For anyone who is listening to this, in the face of struggle and adversity, it is essential to remember the extraordinary resilience and capacity for endurance that lies within each of us. Reflect upon those days that seemed insurmountable, where every step forward felt like an overwhelming struggle in your darkest hour of despair and brokenness. Despite the weight upon your shoulders, you not only survived, but you endured and persevered. Each day, you found the inner strength and courage to rise above the challenges that threatened to break your spirit. Embrace this profound wisdom and allow it to illuminate and deepen your path forward. Take pride in the indomitable spirit that has carried you through your darkest moments, for these serve as a testament to your resilience and unwavering spirit.
100 reasons to stay alive: 1. to make your parents proud 2. to conquer your fears 3. to see your family again 4. to see your favourite artist live 5. to listen to music again 6. to experience a new culture 7. to make new friends 8. to inspire 9. to have your own children 10. to adopt your own pet 11. to make yourself proud 12. to meet your idols 13. to laugh until you cry 14. to feel tears of happiness 15. to eat your favourite food 16. to see your siblings grow 17. to pass school 18. to get tattoo 19. to smile until your cheeks hurt 20. to meet your internet friends 21. to find someone who loves you like you deserve 22. to eat ice cream on a hot day 23. to drink hot chocolate on a cold day 24. to see untouched snow in the morning 25. to see a sunset that sets the sky on fire 26. to see stars light up the sky 27. to read a book that changes your life 28. to see the flowers in the spring 29. to see the leaves change from green to brown 30. to travel abroad 31. to learn a new language 32. to learn to draw 33. to tell others your story in the hopes of helping them 34. Puppy kisses. 35. Baby kisses (the open mouthed kind when they smack their lips on your cheek). 36. Swear words and the release you feel when you say them. 37. Trampolines. 38. Ice cream. 39. Stargazing. 40. Cloud watching. 41. Taking a shower and then sleeping in clean sheets. 42. Receiving thoughtful gifts. 43. “I saw this and thought of you." 44. The feeling you get when someone you love says, “I love you." 45. The relief you feel after crying. 46. Sunshine. 47. The feeling you get when someone is listening to you/giving you their full attention. 48. Your future wedding. 49. Your favorite candy bar. 50. New clothes. 51. Witty puns. 52. Really good bread. 53. Holding your child in your arms for the first time. 54. Completing a milestone (aka going to college, graduating college, getting married, getting your dream job.) 55. The kind of dreams where you wake up and can’t stop smiling. 56. The smell before and after it rains 57. The sound of rain against a rooftop. 58. The feeling you get when you’re dancing. 59. The person (or people) that mean the most to you. Stay alive for them. 60. Trying out new recipes. 61. The feeling you get when your favorite song comes on the radio. 62. The rush you get when you step onto a stage. 63. You have to share your voice and talents and knowledge with the world because they are so valuable. 64.Breakfast in bed. 65. Getting a middle seat in the movie theater. 66. Breakfast for dinner (because it’s so much better at night than in the morning). 67. Pray (if you are religious) 68. Forgiveness. 69. Water balloon fights. 70. New books by your favorite authors. 71. Fireflies. 72. Birthdays. 73. Realizing that someone loves you. 74. Spending the day with someone you 85. Being wrapped up in a warm bed. 86. Someone’s skin against yours. 87. Holding hands. 88. The kind of hugs when you can feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. The kind of hug where your breath syncs with the other person’s, and you feel like the only two people in the world. 89. Singing off key with your best friends. 90. Road trips. 91. Spontaneous adventures. 92. The feeling of sand beneath your toes. 93. The feeling when the first ocean wave rolls up and envelops your toes and ankles and knees. 94. Thunderstorms. 95. Your first (or hundredth) trip to Disneyland. 96. The taste of your favorite food. 97. The child-like feeling you get on Christmas morning. 98. The day when everything finally goes your way. 99. Compliments and praise. 100. to look on this moment in 10 years time and realise you did it. Ps : Never forget you are a beatiful person 💕 Life is so beatiful so live, live like no one else exist, live for yourself, don't care of bad people, you are strong, i love you 🫶🏼
its 2:36 am, everyone is sleeping, but me, i am sitting on my desk studying physics because i want to be an Astronomer when i finish my studies, i want to be special, i don't want to do those studies that my parents are asking me to do, a doctor, or architect or lawyer or whatever, i want to study physics, learn about this universe, space, maybe conquer it...i failed once again and i failed a hundred times...i failed my math exam and physics exam yesterday, and i know i will fail again, even if i am getting better, slowly. i am studying a lot, spending my times studying anything and everything about physics and space while listening to this on loop. i will do whatever it takes to get thee to be the greatest Astronomer of my country, i will not give up, i promise, my self since no one believes in me and they all keep saying "you will fail! its impossible!" i know its possible, i love this universe, i love the sky and i want to know whats behind it. its beautiful. i dont care how much i will fail but i now i will make it one day. keep going, follow your dream, you will make it, and remember that in success there will always be Failure. 05/03/2024
count me in as your supporter , we share the same dream but its unfortunate that i would not be able to chase it but since a kid its been my damn dream to know what's above those clouds?, how does it feels to float free in the empty infinite void, how does our home looks from the above?, how does the sun makes bodies revolve around it, could we ever be able to find our allies in the universe?, could we travel like a sci-fi movie in a spaceship? & much more it does not ends I also imagined watching the humanity being a TYPE-II civilization and achieving further greater heights . I could only wished to have 2 lives in order to pursue this dream but for now i gotta lookout for my parents in the upcoming future, I want to fulfil their dreams, I want to change the fate of my bloodline and thats my sole purpose of this life but deep down I will always be an admirer of PHYSICS & THE UNIVERSE. May you fulfil your destiny and live up to your dreams. Keep Pushing hard man & all the best for your future, i would be cheering for you from here. KEEP WORKING & STAY HARD!!!!
@@not_yash_ your comment made me cry fr. i will keep on my dream, and maybe someday get to know the answers of these questions. thank you for this nice comment, i really appreciate it. (sorry for my poor english, its not my native language)
It's December 21st, 2024 and I'm listening this while reading history, and let me tell you, it is making me think so many things. I don't know why but listening to this one, is making me more curious to learn more new things, visit new places and explore more places! It is kind of surreal for me!
