Why Natural Lifters Need To BULK

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024

Комментарии • 386

  • @OmarIsuf
    @OmarIsuf  Год назад +171

    Ignore the highlights you see online.
    If you want to build a substantial amount of muscle, you will need to bulk. For many this will include accumulating a solid amount of extra body fat.
    Embrace the bloat.

    • @Reppintimefitness
      @Reppintimefitness Год назад +3

      Lets race to 600 on deadlift (safely) you done it before
      I'm on my way for the first time
      What do you say?

    • @Jerachille
      @Jerachille Год назад +4

      I think that Greg targets the majority of society who is overweight. You state in your video as if people are scared to lose their six pack??? I have yet to find someone who was scared of losing their "six pack" who wasn't already in GOOD shape. Body fat percentage and your genetics (how well you respond to weight lifting) makes a huge difference. I personally have no problem "maingaining" while being 15%+ bodyfat. You still look good, your cardiovasculair system remains healthy and there is no mental strain. I think you should emphasize more on how bodyfat percentage impacts your ability to gain muscle and from there decide whether you need a bulk or cut. If you did mention this and I missed it, excuse me. I do agree a bulk works, but you are saying it as if majority of the people are 10% lean sleeper builds who have a hard time gaining muscle because they don't eat enough.. But quote me if I am mistaken or biased on Greg his advice. I personally would only consider a Bulk if I where to cut down to around 10-12%, but I highly doubt after bulking/cutting/bulking/cutting the end results is very different then if you just maingain at 15% or whatever works for you.

    • @ayahuascadog2346
      @ayahuascadog2346 Год назад +1

      Rippetoe would be proud. Now do your 5s

    • @alexanderhinz1783
      @alexanderhinz1783 Год назад +7

      @@Jerachille TLDR: "Maingaining is not defined clearly and as such a useless term" and -> You shouldn´t only bulk when you are at 10% to 12% BF, but anytime you want to built muscle
      Quality information besides Omar and Alan Thrall: Geoffrey Verity Schofield and Revival Fitness.
      Never commented before, but had to now.
      Let me preface this by admitting, that I have consumed lots of gregs content and found it entertaining, especially the older videos, but have since changed my view on his content.
      My main issue is the term "maingaining", which you put in quotation marks, so I am not sure what exactly your understanding of the term is.
      Being natty is prerequisite for the following being true. Now on to said issue:
      You can either gain, loose or keep weight.
      Maintenance is by definition the state where your body ( or at least your bodyweight ) does not change.
      If you consistently and reliably gain weight ( hopefully mostly muscles ), you are eating in a surplus. This is the definition of bulking.
      The other way around if you consistently loose weight ( hopefully mostly fat ), you are eating in a deficit. This is the definition of cutting.
      Now there is the possibility of recomposition as well. Which works mostly in two distinct cases. One when having a BF% of bulking
      loosing mostly (if done right) fat -> cutting
      keeping the composition roughly the same -> maintaining
      (plus recomping in the mentioned cases)
      As such the term "Maintaining" adds nothing but confusion to the discussion.
      You could call it a technicality, but I believe using clear words is important for discussion.
      For your case where you describe it working for you, I´d interpret that as you building mostly muscle and as such say that you are currently bulking.
      Keep in mind bulking is simply the term used to describe eating in a surplus for a long period of time to gain muscle.
      It has nothing to do with what Greg usually associates it ( dirty bulking with wendies, ice cream, etc. ).
      This is also why I changed my mind on his content. Because it simply causes confusion.
      -> You shouldn´t only bulk when you are at 10% to 12% BF, but anytime you want to built muscle.
      And thats what you have been doing if you gained any signigicant amount of muscle.
      If you or others are interested in a different more perspective on gregs recent content regarding "maingaining" be sure to check out Geoffrey Verity Schofield and Revival Fitness (lets say he has a more radical way of putting it) videos on the topic.
      Addition: Also keep in mind, that your BF% can actually "improve" if you are gaining more muscle than fat as it is a ratio.
      Any one reading all that shit, thanks.

