My husband holds other women and says I'm just an irrelevant woman!

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • My husband, Kevin Li, is a renowned swordmaster, but due to a life-saving debt,
    he had to marry me, a mere official's daughter.
    He treated me coldly, never even giving me a second glance.
    No matter, as long as I serve him faithfully and be a good wife, one day he will warm up to me.
    Until that day, a weary female swordmaster came looking for him,
    and they gazed at each other with only each other in their eyes.
    After a long time, the female swordmaster pointed her sword at me,
    "Who is she?"
    Kevin said, "To you and me, she is just an irrelevant person."
    Years later, I met him again in a small town far away.
    He stood in front of a wonton stall, his white clothes wrinkled.
    "These years, I've been looking for you for a long time, could you give me another chance..."
    Before he could finish, my husband looked up from the bellows,
    "Darling, who is he?"
    I shook my head and said with a smile,
    "I don't know him, he must be an irrelevant person."
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Комментарии • 23

  • @jayneprybys8754
    @jayneprybys8754 8 дней назад +21

    I am American and really have learned much about the different cultures in these stories. The sadness, tenderness, tragedy, all of it at the writer’s disposal, bravo for creating such beautiful stories. The rose needs its thorns to exist. Looking forward to next story ❤

  • @blackraven2018
    @blackraven2018 8 дней назад +12

    What a great female lead. Despite having seemingly been offered another chance, she shrewdly realized she’s just another stand in and didn’t want that kind of love. She has learned not to settle for anything less than what she richly deserves so made a decision to carve out her future in another new land.. perhaps there, she will finally find her HEA with a mate of equal footing and will love her for who she is and not someone else’s shadow. Bravo..👏👏

  • @Bubibichit
    @Bubibichit 6 дней назад +5

    This makes a lot of sense to want her back as a nanny. I really cant understand other stories where cruel Mls just suddenly fall in love with MCs

  • @soniagupta6347
    @soniagupta6347 7 дней назад +4

    Wow ! What a strong, bold and brave woman character ! ❤❤❤❤❤ Amazing ! 😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩 Thanks for the story. 👍👍👍❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @mrsbudmon
    @mrsbudmon 8 дней назад +12

    Things are challenging for women today. But I could not imagine how hard life was for women years ago.

  • @vidiaparamaatmaseeker2130
    @vidiaparamaatmaseeker2130 8 дней назад +11

    Rape. Being raped is a crime apparently. And you are punished to spend your life with your attacker.

  • @hashimahhashim7490
    @hashimahhashim7490 9 дней назад +13

    Such a strong fl. Good story.

  • @forevera5241
    @forevera5241 8 дней назад +3

    Huh, would you look at that, for once an author that got it right. Well done.

  • @faycemahn121
    @faycemahn121 8 дней назад +2

    I actually liked this one. Bravo.

  • @truuluvv
    @truuluvv 2 дня назад

    for any one looking for a romance, this isn't one, but it is a good story

  • @nadyapriscilla4132
    @nadyapriscilla4132 9 дней назад +18

    Another these type of stories, I hope there won't be people who condemning FL with one or two sentences without properly evaluate and understand FL background, perspective and personality.
    Don't project yourself into the stories and judged FL harshly for what she did since it is her story, not yours.
    FL just a human, so I hope people will be understanding and respect her decisions if they still have empathy left.
    Also, don't make the child blameless and justify the child actions since the child know FL is his mother but still treated FL like that. No other normal child will do that, it's just a matter of character and personality not because he's still a child and doesn't know better. 😅😊
    Btw, the FL NEVER FIND ANOTHER CHILD, FL just found the abandoned child and adopted the child or another child who need mother figure called FL as her/his mother. So FL NEVER ACTIVELY searching another child to replace her own child or to spite her own child like in some narrow-minded people head. The abandoned/lonely child like FL and fillial to her, so why can't FL cares for the child like her own child?! 😂
    If she cares for another child who fillial to her, people judges her a bad character/despicable. If she doesn't care for another child who fillial to her, people judges FL cold and ruthless.
    Idk why people just want to condemning FL either way 😂😂
    Can people think critically and really think before typing in the comment section? 😅
    This story is different from usual and I like FL decision to leave both of father-child pairs. Since they treat FL as a replacement for their loved ones, FL used them to get back at her ungrateful husband & son. Finally she chase her own freedom and happiness and live freely.
    If you don't like the story, just skip the video and watch another story. No need to force your negative opinion onto other people, keep it for yourself, thank you for understanding 🙏😊

    • @hannadruk1445
      @hannadruk1445 8 дней назад +3

      I disagree with you slightly mocking attitude to those who are negative towards the story: what right do you have to tell them to move and not leave comments if they are not adoring the plot and characters?
      We don't read just nice pleasant things because reading is a way to broaden your viewpoint and understand your own stance on certain matters without the meed to experience them personally.

