Props man, essentially you're talking about one of your adversaries, as if he's one of your coaches. Usually one would be overcome by narcissism in a similar situation, yet you remain impartial throughout, unwaverd by ego & driven by virtue. Excellent content Jessie
This video deserves so many more views and likes. Other reviews: "it's great!" or "It sucks!" Your reviews: "Here are some true facts about established, real life training principles which apply to this program. These true facts make this program better/worse than most other programs." I love how you do stuff. I've never done powerlifting training before, but I've been on your program and happily paid for it after doing it for a few months. You deserve it. I can't believe you put that program up for free. Thank you so much, I've learned a lot about training in general from your channel. ( I did PNP1, then moved up to PNP2, but got injured shortly thereafter (previous rugby injury got aggravated). After recovering from the injury, my motivation was high getting back into it because I knew my progress would be super quick on PNP1 getting back into it.) So. Fucking. Optimal. It's insane.
Candito program is legit! My first cycle through my PRs for squat, bench, and deadlift all went up 20lbs. Halfway through my second cycle and the gains keep coming!
i love the way you speak .. your lips motion is so cute :) you are smart and you get to the point and thanks to u i have learned a lot about powerlifting ( things that not even my team coach knew )
I love this program. Took a while for me to get used to it but damn it's so good to get some structure back in your workouts especially after time off because of personal reasons or injury.
Great video review of the programme, I'm on my second cycle of the programme and got great results first time round! Also, I subbed to you due to the video Jonnie recently done mentioning you and the content you put out is superb. Keep it up man!
Solid review as always mate, great job! I really enjoy this program because of the frequency. I find week 2 the hardest out of the whole program, especially squat day 2. KILLER! I'm not conditioned for such high-volume!
I 100% agree that the lower body volume is pretty low on week 4 to 6. This is my second cycle through and I am not really feeling anything in my lower body wk 4. It's a great program though. I'm taking notes on where and when I can add volume for my goals
Lots of novices and beyond place too much importance on assistance lifts because they don't understand programming of the main lift on a non-novice level. They try to increase their lifts every session despite being beyond the novice stage and rather than implementing percentage based training, volume days, intensity days, or anything like that, they push themselves too hard because they want to do AMRAP every session to make faster gains in their eyes. I know this. I did this.
Do you reckon I should go to this program or not? I have been doing the linear program and my bench has stalled only once on 80kg but I feel really demotivated. My squat is at 110kg and Deadlift at 140kg with an OHP of 60kg. Will starting this program be effective for me or will starting it too early mean I will just stall out early? Because I dont mind progressing slower than I could on a linear aslong as I feel motivated.
sam You wouldn't stall out early. The only concern is that you could be making marginally faster gains by doing a program that has slightly faster progression. But it's not a bad bet for you most likely.
+Bob Jenkins thanks for the quick reply! Yes I think il start the 6 week programme because im starting to feel very demotivated on the linear one. I think the Deload week on the 6 week one will help me. ✌
sam I'm running it right now for the second time, (bench only, slipped disk prevents me from squatting and deadlifting). If you're too advanced to progress on his novice program then its time to move on. There is the option of jumping on the Texas Method, (weekly squat and deadlift progression, biweekly bench and ohp progression), just as an intermediary before you get on Jonnie's 6 week program but its up to you.
+Bob Jenkins I also did this. I have only recently discovered the importance of working at different levels of intensity. I have realised how detrimental it can be to your gains if you try to PR every session because you're constantly training at a high level of intensity. That's the sad thing about weight training. Once you get passed the novice stage, you don't really know how to train to continue growing. So you end up getting frustrated and go beast mode every session.
hit the nail on the head regarding volume. I ran this in January and made okay progress with only my squat really, decided to run it again after 531 for 9 cycles. On paper i couldn't understand why i hadn't ran Candito's again and after just finishing the first week of the 6 week program today i realized it was the volume. Genuinely think i could bench 77.5% of my max for 6 on bench twice a day for a week. Would love to see a high volume variation with the big 3
He's releasing a new version of the program soon, so I think I may wait for it to come out. I think he's releasing it before the year ends or right after it does. Can't wait! My bench went on 50 lbs, my squat went up 65 lbs, and my deadlift went up 55 lbs. (in 2 cycles of it).
I would recommend modifying the program to yourself. It is a really solid base, but is a bit too short for advanced and has lumpy progression. Volume progression between first and second week was bit off, so i added a week, which moderated it. I also increased the volume trough the program by increasing the number of sets done and placing back off sets in strategic places. I thought, in the early weeks, the program lacks specificity in deadlift training, at least for me - i completely removed deadlift variation and replaced them with actual deadlifts. I placed another week between fifth and fourth week. Since there was many triples done in fourth week, i kept the volume same, but placed multiples sets of doubles to the week i added to smoothen the progression to the 5th week. One more problem i noticed was that when you began a new cycle, the volume doubled if not tripled from the 5th or 6th week. That caused too much soreness for me. I added volume adaptation week, which works kinda like a deload, but is also strenuous enough to increase work capacity for the next cycle.
Jake H Everything you said sounds like the perfect solution to the program, especially with the deadlift, i think you deadlift 5 times throughout the entire program. I'll use your comment and try to revamp it for when i run it again. I just wanted to add i'm starting week 5 of the program today and i can tell the exact same thing progression has happened since i ran it a year ago. Squat has improved, made very small if any bench gains and i think my deadlift has actually gone down this time... But thanks for the response i'll take a look at the spreadsheet and see what i can do
Sean Macneil Yap. I felt like i wasn't getting anything from deadlift variations. I adjust fatigue by using 80% and 75% weight on deadlifts for first two weeks (The week i added) and when i'm at third - which used to be the second week - the squat volume is so high - the ten sets of triples - that deadlift intensity drops to 60% to compensate. For me, squat and deadlift were improving steadily. Still, i felt like i could do more. I had the same thing with bench. It was barely improving. As soon as i added some back off sets and wen't really hard on accessory, improvement began. It found it fun to modify the program with excel. I have never been good with all those excel functions, but when you copy-paste pages and sets, editing becomes easy.
+Clarkstowns Finest There was a teacher in my middle school who had teeth like that. They called her the "Colgate Lady." People will always find a way to bully people.
