He is one of the most important and inflential Cantonese Opera aritst, Mr. Lam Ka Sing -teacher of many cantonese opera actors. Each movement involves years of training and practices and self searching. He is one of the best and beloved opera actors of all times.
I grew up in Hong Kong, but for some reason I've never developed a taste for this type of Opera. Cantonese language sounds funny enough on its own, now you add this gong, ding dong music background, people unaccustomed to this will find it comical.
danpt2000, you got no sense means you are not knowledgeable to understand the culture and taste of Cantonese Opera. Shut up and learn. Simply stop watching because your view contaminated our valuable tradition of Cantonese Opera. You are not even qualified to condemn especially you know nothing.
好懷念聲哥 謙厚 尊重前輩 祝福聲哥 在天堂 健康愉快 聲 哥 打得派 馬步穩重 唱做演技 藝術精通 永遠懷念聲哥
懷念聲哥風度翩翩尊重前輩 有著敦厚純品氣質隨和處事穩重粵劇唱做 演技藝術家聲哥你離開我哋好耐喇祝福你在天堂與妻兒 知己親友重聚 互相關懷幸福愉快聲哥你唱做演技藝術觀眾永遠懷念更加懷念你謙虛 隨和永遠祝福聲哥在天堂幸福愉快永遠懷念聲哥
聲哥 北派功架 空前絕後 邊做邊唱 聲色藝全 唱做演技精通 戲劇大師 懷念 聲哥
聲哥 打不派功力 空前絕後 刀槍劍 樣樣精通 唱做演技藝術 承傳萬世 懷念聲哥
聲哥 打不派功架 馬步穩重 刀槍劍 身段靈活 唱做演技 文武全能 真正萬能老倌
聲哥 打不派功架 身 段靈活 馬步穩重 聲哥 不但只係紅褲仔出生 加上苦學苦練 聲哥 唱做演技功力前無古人後無來者 懷念聲哥
I love lam ka sing so so so much
聲哥 打不派 單腳翻 身 背指 功 身段靈活 馬步穩重 刀槍劍 唱做演技藝 空前絕後 聲哥 唱做演技藝術 苦學苦練得到 尊敬懷念聲哥
He is one of the most important and inflential Cantonese Opera aritst, Mr. Lam Ka Sing -teacher of many cantonese opera actors. Each movement involves years of training and practices and self searching. He is one of the best and beloved opera actors of all times.
Every move looks easy when perform by a master of the craft. Thanks
允文允武, 文場武戲同樣出色
binssing, 阮兆辉離婚是他和尹飛燕的個人事,源頭在於婆媳不和,但也不到你和我評論,就以他們之後愉快地合作無間便知分開亦是朋友。為什麼以偏概全,硬要拉到去戲子無情。声哥與红荳子便是恩愛到白頭至死不渝的好例証,請打开你尊贵的眼睛和腦袋去看去想。君有否看過声哥在这一两年的訪問,談到他戲服的花纹图案是她妻子設計逐筆繪畫,只是年青時醉心研究演出而忽略,如今似有憾然地讃赏確是好靚,見不到他眼中有淚也感覺到內心淌血,螊蝶之情表露無遗,教人動容。
有機會看到林家聲大佬倌如此精采絕倫之演出,確實是佩服萬分!!! 有疑問蓋明輝口口聲聲道是林家聲的入室,為何不見蓋明輝能重演此段呢? 是林家聲無教? 又或是蓋明輝太平庸未能領悟呢?
唔好怪現時觀眾要求不高!!! 要怪香港本地的粵劇演藝界不思進取,自我感覺良好啫! 好容易讓國內粵劇演員比下去!!
Sorry for asking stupid n00b questions - but is this man the teacher of Leung Siu Ming? (Love the vid, by the way. He's amazing.)
咁梁兆明要叫蓋明輝做師叔??? 佢會唔會感到愧不敢當呢?? 我相信蓋明輝如果做完梁兆明一樣的武打戲會暈低在台上!!!
@@jacquelineleung8045 😇😇😇🤑🤑🤑
啊!! 依你咁講, 半途出家就可以半桶水出台!!! 大把Fans圍住就自我為大.算把啦!!
I grew up in Hong Kong, but for some reason I've never developed a taste for this type of Opera. Cantonese language sounds funny enough on its own, now you add this gong, ding dong music background, people unaccustomed to this will find it comical.
danpt2000, you got no sense means you are not knowledgeable to understand the culture and taste of Cantonese Opera. Shut up and learn. Simply stop watching because your view contaminated our valuable tradition of Cantonese Opera. You are not even qualified to condemn especially you know nothing.