    • @Jerachille
      @Jerachille Год назад

      @@alexanderhinz1783 I quoted "Maingaining" because it is referenced to in the video and I find that the meaning of this term depends on the context, which you sort of elaborated on. All in all, I agree with what most you say. But my point was that the video uses Greg as reference and does not elaborate on the nuance, which you sort of provided.. but the video does not.

  • @PictureFit
    @PictureFit Год назад +264

    I'm more interested in the skincare gains. My man is glowing in this. 😍

  • @AlanThrall
    @AlanThrall Год назад +664

    so you're saying I'm gonna need more milk

    • @beburs
      @beburs Год назад +9

      Yeaaaaauh mayne 🥛🥛🥛💪

    • @TheJipino
      @TheJipino Год назад +41

      Reject hypertrophy, embrace 5x5 and GOMAD

    • @humbertofierrolaredo6569
      @humbertofierrolaredo6569 Год назад +1

      hahaha hi alan pls acknowledge me

    • @griffingeode
      @griffingeode Год назад +4

      Mooo moooscle mooo 🐮

    • @ipullcable
      @ipullcable Год назад +7

      If you want to pull ONE THOUSAND POUNDS

  • @Ham4Ever1
    @Ham4Ever1 Год назад +14

    The value of Omar's videos for me are that he doesn't try to develop new information, but he takes very foundational information, and presents it in real applicable ways. This was a great one

  • @someguy5927
    @someguy5927 Год назад +37

    Great timing. I just lost 40 lbs as of yesterday and am moving into a bulk. I was explaining to someone the mind fuck of working so hard to lose that weight, see the scale go down, and then watch the fat (slowly ideally) come back. You basically have to re-wire your brain

    • @lindsaytoussaint
      @lindsaytoussaint Год назад +2

      100% in the same situation. Best of luck to you! ✊🏾

  • @lindsaytoussaint
    @lindsaytoussaint Год назад +11

    Dang you are looking sun-kissed, sir!
    Anyway phew I’m definitely in this headspace right now. I’ve been obese for the majority of my life - and very underweight prior to that (trauma is fun, amirite?!). So now that I’m finally at a normal weight (down 85lbs) and muscle/fat ratio and I’ve fallen in love with lifting, my soul is saying “let’s do this! let’s get swole!” but my mind is saying “ahhh don’t gain fat again!” So I really appreciate you talking about this in detail! 🙏🏾🤘🏾

  • @BaldOmniMan
    @BaldOmniMan Год назад +17

    “Maingaining is some bullshit” - Book of Yokealations

  • @Moose92411
    @Moose92411 Год назад +14

    Dammit did I need this five years ago. I spent YEARS obsessed with sneaking some little bits of muscle gain while sitting around 12% body fat. I just couldn't square with the idea of gaining body fat for the sake of those gains. I spun my wheels banking on that maingaining idea for way too long.
    This year, when I turned 38, I finally committed to building muscle. I gained 18lb, and my strength shot up. Now I'm cutting from something like 17% body fat, and I'm happier than I've ever been with my physical capabilities.
    Outstanding video.

  • @jonmacbuff2268
    @jonmacbuff2268 Год назад +3

    Anecdotal evidence my boy Omar is right: I can speak to the benefits of the long (uninterrupted) duration of the bulk. I've been lifting seriously for about 8 years following a mostly powerbuilding style of training. I've been in a moderate surplus and working over those weights for the last 3 years now (without a real cutting phase to interrupt) and I've gotten massively stronger and bigger over that time. I've gained at least 20 pounds of mussel and my lifts have gone up by a solid 15% across the board. Now I'm transitioning into a cutting phase and looking forward to seeing those gains (gained at least 20 pounds of hunkiness as well). By my calculations, with a successful cut, I'll end up at 210lbs, 12% body fat, as a 5'5" guy.
    FYI, my cut will just be intermittent fasting 18-6 and trying to keep the workouts at about the same level as during the bulk.