    • @nadyapriscilla4132
      @nadyapriscilla4132 8 дней назад +3

      @@hannadruk1445 hi, nice to meet you again in this comment section. I respect and appreciate your bravery to reply and clarify your take on viewing the story 🙏😊
      I think I need to clarify things since it seems you misunderstand whom my comments directed to and for what reason.
      In these type of stories, most people just commented one or two sentences condemning FL character as bad/despicable without explaining why they think that. Idk whether they really listen to the stories (since this youtube video provided audio and even text/subtitle so it means people would understand the story better and not missing details that influenced the progression of the stories and its ending) or just listening it while doing something which understandable that some point could be missed or maybe they didn't quite catch the story and the progression of the story well enough.
      You can see the example on this video comment section below if you scroll until bottom, you may find a person who commented that, "the FL left her new family and she has massive trust issues. " Which I think it's certainly true at some point. But as you can see, if you pay attention to the story especially in the latter half of story (near the ending), it was explained that FL left them because she found a painting of Madam Zhao (Steve Zhao ex-wife/Kitty Zhao biological mother) which bear resemblance to FL. No wonder the father-daughter treat FL kindly and always want FL to be his wife/her mother. It means they think of FL as a replacement for Madam Zhao and if you watched many stories as I do. In type of stories whom FL become a stand-in/substitute/replacement, etc. Only a few stories ended with a happy ending where FL and the person who think FL as substitute be together. Since FL doesn't want to be a substitute, that's why she thanked them and left to live freely as she wish since she brought up as a tool in her own family.
      From second point above, as you can see that some people doesn't really pay attention to the story itself. Probably just get the gist of the story and missing details of the story (meaning they missed the progression of the story and why it ends there). They probably confused or didn't want to bother to replay the video to understand the story better and just commenting with their version of the story that they hear/read.
      My comments basically consists of my rebuke on many negative comments on these type of stories because based on one or two sentences that some people said, it really showed that they didn't really pay attention or missing details of the story which influences the progression of the story and its ending.
      You know in other similar type of these stories but different gender (with Father-child story which similar to these or you could say the male version of the story), many people defended the father and said that the kid deserves it so double standard much? 🤔
      I like your take on the story that you read it because you want to broaden your view point and understand your stance on these type of matters. It's a valid point, and I appreciate that you didn't condemning or bashing FL character.
      Unfortunately not everyone is the same as you and some people chose to just bashing FL character without really listening to the story and understand the progression of the story. Also instead of commenting such as, "FL characters is bad/despicable or the child is innnocent, etc." Instead, people could say, "I disagree with FL decision and if it were me, I wouldn't sever my ties with the child and that's my standpoint. " I think these sentence would be enough to proof their view point without bashing or condemning the FL characters itself. As I said in my comments, this is FL story (HER STORY) not anyone else. Plus, not everyone is the same (also the differences in cultural could also affect a person life principle as these story is based on China cultures and teachings). If people the same with everybody else, then what's the meaning of inviduality and everyone is different but beautiful in its own way right? 😅😊
      The biological (bio) child isn't blameless and people shouldn't justify the bio child. Because as you can see in these story, even another person child could be fillial or respect FL at the very least than FL own bio child treatment towards FL. The bio child knew that FL is her/his mother but still consciously chose to treat FL that way. So it's not the matter whether the child still just a child and knows no better but it's just a matter of personality and true character that being shown.
      I mean if the bio child dislike FL in this story, it's understandable but at the very least the child should respect FL as his/her mother at the very least. And I think every educational institutions since a long time ago always teaching people to respect their parents no matter what at the very least. The bio child is educated so at the very least should understand that very basic principle. Even another child (Kitty) understand that, why couldn't FL bio child? 🤔
      My comments is dedicated for those people who commented just one or two short sentences (which consists condemning FL character) without really explaining or elaborate that in details by quoting the line in the story at all. So it likes passing a verdict without any proof at all which doesn't make sense.
      I'm okay with people don't like these type of stories, I'm not anti-critic after all. But if you want to make your viewpoint clear, then please provided your argument with proof from the story and not just make a sentence without solid or proper foundation at all.
      My comments dedicated for narrow-minded people which I think those people are clearly opposite from you (it's clearly shown by your clear and concise comment). I mean, you clarify your take on the story well enough so I think you have a broad and open perspective/mindset.
      That's why I think my comment shouldn't be a bother for you, it's for those type of people and it's certainly not for people like you who want to broaden their viewpoint by reading the story that's not pleasant for themselves. But I really appreciate and respect that you clarify your viewpoint and it helps me to clarify whom my comments directed to.
      Lastly, if it's bothering you (even insulting maybe) I'm really sorry because you're not the one whom my comment directed to 🙏😥
      I really hope my comments help clarify the story missed details that people might miss and for them to really pay attention and understand the story better. So people would really comment with their head held high and stand their ground whether they agree or disagree (like or dislike even) with the stories and its characters. And not just bashing or condemning a character or the story without really properly evaluate it first which that could be a testament to their perspective/personality.
      Again, I'm neutral with these type of stories. I just dislike people bashing a character (usually FL) or a story while missing details that already mentioned in the story that explained the progression of its story and its ending.
      If people disagree with my comment or the story or with my point that I mentioned, feel free to reply to my comment. I'm open with critic as long as it's constructive and have a solid foundation and/or proof.
      We can have a healthy and respectful argument/debate (if you want to called it that way) even though we're not on the same sides of an argument, it doesn't mean we have to hate each other, just agree to disagree and respect each other opinions. Also I hope people could agree to disagree with FL actions/decisions that doesn't align with their viewpoint but still respect it, and doesn't bashing on FL just because of FL and them made different decisions/actions related to the matter.
      Okay I think this reply is long enough and thanks for anyone who read it this far, kudo for you 👍😁 I hope people can get what I mean by my comments and whom my comments directed to.
      Thanks Hannadruk1445 and hope to see you again in another comment section (maybe). Peace and good luck for all of you 🙏😇