قد تبدو الحياة غريبة حينما نطيل النظر لها بعمق، نولد ونعيش حياة قصيرة مليئة بالاحداث والمشاعر ومن ثم ينتهي كل شيء... حينما تخلصت من كل هذه الأفكار العقائدية أو الدينية أصبحت في هوة عظيمة، تعجبت كيف يولد الإنسان ويمتلك كل هذا الوعي ومن ثم ينتهي كل شيء وكأنه كان صفر ولا شيء غير الصفر،، وعندما شاهدته فكرة هذا الفيلم الجميل تمنيت أن تكون الحقيقه هكذا أن لا نكون بعد كل هذا الوعي والإدراك والحب والتعلق مجرد شيء ذاهب الى النهاية الأبدية .. اتمنى حقا أن تمضي البشرية في إنجازاتها الفكرية لتكشف لنا مزيدا عن سر الحياة
ذلك بلا معنى، فكل الكلام الجميل يشهد أن الحب ليس أكثر من مجرد مصادفة في سلاسل من الأسباب الكيميائية كما هو الحال مع كل شيء آخر، وأننا نرقص على أنغام حمضنا النووي. يا صديقي، الحقيقة أنك تستطيع أن تثق بعقلك وتصل إلى استنتاجات منطقية لأنك أكثر من مجرد مصادفة كيميائية، وأن الضمير ليس فيزيائيًا بل روحيًا. أود أن أناقش معك الأدلة المنطقية على يسوع والخالق.
يسوع ليس دين ولا عقيدة… الحياه الي بيدعونا فيها يسوع ان نعيشها هيّا اصدق حياه. لو عاوز تشوف الحق و تعرف الحق اطلب من قلبك انك تشوف الحق و هتشوف بس تكون فعلاً عاوز تعرف !
There is something primordial about ambient sounds melodies such as this it reaches to a place in my dna to the very code of my existence and it unleashes in me joy all at once cascading over me a rhapsody of peace of a sense of the divine watching over me telling me hold on tomorrow might be better don’t give up that there is still hope to be had for sunnier days and we will dwell on peaceful shores besides a serene ocean of tranquility
Я всегда слушаю это периодически. Когда слушаю, я закрываю глаза и представляю: Как настоящий Я, прихожу в то, старое место где жил в детстве. Захожу в старый дом в котором жил, захожу в свою комнату и вижу Себя, маленького, почти подростком, сидячего на кровати. Сажусь рядом с собой и говорю себе маленькому, выражая поддержку, которого в целом, мне не хватало. Говорю себе маленькому, "Послушай! У тебя всё будет хорошо, ты справишься с любыми мирскими трудностями. Слушай своё сердце и не навязывай себе, мнение близких. Живи свободно так, что бы без переживаний езжал туда, куда ты хочешь и куда нужно. Иди в глубь страха и переживаний, словно без препятствия. Не теряй себя, не живи постоянным прошлым, не нервничай из-за дела, который может решиьься просто завтра. Будь рациональным, будь прямо сейчас размышляющим. Не привязывайся сильно к людям, живи с собой. Не находись там, где тебе нехорошо и беги туда, где будешь в умиротворение и счастлив. Ты меня не будешь видеть больше, не копи злость и обиду в себе, но Я это Ты, и я буду всегда тебя поддерживать.". После обнимаю себя..... Как открываю глаза, то льют у меня несколько слёз, с горестью внутри. Но ощущения приятные и грустные.❤😢 Желаю всем, что бы в голове у всех, было уютно, а в душе космическое приятное настроение. Будьте добрыми и добрыми к животным.
Was about to snap. Heard this. During my final hours I wish to hear this as I float away from this body. Thank you for providing some peace in this otherwise horrific world of Doom.
@@MrDamburger Saw your message this morning and It made me cry tears of joy. I’ve been thinking about leaving getting my affairs in order first. You said “stay” indicting I’m important in some way. Thank you so very much and this helps me get through today.
وهل يحلم المرء بحلم يجلب له الألمُ , ام يحلم بحلم يجلب له العظمةُُ والسعادة الابدية؟ فيا ويل كل من قصر بحق نفسه , آلم لا بعده آلمٌ , ويا قلبٌ قد كُسر من شخص بعيد او قريب ! اتمنى له الراحة والمغيب ..... راحة ليست من بعيد ..... راحة من ماضي وليس حاضر الوقت مثل النااار لا يشعل فقط يطفئ
GEEZ that music is so perfect, and I can't Believe that you have mastered this piece of art... you just have done the impossible: put the perfection in the perfect!
To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life ❣
último dia do ano de 2023, sem ânimo, sem alegria, apenas existindo. achei essa melodia por acaso, vou ficar ouvindo me trouxe uma calma. mesmo que momentânea. feliz ano novo pra quem está como eu.
O seu comentário me tocou. Não te conheço. Mas desejo a você um excelente 2024, que todas as bençãos recaiam sobre você e sua família, muita saúde, paz, amor, felicidades e alegria e ânimo para viver e vencer os desafios da vida. ❤
Jesus quer se apresentar pra você...Ele vai ter dá sua verdadeira identidade nesse mundo. Esse grito da sua alma sem voz, Ele conhece...Vinde a mim todos vós que estais cansados e oprimidos que eu vos aliviarei. Que vc conheça Jesus Cristo, o meu melhor amigo. Tudo mudou, após conhecê-Lo: o meu sentido de viver foi uma das coisas
@@RRokass_ 👋 Prove it to me. Life is not just about paying bills and eating, I know, just like you and I, we felt an absurd emptiness since we were born, and as time went by we filled it with other empty things and in the early hours of the morning it was depressing, tedious. We may deny it to appear strong, but inside we are broken and hopeless. One day that Jesus introduced himself to me, I realized how much I missed something and it was exactly Him. You and I miss a place that we have never experienced, we just miss it. I know you have thought about living forever with your family and never dying. When faced with the reality that death in our lives is something frightening, we become disbelieved. In John 8:32 it says that "you will know the truth and the truth will set you free". Truth is a person and that person is Jesus. Hugs, I will be praying for you my friend.
@@AlexssandroGalvao I don't have a desire for a perpetually blissful life or immortality. Contrary to what you mentioned, I'm not intent on living a manipulated, solely happy life. As you said, life can be overwhelming. I'm not seeking a manipulated happiness; rather, the very act of existing, being obligated to exist, is burdensome. I would have wished not to exist. There is nothing worse than existing
The universe bring me the most perfect song tonight, tanks for making this little piece of art for me❤ I love you. I'll listen to study, to calm myself down and slee.
