It should! Honesty and humility is science. If they'd just made up some information to fill in the blanks then we'd all know that the earth is flat right?
Here we are in 2020 being told to blindly follow the science, the experts. Its sickening how ignorant the aforementioned has become. Even worse when they knowingly omit or misrepresent ALL the data that has come before, and the scientific bodies across the globe keep their mouths shut from fear of their masters. These masks, aren't an end all answer. Our approach should be reevaluated based on what we have learned from our early experiences, experience not hypotheticals and algorithms. It's not play time when human life and ways of life are under attack in the name of virus response. This isnt our first rodeo with the unseen killers of nature, and definitely not our last. D.M.
@@kristjanmartin9883 do not fear the demons, do not fear the planetary constellations, do not fear any plagues. Connect with nature, learn on your own, meditate and find God which is within and out - everywhere. The demons are probably the biggest threat at the moment. When you eat or do anything unhealthy or non enjoyable, you lower your vibration and it attracts the demons around. When your vibration is lowered, the demons will make you lethargic, snap at people, put you in chronic pain, put your talents out of use, procastinate and not get anything done etc. Too many portals being opened. The demons have learned a LOT about quantum physics and at the moment, they like to enjoy us humans like puppets and cause glitches in our reality.
I just want to say that I absolutely love this. I'm both mind-blown, entertained and inspired. As a mere psych student I still feel like I understood a whole lot of it, and they even made some psych references. And the way they talked about children having an intuitive understanding of quantum stuff made me think of theory-theory and this quote: "It's not that children are little scientists - it's that scientists are big children."
well this is the first time in history children are growing up with access to the world's information at their fingertips. LESS than 20 years ago, we didn't have apps, internet wasn't a standard household thing yet, I was born in 1999. when I was 6/7/8 etc, I saw the birth of smart phones, the popularity rise of computers, games games games, games are interesting in themselves. though it's not reality a lot of games use or try to use physics based on real life. this is probably where children get such a high natural understanding of physics and such. before we had access to the world's information there was a TON of mis information, and most people 30+ are still very very misinformed about many things, I see examples of it....daily...sadly. don't be offended if you are older and grew up before all this came to be. usually older people who are very open minded and love to learn don't have misinformation problems.
Same hereee🙋♀️ after reading and researching on Nikola Tesla, I’ve finally accepted myself more and more, since people fear/hate what they can’t understand, explains why it’s like that for people who aren’t ‘normal’ in society. Story of my life 🤷♀️
The more I hear “I don’t know,” and “I don’t have all the answers,” from people, the more I trust what they do tell me. We don’t know where we’ll end up, or whether we’re even asking the most helpful questions, but I know the path forward has to involve as many varied minds in the process as possible, like scientists from very different fields looking at how their disciplines converge and create outcomes together. The video also reminds me that the most successful processes in life, biologically speaking, as in human organizational structures, are not found by pursuing one path dogmatically, but by experimenting down multiple paths until you find the one that gives you even the slightest advantage as an entire species. That slight advantage can make the difference between life and death, even if it’s only realized thousands of generations from now, but only if we keep our focus and minds open wide.
You're wrong. The path forward has to involve as many black, red, purple, yellow, brown, female, demisexual, pansexual, bisexual, & other ppl as possible, regardless of their knowledge, ability, or qualifications. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
And a college degree earned from any college today means you wasted your money. So at least you didnt pay to get brainwashed like real college students. Americas education system isnt teaching knowledge it only teaches how to parrot propaganda and made up non sense. The CIA's the great american experiment has a goal and it will be completed when everything the American public believes to be true is in fact a lie.
Agree, however it does not teach you how to spell, comments + even closed captioning is Full of errors, I have to ask google and use a spellchecker as well. Grammar is even harder, just hope you recall your grade school days
College may not grant you a profession of your expectations, HOWEVER, it's not just an "education". It's about your classmates, roommates, seated inside a AC auditorium enjoying the live sound of a professor's chalkboard. It's a "moment & time" no money can buy. That said, I personally don't regret attending a college of that sort. RUclips is like giving you the insights on a destination, but to ACTUALLY TRAVEL, is a whole other experience of it's own.
@@osiris_blanche in America college doesn't educate you and that's suppose to be the point of college. Yes the experience is suppose to be a big part of it. But these days college is more of a indoctrination system than an education system. The whole American system in general is a joke to keep the sheeple blind to the truth. George Carlin said it best. He knew what was really going on in America, its sad 99% of Americans still believe they are free. Your not free its it's an illusion
I just started enjoying watching this with closed captioning but 20 minutes in, it stopped working. I hope this can be fixed so I can watch the whole segment. Absolutely loved what was mentioned already so far. Thank you all for putting this together!
The episode where there was going to be a fire and Al started warning the kids and they were trying to get help I thought kind of crossed the boundaries of the “science-fiction genre” into the “fantasy” genre. “Only small children and animals are the only people able to see Al, besides Sam Beckett.” Like, wtf, so Al’s like Santa Claus now?? (God, I miss that show! :) )
Why again did it have to be blue green chromaphores for birds? Why not just UV that we know about, dont see, birds might, and we know UVs blast right through cells rather then have their energy get absorbed? Am i missing something?
Why is there even a question that biological process is a separate phenomenon. Quantum mechanics should be thought of as status quo in the creation process of anything. We have to shed our lego-style/rational thinking. How we define biology must change. Biology/chemistry/ physics all one entity.
I understand physics very well (for real), and quantum physics well enough (more or less). I understand biology's place and function within the physical sciences, though I've never chosen to study it. What I don't understand is this lecturer's assertion that quantum biology is a thing separate from non-quantum biology. They're "both" based on the same physics and same physical principles. Quantum properties are part of those principles. It seems to me he's just putting "quantum" in front of "biology" to promote biology into something more sophisticated than it really is (or really needs to be). And it seems to me that he doesn't properly understand what "quantum" actually means in any rigorous scientific context anyhow. The quantum effects he describes are already well known to physics and chemistry, regardless how much complexity the biological systems might construct from them.
I don't use quantum mechanics or special relativity on a daily basis. Usually it's Newtonian physics and rarely some basic chemistry. Admittedly I am wrong, but my results are close enough to be used. I can see some things in biology that require a deep dive into quantum mechanics, photosynthesis is a great example, but I will wait for someone to find a biological process that requires entangled particles to work. When does biology require quantum weirdness to work. I'm glad my doctor doesn't have to calculate electron spins in her diagnosis. (Yet). Sorry if I am not too clear, but I do see an admittedly fuzzy dividing line.
I think its just about how in depth you want to explain things. I can say a ball rolls down a hill because of gravity and I wouldn't need quantum mechanics to tell you the position or the velocity of the ball. It's just about what and how deeply you want to understand about a specific phenomena
I studied animal development as part of my biology degree and an important part of early development was the establishment of various axes(anteroposterior, dorsoventral, proximal-distal and bilateral axis). These are established via chemical gradients and help individual cells navigate during development so they always know where they are. I could easily imagine that this developmental mechanism could be used in relation to migrating birds as an evolutionary adaptation.
Wouldnt that guide the cells inside the organism rather than the whole organism through the globe? I dont see how a chemical gradient differential could guide an animal through a magnetical field
This is amazing and really interesting. I got so lost because I have insufficient scientific education to follow this completely but it is fascinating to me and I really enjoyed this video. I have saved it and will play it over and over again to try and understand it. I love the humor and the very clear way they are trying to explain this to the layman. It is wonderful that they have this on youtube so we can all explore this amazing subject.
thats one of the most motivated and individually asked question, still its so sad to hear it, as not all humans should have the same well´s to learn from or even being able to educate themselves. good luck!
There is far more into quantum biology than the basic biological processes. I think everybody have experienced the situation multiple times when you think about someone and that person calls you right away. This is not random, our brains can establish entanglement without us even knowing it. Every person can tell when he is being stared at, the same situation here. You and your friend keep saying the same sentences in the very exact moment? Incredible timing! Your brains have been entangled and reacted to their perception of reality in the same way. There are hundreds of examples in our everyday life. Deep meditation and general mindfulness can help us get closer to understanding all of this. Observe how your thoughts appear as a reaction to what happens outside. Yes, a lot of them just appear out of nowhere. Pay attention to subtle feelings that tell you things. They are not random, your whole body is connected to The everything and it knows much better than your conscious mind. We are all quantum entities and the science made us think that we are just flesh and bones.
Agree 100%. Or you have the same dream on the same night. This is incredibly complicated. They say there are only seven degrees of separation. Seems likely.I get on the Bus and see a couple get off and then the same couple get off at my stop 4 hours later. How? Why?...Lol
Stop saying things as if it’s 100% proven to be the way they work. There’s likely a lot of quantum aspects of all of the things you mentioned, but stating that as the truth is dangerous and ignorant
@@HCG Actually it is. Quantum entanglement occurs when two systems share a common quantum mechanical state. Such systems also share a common fate, even if they become physically quite separated. The results of a measurement performed on one will determine the results of future measurements on the second.
I feel like you can pretty much mix any other subject with biology and it is intriguing. Because without biology how could we think about it....think about it
Interesting video. The one thing I didn't hear brought up is the biological quantum relationship with memory. If everything we have ever observed, no matter how, smell, visual, hear, or touch, means we have become quantumly entangled, then it would, at least, help explain how the birds use these other tools. Memory is the most important. Everything biological has memory. Even photosynthesis could not occur without this relationship. I am kind of an enthusiast in autism, and the "spectrum". There isn't room here to discuss all this. These are just my thoughts. Loved the video.
I'm really impressed by the simplistic way such a complex subject is explaied to a layman. I want to really keep receiving all such presentations in future
Yeah. It is beautiful to realise that anyone can have their ideas on how life might actually work. How it's born, dies, rebuild itself. No mather how complex each detailed observation and answers might be, it all comes back to a few basic rules life has to follow. As a whole things are quiet simple. Such beauty. Crazy to think about that the sweet spot of complexety lies at a certain temperature and wet level. And that that is why we can think about such questions. The world outside our wet and warm spec of excistence must be teeming with creatures wondering very much the same things as we do. I truly believe that.
@@ForcesNL It's amazing that the One who set the rules in place allowed us to discover them. We should honour him for that. Unfortunately, many do not.