    • @zdem8259
      @zdem8259 4 дня назад

      @@nadyapriscilla4132 You make nice points and argument, there is only one thing I dont get: where are those comments you talk about as I don't see them here under this story. Otherwise I don't agree with you that negative comments should be silenced and not told, because we all have the right to have own opinions on things and also right to express them. And your right is ofcourse to dissagree. If story is badly written, makes no sense, has no logic, is offensive or stupid - why not tell what I think? Only we should keep up a norm that we are polite and keep conversation on a cilvilised level. Negative comments also tell about different opinions people have, based on their cultural and personal background, so I find them interesting even if I don't agree, but I agree to disagree...

    • @nadyapriscilla4132
      @nadyapriscilla4132 4 дня назад

      @@zdem8259 Hi, nice to meet you and I thank you for your compliment related to my comment and points. Also thank you for replying, I appreciate and respect your take on it. 😊🙏
      Firstly, I assumed that maybe you haven't watched several videos which had a similar story pattern with this video.
      A lot of this audiobook were likely China's novel which of course based on Chinese cultures and teachings but they just changed the main character name/places into western names/places sometimes.
      Secondly, about the negative comments that I mentioned were related to other youtube videos that told the same pattern of stories as this video by the way. I will provide the youtube video link below starting from the earlier until recent ones.видео.htmlsi=SGD0FEeHJbtOkYOW
      (1st video)видео.htmlsi=QWIwwI8P7NAPLTAp
      (2nd video)видео.htmlsi=DCW3pJsRsjzXlsoK
      (3rd video)видео.htmlsi=5B1YDkslhBI8NWgt
      (4th video)видео.htmlsi=7qcFEMiKn_xQGk9o
      (5th video)видео.htmlsi=R6yZDEI0zonWmXqU
      (6th video)видео.htmlsi=e8sScdUpqtwGbHdV
      (7th video)
      You can check for yourself in the comment section of all of those youtube link after you review the story especially the negative ones that I mentioned on my comments.
      Thirdly, the 1st & 2nd video were reuploaded from another youtube channel alot so I assumed that usually people who read my comments already familiar with these type of story pattern and had at least watched one of those youtube videos link that I mentioned on second point. That's why they knew about the negative comments.
      There's a lot of variations of the same stories (meaning different method of progression and circumstances but it leads to the same ending) so you must find it similar to one another but with different details.
      Fourthly, like I mentioned in my comments and my reply to @Hannadruk1445.
      I directed this comment to people who basically bashing FL or the story itself without any solid foundation and/or proof by quoting the line of the story, especially since the FL not really weak after all. Because from the negative comments that scattered around, it seems those people bashing FL just because FL made different decisions/actions from them.
      And like what I said, this is based on Chinese cultures and teachings as you can see from the proverb/saying that mentioned in the story (for example, like green tea b*tch, white lotus, white moonlight, etc.). So that's why most of these stories are based on Chinese teachings that's why it's kinda weird that some people compare it with the western teachings and still hoping for the same results/outcomes.
      Fifthly, most people always defend the FL bio (biologically) child because he/she just a child and knows no better like what I mentioned.