Эта мелодия и десятки её интерпритаций застовляют меня верить в то, что рано или поздно человечество станет межзвёзной рассой и под нашим гнётом, неисчеслимое количество планет зазеленеют, по их равнинам потекут реки, а мы отправимся на следующую планету начинать всё занаго. Возможно когда-то, через много миллионов лет, какая-то расса будет изучать нашу анатомию, физиологию, историю и придут возможно к неоднозначным выводам. Мы будем отличаться от них но историей может быть нет и они будут вдоваться в подробнасти того, кем мы были, сколько звёзных систем колонизировали и почему исчезли. Я верю в то, что человечество добьётся много. Да сейчас мы переживаем не лучшие времена но это не повод отчаиваться. Отбросте свои взгляды, религию, соры и просто взгляните в глаза любому человнку. Что же вы в них увидите? Такого же человека как и вы. Азиат, Европиоид, Африканец... не важно кто ты и чем занимаешься ты человек и ты разумен, а значит должен и чувствовать сожиление к слабым, вставать горой за слабого, протягивать руку и в свободную минуту смотреть в ночное небо с мысль о том, что "космос мы будем достойны тебя, подожди ещё немного"
Anyone ever have those dreams where you're floating above your own body and then you start flying around outside? This music... When i close my eyes and just breathe and listen... It feels like im flying again. I miss those dreams. They made me feel free. And happy. And whole.
If you listen to this music, it's almost unimaginable there is so much hurt and suffering caused by us: humans. And for what? More money? Having more than others have? Because our differences? What can be so important that instead of helping and giving, we only destroy and take? When will humans finally see that we can have paradise on earth if we just shed our differences, shed our greed, shed our hate for things happened in the past, by other stupid humans? We destroyed in the last 100 years what nature has built up in millions of years. WE are the cause of all the problems in the world. We are the only ones that can fix them. When will we finally see this and do something together?
@@letsgococo288 also, most of the people don't improve, still have the attitude towards life like in medival times, still breed like rabbits while most of us don't die anymore from most things life throws at us. And it's because of that majority that doesn't care and don't look towards the future that things are as bad as they are now. But don't start changing on my behalf. I only live for 30-40 years more. Then my light goes out and I won't notice anything of what is happening around here. I'd start changing for your children and their children. They need to live on this rock everyone is poluting and killing eachother on.
believe in yourself not in your mind that is ego. But if you go inside, your heart will tell you which path to follow. Don't torment yourself by failures, much less by what others say. Follow your inner being with persistence and you will be greater than you think.
Universe this beauty this peace Beyond the limits of words Oh the greatest How I can describe you You need to describe me I will accept I'm bad or good IT realises like nothing Only emptiness
I suddenly understand all different languages in the comment section , everyone is so peaceful , kind , i feel like i felt into another dimension, everyone here is different, so lovely and grateful , motivation , positive ,you guys are amazing ! damn dude im definitely stoned but i really felt like im in another dimension , ok im being silly now i better close my phone before my wife come in lol bye guys goodnight , remember , we are about you.
Aslında hayatın bütünüyle yalnızlıktan ibaret oldugunu anladığımız zaman ruhumuzun ne kadarda kırılgan oldugunu fark ediyoruz. Milyonlarca insanin arasında da olsak etrafimiz bizi seven insanlarla da dolu olsa aslında bi noktada yalnızlık boynumuza dolanmış ve asla kopmayacak yağlı bir urgan. Öldüğümüzde bu yalnızlıktan kurtulamayacağımızı bilmemiz de bir okadar acı. Yalnız hissetmek icin extra bir çabaya ihtiyacımız olmayan bu dünyada ruhumuzun dinlenmesine okadar ihtiyacımız var ki. Bir cok kişi hayatın yaşamaya değer, ve bir okadar da eğlenceli oldugundan bahsedip durur. Peki neden bu hayatta oldugunu hic sorguladın mı ? Görevin ne ? Bu dünyaya geliş amacın ne ? Neyin ve kimin kontrolündesin ? Bir proje misin ? Yoksa tesadüfi yaşam bulmuş bir hücre misin ? Anlam arayışı içinde kaybolduğun bir dünya hayal et. Ben oyum. İnsanlar yaşamın bu karmaşık telaşı icinde koşturup bir yerlere ulasmaya çalışıp bazen para için bazen sadece küçük bir mutluluk hissedebilmek için bütün bir ömürlerini harcıyorlar. Ne icin ??? Adil olmayan bir dünyada bunca çaba neden ? Bazıları iyiligin bu dünyayı kurtaracağını düşünüyor. İyilik bulaşıcıdır! Ne kadarda güzel bir hayal. Ama sadece hayal. İnsanlar asla iyi olmayacaklar. Ve asla hiç bir toplum tam anlamiyla adil olmayacak. Hiçbir din yada hiçbir hukuk bunu sağlayamacak... Ne kadar acı... İnsanoğlu tam bir umutsuz vaka. Ama yinede bütün bunları unutturabilecek şeyler de var dünyada. Umudumuzu daima diri tutabilecek şeyler. Bazılarınız astronom olmak icin hayaller kuruyor yorumlarda, bazıları daha iyi bir gelecek için ders çalışırken dinliyor bu müziği. Herkesin bir umudu var. Umutlarımız degil mi zaten bizi ayakta tutan. Belki bir kadın bütün yaşamın anlamını fakettirecek sana belki bir adam. Sevgi her şeyin ilaci gibi sanki. Aşık olmak, sevmek belkide insana bahsedilmiş en güzel en umut verici olaydır. Bazen sonu hüsran olsa bile. Tecrübelerle var olduk, olmaya devam ediyoruz. Dünyanın bir ucunda bir yaz günü bir göl kenarinda kuş cıvıltıları eşliginde biramı yudumlarken bunca hüzün dolu şeyi yazmak biraz şımarıklık mı bilmiyorum.. fakat herkesin icinde bir enkaz var. Ve Bu enkaz her insanin kendi beyninin derinliklerinde okadar ağır ki kurtulmak imkansiz gibi geliyor.