  • @ashmaypt
    @ashmaypt Год назад +57

    No bulk, no peach 🍑

  • @MamaSwole
    @MamaSwole Год назад +8

    Thanks for always keeping it real Omar 🙏🏻

  • @vxsuperbadxvx5792
    @vxsuperbadxvx5792 Год назад

    That advert compelled me to buy. Magical

  • @nathanleecullison
    @nathanleecullison Год назад

    My man here is preaching my daily struggle.... everytime I eat I tell myself eat more to get eeeeuge and then when I cardio I say cardio more to get shredded.

  • @MrDevinferreira
    @MrDevinferreira Год назад +10

    Consistency, consistency over time. Yes, dedication, that's the 'magic bullet'. Great video Omar.

  • @taitcarrillo8926
    @taitcarrillo8926 Год назад +12

    I stayed tiny for a long time because I wouldn’t bulk. You have to. You just simply have to as a natural. My lifts are finally passing the intermediate range.

  • @schroederluck7984
    @schroederluck7984 Год назад

    Nice jacket. Even better information. Omar Surf Clam is back baby

  • @saint_lol
    @saint_lol Год назад +3

    Needed this video, I was almost 190 over quarantine at peak and for a 5'4 manlet, I looked like a titan from AoT lol. A year ago I finally did something about it and just reached my goal of 145! But now instead of just being less weight I want to build muscle as well, and had been struggling with the idea that I'd have to gain weight back. Its like, it took me a year to get here and now I need to go back up, I have to condition myself to embrace the bulk when for a year I hated looking that big. However, now that I'm armed with all the nutrition knowledge I learned over the year, a consistent gym schedule, AND knowing I dont have to get as big as I once was it'll take less time and hopefully I'll be more comfortable!!

  • @gavincunningham2010
    @gavincunningham2010 Год назад

    Damn I missed Omar, I hope this keeps consistent posting

  • @MrTheBmeister
    @MrTheBmeister Год назад +1

    Wish I saw this 7 years ago

  • @NiciO.G
    @NiciO.G 6 месяцев назад

    I think that’s closer to a legitimate 5-6%bf

  • @rawbhl
    @rawbhl Год назад

    Dick Dangler ad at the end wtf lmao, genius!

  • @2SPEEDY99
    @2SPEEDY99 11 месяцев назад

    Building muscle in a caloric deficit definitely isn’t a myth if you’re higher bf% and/or detrained/untrained. I agree that it’s not a long term strategy, but it’s important for newbs to know it’s more than possible for them

  • @StephenMarkTurner
    @StephenMarkTurner Год назад +1

    I think it is lack of full range squatting, caused by the movement restrictions from substandard gym clothing...

  • @robbiemoir929
    @robbiemoir929 Год назад

    Good info bro thanks. Keep spreading the message 💪🏻

  • @PinataOblongata
    @PinataOblongata Год назад +4

    I compete in the 69kg class in powerlifting. I find that national records are a big motivator, on top of hitting gym and comp PRs, but I'm not competitive in the next weight class, so it's very difficult to envisage going up and maintaining my motivation to keep putting my ageing body through this (I'm 44 in a few months). I just did a comp this weekend that did not go well. I let myself train around the 71kg mark, and then the plan was a gradual decrease plus lose about 1kg water weight with hot bath the night before. This has worked well enough in the past, but I didn't watch my intake well enough in the week leading up to the comp and I basically had to starve myself over night as well as not drink any water and bath down to basically dehydrate myself quite a bit just to make weight, and my performance sucked (failed each 3rd attempt, with squats and deads attempting a 5kg all-time PR and bench being equal gym best but 2kg comp PR). I think I'm at the point where I really should be going up a class, but I don't want to be unhealthy and I don't want to make it impossible without torturing myself to get down to the class I'm competitive at :/ Next year I will be in line for a bunch of national records if I can maintain my current best lifts and compete at this weight (so yeah, it's not just about being scared to lose abs).

