@@mattvg1557 Achievement: Have completed less than X amount of achievement. Reward: the casual If you complete more than the set amount of achievement you lose the achievement and title :D
lol, yep pretty much. Although explaining what a long strange trip, or khan/battlemaster would also take a long time, but the thing is if you do pvp, battlemaster is easy, long strange trip is super easy, your just waiting. But PCP requires you to do ALL STYLES of gameplay, world content, pvp, world pvp, Rated pvp, mythic+, raiding, etc etc, making it the hardest for simply that, you need to be good at everything. Not many people can say they have cutting edge, elite pvp ranking, and do M+ 15's on time.
You'll have to be top at Arena, top at raiding, top at M+, lucky with paragon chests, as well as have shit load of free time to grind. And you'll probably only have one year left to do it since some of those (like the arena one) is probably going away in 9.0.
Some guy in my brother's guild have this achievement. This dude is just crazy. Also he said "getting your 2k4 rating in 2v2 is easy when you play a melee and you've got a good healer.
@@mercenaryforhire3453 that's true, I have every essence rank4 except for arena, I got to 2100 as a mage and decided to stop trying, because pvp is so fucking triggering as a caster and also I only have one friend to pvp with and he's hpal, which is hard setup to play with. If I was maining warrior I would already have gotten this achievement, because melee are braindead. Can't be bothered to do it on mage :)
Almost had the mount and rep achievement before I quit, those were really nice to grind because you had to do pretty much everything the game had to offer, getting every other collectible along the way
@@oluwarotimi_98 Blizzard happened hahaha, for me its been going downhill with wow after cata, Legion got me back into the hardcore scene but BFA completely killed my last emotional connections with the game - it just feels like it's designed to be a product for engagement metrics first, game second
"Khan" sub achievements also include 100 wins in every of those bgs. Considering Alliance win ratios and Horde queue times, this is more of a 5 year project nowadays.
he has 100% of the achievement points.. no way to track if he has all the feat of strength or legacy achievements tho since there are not a list of how many are you missing and most of them cant be obtained anymore
Vartence Yes this is true, that last achievement is a feat of strength. It does not give you any achievement points. So you can still have 100% completed without having this and many other ones like "insane in the membrane"
I got it done during WoD as well. Trick to keeping from getting totally burned out was to do the hardest races first. That way with each one that gets done it only gets easier.
@@ChinnuWoW I got lucky while running random heroics back in Wrath, back when Share the Love was required for Glory of the Hero, totally out of the blue our group leader asked if we wanted to do the achievement, and so we did. Waited around on Gal'darah until he had impaled every last one of us, then killed him. While I personally am just a tiny bit sad it's no longer needed for Glory of the Hero, I can absolutely understand why it was removed from the requirements list due to how hard it'd be to do today.
Sorry, a pedantic point but, "penultimate" means 2nd to last or greatest, as in "ultimate" is last or greatest. The penultimate prestige pvp reward is the battle pet, Sir Snips / Bucketshell. The Prestigious Bloodforged Courser is the ultimate reward.
I had no idea my wod title was so difficult at the time I was just doing ashran for for 6-8 hours every day with 12-16 on weekends for like a year oh wait I get it now 🤦♂️
@@Craig-ib7gk Yeah the idea that you could potentially get RNG'd out of the achievement is pretty bad. I think it's highly unlikely though as long as you've been doing all the WQs for a good amount of time.
I won't even bother to do Rustbolt Resistance paragons, I got my Pathfinder rep then I got my Mechagnomes unlocked recently, no thanks. I'm not doing anymore reputation with that faction, I hope it gets in the sea.
Your my favorite youtuber when it comes to wow, you upload very often and that's saying alot considering the videos are always high quality. P.s. more villains corner!
It's actually way more than a year depending on when you start because the Brewfest Achievement requires a year on its own to try all 12 brew of the month
I'm most the proud of my what a long strange trip its been achievement. I completed it the earliest time you could get it and the Violet Proto Drake is probably my favorite mount of all. 😁
Grinding out Battlegrounds for Battlemaster was a blast of fun that I will never forget. I never even got 10% of it done, but it's still very much one of my favorite gaming experiences ever. If you're ever bored with this game, achievement hunting may very well help you fall in love with it again; I totally reccomend. Thank you for the videos Hiru and Felplague! They're excellent!
you never had to get bloodsail to exalted for insane in the membrane. I got the achievement when it was added and Ive never did the exalted grind. Honorable mentions: bigger bag and the dancing one from mogushan vaults ^^
For the Draenor Warlord title, I experienced a bug from WoD that continues to benefit me. See during WoD I played Horde and got a quest to kill one of the races. When I faction changed to Ally, My quest to kill got switched to the horse race equal but I could take a second quest. Since then I’ve been able to work on 2 races at the same time. No clue if the bug still occurs but once bugged you can continue to collect and do 2 quests at a time. Edit: damn autocorrect
Yeah. It just rolls of the tongue while "Azeroth's Champion", Azeroth is a weird enough word to pair with any other word but putting a possessive " 's " after it just makes it sound silly. Plus who even wants to be called "champion" after 2 entire expansions of "Champion this" and "Champion that"?
This title confuses most people. "Azeroth's Champion" refers not to the world of Azeroth, but to the nascent titan world soul Azeroth. You are the Titan Azeroth's champion.
One achievement that require a lot of time and luck is the "Going To Need A Bigger Bag" from the timeless isle in pandaria. You have to get every special rare drop (with very low chances) from every rare in the island, And all rares have at least a 30 minutes-1 hour respawn time with mutiple rares with many ways of summoning them or just waiting for them to appear. There's one from nazjatar with The same style which is the "Give Me the Biggest Bag You've Got"
During Wrath there was a brief period where Blizz announced that they would no longer reward 310 flying from the Long Strange Trip achievement because it was going to be available for gold. I stopped working on an achievement because it was not going to make a difference and then they turned around and added it back. I sent a slew of tickets in and basically was told too bad so I got it the next year, after I had already bought 310 flying.