Progression is only counted for the actions we take. The mindset we have today will manifest our tomorrow’s. The life that is given is a life to fight for righteousness and preserve natural order. We all deserve the best and the beautiful things that life has to offer. But as I stated; Progression is counted for the actions we take.
if you stare enough, the forest will become deepeer, deepeer, deepeer and those pulsating...atoms, galaxies, what ever will be coming to you in a chaotic and yet with a certain ordered pattern, floting like in a 3d space... like the lights on a mirror maze to make it simpler, oh by the way...look away the stars will speed and the forest will be a blurry galaxy...
It does get step at a time. Time is our most precious resource. There are 1440 minutes in a day. Every day that clock resets and the countdown starts again - if we are lucky. We have the choice to make every minute count and strive for a life with meaning and purpose.
Sometimes letting go is the manly thing to do. Don’t be a coward, don’t be selfish. Free her. Free her to live, free yourself to live. It’s ok. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be. For now anyway. Maybe someday? I don’t know where I’m going with this… be safe is what I’m saying, and just learn from your mistakes. Please. I made a lot of them. Just focus on your life, and build yourself/ so you don’t depend on anyone. Hopefully everything will be okay. I pray. . . . Take care .
اگه اینو میخونی بدون که توی تقدیرت این بوده که بخونیش تو کسی نیستی که بقیه میگن هر چقدر بهت تهمت زدن هر چقدر نادیده گرفتنت هر چقدر نسبت به مهربونیات باهات بد رفتار کردن تو همونی بمون که همیشه بودی و هستی هدف واقعیت رو پیدا کن، اون منتظرته تا بهش برسی...
Hey, welcome to the comments section! If you’re struggling right now, it’s okay - take a deep breath with me. Breathe in slowly, hold for a few seconds, and then breathe out. You’re not alone in this; we’ve all been there. Look around and try to notice the details - the colors, the sounds, maybe even something you can touch. It can help you stay grounded in the present moment. Remember, this feeling will pass. It might be terrifying right now, but it won’t last forever. If you can, try to stay where you are. Moving around can sometimes make things feel even more intense. If you have someone you trust nearby, let them know what’s happening. Sometimes just hearing a familiar voice can be a lifeline. And hey, if you have something comforting nearby - a favorite piece of jewelry, a smooth stone, anything - hold onto it. It might help you feel more connected and safe. Be gentle with yourself. You’re strong, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. You’ll get through this. Sending you all the support and positive vibes. ❤️
Believe in yourself and all that you are. Trust in the knowledge that there exists within you a force greater than any challenge you may encounter. Embrace and have faith in your own abilities and personal qualities. Understand that deep within you lies a power that surpasses any hindrance or difficulty. Have faith in yourself and in your unique abilities. Remember that within you lies a strength and resilience that can conquer any obstacle or challenge. Trust in your inner voice and intuition, for they can guide you through even the toughest of times. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and self-improvement, knowing that you have the power to shape your own destiny. Believe in the beauty of your dreams and aspirations, and know that with dedication and perseverance, you can turn them into reality. Always remember that you are capable of achieving great things, and never underestimate the strength that lies within you.
For anyone who is listening to this, in the face of struggle and adversity, it is essential to remember the extraordinary resilience and capacity for endurance that lies within each of us. Reflect upon those days that seemed insurmountable, where every step forward felt like an overwhelming struggle in your darkest hour of despair and brokenness. Despite the weight upon your shoulders, you not only survived, but you endured and persevered. Each day, you found the inner strength and courage to rise above the challenges that threatened to break your spirit. Embrace this profound wisdom and allow it to illuminate and deepen your path forward. Take pride in the indomitable spirit that has carried you through your darkest moments, for these serve as a testament to your resilience and unwavering spirit.
Struggling with finding new job at 52
Bless 🙏🏼😮💨
Thank you, I really needed this today. I hope you're doing well
@@shesaidshesaidshesaid7603 I'm so glad it resonated with you. Wishing you all the strength and positivity on your journey!
@ Thank you! I'm sending my best wishes your way too
100 reasons to stay alive:
1. to make your parents proud
2. to conquer your fears
3. to see your family again
4. to see your favourite artist live
5. to listen to music again
6. to experience a new culture
7. to make new friends
8. to inspire
9. to have your own children
10. to adopt your own pet
11. to make yourself proud
12. to meet your idols
13. to laugh until you cry
14. to feel tears of happiness
15. to eat your favourite food
16. to see your siblings grow
17. to pass school
18. to get tattoo
19. to smile until your cheeks hurt
20. to meet your internet friends
21. to find someone who loves you like you deserve
22. to eat ice cream on a hot day
23. to drink hot chocolate on a cold day
24. to see untouched snow in the morning
25. to see a sunset that sets the sky on fire
26. to see stars light up the sky
27. to read a book that changes your life
28. to see the flowers in the spring
29. to see the leaves change from green to brown
30. to travel abroad
31. to learn a new language
32. to learn to draw
33. to tell others your story in the hopes of helping them
34. Puppy kisses.
35. Baby kisses (the open mouthed kind when they smack their lips on your cheek).
36. Swear words and the release you feel when you say them.
37. Trampolines.
38. Ice cream.
39. Stargazing.
40. Cloud watching.
41. Taking a shower and then sleeping in clean sheets.
42. Receiving thoughtful gifts.
43. “I saw this and thought of you."
44. The feeling you get when someone you love says, “I love you."
45. The relief you feel after crying.
46. Sunshine.
47. The feeling you get when someone is listening to you/giving you their full attention.
48. Your future wedding.
49. Your favorite candy bar.
50. New clothes.
51. Witty puns.
52. Really good bread.
53. Holding your child in your arms for the first time.
54. Completing a milestone (aka going to college, graduating college, getting married, getting your dream job.)
55. The kind of dreams where you wake up and can’t stop smiling.
56. The smell before and after it rains
57. The sound of rain against a rooftop.
58. The feeling you get when you’re dancing.
59. The person (or people) that mean the most to you. Stay alive for them.
60. Trying out new recipes.
61. The feeling you get when your favorite song comes on the radio.
62. The rush you get when you step onto a stage.
63. You have to share your voice and talents and knowledge with the world because they are so valuable.
64.Breakfast in bed.
65. Getting a middle seat in the movie theater.
66. Breakfast for dinner (because it’s so much better at night than in the morning).
67. Pray (if you are religious)
68. Forgiveness.
69. Water balloon fights.
70. New books by your favorite authors.
71. Fireflies.
72. Birthdays.
73. Realizing that someone loves you.
74. Spending the day with someone you
85. Being wrapped up in a warm bed.
86. Someone’s skin against yours.
87. Holding hands.
88. The kind of hugs when you can feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. The kind of hug where your breath syncs with the other person’s, and you feel like the only two people in the world.