Love this program. Love this channel. Watched this review when it came out and decided to start running this program. I have been running it since around the time you released this vid and have put on over 150lbs on my total. My friend and I have realized that we really need more volume. I'm try to use RPE with it this next cycle. I'm also starting my cut and getting ready to compete this summer. How would you go about adding more volume? I was thinking about just adding in some back off sets? Love your stuff man. Subbed to your new channel.
Question for ya Izzy. So I'm a novice - intermediate lifter. Been going to the gym for about 4 years, but have been incoporating powerlifting and compound lifts for about a year. Current stats maxes: B:225 S:250 D:315 As a novice, do you believe I should use Candito's 6 week program or Jim Wendler's 5/3/1. Which do you believe would be more beneficial for someone of my level. Have heard great things about both programs.
What do you think of Stan Efferdings progression model? Its basically just that you 5 reps with a weight and repeat that weight until you get to ten you add weight and start with 5 again. You could of course do it with 3-8 or 3-6 etc depending on how advanced you are.
Boandl Kramer might work for enhanced athletes or those with superb genetics, but ultimately that's not enough variation and you'll probably end up stalling at 6 or 7 reps for weeks and end up trying to grind to 8 reps every workout. this will lead to overreaching too often and burning out your CNS. Not smart for a natty imo. just not enough rep range and set variation to drive progress.
First meet in 2 months been lifting 6 months pushing right at 1200-1300 total gonna try this for 6 weeks n it works I'ma do deload n repeat for n smash my meet hopefully
Candito actually said it's better to do some (not multiple) assistance exercises when you ate father away from your maximum potential. But, as you get closer to your maximum potential you should almost completely eliminate accessories because the carryover is minimized.
Hey man, you said you dont recommend assistance on lower body. I was thinking to use front squats or high bar to assist in my uprightness problem with an overpowering posterior chain and weaker quads. Is it not needed? or will it impede my squat/dead?
Every situation is unique and I cannot give advice in a vacuum. I think if you want to squat more upright (why?), you should practice doing your competition squat more upright. Because that is the best way to train your muscles in the exact way they need to be trained in order to support a more upright posture.
even for natural bodybuilders this program is great. you will gain tons of muscle and of course get stronger aswell. just make sure u use the optional excerises for those muscles u haven´t hit directly, like bi´s and tri´s on the upper-body-day and calves, abs and maybe a bit leg curls on lower-body-days and you´ll be fine as a natural bodybuilder. strength and musclemass go hand in hand, some people just don´t get this...
The one thing that bothered me about this program was a lack of volume in the later weeks, just like you mention at the end. I just started the program, on week 1. I'm coming off of a mix of 531 for lower body, and I was using johnnys linear program for upper body, but stalled on the bench. If I feel under worked on the high intensity, low volume days, do you think adding more reps at lower percentages after the main lift might be a good idea? Maybe do pause reps or front squats?
If using this program to peak for a meet, after week 5 do you deload the way he says in the excel? repeat week 1 with no 3rd bench day? or do you complete week 5 then have meet on that sat? Looking to do my first meet and just curious how i should approach the meet after week 5 of the program
question about the extra volume on Week 2: BEFORE starting the additional volume of 5x3 and 10x3, should I rest for only 1 minute or more (3-8 mins)? In other words, is the 1-min rest period for the additional sets only?
I am looking for a training program that would help me in MMA, is this mostly strength/little hypertrophy adequate or should I be looking to johnny's strength/power program or should I look somewhere else?
good review man. 2 questions izzy: 1) do you think this program is usable for someone who isn't prepping for a meet? not looking to peak at all so wondering if the last couple weeks of training will be sufficient in terms of volume to continue strength development 2) what's your favorite/most recommended program for someone who is an intermediate lifter and likes to lift 4-5 days per week? would also request you review the wendler 5/3/1 method! thanks again bro
Solid review mate, watched the whole thing pretty much.. How'd you rate this program for hypertrophy? The program doesn't consist of too much volume / Excercise selection with a focus on hypertrophy, but will the progressive overload on the big 3 be enough? Let's compare this program to a classic upper/lower or PPL perhaps? Cheers
Just so you know, Jonnie does have a version of his program that is strictly for hypertrophy. I wouldn't use this program personally if all I cared about was hypertrophy. It isn't designed explicitly for that purpose. I'd use something more like Layne Norton's PHAT.
Got a question for you Izzy, when auto regulating the volume in the late phases of the program, how intense should the volume sets be? I was thinking about adding 1 or maybe 2 back up sets after the heavy ones.
This is a pretty in-depth question and I'd have to really dig into the program to tell. Basically, what you want to do is look at the % of 1RM and the reps required and then compare that to the RPE chart to get an idea of what kind RPEs Jonnie is expecting.
My only problem with his program is the bench volume, is too low I need more sets. You do like one heavy set that's it all the rest are warm ups. But as for squats & deadlifts it works great PR's all the time.
I am not really the guy to be asking about strongman training as I have never done it. I could spout of some theory, but it isn't backed practical experience so I'd rather not.
What's your opinion on skipping the realization-phase/week 5? And instead doing it after 2-3 cycles of weeks 1 through 4. Seems like it would save time to skip testing where you're at and just using a theoretical new max for your next cycle for a while, kinda like how 5/3/1 does it. Lemme know.
If you were doing bench only could you do Bench 1,2,3 like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and instead of just the 2 weeks of 80% x AMRAP do 5 weeks amrap at 80 then deload could that work too?
Just finished Candito program. Squat stayed the same. Deadlift went up 10lbs. Bench stayed the same. I don't think there is enough volume in the program. I think if I ran it again I would run the first 2 or possibly 3 weeks back to back.
Hand down this is the best free powerlifting program i have tried, i did 6 MONTHS of the free TSA 9 week program and didn't gain any strength on my deadlift, did jonnie candito program on the 5th week got 3 reps of 97.5% of my deadlift. 5/3/1 didn't have enough volume.
hey.. I had a question. So on the excel document, for week 1 day 1, the optional exercises day 1 and 2 are left compeltely blank. same for the sets and reps. Does this mean you do however many reps/sets you feel like? and also accessories that are for back/legs or any accessories at all?
rep rage can be to 10, after doing 6 cycles of candito program i'm changing over to the GZCL method, for me the 9 week program didn't work because after week 5 I felt the weight was going up too fast and wasn't keeping up the correct amount of volume. I think he uses DUP which dosen't work that well for me. on candito 6 week program i used floor presses as accessory to my bench but I also changed the rep and sets for the first two weeks using Smolov Jr. rest followed as normal.
