This is really interesting. In embedded systems theres something called a watchdog timer. It counts up to a given timeframe and if the system its watching doesnt reset it before that timer, the watchdog timer essential resets the system. If you build another separate timer that only counts to 60 will it have the same time frame delay at the same time as this clock? Given that the games physics is being calculated on their server, maybe their load balancing would allow for different components to be calculated and render at different rate (so the smaller clock will have a different error rate as the main clock- allowing them to clear and reset each other if either of them fails the count). Just spit balling an idea. Again fantastic stuff
The sophistication here is amazing
Great job so much to learn from this!
Fr like sinds when can you activate pressure plates with fish!? Was it alwais a thing?
@@Tuebewannayes I think so
You are a genius, keep bringing more projects
this is absolute madness
Dude you're literally the lego fortnite engineer :D Keep it up!
Wow 😍 that is insane!!! I’m sharing this in my discord server 👍🏻
This is soo cool! Absolutely genius!
Thank you! everything you build is simply incredible!
Next level crazy automation. 👍
Truly amazing, my friend! 🤩
Absolutely incredible! Thank you for sharing!
Wow, this is mind blowing
HOLY COW! This is amazing!
Outstanding! 🏆
You are a genius, everything you do is brilliant!🤩
amazing! 👏
Caraca você fez uma coisa inacreditável no gamer 10/10!
My sister had a Cuckoo clock. Your gears and cogs are very well designed! ⚙️ ⚙️
You are crazy
Same 😂
Imagine you could make it count down and once it hits 0 like explosives get shot into the air (i have a funny idea for december 31)
That's absolutely incredible 🤩
Astonishing! Thank you for explaining so well the mechanics behind that beautiful clock. Keep up the genius work!🎉
You are a Genius, Bakeneco ❤
My honest reaction: 😶
Ont est pas sur le même jeu 😂 t’es un génie !
This is really interesting. In embedded systems theres something called a watchdog timer. It counts up to a given timeframe and if the system its watching doesnt reset it before that timer, the watchdog timer essential resets the system. If you build another separate timer that only counts to 60 will it have the same time frame delay at the same time as this clock? Given that the games physics is being calculated on their server, maybe their load balancing would allow for different components to be calculated and render at different rate (so the smaller clock will have a different error rate as the main clock- allowing them to clear and reset each other if either of them fails the count). Just spit balling an idea. Again fantastic stuff
Esto es increíble! Demuestra que en LEGO fortnite se puede hacer mecanismos complejos con los juguetes!!!🎉🎉
tutorial when??? soo cool
This is the tutorial
Mind blown🤯
Nice nice 🎉🎉
how did you make the balloons phase through the display?
Brilliant! 🤩
So dope!!!!!
How did you stick the fish to the bottom to activate the switches
We got Lego Fortnite red stone before gta5
Your mind is naturally on shrooms bro wtfffff
wtf how
Do you think you can make a tutorial?👀🥲🙏