It's really weird that the actual significant subjects are being suggested at late hours when the body is kind of tired but the mind is ready to go beyond infinitely... Must come back. Blessed be our sense of wonder and willingness (and ability) to understand things.
In science just remember: NOBODY KNOWS ANYTHING FOR SURE proving something yourself is the BEST START for any young scientist. Don't let them bully you into accepting their rubbish - if it sounds at all fishy CARRY OUT YOUR OWN RESEARCH
At the core of this investigation is the intriguing concept of coherence, where particles influence one another through overlapping probabilities. In plants, coherence enhances energy transfer in chlorophyll, enabling precise sunlight capture an essential aspect of our ecosystem. Quantum effects extend beyond plants; migratory birds use quantum entanglement for navigation. Specialized proteins in their eyes may exploit quantum phenomena to sense the geomagnetic field, illustrating life's intricate adaptations that embrace quantum mechanics. Zooming into the microscopic realm, quantum tunneling plays a pivotal role in enzyme catalysis, allowing particles to surpass energy barriers and highlighting the significance of quantum behavior in biological processes. The implications of quantum biology reach beyond academia. Recognizing the quantum basis of life's mechanisms can lead to innovations in medicine and renewable energy, revealing a connection between nature and the quantum world that challenges our understanding of life. In conclusion, studying Quantum Biology encourages us to explore the interplay between the macro and micro levels of existence. This relationship emphasizes the complexity and beauty of life on Earth, inviting us to reconsider reality and our place in it.
Been reading some Ancient Greek Philosophy and the Stoics had a beautiful arguement for the existence of atoms based on our sense of smell.They argued that since we can smell different perfumes from different flowers that these perfumes must consist of invisible yet solid particles impacting our noses.A beautiful arguement for the existence of atoms wouldn't you say.
Meems the evolution of biologically generatef data !! Ideas come from heads and some will win others will loose Meems the evolution of biologically generatef data !! Ideas come from heads and some will win others will loose
Nature is keeping herself fit .The slow zebra is not doing the lion any favors. The quantom field is a steven spielberg or many little copolas.entropy is not a human issue !! To be chased is the only reason to run.Use it or use it roarr back monkeys .. lets be uncivilised
Currently I’m in Grade 11 Biology in High School. I’ve always felt that my thinking processing was beyond the average teenager my age. I find it hard to be engaged in my class because I know there is more information we’re not covering than we are. I’ve found Quantum Biology though, exactly what I was searching for... the deepest explanations of the natural world and life.
Unless you can ace all of your tests, pay more attention in class. Your suspicions, musings & freshman dream theorems may be correct but without a strong basic foundation, you won't know why. You will have only been a lucky guesser, not a person of actual understanding.
Son, gather as much information as you possibly can that way you can later form your own informed opinion. If we are very lucky the government might let the general public in on the secrets they harbor so well , the future is wide open for those who know the entire truth.
My goodness, “smart” people truly are stupid…🤔 Sadly…The Upper 90-95% are the the upper 96%+ (99.7+=ME) Have to deal with your bizarre Marxist , pseudo intellectual ideologies… Remember this.. NOBODY Lives with ALS for more than 7 years.(2-5 is average).. 57years is just stupid. Steven Hawki….🥳😅🤣😂🤦🏻♂️ There is no such thing as a “cool nerd”..👍 And, The Left is a Societal Cancer..❕❕❕❕
1:08:10 you don't need "tunneling" if you have resonance. Resonance doesn't need the transfer of a "particle". It's just a wave which causes another wave to vibrate sympathetically. You probably need the concept of the "aether" for that vibration to propagate, though.
been looking into this from a very early age i have aspbergers and adhd, so notice patterns in most things i see in the natural world and man made world,in a natural way.
I watched a video with Dr Tyson who remarked how often the word "Quantum" gets misused or abused, listening to this video I have a much better appreciation for what he said. :D
The reason for that is because people have tried FOR EVER to understand how a couple pounds of fat and jelly can power a body using less electricity than it takes to light a light bulb. How that same few pounds of fat thinks about abstract concepts, how it has fears and thoughts and loves and wants and everything. They literally have no idea why human beings HAVE consciousness. So it's less of "let's not go there" and much more of "we tried going there, have literally no idea and no idea how to start figuring it out, so don't waste your time"
It's so beautiful how the universe is so mysterious to us! And it doesn't have to be predictable or fully understood because that's the fundamental nature of chaos, and chaos is what led to life.
*Actually, the laws that govern nature and Physics are predictable. The only reason they're not predictable is when you discover a new group of law that govern a new group of constructs that you dont fully understand. Once you fully understand it then you find they are also predictable. Nature and Chaos are at odds with each other. Chaos did not create life. In fact, Chaos is why you have Entropy. Chaos created death.*
@@Futbolclassics *Theres a lot of confusion about what Chaos is. The Concept of Chaos can be found across ancient Cosmologies. When things get twisted over time and then they get dumbed down to a bumper sticker like 'Order from Chaos' I think people view it as thematic and never question it. Its the MEME culture. Just like people think balance is when Chaos and Peace are at perfect equilibrium and that isn't at all true. For their to be perfect equilibrium Chaos must be destroyed.*
I just realized that the stages background is an abstraction of quantum tunneling in chlorophyll. It's green and the divider is curved in an abstract wave-and the clincher is that the wave jumps across a gap. Above that gap, there's a hanging in the shape of a wave! Clever!
Right!?! I got 6:35 minutes in and couldnt wait to hit the like button for the great intro alone. I laughed, I'm curious (even though this topic isn't new to me), and mentally primed to focus excitingly. It was punchy but not political, opinionated yet seemingly still sounding unbiased. Can't wait to hear how he delivers the rest of the information. 😃
Great conversation overall. Wondering.. birds, as well as humans, have magnatite in their beaks/noses that detect the magnetic field and help them navigate. Why is this not part of the discussion?
Because at this point we can conclude that science is a religion and not set in stone and the things people know as a individual are limited. Basically science is just starting to grasp what we have known for 10 thousands of years but they try to rationalize it and smell their on farts. Which is not possible because the absolute reality of existence is not rational.
Was asleep with earbuds on and this came on randomly. Had a dream that I was at a quantum physics festival in Switzerland operating an ear-piercing booth. I used quantum tunneling to get bird feathers painlessly through ear lobes using some sort of energy frequency stabilizer to equalize the two different biological structures. Woke up to this! Lol😂 i had been listening to this for an hour and 20 minutes and knew nothing of quantum physics or biology prior to this video subliminally entering my conscience.😂😂😂😂
infact they are quantum machines , human brains are quantum computers (Q-B-Coms) , engineered quantum computers infact are '' just ''extentions of Q-B-Coms ....
I want to eat very healthy rt now and go relax on the beach. There are clearly some benefits in consuming light energy and live foods that are not being explored thoroughly. I love science!!!!! There is hope yet!!
The fact that I had these theories when I was 12, 15 years ago, proves to me that not only was I on the right path, but this must mean millions of people already independently came up with the core principles of that concept long ago as well.
Thanks for sharing this. This is the exact thing that keeps me going in life. The fact that this is a shared human experience and it comes from deep inside our innermost thoughts is amazing. I think you could say it’s almost intuitive for intelligent beings to independently do this and enjoy the process. And if that’s true that makes me happy like nothing else for some reason.
I am very thankful for this presentation, I was afraid I was the only one that was pondering these ideas specifically concerning microbiology. Specifically the ability of bacterium changing their polarity quickly through chemical absorption of charged ions that are easily available through their outer cell wall causing that microbe to move, in a since, chemically. That would explain the speed of its movement as if turning on and off a light. In effect, just by changing of polarity of a biome would move it through time and space while leaving it's structure idle, at its point of origin, but alter the quality of a distant biome into the parent's original quality. In this accomplishing the quantum speeds. Said energy in itself could then be transferred into movement, pressure fluctuation to force fluid movement or constriction, as well as color change. We see this in octopus or the movement of photophilic plant cells. Great discussion.
@@curtcoller3632 take a dose of lachesis mutus 200c and it may relieve you of snippyness and venom for a few years. Do you dislike necklaces and people touching or reaching for your neck?
At 17:00 and 54:30 both Roger Penrose and Consciousness were mentioned with a "lets not go there". I would love to see thees folks addressing that ideas.
Nickolas Gaspar militant atheism hinders progress into areas that clearly have far more anecdotal evidence than many theories with widespread consensus today. Many of the things Hameroff describe are completely probable within the quantum framework that is being discovered currently. If it turns out to be the consensus it twenty years it won’t be considered “spiritual” it will just be reality, and the militant atheists like you and shermer who live and feed off of rampant arrogance and psychopathy will be left on the fringe looking like the flat earthers
"militant atheism"? ? ? What is the meaning of that qualifier??? And what atheism has to do with this pseudo scientific conclusions? The problem with Hameroff's "descriptions" is that they are not compatible with the observable biological systems and auxiliary principles of science. He is projecting mind properties in addition to nature and that is unscientific. Even Penrose has expressed his disagreement on Hameroff's far fetched "descriptions". -"If it turns out to be the consensus it twenty years it won’t be considered “spiritual” it will just be reality, and the militant atheists like you.... " - With philosophical iffs we dont describe reality. We describe a wishful model of an unobservable world.. In 20 years...his claims will be 40 years old. His magical explanation is just that....he tries to solve a mystery by appealing to a bigger mystery. Againt ....why are you inserting this nonsensical qualifier Douglas? And what does atheism or theism has to do with Hameroff's stories? The only connection with a religious doctrine that I see in Hameroff's ideas is that his conclusions are identical with Scientology's central doctrine. From logic's point, the arrogant and psychopathic dude is Hameroff . He is making knowledge claims that he can not falsify or even test it.
You may not have heard about new discoveries, but it's been shown that quantum states affect neurotubules. So, let's keep away from Shermer-type paid pseudo-skepticism bullshit. Just have an open mind. Stop ostracizing things you don't fully understand. P.S I am some non-spiritual/religious dude.
Does anyone else fall asleep to this kind of stuff hoping that you somehow understand it when you wake up? Like positive affirmations but instead it's shit you don't understand. Or is it just me?