89. Singing off key with your best friends.
90. Road trips.
91. Spontaneous adventures.
92. The feeling of sand beneath your toes.
93. The feeling when the first ocean wave rolls up and envelops your toes and ankles and knees.
94. Thunderstorms.
95. Your first (or hundredth) trip to Disneyland.
96. The taste of your favorite food.
97. The child-like feeling you get on Christmas morning.
98. The day when everything finally goes your way.
99. Compliments and praise.
100. to look on this moment in 10 years time and realise you did it.
Ps : Never forget you are a beatiful person 💕 Life is so beatiful so live, live like no one else exist, live for yourself, don't care of bad people, you are strong, i love you 🫶🏼
To go motorcycle around philippines islands exploring volcanos waterfalls and desolate beaches
Stay blessed 😮💨🙏🏼
To find your true self ❤️ The greatest reason of all no matter which multiverse your from ❤️ much love to all my fellow soul travelers ❤
its 2:36 am, everyone is sleeping, but me, i am sitting on my desk studying physics because i want to be an Astronomer when i finish my studies, i want to be special, i don't want to do those studies that my parents are asking me to do, a doctor, or architect or lawyer or whatever, i want to study physics, learn about this universe, space, maybe conquer it...i failed once again and i failed a hundred times...i failed my math exam and physics exam yesterday, and i know i will fail again, even if i am getting better, slowly. i am studying a lot, spending my times studying anything and everything about physics and space while listening to this on loop.
i will do whatever it takes to get thee to be the greatest Astronomer of my country, i will not give up, i promise, my self since no one believes in me and they all keep saying "you will fail! its impossible!" i know its possible, i love this universe, i love the sky and i want to know whats behind it. its beautiful. i dont care how much i will fail but i now i will make it one day.
keep going, follow your dream, you will make it, and remember that in success there will always be Failure. 05/03/2024
You will win because the universe is listening to you and when the time is right, IT WILL HAPPEN
count me in as your supporter , we share the same dream but its unfortunate that i would not be able to chase it but since a kid its been my damn dream to know what's above those clouds?, how does it feels to float free in the empty infinite void, how does our home looks from the above?, how does the sun makes bodies revolve around it, could we ever be able to find our allies in the universe?, could we travel like a sci-fi movie in a spaceship? & much more it does not ends I also imagined watching the humanity being a TYPE-II civilization and achieving further greater heights . I could only wished to have 2 lives in order to pursue this dream but for now i gotta lookout for my parents in the upcoming future, I want to fulfil their dreams, I want to change the fate of my bloodline and thats my sole purpose of this life but deep down I will always be an admirer of PHYSICS & THE UNIVERSE. May you fulfil your destiny and live up to your dreams. Keep Pushing hard man & all the best for your future, i would be cheering for you from here. KEEP WORKING & STAY HARD!!!!
@@not_yash_ your comment made me cry fr. i will keep on my dream, and maybe someday get to know the answers of these questions. thank you for this nice comment, i really appreciate it. (sorry for my poor english, its not my native language)
I believe that one day you will be very successful.
@@amethyst87593 sure man ❤
Whoever is reading this, this is your sign. Everything will be fine. You didn't come this far to give up. I trust you.
Thank you ❤
It's December 21st, 2024 and I'm listening this while reading history, and let me tell you, it is making me think so many things. I don't know why but listening to this one, is making me more curious to learn more new things, visit new places and explore more places!
It is kind of surreal for me!
قد تبدو الحياة غريبة حينما نطيل النظر لها بعمق، نولد ونعيش حياة قصيرة مليئة بالاحداث والمشاعر ومن ثم ينتهي كل شيء... حينما تخلصت من كل هذه الأفكار العقائدية أو الدينية أصبحت في هوة عظيمة، تعجبت كيف يولد الإنسان ويمتلك كل هذا الوعي ومن ثم ينتهي كل شيء وكأنه كان صفر ولا شيء غير الصفر،، وعندما شاهدته فكرة هذا الفيلم الجميل تمنيت أن تكون الحقيقه هكذا أن لا نكون بعد كل هذا الوعي والإدراك والحب والتعلق مجرد شيء ذاهب الى النهاية الأبدية .. اتمنى حقا أن تمضي البشرية في إنجازاتها الفكرية لتكشف لنا مزيدا عن سر الحياة
Well said 👏🏻
هل تقصد انك مرتد عن الدين
ذلك بلا معنى، فكل الكلام الجميل يشهد أن الحب ليس أكثر من مجرد مصادفة في سلاسل من الأسباب الكيميائية كما هو الحال مع كل شيء آخر، وأننا نرقص على أنغام حمضنا النووي. يا صديقي، الحقيقة أنك تستطيع أن تثق بعقلك وتصل إلى استنتاجات منطقية لأنك أكثر من مجرد مصادفة كيميائية، وأن الضمير ليس فيزيائيًا بل روحيًا. أود أن أناقش معك الأدلة المنطقية على يسوع والخالق.
يسوع ليس دين ولا عقيدة… الحياه الي بيدعونا فيها يسوع ان نعيشها هيّا اصدق حياه. لو عاوز تشوف الحق و تعرف الحق اطلب من قلبك انك تشوف الحق و هتشوف بس تكون فعلاً عاوز تعرف !
Mike you came back even at 2050
Congrats you are 56 years old
This is a gift to you by yourself when you were 30
We'll be waiting as well to welcome you.
@ 🙌🏼
Keep up the love
Thank u brother for keep on supporting this channel 🙏🏼❤️
There is something primordial about ambient sounds melodies such as this it reaches to a place in my dna to the very code of my existence and it unleashes in me joy all at once cascading over me a rhapsody of peace of a sense of the divine watching over me telling me hold on tomorrow might be better don’t give up that there is still hope to be had for sunnier days and we will dwell on peaceful shores besides a serene ocean of tranquility
Are you there?
Wow beautifully explained my man
The music is very well organized thematically, sonically, and in terms of its penetration into the soul. It has a mood that touches the soul.