Not sure if it has changed but one of the Brewfest achievements required a year itself to complete. It was have or drink every brew of the month brews. Only 1 is available every month.
A thing about the Nemesis quests. Back in Warlords of Draenor (I don't know if this has been changed) kills for each of the races would count 1x for each group member that had the quest. Meaning that if you had a full 5 man party that needed say 500 gnomes, you'd only have to kill 100 gnomes in order for everyone to finish provided you are all within close proximity. While you do debuff targets you kill it can be removed by having them be resurrected by a fellow member of their faction. I did this back in the day with a friend and we had a full 5 man group standing near a graveyard in Frostfire, an alliance member of the specific "Nemesis" faction we had the quest for and a paladin to ress them (It can be any ress). Kill, ress, repeat. This way you don't have to wait the debuff timer of 10 minutes and it becomes much, much faster. The thing that took me and my friend most time was leveling every race for this.
Great video! I agree on most of the rankings you've given, even though I'd put Hero of the Horde/Alliance further up the list :) Also, I believe there are at least two other achievements that take 1 year or longer to complete: Brew of the Year from the Brewfest requires you to drink a beer every month for a year, and Veteran Nanny, from the Children's Week requires you to choose all 3 pets from the quest reward on a single character, making it a 2-year requirement at least.
@@sharkbait4616 Yeahhh i farmed all my rep, boosted a rogue for the lockboxes, and now I'm onto the insane cost of DMF decks to finish. Those librams suuuuucked to get, let alone the quest items like the blood of heroes, frayed abom stitching, and skin of shadow.
The only one I have is what a long strange trip it's been.. I also have a legendary campaign (which is not on this list) but that would only be impressive to people who aren't used to having a max level of every class
Herald of the Titans is still technically available. You just need enough people at level 80, with the appropriate gear level for the FoS, and kill Algalon. Which, is easier now than it was in Wrath for sure, but that's still doing one of the hardest raid bosses at the intended level.
Insane in the Membrane used to also require another rep grind - the furbolg in that tunnel that links Winterspring with Felwood and Moonglade, but they removed that with Cata (which was also when most of us thought the achievement would be removed).
Regarding the Nemesis title, I got this within one afternoon during the Legion pre-patch. Just need to have two large guilds from both factions coordinate things. Get about 40 from each race - one group takes off all their gear and stand in one place to quickly get killed, healer res’es repeat. However, this was when everybody was waiting for the Legion expansion release and there was just nothing else to do.
I did all of the requirements for the “Warlord of Draenor” title back in WoD except for the colosseum part and I queued up for a a couple months ago and I was in the queue for a 7 or 8 hours before I gave up on the queue after not finding anyone. I’d say this makes this achievement even harder now to a degree lol.
Had a friend of mine get "The Insane" title for free. It was a complete glitch, when he emailed a gm, they responded with basically "Woops, guess you get to keep it!"
Same...I got it when it was the only non-raid drop/achievement way to get a 310% mount. The last thing I needed was the damn flag cap in EotS...WHICH IS BAD PVP, BLIZZ!!!
I remember daily quests being limited to 25 in a day in BC, you had to choose which ones you were going to focus on, I dont know when they changed that, but it was a change
One thing I've noticed every time you mention "Insane in the Membrane" is you always fail to mention the other removed rep. It required Shen'dralar Exalted prior to Cata, which was a Dire Maul rep.
You're a bit wrong on "Insane in the Membrane", since it never required you to be exalted with Bloodsail. You DID have to be honoured with them at the same time as you were exalted with the Goblins, and this could be achieved by grinding Booty Bay until your Bloodsail was at honoured, and then grinding any other pirate faction mobs until your Goblin rep got to exalted again. Before Cataclysm it also required you to be exalted with Shen'dralar, which was a crazy slow grind, since it required you to turn in Libram quests, and since Librams were unique, you could only turn in a few per run through Dire Maul. The worst of all though was Darkmoon Faire, since after revered you could ONLY get rep for turning in decks. 350 for the epic decks and 25 for the others. In conclusion, it might still take some dedicated (a week at most) time to get that achievement, it really doesn't deserve a spot above the 250000 honourable kills and others such.
It's definitely easier than it used to be, now that: You only need to get honored to Bloodsail and exalted to the goblin reps at some time, not at the same time; Shendra'lar has been removed; Zandalar has been removed; Darkmoon Faire is a lot easier rep to raise when Darkmoon Faire was revamped (many more opportunities to raise the rep and much less timegated).
So after having done it in WotLK Classic, I can confirm this takes a ton of time. Also my comment regarding it taking a "week at most" was totally of the mark. It would still take a very long time, but the parts they removed after Cata was still substantial. Doing the achievement after Cata is in essence around half as much work, maybe even less since Shen'dralar, the goblins at the same time as the pirates as well as the mountain of Darkmoon Deck turnins was such a large amount of work, that it made the other grinds feel like nothing.
@@Enseraku The coliseum part was a bit wrong, you don't have to win the coliseum, just get enough kills there. But if you won it you got a FoS "the last of us" granted in the "lord/lady of war" title. Which felt better than the harder to get title of warlord of draenor in my opinion.
For Warlord of Draenor: In BFA, if you go to Ashran (epic battleground) with nemesis quest, every player of your nemesis class that die around you makes progress. You don't need to kill them personally, not even damage them.
with Shadowlands they should add a new achievement called "Semi-Phenomenal Cosmic Power" in which you just need the Rank 3s since 4s are getting removed. it would be a nod to the previous achievement but also be a nod to where the name comes from. (Disney's Aladdin BTW)
Shendralar was removed in cata, they sounded right annoying from what I read Having done long strange trip, hoofbeats and the insane... I'd say currently insane in the membrane is actually quite easy in comparison these days, especially since legion made ravenholdt doable in like 7 hours, with the only prerequisite being a character at legion level or above Bloodsail+ goblins take a few days to get both to exalted simultaneously ( I wanted credit for the exalted meta). The worst part is the darkmoon faire tbh
@@AngDavies I did Insane in WotLK. Shendralar required carried a unique item into Dire Maul, to turn in for 250 rep. So, you had to do that trip a lot, and that was *if* the Libram's were available. If you think Darkmoon is bad now - prior to there being an actual fair you had to make and turn in several hundred decks. I was buying cards for months.