Anyone run this but alter the accessories (more specifically the reps with OHP?) I want to also train OHP as a big lift. But I’ve noticed the 12,12,10,8 rep scheme is too fatiguing for OHP
Quick question, how would you structure week 6 if I was to have a meet, I would have a complete week of rest between my last session on week 5?! Thanks.
Id do a deload. I personally wouldn't want to go into a meet with a week off just because id like to keep my motor pattern going. Id personally do a light session of all three lifts (maybe 3x3) and take 2-3 days off depending on your recovery
This is a weird question, I remember you saying that his beginner program doesn't take advantage of the quick progress beginners can make. I've only been lifting for a year and a half, and most of that time I was just messing around, not squatting, deadlifting, benching, or overhead pressing. So I've only been doing powerlifting movements for about 6 months, and I'm about to have to take a 2-3 month break because of a trip I'm going on. Long story short, by the time I get back, I'm guessing my muscles will basically feel like a beginner's. Do you have any advice on how I can take advantage of the ability to make fast progress as a beginner?
Just run a beginner's program. That's about all there is to it. If you are interested in powerlifting, I'd run the PowerliftingToWin Novice Program (video not up yet), but you can find the article on our site:
Damn ik you are done with youtube but I totally agree with you should put your all into the big 3 and not the assistance. I am usually dead after Squats and deadlifts. Not so much tho on upper body day however. I do mostly pressing as assistance tho. Trying to stick with close variations
PowerliftingToWin I'm a beginner and a fat ass. Should I do what you recommend while in a caloric deficit and will riding my bike to and from the gym 5 miles each way negatively impact my gains?
kyle allen Hey man, just some two sense, if youre a beginner, dont worry about "gainz" right now. Your body is going to lose fat, gain strength and build muscle very quickly at the same time because working out is going to be such a shock to your body. That being said, if you feel you are a "fat ass" (put in quotes because theyre your words not mine), focus on getting your diet right, keep up the bike riding, and just lift, dont worry about the program so much. Results will come and then youll be able to decide which direction to take your training. Hope this helps.
Hey Izzy, 6'0", 182 lbs, ~22% BF, ~2200 calories TDEE. Been seriously lifting for ~6 months. I've been doing Candito's program for... maybe 4 cycles now. However, in that whole time period, I've only made about 60 lb of progress across all 3 lifts... this is on a slight cut (-0.5 lbs/week). Nutrition wise, I eat 1g/lb protein and approximately the same amount of carbs. 1500 calories on rest days, 2000 calories on workout days. I guess my question is... is this type of program and diet ideal for my goals, which are cutting fat while maintaining muscle? Ideally, I'd like to lose 1 lb/week. I think you said on another video that you don't advocate cutting more than 100 cals/day each week. But isn't it true that your body needs more calories for recovery on workout days?
You're not really eating enough to make serious progress on a linear program tbqh. Sometimes it is less about the deficit and more about overall intake. 1500kcal is low. Too low for most to make serious strength gains. That said, if you're a beginner, you should be doing a linear program. Of course, I'd recommend my programs:
Bench days are also upper body exercises, he requires a vertical pull, vertical push, and a horizontal pull along with bench (horizontal pull.) he also leaves room for whatever isolation movements you wanna do afterwards, but thats not a big focus of the program.
sorry if I'm late but heres a version with a supposedly better upper body protocol, and one less upper day. just follow the normal lower body setup and use this for the upper
The problem I've been getting with this program is that my lower back doesn't recover in time. I've form checked both squat and dead-lift by a professional powerlifting coach but the problem still persists. It is worth changing program since i've been running this for 6 months by constantly changing the accessory lifts, however my gains have slowly stopped all together and i've actually been going backwards instead of forwards due to fatigue which from your previous videos means that i must be over training. Should i change program or just take a week or so out/deloaded to recover and start my cycle again with this program?
Not sure if you're trolling, but it's explained directly after in the video. You could also just go to the CanditoTrainingHQ website and get the spreadsheet and accompanying pdf and all becomes clear (also as the video says you should do)
This program is a fucking bomb. I gained 30 kilos with 3 cycles, 10 for each one. Now I d like to change but I'm afraid to choose a program that wouldn t be as good as Candito's one .-. Any suggestions?
+SinnedNogara I'm in the same boat. Going to try the texas method first (Swapped the power cleaning and GHR stuff out for pull ups and dips due to lack of equipment). I am assuming I still have a quick recovery rate, when that stops being effective I plan on switching to the above program. I'm no expert though haha.
Jumped on this program after 4-5 months of stronglifts, I honestly do NOT recommend this program for any degree of novice, you're decreasing your limitations of progressing as an early lifter.On saying that it will give you a great understanding of periodisation and percentages overall, but I have to admit his linear program is pretty fantastic for someone in your shoes, considering you increase weight conventionally/honestly I think it's the best program for advanced novices. Overall your 1rm won't go up much on the strength program if your lifts are already in a lower range,I won't be jumping on this program until I'm not able to progress on at least 2 of my lifts for longer periods than 6-8 weeks or what I would consider credible lifts compared to bodyweight.
+Jake Barry Agree. I would stay away from this program almost until you are late stage intermediate of advanced. I have noticed with some of my intermediate athletes that is slows down the progress a lot, and they don't see the results that they could be getting. My personal experience with people, is that some of the assistances will help out a lot. I have seen athletes make better progress on this program with at least 15 minutes of plyometrics before the squatting, and making sure to get assistance workouts in after. Especially GHRs.
I don't get it. You say you aren't a fan of the 10 rep sets. But neither is he. It stops you at 10 to prevent you from over pushing, and turning it into a 20 rep squat program. It has options for ranges from hitting it for 7-10 reps, each w/ different instructions based on how you did during the AMRAP. Idk if the program has changed since the video, but he doesn't actually have 10 rep sets programmed, he just has an amrap in it, which he tells you not to go over 10 if you can hit that many.
Great job, man ! What do you think to longer rest before the test week ( 5 week) ? I'm in week four and not sure if three days after a 90%+ sets is enough to the best performance.