Я всегда слушаю это периодически. Когда слушаю, я закрываю глаза и представляю: Как настоящий Я, прихожу в то, старое место где жил в детстве. Захожу в старый дом в котором жил, захожу в свою комнату и вижу Себя, маленького, почти подростком, сидячего на кровати. Сажусь рядом с собой и говорю себе маленькому, выражая поддержку, которого в целом, мне не хватало. Говорю себе маленькому, "Послушай! У тебя всё будет хорошо, ты справишься с любыми мирскими трудностями. Слушай своё сердце и не навязывай себе, мнение близких. Живи свободно так, что бы без переживаний езжал туда, куда ты хочешь и куда нужно. Иди в глубь страха и переживаний, словно без препятствия. Не теряй себя, не живи постоянным прошлым, не нервничай из-за дела, который может решиьься просто завтра. Будь рациональным, будь прямо сейчас размышляющим. Не привязывайся сильно к людям, живи с собой. Не находись там, где тебе нехорошо и беги туда, где будешь в умиротворение и счастлив. Ты меня не будешь видеть больше, не копи злость и обиду в себе, но Я это Ты, и я буду всегда тебя поддерживать.". После обнимаю себя..... Как открываю глаза, то льют у меня несколько слёз, с горестью внутри. Но ощущения приятные и грустные.❤😢
Желаю всем, что бы в голове у всех, было уютно, а в душе космическое приятное настроение. Будьте добрыми и добрыми к животным.
Я люблю это ❤❤❤
Этим же занималась за час до того, как нашла это видео и этот комментарий🧡 благодарю за усиление совместное ❤️❤️❤️
бро тебе надо этот текст под четкий минус читать
@@YALvova Благодарю!🙂
@@ohmygodfreeusername Это интересно.;) Спасибо!
Was about to snap. Heard this. During my final hours I wish to hear this as I float away from this body. Thank you for providing some peace in this otherwise horrific world of Doom.
Sending you all the love! I’m glad you’re still here. ❤
stay, please.
@@MrDamburger Saw your message this morning and It made me cry tears of joy. I’ve been thinking about leaving getting my affairs in order first. You said “stay” indicting I’m important in some way. Thank you so very much and this helps me get through today.
Hope you are still here. Just saw your message. Hope life has improved for you.
@@rikireviews hello!!! are you there?
Sames notes over and over, but i never get bored since this melody is meant to touch the soul. So relaxing, It feels like the waves on a beach.
For me it feels like heaven so relaxing just i dont know i cant describe it
El nivel del aura de este espacio es +1000000. Los videos y los comentarios son todo lo que está bien en en mundo ✨
Can we talk about the production quality? It keeps getting better!
وهل يحلم المرء بحلم يجلب له الألمُ , ام يحلم بحلم يجلب له العظمةُُ والسعادة الابدية؟
فيا ويل كل من قصر بحق نفسه , آلم لا بعده آلمٌ , ويا قلبٌ قد كُسر من شخص بعيد او قريب !
اتمنى له الراحة والمغيب ..... راحة ليست من بعيد ..... راحة من ماضي وليس حاضر الوقت مثل النااار لا يشعل فقط يطفئ
This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing this poetry with us. Blessings to you and everyone that reads this.
@@EndogenousAether Thx pro we only write our suffering on paper
О сне, который дарует покой. Благодарю.
Thank you ❤️
Music it’s perfect, but music and comments are everything. Thank you to all who takes a moment for those amazing and motivating comments!
Couldn't agree more!
You are Loved and Appreciated Thank You for being You!!! We are all One!!!
Thank you and yes we are ✨
GEEZ that music is so perfect, and I can't Believe that you have mastered this piece of art... you just have done the impossible: put the perfection in the perfect!
To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life ❣
Thank you🌷
último dia do ano de 2023, sem ânimo, sem alegria, apenas existindo.
achei essa melodia por acaso, vou ficar ouvindo me trouxe uma calma. mesmo que momentânea.
feliz ano novo pra quem está como eu.
O seu comentário me tocou. Não te conheço. Mas desejo a você um excelente 2024, que todas as bençãos recaiam sobre você e sua família, muita saúde, paz, amor, felicidades e alegria e ânimo para viver e vencer os desafios da vida. ❤
Jesus quer se apresentar pra você...Ele vai ter dá sua verdadeira identidade nesse mundo. Esse grito da sua alma sem voz, Ele conhece...Vinde a mim todos vós que estais cansados e oprimidos que eu vos aliviarei. Que vc conheça Jesus Cristo, o meu melhor amigo. Tudo mudou, após conhecê-Lo: o meu sentido de viver foi uma das coisas
@@AlexssandroGalvaoDude, there's no such thing, there's no way life is going to get better
👋 Prove it to me. Life is not just about paying bills and eating, I know, just like you and I, we felt an absurd emptiness since we were born, and as time went by we filled it with other empty things and in the early hours of the morning it was depressing, tedious. We may deny it to appear strong, but inside we are broken and hopeless. One day that Jesus introduced himself to me, I realized how much I missed something and it was exactly Him. You and I miss a place that we have never experienced, we just miss it. I know you have thought about living forever with your family and never dying. When faced with the reality that death in our lives is something frightening, we become disbelieved. In John 8:32 it says that "you will know the truth and the truth will set you free". Truth is a person and that person is Jesus. Hugs, I will be praying for you my friend.
@@AlexssandroGalvao I don't have a desire for a perpetually blissful life or immortality. Contrary to what you mentioned, I'm not intent on living a manipulated, solely happy life. As you said, life can be overwhelming. I'm not seeking a manipulated happiness; rather, the very act of existing, being obligated to exist, is burdensome. I would have wished not to exist. There is nothing worse than existing
The best. Hans has been touched by angels.
من اين انت، سامحني لسؤالي ولكني لمست فيكم شيء ق❤
The universe bring me the most perfect song tonight, tanks for making this little piece of art for me❤ I love you. I'll listen to study, to calm myself down and slee.
Best version ever. Thank you
Эта мелодия и десятки её интерпритаций застовляют меня верить в то, что рано или поздно человечество станет межзвёзной рассой и под нашим гнётом, неисчеслимое количество планет зазеленеют, по их равнинам потекут реки, а мы отправимся на следующую планету начинать всё занаго.
Возможно когда-то, через много миллионов лет, какая-то расса будет изучать нашу анатомию, физиологию, историю и придут возможно к неоднозначным выводам. Мы будем отличаться от них но историей может быть нет и они будут вдоваться в подробнасти того, кем мы были, сколько звёзных систем колонизировали и почему исчезли.