I currently have two of these: What a Long Strange Trip it's been and 10,000 World Quests. And I've been playing since 2014. Just goes to show how tough these are to get.
Right after this achievement went live, I joined a random BG and the horse and our team took turns dying in the opposite base over and over. We all coordinated until everyone had it. Best time I've ever had in wsg
I always come here expecting old feats of strength before realising that they are just time based and not difficulty based. I'll still rock my tabard from the opening of the dark portal with pride.
Well those kind of achievements aren't hard to get; you just had to be there at a specific time. If you didn't get them when you could you now no longer can.
I have 4 soon to be 5 of these completed. Strange trip, 400 mounts, Insane, Warlord of Draenor and soon to be 100 reps (at 98). I think that is all I plan to tackle on this list lol
That's not how that works; if you're deathballing in the centre of Ashran you will likely get the kills on pandaren for example - having 5 dudes doesn't increase the amount of pandaren around
@@Zereleth That's not how that works; If you have a party of 2 you get 2 credits for each kill halving the amount of pandaren needed. If you have 5 dudes every pandaren is worth 5 pandaren credits for every one of you. This is in addition to the benefit of having 5 guys spread to catch the credits from a wider area.
I've been playing for 6 years and I've only got 2 of these: "What a long Strange trip it's been" and "10,000 World Quests". I can't imagine getting them all.
I got Long Strange Trip and The Insane (the original - I finished it right after they removed the Shen'dralar requirement, but I did also have that part already finished) both during WotLK. You did not have to get Bloodsail to exalted, you could stop at honored. All of the goblin factions had an NPC you could turn cloth into for rep bonuses, so you just had to turn in thousands upon thousands of Runecloth to get your Booty Bay rep back after getting Bloodsail. I would add an Honorable Mention for Herald of the Titans, which (I believe) is technically still available. The difficulty comes not from it being particularly hard to execute, but because you need to get an entire raid group of people to lock their XP to stop gaining levels and farm an entire set of gear for everyone that fits the item level requirements. I got that one during Cataclysm, had to search forums for a group doing it and buy a server transfer to join them.
that's the one thing preventing me from getting my VPD. I had another go at it this year, conciously doing lots of BGs. I didn't even get 1 of the 4 requirements, yet again :(
from your list I've got the Long Strange Trip achieve, the 400 mount achieve, the world quest achieve. I am 2 reputations away from 100 exalted reps (which I will get in 8.3)
Hey, I am pretty good on the list! I got: 1. What a Long Strange Trip it Has Been; 2. Insane to the Membrance; 3. 100 Exalted Reputations. Should have an honorable mention to the Hero of Shattrath (getting exalted with The Aldors, then with The Scryers or vice-versa).
#10 on this list is the only one I ever got, and boy did it feel epic getting it. It wasn't that hard (Children's Week was the hardest holiday, because it required PvP zone achievements) but it took a long time.
Update: I also got 100 exalted reputations now. Shadowlands made that easier, just by there being a few more reputations to work with, but it still requires almost all of them and it took me years to do. As of this date there is no higer "x exalted reputations" achievement than 100.
For Warlord of Draenor if any one else in your group is on the same quest at the time needing to kill the same race then you all would get the credit. So when we were making raids at the time in Ashran during WoD we would move ppl into that group in the raid . So the 5 ppl in group 2 would be on the panda quest , the 5 ppl in group 3 would be on gnome ect . Also for some reason i had it in my head that you would get double kills or something but not sure on that part . Im not sure if this is still into effect or not. I got mine for this one back in WoD so i dont really pay attention when i go into Asran now days
Getting every achievement in the game should give you the ability to enter in a custom title of your choosing, as long as it's not profane or something
i've never even seen half those mounts, esp. the feltalon and biting frostshard core i had not even heard of. and essentially the draenor pvp req's should be considered criminal as there is no way to complete them without torture...
lvl 120 learn flying 10 mounts unlock HoA Universal explorer superior (equip all blue items) kill G'huun, jaina, Uunat or azshara on lfr any dungeon completion achievement on normal unlock all 3 legion artifacts win 10 pet battles loremaster in any zone
Is getting the red mount from AQ still a feat of strength? I remember it was because I had the red one, but traded for a different color(can't remember which one) in the raid, and watched him get the achievement. : / this was in wotlk tho in a 60 exp cap guild.
You forgot to add regarding The Insane, that it also used to include getting the Shen'dralar to exalted (I know you're talking about those achievements that are currently obtainable, but since you included the changes to the Steamwheedle Cartel / Bloodsail factions, you might as well mention the Shen'dralar). I, for one, can tell you exactly how every guard moves in Dire Maul, because I ran that damn instance so many times to get to exalted - and then Blizzard just removed it from the achievement.
I’ve gotten Insane in the Membrane, Long Strange Trip and Warlord of Draenor. Nice to see my old glories are still meaningful in some way haven’t played since mid Legion
there's something so addictive about achievements (to me). I feel like I'd happily throw the rest of my life away just trying to be a completionism in what I know good and damn well is just a game with no real-life meaning or importance.