I want to get stronger and bigger. Can I not do this program and incorporate my normal bodybuilding program to it? If no, is there any programs out there with a solid powerlifting program with space for a high volume bodybuilding program? I can hear that you don't like bodybuilding programs, but i choose to do it whatever anyone says. If I can't incorporate into the program then I'll just not try it.
i play football i need both. generally i follow a program where is start with 5 by 5 for major lift that moves down to 3 by 5 after 3 weeks. eventually moving to final week of 3 by 3 after around 3 to 4 weeks on 3 by 5.. just for a week... you work squat and power cleans and bodybuilding leg shit on tues.. bench overhead press and upper body shit on wendsday.. friday is dl and body building back.. sunday is squat bench and dl... on sunday always one stage later then the main one your on for that week. in other words in for the first three days your doing 3 sets 5 for your main lifts.. sunday you do these three for 3 by 3.. if mainly on 3 by 3.. do these lifts on sunday with 5 by 5.. works for me.. not sure if it will for u... good luck
Just to understand better; so in week 5 when you hit 97.5%, if you intended to compete the following week would you just go for a single, rather than trying to hit 4 reps? What is the best way to deload? And lastly, if you skip week 6, does that mean it basically becomes a 5 week program because you just keep repeating? Thanks if anyone can assist xx
Eh, bent over rows and pullups are some amazing deadlift assistance and bench assistance so it is something I always include. That said I do a kind of 'cheat row' with up to 70% of my deadlift max (which is 260kg) and since I put it back into my program my deadlift has skyrocketed. (I hurt my rhomboid minor surfing 6 months back and that put me out for a while and I now regained my strength plus an extra 10kg on my deadlift.
mayne you contradict yourself with a recent video in which you say 'higher volume than you've ever done before is the secret', but here you say keep the acceries minimal, and just do program, which is pretty low volume if you ask me son. What gives? i wanna get big and swole help a nigga out?
Candito actually answered this in his Q&A video, and his answer was that if a lifter stays in a higher volume phase all the time, they can adapt to that volume and not develop the skill of handling heavy weights (which is an important aspect of strength training). Handling weights above 90% of your one rep max just shows you how your form can hold up, as well as how effective your programming is. For intermediate level lifters, there really isn't a reason to entirely ignore the lower rep ranges with heavier weights.
I believe this program is based mainly around adding weight to different rep maxes in different ranges. It has you go for a 10RM with your previous 8RM in week 2, and it has you go for a 4RM with your previous 2RM in week 5. At least that's my understanding of it, it works very well from the couple times I've run it - adding about 20-25 pounds on my squat and deadlift each time. However it sucks for bench, there simply isn't enough volume for me personally
Ran the program exactly as written. Bench decreased 10 pounds, deadlift stayed the same, squat increased 10 pounds. Overall a disappointing first program
I'm still rather new to lifting so forgive me for sounding "dumb" I guess, but is it just this ? No accessory ? It looks like you can finish a workout in like 15-20 mins.
Candito, natural? Ha, you kidding me? Have you seen those eyebrows? Good to see that you're back man.
lmao, the preview for this comments in my notifications was "Candito, natural? Ha, you kidding me..." Definitely got trolled a bit
Jonnie definitely gettin those RoGAINZ
Shut up
Props man, essentially you're talking about one of your adversaries, as if he's one of your coaches. Usually one would be overcome by narcissism in a similar situation, yet you remain impartial throughout, unwaverd by ego & driven by virtue. Excellent content Jessie
This video deserves so many more views and likes. Other reviews: "it's great!" or "It sucks!"
Your reviews: "Here are some true facts about established, real life training principles which apply to this program. These true facts make this program better/worse than most other programs."
I love how you do stuff.
I've never done powerlifting training before, but I've been on your program and happily paid for it after doing it for a few months. You deserve it. I can't believe you put that program up for free. Thank you so much, I've learned a lot about training in general from your channel. ( I did PNP1, then moved up to PNP2, but got injured shortly thereafter (previous rugby injury got aggravated). After recovering from the injury, my motivation was high getting back into it because I knew my progress would be super quick on PNP1 getting back into it.)
So. Fucking. Optimal. It's insane.
Thanks! I really appreciate the support.
Candito program is legit! My first cycle through my PRs for squat, bench, and deadlift all went up 20lbs. Halfway through my second cycle and the gains keep coming!
How did you program did you only do the main lifts or did you add your own other exercises
i love the way you speak .. your lips motion is so cute :) you are smart and you get to the point and thanks to u i have learned a lot about powerlifting ( things that not even my team coach knew )
wtf haha sliding into dem dms
first day of jonnies program after the main exercises i had no energy left
Me too, the muscular conditioning weeks really take it out of you.
That's a good thing
I love this program. Took a while for me to get used to it but damn it's so good to get some structure back in your workouts especially after time off because of personal reasons or injury.
Johnnie said this was the best channel on RUclips and it fucking is! You have just explained everything I wanted to know thank you.
Great video review of the programme, I'm on my second cycle of the programme and got great results first time round! Also, I subbed to you due to the video Jonnie recently done mentioning you and the content you put out is superb. Keep it up man!
One of the best channels I am subscribed to. You are putting out stuff that is genuinely helpful good stuff. Hope you keep it up!
Solid review as always mate, great job!
I really enjoy this program because of the frequency. I find week 2 the hardest out of the whole program, especially squat day 2. KILLER! I'm not conditioned for such high-volume!
watched this review and decided to do jonnie's program because of it. thanks. just finished the first workout and I feel like its a winner
I 100% agree that the lower body volume is pretty low on week 4 to 6. This is my second cycle through and I am not really feeling anything in my lower body wk 4. It's a great program though. I'm taking notes on where and when I can add volume for my goals
Lots of novices and beyond place too much importance on assistance lifts because they don't understand programming of the main lift on a non-novice level. They try to increase their lifts every session despite being beyond the novice stage and rather than implementing percentage based training, volume days, intensity days, or anything like that, they push themselves too hard because they want to do AMRAP every session to make faster gains in their eyes. I know this. I did this.
Do you reckon I should go to this program or not? I have been doing the linear program and my bench has stalled only once on 80kg but I feel really demotivated. My squat is at 110kg and Deadlift at 140kg with an OHP of 60kg. Will starting this program be effective for me or will starting it too early mean I will just stall out early? Because I dont mind progressing slower than I could on a linear aslong as I feel motivated.
sam You wouldn't stall out early. The only concern is that you could be making marginally faster gains by doing a program that has slightly faster progression. But it's not a bad bet for you most likely.