Я верю в то, что человечество добьётся много. Да сейчас мы переживаем не лучшие времена но это не повод отчаиваться. Отбросте свои взгляды, религию, соры и просто взгляните в глаза любому человнку. Что же вы в них увидите? Такого же человека как и вы. Азиат, Европиоид, Африканец... не важно кто ты и чем занимаешься ты человек и ты разумен, а значит должен и чувствовать сожиление к слабым, вставать горой за слабого, протягивать руку и в свободную минуту смотреть в ночное небо с мысль о том, что
"космос мы будем достойны тебя, подожди ещё немного"
Да, все человечество будет частью звезд, поэтому мы больше, чем кажется сейчас.
спасибо за ваш комментарий
Well said ✨
А я за Библейские Ценности
Человечество ничего хорошего не добьется. Не надо вредных мечтаний. Надо жить здесь и сейчас. Думать о хорошем и желать добра..
Всем добра!
this is perfect! I love hans zimmer's work!
more than 8 months i listening to this legendary music while studying ♥ ♥
calme, sérénité et volubté. Une musique qui calme les esprits. Que du bonheur. Merci🤩👍
This does wash away my stress. Next Friday i be here again
Please keep doing these 8D videos. The way they calm my brain!
Anyone ever have those dreams where you're floating above your own body and then you start flying around outside? This music... When i close my eyes and just breathe and listen... It feels like im flying again. I miss those dreams. They made me feel free. And happy. And whole.
That's called astral projection, truly a gift. I love these dreams!
I’m so in love with this imma cry inside
I like your creativity.❤🧡💛💚
If you listen to this music, it's almost unimaginable there is so much hurt and suffering caused by us: humans. And for what? More money? Having more than others have? Because our differences? What can be so important that instead of helping and giving, we only destroy and take? When will humans finally see that we can have paradise on earth if we just shed our differences, shed our greed, shed our hate for things happened in the past, by other stupid humans? We destroyed in the last 100 years what nature has built up in millions of years. WE are the cause of all the problems in the world. We are the only ones that can fix them. When will we finally see this and do something together?
Too late give us humans 50 years max if we don't destroy planet through war before
I totally agree! Everyone needs to team up to make a difference!
Stop saying “us” as if we had anything to do with the planning and control of the 1%. Most people I know live by the moto of do no harm to others. 🙏
@@letsgococo288 the other 99% are mostly sheep that follow the 1% or don't care.
@@letsgococo288 also, most of the people don't improve, still have the attitude towards life like in medival times, still breed like rabbits while most of us don't die anymore from most things life throws at us. And it's because of that majority that doesn't care and don't look towards the future that things are as bad as they are now. But don't start changing on my behalf. I only live for 30-40 years more. Then my light goes out and I won't notice anything of what is happening around here. I'd start changing for your children and their children. They need to live on this rock everyone is poluting and killing eachother on.
Ohhh, to the deepest corners of my soul.. thx ❤❤❤
C’est la meilleure et la plus magnifique des mélodies qui existe à chaque version c’est un kiff ♥️
Who anyone in 2024
❤ 0:12 😢😮😂😢😢😂😂😮😮😮😮🎉😮🎉🎉😮😮😮😂😅😂😅😮😅😮😂😮@@ibrahimbcakc8528
From 2030
👋 Hi there . I'm listening to this while I'm at work .I feel so relaxed
Simplemente es hermoso ♥️
Thank u ❤️
Really awesome ❤❤❤❤
ingreibleeeeee pelicula amazing unica , espectacular y ese sentimiento que deja de impotencia , tristeza , nostalgia , waooooo
This music is amazing, I can fly in my deep´s dreams, I can feel many beautiful fellings in my heart, thank you very much¡
a relaxing and very beautiful song
Just beautiful
I feel alone in the infinite universe. 🌌🌌
Me too...
Me too
Loliness is a great feeling if you know how to use it..
I listen to it every time I study ❤
This music heals the soul ❤
Slowly this has become a Sanctum of Music❤❤❤
Amazing song ❤
Anyone here from 2026?
Có đây, mình đến từ tương lai!
I am time traveller..I am from is amazing here♥️♥️
Here 1945
Yes I am from 2081😊
Una música excelente para motivarse a hacer cualquier cosa😊
This is the good stuff ❤
thank you ❤
believe in yourself not in your mind that is ego. But if you go inside, your heart will tell you which path to follow. Don't torment yourself by failures, much less by what others say. Follow your inner being with persistence and you will be greater than you think.
this beauty
this peace
Beyond the limits of words
Oh the greatest
How I can describe you
You need to describe me
I will accept
I'm bad or good
IT realises like nothing
Only emptiness
Very very good❤
just addicted to this music
I suddenly understand all different languages in the comment section , everyone is so peaceful , kind , i feel like i felt into another dimension, everyone here is different, so lovely and grateful , motivation , positive ,you guys are amazing ! damn dude im definitely stoned but i really felt like im in another dimension , ok im being silly now i better close my phone before my wife come in lol bye guys goodnight , remember , we are about you.
we care about you!
