Fun fact: Bill Murray thought this movie was written by Joel Coen, so he signed on to play Garfield. In actuality, it was written by Joel Cohen. He even mentions in Zombieland that his biggest regret is Garfield
It's because he's trying to do something, and Garfield shouldn't want to do anything. Also, this Jon isn't a dipshit. He's boring, but not the Ungodly borring person Comic Jon is. And Nermal isn't a cute but petty Kitten who delights in annoying Garfield. And Liz isn't contemptuous of Jon's constant sexual harrasment and completely got rid of her Sarcastic Wit. Really, Odie is the most on point and he's a completely different looking dog.
i recently was space bagging my old stuffed animals, and there was garfield. when it was done, he was SKINNY but honestly, this movie is more cursed than skinny garfield
3:54 I love the way Brandon reacted He's like "the f did you just said?" Like he was about to beat Jude up through the computer scream for killing a dog
Ya know, that actually sounds like a 4th wall break that would fit in well with this movie. They could put it in and no one would question it. Well, except for Microwave Society, because they question EVERYTHING!
"How did he survive under that truck" Well tbf once our family drove to the other side of town to go eat and we just realized there was a cat hanging under our car for the whole ride
That's why there's the idea that cats have nine lives, something that would normally kill or seriously injure an animal of that size a cat just comes out of just fine.
My grandmother was obsessed with cats, and especially Garfield; as she grew up reading the Sunday comics. I had to watch this and a tale of two kitties so many times with her. Even as a kid these were so painful to watch, but they'll always have a special place in my heart. RIP Grandma
@@kaylaisnothere4397 same here!!! My little sister was the only one who enjoyed it (She was seven...) but my parents where cringing and plugging their ears the whole time.
''Ok, so I actually once had a dog named Odie that the day after I got it, I just killed it with scissors.'' '' *You what?* '' ''Uh-It was a balloon dog.'' ''Ok.'' ''Yeah.'' ''That did not process correctly in my brain.'' ''I thought we had to have, like, a conversation.'' ''Yeahhhh...''
Fun Fact: When fans asked the creator Jim Davis where Lyman had been during a majority of the series, one of his answers was “Don’t check Jon’s basement!” and in a Garfield flash game, Garfield finds Lyman in the basement of a house, locked up with no food.
@@galwhoroams I’m not sure, as in the Garfield show, a episode titled “Long Live Lyman” was released where it’s revealed that Lyman joins a peace corporation and I guess that’s canon as well.
Hey, guy with train set running around his room daily here. The whole 3 miles stopping thing only applies to longer freight trains. Passenger trains tend to be shorter and stop faster.
Also, as a teen eventually wanting to become this person and an engineer on the railroad i am pretty sure you can't control the trains themselves from a room like that. Sure you can use the switches, but you can't start, stop, or reverse the passenger train itself.
Also, in that room there is a total of 3 levers that seem to control the switches but on the screen there are wayyyy more than 3 switches. And, as someone who has done signalling before, those levers generally have a lock that prevents accidental switching (from my experience at least)
@@retrofan4963 Hmm, both licensed games with licensed characters both of which have a character that at some point was portrayed by Bill Murray in some form.
I swear everytime the clap at the beginning just keeps getting faster and faster until eventually it’s gonna be such a nearly unnoticeable blip that’s completely impossible to see or hear
"Who goes to the shelter and gets an orange cat" Me looking at my orange cat: to be fair we found him eating out of a garbage can and not in a shelter. We didn't chose him he just jumped in the car and never left.
Well no it’s not. The movies made by Fox is owned by Disney, but not Garfield or any other Garfield movies or rights. Those are owned, strangely enough, by Viacom since last year
Bro can y’all PLEASE talk about that movie Everyone’s Hero? It’s that movie about Jackie Robinson’s baseball and bat getting stolen and a kid has to get it back to them... oh and the ball and bat ARE SENTIENT BEINGS
I remember really liking the sequel as a kid. I think it was a minor improvement from this simply because there were other talking animals that were more entertaining then Garfield.