+Bob Jenkins thanks for the quick reply! Yes I think il start the 6 week programme because im starting to feel very demotivated on the linear one. I think the Deload week on the 6 week one will help me. ✌
sam I'm running it right now for the second time, (bench only, slipped disk prevents me from squatting and deadlifting).
If you're too advanced to progress on his novice program then its time to move on. There is the option of jumping on the Texas Method, (weekly squat and deadlift progression, biweekly bench and ohp progression), just as an intermediary before you get on Jonnie's 6 week program but its up to you.
+Bob Jenkins I also did this. I have only recently discovered the importance of working at different levels of intensity. I have realised how detrimental it can be to your gains if you try to PR every session because you're constantly training at a high level of intensity. That's the sad thing about weight training. Once you get passed the novice stage, you don't really know how to train to continue growing. So you end up getting frustrated and go beast mode every session.
hit the nail on the head regarding volume. I ran this in January and made okay progress with only my squat really, decided to run it again after 531 for 9 cycles. On paper i couldn't understand why i hadn't ran Candito's again and after just finishing the first week of the 6 week program today i realized it was the volume. Genuinely think i could bench 77.5% of my max for 6 on bench twice a day for a week. Would love to see a high volume variation with the big 3
He's releasing a new version of the program soon, so I think I may wait for it to come out. I think he's releasing it before the year ends or right after it does. Can't wait! My bench went on 50 lbs, my squat went up 65 lbs, and my deadlift went up 55 lbs. (in 2 cycles of it).
I would recommend modifying the program to yourself. It is a really solid base, but is a bit too short for advanced and has lumpy progression.
Volume progression between first and second week was bit off, so i added a week, which moderated it. I also increased the volume trough the program by increasing the number of sets done and placing back off sets in strategic places.
I thought, in the early weeks, the program lacks specificity in deadlift training, at least for me - i completely removed deadlift variation and replaced them with actual deadlifts.
I placed another week between fifth and fourth week. Since there was many triples done in fourth week, i kept the volume same, but placed multiples sets of doubles to the week i added to smoothen the progression to the 5th week.
One more problem i noticed was that when you began a new cycle, the volume doubled if not tripled from the 5th or 6th week. That caused too much soreness for me. I added volume adaptation week, which works kinda like a deload, but is also strenuous enough to increase work capacity for the next cycle.
Jake H Everything you said sounds like the perfect solution to the program, especially with the deadlift, i think you deadlift 5 times throughout the entire program. I'll use your comment and try to revamp it for when i run it again. I just wanted to add i'm starting week 5 of the program today and i can tell the exact same thing progression has happened since i ran it a year ago. Squat has improved, made very small if any bench gains and i think my deadlift has actually gone down this time... But thanks for the response i'll take a look at the spreadsheet and see what i can do
Sean Macneil Yap. I felt like i wasn't getting anything from deadlift variations. I adjust fatigue by using 80% and 75% weight on deadlifts for first two weeks (The week i added) and when i'm at third - which used to be the second week - the squat volume is so high - the ten sets of triples - that deadlift intensity drops to 60% to compensate.
For me, squat and deadlift were improving steadily. Still, i felt like i could do more. I had the same thing with bench. It was barely improving. As soon as i added some back off sets and wen't really hard on accessory, improvement began.
It found it fun to modify the program with excel. I have never been good with all those excel functions, but when you copy-paste pages and sets, editing becomes easy.
Jake H what did you do regarding squat and bench intensity and volume in your added weeks?
You have to love the homage to the Hodgetwins around the 1:00 minute mark.... "all kinds of gains."
Great in-depth review, very informative!!!! I really appreciate all the hard work you put into PLW...
You have amazing teeth
lol thanks!
+PowerliftingToWin yeah what is your secret lol
+Clarkstowns Finest There was a teacher in my middle school who had teeth like that. They called her the "Colgate Lady." People will always find a way to bully people.
I always noticed them too LOL , thought it was just me
That doesn't sound like bullying, not at all.
Love this guys accent. Teeth gains too! Boom!
Very clear and concise. Great work.
Tpday I did the 10 sets 3 reps with max 60 sec rest. Far out nearly passed out
60 sec rest??
Candito never disappoints
Gonna be running this program starting tomorrow. Pretty excited to start a new program.
Great review mate only prob i'm having coming into my 4th week is the volume on main lifts alright dude.
Well done.
Love this program. Love this channel. Watched this review when it came out and decided to start running this program. I have been running it since around the time you released this vid and have put on over 150lbs on my total. My friend and I have realized that we really need more volume. I'm try to use RPE with it this next cycle. I'm also starting my cut and getting ready to compete this summer. How would you go about adding more volume? I was thinking about just adding in some back off sets? Love your stuff man. Subbed to your new channel.
Thanks! That sounds like a good start man. You could implement autoregulation to add some back-off sets, for sure.
Awesome review bro, definitely starting this program tomorrow
Coming into my third week
I'm an intermediate /advanced lifter and I'm even noticing the gains
Question for ya Izzy. So I'm a novice - intermediate lifter. Been going to the gym for about 4 years, but have been incoporating powerlifting and compound lifts for about a year. Current stats maxes: B:225 S:250 D:315
As a novice, do you believe I should use Candito's 6 week program or Jim Wendler's 5/3/1. Which do you believe would be more beneficial for someone of my level. Have heard great things about both programs.
Here is my 5/3/1 review: Better Than Before: Beyond 5/3/1 by Jim Wendler
I love this program its pretty solid and easy to follow.
What do you think of Stan Efferdings progression model? Its basically just that you 5 reps with a weight and repeat that weight until you get to ten you add weight and start with 5 again. You could of course do it with 3-8 or 3-6 etc depending on how advanced you are.
Boandl Kramer might work for enhanced athletes or those with superb genetics, but ultimately that's not enough variation and you'll probably end up stalling at 6 or 7 reps for weeks and end up trying to grind to 8 reps every workout. this will lead to overreaching too often and burning out your CNS. Not smart for a natty imo. just not enough rep range and set variation to drive progress.
First meet in 2 months been lifting 6 months pushing right at 1200-1300 total gonna try this for 6 weeks n it works I'ma do deload n repeat for n smash my meet hopefully
How'd that work out for you?