Sure.... Dude... You did watch it but you know what it was about and you know you know it even though you didn't re-watch it to confirm what it was that you didn't watch. I think you are looking for that "too high" comment.
@@ionescualice2842 Sound effects us in various ways whether awake or asleep, but to what degree we can learn various information while sleeping is another story.
Anyone notice how these(intelligent)individuals would defer to one another even though they knew about the subject being talked about? I only wish society could talk to eachouther with the level of civility, respect, humor.. not to mention knowledge; that was presented in this video. Fantastic!
honestly, all fields of science should converge. People are so specialized that the need an idealist that can bring them all together to really achieve true understanding and advancements. its is great and hilarious! loved it.
This is completely devoid of understanding science. Sciences are abstractions of reality and benefit greatly by being that. Imagine having to learn quantum mechanics to learn biology. I think what you mean to say is that different scientists from different fields should work together. Well guess what george, they do!
@@Rockyzach88 It's true that scientists from different fields work together however, for example it's better to have physicists that have a good understanding of biology work with mechanical engineers that have a good understanding of quantum mechanics to create/discover something than just having a physicist, a biologist and a mechanical engineer who don't know much about each others fields working together. It is rare find a scientist or a professional that is very competent in two fields at once. It's not because it's difficult to do but because the current academic culture has a bias towards specializing in one thing only and becoming a professional in that one thing only.
Great job by the moderator. Not only the great wit, but he really helped tie-in, explain, and segue a not-so-easy subject matter. Well done, and thank you.
It seems to me that as the sun's aspect to Earth changes due to the Earth's orbit, the energy or something about the photon may be changed prior to the photon striking the leaf, thus changing whether the process of photosynthesis is transferring more or less from point A to point B. The aspect difference may be due to how much of the Earth's atmosphere the photon needs to travel through before it encounters the leaf, thus determining whether the tree's leaf production is growing, as in Spring, or causing the leaf production to diminish, change colors, and fall off, as in Fall.
That was not the goal of that book and I don't know if it is necessary to even question the classical thought. QM explanations are based on weird interpretations when we have far more intuitive and naturalistic!
I understand the need to isolate what you are studying, but that is not how it occurs in nature, so we miss many things in such a study. Just as we isolate vitamins and put them into pills, but what makes them actually work is everything else that is in the food from where it came. we may learn something by isolating, but then we must study the connections with everything else, and that goes on to include everything in the world, especially since what you are studying in the first place has no "real" spacial coordinates at any particular time and is entangled with literally everything else. Since we cannot possibly study everything at once, we must include at least the quantum SYSYEM in a plant, or bird, for example. Thank you for this. Each time I watch it, I gain more understanding of this beautiful topic. I LOVE The World Science Festival!
I only have a ged and I'm into all these speakers and lectures I love to learn in my own way..when I was young I messed up my schooling if I could do it again I would but these videos given me things to think about and I love them..thank you for posting
Nothing has changed, including the promises that they're sure this will all be figured out in a couple years, always a couple years away especially anything to do with abiogenesis, people have been parroting "we'll figure it out in a couple yeas surely!" since Darwins time, only to discover they knew even less than they thought a few years later.
I Love this. The Bird sensing the magnetic field reminds me of the artic snow fox hunting mice and being able to catch mice easier when facing north; because of the magnetic fields.
This was 6 years ago?!? Are there any updates on any of these topics? String theory and quantum mechanics are my favorite science topics and I feel like a see a convergence (ha) of these coming 🤔
Empathy is kind of like tunneling. We get the same feeling as someone else, without exchanging the actual substances (sometimes without the use of scent).
@@balpsalmkomet4678 I think he’s referring to like pheromones and how they affect people so without smelling your brain wouldn’t process such pheromones so how does the empathy occur
Two things: (*I am not a scientist, and I may use terms that are incorrect in the light of your particular concentration. If you know what I'm getting at, please leave the semantics to one side....) He didn't actually say, but I presume that (Paul? ponytail man) is saying that the exciton is appearing in different locations "on the way to" the action center, and he didn't explain that as a function of entanglement; but it seems to me that entanglement is a perfect way to get from A to B without energy loss: if the exciton vibrates in all its entangled molecules at once, then all it has to do is resolve into the one that has the potential for action, and that could be near instantaneous.... And, consciousness: the elephant in the room. I think we'll be at a starting point in science when we can identify consciousness as a quantum principle. If consciousness is a mechanical property, which is orderly in the sense that it selects for efficient preservation in a large sense and allows variation if variation serves a purpose, then sciences that are not biology/psychology can access intent and deliberation, and _choice,_ which seem to be characteristics of quantum states. It doesn't have to be competitive.; as someone else commented, the world is interdisciplinary; academics could easily be the same....
Consciousness is what God gave us, our soul. And to hear these people talk about how everything is ordered, but seemingly not believe in God, is just sad.
What I've gathered thus far from this discussion is that we have phenomena that interact in different ways to bring about an effect whether desired or not, explainable or not. Some factors that contribute to each interaction are temperature, magnetism, sound, color, time, and vibration to name a few physical events. The thing is for each biological organism is affected or interacts with each physical event in different ways. The example of the migrating geese got me thinking. Would geese raised in captivity and are released somewhere in the wild in another country would they return to the place they were rared during their migration period?
The eels do this for centuries are all travelling from anywhere in the world they go to New Caledonia to meet their mates and sporn...and die but all the eels born travel through ocean and over land back to their little pond, in the exact same place as their parent eel.....without ever ever meeting the parent alive. They die releasing the new eels....
Inner Pepe approves of your transphobic humor. Not out of any spite for the dysphoric, but rather just from the moral obligation to break the rules of the overly pious. Angels fly because they take themselves lightly.
Take note: At 52:00, the assertion is made that cellular biology, especially how DNA directs construction of its copy during mitosis, is "incredibly complex". This should answer my critics who say I'm overstating the facts when I refer to DNA as a 4D molecule. It functions like a computer program, or at least like a program controller within a cell.
My studies of molecular genetics I have also referred to DNA as being 4D, and I've been curious about how gene regulation factors are involved in metabolism of neurotransmitters that are correlated with the neurobiology of experts in meditation reaching what one may call "enlightenment". I have ideas on how to empirically test "psychic awareness" in quantum biological terms. Fascinating. Never stop asking questions and don't fear those questions others may consider "silly" or "nonsense".
The idea of other living things without your 4d molecules theory is an interesting thought 🤔 what happens if there are other molecules made of different biological structures and as developed as we are. If not more? Spliting dna or is that crossing boundaries?
@skubb Heave you’re quite the blithering idiot to be spreading so much negativity around to people who are interested in subjects you’re also interested in. Must you always be condescending? Or are you just unhappy with your life? Maybe try saying what your point is without the name calling... or ripping others down in general. Just a suggestion. I also agree magic is real but no need to be an arrogant ass about your view points. 🤷🏽♀️
@Ryan Rafter yes you are the only two like minded people on the planet. Lol I’m sure there are others Ryan, like myself, who also agree this is truth. Nano crystals are used in our phones. Yet the druids were exorcized for using crystal magic by the catholic and Christian monasteries. The war of religion was what “debunked” magic. It wasn’t debunked it was eradicated and “refined” using different measures. Alchemy was the first science and it was the study of magic. Point being, magic is like the Tao, It is intuitionally in every fiber of the universe.
@UCgYOSW8_aUYlEqn-gt_bpug I think this has to do with different people having different tolerances for the "I don't know" feeling. This can either open up infinite possibilities or just shut the door out of anxiety. Calling something magic or god is just a non scientific way of closing the door to exclude mental drafts.. the only right way would be to not include concepts and just be lost for a while. But people rather argue about how they choose to close the door.
I have experienced synchronosity in a very big way. When we think of something that we want to know the answer to and the intensity of these thoughts, send out waves or are already connected to identical thought waves, that when one wave changes, the other will know.
@@winoneton007 not always that focus, in my experience. fkow easy go with it. i passed a book store ,go in without goal. walk in look at science books. pick one up open it... omg i was wanting to know these details, gave up looking for what was on that page. 4 years waiting to wander in and open the page.
I love it when dudes with serious wrinkles in their brains break things down in a way that smooth brains like me can understand entirely. Quantum mechanics is such an exciting endeavor for humanity. When we talked about the things I wanted to see happen in my lifetime, this would've never been something I could've imagined. It's just so far out of the realm of our understanding but the day we understand what's going on underneath it all is going to be a massive achievement for us.
Consciousness does not come from brain tissue or ganglions. Our Brain just holds the firmware. You just have to have the courage to question what the entire world tells you you're not allowed to. In fact, I would say thats PRECISELY what you should be questioning. What makes you - YOU only uses your physical body to function in this particular type of space.
49:27 - I use to detect magnetic north when blindfolded, tested at locations I'd never been before, I'd make notes of local landmarks and looked them up on maps after getting home and was never wrong. Literally did this *literally* hundreds of times growing up, but stopped sometime as a teenager after learning the sun rises in the east and sets in the west; now after decades without trying I think the sense has atrophied away...
It's been a while since you wrote this.....I would like to encourage you to try and do your orientation thing again... Pick your gift/ability yo an practice....I have no idea what for, but I am convinced we should put the gifts we have been given to good use....... You never know when or how the using of your gift will mark a great difference in your life and that of those around you. Thank you, be blessed 💕
The gift would still there only subjugated by mind with sight of the sun. I bet if you have it a few goes again you would refine it back to its original sense. It is just similar to intuitive spatial awareness. Some have it more than others because when used it is concentrated and make for continued overlay of feedback patterns.
This is so interesting but I understood only about half but 25% in its entirety. Im sure this comment will get some teasing but would anyone consider taking the Audio & putting it to visual examples…. Yes im basically asking for a picture book. Then to top it off perhaps at the bottom,top, or side have a definition section for the words that are not really know to ppl with no degree in any of these fields. As it is I loved what I learned, but im saving the video doing a little homework and coming back to it.
or could it be the quantum entanglement interaction of a past life, like where you exist in a flea ridden environment and feel the little buggers presence in this existence?!
