the twisting of the scripture

    • @MarilynNemeth
      @MarilynNemeth 5 лет назад

      @@stevebenoit6649 I stick to reading out of the King James and New International Version.
      I like the scripture James 1:5,6.
      I am always open for correction, but I only believe in what Bible says. (Opinions out the window. But everyone has their right to their own opinion.) I believe JC is our High Priest and King in the manner of Melchezedek.
      To understand your comment, since I have edited my comment, please clarify. Was it the "new heavens" comment?

    • @stevebenoit6649
      @stevebenoit6649 5 лет назад +1

      @@MarilynNemeth 1611 KJV said that Jesus created all things. All

    • @MarilynNemeth
      @MarilynNemeth 5 лет назад

      @@stevebenoit6649 . Colossians 1:15-19. . As the first born, JC was there in the beginning. He has priority and authority as firstborn. In Genesis where God said , LET US make man in OUR IMAGE.

    • @stevebenoit6649
      @stevebenoit6649 5 лет назад +1

      @@MarilynNemeth the Bible says that there is only one true God. And John 1:1 called Jesus Christ God, along with other scriptures. Of course the Jehovah's witness Bible twisted the scripture. It can be researched by the kingdom interlinear book by the Jehovah's witnesses.

  • @professor2830326
    @professor2830326 5 лет назад

    Good work--insightful and well researched. Thank you

  • @exquisiteinquisite25
    @exquisiteinquisite25 2 года назад

    Yes seems to fit with Jesus words in John 12.31

  • @mbtofnj9180
    @mbtofnj9180 5 лет назад +2

    hello Mr Eric.the trinity is stated by the RCC that the trinity is their central doctrine. anything that comes from the RCC makes it suspect to me at least. I remember the definition of the trinity was all three had no beginning, all 3 are all equal. no I hear the word essence used to describe the trinity. the language makes it hard for me to understand that it is so. like the Father saying this is my Son. he didn't say this is me. or only in the flesh he is lower and weaker than God. but then when he goes to heaven he sits at the right hand. Jesus learned obedience, Jesus was granted immortality, things like that. I think it would have been easier to have simple language explaining it. God Bless