Candito actually said it's better to do some (not multiple) assistance exercises when you ate father away from your maximum potential. But, as you get closer to your maximum potential you should almost completely eliminate accessories because the carryover is minimized.
Hey man, you said you dont recommend assistance on lower body. I was thinking to use front squats or high bar to assist in my uprightness problem with an overpowering posterior chain and weaker quads. Is it not needed? or will it impede my squat/dead?
using candito's progam
Every situation is unique and I cannot give advice in a vacuum. I think if you want to squat more upright (why?), you should practice doing your competition squat more upright. Because that is the best way to train your muscles in the exact way they need to be trained in order to support a more upright posture.
PowerliftingToWin fair enough, thank you for the speedy response. Subbed!
even for natural bodybuilders this program is great. you will gain tons of muscle and of course get stronger aswell. just make sure u use the optional excerises for those muscles u haven´t hit directly, like bi´s and tri´s on the upper-body-day and calves, abs and maybe a bit leg curls on lower-body-days and you´ll be fine as a natural bodybuilder. strength and musclemass go hand in hand, some people just don´t get this...
dude wtf...?! gay asssthetics
+Dennis van den Bosch lmao
What's the secret to your teeth gains?
stfu donny cream of someyoungguy
think I'm going to do this program and the peaking is going to be the week I max out for football.
The one thing that bothered me about this program was a lack of volume in the later weeks, just like you mention at the end. I just started the program, on week 1. I'm coming off of a mix of 531 for lower body, and I was using johnnys linear program for upper body, but stalled on the bench. If I feel under worked on the high intensity, low volume days, do you think adding more reps at lower percentages after the main lift might be a good idea? Maybe do pause reps or front squats?
If using this program to peak for a meet, after week 5 do you deload the way he says in the excel? repeat week 1 with no 3rd bench day? or do you complete week 5 then have meet on that sat? Looking to do my first meet and just curious how i should approach the meet after week 5 of the program
question about the extra volume on Week 2:
BEFORE starting the additional volume of 5x3 and 10x3, should I rest for only 1 minute or more (3-8 mins)? In other words, is the 1-min rest period for the additional sets only?
I am looking for a training program that would help me in MMA, is this mostly strength/little hypertrophy adequate or should I be looking to johnny's strength/power program or should I look somewhere else?
I would contact a strength and conditioning coach who actually works with MMA athletes. Joel Jamieson comes to mind.
PowerliftingToWin thanks man!
Iron Fitness thanks mate! I appreciate it
1:53 what does jonnie use to prepare for his powerlifting vegetables?
good review man.
2 questions izzy:
1) do you think this program is usable for someone who isn't prepping for a meet? not looking to peak at all so wondering if the last couple weeks of training will be sufficient in terms of volume to continue strength development
2) what's your favorite/most recommended program for someone who is an intermediate lifter and likes to lift 4-5 days per week?
would also request you review the wendler 5/3/1 method! thanks again bro
1) Yes
2) RTS Intermediate
3) Better Than Before: Beyond 5/3/1 by Jim Wendler
haha just found this #3 and watched it all the way through! thanks for the reply izzy.
Solid review mate, watched the whole thing pretty much.. How'd you rate this program for hypertrophy? The program doesn't consist of too much volume / Excercise selection with a focus on hypertrophy, but will the progressive overload on the big 3 be enough? Let's compare this program to a classic upper/lower or PPL perhaps? Cheers
Just so you know, Jonnie does have a version of his program that is strictly for hypertrophy. I wouldn't use this program personally if all I cared about was hypertrophy. It isn't designed explicitly for that purpose. I'd use something more like Layne Norton's PHAT.
Got a question for you Izzy,
when auto regulating the volume in the late phases of the program, how intense should the volume sets be?
I was thinking about adding 1 or maybe 2 back up sets after the heavy ones.
This is a pretty in-depth question and I'd have to really dig into the program to tell. Basically, what you want to do is look at the % of 1RM and the reps required and then compare that to the RPE chart to get an idea of what kind RPEs Jonnie is expecting.
I'm way late to the party, but would you consider reviewing Layne Norton's PH3 program?
My only problem with his program is the bench volume, is too low I need more sets. You do like one heavy set that's it all the rest are warm ups. But as for squats & deadlifts it works great PR's all the time.
How would this program or the LP program change with 'Enhanced' individuals?
Gained a new sub. Great info.
What are your thoughts on accessory exercises for natural Strongman training? Strongman by nature is less specific so would they be more useful?
I am not really the guy to be asking about strongman training as I have never done it. I could spout of some theory, but it isn't backed practical experience so I'd rather not.
PowerliftingToWin respect
What's your opinion on skipping the realization-phase/week 5? And instead doing it after 2-3 cycles of weeks 1 through 4. Seems like it would save time to skip testing where you're at and just using a theoretical new max for your next cycle for a while, kinda like how 5/3/1 does it. Lemme know.
I think it depends on your level training advancement. I don't particularly like short training cycles for more advanced athletes.
Amazing review!
i have a question about week 2!
Second squat workout is it 3 sets of 10 or 10 sets of 3?
read it plz
If you were doing bench only could you do Bench 1,2,3 like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and instead of just the 2 weeks of 80% x AMRAP do 5 weeks amrap at 80 then deload could that work too?
started this today, be back in 6 weeks
dmoeller0 well?
You dead?
Just finished Candito program. Squat stayed the same. Deadlift went up 10lbs. Bench stayed the same.
I don't think there is enough volume in the program. I think if I ran it again I would run the first 2 or possibly 3 weeks back to back.
fuze59 maybe your 1rm was off?
Nah he's just a GDE. I managed to put on ~90lbs to my total the first time around with Candytoe's. Thanks, genetics
@@Tracuer221 GDE?
Genetic dead end
I also didn't put 90lbs on my total, it was more like 80 lol
You need to eat more or sleep more. The program is good. Or maybe you are already at your natural limit.