  • @resiakanam8502
    @resiakanam8502 10 месяцев назад

    Superb video. Helped alot to stay on course as Im getting abit softer now 2 months in to the bulk.

  • @ipproductions
    @ipproductions Год назад +8

    i love bulking, specially with trenbolone

    • @38Fanda
      @38Fanda Год назад

      yes trenbologne sandwiches are delicious

  • @roderickclerk5904
    @roderickclerk5904 Год назад

    Omar needs to release a skin routine

  • @84coleR
    @84coleR Год назад

    Omar you da best

  • @jjreynolds0923
    @jjreynolds0923 Год назад +5

    Love you Omar 🤙 Great Video as Always.

  • @Reppintimefitness
    @Reppintimefitness Год назад +4

    Maingain = No Gainz

  • @noooname2568
    @noooname2568 Год назад +1

    Even non-natural lifters need to bulk depending on their body type

  • @garrethsleigh989
    @garrethsleigh989 Год назад

    Gold. Exactly right. The moment I add a little fat... get scared and want to cut back.

  • @Taophysique
    @Taophysique Год назад +4

    No way in hell Eddie Hall is 16 years old 😂 @5:13

  • @GreyException
    @GreyException Год назад

    Title or message could be a bit clearer. “Seismic” gains as you referred to it. Bulking is almost always gonna be the most efficient way to do it.
    People exercise for different reasons and around different circumstances. But you’re right, as someone with “body dysmorphia” I am uncomfortable with being too heavy. Fat goes straight to my face first.

  • @esteb6544
    @esteb6544 Год назад +1

    I felt like Omar was talking straight to me this time.

  • @beburs
    @beburs Год назад +4

    Revival fitness be like : REAL SH*T

  • @culdeus9559
    @culdeus9559 Год назад

    Bro, why you gotta do Jay that way. Man is a legend.

  • @leonvdpol
    @leonvdpol Год назад

    a coach greg video is coming! i agree with omar tho

  • @GuitarHero2195
    @GuitarHero2195 Год назад

    i def agree with this but this is why i add a mini cut at a 4 to 1 ratio: So lean bulk 4 months and cut for 1

  • @zachemorgan
    @zachemorgan Год назад

    so ice cream every night is good?

  • @psychopathmedia
    @psychopathmedia Год назад

    this video is permabulker approved

  • @4u2nvinmtl
    @4u2nvinmtl Год назад +2

    Not sure if this applies to obese people who workout. I'm personally on a mission to lose weight and build muscle (re-comp). I'm a little more than 1 year in without issues, down over 100lbs, and have gained a lot of muscle. Eventually I will run low on body fat and probably will have to eat over maintenance to continue gaining muscle.
    What body fat percentage/range should I start eating over maintenance to continue gaining muscle? I feel like I'm nearly there...

    • @jonmacbuff2268
      @jonmacbuff2268 Год назад +2

      My experience is that the gain train slows down around 20% body fat and will be almost impossible at around 15%.

  • @zoekn
    @zoekn Год назад +2

    Omar forever the natty goat.

  • @chrisbarney1609
    @chrisbarney1609 Год назад +2

    thanks Omar. Alex Leonidas put out a great video on how the bulk is key to long term success. It's uncomfortable seeing that waist measurement get bigger but it's totally necessary

  • @Atius8
    @Atius8 Год назад

    Team Permabulk checking-in.

  • @michelbeaudet2605
    @michelbeaudet2605 Год назад


  • @juniorandrew4159
    @juniorandrew4159 Год назад

    Yea but do the bulk but where is the reason where u must have to?

  • @Mannyman491
    @Mannyman491 Год назад

    Gotta go HAM, Hard As a Motherfucker!!!!!