Wonder if there is any thought about modelling cosmos as an alive information system, or something like that; everything reduces to such abstract phenomena: energy interactions, waves, fields, vectors, magnitudes, systems working from axioms, discrete mathematics ruling logical associations, coupled discrete/continuous phenomena, recursive phenomena from micro to macro. "Matter" itself is a strange phenomenon as well.
you may be more to the point of the video than these "experts" were. i postulate that consciousness is the result of this "quantum biology" in the usual sense we die and rebirth each day, where does consciousness go when you sleep? it goes elsewhere and much like these sorts of quantum phenomena it seems to be intangible and subject to being changed by the observer.
111455 - where does consciousness go when you sleep? Mine stays with me... I have often had the experience of lucid dreaming (i.e. fully conscious while asleep and dreaming). And in response to your idea that consciousness is the result of biology, I suggest you consider it's the other way around, that biology is part of the illusion of physical reality and is a product of consciousness.
The scientist in grayish blue is insane, almost out of some cartoon show, and the way he laughs is hysterical. I enjoyed every bit, such content is a delight!!!
@32:48 what are your thoughts on genetic memory, as in the bird remembers their mother or father's reaching a certain stress level and triggering the migration memory in birds.
I know someone who can see these particles at certain stages of time...he has seen many of these things spoken about here and can describe with detail what the particles do (the problem is he doesn't know the names of them) for example...there is one type he has described to me that looks like an extremely fine translucent drizzle but travels at the speed of a pelting downpour of rain, always East towards West an approximate angle of 10° or away from the sun towards the ground (Southern Hemisphere) He says that they all look alike or the same even after the interaction that takes place anywhere between 200mm - 1500mm from the ground. What he says he's observed right in front of him (so close he can see clearly) is any time between the distance I've mentioned above approximately 25% of them (these Particles individually) will just completely stop in mid air then rapidly speed down & collide onto the top of another which has a electrical spark type reaction which causes the the one speeding down to arch off up and sideways creating a light blueish white trail that fades quickly, similar to like what you see from a which point it continues on traveling at the flow that they are visual change of appearence occurs to either of the two involved in this action...he says that this rapid collision happens within a maximum distance of 200mm but also that the collider either stops briefly if they are moving together or will wait for one suitable to pass then come down from above....always from above. He also says there are different types many different types which include some that look like the Aurora Australis when at a distance (fluresent green) against the backdrop of the night sky but when closer it/they are fluresent yellow & at interaction level they each strobe a brilliant whitish & they don't move like a mist or cloud, he says they appear & disappear up to you & when surrounded & within the warm calm but exciting atmosphere they create, time slows to half speed with again a swishing type faint white trail (that he could see coming off his fingers when dragging his hands through the air) also sound was replaced by the sound of being alike (he describes as) like being under water out in the deep ocean, the very deep ocean feeling was the sound he could hear...he said this happened on the 23/03/2020 after he in disbelief watched a Star implode (above him slightly North of his location)he said that everywhere was like a enormous camera flash for a millisecond & if you had blinked you would've thought your eyes were just playing up...there's more things for some reason he's able to do.. but he says it's not him its not like that but that I can't say here. I hope if nothing else you found reading this entertaining & just be assured I wouldn't go to the trouble of typing this up on my phone for a joke that's not mate is telling the truth he says it's definitely not good to make things up about this topic as hes seen thingsat play and so have many others around him. Thanks
So the big discovery of the century I've been hearing is that the tiny bits of reality are ordered uniformly and we're now able to kinda do that with 3D printing. But we don't have enough experience to figured out the best practices for how to order molecules during manufacturing. Similarly we don't know how to biomimic things on that level of detail.
I only have a ged and I'm into all these speakers and lectures I love to learn in my own way..when I was young I messed up my schooling if I could do it again I would but these videos given me things to think about and I love them..thank you for posting
...the numbers of likes and dislikes are fascinating...Quantum Mechanics...truly divisive...and in that aspect...quite contemporary 😐 and thank you kindly...much appreciated.
Based on the fact that quantum effects _are_ in fact harnessed by evolution, its not crazy to think that the unexplained mystery of how consciousness arises, and how the brain works generally is also based on quantum effects. It was also mentioned that the sense of smell could be based on quantum effects. This is why I and many philosophers think digital computers or AI can never be conscious. David Pearce has a very fascinating idea here.
"Clap if you are a biological entity."
Mark Zuckerberg: *Sweats nervously*
Mark Zuckerberg: pumps saline through perforations in outer layer.
Yes that wouldn't be biological sweat, right
I was a biological entity.....
I mean I am a biological entity!
Mark prefers "Artificial Person", he'll brb something went wrong while he was updating...................
The number of times I've heard "we don't know" and "partially understood" gives me hope for science.
I was thinking the same
It should! Honesty and humility is science. If they'd just made up some information to fill in the blanks then we'd all know that the earth is flat right?
I think they mean that they have no answer for some stuff, but merging this two fields open possibilities to research.
Here we are in 2020 being told to blindly follow the science, the experts. Its sickening how ignorant the aforementioned has become. Even worse when they knowingly omit or misrepresent ALL the data that has come before, and the scientific bodies across the globe keep their mouths shut from fear of their masters.
These masks, aren't an end all answer. Our approach should be reevaluated based on what we have learned from our early experiences, experience not hypotheticals and algorithms. It's not play time when human life and ways of life are under attack in the name of virus response.
This isnt our first rodeo with the unseen killers of nature, and definitely not our last.
@@kristjanmartin9883 do not fear the demons, do not fear the planetary constellations, do not fear any plagues. Connect with nature, learn on your own, meditate and find God which is within and out - everywhere.
The demons are probably the biggest threat at the moment. When you eat or do anything unhealthy or non enjoyable, you lower your vibration and it attracts the demons around.
When your vibration is lowered, the demons will make you lethargic, snap at people, put you in chronic pain, put your talents out of use, procastinate and not get anything done etc.
Too many portals being opened. The demons have learned a LOT about quantum physics and at the moment, they like to enjoy us humans like puppets and cause glitches in our reality.
i feel lucky to be able to watch this at the comfort of my home.
I completely agree with you. This knowledge is unreal.
I'm lucky if I can watch this through without falling asleep 😴💤
I feel lucky I can watch this from my cardboard box under a busy freeway without getting my phone stolen 😲
@@DoctaOsiris an attitude of gratitude
That goes a long way
@@DoctaOsiris and what makes your particular under bridge area so safe?
I just want to say that I absolutely love this. I'm both mind-blown, entertained and inspired. As a mere psych student I still feel like I understood a whole lot of it, and they even made some psych references. And the way they talked about children having an intuitive understanding of quantum stuff made me think of theory-theory and this quote: "It's not that children are little scientists - it's that scientists are big children."
or more like scientist/adults have turned their backs on their inner child and locked them away
I'd like to know how many of those who find Quantum research interesting are people who don't need a dayjob. My guess: 99%
Kids and scientists "huh tf is dis how it work"
well this is the first time in history children are growing up with access to the world's information at their fingertips.
LESS than 20 years ago, we didn't have apps, internet wasn't a standard household thing yet,
I was born in 1999. when I was 6/7/8 etc, I saw the birth of smart phones, the popularity rise of computers, games games games,
games are interesting in themselves. though it's not reality a lot of games use or try to use physics based on real life.
this is probably where children get such a high natural understanding of physics and such.
before we had access to the world's information there was a TON of mis information,
and most people 30+ are still very very misinformed about many things, I see examples of it....daily...sadly.
don't be offended if you are older and grew up before all this came to be. usually older people who are very open minded and love to learn don't have misinformation problems.
Same hereee🙋♀️ after reading and researching on Nikola Tesla, I’ve finally accepted myself more and more, since people fear/hate what they can’t understand, explains why it’s like that for people who aren’t ‘normal’ in society. Story of my life 🤷♀️
The more I hear “I don’t know,” and “I don’t have all the answers,” from people, the more I trust what they do tell me.
We don’t know where we’ll end up, or whether we’re even asking the most helpful questions, but I know the path forward has to involve as many varied minds in the process as possible, like scientists from very different fields looking at how their disciplines converge and create outcomes together.
The video also reminds me that the most successful processes in life, biologically speaking, as in human organizational structures, are not found by pursuing one path dogmatically, but by experimenting down multiple paths until you find the one that gives you even the slightest advantage as an entire species. That slight advantage can make the difference between life and death, even if it’s only realized thousands of generations from now, but only if we keep our focus and minds open wide.
And in the end, the different species will genocide their own..and on other species during that process!!!
👏👏👏 Well said!
You're wrong. The path forward has to involve as many black, red, purple, yellow, brown, female, demisexual, pansexual, bisexual, & other ppl as possible, regardless of their knowledge, ability, or qualifications. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@dp0813 ?!?!?!
@@heartmd8943 it was a joke. Im making fun of dumbass liberal morons that only care about what race or gender people are and not what they can do
I learnt so much on RUclips over the years it's like I did a whole college degree
And a college degree earned from any college today means you wasted your money. So at least you didnt pay to get brainwashed like real college students. Americas education system isnt teaching knowledge it only teaches how to parrot propaganda and made up non sense. The CIA's the great american experiment has a goal and it will be completed when everything the American public believes to be true is in fact a lie.
You made a better experience of YT
Agree, however it does not teach you how to spell, comments + even closed captioning is Full of errors, I have to ask google and use a spellchecker as well.
Grammar is even harder, just hope you recall your grade school days
College may not grant you a profession of your expectations, HOWEVER, it's not just an "education". It's about your classmates, roommates, seated inside a AC auditorium enjoying the live sound of a professor's chalkboard.
It's a "moment & time" no money can buy.
That said, I personally don't regret attending a college of that sort. RUclips is like giving you the insights on a destination, but to ACTUALLY TRAVEL, is a whole other experience of it's own.
@@osiris_blanche in America college doesn't educate you and that's suppose to be the point of college. Yes the experience is suppose to be a big part of it. But these days college is more of a indoctrination system than an education system. The whole American system in general is a joke to keep the sheeple blind to the truth. George Carlin said it best. He knew what was really going on in America, its sad 99% of Americans still believe they are free. Your not free its it's an illusion
2:30 Am time for sleep
RUclips: Quantum Biology
Ear buds in .. Check . pillows situation as good as can be.. Check .. 💤
Run into it 2:21AM...close enough
how the hell did someone watch this video at the same insane time as I did - just 3 days earlier. Quantum mechanics confirmed.
anyone else waaaaaayyyy too high for this
I just started enjoying watching this with closed captioning but 20 minutes in, it stopped working. I hope this can be fixed so I can watch the whole segment. Absolutely loved what was mentioned already so far. Thank you all for putting this together!