      And if you're Asian (especially Chinese) you should know from the young age, Chinese people always taught to be respectful towards their own parents no matter what, not only from family but educational institutions taught the same thing. So it's kinda weird that it's always mentioned that FL bio child was smart or educated, but still behaved that way towards FL. The child (he/she) should understand that very basic principle at least (even if the child doesn't get it from the family at least the child should get that basic principle from educational institutions like school or a tutor or even a children story book). Especially in other videos, FL raised the child herself with love and care but the child just pushed FL away and even supporting the mistress to replace FL as his/her mother which maybe make sense in western but not in asian, as far as I know.
      So maybe what people saw as like throwing tanthrums in westerns, in asian it means a lot of disrespect. And if some people who commented say that's fine for them and they don't feel hurt by the child doing, well that's them. FL may not be able to take it because of her circumstances and upbringing.
      This type of videos/stories maybe only 40 minutes until 2 hours long for people but for FL who experiencing her life (it's years mostly around 5-10 years of her life). So no wonder FL can make drastic actions or decisions since usually FL live in toxic environment that abandoned, ridiculed, even abused/used her by people who should care for her. But instead, those people are the ones who drove FL into a corner and treated FL very poorly. Somehow, some people don't have empathy for FL and just saying she's a bad/trashy character. It just blown my mind 🥲
      Sixthly, I think from your clear and inquisitive comments, you have a open perspective/ mindset and a curiosity to know more. That's why I replied to you asap and hope you can pay attention to the details in the story on youtube videos link that I mentioned on my second point. And after that, you can read the comments section and see for yourself.
      I mean it's okay if people dislike the story and disagree with FL decisions/actions but no need to bashing on it and your comments is a testament that people could disagree or questioning things that they don't quite catch it but no need to bashing on the matter.
      Btw, you might find my comments in some of the videos link above so I hope you don't get surprised by it. And if you have any questions about my earliest comments (which I think still explain the same point as my comments in this video) you can reply to this comment and don't forget to quoting the line from my earliest comments. That would be wonderful 😁👍
      Again, I'm sorry if my comments seems insulting to you and I hope you can get that I don't mean to insult people like you and @Hannadruk1445 that want to broaden their perspective/viewpoints since my comments directed to people who bashing and commenting while missing details of the story and just because of the differences (related to actions/decisions about the FL bio child relationship with FL) between them and FL. As you can see from one or two sentences that some people left on the comment section of the videos above (2nd point).
      Thank you for commenting and I hope you can get what I mean also understand my perspectives on it even if you still ended up disagreeing with me. I appreciate the respect that shown from your comment towards me and you still question things and not just jumping to judging things from the get-go.
      My comments usually long, so hope it can answer your question and kudo to you or anyone else who read this far. Peace and good luck to all of you 🙏😇

  • @elmo41088
    @elmo41088 День назад

    I want to know what her next adventure would be!

  • @rhuonaChanel
    @rhuonaChanel 3 дня назад

    +sigh* can you give a warning if there is grape in the story... Especially because process is described so vividly

  • @underthelid718
    @underthelid718 8 дней назад +2

    What is shepherds person pie?

  • @fatimacarneiro6037
    @fatimacarneiro6037 8 дней назад +1

    Tão triste! 😢😢😢