Just saying Cats easily tops EVERY other cat movie for it’s just pure unadulterated cringe. Cats &Dogs is bad and so is Nine Lives, but they are NOTHING compared to Cats.
Weird you mentioned the driveway with grass down the middle. My grandparents' driveway was like that and I just never really questioned it. I can see how the design makes no sense.
I should mention here that the VFX company is Rhythm & Hues Studios, the same company responsible for the first three Alvin and the Chipmunks films by Fox and the Hop film by Illumination
It was great to see you guys review a pretty weird live action cartoon movie, and the commentary is excellent as always. Since you all hate this movie so much, I have a suggestion for a film that I absolutely despise. A Babysitter's Guide to Monster Hunting is a film on Netflix that is based off of a book of the same name, and while I'm not too familiar with the book itself, the movie absolutely *infuriates* me. I can't even sit through the entire thing because of how much this movie fails to do anything. The movie's premise had a ton of potential to be incredible, imaginative, and to even improve upon the original book in unique ways, but the filmmakers just *threw it all out the window, and instead made one of the most boring, cliched, and agonizingly wasted films I have ever watched.* I can't even connect with a *single* character in the film because they are all more hollow than an apple without its core (except for maybe the main villain because he at least tried to make the most he could out of a role in a crummy movie). I thought I should also mention that the movie incorporates a pop song at least every five minutes, which just makes the unoriginality even worse. I tried to at least watch the film a bit last night, but instead of sitting through it, I imagined an animated series similar to the movie that was *leagues* better than it and actually used the potential in its premise. This movie is painful for me to watch, so I thought it would be awesome for you guys to tear it apart.
0:22 what funny is that four of the films you showed the animals don’t actually talk. And Shawn the Sheep films I think don’t have talking at all. Only maybe a song or two from the ones I’ve seen. Also Arddman is really good, they’re old stuff is so creepy and I love it.
4:44 THIS! THIS! I'M SO FUCKING GLAD SOMEONE POINTED THIS OUT! Like, what if your car leaks oil or something? Or you leave it parked there for too long?? THE GRASS IS JUST GONNA DIE! There's no point to it being there!
Bill Murray signed onto the movie because he saw one of the writers was a Coen brother who he LOVED...but after signing the contract realized it was the writer was a different person, Joel Cohen.
Garfield is funniest when he just appears someplace he isn't supposed to be, and just exists for a second before mumbling "wow Jon, Mondays am I right" and waltzing back out of camera view never to be referenced again
There is actually a fun fact with bill murray voicing garfield. In the garfield cartoon from the 90s, garfield was voiced by lorenzo music, who also voiced murray's character in the ghostbusters cartoon. So music voiced a character murray played, and now murray voiced a character music played
Man, you know how kids have phases, like girls have horse phases and some have sonic phases? I had a Garfield phase where I read nothing but Garfield comics. I had this movie on DVD, but it wasnt a normal dvd. The case had a handle on it, was green and was called a "read along movie". Idk if I still have it, but goddamn this was a weird movie
07:08 "bookshelf" filled with stuff 07:10 "bookshelf" completely empty And if you look on the ground of both time stamps you can see all the stuff is already on the floor way before it fell down. When it cuts to Garfield everything is already on the floor even though in right before that cut. Everything was in the bookshelf
5:57 I also just HATE the other cats in this movie, this is NERMAL, you know, the GREY KITTEN?? HE'S NOT GREY AND I DON'T THINK HE'S SMALL ENOUGH TO BE A KITTEN! Also I'm pretty sure the other one is Arlene, Garfield's girlfriend, the PINK ONE, which, yeah, cats aren't pink, but they didn't even try to put a pink collar or bow or anything! I remember rewatching this when I was older and being shocked when I realized the side characters are supposed to be the ones in the comic strip cause they have little to NOTHING IN COMMON. You could have just given them different names and it would make more sense!