I’m a simple man. I see Quantum, I click!
Quantum chemistry reminds me of Karma and I need more proof by watching these videos
What about “Quantum Leap”? I liked the episode where Al rapped to Sam when he leaped into the mind of a mental patient!
The episode where there was going to be a fire and Al started warning the kids and they were trying to get help I thought kind of crossed the boundaries of the “science-fiction genre” into the “fantasy” genre. “Only small children and animals are the only people able to see Al, besides Sam Beckett.” Like, wtf, so Al’s like Santa Claus now?? (God, I miss that show! :) )
You should try forming a superposition of clicking and not clicking
You'll love the dishwasher tablets then
I really do appreciate the WSF putting these talks on RUclips. Thank you.
Why again did it have to be blue green chromaphores for birds? Why not just UV that we know about, dont see, birds might, and we know UVs blast right through cells rather then have their energy get absorbed? Am i missing something?
What a way, it's amazing how the moderator handle it. Sensible, respectful and very sophisticated interruptions with a fantastic sense of humor.
"One person's noise may be another person's signal" ... that's a good one.
The cosmic microwave background is another example.
that was a reeeeally good one !!! hell yeah
@Harry Fisher hhhhh&hh&&&&hhhhhhh
Took me a second to understand the statement
@Harry Fisher h fbbj b. T b b ggbb
Why is there even a question that biological process is a separate phenomenon. Quantum mechanics should be thought of as status quo in the creation process of anything. We have to shed our lego-style/rational thinking. How we define biology must change. Biology/chemistry/ physics all one entity.
I understand physics very well (for real), and quantum physics well enough (more or less).
I understand biology's place and function within the physical sciences, though I've never chosen to study it.
What I don't understand is this lecturer's assertion that quantum biology is a thing separate from non-quantum biology. They're "both" based on the same physics and same physical principles. Quantum properties are part of those principles. It seems to me he's just putting "quantum" in front of "biology" to promote biology into something more sophisticated than it really is (or really needs to be). And it seems to me that he doesn't properly understand what "quantum" actually means in any rigorous scientific context anyhow. The quantum effects he describes are already well known to physics and chemistry, regardless how much complexity the biological systems might construct from them.
I don't use quantum mechanics or special relativity on a daily basis. Usually it's Newtonian physics and rarely some basic chemistry. Admittedly I am wrong, but my results are close enough to be used. I can see some things in biology that require a deep dive into quantum mechanics, photosynthesis is a great example, but I will wait for someone to find a biological process that requires entangled particles to work. When does biology require quantum weirdness to work. I'm glad my doctor doesn't have to calculate electron spins in her diagnosis. (Yet). Sorry if I am not too clear, but I do see an admittedly fuzzy dividing line.
I think its just about how in depth you want to explain things. I can say a ball rolls down a hill because of gravity and I wouldn't need quantum mechanics to tell you the position or the velocity of the ball. It's just about what and how deeply you want to understand about a specific phenomena
@@kiley1672 I agree. But our scientific mindset is still very much Newtonian, i.e. the 'universe is a machine' instead of an energy soup.
@@iart2838 Yeah it would be nice if we needed to have a intuition about qm to find out which berries were poison and which had nutritional value lol.
I studied animal development as part of my biology degree and an important part of early development was the establishment of various axes(anteroposterior, dorsoventral, proximal-distal and bilateral axis). These are established via chemical gradients and help individual cells navigate during development so they always know where they are. I could easily imagine that this developmental mechanism could be used in relation to migrating birds as an evolutionary adaptation.
now that makes a lot of common sense
Wouldnt that guide the cells inside the organism rather than the whole organism through the globe?
I dont see how a chemical gradient differential could guide an animal through a magnetical field
When you find a science panel with that kind of audio quality you know it's going to be good.
LOL. I believe they did it on purpose to make your point. Now, that's really funny!
This is amazing and really interesting. I got so lost because I have insufficient scientific education to follow this completely but it is fascinating to me and I really enjoyed this video. I have saved it and will play it over and over again to try and understand it. I love the humor and the very clear way they are trying to explain this to the layman. It is wonderful that they have this on youtube so we can all explore this amazing subject.
Can you imagine scientists being this open, sharing and enthusiastic when it comes to c19, climate and nine-eleven?
@@mattematsson554 kinda like they have been..?
@@kebab8660 ever heard of building 7? Well, you won't hear about it from the officials.
thats one of the most motivated and individually asked question, still its so sad to hear it, as not all humans should have the same well´s to learn from or even being able to educate themselves. good luck!
@@noahjones8616 that's the one that comes after building 6 right?
There is far more into quantum biology than the basic biological processes. I think everybody have experienced the situation multiple times when you think about someone and that person calls you right away. This is not random, our brains can establish entanglement without us even knowing it. Every person can tell when he is being stared at, the same situation here. You and your friend keep saying the same sentences in the very exact moment? Incredible timing! Your brains have been entangled and reacted to their perception of reality in the same way. There are hundreds of examples in our everyday life.
Deep meditation and general mindfulness can help us get closer to understanding all of this. Observe how your thoughts appear as a reaction to what happens outside. Yes, a lot of them just appear out of nowhere. Pay attention to subtle feelings that tell you things. They are not random, your whole body is connected to The everything and it knows much better than your conscious mind. We are all quantum entities and the science made us think that we are just flesh and bones.
Agree 100%. Or you have the same dream on the same night. This is incredibly complicated. They say there are only seven degrees of separation. Seems likely.I get on the Bus and see a couple get off and then the same couple get off at my stop 4 hours later. How? Why?...Lol
Stop saying things as if it’s 100% proven to be the way they work. There’s likely a lot of quantum aspects of all of the things you mentioned, but stating that as the truth is dangerous and ignorant
@@Eyesofthebeholder214 that’s called deja vu and is not at all related to quantum mechanics
@@HCG Actually it is. Quantum entanglement occurs when two systems share a common quantum mechanical state. Such systems also share a common fate, even if they become physically quite separated. The results of a measurement performed on one will determine the results of future measurements on the second.
@@HCG I was referring to the comment made by Jack. Read my comment. I was agreeing with his theory.
I feel like you can pretty much mix any other subject with biology and it is intriguing. Because without biology how could we think about it....think about it
Simulation bro
Interesting video. The one thing I didn't hear brought up is the biological quantum relationship with memory. If everything we have ever observed, no matter how, smell, visual, hear, or touch, means we have become quantumly entangled, then it would, at least, help explain how the birds use these other tools. Memory is the most important. Everything biological has memory. Even photosynthesis could not occur without this relationship. I am kind of an enthusiast in autism, and the "spectrum". There isn't room here to discuss all this. These are just my thoughts. Loved the video.
I'm really impressed by the simplistic way such a complex subject is explaied to a layman. I want to really keep receiving all such presentations in future
Yeah. It is beautiful to realise that anyone can have their ideas on how life might actually work. How it's born, dies, rebuild itself. No mather how complex each detailed observation and answers might be, it all comes back to a few basic rules life has to follow.
As a whole things are quiet simple. Such beauty. Crazy to think about that the sweet spot of complexety lies at a certain temperature and wet level. And that that is why we can think about such questions. The world outside our wet and warm spec of excistence must be teeming with creatures wondering very much the same things as we do. I truly believe that.
It's amazing that the One who set the rules in place allowed us to discover them.
We should honour him for that.
Unfortunately, many do not.
That`s what the subscribe button is for ;)
@@ForcesNL "quiet simple" eh?
if human minds can understand it its not that complex....
It's really weird that the actual significant subjects are being suggested at late hours when the body is kind of tired but the mind is ready to go beyond infinitely... Must come back. Blessed be our sense of wonder and willingness (and ability) to understand things.
👍in my case. It's was while I was dozing off at I'm back...for where I fell asleep.😃
I too was dozing off while listening to a carton of George Carlin 6am for my bedtime 😝
Loving this, love how different fields of science tie in together to allow a bigger picture.
In science just remember: NOBODY KNOWS ANYTHING FOR SURE proving something yourself is the BEST START for any young scientist. Don't let them bully you into accepting their rubbish - if it sounds at all fishy CARRY OUT YOUR OWN RESEARCH
Love watching these brilliant people close in on the creator, ever resistant to the idea.
@@homerscornbread and I love your solid delusions
merely stating that "the sphinx exists" doesn't amount to solving its many riddles
"One person's noise may be another person's signal" ... that's a good one.
At the core of this investigation is the intriguing concept of coherence, where particles influence one another through overlapping probabilities. In plants, coherence enhances energy transfer in chlorophyll, enabling precise sunlight capture an essential aspect of our ecosystem. Quantum effects extend beyond plants; migratory birds use quantum entanglement for navigation. Specialized proteins in their eyes may exploit quantum phenomena to sense the geomagnetic field, illustrating life's intricate adaptations that embrace quantum mechanics. Zooming into the microscopic realm, quantum tunneling plays a pivotal role in enzyme catalysis, allowing particles to surpass energy barriers and highlighting the significance of quantum behavior in biological processes. The implications of quantum biology reach beyond academia. Recognizing the quantum basis of life's mechanisms can lead to innovations in medicine and renewable energy, revealing a connection between nature and the quantum world that challenges our understanding of life. In conclusion, studying Quantum Biology encourages us to explore the interplay between the macro and micro levels of existence. This relationship emphasizes the complexity and beauty of life on Earth, inviting us to reconsider reality and our place in it.
Been reading some Ancient Greek
Philosophy and the Stoics had a beautiful arguement for the existence of atoms based on our sense of smell.They argued that since we can smell different perfumes from different flowers that these perfumes must consist of invisible yet solid particles impacting our noses.A beautiful arguement for the existence of atoms wouldn't you say.
That dank and that opium.
I love it when scientists say, "I don't know ". Not knowing , makes my curiosity peak! I want to know as little as them.