Thank you so much!!! I will support you!❤
thanks for great music❤💫
Wow so amazing
So so very beautiful ❤
It made me cry 🥺🥀
Aslında hayatın bütünüyle yalnızlıktan ibaret oldugunu anladığımız zaman ruhumuzun ne kadarda kırılgan oldugunu fark ediyoruz. Milyonlarca insanin arasında da olsak etrafimiz bizi seven insanlarla da dolu olsa aslında bi noktada yalnızlık boynumuza dolanmış ve asla kopmayacak yağlı bir urgan. Öldüğümüzde bu yalnızlıktan kurtulamayacağımızı bilmemiz de bir okadar acı. Yalnız hissetmek icin extra bir çabaya ihtiyacımız olmayan bu dünyada ruhumuzun dinlenmesine okadar ihtiyacımız var ki. Bir cok kişi hayatın yaşamaya değer, ve bir okadar da eğlenceli oldugundan bahsedip durur. Peki neden bu hayatta oldugunu hic sorguladın mı ? Görevin ne ? Bu dünyaya geliş amacın ne ? Neyin ve kimin kontrolündesin ? Bir proje misin ? Yoksa tesadüfi yaşam bulmuş bir hücre misin ? Anlam arayışı içinde kaybolduğun bir dünya hayal et. Ben oyum. İnsanlar yaşamın bu karmaşık telaşı icinde koşturup bir yerlere ulasmaya çalışıp bazen para için bazen sadece küçük bir mutluluk hissedebilmek için bütün bir ömürlerini harcıyorlar. Ne icin ??? Adil olmayan bir dünyada bunca çaba neden ? Bazıları iyiligin bu dünyayı kurtaracağını düşünüyor. İyilik bulaşıcıdır! Ne kadarda güzel bir hayal. Ama sadece hayal. İnsanlar asla iyi olmayacaklar. Ve asla hiç bir toplum tam anlamiyla adil olmayacak. Hiçbir din yada hiçbir hukuk bunu sağlayamacak... Ne kadar acı... İnsanoğlu tam bir umutsuz vaka. Ama yinede bütün bunları unutturabilecek şeyler de var dünyada. Umudumuzu daima diri tutabilecek şeyler. Bazılarınız astronom olmak icin hayaller kuruyor yorumlarda, bazıları daha iyi bir gelecek için ders çalışırken dinliyor bu müziği. Herkesin bir umudu var. Umutlarımız degil mi zaten bizi ayakta tutan. Belki bir kadın bütün yaşamın anlamını fakettirecek sana belki bir adam. Sevgi her şeyin ilaci gibi sanki. Aşık olmak, sevmek belkide insana bahsedilmiş en güzel en umut verici olaydır. Bazen sonu hüsran olsa bile. Tecrübelerle var olduk, olmaya devam ediyoruz. Dünyanın bir ucunda bir yaz günü bir göl kenarinda kuş cıvıltıları eşliginde biramı yudumlarken bunca hüzün dolu şeyi yazmak biraz şımarıklık mı bilmiyorum.. fakat herkesin icinde bir enkaz var. Ve Bu enkaz her insanin kendi beyninin derinliklerinde okadar ağır ki kurtulmak imkansiz gibi geliyor.
Sokin musiqa ❤❤❤odamni uxlatib qoʻyarkan
i have no words....
❤❤ Hare Krišna 🍀🍂🧡🙏🌍💕💕🌟
Love it.. delicious sound ✨🪷🎶
Si pudiera viajar atraves de los anillos de saturno 🪐 estoy seguro que viajaría con esta música en mi cabeza 👨🏻🚀
Very good ❤
Progression is only counted for the actions we take.
The mindset we have today will manifest our tomorrow’s.
The life that is given is a life to fight for righteousness and preserve natural order.
We all deserve the best and the beautiful things that life has to offer. But as I stated; Progression is counted for the actions we take.
Jesus loves y'all! God bless each and every one ❤
The comments are better than gold 🩵
Dig It The Most
Listening this in 2050, still hits the same as before
وقد خلقنا الإنسان في كبد لا توجد راحة في هذه الحياة
if you stare enough, the forest will become deepeer, deepeer, deepeer and those pulsating...atoms, galaxies, what ever will be coming to you in a chaotic and yet with a certain ordered pattern, floting like in a 3d space...
like the lights on a mirror maze to make it simpler,
oh by the way...look away the stars will speed and the forest will be a blurry galaxy...
Every time I listen to it, I feel what I have lost and my loneliness deepening. 😔
It does get step at a time. Time is our most precious resource. There are 1440 minutes in a day. Every day that clock resets and the countdown starts again - if we are lucky. We have the choice to make every minute count and strive for a life with meaning and purpose.
Thank u for listening✨wish u all the best
I m here from future to tell me be calm nothing is permanent
Didn't calm my brain, gave me a headach😢
Sometimes letting go is the manly thing to do. Don’t be a coward, don’t be selfish. Free her. Free her to live, free yourself to live. It’s ok. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be. For now anyway. Maybe someday? I don’t know where I’m going with this… be safe is what I’m saying, and just learn from your mistakes. Please. I made a lot of them. Just focus on your life, and build yourself/ so you don’t depend on anyone. Hopefully everything will be okay. I pray. . . . Take care .
This is so beautiful! Love it!
Thank you........ Can I download this music only for use during work because there is no internet?
😢😢😢😢 i Feel me my past life, Time so fast 😢😢
i wish there's a version without that panning which is quite distracting. otherwise perfect
اگه اینو میخونی بدون که توی تقدیرت این بوده که بخونیش
تو کسی نیستی که بقیه میگن
هر چقدر بهت تهمت زدن
هر چقدر نادیده گرفتنت
هر چقدر نسبت به مهربونیات باهات بد رفتار کردن
تو همونی بمون که همیشه بودی و هستی
هدف واقعیت رو پیدا کن، اون منتظرته تا بهش برسی...
15:33 😵💫
Hello from 2100 ❤️.
Hello, is it possible to use this music in a video on another RUclips channel?
The second best song if youre nervus to calm down
1:01:43 long
143 was old beeper code for I Love You
Congratulations! you got the message🤝
Hey, welcome to the comments section! If you’re struggling right now, it’s okay - take a deep breath with me. Breathe in slowly, hold for a few seconds, and then breathe out. You’re not alone in this; we’ve all been there.
Look around and try to notice the details - the colors, the sounds, maybe even something you can touch. It can help you stay grounded in the present moment. Remember, this feeling will pass. It might be terrifying right now, but it won’t last forever.
If you can, try to stay where you are. Moving around can sometimes make things feel even more intense. If you have someone you trust nearby, let them know what’s happening. Sometimes just hearing a familiar voice can be a lifeline.
And hey, if you have something comforting nearby - a favorite piece of jewelry, a smooth stone, anything - hold onto it. It might help you feel more connected and safe. Be gentle with yourself. You’re strong, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. You’ll get through this. Sending you all the support and positive vibes. ❤️
Believe in yourself and all that you are. Trust in the knowledge that there exists within you a force greater than any challenge you may encounter. Embrace and have faith in your own abilities and personal qualities. Understand that deep within you lies a power that surpasses any hindrance or difficulty. Have faith in yourself and in your unique abilities. Remember that within you lies a strength and resilience that can conquer any obstacle or challenge. Trust in your inner voice and intuition, for they can guide you through even the toughest of times. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and self-improvement, knowing that you have the power to shape your own destiny. Believe in the beauty of your dreams and aspirations, and know that with dedication and perseverance, you can turn them into reality. Always remember that you are capable of achieving great things, and never underestimate the strength that lies within you.