  • @BonytoBeastly
    @BonytoBeastly Год назад +9

    You're talking about skinny guys not gaining a significant amount of weight, but at 5:05 you're showing my roommate going from 130 up to 160 pounds in 4 months. Huge weight gain.
    Totally agree on the value of bulking, by the way. Great video.

    • @danielcazares3911
      @danielcazares3911 Год назад +3

      Your website is a great resource!

    • @BonytoBeastly
      @BonytoBeastly Год назад +3

      @@danielcazares3911 Thank you, man! :)

    • @Supersmartandfunnyguy
      @Supersmartandfunnyguy Год назад +1

      Indeed - your website was my primary motivation and guide to take me from 155 to currently 215 only a little more than a year and a half ago. Your wisdom and experience changes lives, man.
      It also made front squats my favorite exercise of all, so there's that too.

    • @BonytoBeastly
      @BonytoBeastly Год назад +1

      ​@@Supersmartandfunnyguy Dude! That's amazing!! Congratulations on gaining those 60 pounds!!!

  • @Postermaestro
    @Postermaestro Год назад

    Premabulking baby, HINDENBURG mode, WooOOoo nature boy, kpissoutbye!

  • @carrionflowers6764
    @carrionflowers6764 Год назад

    trying to get greg's attention haha

  • @MisterWoz
    @MisterWoz Год назад

    Literally what I needed to hear today. Thanks!

  • @areyoutheregoditsmedave
    @areyoutheregoditsmedave Год назад +1

    i see you david goggins. incline pressing 95 lbs.

  • @nattygains2955
    @nattygains2955 11 месяцев назад

    Where is he ethnically from?

  • @marzero116
    @marzero116 Год назад +3

    If you're 25%+ bodyfat don't BULK

  • @brudesim5673
    @brudesim5673 Год назад

    True but why are you telling me this right now when I’m trying to cut?!?!

  • @andrewpayne5093
    @andrewpayne5093 Год назад

    I'm currently 150 pounds/68kg. Look skinny with shirt on but got belly fat. I think I'm skinny fat. I've been cutting for 6 weeks trying to loose that belly before I bulk but I just look worse without a decent muscle frame.

  • @TaiNguyen-sj7xu
    @TaiNguyen-sj7xu Год назад

    Absolutely agree with this

  • @nicksunstrider258
    @nicksunstrider258 Год назад

    Noooo, the fade in intro is gone 😢

  • @jebbush2527
    @jebbush2527 Год назад

    I’ve been bulking since Jan. might so a tiny minicut my bf is up by 3.5% and keep going

  • @Lawrence_Femi_Ikenna_Odedina
    @Lawrence_Femi_Ikenna_Odedina 11 месяцев назад

    bulking hurts. I hate eating

  • @nmanisbig
    @nmanisbig Год назад

    So I don't have to eat my vegetables?

  • @DerHarlekin98
    @DerHarlekin98 Год назад

    Maybe it’s the microphone, but it was kinda hard to follow you this time

  • @Zach-zf7mv
    @Zach-zf7mv Год назад

    How about mini-cuts within a bulk? For non-competitive bodybuilders, that solves the problem, no? why does it have to be 6-8 months of surplus?

  • @Postermaestro
    @Postermaestro Год назад

    0:43 lmao the throwback. I remember watching that video when it came out

  • @albarron4022
    @albarron4022 Год назад +2

    Great vid, I myself fall into the trap of trying not to stray more than 10lbs or so of my “ideal “ physique and although I know that I need to keep gaining it’s a tough psychological hurdle to overcome especially since I was overweight for a long time.

  • @Vikdecap22
    @Vikdecap22 Год назад

    Im 41 and barely started training again haven’t trained in 7 years how should I bulk

  • @omer3833
    @omer3833 Год назад

    Banger vid

  • @BuckingFeast
    @BuckingFeast Год назад

    What kind of jacket is that? I like it.

