What is Dictionary in Excel VBA

  • Опубликовано: 23 июл 2024
  • What is Dictionary in Excel VBA. An introduction to Dictionary object in VBA.
    Here's the VBA code used in this video:
    Option Explicit
    Sub createDictionary()
    Dim mydictionary As Scripting.Dictionary
    Set mydictionary = New Scripting.Dictionary
    'MsgBox mydictionary.Count
    mydictionary.Add "Dave", 25000
    mydictionary.Add "Aslam", 30000
    mydictionary.Add "Krishna", 32000
    'salary increased after 1 year
    'Assign new salary
    mydictionary("Dave") = 30000
    mydictionary("Aslam") = 35000
    mydictionary("Krishna") = 40000
    Dim i As Long, nextBlankRow As Long
    nextBlankRow = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
    For i = 0 To mydictionary.Count - 1
    'Debug.Print mydictionary.Keys(i), mydictionary.Items(i)
    Cells(nextBlankRow, 1) = mydictionary.Keys(i)
    Cells(nextBlankRow, 2) = mydictionary.Items(i)
    nextBlankRow = nextBlankRow + 1
    Next i
    End Sub
    Option Explicit
    Sub WriteDictionary(mydictionary As Scripting.Dictionary, shtReport As Worksheet)
    Dim k As Variant, lRow As Long
    lRow = 2
    Range("A1") = "Customer ID"
    Range("B1") = "Amount"
    For Each k In mydictionary.Keys
    shtReport.Cells(lRow, 1) = k
    shtReport.Cells(lRow, 2) = mydictionary(k)
    lRow = lRow + 1
    End Sub
    Sub GetTotals()
    ' Create a dictionary
    Dim mydictionary As New Scripting.Dictionary
    ' Get worksheet
    Dim sht As Worksheet
    Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
    ' Get range
    Dim myRange As Range
    Set myRange = sht.Range("A1").CurrentRegion
    Dim customerID As String
    Dim Amount As Long
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 2 To myRange.Rows.Count
    customerID = myRange.Cells(i, 1)
    Amount = myRange.Cells(i, 2)
    mydictionary(customerID) = mydictionary(customerID) + Amount
    Next i
    ' Get the report worksheet
    Dim shtReport As Worksheet
    Set shtReport = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("customerReport")
    ' Write customer totals
    WriteDictionary mydictionary, shtReport
    ' Clean memory
    Set mydictionary = Nothing
    End Sub
    More details available at www.exceltrainingvideos.com/w...

Комментарии • 27

  • @ravigaira6683
    @ravigaira6683 4 года назад

    Useful video

    • @Exceltrainingvideos
      @Exceltrainingvideos  4 года назад

      Glad you liked it! Please share the Excel VBA tutorial with your friends too.

  • @sandeepkothari5000
    @sandeepkothari5000 4 года назад

    Marvelous Dinesh. Hat tip to you.

  • @denicolas260
    @denicolas260 4 года назад

    Buen vídeo como siempre

  • @colinhuntley9729
    @colinhuntley9729 4 года назад

    dear mr. takyar, i have been following your chanel for some time and
    have lots of inspiration from this. at the moment i am stuck wirth a
    problem! i need to sort 2 columns which are dependant on other. for
    example column a, cell a1 contains the english word "agile" , column b,
    cell b1 contains the german translation "agil". there are many many rows
    (over 500) each with unsorted words in column a und the translation in
    column b. the column a needs to be sorted, complete with the column b,
    which contains the transation, automatically. could this be be possible
    with just a formular? the use of a macro or other vba code?
    kind regards,
    colin huntley

  • @big1975E
    @big1975E 4 года назад

    This is a great video! It makes understanding dictionary basics very easy. If I have a table in another workbook or worksheet that has a column of keys and a column of items, is there a way to look at those columns and add all the items to the dictionary dynamically?

    • @Exceltrainingvideos
      @Exceltrainingvideos  4 года назад

      You can try using the 'path' to the values.

    • @big1975E
      @big1975E 4 года назад

      Thank you! I will give that a try.

  • @Learner566
    @Learner566 4 года назад

    sir i am creat a userfrom in vba . i want when i enter greater than vallue a specic cell than msg show "insaffisant balance " how to possible this ??

  • @Learner566
    @Learner566 4 года назад

    sir i creat a worksheet like saving account . money withdrawals and deposit . and i also creat a user from to manage this worksheet. i want when i enter withdrawals amount greater than available balance. than user from show error massage not avilable balance when i submit this through user from . plz help me sir what code i use for this. thanks in advance

    • @Exceltrainingvideos
      @Exceltrainingvideos  4 года назад

      We assume the balance is in column 3:
      Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
      Dim lastrow As Long
      lastrow = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
      If Val(TextBox1.Value) > Sheet1.Cells(lastrow, 3) Then
      MsgBox "Available balance is less than withdrawal amount!"
      End If
      End Sub

  • @rajeshmuthu9881
    @rajeshmuthu9881 4 года назад

    I created macro for to open different work book and it executed but my workbook opened including my original file location, ex: i saved as Book1 it shows in workbook top name as book1-c:/my path also, how can i remove that, kindly suggest.

    • @Exceltrainingvideos
      @Exceltrainingvideos  4 года назад

      Can you share your code here?

    • @rajeshmuthu9881
      @rajeshmuthu9881 4 года назад

      Hello sir, here is my code..
      Sub input ( )
      Dim fso as object
      Set fso = vba. Createobject("scripting. Filesystemobject")
      i = GetFolder ()
      Workbooks("Mymacro. xlsm").sheet("main").Range(a1).value = i
      Application.caption = Thisworkbook. Path
      Source = Thisworkbook. Path & "\support\input.xlsx"
      Destination = workbooks ("Mymacro. xlsm").sheets("main").range("A1").value & "\input. Xlsx"
      End sub
      The purpose of the macro is.
      When i click the macro it will ask for the destination and if the destination selected it will give one input excel which is already available in support folder there people need to update their information.
      For that only the excel sheet shows file destination with the file name.

  • @farhanislam3707
    @farhanislam3707 4 года назад


    • @Exceltrainingvideos
      @Exceltrainingvideos  4 года назад

      These links will guide:

  • @sandeepkothari5000
    @sandeepkothari5000 4 года назад

    Do we not need to add Scripting Dictionary from Reference?

    • @Exceltrainingvideos
      @Exceltrainingvideos  4 года назад

      In the early binding mode - yes. In the late binding mode you don't nrrd tp do that. You can create the 'object' at runtime.

    • @sandeepkothari5000
      @sandeepkothari5000 4 года назад

      @@Exceltrainingvideos Thanks al ot Mr Katyar.

  • @alakdas4662
    @alakdas4662 4 года назад

    sir please beginning to advanced vba learn video step step uploaded. please sir

    • @Exceltrainingvideos
      @Exceltrainingvideos  4 года назад

      You can start here: www.exceltrainingvideos.com/excel-vba/excel-2003-vba/

  • @colinhuntley9729
    @colinhuntley9729 4 года назад

    dear mr. takyar, i have been following your chanel for some time and
    have lots of inspiration from this. at the moment i am stuck wirth a
    problem! i need to sort 2 columns which are dependant on other. for
    example column a, cell a1 contains the english word "agile" , column b,
    cell b1 contains the german translation "agil". there are many many rows
    (over 500) each with unsorted words in column a und the translation in
    column b. the column a needs to be sorted, complete with the column b,
    which contains the transation, automatically. could this be be possible
    with just a formular? the use of a macro or other vba code?
    kind regards,
    colin huntley