13:28 I am a train person, and you are not able to remote control a train from a distance, you can send a message to the driver, but not control the train
subscribe if you love lasagna
I hate mondays
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
You need to let me go, Jon. The accident was five years ago.
Fun fact: Bill Murray thought this movie was written by Joel Coen, so he signed on to play Garfield. In actuality, it was written by Joel Cohen. He even mentions in Zombieland that his biggest regret is Garfield
So he thought it was written by one of the Cohen brothers?
@@reddragon8488 *Coen and yes.
@@dr_drawings too bad for Bill Murray
Surely it's not as bad as Bob Hoskins and Super Mario Bros from 1993, right?
@@jordancooney6817 well comparing Bob hoskins in super Mario bros and Bill Murray in Garfield I prefer Bob hoskins honestly
MS: "Who goes to the shelter and gets the orange cat?"
Me: *with my orange adopted tabby cat of 15 year in my lap*
The only cats I've ever owned were the orange ones. 🧡 🐈
Orange cats are adorable, to be fair all cats are but orange cats hold a lovely place in my heart
Hi Jon
I think they meant Garfield orange.
@@mega_bird700 she's about that color lol orange tabby's have a tendency to be orange.
“So do you have any regrets?”
“Garfield maybe”
I get that reference
I understood that reference
I know that reference
Haha Zombieland
As a cat owner I can confirm that cats just constantly hover above the ground all the time and don’t show any shadow
Bro you good?
🚨this guy is lying cats dont hover dont trust this person🚨(this is a joke)
Of Beerus is the one saying this
All I remember about this movie was that, as a 7-year-old Garfield fan, it felt extremely inaccurate to the source material.
Same here! I was 12 when this came out and remember hating it for not being as accurate to the source material
It IS.
Man I guess it's harder to entertain some people lmao this was entertaining to no end for me when I was maybe 5
It's because he's trying to do something, and Garfield shouldn't want to do anything. Also, this Jon isn't a dipshit. He's boring, but not the Ungodly borring person Comic Jon is. And Nermal isn't a cute but petty Kitten who delights in annoying Garfield. And Liz isn't contemptuous of Jon's constant sexual harrasment and completely got rid of her Sarcastic Wit. Really, Odie is the most on point and he's a completely different looking dog.
@@lazarus1540 You were 5. Your sense of enjoyment could have been a ball and a stick
All jokes aside, I had no idea as a kid that Garfield asking for shoelaces was a suicide joke.
It was for the adults who got stuck watching this film with their little ones...😂
I remember watching this all the time with my older brother. We both found it halarious for some reason.
I loved the movie and well it still in my heart somewhere...
The air vent scene always made me laugh
@@enclavehere.7995 VENT???? when the-
*shoots self in head*
@@justiceofbook 🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘
“I killed a dog with scissors.” Take that out of context please.
I still Think Jude should attend therapy sessions for killing a balloon dog with scissors.
That comment made me spit my milk out
At least it's not a real dog
I read this as he killed a dog with scissors
RIP Odie
Rest in peace to a fallen hero Odie the ballon dog O7
Garfield doesn’t have a shadow because he produces light from his heavenly appearance.
i recently was space bagging my old stuffed animals, and there was garfield. when it was done, he was SKINNY
but honestly, this movie is more cursed than skinny garfield
Is it more cured than Gorefield/Creepy Garfield? Now THAT is a question
@@sugarm1860 i don’t think theres anything more cursed than Gorefield
@@AbsoluteDingus709 what about glompfield the brony cat?
...Space bagging? What the heck is that?
@@yanik5480 idk lol
I love the way Brandon reacted
He's like "the f did you just said?" Like he was about to beat Jude up through the computer scream for killing a dog
I mean how would you react to that
"John please release me from this horrible movie" -garfield probably
Ya know, that actually sounds like a 4th wall break that would fit in well with this movie. They could put it in and no one would question it. Well, except for Microwave Society, because they question EVERYTHING!
im your boogie man, thats what I am, im here to do, whatever I can.