@@NoOne-py5or Considering you have to find 10 people who stop leveling at 80, and then gear them only to ilvl 100 (I think that's the ilvl), it's a lot harder than some of the ones here
I got insane in the membrane back in 2009, your description was slightly off. The way I did it was by getting honored with bloodsail then doing the ogre quest in dire maul over and over for rep plus farming pirates in tamarins that don’t harm bloodsail rep
This is the reason i dont like classic and tbc, other than the lvling as a kid. I would never spend 4 months today mindlessly grinding 2 bgs like in classic. But late wow has so much more rewarding journeys you can do, and the difficulty works so well to separate casual from dedicated players
But back in vanilla no one cared about your gear unless it was utter dogshit now it's all about gearscore. GS means jack shit when it comes down to it. Back in wrath my 3k hunter out dpsed a 5k hunter
Videos like this make me feel comfortable with my “casual” status.
Yeah me to lol
I mean the video opens with holiday events, can't get much more casual than that. This kind of content is built for casuals.
Would be nice to make that a title. 'X the Casual' ^^
@@mattvg1557 Achievement: Have completed less than X amount of achievement. Reward: the casual
If you complete more than the set amount of achievement you lose the achievement and title :D
Cope slave morality
I think phenomenal cosmic power's spot is justified by it's explanation taking a third of the video.
lol, yep pretty much.
Although explaining what a long strange trip, or khan/battlemaster would also take a long time, but the thing is if you do pvp, battlemaster is easy, long strange trip is super easy, your just waiting.
But PCP requires you to do ALL STYLES of gameplay, world content, pvp, world pvp, Rated pvp, mythic+, raiding, etc etc, making it the hardest for simply that, you need to be good at everything.
Not many people can say they have cutting edge, elite pvp ranking, and do M+ 15's on time.
You'll have to be top at Arena, top at raiding, top at M+, lucky with paragon chests, as well as have shit load of free time to grind. And you'll probably only have one year left to do it since some of those (like the arena one) is probably going away in 9.0.
@@RazanaArcclaw +15s on time is piss easy for most people who have Cutting egde or elite pvp ranking though. :P
Some guy in my brother's guild have this achievement. This dude is just crazy. Also he said "getting your 2k4 rating in 2v2 is easy when you play a melee and you've got a good healer.
@@mercenaryforhire3453 that's true, I have every essence rank4 except for arena, I got to 2100 as a mage and decided to stop trying, because pvp is so fucking triggering as a caster and also I only have one friend to pvp with and he's hpal, which is hard setup to play with. If I was maining warrior I would already have gotten this achievement, because melee are braindead. Can't be bothered to do it on mage :)
Almost had the mount and rep achievement before I quit, those were really nice to grind because you had to do pretty much everything the game had to offer, getting every other collectible along the way
His game got Corrupted
@@oluwarotimi_98 Blizzard happened hahaha, for me its been going downhill with wow after cata, Legion got me back into the hardcore scene but BFA completely killed my last emotional connections with the game - it just feels like it's designed to be a product for engagement metrics first, game second
@@Corrupted versuch shadowlands es ist nicht schlecht
@@miezemoon9645 Neee Brudah, es ist schlecht!
you know, the way the "Bloodthirsty" title is, whoever has it, there's actually a small chance you were killed by that player one way or another.
Blizz: Play WoW.
Players: And what will it cost us, Blizz?
Weren't Gul'dan's eyes red in that one?
*drinking the Demonblood from a open Orcskull
"Khan" sub achievements also include 100 wins in every of those bgs. Considering Alliance win ratios and Horde queue times, this is more of a 5 year project nowadays.
Now imagine.
There is a dude that has 100% of the achievements in wow currently.
one dude back in WoD got so bored, he completed all achievements avalible at that time
@@robohat4837 well I think everyone who actually played in WoD, without a raiding guild, did just that :D
he has 100% of the achievement points.. no way to track if he has all the feat of strength or legacy achievements tho since there are not a list of how many are you missing and most of them cant be obtained anymore
Vartence Yes this is true, that last achievement is a feat of strength. It does not give you any achievement points. So you can still have 100% completed without having this and many other ones like "insane in the membrane"
You can look up those people on dataforazeroth.com achivement section
Man, I’m so glad I got the Warlord of Draenor achievement, when it was current content :D
I gave up by killing 500 pandas. Nobody played that :()
same here the hardest for my was gnomes and it wasnt due to there size either
Daggernath, yeah, I did it with a full squad. A bit cheaty but well, fuck it.
Sul A, oh sweet! I’ll get right to it!
I got it done during WoD as well. Trick to keeping from getting totally burned out was to do the hardest races first. That way with each one that gets done it only gets easier.
Just by looking at the requirements for Phenomenal Cosmic Power made me grow a neckbeard.
i love classic, even tho my highest lvl char is 56 pala. and 51 mage, and 46 warrior and 41 rogue. oh and 38 warlock.
Ruben shifty k?
@matt fahringer 60 pala and 60 mage
since everyone was eager to hear an update
matt fahringer i just got epic mount. Was 900 gold.
Ah What a Long Strange Trip It's been. I remember getting that back in 2010. Was so happy to get 310% Felt so much faster back then than it does now.
I got that same feeling with Glory of the Hero. Less-Rabbi was really hard to do back in Wrath.
ChinnuWoW omg that took my friends and I so many attempts, pots, flasks good everything to burn as fast in that first cast he does. Nutz
I still don't have it. Year after year, I look at some of the achievements that require me to ask other people to help, and I give up for that month
@@ChinnuWoW I got lucky while running random heroics back in Wrath, back when Share the Love was required for Glory of the Hero, totally out of the blue our group leader asked if we wanted to do the achievement, and so we did. Waited around on Gal'darah until he had impaled every last one of us, then killed him. While I personally am just a tiny bit sad it's no longer needed for Glory of the Hero, I can absolutely understand why it was removed from the requirements list due to how hard it'd be to do today.
Blizzard: We'll remove 10 and 25 raid tiers so people aren't obsessed with playing both every week.
Also Blizzard: Makes Cosmic Power achievement.
@@BruceBrozowski That's not required anymore. That is an optional achievement for Children's Week.
That would be why he said "used to be"........
It wouldn't be an "achievement" if it was easy to do. That's the point.