Hello. Just here to say that it's "pique" not "peak." They are two different words, and it's a common mistake.
Meems the evolution of biologically generatef data !! Ideas come from heads and some will win others will loose
Meems the evolution of biologically generatef data !! Ideas come from heads and some will win others will loose
Nature is keeping herself fit .The slow zebra is not doing the lion any favors. The quantom field is a steven spielberg or many little copolas.entropy is not a human issue !! To be chased is the only reason to run.Use it or use it roarr back monkeys .. lets be uncivilised
For me it's more about avoiding theory rescue divices
Currently I’m in Grade 11 Biology in High School. I’ve always felt that my thinking processing was beyond the average teenager my age. I find it hard to be engaged in my class because I know there is more information we’re not covering than we are. I’ve found Quantum Biology though, exactly what I was searching for... the deepest explanations of the natural world and life.
Stay inspired brother. There's endless amounts of knowledge out there. It won't end at quantum !
Sentiments of a young Giordano Bruno
Unless you can ace all of your tests, pay more attention in class. Your suspicions, musings & freshman dream theorems may be correct but without a strong basic foundation, you won't know why. You will have only been a lucky guesser, not a person of actual understanding.
Son, gather as much information as you possibly can that way you can later form your own informed opinion. If we are very lucky the government might let the general public in on the secrets they harbor so well , the future is wide open for those who know the entire truth.
you are awesome. Learning is fun. Your seeking out information in these venues is wonderful.
This was a phenomenally moderated session. Serious kudos to John.
Its like I watched a comedy central standup routine and a PBS special rolled into one production. Loved it.
Fantastic !
SkvjbdbsmsnskfndbsMUCH BETTER THAN YOU
He is such an intelligent with regard to so many field of study, , funny, entertaining, and skillful moderator.
My goodness, “smart” people truly are stupid…🤔
Sadly…The Upper 90-95% are the the upper 96%+ (99.7+=ME) Have to deal with your bizarre Marxist , pseudo intellectual ideologies…
Remember this..
NOBODY Lives with ALS for more than 7 years.(2-5 is average)..
57years is just stupid. Steven Hawki….🥳😅🤣😂🤦🏻♂️
There is no such thing as a “cool nerd”..👍
And, The Left is a Societal Cancer..❕❕❕❕
This is the most metaphysical scientific conversation ive ever heard
Shout out to the person who subtitled this just thank you so much
Thanked too soon it ends at 20'
1:08:10 you don't need "tunneling" if you have resonance. Resonance doesn't need the transfer of a "particle". It's just a wave which causes another wave to vibrate sympathetically. You probably need the concept of the "aether" for that vibration to propagate, though.
been looking into this from a very early age i have aspbergers and adhd, so notice patterns in most things i see in the natural world and man made world,in a natural way.
Interesting. Do you hear noises in nature that nobody else hears?
@@g-unit67 I have adhd and I think I do what kinda of noise?
@@Otmduk Well for example there are noises like deep roars, metal clanking, and, high pitched chirping. I will send you some on messenger if you like?
same I have autism
try lsd........will see frequency of light normally not seen 5038970420
I watched a video with Dr Tyson who remarked how often the word "Quantum" gets misused or abused, listening to this video I have a much better appreciation for what he said. :D
Every time consciousness comes to the fore, "let's not go there". Then, everybody gets puzzled because no one is able to get anywhere. Fascinating.
The reason for that is because people have tried FOR EVER to understand how a couple pounds of fat and jelly can power a body using less electricity than it takes to light a light bulb. How that same few pounds of fat thinks about abstract concepts, how it has fears and thoughts and loves and wants and everything. They literally have no idea why human beings HAVE consciousness. So it's less of "let's not go there" and much more of "we tried going there, have literally no idea and no idea how to start figuring it out, so don't waste your time"
It's so beautiful how the universe is so mysterious to us! And it doesn't have to be predictable or fully understood because that's the fundamental nature of chaos, and chaos is what led to life.
Entropy’s fault, like always
God created life!
When has chaos created anything good or anything chaos is destruction like a bomb
*Actually, the laws that govern nature and Physics are predictable. The only reason they're not predictable is when you discover a new group of law that govern a new group of constructs that you dont fully understand. Once you fully understand it then you find they are also predictable. Nature and Chaos are at odds with each other. Chaos did not create life. In fact, Chaos is why you have Entropy. Chaos created death.*
@@Futbolclassics *Theres a lot of confusion about what Chaos is. The Concept of Chaos can be found across ancient Cosmologies. When things get twisted over time and then they get dumbed down to a bumper sticker like 'Order from Chaos' I think people view it as thematic and never question it. Its the MEME culture. Just like people think balance is when Chaos and Peace are at perfect equilibrium and that isn't at all true. For their to be perfect equilibrium Chaos must be destroyed.*
I just realized that the stages background is an abstraction of quantum tunneling in chlorophyll. It's green and the divider is curved in an abstract wave-and the clincher is that the wave jumps across a gap. Above that gap, there's a hanging in the shape of a wave! Clever!
Is nobody going to talk about how charming that intro was?
This guy should be an intellectual comedian... Oops, he already is. Amazing, thru the eyes of a babe.
Right!?! I got 6:35 minutes in and couldnt wait to hit the like button for the great intro alone. I laughed, I'm curious (even though this topic isn't new to me), and mentally primed to focus excitingly. It was punchy but not political, opinionated yet seemingly still sounding unbiased. Can't wait to hear how he delivers the rest of the information. 😃
I'd love to HEAR this lecture, but the audio was messed up, like trying to hear someone underwater. I'll save it and wait.
Intro for 3 men made me think of The Dating Game
All the way through this guy was great. X.
Great conversation overall. Wondering.. birds, as well as humans, have magnatite in their beaks/noses that detect the magnetic field and help them navigate. Why is this not part of the discussion?
Because at this point we can conclude that science is a religion and not set in stone and the things people know as a individual are limited. Basically science is just starting to grasp what we have known for 10 thousands of years but they try to rationalize it and smell their on farts. Which is not possible because the absolute reality of existence is not rational.
"All you need to do to do biology is copy information." That one hurt
Was asleep with earbuds on and this came on randomly. Had a dream that I was at a quantum physics festival in Switzerland operating an ear-piercing booth. I used quantum tunneling to get bird feathers painlessly through ear lobes using some sort of energy frequency stabilizer to equalize the two different biological structures. Woke up to this! Lol😂 i had been listening to this for an hour and 20 minutes and knew nothing of quantum physics or biology prior to this video subliminally entering my conscience.😂😂😂😂
Plot twist: Plants are Quantum Computers
Love it 😆
infact they are quantum machines , human brains are quantum computers (Q-B-Coms) , engineered quantum computers infact are '' just ''extentions of Q-B-Coms ....
Doesn't include Apple lol
I want to eat very healthy rt now and go relax on the beach. There are clearly some benefits in consuming light energy and live foods that are not being explored thoroughly. I love science!!!!! There is hope yet!!
So are we..
The fact that I had these theories when I was 12, 15 years ago, proves to me that not only was I on the right path, but this must mean millions of people already independently came up with the core principles of that concept long ago as well.
Thanks for sharing this. This is the exact thing that keeps me going in life. The fact that this is a shared human experience and it comes from deep inside our innermost thoughts is amazing. I think you could say it’s almost intuitive for intelligent beings to independently do this and enjoy the process. And if that’s true that makes me happy like nothing else for some reason.
separation is an illusion we are all one 💗
the audio seem so low that I have to rev up my volume all the way. captions are also not there in all the length of the video
I thought it was just me! I've got to stop it till I find my Bluetooth speaker. Weird.
"do you put quantum in front of everything"-ant man
See coconut tree for quantum tree
People who considered quantitative analyst but ended up not: Quant-um no
quantum is just synonymous with i don't know
Three hundreds years after scientists debunk magic, "quantum mechanics is weird and magical"
QuAntom Man
I am very thankful for this presentation, I was afraid I was the only one that was pondering these ideas specifically concerning microbiology. Specifically the ability of bacterium changing their polarity quickly through chemical absorption of charged ions that are easily available through their outer cell wall causing that microbe to move, in a since, chemically. That would explain the speed of its movement as if turning on and off a light. In effect, just by changing of polarity of a biome would move it through time and space while leaving it's structure idle, at its point of origin, but alter the quality of a distant biome into the parent's original quality. In this accomplishing the quantum speeds. Said energy in itself could then be transferred into movement, pressure fluctuation to force fluid movement or constriction, as well as color change. We see this in octopus or the movement of photophilic plant cells. Great discussion.
"in a sense" one of these smart talkers who missed proof reading skills.
@@curtcoller3632 take a dose of lachesis mutus 200c and it may relieve you of snippyness and venom for a few years. Do you dislike necklaces and people touching or reaching for your neck?
I don't think I can never say the word 'coherence' again without moving my arms like an epileptic octopus after this video.
At 17:00 and 54:30 both Roger Penrose and Consciousness were mentioned with a "lets not go there". I would love to see thees folks addressing that ideas.
...without his spiritual woo woo dog Hamerhoff....yes it would be interesting.
Nickolas Gaspar militant atheism hinders progress into areas that clearly have far more anecdotal evidence than many theories with widespread consensus today.
Many of the things Hameroff describe are completely probable within the quantum framework that is being discovered currently. If it turns out to be the consensus it twenty years it won’t be considered “spiritual” it will just be reality, and the militant atheists like you and shermer who live and feed off of rampant arrogance and psychopathy will be left on the fringe looking like the flat earthers
"militant atheism"? ? ? What is the meaning of that qualifier??? And what atheism has to do with this pseudo scientific conclusions?
The problem with Hameroff's "descriptions" is that they are not compatible with the observable biological systems and auxiliary principles of science. He is projecting mind properties in addition to nature and that is unscientific. Even Penrose has expressed his disagreement on Hameroff's far fetched "descriptions".
-"If it turns out to be the consensus it twenty years it won’t be considered “spiritual” it will just be reality, and the militant atheists like you.... "
- With philosophical iffs we dont describe reality. We describe a wishful model of an unobservable world.. In 20 years...his claims will be 40 years old. His magical explanation is just that....he tries to solve a mystery by appealing to a bigger mystery.