"John, I must ascend"
* not horrible *
"How did he survive under that truck"
Well tbf once our family drove to the other side of town to go eat and we just realized there was a cat hanging under our car for the whole ride
That's why there's the idea that cats have nine lives, something that would normally kill or seriously injure an animal of that size a cat just comes out of just fine.
That actually happened to me too lol
Is the cat okay?
"I'm Gar."
"And i'm in a Field."
"And i'm The Movie."
It's "and I'm in a field"
Yes, that's what they said.
The Josiah Movie
@@darthbiz2095 and im "end my life because i suck at everything"
@@galwhoroams sorry that I’m late, but your pfp is beautiful 😂
My grandmother was obsessed with cats, and especially Garfield; as she grew up reading the Sunday comics. I had to watch this and a tale of two kitties so many times with her. Even as a kid these were so painful to watch, but they'll always have a special place in my heart. RIP Grandma
This just reminded me that chipwrecked exists and that gave me PTSD
Speaking of Chipwrecked they should react to it
I remember our family was the only one in the entire theater to see that
@@kaylaisnothere4397 same here!!! My little sister was the only one who enjoyed it (She was seven...) but my parents where cringing and plugging their ears the whole time.
@@Lovinia1 I'd only watch it for Jesse.
I saw it in theatre i have like almost no memories of it
I just love how the producers took a random dog for Odie whereas Garfield HAD to be animated as if cats can't possibly look like that
And the other cats in the movie look like real cats!! It's just Garfield who looks like that. This movie should have never left the idea phase.
@Simple Weirdo Like Sonic the Hedgehog?
A fat orange cat that moves like garfield does in the comics is pretty unrealistic
@chadschmaltz9790 and there just happens to be another eierdout of place ca5 that l9oks just like h8m. Clone clone clone clone clone...
I always found it strange that Garfield is the only "cartoon" animal.
''Ok, so I actually once had a dog named Odie that the day after I got it, I just killed it with scissors.''
'' *You what?* ''
''Uh-It was a balloon dog.''
''That did not process correctly in my brain.''
''I thought we had to have, like, a conversation.''
Can’t wait for “Garfield 3: the return of Lyman”
lol yes
Fun Fact: When fans asked the creator Jim Davis where Lyman had been during a majority of the series, one of his answers was “Don’t check Jon’s basement!” and in a Garfield flash game, Garfield finds Lyman in the basement of a house, locked up with no food.
@@kiartoons2010 Wait is that actually true
@@galwhoroams I’m not sure, as in the Garfield show, a episode titled “Long Live Lyman” was released where it’s revealed that Lyman joins a peace corporation and I guess that’s canon as well.
Flabby Tabby
Hey, guy with train set running around his room daily here. The whole 3 miles stopping thing only applies to longer freight trains. Passenger trains tend to be shorter and stop faster.
I just passed this then that part played. O _ O
Also, as a teen eventually wanting to become this person and an engineer on the railroad i am pretty sure you can't control the trains themselves from a room like that. Sure you can use the switches, but you can't start, stop, or reverse the passenger train itself.
@@Railfan105. yeah, in American railroading at least you can’t remote control a train. Switches, yes. Trains, no
Also, in that room there is a total of 3 levers that seem to control the switches but on the screen there are wayyyy more than 3 switches. And, as someone who has done signalling before, those levers generally have a lock that prevents accidental switching (from my experience at least)
@@wilks3620 With PTC it is possible, but only if the engineer passes a red signal and/or doesn't respond for a certain amount of time
Interesting fact: The Garfield Movie villain worked with Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. Coincidence? I think not!