Sorry, a pedantic point but, "penultimate" means 2nd to last or greatest, as in "ultimate" is last or greatest. The penultimate prestige pvp reward is the battle pet, Sir Snips / Bucketshell. The Prestigious Bloodforged Courser is the ultimate reward.
I had no idea my wod title was so difficult at the time I was just doing ashran for for 6-8 hours every day with 12-16 on weekends for like a year oh wait I get it now 🤦♂️
Hahah that cracked me up
Holy crap for real? Why would you do that?
I think I went to ashran (the city) for a total of 5 minutes during WoD. I just found out in 2022 that they have a bank there
Man i used to grind Ashran hard. It was my favourite map
"And inside the paragon chest you have a *chance* to get your legendary essence."
Hahahaha. No.
@@Craig-ib7gk Yeah the idea that you could potentially get RNG'd out of the achievement is pretty bad. I think it's highly unlikely though as long as you've been doing all the WQs for a good amount of time.
I won't even bother to do Rustbolt Resistance paragons, I got my Pathfinder rep then I got my Mechagnomes unlocked recently, no thanks. I'm not doing anymore reputation with that faction, I hope it gets in the sea.
Your my favorite youtuber when it comes to wow, you upload very often and that's saying alot considering the videos are always high quality.
P.s. more villains corner!
It's actually way more than a year depending on when you start because the Brewfest Achievement requires a year on its own to try all 12 brew of the month
I'm most the proud of my what a long strange trip its been achievement. I completed it the earliest time you could get it and the Violet Proto Drake is probably my favorite mount of all. 😁
same here, even though i only did it to get a proto drake "easily"... i don't like the violet version that much!
Grinding out Battlegrounds for Battlemaster was a blast of fun that I will never forget. I never even got 10% of it done, but it's still very much one of my favorite gaming experiences ever. If you're ever bored with this game, achievement hunting may very well help you fall in love with it again; I totally reccomend.
Thank you for the videos Hiru and Felplague! They're excellent!
Holy crap, couple days ago I was thinking hmm maybe hiru should do a hardest achievement video. And boom what do I get
You have mind powers like a sugandese person
6:57 my friend told me about this one. He got it before it was changed. Now that I'm actually playing WoW I appreciate what that really means.
you never had to get bloodsail to exalted for insane in the membrane. I got the achievement when it was added and Ive never did the exalted grind.
Honorable mentions: bigger bag and the dancing one from mogushan vaults ^^
He forgot to add it used to require shendralar exalted
For the Draenor Warlord title, I experienced a bug from WoD that continues to benefit me. See during WoD I played Horde and got a quest to kill one of the races. When I faction changed to Ally, My quest to kill got switched to the horse race equal but I could take a second quest. Since then I’ve been able to work on 2 races at the same time. No clue if the bug still occurs but once bugged you can continue to collect and do 2 quests at a time.
Edit: damn autocorrect
Insane also used to require exalted with the Shen'dralar. That rep was harder than Bloodsail farm is today, but easier than getting it to exalted.
Also Darkmoon Faire was a lot harder before Darkmoon Island.
I am enjoying listening to your pleasant voice while I do my ICC legendary questline.
"Savior of Azeroth" sounds like a much more impressive title than "Azeroth's Champion," imo.
Yeah. It just rolls of the tongue while "Azeroth's Champion", Azeroth is a weird enough word to pair with any other word but putting a possessive " 's " after it just makes it sound silly. Plus who even wants to be called "champion" after 2 entire expansions of "Champion this" and "Champion that"?
that's already a title though
@@caltiction was from cata right?
This title confuses most people. "Azeroth's Champion" refers not to the world of Azeroth, but to the nascent titan world soul Azeroth. You are the Titan Azeroth's champion.
About 7 months ago, I just got introduced to Phenomenal Cosmic Power through this video. And 2 days ago I finally got it!
gz i got it 3 weeks ago :)
One achievement that require a lot of time and luck is the "Going To Need A Bigger Bag" from the timeless isle in pandaria. You have to get every special rare drop (with very low chances) from every rare in the island, And all rares have at least a 30 minutes-1 hour respawn time with mutiple rares with many ways of summoning them or just waiting for them to appear.
There's one from nazjatar with The same style which is the "Give Me the Biggest Bag You've Got"
That was put on the list originally, but as its 100% pure RNG, and made much easier with alts, it barely didnt make it.
During Wrath there was a brief period where Blizz announced that they would no longer reward 310 flying from the Long Strange Trip achievement because it was going to be available for gold. I stopped working on an achievement because it was not going to make a difference and then they turned around and added it back. I sent a slew of tickets in and basically was told too bad so I got it the next year, after I had already bought 310 flying.
Can’t wait for the Bald one to react to this
I thought he stopped reacting to things for like a few months now.
@@rdsasuke1 his fanboys send him fully edited videos, no need to lift a finger
He died
It's unbelievably sad when your first reaction to a video is "wow I can't wait to watch someone else watch this video"
The Hairless one
Love your videos dude. Happy holidays, cheers from argentina :)
Not sure if it has changed but one of the Brewfest achievements required a year itself to complete. It was have or drink every brew of the month brews. Only 1 is available every month.
Brewfest is the easiest imo now. But most of the others require a lot of travelling.
this achievment still exist but its not part of brewmaster title...
A thing about the Nemesis quests. Back in Warlords of Draenor (I don't know if this has been changed) kills for each of the races would count 1x for each group member that had the quest.
Meaning that if you had a full 5 man party that needed say 500 gnomes, you'd only have to kill 100 gnomes in order for everyone to finish provided you are all within close proximity.
While you do debuff targets you kill it can be removed by having them be resurrected by a fellow member of their faction.
I did this back in the day with a friend and we had a full 5 man group standing near a graveyard in Frostfire, an alliance member of the specific "Nemesis" faction we had the quest for and a paladin to ress them (It can be any ress). Kill, ress, repeat.
This way you don't have to wait the debuff timer of 10 minutes and it becomes much, much faster.