Againt ....why are you inserting this nonsensical qualifier Douglas? And what does atheism or theism has to do with Hameroff's stories?
The only connection with a religious doctrine that I see in Hameroff's ideas is that his conclusions are identical with Scientology's central doctrine.
From logic's point, the arrogant and psychopathic dude is Hameroff . He is making knowledge claims that he can not falsify or even test it.
Nickolas Gaspar literally don’t even know where to start with you giant word salad of bullshit...
You may not have heard about new discoveries, but it's been shown that quantum states affect neurotubules. So, let's keep away from Shermer-type paid pseudo-skepticism bullshit. Just have an open mind. Stop ostracizing things you don't fully understand. P.S I am some non-spiritual/religious dude.
I'm so glad James Woods is the presenter. Perfect comedic taste performaned here.
Does anyone else fall asleep to this kind of stuff hoping that you somehow understand it when you wake up? Like positive affirmations but instead it's shit you don't understand. Or is it just me?
Sure.... Dude... You did watch it but you know what it was about and you know you know it even though you didn't re-watch it to confirm what it was that you didn't watch. I think you are looking for that "too high" comment.
Actually there was an experiment to see if we can learn if we play stuff like this while we sleep, and it turns out we can’t :(((
anyone else waaaaaayyyy too high for this
@@_alarmclock but... isn't the subconscious listening even though the conscious us is asleep?
@@ionescualice2842 Sound effects us in various ways whether awake or asleep, but to what degree we can learn various information while sleeping is another story.
Anyone notice how these(intelligent)individuals would defer to one another even though they knew about the subject being talked about?
I only wish society could talk to eachouther with the level of civility, respect, humor.. not to mention knowledge; that was presented in this video.
I am SO grateful that someone else finally said “we assume natures goal is to be efficient but we don’t actually know that”
honestly, all fields of science should converge. People are so specialized that the need an idealist that can bring them all together to really achieve true understanding and advancements. its is great and hilarious! loved it.
This is completely devoid of understanding science. Sciences are abstractions of reality and benefit greatly by being that. Imagine having to learn quantum mechanics to learn biology. I think what you mean to say is that different scientists from different fields should work together. Well guess what george, they do!
@@Rockyzach88 comment of the month right there, that was really well put.
@@Rockyzach88 It's true that scientists from different fields work together however, for example it's better to have physicists that have a good understanding of biology work with mechanical engineers that have a good understanding of quantum mechanics to create/discover something than just having a physicist, a biologist and a mechanical engineer who don't know much about each others fields working together. It is rare find a scientist or a professional that is very competent in two fields at once. It's not because it's difficult to do but because the current academic culture has a bias towards specializing in one thing only and becoming a professional in that one thing only.
Amazing work from the moderator
He’s kind of a geek! Oh wait… yea he’s cool. 😎
Great job by the moderator. Not only the great wit, but he really helped tie-in, explain, and segue a not-so-easy subject matter. Well done, and thank you.
It seems to me that as the sun's aspect to Earth changes due to the Earth's orbit, the energy or something about the photon may be changed prior to the photon striking the leaf, thus changing whether the process of photosynthesis is transferring more or less from point A to point B.
The aspect difference may be due to how much of the Earth's atmosphere the photon needs to travel through before it encounters the leaf, thus determining whether the tree's leaf production is growing, as in Spring, or causing the leaf production to diminish, change colors, and fall off, as in Fall.
Reading LIFE ON THE EDGE twice has helped me greatly in being able to transcend classical thought in this area.
That was not the goal of that book and I don't know if it is necessary to even question the classical thought. QM explanations are based on weird interpretations when we have far more intuitive and naturalistic!
Stone burner are you there
Awwww, how much greater would this panel have been if Jim Al-Khalili was here? Really elegant speaker on this topic
Duuuude him and Brian Cox and you read my mind
I find this guy a little dry. Are there any videos by the guy you mentioned?
Yah totally
Life to a physicist looks like magic. Love it
Cartoon Network
I understand the need to isolate what you are studying, but that is not how it occurs in nature, so we miss many things in such a study. Just as we isolate vitamins and put them into pills, but what makes them actually work is everything else that is in the food from where it came. we may learn something by isolating, but then we must study the connections with everything else, and that goes on to include everything in the world, especially since what you are studying in the first place has no "real" spacial coordinates at any particular time and is entangled with literally everything else. Since we cannot possibly study everything at once, we must include at least the quantum SYSYEM in a plant, or bird, for example. Thank you for this. Each time I watch it, I gain more understanding of this beautiful topic. I LOVE The World Science Festival!
I love to watch this, from the stage of not knowing things until the end stage that where I realize i know nothing. 😐
I only have a ged and I'm into all these speakers and lectures I love to learn in my own way..when I was young I messed up my schooling if I could do it again I would but these videos given me things to think about and I love them..thank you for posting
Rock on, man!
college diplomas must not define your intellect! some of our greatest have relied on their own intuitive "common sense"
this entire talk is an absolute delight
I wonder how much more has been discovered for the passed X years, since the upload of this video.
@@mindoknows8924 that’s not true tho is it...
@Infinite Wisdom "they"?
Nothing has changed, including the promises that they're sure this will all be figured out in a couple years, always a couple years away especially anything to do with abiogenesis, people have been parroting "we'll figure it out in a couple yeas surely!" since Darwins time, only to discover they knew even less than they thought a few years later.
I Love this. The Bird sensing the magnetic field reminds me of the artic snow fox hunting mice and being able to catch mice easier when facing north; because of the magnetic fields.
Truly phenomenal
Exciting times. Different fields of science intertwining. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Incredibly well-moderated. He added so much to the discussion.
I was watching a documentary,fell asleep and woke up to this video.Well thank you youtube.👏🏽
What documentary were you watching?
Every time one of these guys makes a "joke" and then laughs at his own cleverness ... a quiet sense of creeping desperation scrapes my soul.
That’s right, make fun of the crippled guy
@@GuitarUniverse2013 You should. Just because he can't walk doesn't mean you should treat him any differently.
@@GuitarUniverse2013 the cripple guy is such an arrogant tool that he kind of begs it.
This was 6 years ago?!? Are there any updates on any of these topics? String theory and quantum mechanics are my favorite science topics and I feel like a see a convergence (ha) of these coming 🤔
Empathy is kind of like tunneling. We get the same feeling as someone else, without exchanging the actual substances (sometimes without the use of scent).
I don't know what the sent part ment but but yes. Ok.
I have no sense of smell, lost around age of 14. No idea how and I am extremely empathetic
@@balpsalmkomet4678 I think he’s referring to like pheromones and how they affect people so without smelling your brain wouldn’t process such pheromones so how does the empathy occur
Yes, agreed, also, what about the placebo effect? Taking a sugar pill and it working.
6:32 starts here (skip lengthy intro with overly theatrical rhetoric)
found your comment at 6 🤣
Two things:
(*I am not a scientist, and I may use terms that are incorrect in the light of your particular concentration. If you know what I'm getting at, please leave the semantics to one side....)
He didn't actually say, but I presume that (Paul? ponytail man) is saying that the exciton is appearing in different locations "on the way to" the action center, and he didn't explain that as a function of entanglement; but it seems to me that entanglement is a perfect way to get from A to B without energy loss: if the exciton vibrates in all its entangled molecules at once, then all it has to do is resolve into the one that has the potential for action, and that could be near instantaneous....
And, consciousness: the elephant in the room.
I think we'll be at a starting point in science when we can identify consciousness as a quantum principle. If consciousness is a mechanical property, which is orderly in the sense that it selects for efficient preservation in a large sense and allows variation if variation serves a purpose, then sciences that are not biology/psychology can access intent and deliberation, and _choice,_ which seem to be characteristics of quantum states. It doesn't have to be competitive.; as someone else commented, the world is interdisciplinary; academics could easily be the same....
Consciousness is what God gave us, our soul.
And to hear these people talk about how everything is ordered, but seemingly not believe in God, is just sad.
What I've gathered thus far from this discussion is that we have phenomena that interact in different ways to bring about an effect whether desired or not, explainable or not. Some factors that contribute to each interaction are temperature, magnetism, sound, color, time, and vibration to name a few physical events. The thing is for each biological organism is affected or interacts with each physical event in different ways. The example of the migrating geese got me thinking. Would geese raised in captivity and are released somewhere in the wild in another country would they return to the place they were rared during their migration period?
The eels do this for centuries are all travelling from anywhere in the world they go to New Caledonia to meet their mates and sporn...and die but all the eels born travel through ocean and over land back to their little pond, in the exact same place as their parent eel.....without ever ever meeting the parent alive. They die releasing the new eels....
Looks for Tom campbell part 1/6 then onto the next 💚
Thank you so much for this video. Very helpful for a biology teacher like me.
I told my dad I couldn't believe I'd failed my biology exam.
He said , I'm your mum.
Inner Pepe approves of your transphobic humor. Not out of any spite for the dysphoric, but rather just from the moral obligation to break the rules of the overly pious.
Angels fly because they take themselves lightly.
That's anatomy dude...🤦♂️🤣
... according to who?
I love that guys laugh. You all know which guy I'm talking about.
It's fukn annoying
His laugh made me laugh every time. I imagine it's what Napoleon Dynamite's laugh would sound like.
I love you too
Take note: At 52:00, the assertion is made that cellular biology, especially how DNA directs construction of its copy during mitosis, is "incredibly complex". This should answer my critics who say I'm overstating the facts when I refer to DNA as a 4D molecule. It functions like a computer program, or at least like a program controller within a cell.
My studies of molecular genetics I have also referred to DNA as being 4D, and I've been curious about how gene regulation factors are involved in metabolism of neurotransmitters that are correlated with the neurobiology of experts in meditation reaching what one may call "enlightenment". I have ideas on how to empirically test "psychic awareness" in quantum biological terms. Fascinating. Never stop asking questions and don't fear those questions others may consider "silly" or "nonsense".
The idea of other living things without your 4d molecules theory is an interesting thought 🤔 what happens if there are other molecules made of different biological structures and as developed as we are. If not more? Spliting dna or is that crossing boundaries?