Garfield Cinematic Universe???
dark groundhog day timeline where the loop can only be broken out of by reincarnating as an obese cat
Just like how there's a Garfield game that's a reskin of Ghostbusters game. And both are reskins of Bugs Bunny: Crazy Castle?
@@retrofan4963 Hmm, both licensed games with licensed characters both of which have a character that at some point was portrayed by Bill Murray in some form.
"Then they maul him viciously,"
He tells the rats "bite but don't chew"
razzle and microwave society should do a collab, they both make videos of the same movies they react to
They should watch The Room while they get drunk
With diamondbolt too
@@cringemaster2917 Yes
@@danielmartinez-hernandez6035 ik this film is beyond dead but they should also watch foodfight lol
That would be the collab of the year
10:39 Garfield's body instantly absorbed the lasagna, curing all of his broken bones in a fraction of a second.
Fun fact, Lorenzo Music often fill in for Bill Murray for smaller projects.
This is the only case where Bill Murray voiced Lorenzo Music’s character.
I swear everytime the clap at the beginning just keeps getting faster and faster until eventually it’s gonna be such a nearly unnoticeable blip that’s completely impossible to see or hear
"Who goes to the shelter and gets an orange cat"
Me looking at my orange cat: to be fair we found him eating out of a garbage can and not in a shelter. We didn't chose him he just jumped in the car and never left.
@Joshua Stanton uh, no??? He's still alive he's about 11 now
Oh, you guys should DEFINITELY introduce Jude to Beverly Hills Chihuahua. Me and my siblings used to watch that movie literally every day
Should've premiered this on a Monday.
The grass in the middle of the driveway is probably for when the car sweats or something
Let us all think about this, Garfield is now owned by Disney
Good. I can't wait for him to show up in Kingdom Hearts.
We live in a society where Disney owns the Alien and Predator franchises, Garfield, Star Wars, and Deadpool. These are dark times
Well no it’s not. The movies made by Fox is owned by Disney, but not Garfield or any other Garfield movies or rights. Those are owned, strangely enough, by Viacom since last year
The Garfield franchise and Paws Inc. are owned by Nickelodeon and ViacomCBS International.
So no, Garfield was not owned by Disney.
@@closedaccountabandoned if that is the case why was the Garfield show on CN?
I knew it. Josiah was a sentient movie this entire time. He must be a modern one because like Larry's predictions his humor is randomly generated.
Not even exaggerating I've seen this movie about 100 times...the only DVDs I had were Garfield and Alvin and the Chickmunks
I watched this movie on VCR
Bro can y’all PLEASE talk about that movie Everyone’s Hero? It’s that movie about Jackie Robinson’s baseball and bat getting stolen and a kid has to get it back to them... oh and the ball and bat ARE SENTIENT BEINGS
@@Jazker_da_thief Lol I don’t think that was a Disney movie sir…
@@cab1stborn yes i know.
But I used to watch it in DisneyXd
9:58 Pixar really went down hill with Cars 4
Its still the best Pixar movie
Cars 4 is the most underrated movie in anime.
Review Suggestions:
-Baby’s Day Out
-Honey I Shrunk The Kids
-Honey We Shrunk Ourselves
-The Parent Trap
Baby's Day Out!
3:52 Jude: The day after I got it, I killed it with scissors. Everyone: YOU WHAT?
I remember really liking the sequel as a kid. I think it was a minor improvement from this simply because there were other talking animals that were more entertaining then Garfield.
Garfield: *says something cat-related*
*comedy intensifies*
Just wait until they find out there's a sequel.
I get more enjoyment reading r/ImSorryJon than from these live action Garfield movies
Yeah happier...happier.
Ngl. I like the I'm sorry john horror
8:31 it’s actually pretty common to put up fliers if you find someone elses dog
Now all we need is Cats and The Cat In The Hat movie and we have completed the holy trilogy of terrible cat movies
Cat in the hat is godlike
What about Nine Lives?