Hand down this is the best free powerlifting program i have tried, i did 6 MONTHS of the free TSA 9 week program and didn't gain any strength on my deadlift, did jonnie candito program on the 5th week got 3 reps of 97.5% of my deadlift. 5/3/1 didn't have enough volume.
hey.. I had a question. So on the excel document, for week 1 day 1, the optional exercises day 1 and 2 are left compeltely blank. same for the sets and reps. Does this mean you do however many reps/sets you feel like? and also accessories that are for back/legs or any accessories at all?
rep rage can be to 10, after doing 6 cycles of candito program i'm changing over to the GZCL method, for me the 9 week program didn't work because after week 5 I felt the weight was going up too fast and wasn't keeping up the correct amount of volume. I think he uses DUP which dosen't work that well for me. on candito 6 week program i used floor presses as accessory to my bench but I also changed the rep and sets for the first two weeks using Smolov Jr. rest followed as normal.
Anyone run this but alter the accessories (more specifically the reps with OHP?)
I want to also train OHP as a big lift. But I’ve noticed the 12,12,10,8 rep scheme is too fatiguing for OHP
Quick question, how would you structure week 6 if I was to have a meet, I would have a complete week of rest between my last session on week 5?! Thanks.
If you ever get an answer please lmk!
Id do a deload. I personally wouldn't want to go into a meet with a week off just because id like to keep my motor pattern going. Id personally do a light session of all three lifts (maybe 3x3) and take 2-3 days off depending on your recovery
I do swimming 3 days a week and kickboxing 4 days a week. Is it alright if i do this program?
This is a weird question, I remember you saying that his beginner program doesn't take advantage of the quick progress beginners can make.
I've only been lifting for a year and a half, and most of that time I was just messing around, not squatting, deadlifting, benching, or overhead pressing. So I've only been doing powerlifting movements for about 6 months, and I'm about to have to take a 2-3 month break because of a trip I'm going on.
Long story short, by the time I get back, I'm guessing my muscles will basically feel like a beginner's. Do you have any advice on how I can take advantage of the ability to make fast progress as a beginner?
Just run a beginner's program. That's about all there is to it. If you are interested in powerlifting, I'd run the PowerliftingToWin Novice Program (video not up yet), but you can find the article on our site:
Damn ik you are done with youtube but I totally agree with you should put your all into the big 3 and not the assistance. I am usually dead after Squats and deadlifts. Not so much tho on upper body day however. I do mostly pressing as assistance tho. Trying to stick with close variations
hey sorry i'm kinda new to powerlifting/programming terms but can someone please tell me what auto-regulating means please? oh and RTS, thanks
PowerliftingToWin I'm a beginner and a fat ass. Should I do what you recommend while in a caloric deficit and will riding my bike to and from the gym 5 miles each way negatively impact my gains?
kyle allen Hey man, just some two sense, if youre a beginner, dont worry about "gainz" right now. Your body is going to lose fat, gain strength and build muscle very quickly at the same time because working out is going to be such a shock to your body. That being said, if you feel you are a "fat ass" (put in quotes because theyre your words not mine), focus on getting your diet right, keep up the bike riding, and just lift, dont worry about the program so much. Results will come and then youll be able to decide which direction to take your training. Hope this helps.
+Connor O'Brien "just some two sense" XD
Hey Izzy, 6'0", 182 lbs, ~22% BF, ~2200 calories TDEE. Been seriously lifting for ~6 months. I've been doing Candito's program for... maybe 4 cycles now. However, in that whole time period, I've only made about 60 lb of progress across all 3 lifts... this is on a slight cut (-0.5 lbs/week).
Nutrition wise, I eat 1g/lb protein and approximately the same amount of carbs. 1500 calories on rest days, 2000 calories on workout days.
I guess my question is... is this type of program and diet ideal for my goals, which are cutting fat while maintaining muscle? Ideally, I'd like to lose 1 lb/week.
I think you said on another video that you don't advocate cutting more than 100 cals/day each week. But isn't it true that your body needs more calories for recovery on workout days?
You're not really eating enough to make serious progress on a linear program tbqh. Sometimes it is less about the deficit and more about overall intake. 1500kcal is low. Too low for most to make serious strength gains. That said, if you're a beginner, you should be doing a linear program. Of course, I'd recommend my programs:
im 6'0", and i dont think ive ever eaten less than 2500...
i am still confused, so do i bench for a straight hour or do some overhead presses to on bench days
Bench days are also upper body exercises, he requires a vertical pull, vertical push, and a horizontal pull along with bench (horizontal pull.) he also leaves room for whatever isolation movements you wanna do afterwards, but thats not a big focus of the program.
Hey I want to know if I can only go to the gym 4 days a week how should I modify this program? Many thanks!
sorry if I'm late but heres a version with a supposedly better upper body protocol, and one less upper day. just follow the normal lower body setup and use this for the upper
At the first week? Is it 6 sets of 4 or 4 sets of 6?
been loving candito 6 but it has done very little for my bench (squat and dl have skyrocketed though). anyone have any bench program recommendations?
Smolov jr for bench got me blasting through my bench plateau. Try it out, its only 3 weeks long
The problem I've been getting with this program is that my lower back doesn't recover in time. I've form checked both squat and dead-lift by a professional powerlifting coach but the problem still persists. It is worth changing program since i've been running this for 6 months by constantly changing the accessory lifts, however my gains have slowly stopped all together and i've actually been going backwards instead of forwards due to fatigue which from your previous videos means that i must be over training. Should i change program or just take a week or so out/deloaded to recover and start my cycle again with this program?
How do I know if this program fits me? I've been training for 2 years
can someone tell me what those yellow bars and squat 1, 2 etc mean? i just want to figure out what to train which day of the week
Not sure if you're trolling, but it's explained directly after in the video. You could also just go to the CanditoTrainingHQ website and get the spreadsheet and accompanying pdf and all becomes clear (also as the video says you should do)
Anyone have issues with the spreadsheet not calculating your numbers?
How come I can't find the actual percentages/workout layouts on candito's page?
villasukat Nevermind, found it.
What are you thoughts on Conor Lutz intermediate program izzy?
I haven't had the chance to look at it in-depth, but, in my experience in dealing with him, Lutz is awesome and absolutely knows his stuff.
brilliant insight thanks a lot mate.
couldn't someone implement volume auto regulation into Candito`s program?
Yes, just manipulate the volume of accessory movements
This program is a fucking bomb. I gained 30 kilos with 3 cycles, 10 for each one. Now I d like to change but I'm afraid to choose a program that wouldn t be as good as Candito's one .-. Any suggestions?
well if you're gains aren't slowing down, why stop? once you stop adding that 10 kg / cycle, then consider switching
Week 2 is best just with the one set of max reps. Makes no sense why you need so many reps at the same weight after doing one AMRAP.