The thing that took me and my friend most time was leveling every race for this.
Your little additional notes (like "nice" and "and height") give me life.
Great video! I agree on most of the rankings you've given, even though I'd put Hero of the Horde/Alliance further up the list :)
Also, I believe there are at least two other achievements that take 1 year or longer to complete: Brew of the Year from the Brewfest requires you to drink a beer every month for a year, and Veteran Nanny, from the Children's Week requires you to choose all 3 pets from the quest reward on a single character, making it a 2-year requirement at least.
I did a keystone with a resto druid that had "Azeroth's Champion" title. This was about a couple months ago and I can't remember her name. rip
wow, months ago?
that's impressive.
Isn't his name Møøncry? he's one of my officers, I didnt even knew what that title was when I joined and saw it
Whoever that is, they farm the HELL out of the game, they probably have lots of time on their hands, I wish I was them, but I hate pvp
I have a handful of these, to be honest getting the Warlocks green fire felt the most rewarding and took the most dedication
Insane in the Membrame also used to require the Dire Maul faction, and Darkmoon faire used to be turning in hundreds of decks.
i got a legacy agent of shen'dralar achieve, yes i got insane in the membrane during those days lol
@@sharkbait4616 Yeahhh i farmed all my rep, boosted a rogue for the lockboxes, and now I'm onto the insane cost of DMF decks to finish. Those librams suuuuucked to get, let alone the quest items like the blood of heroes, frayed abom stitching, and skin of shadow.
thx for this, I am a wow Achv. fanatic im nearing 18k Achv pts now. Seeing this video didnt deter me, it motivated me! thanks for that
The only one I have is what a long strange trip it's been.. I also have a legendary campaign (which is not on this list) but that would only be impressive to people who aren't used to having a max level of every class
Herald of the Titans is still technically available. You just need enough people at level 80, with the appropriate gear level for the FoS, and kill Algalon. Which, is easier now than it was in Wrath for sure, but that's still doing one of the hardest raid bosses at the intended level.
Insane in the Membrane used to also require another rep grind - the furbolg in that tunnel that links Winterspring with Felwood and Moonglade, but they removed that with Cata (which was also when most of us thought the achievement would be removed).
Uhhh no? You need the Shen'dralar or w.e, nothing about Timbermaw. Shen'dralar is Dire Maul area.
@@deezclowns2462 they said used too. you dont after cata
@@heavyspark813 you’ve never needed Timbermaw. Ever. Before or after cata.
Things like this make me feel the itch of wanting to enter a world of endless content to have always something to work towards.
Regarding the Nemesis title, I got this within one afternoon during the Legion pre-patch. Just need to have two large guilds from both factions coordinate things. Get about 40 from each race - one group takes off all their gear and stand in one place to quickly get killed, healer res’es repeat.
However, this was when everybody was waiting for the Legion expansion release and there was just nothing else to do.
I did all of the requirements for the “Warlord of Draenor” title back in WoD except for the colosseum part and I queued up for a a couple months ago and I was in the queue for a 7 or 8 hours before I gave up on the queue after not finding anyone. I’d say this makes this achievement even harder now to a degree lol.
"The Seat of Knowledge" have to be up there as well, so many many hours gone to that one
10k world quests was piss easy, getting the 250k HKs takes waaaaay longer
Yep. I think it took me about 3 years before I got it
Had a friend of mine get "The Insane" title for free. It was a complete glitch, when he emailed a gm, they responded with basically "Woops, guess you get to keep it!"
My uncle works at Nintendo...
@@mikemiken1963 idk what you mean by that but you can look him up yourself. Androkk on winterhoof
bro itd be a miracle to even find 1 gnome in Draenor anymore, gl with 500
What a Long Strange Trip It's Been achieved on 22/09/09
One of my first big achievements, I rode that Violet Proto Drake for a whole year :D
Same...I got it when it was the only non-raid drop/achievement way to get a 310% mount. The last thing I needed was the damn flag cap in EotS...WHICH IS BAD PVP, BLIZZ!!!
I remember daily quests being limited to 25 in a day in BC, you had to choose which ones you were going to focus on, I dont know when they changed that, but it was a change
One thing I've noticed every time you mention "Insane in the Membrane" is you always fail to mention the other removed rep. It required Shen'dralar Exalted prior to Cata, which was a Dire Maul rep.
plus DMF had no rep from quests. You had to turn in hundreds of decks.
@@jaredp4478 EH it had repeatable turn in quests, but both options were low rep and required a ton of turn ins.
@@Inufan2005 I believe the quests did not give rep beyond honored
Getting Warlord of Draenor and Lord of War were the most fun I ever had in this game. WoD xpac was awesome for PvP.
You're a bit wrong on "Insane in the Membrane", since it never required you to be exalted with Bloodsail. You DID have to be honoured with them at the same time as you were exalted with the Goblins, and this could be achieved by grinding Booty Bay until your Bloodsail was at honoured, and then grinding any other pirate faction mobs until your Goblin rep got to exalted again.
Before Cataclysm it also required you to be exalted with Shen'dralar, which was a crazy slow grind, since it required you to turn in Libram quests, and since Librams were unique, you could only turn in a few per run through Dire Maul. The worst of all though was Darkmoon Faire, since after revered you could ONLY get rep for turning in decks. 350 for the epic decks and 25 for the others. In conclusion, it might still take some dedicated (a week at most) time to get that achievement, it really doesn't deserve a spot above the 250000 honourable kills and others such.
It's definitely easier than it used to be, now that:
You only need to get honored to Bloodsail and exalted to the goblin reps at some time, not at the same time;
Shendra'lar has been removed;
Zandalar has been removed;
Darkmoon Faire is a lot easier rep to raise when Darkmoon Faire was revamped (many more opportunities to raise the rep and much less timegated).