  • @montucombat82
    @montucombat82 Год назад +1

    Funny u posted this I literally was having that issue i started bulking and I most definitely see and feel it’s different

  • @pete8319
    @pete8319 Год назад

    4 the algorithm 💪🏻

  • @sairam71
    @sairam71 Год назад +2

    Great video. What would be really good to also do a video on when to cut. How does a beginner know they have enough muscle before initiating a cut. Should they hit certain strength standard from start of a bulk to then hit a cut after 6-8 months? Or so they just cut at certain body fat %?

  • @dylanb5385
    @dylanb5385 Год назад

    What about a gym newbie who's "skinny fat"? Do I bulk first to add that foundational strength and muscle, or do I cut first?

  • @pveelaid
    @pveelaid Год назад +2

    I just work out for the kick, never bulk or cut, don't care about the max muscle or comparing myself to others. I'm still relatively strong 1RM pull up +35,5kg and look quite muscular.

  • @kollitumi
    @kollitumi Год назад

    Ty Mr Surfclam

  • @Led....
    @Led.... Год назад +2

    Just embrace bloatmaxing

  • @mr_wright_official_
    @mr_wright_official_ Год назад +1

    I hate the term "bulk" but a caloric surplus is absolutely necessary, thing is once you find a bodyfat that your body builds muscle well, adding more food should only come when either your performance is plateauing despite deloads & other recovery adjustments. Or weight has stayed the same for 2 weeks.

  • @Solidfreeman01
    @Solidfreeman01 Год назад

    You sound like this was a problem or sth. 😀Marshmallow cheatday let´s gooooo! 😜

  • @nikitaw1982
    @nikitaw1982 Год назад

    Did 5 sets of 30 rep back squat and i was ok for a day then 2 days after i cant walk. Does bulking mean more nutrients to recover?

  • @balnazzar10
    @balnazzar10 10 месяцев назад

    Accounting getting hit by a stray.

  • @plasmablocks
    @plasmablocks 10 месяцев назад

    Awesome video! I think the same diet logic also applies for powerlifting or Olympic lifting when you are trying to peak.
    Def need to have an appropriate calorie surplus to sustain the volume and intensity of a peaking cycle

  • @nillygorilly
    @nillygorilly Год назад

    I tell everyone I'm on a #permabulk aint no cuts in this dojo lmao

  • @ruaffylp
    @ruaffylp Год назад

    Thanks for this video iam at 190 cm and only 78-79 kilos I have abs but yeah …. I wanna be bigger .. and Ian afraid of losing my „physic“ I was (Iam afraid of gaining waight)

  • @Train_Eat_Rest_Repeat
    @Train_Eat_Rest_Repeat Год назад +1

    Chris Jones said it best: if you are afraid of getting fat, you will never be jacked.

  • @jeungbou
    @jeungbou Год назад

    Thanks just needed this one. Recently have to fight comments about belly fat.

  • @3219000
    @3219000 Год назад

    i was 127 pounds for a long time and managed to get to 154 pounds but it was hard for me to keep it at that weight and i ended up maintaining at 150 pounds now. I dont know about others but its hard for me to force eat when im full already, and if i try to eat more i end up wanting to vomit it. Ive tried mass gainers but after i take those i just dont feel like eating my actual food meals.

    • @TazBo-wd2ig
      @TazBo-wd2ig Год назад

      Having a six pack is not worth what your doing.

    • @ludlowbuckley5373
      @ludlowbuckley5373 Год назад

      You don’t need to force feed yourself aim for a 300-400 calorie surplus as Omar stated ! Anything beyond that you’ll just be putting on a bunch of fat and water and that should never be the goal. Its not hard to get in an additional 300 calories in a day. You may also have to consider tracking and or weighing your meals to make sure you hitting your recommended calories for the day but force feeding yourself to the point where you’re gonna be sick is unhealthy!