Is this a good program to give to someone who has stopped making gains off a beginner program.
+SinnedNogara I'm in the same boat. Going to try the texas method first (Swapped the power cleaning and GHR stuff out for pull ups and dips due to lack of equipment). I am assuming I still have a quick recovery rate, when that stops being effective I plan on switching to the above program. I'm no expert though haha.
Jumped on this program after 4-5 months of stronglifts, I honestly do NOT recommend this program for any degree of novice, you're decreasing your limitations of progressing as an early lifter.On saying that it will give you a great understanding of periodisation and percentages overall, but I have to admit his linear program is pretty fantastic for someone in your shoes, considering you increase weight conventionally/honestly I think it's the best program for advanced novices.
Overall your 1rm won't go up much on the strength program if your lifts are already in a lower range,I won't be jumping on this program until I'm not able to progress on at least 2 of my lifts for longer periods than 6-8 weeks or what I would consider credible lifts compared to bodyweight.
+Jake Barry
Agree. I would stay away from this program almost until you are late stage intermediate of advanced. I have noticed with some of my intermediate athletes that is slows down the progress a lot, and they don't see the results that they could be getting.
My personal experience with people, is that some of the assistances will help out a lot. I have seen athletes make better progress on this program with at least 15 minutes of plyometrics before the squatting, and making sure to get assistance workouts in after. Especially GHRs.
I don't get it. You say you aren't a fan of the 10 rep sets. But neither is he. It stops you at 10 to prevent you from over pushing, and turning it into a 20 rep squat program. It has options for ranges from hitting it for 7-10 reps, each w/ different instructions based on how you did during the AMRAP.
Idk if the program has changed since the video, but he doesn't actually have 10 rep sets programmed, he just has an amrap in it, which he tells you not to go over 10 if you can hit that many.
Great job, man ! What do you think to longer rest before the test week ( 5 week) ? I'm in week four and not sure if three days after a 90%+ sets is enough to the best performance.
PHat or PH3 by layne Norton!
nathan sauer program is too high risk if it dosen't work you'll lose 13 weeks of strength gains that you might of get doing two shorter programs.
I want to get stronger and bigger.
Can I not do this program and incorporate my normal bodybuilding program to it?
If no, is there any programs out there with a solid powerlifting program with space for a high volume bodybuilding program?
I can hear that you don't like bodybuilding programs, but i choose to do it whatever anyone says. If I can't incorporate into the program then I'll just not try it.
PHAT by Layne Norton is a program specifically designed for a mixture of strength/hypertrophy and it is what I'd recommend.
i play football i need both. generally i follow a program where is start with 5 by 5 for major lift that moves down to 3 by 5 after 3 weeks. eventually moving to final week of 3 by 3 after around 3 to 4 weeks on 3 by 5.. just for a week... you work squat and power cleans and bodybuilding leg shit on tues.. bench overhead press and upper body shit on wendsday.. friday is dl and body building back.. sunday is squat bench and dl... on sunday always one stage later then the main one your on for that week. in other words in for the first three days your doing 3 sets 5 for your main lifts.. sunday you do these three for 3 by 3.. if mainly on 3 by 3.. do these lifts on sunday with 5 by 5.. works for me.. not sure if it will for u... good luck
oh actually switch dl day to thursday and bench to friday.. you need more time to recover from dl..
Just to understand better; so in week 5 when you hit 97.5%, if you intended to compete the following week would you just go for a single, rather than trying to hit 4 reps?
What is the best way to deload?
And lastly, if you skip week 6, does that mean it basically becomes a 5 week program because you just keep repeating?
Thanks if anyone can assist xx
ThePayneFactor you should hit atleast 2 reps because than you progressed in terms of strength
Are you scott herman's brother? srs
is this a good program for a novice? my squat is 265x5, my bench is 200x5 and my deadlift is 305x5
Hell yeah that's solid man keep it up.
What max are you supposed to plug in? 1RM? ~90% of 1RM?
Eh, bent over rows and pullups are some amazing deadlift assistance and bench assistance so it is something I always include. That said I do a kind of 'cheat row' with up to 70% of my deadlift max (which is 260kg) and since I put it back into my program my deadlift has skyrocketed. (I hurt my rhomboid minor surfing 6 months back and that put me out for a while and I now regained my strength plus an extra 10kg on my deadlift.
Your program aint free bro... :( I wanted to test it out tho..
Yes, it is. Just enter 0 as the price.
mayne you contradict yourself with a recent video in which you say 'higher volume than you've ever done before is the secret', but here you say keep the acceries minimal, and just do program, which is pretty low volume if you ask me son. What gives? i wanna get big and swole help a nigga out?
14:01 - 14:11
How do you get stronger if volume is decreasing over 6 weeks
intensity increases
James Chung but overall volume is what causes strength and hypertrophy
Candito actually answered this in his Q&A video, and his answer was that if a lifter stays in a higher volume phase all the time, they can adapt to that volume and not develop the skill of handling heavy weights (which is an important aspect of strength training). Handling weights above 90% of your one rep max just shows you how your form can hold up, as well as how effective your programming is. For intermediate level lifters, there really isn't a reason to entirely ignore the lower rep ranges with heavier weights.
James Chung But what i'm saying is. Where is the progressive overload?
I believe this program is based mainly around adding weight to different rep maxes in different ranges. It has you go for a 10RM with your previous 8RM in week 2, and it has you go for a 4RM with your previous 2RM in week 5. At least that's my understanding of it, it works very well from the couple times I've run it - adding about 20-25 pounds on my squat and deadlift each time. However it sucks for bench, there simply isn't enough volume for me personally
Ran the program exactly as written. Bench decreased 10 pounds, deadlift stayed the same, squat increased 10 pounds. Overall a disappointing first program
Whatever happened to this guy? Dude fell off the face of the earth all of a sudden.
I'm still rather new to lifting so forgive me for sounding "dumb" I guess, but is it just this ? No accessory ? It looks like you can finish a workout in like 15-20 mins.
Download it and see, there is accessories and even working up to a max shouldn't take 15 mins.
Dude thats impossible. If your lifting heavy youl need atleast 3mins rest between sets and a decent amount of warmup
This guy is the angry joe of powerlifting
Gagan Singh 😂😂
Nothing relevant till after 3:00
You lost all crediibility at "emotional energy".