So after having done it in WotLK Classic, I can confirm this takes a ton of time. Also my comment regarding it taking a "week at most" was totally of the mark. It would still take a very long time, but the parts they removed after Cata was still substantial. Doing the achievement after Cata is in essence around half as much work, maybe even less since Shen'dralar, the goblins at the same time as the pirates as well as the mountain of Darkmoon Deck turnins was such a large amount of work, that it made the other grinds feel like nothing.
I'm glad I have at least one of theses, that being What a Long Strange Trip. I feel like an honorable mention should be "Awake the Drakes" too
I have "The Insane" title and I could not be happier, maybe I'll try one of the others sometime
I love these videos man!!!! Always fun and nostalgic to watch :)
11:31 I have it and i feel so Proud!!
That's awesome, congratulations! I have a lot of good memories from WoD.
It’s a pretty sick name for a title. I’d totally use it
@@Enseraku The coliseum part was a bit wrong, you don't have to win the coliseum, just get enough kills there. But if you won it you got a FoS "the last of us" granted in the "lord/lady of war" title. Which felt better than the harder to get title of warlord of draenor in my opinion.
For Warlord of Draenor: In BFA, if you go to Ashran (epic battleground) with nemesis quest, every player of your nemesis class that die around you makes progress. You don't need to kill them personally, not even damage them.
And I was proud getting all rank 3 essences ^^"
with Shadowlands they should add a new achievement called "Semi-Phenomenal Cosmic Power" in which you just need the Rank 3s since 4s are getting removed.
it would be a nod to the previous achievement but also be a nod to where the name comes from. (Disney's Aladdin BTW)
You should make more achievements videos, I really like this one.
I believe The Insane title required Honored with Shen’dralar as well.
It required exalted
Shendralar was removed in cata, they sounded right annoying from what I read
Having done long strange trip, hoofbeats and the insane...
I'd say currently insane in the membrane is actually quite easy in comparison these days, especially since legion made ravenholdt doable in like 7 hours, with the only prerequisite being a character at legion level or above
Bloodsail+ goblins take a few days to get both to exalted simultaneously ( I wanted credit for the exalted meta).
The worst part is the darkmoon faire tbh
@@AngDavies I did Insane in WotLK. Shendralar required carried a unique item into Dire Maul, to turn in for 250 rep. So, you had to do that trip a lot, and that was *if* the Libram's were available.
If you think Darkmoon is bad now - prior to there being an actual fair you had to make and turn in several hundred decks. I was buying cards for months.
drumedorable Even worse.
@@xger21 I remember the quest giving you 500 rep. Weren't there blue and green quality books?
I currently have two of these: What a Long Strange Trip it's been and 10,000 World Quests. And I've been playing since 2014. Just goes to show how tough these are to get.
I'm still trying to get the last achievements for School of hard knocks for the year-long achieve...
Right after this achievement went live, I joined a random BG and the horse and our team took turns dying in the opposite base over and over.
We all coordinated until everyone had it. Best time I've ever had in wsg
I always come here expecting old feats of strength before realising that they are just time based and not difficulty based.
I'll still rock my tabard from the opening of the dark portal with pride.
Well those kind of achievements aren't hard to get; you just had to be there at a specific time. If you didn't get them when you could you now no longer can.
I have 4 soon to be 5 of these completed. Strange trip, 400 mounts, Insane, Warlord of Draenor and soon to be 100 reps (at 98). I think that is all I plan to tackle on this list lol
100 reps now attained
I've The bloodthirsty. I'm satisfied with that.
No challenge at all. Just stupid grinding lol
I can't tell you how hard it was to get nemesis when WoD was current. I remember finding nemesis groups to get it.
The warlord of draenor one could be done in a group of 5. making the kills you need down to 100
That's not how that works; if you're deathballing in the centre of Ashran you will likely get the kills on pandaren for example - having 5 dudes doesn't increase the amount of pandaren around
Max back in the day my friends and I did it and it actually worked
@@Zereleth ruclips.net/video/X-pfAZMe3Mo/видео.html watch this video. it will show you that it worked
@@Zereleth That's not how that works; If you have a party of 2 you get 2 credits for each kill halving the amount of pandaren needed. If you have 5 dudes every pandaren is worth 5 pandaren credits for every one of you. This is in addition to the benefit of having 5 guys spread to catch the credits from a wider area.
I've been playing for 6 years and I've only got 2 of these: "What a long Strange trip it's been" and "10,000 World Quests". I can't imagine getting them all.
I must hate myself because I’m going for “PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER”
itty bitty living space.
Really nice video hiru!
I just subbed, really good video
I got Long Strange Trip and The Insane (the original - I finished it right after they removed the Shen'dralar requirement, but I did also have that part already finished) both during WotLK.
You did not have to get Bloodsail to exalted, you could stop at honored. All of the goblin factions had an NPC you could turn cloth into for rep bonuses, so you just had to turn in thousands upon thousands of Runecloth to get your Booty Bay rep back after getting Bloodsail.
I would add an Honorable Mention for Herald of the Titans, which (I believe) is technically still available. The difficulty comes not from it being particularly hard to execute, but because you need to get an entire raid group of people to lock their XP to stop gaining levels and farm an entire set of gear for everyone that fits the item level requirements. I got that one during Cataclysm, had to search forums for a group doing it and buy a server transfer to join them.
I broke my keyboard doing "School of Hard Knocks." One of the worst achievements in the game.
that's the one thing preventing me from getting my VPD. I had another go at it this year, conciously doing lots of BGs. I didn't even get 1 of the 4 requirements, yet again :(
from your list I've got the Long Strange Trip achieve, the 400 mount achieve, the world quest achieve. I am 2 reputations away from 100 exalted reps (which I will get in 8.3)
Happy holidays to all!
how the f*** did you comment 14hours ago???? The video is online for a minute.
@@Sven-qo1vk Patreons get to view videos early!
Also i made the video, so i get even earlier access.
@@MisterMetagross Lol, yeah you got me there.
Didnt you listen to the end of the video? She helped him out with the video!
Thank you felplague nice video!