What about about Cats and Dogs? That one was also weird
Just saying Cats easily tops EVERY other cat movie for it’s just pure unadulterated cringe. Cats &Dogs is bad and so is Nine Lives, but they are NOTHING compared to Cats.
Odie is the best character in the movie simply because he’s an actual dog and thus is cute and not an abomination like Garfield
Is there any information of him online or does he live a private life
@@xacious Odie fought in the Somalia war where he got so traumatized that he never spoke ever again
Weird you mentioned the driveway with grass down the middle. My grandparents' driveway was like that and I just never really questioned it. I can see how the design makes no sense.
12:36 “and is about as funny as a funeral” was as funny as the funeral I will need because I died from laughing! 😂
I should mention here that the VFX company is Rhythm & Hues Studios, the same company responsible for the first three Alvin and the Chipmunks films by Fox and the Hop film by Illumination
Welcome to Microwave Society, the best place to heat up your lasagna.
Don't overcook it tho
It was great to see you guys review a pretty weird live action cartoon movie, and the commentary is excellent as always. Since you all hate this movie so much, I have a suggestion for a film that I absolutely despise.
A Babysitter's Guide to Monster Hunting is a film on Netflix that is based off of a book of the same name, and while I'm not too familiar with the book itself, the movie absolutely *infuriates* me. I can't even sit through the entire thing because of how much this movie fails to do anything. The movie's premise had a ton of potential to be incredible, imaginative, and to even improve upon the original book in unique ways, but the filmmakers just *threw it all out the window, and instead made one of the most boring, cliched, and agonizingly wasted films I have ever watched.* I can't even connect with a *single* character in the film because they are all more hollow than an apple without its core (except for maybe the main villain because he at least tried to make the most he could out of a role in a crummy movie). I thought I should also mention that the movie incorporates a pop song at least every five minutes, which just makes the unoriginality even worse. I tried to at least watch the film a bit last night, but instead of sitting through it, I imagined an animated series similar to the movie that was *leagues* better than it and actually used the potential in its premise. This movie is painful for me to watch, so I thought it would be awesome for you guys to tear it apart.
The part where the shelf fell on Garfield then the credits roll got me 😂.
6:04 Inaccurate to the source material. Garfield takes place in Indiana, that road should be covered in potholes.
7:17 looks like y'all haven't seen the classic Garfield cartoons
0:22 what funny is that four of the films you showed the animals don’t actually talk. And Shawn the Sheep films I think don’t have talking at all. Only maybe a song or two from the ones I’ve seen. Also Arddman is really good, they’re old stuff is so creepy and I love it.
That wheeze at 1:13 killed me XD
4:44 THIS! THIS! I'M SO FUCKING GLAD SOMEONE POINTED THIS OUT! Like, what if your car leaks oil or something? Or you leave it parked there for too long?? THE GRASS IS JUST GONNA DIE! There's no point to it being there!
That scene where Garfield smiles at Jon still creeps me out to this day
FNaF Ambience
@@AbsoluteDingus709 dun dun da dun dun da dun da dun da dun
Dun dun dun dun
Dun dun du dun
i'm genuinely surprised they didn't comment on that scene, because holy shit
It's good that in Zombieland, Bill Murray's biggest regret was Garfield.
I genuinely love watching Microwave Society's movie reactions. I look forward to them everyday.
Bill Murray signed onto the movie because he saw one of the writers was a Coen brother who he LOVED...but after signing the contract realized it was the writer was a different person, Joel Cohen.
The clapping always catches me off guard. I feel like someone's trying to get my attention in class
It was really cool of Microwave Society to tackle the live-action Gazorpazorpfield movie.
6:54 one speed bump and he is dead.
I like how they make the among us joke about the vent, but didn’t say anything about Jude looking like: 9:52 right before that
There are 2 dislikes already, it looks like people don't like Garfield.
Garfield did die when he hit the truck but was immediately regenerated by the lasagna.