Three hundreds years after scientists debunk magic, "quantum mechanics is weird and magical"
Yes, I enjoyed hearing that too...I think he's a druid. :)
Magic is just another name for what science has not explained yet.
@skubb Heave you’re quite the blithering idiot to be spreading so much negativity around to people who are interested in subjects you’re also interested in. Must you always be condescending? Or are you just unhappy with your life? Maybe try saying what your point is without the name calling... or ripping others down in general. Just a suggestion.
I also agree magic is real but no need to be an arrogant ass about your view points. 🤷🏽♀️
@Ryan Rafter yes you are the only two like minded people on the planet. Lol
I’m sure there are others Ryan, like myself, who also agree this is truth. Nano crystals are used in our phones. Yet the druids were exorcized for using crystal magic by the catholic and Christian monasteries. The war of religion was what “debunked” magic. It wasn’t debunked it was eradicated and “refined” using different measures. Alchemy was the first science and it was the study of magic. Point being, magic is like the Tao, It is intuitionally in every fiber of the universe.
@UCgYOSW8_aUYlEqn-gt_bpug I think this has to do with different people having different tolerances for the "I don't know" feeling. This can either open up infinite possibilities or just shut the door out of anxiety. Calling something magic or god is just a non scientific way of closing the door to exclude mental drafts.. the only right way would be to not include concepts and just be lost for a while. But people rather argue about how they choose to close the door.
At 26.00mins Entanglement sounds a lot like 'Synchronicity" as explained by C.G. Jung.... love it
I have experienced synchronosity in a very big way. When we think of something that we want to know the answer to and the intensity of these thoughts, send out waves or are already connected to identical thought waves, that when one wave changes, the other will know.
@@winoneton007 not always that focus, in my experience. fkow easy go with it. i passed a book store ,go in without goal. walk in look at science books. pick one up open it... omg i was wanting to know these details, gave up looking for what was on that page. 4 years waiting to wander in and open the page.
Is there any correlations Between Quantum Physics and live match prediction before telecast?
Phenomenally skilled and user-friendly application of quantum physics to biological wonders such as photosynthesis!
I love it when dudes with serious wrinkles in their brains break things down in a way that smooth brains like me can understand entirely. Quantum mechanics is such an exciting endeavor for humanity. When we talked about the things I wanted to see happen in my lifetime, this would've never been something I could've imagined. It's just so far out of the realm of our understanding but the day we understand what's going on underneath it all is going to be a massive achievement for us.
Don't be so hard on yourself, son! 🤗
Consciousness does not come from brain tissue or ganglions. Our Brain just holds the firmware. You just have to have the courage to question what the entire world tells you you're not allowed to. In fact, I would say thats PRECISELY what you should be questioning. What makes you - YOU only uses your physical body to function in this particular type of space.
Smooth brains are better more aerodynamic
@@evanrutherfordlazyahole9079 when you throw it?
@@thetruthchannel349 it does, try being conscious whilst being braindead
49:27 - I use to detect magnetic north when blindfolded, tested at locations I'd never been before, I'd make notes of local landmarks and looked them up on maps after getting home and was never wrong. Literally did this *literally* hundreds of times growing up, but stopped sometime as a teenager after learning the sun rises in the east and sets in the west; now after decades without trying I think the sense has atrophied away...
It's been a while since you wrote this.....I would like to encourage you to try and do your orientation thing again... Pick your gift/ability yo an practice....I have no idea what for, but I am convinced we should put the gifts we have been given to good use....... You never know when or how the using of your gift will mark a great difference in your life and that of those around you. Thank you, be blessed 💕
you would be a land navigation god. I could've used those skills at SFAS lmfao
Zyme the migration of birds do it why couldn't a human
@@anaquintero4400 Keep your pathetic new age vibrations in your mind.
The gift would still there only subjugated by mind with sight of the sun. I bet if you have it a few goes again you would refine it back to its original sense. It is just similar to intuitive spatial awareness. Some have it more than others because when used it is concentrated and make for continued overlay of feedback patterns.
This is so interesting but I understood only about half but 25% in its entirety. Im sure this comment will get some teasing but would anyone consider taking the Audio & putting it to visual examples…. Yes im basically asking for a picture book. Then to top it off perhaps at the bottom,top, or side have a definition section for the words that are not really know to ppl with no degree in any of these fields. As it is I loved what I learned, but im saving the video doing a little homework and coming back to it.
So folks, all the times we get random itches on our body it's due quantum affects of particles tunneling into nerve receptors.
Also responsible for random thoughts.
or could it be the quantum entanglement interaction of a past life, like where you exist in a flea ridden environment and feel the little buggers presence in this existence?!
Basically what you can call spirits
Wonder if there is any thought about modelling cosmos as an alive information system, or something like that; everything reduces to such abstract phenomena: energy interactions, waves, fields, vectors, magnitudes, systems working from axioms, discrete mathematics ruling logical associations, coupled discrete/continuous phenomena, recursive phenomena from micro to macro. "Matter" itself is a strange phenomenon as well.
even tho this is a re-upload just gonna watch it again simply because we change our minds from day to day .. cheers
I love that. well its been a year now, this video might speak differently to you now.
you may be more to the point of the video than these "experts" were. i postulate that consciousness is the result of this "quantum biology" in the usual sense we die and rebirth each day, where does consciousness go when you sleep? it goes elsewhere and much like these sorts of quantum phenomena it seems to be intangible and subject to being changed by the observer.
111455 - where does consciousness go when you sleep? Mine stays with me... I have often had the experience of lucid dreaming (i.e. fully conscious while asleep and dreaming). And in response to your idea that consciousness is the result of biology, I suggest you consider it's the other way around, that biology is part of the illusion of physical reality and is a product of consciousness.
bravo, 10/10 reply
Yes, we've learned new things we can connect to the info...
The scientist in grayish blue is insane, almost out of some cartoon show, and the way he laughs is hysterical. I enjoyed every bit, such content is a delight!!!
I love that even geniuses stammer attempting to explain quantum physics 🙃
It's like Feynman said: if you think you understand quantum physics, you don't understand quantum physics. ;-)
It’s because none of us know what the hell we’re talking about 😂
@@Hip-Gnosis1134 don’t get me wrong I love quantum mechanics BUT a lot of the people that “study” it really just like smelling their own farts.
Quantum biology opens up
new interesting complex avenues on life.
describe ONE.
Excellent! We need more of these kinds of programs!
_Thanks for having English subtitles..._
@32:48 what are your thoughts on genetic memory, as in the bird remembers their mother or father's reaching a certain stress level and triggering the migration memory in birds.
Rupert sheldrake talks about this in his book morphic resonance
@@rocioiturrez2951 Thanks for letting me know, i just requested the book from the library and will give it a read.
I know someone who can see these particles at certain stages of time...he has seen many of these things spoken about here and can describe with detail what the particles do (the problem is he doesn't know the names of them) for example...there is one type he has described to me that looks like an extremely fine translucent drizzle but travels at the speed of a pelting downpour of rain, always East towards West an approximate angle of 10° or away from the sun towards the ground (Southern Hemisphere)
He says that they all look alike or the same even after the interaction that takes place anywhere between 200mm - 1500mm from the ground.
What he says he's observed right in front of him (so close he can see clearly) is any time between the distance I've mentioned above approximately 25% of them (these Particles individually) will just completely stop in mid air then rapidly speed down & collide onto the top of another which has a electrical spark type reaction which causes the the one speeding down to arch off up and sideways creating a light blueish white trail that fades quickly, similar to like what you see from a which point it continues on traveling at the flow that they are visual change of appearence occurs to either of the two involved in this action...he says that this rapid collision happens within a maximum distance of 200mm but also that the collider either stops briefly if they are moving together or will wait for one suitable to pass then come down from above....always from above.
He also says there are different types many different types which include some that look like the Aurora Australis when at a distance (fluresent green) against the backdrop of the night sky but when closer it/they are fluresent yellow & at interaction level they each strobe a brilliant whitish & they don't move like a mist or cloud, he says they appear & disappear up to you & when surrounded & within the warm calm but exciting atmosphere they create, time slows to half speed with again a swishing type faint white trail (that he could see coming off his fingers when dragging his hands through the air) also sound was replaced by the sound of being alike (he describes as) like being under water out in the deep ocean, the very deep ocean feeling was the sound he could hear...he said this happened on the 23/03/2020 after he in disbelief watched a Star implode (above him slightly North of his location)he said that everywhere was like a enormous camera flash for a millisecond & if you had blinked you would've thought your eyes were just playing up...there's more things for some reason he's able to do.. but he says it's not him its not like that but that I can't say here.
I hope if nothing else you found reading this entertaining & just be assured I wouldn't go to the trouble of typing this up on my phone for a joke that's not mate is telling the truth he says it's definitely not good to make things up about this topic as hes seen thingsat play and so have many others around him.
Nupuqi Om-Re Khonectics chamber degrees will guide you
@@IshtarLinqu Sky-wave transmission.
Wow! This is mind boggling!
Imagine watching that conference live, so much of it would be missed, I love to be able to pause/rewind.
So the big discovery of the century I've been hearing is that the tiny bits of reality are ordered uniformly and we're now able to kinda do that with 3D printing.
But we don't have enough experience to figured out the best practices for how to order molecules during manufacturing.
Similarly we don't know how to biomimic things on that level of detail.
these guys are hilarious
edit: my gosh that could have gone for so many more hours! So freakn interesting! Thank you!!🙏🙏
Quantum Hankie-Pankie
I only have a ged and I'm into all these speakers and lectures I love to learn in my own way..when I was young I messed up my schooling if I could do it again I would but these videos given me things to think about and I love them..thank you for posting
16:39 Everything you needed to know from watching this
Thank you💕
That's a good summery of the video.
the man, the mission
Legend 🙏😄
...the numbers of likes and dislikes are fascinating...Quantum Mechanics...truly divisive...and in that aspect...quite contemporary 😐 and thank you kindly...much appreciated.
Based on the fact that quantum effects _are_ in fact harnessed by evolution, its not crazy to think that the unexplained mystery of how consciousness arises, and how the brain works generally is also based on quantum effects. It was also mentioned that the sense of smell could be based on quantum effects. This is why I and many philosophers think digital computers or AI can never be conscious. David Pearce has a very fascinating idea here.