Hey, I am pretty good on the list! I got:
1. What a Long Strange Trip it Has Been;
2. Insane to the Membrance;
3. 100 Exalted Reputations.
Should have an honorable mention to the Hero of Shattrath (getting exalted with The Aldors, then with The Scryers or vice-versa).
Believe me. If you hate pet battles. The Legendary Pet Battler achievement is your own personal hell
Tbf no pet battle achievements aren't really that hard. It's all about grinding
@@mercenaryforhire3453 Some of the Pet Battles have strong RNG in them
@@GoatzombieBubba you just need to win 5000 battles its not hard just farm 5000 squirrels in town
@@jony6092 he said pet battler not brawler
#10 on this list is the only one I ever got, and boy did it feel epic getting it. It wasn't that hard (Children's Week was the hardest holiday, because it required PvP zone achievements) but it took a long time.
Update: I also got 100 exalted reputations now. Shadowlands made that easier, just by there being a few more reputations to work with, but it still requires almost all of them and it took me years to do. As of this date there is no higer "x exalted reputations" achievement than 100.
The secret Hardest Achievement in WOW:
Getting a Social Life
No the hardest acheivement was, "meet and date a real female wow player, IRL"
@@ozchoz that would be the Lucky Bastard achievement, right?
@@ozchoz "Meet, date, and marry a real female player who is a woman and doesn't act younger than she is" to be exact
@@UltimateGamerCC That totally would be it
For Warlord of Draenor if any one else in your group is on the same quest at the time needing to kill the same race then you all would get the credit. So when we were making raids at the time in Ashran during WoD we would move ppl into that group in the raid . So the 5 ppl in group 2 would be on the panda quest , the 5 ppl in group 3 would be on gnome ect . Also for some reason i had it in my head that you would get double kills or something but not sure on that part .
Im not sure if this is still into effect or not. I got mine for this one back in WoD so i dont really pay attention when i go into Asran now days
2:04 not to mention that some mounts dont even count towards the achievement
Getting every achievement in the game should give you the ability to enter in a custom title of your choosing, as long as it's not profane or something
Is number 1 a reference to the Genie from Aladdin?
Yes. In addition to the Robin Williams tribute genie mob (Robin Williams was the voice of Genie in the animated film and was a notable WoW player).
Wrong it’s a Grateful Dead song
That's "What A Long Strange Trip," which is a lyric from Truckin' (IIRC, I'm not a Deadhead). #1 on the list was Phenomenal Cosmic Power.
i've never even seen half those mounts, esp. the feltalon and biting frostshard core i had not even heard of. and essentially the draenor pvp req's should be considered criminal as there is no way to complete them without torture...
Too 10 easiest? Asking for a friend
lvl 120
learn flying
10 mounts
unlock HoA
Universal explorer
superior (equip all blue items)
kill G'huun, jaina, Uunat or azshara on lfr
any dungeon completion achievement on normal
unlock all 3 legion artifacts
win 10 pet battles
loremaster in any zone
'Make Love not Warcraft' is probably the easiest to get in the game. You just have to /hug a dead member of the opposite faction to get it.
Shave and a haircut. Get a haircut.
likely level 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 85, 90
Is getting the red mount from AQ still a feat of strength? I remember it was because I had the red one, but traded for a different color(can't remember which one) in the raid, and watched him get the achievement. : / this was in wotlk tho in a 60 exp cap guild.
Alterac Blitz... Almost impossible anymore. 6 min AV win. Gross. Good video!
Agreed. Had to get this in an earlier expansion
My father hit 1 million HK a few months ago. Crazy stuff...
What about the lore master achievement ?🤔
Pretty hard one to grind also
You forgot to add regarding The Insane, that it also used to include getting the Shen'dralar to exalted (I know you're talking about those achievements that are currently obtainable, but since you included the changes to the Steamwheedle Cartel / Bloodsail factions, you might as well mention the Shen'dralar). I, for one, can tell you exactly how every guard moves in Dire Maul, because I ran that damn instance so many times to get to exalted - and then Blizzard just removed it from the achievement.
9:53 holy shit im at 500 honor level?! i have that mount but wasn't sure on how i got it.
SuperSerb TV You sure? The lvl 15 mount almost looks the same :P
@@Aadamm97 you're right thats the one i have, checked my level when i got home and im only lvl 105 honor. feelsbadman
I’ve gotten Insane in the Membrane, Long Strange Trip and Warlord of Draenor. Nice to see my old glories are still meaningful in some way haven’t played since mid Legion
You forgot to add getting a shaman to be useful....#feelsbadman 😭
there's something so addictive about achievements (to me). I feel like I'd happily throw the rest of my life away just trying to be a completionism in what I know good and damn well is just a game with no real-life meaning or importance.
Also, Herald of the Titans is technically still available.
Isn't that hard tho tbh
@@NoOne-py5or Oh yeah? If it's so easy why don't you get it
@@NoOne-py5or Considering you have to find 10 people who stop leveling at 80, and then gear them only to ilvl 100 (I think that's the ilvl), it's a lot harder than some of the ones here
@@TheNaturalGamer1 not a fan of retail
I got insane in the membrane back in 2009, your description was slightly off. The way I did it was by getting honored with bloodsail then doing the ogre quest in dire maul over and over for rep plus farming pirates in tamarins that don’t harm bloodsail rep
Show me your moves is hard. Cannot solo it and everyone has to do the same move at the same time. After they have the effect
i got 10.000 world quests completed in Legion LOL when the achievement were introduced
This is the reason i dont like classic and tbc, other than the lvling as a kid. I would never spend 4 months today mindlessly grinding 2 bgs like in classic. But late wow has so much more rewarding journeys you can do, and the difficulty works so well to separate casual from dedicated players
But back in vanilla no one cared about your gear unless it was utter dogshit now it's all about gearscore. GS means jack shit when it comes down to it. Back in wrath my 3k hunter out dpsed a 5k hunter