  • @24kbrown22
    @24kbrown22 Год назад

    The DonDada is back 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡😎😎😎🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @veganhabibijustin1246
    @veganhabibijustin1246 Год назад

    I prefer to lean bulk meaning 300-400cal surplus

    • @lukaslanger8077
      @lukaslanger8077 Год назад

      Youll gain bodyfat ANY surplus, given enough time, and thats perfectly okay.

  • @JJI18D
    @JJI18D Год назад

    Lmfao outro

  • @dylanmcfarling2033
    @dylanmcfarling2033 Год назад

    Fantastic advice. That said, the ad for Dick Dangler's Dump Covers made me feel like I was losing my mind.

  • @ropable
    @ropable Год назад

    I like the damn video.

  • @chasewhitney3145
    @chasewhitney3145 Год назад

    Dang using max as an example

  • @claybowman1242
    @claybowman1242 Год назад +3

    I’ve never had abs, I’ve been training for a year and a half and I’m on my first cut. I’m down from 220 to 200 @5’8 I’m aiming for 185 and don’t intend to get any leaner. After that I’m gonna bulk for the next 2 years, good consistent progress and when I graduate from nursing school I’ll have my second ever cut.

    • @kuyab9122
      @kuyab9122 Год назад

      What's your SBD PR?

    • @claybowman1242
      @claybowman1242 Год назад

      @@kuyab9122 I have a 315 squat (I like high bar atg) 405 deadlift and a 240 bench so really I’m not super strong but I do enjoy strength.

    • @kuyab9122
      @kuyab9122 Год назад

      @@claybowman1242 Good bench tho

    • @claybowman1242
      @claybowman1242 Год назад

      @@kuyab9122 it’s decent, I was making steady progress all the way until this cut started and intend to make more once it’s over

  • @mustrumx
    @mustrumx Год назад +1

    i am bulking for over 41 years now and i agree. pretty sure i have a lot of muscles somewhere under

  • @CABerlitz
    @CABerlitz Год назад +2

    I really needed this one as I'm reaching 4 months in my bulk and was already thinking on stopping it, having put around 4 kg/9 lbs of BW I definitely miss the lean look that I had previously. But time to commit for a couple of weeks more

  • @BrandonJohnsonGameStation
    @BrandonJohnsonGameStation Год назад +2

    I agree with you, Omarlsuf. Since I started lifting in 2011 at 14 years old my main focus was bulking to improve my athleticism. I started at 14 years old as a skinny 125lbs Bodyweight range. Then once I got to 20 years old I got up to 238-242lbs and lean natty. Then ages 21 to now I got up to at 256-300 lbs and lean natty. Just a surplus of food, heavy weight, high reps, high volume, high frequency, powerlifting and calisthenics. Got very strong. Still decently strong and jacked.

  • @roadtobearmode
    @roadtobearmode Год назад +2

    Think i took the bulk too far

  • @crappygamer4927
    @crappygamer4927 Год назад

    omar does not age

  • @Calzman17
    @Calzman17 Год назад +3

    I can only speak from my own experiences but I’ve been lifting for 3 years and have consistently either been in a deficit or maintaining. I have had no plateaus , feel great all whilst having a shredded 6 pack. Whenever I have been at a higher body fat , I’ve felt awful and not confident. My friends have been on a similar timeline but have been bulking and they have no significant strength or muscle mass difference. Imo I’d much prefer to just look and feel better. Maybe a calorie surplus would make me progress even faster but I consistently look and feel great. I have my whole life to keep progressing , maingain FTW

    • @ronburgandy7571
      @ronburgandy7571 Год назад

      What does your diet look like?

    • @Calzman17
      @Calzman17 Год назад

      @@ronburgandy7571 I have a decent metabolism and live an active lifestyle so I tend to eat between 2700-3000 a day but I’m by no means strict, some days eating a lot more, some days a little less. Always try to hit minimum 160g protein and plenty of fruit and veg

    • @ronburgandy7571
      @ronburgandy7571 Год назад

      @@Calzman17 very nice. I appreciate the response. Judging by your protein intake I think we’re a similar weight.