Garfield is funniest when he just appears someplace he isn't supposed to be, and just exists for a second before mumbling "wow Jon, Mondays am I right" and waltzing back out of camera view never to be referenced again
"That is not a cat that is an alien"
Graphic designers: what's the difference?
12:29 flights to Tokyo, Texas
It could be "San Antonio, Texas".
“Do you have any regrets”
Bill Murray: “Garfield probably”
10:06 Garfield was the imposter
Apparently the guy who wrote this movie, Joel Cohen, apparently also helped write Toy Story. Let that sink in.
They call it a lasagna truck because it is a truck with lasagna and not a truck with spaghetti. They do not call it a ravioli truck because...
The movie gets really creepy knowing Lyman (Odis’s owner and John’s roommate) is no where to be found.
There is actually a fun fact with bill murray voicing garfield. In the garfield cartoon from the 90s, garfield was voiced by lorenzo music, who also voiced murray's character in the ghostbusters cartoon. So music voiced a character murray played, and now murray voiced a character music played
5:11 I never knew that until now, thanks Jude.
Surely you might want to try the upcoming Garfield movie starring Chris Pine, or maybe Garfield's Pet Force, which is a bizarre movie in my opinion.
7:28 "MmMm!"
Do the next live action garfield abomination next, I want those repressed memories back too please.
At least Tim Curry is in the sequel.
Man, you know how kids have phases, like girls have horse phases and some have sonic phases? I had a Garfield phase where I read nothing but Garfield comics. I had this movie on DVD, but it wasnt a normal dvd. The case had a handle on it, was green and was called a "read along movie". Idk if I still have it, but goddamn this was a weird movie
3:27 I can already imagine a cat at chuck-e-cheese 🤣
Damn, calling out orange cats like that. Had a pretty decent orange cat that finally had to be put down about a year ago. He was a good boy
I remember hearing that Bill hated this movie and felt like he got tricked into the role.
Still waiting for you guys to watch Open Season.
Yes! That would be a good movie for them to review
0:49 omg WHY
There are special breaks on trains that can be triggered remotely by the control room.
Yes, I have trains on my walls.
At 5:25 his eyes are green again, I didn't notice that the first time.
i recently found this channel and absolutely love it! you guys are hilarious i love the banter. keep it up boys👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Even as a kid i thought this movie was weird and im pretty sure Bill Murray didn't even want to be in this movie
Wait hold on, the guy that says welcome to the dog show sounds like the guy that does the intro in the Garfield and friends tv show.
07:08 "bookshelf" filled with stuff
07:10 "bookshelf" completely empty
And if you look on the ground of both time stamps you can see all the stuff is already on the floor way before it fell down.
When it cuts to Garfield everything is already on the floor even though in right before that cut. Everything was in the bookshelf
That was only because we cut that part down, but I wouldn't put it past this movie tbh
0:50 I don't know why, but I find this part really funny
11:53 kills me so fucking hard geez
Finally someone who’s talking about this and how funny it is
5:57 I also just HATE the other cats in this movie, this is NERMAL, you know, the GREY KITTEN?? HE'S NOT GREY AND I DON'T THINK HE'S SMALL ENOUGH TO BE A KITTEN! Also I'm pretty sure the other one is Arlene, Garfield's girlfriend, the PINK ONE, which, yeah, cats aren't pink, but they didn't even try to put a pink collar or bow or anything! I remember rewatching this when I was older and being shocked when I realized the side characters are supposed to be the ones in the comic strip cause they have little to NOTHING IN COMMON. You could have just given them different names and it would make more sense!
I am a train person, and you are not able to remote control a train from a distance, you can send a message to the driver, but not control the train
4:26, Jim Davis portrays Odie as a blithering idiot for all of time for reasons unknown, I guess
Hope the lads know I genuinely love the “singing the studio’s theme song bit” and look forward to it every time ☺️
Here's hoping Sony's animated one REMEMBERS the comic strip it's based on.